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/lit/ - Literature

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23288209 No.23288209 [Reply] [Original]

quiétude de l'âme edition

previous >>23284285

>> No.23288250

I am gaunt and skeletal at times, skinny-fat at others. I am heavily acne-scarred, my nose is fat and flat against my ill-proportioned face, and I am rapidly going bald. Overall, my looks could be described as something between a neotenous pig and a fifty-year old meth addict. My soul corresponds very closely to my exterior— monstrously ugly. I am evil, toxic, cynical, manipulative, and psychotic, none of them in the good "dark triad" way; Instead, I am shy, schizoid, insecure, and generally pathetic, with no redeeming qualities.

>> No.23288260 [DELETED] 
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Bit of a poem I just wrote, any feedback appreciated:

All the pretteous girls
Whistling in the whim
The frogs joining in
SUCH a din!

>> No.23288263

What to do about this?

>> No.23288289

The 2000s

>> No.23288331

stop posting about your life here all the time and go to a psych ward or something, for the love of god.

>> No.23288342

Portland /lit/ meetup at the Deutsches Brewery on Saturday.

>> No.23288350

You know what "mediocre ugliness" is? When someone is truly horrific, they can at least be exceptional in the sense that they are truly and unabashedly inhuman in their appearance. This is the sort of ugliness that is at times enviable, at least for its exceptionality, and they can find some place among the teratophiliacs. A mediocrely ugly person in not ugly enough to be an outright monster, but inhuman enough to be uncanny. This is typically what we think of when we think of a "creep"— at least an ogre is interesting.

>> No.23288372

do you know what repetitive blogposting is? filling up every single wwoym with navel gazing about how ugly you are and how much you hate yourself and want to die while ignoring constructive advice and never attempting to do anything to improve your situation. this is typically what we think of when we think of a boring nuisance— at least a schizoposter is interesting.

>> No.23288377

I think I'm cured from my fetish I had since I was 4/5. Very relieved.

>> No.23288378

What was the fetish?

>> No.23288382
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should a mediocre uggo uglymax or looksmax

>> No.23288387

Won't go into details but there have been changes in my life and I think that made it impossible to get turned on by it.
Last time I tried was a few weeks ago, couldn't cum, limp cock
Tried again this morning, nothing, had to switch to regular porn.

It used to be a very mental thing but going into that state does nothing for me now.
Honestly best thing ever, I didn't think I could get rid of it.

>> No.23288390

All fetishes are disgusting. good on you for de-programming it.

>> No.23288393

It was a big source of shame for me my entire life. I've lived very good the past year and a half and I guess I got rewarded this way.

>> No.23288397

Good job, now work on removing porn next

>> No.23288398

what do you think causes fetishes like that from a young age? people often link fetishes to porn addiction but i doubt you were watching porn at 5

>> No.23288411

I used to be an every day guy but since my latest gf I've cut down to maybe twice a week.
I'll get there at this pace, God willing
A lot of people who have that specific fetish have it very early on.
Maybe because one of my first memories is getting changed. But I remember at the age of 5 going with my mom to a friend of hers and going in the bathroom looking for them.
It's very odd and I don't know why I gravitated towards it.
If I had to guess it had to do with not wanting to grow up.

>> No.23288413 [DELETED] 

Damn apparently it costs $300M to have a 97% chance to shoot down 1 warhead

>> No.23288415

Damn apparently it costs $300M to have a 97% chance to shoot down 1 ICBM

>> No.23288418

How do I get out of a time loop
Asking for a friend

>> No.23288443
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You should probably looksmax.

>> No.23288450

How do I gather up the courage to look at anime girls?

>> No.23288452

Don’t. Go outside and touch grass instead.

>> No.23288461

I live in a city though, there's no grass anywhere. I also don't understand why I would be touching it, what's the point?

>> No.23288463

you don't. my friend has been there for a while too. you just get eternity eventually

>> No.23288469

The point is to get off the internet and stop being a degenerate coomer.

>> No.23288473

He'll just get sexually attracted to grass instead. Let the anime girl appreciator stay home. It's best for everyone.

>> No.23288485
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>uwu am i kawaii senpai

>> No.23288489

At last, good news today!

>> No.23288508

You had a kid or something? I have a vested interest in knowing how you got rid of this curse

>> No.23288519 [DELETED] 

Take it as an autistic work of fiction. I'm writing because it entertains me to write.

>> No.23288525

It had been getting less for the past year but it changed completely since I got news she's pregnant.
Outside of that i didn't do anything too different.
What I felt the last 2 times I tried to jack off to that stuff was like this:
It's as if I enjoyed eating apples my whole life. But then one day I bit into an apple and it didn't taste like anything. I tried again a few weeks later and nothing. When chewing on it I forget what it even used to taste like, why I ever ate it in the first place.

All I can say is grow up for real.
The past year I've achieved a lot that made me an actual man instead of the manchild I've been the past 10 years. Maybe that took away some of the fantasy of it.

>> No.23288527

Anyone else struggle with the whole idea of consciousness/"being"?

Just the concept of it all is so strange and intense to me. You're born, and one day or gradually you come into existence and can self-reflect on your own experience of existing. No choice, no real reason you just pop into being from a timeless void of non-being. I am struggling to convey how odd it all is to me.

>> No.23288538

>You're born, and one day or gradually you come into existence and can self-reflect on your own experience of existing.
When you put it that way, the whole thing really does fucking reek and seem very suspicious.

>> No.23288553

At least this is pretty well-written, you've got that to hang your hat on, anon.

>> No.23288558

christian nationalism NOW

>> No.23288562

Why care about a boring shitpost?

>> No.23288585

Fetishes are impossible to entirely deprogram, this post is cope.

You're a fucking disgusting cretin, btw.

>> No.23288589

Says who?

>> No.23288591

animu, animu
does whatever animu does

>> No.23288621

On a pure technical standpoint, we are stardust looking back at the universe. It's very bizarre that inert matter would prefer taking that form above everything that exists and can exist, if it weren't something forced by a Higher being. What's even more disturbing is the amount of freedom we have as conscious/sapient beings. I don't think we were supposed to exist at all. The more we wield technology, the farther we get from what nature must have intended. We are constantly wielding destructive elements as if it were nothing. You can taze a cat and be pretty damn sure that in his whole life that little dude never expected to receive the equivalent of a small thundershock. He probably wouldn't even be able to comprehend what happened, because his biology never registered that such things are possible. The aftermath of a few thousands nuke would erase countless beings from the planet. Our existence is antithetical to life itself. And we are alone. It's maddening.

>> No.23288632

>The more we wield technology, the farther we get from what nature must have intended
Nah nature invented cockroaches and lightning and horseshoe crabs and radium and ants and dark matter and magma, she knows what she's doing

>> No.23288645

Yeah, I understand what you mean. I don't have anywhere else to post, and I don't have friends or use any other form of social media/game, so this is where I go to Write What's On My Mind. There's no purpose behind it. I am not looking for help or advice, so just ignore the it if it's bothersome or you might encourage more posts (like now).

>> No.23288649

thinking about running some classic Pavlovian conditioning experiments on myself.

>> No.23288661

>On a pure technical standpoint, we are stardust looking back at the universe. It's very bizarre that inert matter would prefer taking that form above everything that exists and can exist, if it weren't something forced by a Higher being.
Honestly this is the biggest reason I can conjure for believing in divine intellect, but even then a potential God creating me still makes me feel strange at least from my own self-referential perspective. The whole thing is just so odd to me. Initially these thoughts manifested as some existential panic attack I had in college one time but the more I think about them, all emotion has more or less faded. It just puzzles me beyond belief and I am quite frustrated knowing that such questions are likely unanswerable.

>> No.23288700

This song was made by an AI. What are the implications of that?

>> No.23288770

Honestly making any kind of logically consistent claim needs so much backstory, context and proper packing, the truth seems like an endless fractal to discover and I'm sick of it, but at the same time I can't go back really

>> No.23288774

I got drunk for several days in a row, and on the final day I couldn't move. Before then, I had only consumed alcohol one time and just got tipsy. This time, I was chugging vodka from the bottle. Now I understand why people become alcholics, and I feel bad for looking down on them.
The feeling of being so out of it that I no longer have any sort of volition is the only thing I care about.

>> No.23288778

That's why we use probability, heuristics, tradition, and common sense.

>> No.23288796

I realized the key to life is to just constantly repeat the delusion to yourself "I am better than all of you"
Just keep telling yourself it till you've convinced and internalized your own narcissistic delusions

>> No.23288800

Don't tell people that though. An autist I know once said that in front of everyone. My respect and empathy for him went from 20 to 0.

