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23286471 No.23286471 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23286488

another daft leftist girl: the current reality is that public libraries are used and defiled by hobos

>> No.23286491

Who the hell goes to the library to socialize.
What a fucking tard

>> No.23286509

Cool idea in concept but in practice these libraries would be quickly appropriated by annoying normalfags who larp as artsy types. The same kind of people who would call themselves hipsters 10 years ago.

>> No.23286510


Another awful idea from "yet another" woman who thinks everything needs to have a social aspect because they desperately crave attention. Genuinely sick of people who can't just exist without somebody else's permission.

>> No.23286512

Only in worthless countries. I’ve never seen a hobo at the library because there aren’t any. Amazing what a functional society can do.
Libraries aren’t open at night unless there’s some event but you can rent rooms to study or socialize as you please.

>> No.23286513


Why are left-wingers that delusional?

A libary is a place to read or to brough books. Its not aimed for socialicing. Mybe, a public lecture could be a event. But not regulary.

>> No.23286520

Holy shit imagine if they made a library but for sex that was open late at night so, as an introvert, I can fuck late at night every night. What do anons think?

>> No.23286521

In the US. However, that's a symptom of a larger problem entirely unrelated to libraries or public space.
Socialization is not the intended use of a library to begin with and reading a piece of text very often does not go hand in hand with conversation between multiple parties.

>> No.23286537

They should allow me personally to go to libraries at night so I can larp as morgan freeman in se7en

>> No.23286556

So...a coffee shop with books?
Cuz they have those

>> No.23286591

Brilliant idea, I don't think sexually aggressive migrants in Europe have already gangraped women in a library, it would be a first.

>> No.23286626

They've installed some weird blue light in the restroom at my local library. It's supposed to make it difficult to find your veins and thus keep junkies from using the restroom to inject drugs. I wish they would hire a giant nazi or something to keep the immigrant youths away too.

>> No.23286628

Wait do you guys not have this? We have a 24hr library in my city and I just figured that was standard. It really is a good place to meet girls because there are always a bunch of reading groups you are free to join if you are familiar with the book.

>> No.23286632

Who the fuck lives in a city

>> No.23286647

I do. I just said that l.

>> No.23286709

She doesn’t know that 24 hour social places are less social at night even with a lot of attendences.

>> No.23286716

This. All the lonely introverted people could just meet up and have the sex!

>> No.23286723

Billions of people?

>> No.23286845

Checked. FPBP.

>> No.23286868

>it's another episode of woman who can't leave people the fuck alone and always wants to barge in and talk

>> No.23286876

This I can't believe these horny arthoes who wants to sexually force themselves on innocents and introverted literature enthusiasts, I really hope someone will stop these monsters.

>> No.23286885

>Who the hell goes to the library to socialize.

>> No.23286900

Cool so disgusting homeless people will have computers to beat off to at night!

>> No.23286931

It's been tried and turns out that turning libraries into "public places for hanging out" fills them with hobos, niggers and muslim drug dealers in a way that stops normal people who like books from using them. Who would have guessed.

>A man has been detained on suspicion of raping a seven-year-old girl in a toilet at the municipal library in Södertälje near Stockholm on Tuesday afternoon, according to information on a police website.

>> No.23286939

sir this is library

>> No.23286966

Apparently you're too uncultured to know what a sexual emergency is.

>> No.23286973
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Why are you guys so needlessly cynical
>we should never do anything if it seems like something bad could come of it (even if good could come of it too)
You must realize this way of thinking will ruin your life
What's more it's a cowardly position to take, to avoid any risk or difficulty and hide behind "reality" letting it impose its will on you rather than the other way around.
The ones who will leave the world in shambles is you.

>> No.23286979
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you've already left the world in shambles because your ideas are both evil and retarded

>> No.23286982

>you have to accept my retarded ideas otherwise you're just a coward
You're reading too much into opinions about a dumb twitter post.