>> No.23288821

I'm not that autistic to say it out loud, but people can tell anyway in the way I carry myself
I oscillate between delusions of grandeur to extreme insecurity and lack of self confidence. Once my caffeine high expires, the delusion will pass

>> No.23288826

Really excited about the cicadas

>> No.23288835


>> No.23288837


>> No.23288851
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Don DeLillo has much nicer prose than Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.23288853


>> No.23288881

She looks underage.

>> No.23288885

Holy moly!

>> No.23288898

I want to kill myself so bad, but then I saw my little brother on a tricycle. God, I just want to make the world a better place for him, so that he never has to suffer like I did. I want that smile to last his whole life.
I want the whole world to be erased.

>> No.23288968
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black women sucking my dick
black women with large tits wearing tight outfits
black women with thicc thighs
black women with an upbeat, energetic personality and a cute smile
black women who lovingly call me "sugar", and hold me

>> No.23288991

That's a very modern social construct. Everyone had a hardon for Natasha in War & Peace and it was perfectly fine. Young girls are beautiful, as Nature intended, and none of your perverted legal machinations will every change that.

>> No.23288992

He is going to suffer, horribly. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.23288995
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Anon struggling to find work!
Anon getting a shitty job in the middle of nowhere!
Anon working long hours! Anon who's permanently tired! Anon with bags under his eyes!
Anon struggling to make friends and meet people!
Anon telling Mom he's still single!
Anon with no social life! Anon spending his free time alone! The friendless single loser Anon!
Anon who didn't get invited to the reunion!
Anon whose coworkers don't invite him anywhere!
Anon who can't remember the last time he hugged a girl who wasn't his mother!
The boss of Anon scolding him for poor performance! The hours of Anon increasing!
Anon packing his belongings neatly in boxes!
Anon donating things or putting them by the curb for the garbage truck to pick up!
Anon turning on the gas and going to sleep!

>> No.23289040

Just messaged her asking if she'd wanna hangout sometime, wish me luck.

I dig it.

>> No.23289062

just about all of these apply to me lol

>> No.23289070

we are fucking cooked bros

>> No.23289074

>perverted legal machinations
That's a weird name for my SIG Sauer P220

>> No.23289117

Did the gay fantasies begin because I let her play with my butt? Or did I let her play with my butt because I was always a fruit?

>> No.23289125

Hello, my name is Anon (Hi Anon). I am addicted to porn and weed.

>> No.23289130

What became of the Meditations on the Tarot thread? Finally was able to read the first chapter earlier today but when I looked back in it was either zapped or removed till next week. Anyone know?

>> No.23289140


>> No.23289143

i wonder if i'm attractive enough to find a wife

>> No.23289150

I try not to be an attention whore but it's hard.

>> No.23289157

I wish my boss would scold me for poor performance, then I could get fired and collect unemployment. My boss is just waiting for me to quit or get fired for misconduct.

>> No.23289175

Save me, Jordan Peterson.

>> No.23289182

/lit/ is unique in that every thread is a slide thread except like three. nobody bumps here. new threads get made every thirty minutes only to slide right off the catalogue with less than fifteen replies. the only threads that stay up are threads with people trading insults or getting baited. other than that, the only threads that last are veiled culture war threads

>> No.23289184

Whoa. I'm occasionally on /lit/ because I like reading books, writing, walking my dog, and that's pretty much it aside from work, which I don't really mind. I'm sorry it seems you're struggling, anon. I really do hope your situation improves.

>> No.23289189

So this is the first time I've spent a lot of time in close proximity to a female in years. My peepee tingles, I dribble precum, and I turn into a hulking caveman. She fell and I caught her today. I really want to fuck her. Weirdest thing is that I really don't like her personality much. Don't hate it. It's kinda meh. But I've been fantasizing about plowing her like a snow plow plowing snow.

>> No.23289195

tell her you want to plow her like a snow plow plowing snow and see if she's receptive

>> No.23289200

Hope you don't mind I'm screencapping this post and sending it to some friends of mine on discord, it is a work of art, anon.

>> No.23289202
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So, I have Tourette's, and while being an average case, has given me joint-related issues in my wrists, shoulders, jaw and neck. I have tinnitus and much paid and discomfort from the neck tic I have, which is tied into a lot of stress in my jaw resulting in TMJ dysfunction. Additionally, I have carpal tunnel in both wrists from the wrist tics I have. What I really wanted to mention, however, is that I tried picrel for the first time last year and it feels fucking amazing. It takes almost all my joint paid away. It's got capaicin and menthol in it. It's expensive though so I try to ration it, but it delivers a delicious, relaxing, slightly numbing feeling. You need to be careful not to apply too much however, as the capaicin eventually starts to burn and if you have a lot on then it's really uncomfortable. I love it though and would recommend anyone to try it even if you don't have joint pain.

>> No.23289203

She speaks very broken English so I don't think she'll understand me, which will make it funnier

>> No.23289209
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Liriope was told by the blind seer Tiresias that her son, Narcissus, would live to old age— as long as he never recognized himself. Though some say it was self-love that was his undoing, others know the truth. Why, for instance, did the young Narcissus turn away the loves of many a damsel and nymph alike? The true lover of the self would not shun such affection, yet he turned each and ever one away, even before he "recognized himself." This points to something not so savory— for the self hater, upon looking into his own reflection, "thinks that to be a body, which is but a shadow. He is astonished at himself, and remains unmoved with the same countenance, like a statue formed of Parian marble."

And being so astonished by the very thing which he reviles, "he gazes upon the fallacious image with unsatiated eyes, and by his own sight he himself is undone." Narcissus' obsession with himself, who he wishes to be, and the evil thing that stares back at him drives him to madness. He cries out: "Oh! would that I could depart from my own body! a new wish, indeed, in a lover; I could wish that what I am in love with was away. And now grief is taking away my strength, and no long period of my life remains; and in my early days am I cut off; nor is death grievous to me, now about to get rid of my sorrows by death. I wish that he who is beloved could enjoy a longer life. Now we two, of one mind, shall die in the extinction of one life." And he dies, truly, for "love" of his own reflection.

But one might ask him, "Why, credulous youth, dost thou vainly catch at the flying image? What thou art seeking is nowhere; what thou art in love with, turn but away and thou shalt lose it; what thou seest, the same is but the shadow of a reflected form; it has nothing of its own. It comes and stays with thee; with thee it will depart, if thou canst but depart thence." One might ask Narcissus to look away, and to realize that the image burned within his mind is but a shadow— not himself.

>> No.23289222

I feel like two different people at once. One lives in the moment, and the other judges him for it. One tries to live a ordinay life, and the other knows that doing so is impossible. I cannot for the life of me understand why I have done some of the things I've done, eventhough all the flaws of my plans where clear to me from the moment I conceived to take action. I am terribly confused. I have been told one thing yet without fail I have observed another, and whenever I try to grasp firmly to one idea I end up miserable regardless. I wish to be normal but normalcy has become repulsive to me. I cannot confide this to anyone. Even when I am surrounded by people, I am alone within the prison of my own mind.

>> No.23289227

Stop reading my mind.

>> No.23289229

How do you feel that to some degree what you do through your mid-to-late 20s will be what you’re known for pretty much forever?

>> No.23289231

That sounds terrible, anon. Glad you found something to help with the pain though.

>> No.23289235

It's definitely not fun. I've had it my entire life. It was worse when I was a teenager tho, and that's very typical.

>> No.23289236

Henry Miller didn't write Tropic of Cancer until he was ~36, so I haven't given up hope yet.

>> No.23289242

I don’t know how to feel comfy around others enough to express myself like I only feel comfy with myself by myself but I feel I should want to feel comfy with others and actively work on it and I am trying to a degree by putting myself out there more but I’m really only doing because I feel socially pressure to otherwise idgaf

Sometimes I think oh I’d like to go on a dinner date then I realize I have to be pleasant and entertaining just so tiring so I have no interest in going
Any response?

>> No.23289246

>Any response?
No (not yet!), but thank you for asking. good to know I'm not alone in the world.

>> No.23289250

Would this be your first time hanging out? What would you be doing?

>> No.23289256

My usual go-to is I just ask them if they wanna come over and hangout at my place, or vice versa at their place, and it usually works. Provided they're interested, of course.

>> No.23289265

I hardly read books anymore. Now reading mostly consists of studying my pet interests, and that often does not necessarily mean a book I read or peruse will be finished.

>> No.23289274

So many people alive that just don’t deserve to be. There are people who have an undeniably negative impact on society and those around them, yet it’s seen as something outrageous when you propose just killing them. I hate knowing dark hearted, selfish, apathetic, cruel people just roam the earth. I have no compassion for them. There is no excuse to be a bad person

>> No.23289275

How many of them frequent this board?

>> No.23289283

Nah I meant the real thing

>> No.23289313

Accidentally saw a picture of Matthew Good 30 years ago and then a picture of him today and my heart dropped

>> No.23289329

I really am just an overthinker. I have become so passive that I could most likely die with little repercussion other then the few "I should have check in on anon."

But I hate myself, and not in some pessimistic excuses for my negative behaviors, if I was a separate entity from how I am now I would leave them to rot as that seems to be what they wish for.

I've wasted my entire twenties worried about people who couldn't give less then a shit about me, and pushing away the only ones who did fucking care. If there's one thing I've let slip into my ghost like existence, it's that underlying seething rage at myself that pops up to ruin any progress I make towards fulfillment. Fear has ruled me for way too long. I have to turn this shit around, there has to be s o m e t h i n g I'm meant for. Whatever it is, I'll find out, I guess. But if I don't give this final try a shot, the only way I see this ending is my eventual suicide alone and unnoticed. I used to think like was unfair and hurtful, but in reality it's all the consequences of my own subconscious working against me. Fuck that mother fucker, I'm going to win.

>> No.23289378

Crazy how this thread, nonunique to the wider social media sphere, is basically just a bunch of people talking at each other, not actually a proper exchange between individuals.

>> No.23289379

i miss you :(

>> No.23289441

Like what you're doing right now

>> No.23289443


>> No.23289449

My old friend Jeff’s favorite band, turned our Killdozer/Cows/Upsidedown Cross inspired sludge punk band into pop punk and caused us to break up.

>> No.23289462

I know I’m just setting myself up to be hurt again but I can’t help it

>> No.23289468

Dopamine deficient rat.

>> No.23289473


>> No.23289486

Shit, forget to say Blink was his favorite band. Oh well.

>> No.23289490

I hate the fact that I’m so afraid of you now

>> No.23289531

Don't be afraid. I'm normal.

>> No.23289539

Feeling pretty unhappy. Like I got no future. I feel like I'm spending so much time looking for something and I don't know what it is. I feel like there's some big core problem I have with life itself that others don't. Which I don't mean that I'm smart but that I'm defective. I'm a broken machine.

I feel like even if I achieved the impossible and found someone to like me and have a family and own a cozy home somewhere nice. I'd still have this strong feeling that I did not accomplish what I wanted. There's something else I really want...

>> No.23289544
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Watching/listening to the Antisocial Network. This seems really biased….

>> No.23289550

It has nothing to do with normality

>> No.23289554

I wish I could be a nomad and travel round but that's gotten much harder then past 30 years and also all the cities and towns we've built in this country are horrible and same for rural. You can't even enjoy nature outside if designated nature zones. Laws have made any lifestyle other than staying put with your legal name impossible

>> No.23289558
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You want to smell the springtime carnations as they bloom beneath your dying body. You want the world to smell them too.

>> No.23289573

I'll respect your feelings then, even if I don't understand them. Goodbye.

>> No.23289582

Can’t sleep

>> No.23289588

Nightly "I'm a shortcel, oh god oh fuck" post.
At this rate I'm going to start overcompensating as hard as humanly possible.

>> No.23289619

I'm drinknig coffee and it's past 11 PM. Am I insane?

>> No.23289622

I don’t know. It’s almost 3am here

>> No.23289631

I have no qualms with drinking coffee at 3 o'clock in the morning. If you're currently in bed looking at your phone, that's different and can empathize. Me however, I'm crazy.

>> No.23289632

No, we are energy. According to the first law of thermodynamics the amount of energy in the universe is always the *same* , meaning when some organism dies or an object decomposes the energy is transferred into another object , organism, etc (molecules change their atomic structure ) pregnancy is basically organisms that undergo mitosis and slowly forms a bigger organism that is made up of different organs , the data to determine these organs and skeletal structure of the bigger organism are nucleic acids. I suppose one should be more concerned with the purpose of “being” rather than what is being and how it comes into existence.

>> No.23289638

Yeah, I’m in bed on my phone. I have really bad insomnia sometimes

>> No.23289639

Embrace your insomnia. Go for a run, perhaps whilst naked and shouting obscenities.

>> No.23289641

i wasnt gonna post until i saw a bunch of replies when i updated when i got to the bottom of th ethread .. I have a paper due at noon tomorrow, its almost 3am now. its on the end of apartheid in south africa (more specifically its on a document analyzing the truth and reconcilliation comission after the end of apartheid) i have to write a litttle over 1500 words. Im a good writer (dont take this post as an example, im not editing it due to a mix of exhaustion and apathy) but i really struggle with getting the motivation to write papers, in fact this paper was due two weeks ago and i got an extension (my professor is a very compassionate man and im going through a lot). anyhow i really need to be writing for my paper but im writinng here. I hope this situation you guys are in gets better. im going to stop being a pussy and write this paper

>> No.23289644

Explain how the first self-replicating molecule came into being and its structure, pseud

>> No.23289648

Had a tiring day yesterday but my body didn't let me sleep for more than 4 hours. Woke up really early, had coffee and then I just crashed again.

>> No.23289658

Absolutely not.

>> No.23289660


It is believed the first energy came into existence from the “big bang”. Do more reading on the aforementioned theorem if you are interested, otherwise don’t; Im not going to cite sources for you.

>> No.23289671
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Why not? It would be fun.

>> No.23289679

No it wouldn’t.

>> No.23289690

I think it would. In fact I think you should slather yourself in oil before you do it. Get really oily and run around naked and shout racial epithets.

>> No.23289691

All this tlak of the creation of the universe reminds me: I wonder if we have ever created a whole new element of the periodic table, had never been created before us.
I don't mean anything even remotely stable. I mean one of those elments with a half life of 2 miliseconds called Bambergium.
The odds are pretty low, but I wonder.

>> No.23289694

Yes, I know no element is called Bambergium, I meant stuff like Ferminum and Seaborgium

>> No.23289697

OJ Simpson lived out his final days surrounded by his family in a hospital bed after receiving expensive medical care for years and doing podcast interviews with zoomers and cracking jokes about being a murder. It is really insane how America took a wife-beating double murderer and made him into a quirky pop culture icon who got away with it. Just one of the sickest examples of American culture there is. Spectacle is more sacred than life

>> No.23289699

Absolutely not. What the fuck?

>> No.23289707

Why not? It would be fun. Just let yourself go, anon!

>> No.23289734
File: 288 KB, 960x720, [EG]ZZ_Gundam_BD_04_Resub(720p)[8D219C3C].mkv_snapshot_20.51.279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fit and have a job now but at this point the arrested development is such that deep inside me I'm not an adult and getting to the point, I don't think I'll ever get any pussy
The thought of for example, me fucking some woman or licking a pussy just seems akward, like I don't belong to such scene

>> No.23289953

It's easy.

>> No.23289979

Ok. Now it's scary, but I think I can face the situation. I will do it. I don't even know what is happening right now, and the deduction I made sounds terrible, but that's the worst case scenario so it may not be so bad. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding, an error in communication. In any case, my duty is to walk forward and plunge into the abyss of fear. This is my only duty right now. It's been a long time since I felt so scared.

>> No.23289991

>that's the worst case scenario so it may not be so bad.
Still... bring extra stakes because vampires tend to live in nests

>> No.23289995

Nevermind. It was a false alarm. Nothing ever happens.

>> No.23289999

You started your message with the nigger opinion "No, we are energy" and followed with a pseud message about macrostructures. You deflected the subject. What is being and how it comes into existence is an important part of the 'why'. Idk why I'm giving you any (You)s, stop being a nigger

>> No.23290001

Sex is pretty weird in the abstract.

>> No.23290002

And yes, we are stardust. Fucking faggot

>> No.23290007

>the vampires got to him
Oh no psyvamps

>> No.23290009

>The thought of for example, me fucking some woman or licking a pussy just seems akward, like I don't belong to such scene
What, are you a faggot or smth?

>> No.23290012

Should have fapped

>> No.23290063
File: 55 KB, 933x933, 1712977335843442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of porn boss. I don't wanna be a gooner anymore.

>> No.23290075

Someone's just using the laundry machines to store their clothes again

>> No.23290077

Fapping to a sexual image (still or moving, 2d or 3d) that is in the past, beyond your own here&now is very absurd, no?
It is far better to at least fap to the memory of some hot girl you had or a sex you really enjoyed or a fantasy that you would like to realize in the future. At least you would fap to something in your sphere of fantasy, not some theater (or real) from people in places and times that are not yours.

>> No.23290097

what has happened to my ljfe. when did it get so complicated? why is there so many moving parts now? at one point we wanted to monkmaxx and live off as little as possible... now we are spending so much to as think about wirhdrawing retirement money to cover expenses. what happened? you can't live like this. it's not sustainable. only getting entertainment from books you said, what happened to that? it's pathetic, this is no way to live

you gotta rethink things, you gotta stop spending so much dang money. you can't live like this. it's not sustainable. you're dying here, all your money is gone before your eyes. you're not gonna make it

>> No.23290136

Landlord felt up my face again

>> No.23290145

I think there is something deeply ironic that a jew developed the Atomic bomb.

>> No.23290187

Good luck anon

>> No.23290188


Anyway fuck it, they weren't ready for such a based as fuck story. It's an amazing story regardless of whether it wins some retarded globohomo award or not

Also i think this was an important experience for my writing career. I had so much expectations and hopes and visions for my future and it all came crashing down. It's almost like a first heartbreak. I am now chiseled and bigdicked. I've now learnt not to be an autismo gaylord when dealing with story competitions. I can't control things out of my control. I can just make my story as good as i can make it according to my own tastes and goals. Just write and be less gay everyday.

>> No.23290193

Good job anon, get em tiger

>> No.23290205

Chances are you probably got passed for some intersectionality PoC LGBTQ+ invalid with 2 missing legs and dyslexia. Straight white men are actively discriminated against and if you aren't willing to make up a exotic pseudonym and hide your identity, it will keep happening.

>> No.23290211

Who said I'm straight or white or male, you homo gay boi?

>> No.23290215

well if you're an intersectionality PoC LGBTQ+ invalid with 2 missing legs and dyslexia, you may have been passed up for an intersectionality PoC LGBTQ+ invalid with 2 missing legs, 2 missing arms dyslexia, and a learning disability.

>> No.23290220

This post alone makes it clear that you're retarded and your writing is worthless. No idea why you thought you had any chance of winning.

>> No.23290236

I'm done for bro...

Fuck off cuck faggot. Let me be gay and retarded to my litbros in peace

>> No.23290242

how old is she though

>> No.23290245

Sorry to hear that. You'll get 'em next time, anon.

>> No.23290304

kek, i fuckin love seeing delusional arrogant fucks like you get humbled

>> No.23290313

>wants his see a fellow litbro fail
Ngmi pal

>> No.23290316

I hate financial advice
>dude just invest every month and you can be a millionaire when you are on your deathbed
Wtf am I going to do with it when I'm basically dead

>> No.23290325
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The things that occupy my mind happened 16, 8 and 6 years ago.

>> No.23290329

I hate being alone but I hate having to go out and socialize because all my options are terrible. I hate being online too because everything is too vulgar. A lot of my free time is spent having fake conversations in my head with imaginary friends over the book I'm currently reading. I feel like my life would be a bit better if I quit my job and moved but I'm too lazy.

>> No.23290336

Stop it! Stop reading my mind!

>> No.23290348

you ain't my bro, you fuckin loser

>> No.23290364

occupy your mind?

>> No.23290379

Wrote his first novel in his 20s and published it at 31.

>> No.23290386

Yeah it's kina shitty how hard it is to move on, as if the life you've lived for the past 16 years has somehow been a fake life. The thing on my mind were 11 and 7 years ago

>> No.23290395

Vlad the Impaler didn't start impaling people until his mid 30s

>> No.23290414

Someone say something interesting, thread is shit now

>> No.23290419


>Tropic of Cancer, Paris: Obelisk Press, 1934.
New York: Grove Press, 1961. ISBN 0-8021-3178-6

>Aller Retour New York, Paris: Obelisk Press, 1935.

If I'm not mistaken, he was pretty much a banker until he was like 36 and then moved to Paris and began seriously writing.

>> No.23290423

Alright I see the other novels now but they weren't published, and one was written under his wife's name to appease some rich old simp.

>> No.23290496

How are you guys coping with being smart and ambitious and yet working in some irrelevant job, laboring under a boss that is dumber than you, and in which you know you will always get passed up for leadership by virtue of not being black, female, gay, or trans?

Working life has become mental hell for me because I have to allocate my finite moments to this bullshit and get bossed around by people who frankly, are not smart, and can barely think. I hate this little life.

>> No.23290506

Having other passions and goals. If you actually love your job though, then I can see that being incredibly demoralizing and depressing.

>> No.23290522

I am finishing my degree on medicine, but for the love of God, i can't feel anything but dread to go into the working class. I hate i but I continued it because I just wanted to learn more about the body, now my family is forcing me to work,

>> No.23290526

Do you ever get to touch boobies as part of your job?

>> No.23290531

My job is relevant to my goals. That’s my issue.

>> No.23290534

Be glad, you're going to make money, anon

>> No.23290533

> medicine
> working class
So a doctor? Doctors are not “working class”. Doctors have been para-gentry forever. As far as workers go, they’re probably the most highly valued workers on the planet. They’re only surpassed by military leadership and only in times of war and expansion.

>> No.23290536

I'm a midwit and got mediocre grades and a shit degree. Luckily I had a job lined up after graduating otherwise I'd be fucked.

>> No.23290544

If I have an execrable quality, it is my ability to defuse emotional responses into indifference or laughter if I perceive the intent of the response's cause as attempting to influence me in any way.
Exception applies to things I already agree with.

>> No.23290561

>When an alleged Muslim stabs someone: Islam is the root of all evil.

>When literal Jews bomb 55,000 civilians: We must stand with the Jewish people.


>> No.23290569

You will have 500k 10-15 years before you die, which is better than being poor at that age

>> No.23290575

As far as jobs go, being a doctor (not a surgeon) once established is pretty nice. I'm surrounded by the profession and the only guy who quit before retirement age did it because his musical career took off.

>> No.23290577

You framed it in an extremely dishonest way but you know this.

>> No.23290580

Even if an alleged muslim stabbed no one islam is still evil and muslims must be dealt with. I undestand you not liking jews but why be against muslim/islam removal?

>> No.23290581
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You're asking too many questions, stop immediately!

>> No.23290585

What YouTube channels do you guys wish existed but don’t?

>> No.23290587

He forgot about the part where the jews encircled a whole country and made sure no one could leave before razing everything. Even children civilians

>> No.23290589

Someone livestreaming themselves posting on 4chan multiple hours a day

>> No.23290591

journaling channels about moving abroad, learning new languages to read more books, writing and careermaxxing. but not the retarded kind. some guy with a real job (engineer or lawyer or doctor and not a youtuber by profession) and a no-bullshit approach.

>> No.23290592
File: 152 KB, 1000x664, 1000x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's occurred to me recently that empire and expansion are counterproductive. This might have been true forever, but it's observably true with no counterexamples in modern times. Anybody spreading their influence after 1500 was ensuring that their values would suffer and die more completely, and be bastardized by billions.
The best result possible is you turn the entire planet into a pile of shit vaguely flavored like your glory days. That's basically what we live in now, an Anglo inspired turd of a global society.
And in that world, America is the ultimate overflowing cultural septic tank
(More charitably, the biggest winners suffered the most from their success, and the real success stories are regional powers)

>> No.23290593

Like when the U.S bombs a hospital?
Israel has gotten criticism (not from politicians, they're owned) from plenty of people. But a government killing people vs a lone retard stabbing someone in the face live on stream is obviously different.
Plus people in the west feel more empathy for a priest than a palestinian.
I can make a list extremely long of why it is the way it is but going off your first post I'd probably get a snappy reply like the one I'm replying to now.

>> No.23290596

When a muslim attacks western sympathizers it's good
When a muslim attacks Russians it's bad
I'm not strawmanning anyone btw, that's what I believe personally

>> No.23290604

Killing russians is fine, I don't like muslims but if they attack russians then those particular movements and individuals are ok in my book. Still dangerous individuals mind you.

>> No.23290607

>Like when the U.S bombs a hospital?
the US being a satanic state is not breaking news, everyone knows that. Israel is still portrayed as good in the media.
>But a government killing people vs a lone retard stabbing someone in the face live on stream is obviously different.
What's the point you're trying to make?
>Plus people in the west feel more empathy for a priest than a palestinian.
Now palestinians are subhumans I guess. Are you jewish?
>I can make a list extremely long of why it is the way it is but going off your first post I'd probably get a snappy reply like the one I'm replying to now.
Maybe you wouldn't have gotten any 'snappy replies' (strange translation for 'messages I don't agree with') if what you said actually did make sense

>> No.23290608

I would assume he means "someone who has to work," not working class in the sense that anyone actually uses the term.

>> No.23290613

What? the death of the Palestinians and their many children are worth having sympathy for. Have you not seen the Leftists raging against the Zionists lately?

The point is that there is obviously nothing remotely sympathetic yo the jewish cleansing of Gaza and anything Jews have ever done. Their Gods chosen lunatics, and they collectively and double down like lunatics. Watch how their going to use this stabbing as a way to justify destroy Iran, they CANNOT make it about themselves.

>> No.23290617

I ve had it worse.
I just expanded the time zones for stuff.
Anyway, being dumb is not a crime.

>> No.23290630

If the muzzies had better rockets, they'd kill a lot more than just 55k civilians. Literally sending non-stop rockets for years until one day they did a terrorist attack that caused enough damage to start a full fledged war. At that point, you shouldn't be crying about getting bombed and starving to death.

>> No.23290637

Did we forget the part where they have been oppressed and put to their breaking point before this

>> No.23290640

Maybe you shouldn't occupy the ancestral home of a completely different race, and commit genocide on them?

>> No.23290643

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

I consider political Zionist’s to be terrorists.

You do the math.

>> No.23290646

When your group wages war over land and gets defeated, eventually you need to move the fuck on and focus on rebuilding your society rather than whining about it for decades and getting violent revenge. Zero sympathy for the Palestinians, they made their own bed. They took all of the aid resources that were given to them and used them to wage war rather than to build a better society for their people.

>> No.23290647

Iran struck Nevatim air base, Imagine that - an actual military target. Not children and their mothers.

>> No.23290650

>ancestral home
Do you have any understanding of history? The entire Palestinian identity was fabricated within the last century. The Jews have just as valid of an ancestral claim to the land, seethe about it.

>> No.23290661

You dumb fucks love being anti-semitic until it could actually be put to good use

>> No.23290668

Because israelis didn't transport children and their mothers to the base to hide behind?

>> No.23290669

That's because Israel doesn't use civilian buildings as military bases. They don't fire rockets from the rooftops of hospitals, orphanages and youth centers. Despite all that, Israel has always done so-called roof knocks and gave early warnings so that civilians can escape, but that is a luxury of peace time. Now it's escalated to a war and if they want this shit to stop, they can return the hostages and negotiate for peace, which probably means dismantling Hamas and other consequences. You reap what you sow...

They parachuted in and killed a bunch of people at a festival. How is that freedom fighting? How does that help your political cause? It just causes terror, fear and gives Israel a reason to blow up your entire "country". What the fuck did they think was going to happen? They get millions of dollars in aid every year from Western retards and they use that money and resources to buy weapons, build rockets and fund terrorists (there's a literal martyr fund lol). No sympathy for this shithole and it's inhabitants after years of causing shit.

>> No.23290671

Limits or limit-definitions are what make instantiate the potentiality for both what is called good and what is called evil in the here-and-now, world-historical reality. A man cannot cheat on his wife until he is in fact married; the "space" in which the possibility for the act of cheating exists cannot exist in itself until it is defined, limited and closed off from the "space" in which all possibilities of that man's life exist, and this occurs by the act of marriage itself. Or to put it another way, suffering cannot exist as a concept "out there" floating in some kind of philosophical void, as it can only be actualized when the potentiality for anything to exist at all is actualized by sentient beings capable of further limiting themselves and "casting" limits on each other, thereby inviting the possibility for suffering to occur. If one would, as the Buddhists strive to, release himself from the limit-definition-space within which he exists, the possibility to suffer would also cease, but in the same manner as a black cat disappears on a dark night on which all cats are black.

>> No.23290672

What exactly do you mean by writing and careermaxxing? do you mean careermaxxing a writing career?

I think a lot of these already exist in great number.

>> No.23290688

>That's because Israel doesn't use civilian buildings as military bases.

I keep hearing this meme, but this t what I see. Because In 2018 thousands of Palestinians took part in 'The Great March of Return', demanding they be freed from Israel's blockade and granted their right of return to their ancestral homeland. Over 70 percent of the population of Gaza are considered refugees, expelled from or descended from people expelled from Palestine in the so-called Nakba, Israel's ethnic cleansing of the land in 1948.

So these protestors demanded right of return, and an end to the blockade of Gaza, which is illegal under law by the way as a form of collective punishment but has persisted since 2006.

So what happens? the Israel responded by shooting the peaceful protestors, treating anyone approaching the fence around Gaza as a legitimate target - including children, the disabled, and medics. Human rights groups universally condemned this targeting of peaceful protestors.

Between the first protest and November 2019, more than 35 thousand protestors were injured, 7,996 with live ammo.

And Israeli snipers usually targeted the protestors legs and knees. Half the injured protestors were crippled for life.

>> No.23290690

19 tomorrow

>> No.23290694

Palestinians have a right to secure their people's existence, their traditions, their homelands.

Europeans have a right to secure their people's existence, their traditions, their homelands.

If you agree with the first statement and not the second, you are anti-White.

I get called a leftist traitor for opposing the ethnocide of Palestinians and a far-right extremist for opposing the ethnocide of Europeans. I'm not the hypocrite here.

>> No.23290699

Israel has now killed 288 Palestinians, and injured 3,430 others in the occupied West Bank since October 7th. Hamas does not operate in the West Bank - this is mostly the result of violent Jewish settlers supported by the IDF. These people are totally out of control.

>> No.23290706
File: 2.39 MB, 1232x1968, 95A83359-24ED-4D82-BF31-DB2615829976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started this as a thread on S4S then remembered /lit/

>> No.23290709
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you can always spin it into a "peaceful protest" after the fact.

That's what happens when you brainwash a population of people and make them actively hostile towards Israelis and incentivize them to cause shit with anything they can. There's been numerous stabbings on IDF soldiers, there's certain neighborhoods where they can only drive through with armored vehicles and you can hear the bullets bouncing off the car. Violence breeds more violence, more security measures ("oppression") and more collective butthurt. They can't live together and they can't live with a giant border in between either, so what's the solution?

>> No.23290711

>Now palestinians are subhumans I guess
Proven yourself to be a subhuman retard with this line alone.
Not worth talking to, get raped by a nigger.
Do you think this stabbing will in any way make it easier for Israel to attack Iran?
And why would it? They do things against public opinion all the fucking time. Why would they a non-lethal stabbing to soften the blow of attacking a country?
They do it with Syria all the time, do they use attacks to justify that?

>> No.23290721

writing and careermaxxing their real job career.

please state one

>> No.23290729

literal jew calling me nigger and faggot. I hope younwienjoy your stay in hell

>> No.23290731

You can't read or argue. You're mentally retarded.

>> No.23290734

>Palestinians have a right to secure their people's existence, their traditions, their homelands.

OK and how does that include paragliding into a festival and moving down random people? It seems like in that case you're doing the opposite and securing your people's destruction. Everyone has a right to self-defense and you can't cry you got wrecked by a bigger enemy after you started shit first.

>> No.23290735

I was the one giving sound arguments the whole time. enjoy your stay in hell

>> No.23290738

>there's certain neighborhoods where they can only drive through with armored vehicles and you can hear the bullets bouncing off the car
How could you possibly know this except by taking the Israeli military at its word?

>> No.23290751

Just remove all muslims and other non whites and there will be peace in world.

>> No.23290752

Saying that I think palestinians are subhuman is not an argument, fucking retard.
I was saying it's not a mystery why people feel more angry at a terrorist attack in their own country rather than some dead palestinians thousands of km away.
You saw this and thought I think of palestinians as subhuman.

You're a moron, no other way to say it.

>> No.23290753
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Brainwashed? see pic related, this is what’s going on.

"If I don't steal it someone else will"

This is the reality of the Israel/Palestine conflict. Over 600 thousand Jewish Israeli settlers living on occupied Palestinian land, thousands of homes demolished, settlements constantly expanding.

What are Palestinians supposed to do?

>> No.23290759

I think it’s valid, but also to say it’s ok to push ethnic genocide against whole populations because you think you’re Gods chosen is psychotic.

>> No.23290780

English, please! For fuck’s sake, man…

Nobody can tell what you’re trying to say.

>> No.23290783

The Palestinian population has only increased since this whole shit started in '48. They're kind of doing a bad job at genocide then, huh?

They started multiple wars over the years and the Jews won and took the land. I'm sorry some Jew took your great-grandfather's piece of land that you think you're entitled to, but surely there are better ways to settle that kind of stuff than starting another armed conflict that you can't win and that will only destroy your country even more.

>What are Palestinians supposed to do?

Negotiate a two state solution and stick to it. Use the aid to develop your country instead of building a secret military to cause terror attacks. Don't educate your kids in kindergarten that Jews are their enemy and that they should take back everything "from the river to the sea" and destroys all Jews. Maybe in a generation or two, you'll get normal people that can work with other nations and races and don't cause terror attacks. Maybe...


This is where I heard that story in particular. Why would she have any reason to lie about her experiences? As a woman, she didn't see much actual combat so an actual soldier would probably have much more to say.

>> No.23290796

I don't understand how Jewish people can lay any claim to that land at all. Its so fucking retarded. Everyone my age is so sick of the whole thing. There must be some kind of real /x/ reason that the need that specific land in the most hostile to Jewish area possible. We should have just designated a zone in America for them like the native Americans. Its so fucking annoying at this point to hear Jewish people cry about it. Its like a white lady moving to the ghetto and hearing her bitch about it every day. Fuck off already
Go somewhere else

>> No.23290807

Bro allied powers designated that land as Jewish arbitrarily with 0 concern for the locals. Its basically colonialism
Jewish have zero legit claim. And Israelis draft dodge and flee to America to this day because its a shithole engaged in a forever war with its neighbors plain and simple

>> No.23290808

Give me one youtuber that works a real job, actively tries to improve his lifestyle and further his culture, and tries to write on the side.

>> No.23290809

Yeah, just move 8 million people to appease a bunch of savages that can't live in peace because they continually start shit with their neighbors because a 100 years ago they believe they got fucked over in some land deal and immigration and started a war that they lost and kept starting wars until they got pushed to the edge and got barricaded away by EVERYONE. And despite all that, they still managed to jump the fence just to murder a bunch of random people because they're just so oppressed!!

>> No.23290810

I’m sure there are plenty, but why would you tune into that if that’s what the channel is about? That sounds insanely boring.

>> No.23290814

Those people got moved there artificially anyway so who cares
Are you Jewish or something? Who cares
Why would you want savages as neighbors
Jewish people should just leave. It's so silly that they're there.
Its just bunch of old US warhawks who want them there

>> No.23290816

You realize that was 100 years ago, right? Would you feel OK with Americans moving out of some state because they took it away from the Indians that originally lived there. It would be like Native Americans stabbing cops and doing mass murder because they live in the reservation.

>> No.23290821

I think what Westerners tend not to get is that it’s not a Judaism vs. Islam blood feud that goes back to the days of Alp Arslan and Muhammed. It’s that it’s Judaism vs everyone else around going back to Rome and Christ. Jews see themselves as the perpetually persecuted victims of the world and the nation-state of Israel is something like an eschatology for the Jewish people, a way to finally assert themselves with the help of their Western attack dogs after over a millenia of being the meek and persecuted minority, which no doubt built up a lot of resentment. Furthermore, Westerners tend to not sympathize because we’re the only people in the world who understand ourselves in a way that has almost nothing at all to do with a specific place. A Roman could not have been a Roman beyond the borders of that state which in essence was Mediterranean. Similarly, the Jews could not be Jews beyond the borders of the Levant.

Many Israelis believed that such a nation-state was possible, and so they were happy to spill Israeli and Palestinian blood to make that a reality.

But it’s becoming increasingly clear that it’s not a possibility, and the more liberalized Jews have been pushing for Jewish integration into Europe and North America. What none of them want is to abandon Israel for assimilation into Europe and North America. To do so would be to abandon Jewishness entirely.

>> No.23290824


>> No.23290827

Leave and go where exactly? Many Jews thought like you did and thought they could just go and live in Russia, Europe, and North America and just do their Jewish thing, but those nations, save for a handful, historically found then to be subversive elements. So if you’re a Jew, your choices are abandon being a Jew entirely, go to Russia, Europe, and America and be a hated subverter, or fight and die over Israel. So there’s no scenario where Jews leave and survive on as Jews.

>> No.23290834

They should assimilate. But they refuse to.

>> No.23290835

>I’m sure there are plenty
name one
>why would you tune into that if that’s what the channel is about?
because functional adults on youtube don't care about NEETs telling them how science is amazing, doing stupid pranks, going on 1 hour rants over films or playing video games. they want real people doing real people stuff. I'm trying to move abroad because I can't buy a fucking house in my own country, and that's what I identify to. I don't give a fuck about people trying to start a crypto business. I want to see someone who doesn't need youtube or a community to do what he wants, and just film videos because he wants to. that's what I want.

>> No.23290841

What is up with insects, especially mosquitoes, that love to fly straight into my ears?

>> No.23290842

They should just abandon it. Its over and its absurd to think they have any claim to it. It's not like they have great lives in Israel. I feel bad for young people born there who just want out but they're retarded grandparents are set on letting them die for it

>> No.23290845
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I don’t think this is it, chief.

>> No.23290850

Nobody cares about Jewish people. Manhatten could be declared the Jewish zone and nobody would care. Certainly nobody willing to eage war with them for so long.

>> No.23290852

There's so many attractive women in the Israeli military.

>> No.23290854

>Why would she have any reason to lie about her experiences?
Are you fucking stupid

>> No.23290858

I like how you guys get so fucked up and contradictory when it comes to israel/Palestine and ukraine/russia
I wonder if you have any self awareness over how nonsensical your meme images andrntire position at
>so the soibois who i make fun of for being mindless zog slaves are stupid for supporting Palestine but I'm a smart rebel for supporting USA with Israel even though I hate jews

>> No.23290859

She's an American. She would get more points for shitting on the IDF and aligning with The Mainstream Narrative™.

>> No.23290862

You can't be serious. The mainstream narrative is Israeli support

>> No.23290865

It's not worth fighting.

>> No.23290867

we're all going to die. what is even worth doing with this time I have? I probably will not get married. I'm thinking maybe I get into nursing, work half-time helping people feel better and spend the rest of my time trying to keep enough friendships alive that old age won't be too miserable, and just thinking about it all. People are really supposed to have kids I think, and/or to belong to something that has a continuity. We're all going to die. All of this is going to go away. I like my dads perspective, he's hooked on american politics even though we are yuro. I thought at first he had gotten stuck in some echo-chamber boomer-trap, but then he told me he watches it and he thinks "I wonder what people will think about all of this 100 years from now." I like that thought.

>> No.23290877

Lol, you're clueless. They got so much pushback and hate online, even though they took such a milquetoast position of saying "both sides bad". They took a break from the Internet and paused their podcast and even his own audience was calling Ethan a genocidal zionist jew.

Not to mention this shit:

>> No.23290889

At best, you’ll be able to retire and maybe own a home. That’s it. If you don’t you probably will work until you die and will never leave anything to your kids.

>> No.23290893

Online isn't real life, the fringes get amplified. Most normie Americans and all mainstream news is pro-Israel

>> No.23290895

There’s a guy on YouTube named the Distributist that does political videos and he has a day job at a university, I believe.

>> No.23290904

Well, yeah they refuse to because in reality assimilation means becoming Christians, or at least Christian-informed liberals. They’d have to abandon being Jews. As long as they stay Jews, they’ll be a sort of internal proletariat in the West over the long run. Period. And unfortunately means that in 100 years they’ll probably find themselves being fingered as a more alien element in the West than even Arab Muslims.

They have to consider the alternatives though. Abandoning Israel means fleeing to Europe and North America, where their options are to live as a semi-despised internal proletariat in the long-run or abandon their Judaism to become basically Christian-liberal Americans or whatever, no different than Polish-Americans or Greek-Americans. And of course they always run the risk of being a little more like more like African-Americans than German-Americans.

Look, if they were going to assimilate, they would’ve done it already. They can’t help themselves but not assimilate and instead push a sort of hyper-progressive liberalism that is amenable to them but doomed in the long run.

>> No.23290913

I think that Jewish people could be a great asset to America and the West if only they assimilated. Assimilation is really the stumbling bloc. They fail or refuse to assimilate and thus they remain an issue.

>> No.23290915

The majority of Jewish people in the US, outside of the ultra-orthodox ones in NYC and a few other places, have essentially integrated into society. Most of them are barely religious

>> No.23290926 [DELETED] 

Whoa my cousin has his own Wikipedia page. He was an archbishop in Canada, died a decade ago.

>> No.23290930

not really true at all

>> No.23290938

Lucky to find a woman who wants to play with your butt

>> No.23290941

I know about him, great guy.
But what does he have to do with my post?

>> No.23290944

Pop punk is the only good punk

>> No.23290955

The thing that annoys me most about modernity is how we're always kinda at war but not really. Like countries will take turns bombing each other but never fully commit. It would be like if a couple of people would occasionally slap each other and walk away.

>> No.23290964

I am Greek so let me tell you a couple things about Israelis.
1. They come here for holidays being asses and wasting money.
2. They got your support so they bully everyone in the hood but are really insecure so anyone not being 100% behind them is antisemite and nazi.
3. Most are of European stock with the exception of some semites who are on the top3 of the most racist and classist people on this earth.
4. They are literally insane.
5. Your elites are wasting your taxes so they have a reason to invade the middle east, perpetuate the circle of dominance and dominate you using your own power and money.

I like the fact that we got relationships with them but truth be told, they are dellusional and dangerous and being cocky with other peoples force.

>> No.23290965

I am a high end midwit and I have no ambition. My boss is far more competent than me and I barely work.

>> No.23290968

There is no such thing as non-being, you always were, are and going to be, time is not a thing in itself as kant fags would have us believe.

>> No.23290969

>They are literally insane

>> No.23290971

Nobody makes these arguments for refugees...you don't see people drumming the american war drums to go reclaim their land. The dont have a ton of conniptions about losing their culture as their immigration is coerced by rifle fire and bombs.
Let's leave Israel to fend for themselves and then see how they feel about it. They should learn their lesson to not pick the most hostile place possible to call home.

>> No.23290978

Insane=lack of touch with reality

They live in a fascist theocracy supported by EVERYONE and they teach their internal slaves that everyone is against them and owes them idk what.

They are the whites of south Africa on steroids. A couple of moguls are served by their plebs who are served by their arab and asian almost-slave labour and euroamerican money.

>> No.23290984

They are insecure about this shit.
They bullied everyone in the hood so much that if they loose support they are gonna be eatten alive by mostly everyone.

>> No.23290988
File: 1.78 MB, 498x245, rainy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering starting a /jobsearchgeneral/ on /biz/ or /r9k/ or somewhere it would likely be acceptable. A diligent job search is likely in my near-ish future, after 6 months of trying to arrange my three current part-time jobs into something sufficiently lucrative and sustainable. So far, it hasn't worked, and I'm very tired, and not ready to start from square one, but I think creating a general would help motivate me more.
I really despise how unaccountable most people are. They make promises that I'll get more hours and then I just don't, as if they never even intended to make good on those promises. Ironically, freelance clients have tended to be more reliable for me than "actual jobs," but even that isn't working well enough for me. I'm going to need to put my head down, shut off my emotions, and apply to tons of shit for 6 months. It'll be like that quote about prison in The Wire, "If you get your mind right, you do two days. The day you go in and the day you come out."

>> No.23290990

So if Israel is declared a fail state hypothetically. Should we designate an actual Jewish zone thats around the size of Israel in square footage in a country that likes them and if so where?

>> No.23290997

greek peasant cope. Israelis are fine people

>> No.23291003

They are like Greeks were in the 60s-70s.
You either have the literally brainwashed fascists or hippy trippy globalistic drug using trance listening psychos.

>> No.23291014


>> No.23291017

Not him, but by what merit exactly, are they fine people?
Because objectively, they have been inflicting evil against the Palestinians for almost a whole century now, not to mention meddling in the politics of the entire western and middle eastern world, including extra-territorial assassinations and terrorism.
It's very hard for me to find anything at all, positive to say about them.
They are so deranged that they see everyone, including you, as a potential threat, and won't think anything of shooting you dead if they had the chance.

Israel needs to be de-radicalized the same way that NAZI Germany was.
The problem is not Israel itself, but the ethnonationalism of Israel.

>> No.23291038

If any other nation or race was run like this people would talk about it like North Korea. People are delusional and think they have some western standard life in Israel. They don't. I know people get edgy about this when you talk but cults vs religions. But the country is literally ran like a cult. I'm not hyperbolizing religious fervor or nationalism. But it really is a cult with ll th human right violations that entails. I think the best thing for the Israeli people is for the country to go away. So many young draft dodgers who come here and all their stories are just horrible.

>> No.23291062


Assimilation is a red herring. I hate how the media picked up on it as the supposed solution to immigration.

First of all, demanding assimilation is ethically problematic, because you are basically demanding that somebody ditch their whole culture and identity and adopt a foreign one. How is that, ever a legitimate demand?

Secondly, what the fuck does assimilation have to do with criminal behavior?
Do you think immigrants are dealing drugs because of their Muslim culture? What the fuck?
Do you think they are engaging in organized crime because of how devoutly Muslim they are? What?
Do you think they are raping women because the Quran told them to?

It's just a dog whistle for xenophobia. If you don't want immigrants to behave badly, don't import criminals. It's THAT simple.

>> No.23291081

That's a complete pipe dream.
Israel won't ever cease to exist.
I am also not against the existence of Israel, as long as they drop the fascism and ethnonationalism.
They could even still be a state that serves as a safe haven for Jews, without having to shit all over Christians and other minorities.

>> No.23291083

This and also poverty and the grimm truth that the established social groups need outcasts to do the dirty job that they cannot or don't want to do.

>> No.23291107

>ditch their whole culture and identity and adopt a foreign one. How is that, ever a legitimate demand?
It's either that or fuck off as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.23291115

Then you're no better than a fascist, and also, honestly, quite a stupid person, to believe that that is a legitimate demand.

Imagine having to seek refugee in Thailand for whatever reason, and they demand that you undress your whole identity and become a Thai caricature.
It's just a completely ridiculous demand.

>> No.23291122

No one's being asked to be a caricature.
But you do not go around defining what a Thai person is. You don't make music/tv shows that offend their culture or religion etc etc
Also lol at saying 'no better than a fascist'
That cut me deep, bro

>> No.23291129

In all fairness, culture is a give and take situation that has to be beneficial.

You cannot live in an african village as if you are a stockbroker in London nor live in Paris as if you are in your village in Spain.

You can trade one thing you got plenty of for something you don't have though.

>> No.23291131

>somebody ditch their whole culture and identity and adopt a foreign one. How is that, ever a legitimate demand?
It's legitimate because they left their country for a new one. No one is entitled to demand their host country change itself to accommodate them. It's only natural that if you're leaving behind your culture you assimilate to the new one.
>Secondly, what the fuck does assimilation have to do with criminal behavior?
Culture, moral values, and behavior are all linked. So yes, criminality is built into culture.
And why is this a bad thing?

>> No.23291137

This is nothing but bland emotivism. There's no substance to your critique. If wanting to preserve a cultural majority makes me a fascist then so be it.

>> No.23291150

And homeless near a thousand homes I stood,
And near a thousand tables pined, and wanted food.

>> No.23291160

Go preserve the sluts and the tatted retards with pierced nipples dancing to rap music.
I was brought up by fairly traditional boomer parents and even I cannot relate at all with the contemporary western culture.
What are you trying to preserve that isn't going to change completely in a couple of generations anyway?

Demanding that somebody adopt customs that go against their identity is basically ethnic cleansing.

Anyway, I am not even sure what kind of assimilation you want to see happening. Would you mind giving some examples?

That's a legitimate point, but nobody is trying to be a goat shepherd in London. It's more about deep family values and such.

>> No.23291168

Jews helped ruin it already, obviously there's not much to assimilate into now.

>> No.23291194

Consider this: maybe the retards who pierced their own nipples and dance to rap music are actually ruining their own life because they are retarded.

Why do you always have to scapegoat the Jews or the Muslims or the Indians or God knows who?

>> No.23291196

The form is different from the core.
The core of the "sluts" and "tatted up retards" is a niggeristic consumerism of hedonism and vice. The form could look like anything, it doesn't matter. Anon doesn't care what the form of his culture changes into, as long as its core is preserved. What you consider to be "changing in a couple of generations" is really staying the same but expressing itself in different ways.

>> No.23291213

You don't know me so don't say I always scapegoat others.
The people who gatekeep what movies get to the cinemas, what musicians get a lucrative record deal etc have a great share in why culture moves a certain way.
With something like pornography, it was clear that jews had a big part in that. Same with Hip Hop.
Both terrible things to introduce into your culture, but they did it.

Countries used to have laws against permitting such filth, but when the elites in your country are not of the state religion or ethnicity, they tend to look at what sells rather than what is right.

>> No.23291222

Take it one step further and realize that in any given population some people will always be born with rotten personalities, impulse control and other issues. You can never avoid this. This goes beyond culture.
The same way some people are born in the top 0.0001% of athletes and others are born crippled.

The only way to have a well behaved society is true some kind of strictly enforced social norms. But we call those countries dictatorships.

>> No.23291228

Now they're getting into retarded shit. I just think Israel is a fake and gay country

>> No.23291233

So, Jon Stewart, Norman Finkelstein, Bernie Sanders, Richard Feynman, by virtue of being Jewish, had involvement in pornography?

You're making no sense.

>> No.23291235

That's not what I said.

>> No.23291237

>Demanding that somebody adopt customs that go against their identity is basically ethnic cleansing.
Well then they can stay in their own ethnic country. Not my problem.
>Go preserve the sluts and the tatted retards with pierced nipples dancing to rap music.
So what, you see cultural rot and instead of correcting it you'd rather just give away your culture and country? What about the white American ethnicity? You don't seem concerned with the ethnic cleansing of them

>> No.23291239

You must be some kind of shitskin. How can a non authoritarian country ban hip hip or pornography?

>> No.23291242

I guess I'm an authoritarian.
It's better than letting it rot from that nonsense.

>> No.23291250

Was 1980s America authoritarian?

>> No.23291251

That's what it sounded to me.
There is no point in implicating all Jews in some worldwide evil plot, when you intend to attack pornographers or people who proselytize degenerate social norms.

>> No.23291252

You are welcome to personally impose such ban on yourself and not listen to music andnot watch entertainment you don't like but you have no righ to do that to others.

>> No.23291256


>> No.23291258

The people of a society absolutely do get to decide what their values are and enforce said values. That's what a society is. You're trying to enforce the value of tolerance and permissivness on others.

>> No.23291261

Well there were active bans on both rap and porn in 1980s America. It wasn't until the 90s that the Supreme Court deemed public indecency a right. America had bans on such things since its founding

>> No.23291262

I do have that right.
Do you let your children just watch porn at the age of 8/9?
Are you an authoritarian for blocking it on all devices?
Getting rid of a lot of porn is simply the right thing to do. Go tug on your weiner to an old playboy, no longer the websites with filth.

No one implicated all jews.
You seem to have an idea of who you're arguing with, that person is not me.
Let go of that idea and we can have an actual argument. Cause what you're doing now is a waste of time.

>> No.23291264

>What about the white American ethnicity? You don't seem concerned with the ethnic cleansing of them

What does Indians eating curry and having a traditional Indian wedding amongst themselves have to do with your aunts and uncles not going to church on Sunday?
How are the two related?

>> No.23291269

Society is when drug dealers can get young people hooked on drugs and then lure them into being a hooker/doing porn.
That's what some people think society should allow. To not allow that is being a fascist.

>> No.23291273

is that how things work? in that case wouldn't people have come from the bear pits in the globe theatre and committed some pretty extraordinary acts in the elizabethan days

>> No.23291280

Not comparable. Social media changes everything.

>> No.23291281

how exactly do you mean?

>> No.23291283

The irony of this discussion is that you are trying to speak for a whole nation, but I'm sure the vast majority of said nation does not share your personal values.

>> No.23291284

My kid just threw my Flip4 to the floor and destoyed the display from the inside.
What a shitty phone that can't even survive the force of a 18 months old baby at 50 cms. The repair may cost about $500 dls so it's not worthy at all.

>> No.23291285

Access to filth is a million times easier.
I'm not speaking for a whole nation.

>> No.23291287

I live in the Los Angeles area. Some neighborhoods are full of Mexican flags and everyone speaks Spanish. In other neighborhoods everything is in Chinese, including public announcements. In parts of LA Armenians and Turks carry out their ethnic squabbles with each other. The high school I went to had more ESL classes than standard classes. I work at a small school where a handful of immigrant children have been here for a significant period of time and have put zero effort into learning the language. I know international students whose main social groups are international students from their own countries. Half the public radio stations and public broadcast TV stations are in some other language. The issue isn't just some Mexicans hitting a pinata on birthdays. It's not some Indian guy eating curry at home. It's a total transformation of America into minor ethnic colonies. They need to learn English, accept English common law, the values of the constitution and republican democracy, the Protestant work ethic, so and so forth. It is not my responsibility to offer them my own personal space to preserve their own culture. It is not my fault if their culture disappears because they moved to a new country. You're Implying that I'm conducting ethnic cleansing by not actively preserving their ways of life. It's bullshit. If you want to practice Indian culture, then there's an entire country specifically for you. If you want to live in a Mexican culture, there's an entire country for you. Why is it only my country is not permitted to be a homebase for its own culture?

>> No.23291293

That's not irony. The question at hand is if a society gets to decide and enforce its values or if a "society" is a kind of vacuum where no norms are permitted. My argument is that the latter doesn't exist. We currently live in a society that FORCES tolerance upon its people.

>> No.23291296

for a penny you could see bear-baiting, they had cockfights in the street.
likewise remember the original fairy tales by grimm-- the end of snow white (the real end, not the disney one) is when the witch is given red hot iron shoes to dance in until she dies. everybody’s very happy, i don’t think it made any delinquents

>> No.23291300

You know what's funny?
I'm by many metrics extremely conservative and traditionalist.

But immigrants speaking their own language, and mingling with each other is not something that bothers me at all. I don't know why it rustles your jimmies so much but I couldn't care less. I literally don't care at all.
The only thing I care about is that they are eventually economically productive.

>> No.23291308

We have politicians saying that trans children should have access to hormones.
Men slice their penis and invert it and then parade around the city with it. To say he's a freak is against the law (europe).
I'd trade this for the cockfighting.
Also witch hunting was exaggerated.

>> No.23291311

>The only thing I care about is that they are eventually economically productive.

>I'm by many metrics extremely conservative and traditionalist.
No you're not.

>> No.23291314

Living in LA and complaining about this is the funniest shit ever

>> No.23291319

did rap music bring that about
>Also witch hunting was exaggerated.
right, everyone know that. did i mention it?

>> No.23291325

>Men slice their penis and invert it and then parade around the city with it. To say he's a freak is against the law (europe)
Yeah man and the moon is made of cheese and the sun is pulled through the sky by a big swan

>> No.23291327

>I'm by many metrics extremely conservative and traditionalist
You are by no metric conservative or traditionalist given that you place no emphasis on conserving traditions or culture.
> I literally don't care at all
I just want to grill!
>The only thing I care about is that they are eventually economically productive.
So to you society is nothing but an economic zone and the function of a country is GDP. People are nothing more than economic units to you. That's a very ugly worldview and you clearly haven't suffered the alienation anf atomization of a multicultural area. And, ironically, as much as you think assimilation is ethnic cleansing, you don't care that your own people are being ethnically cleansed. You have no values and are reflexively self destructive

>> No.23291329

Rap brings about other issues. Especially gangster rap, see the 90s.
Post this on reddit and you might get some upvotes.

>> No.23291334

That is not what a society is unless it's some muslim sharia shithole.
You can impose whatever personal restrictions you want on yourself, you have no right to impose restrictions on others. Society can and do have laws but those laws cannot prevent individuals freedoms like what music one can listen or what entertainment to watch.

Of course not, I am talking about adults here, an adult person watching other adults having sex (with their permission) has no effect on you

>> No.23291337

Oh I didn't know, I guess USA was authoritarian (at least in some aspects) in the 80s

>> No.23291341

We're arguing against people this stupid.
Are you a zoomer?

>> No.23291342

My family were pioneers who crossed the Great Plains, fought Indian wars, and built everything that's here. California is the only home I have. The Chinese, Indians, and Mexicans have a home they can go back to. I'm like Spengler's guard at Pompeii. Standing at my post as the lava flow destroys everything.
Anyway, I'm unrionically enjoying the ethnic food as it happens. I'm atomized myself, so I'm just gonna find an Asian girl to make many happas with. Breed myself out of existence I guess.

>> No.23291344

I am 30 years old.

>> No.23291346

people have always been blaming music, violent films, video games, etc for a spread of juvenile delinquency. its always been — its a symptom of the illness if our age. children are violent, young people need something to rebel against.

>> No.23291347

A society is a collection of individuals on the basis of shared values.
>but those laws cannot prevent individuals freedoms like what music one can listen or what entertainment to watch.
Of course they can. Every society does this. You seem to think post ww2 neoliberalism is the definition of society.

>> No.23291348

Fascists were actually really pro porn and drugs. Little girls have to be obedient sluts and boys obedient little soldiers in the end of ends.

>> No.23291351

Leave LA you fucking retard, it has been the way you describe for longer than you or your parents have been alive. If you want "white ethnic American culture," I cannot imagine a worse place to look for it.

>> No.23291352

>children are violent, young people need something to rebel against.
That is an American (and maybe Anglo) phenomenon, in other white countries it literally doesn't happen.

>> No.23291357

Not remotely true. Jews are the internal proletariat and a small percentage of them have assimilated less to America and more to the Council on Foreign Relations, which Americans hate by the way.

>> No.23291358

They crossed the plains and the Spanish were already there

>> No.23291360

He’s a normal guy with a job that makes videos, like you asked for.

>> No.23291364

Refugees typically aren’t citizens of a state propped up from the start by Western countries. But it wasn’t an argument for Israel to be clear. I really do not care about Israel. I recognize that Israel is useful in some ways and have not and probably will not assimilate into the West. That’s all.

>> No.23291365

it happened in ancient greece.

>> No.23291366

I am talking about western society and western values. Again if you want sharia law, to stop other people listening to hop hop go live in Afghanistan, but don't try and restrict my personal freedoms or freedoms of others just because you don't like somebody listening to some genre of music.

>> No.23291368

It was solid bait until the end.

>> No.23291371

I think a lot of the middle class that’s rushing into homes right now is going to get left holding the bag.

>> No.23291373

new >>23291370

>> No.23291466

Evidently you don't know much about the history of Western Civilization. Progressive liberalism is a very recent phenomenon in our history.