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File: 5 KB, 200x213, 1697732708503135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23280762 No.23280762 [Reply] [Original]

spoilt victorian child edition

previous >>23277381

>> No.23280794

I want a traditional Christian wife, but I lost my faith and I am too honest with myself and others to pretend otherwise.

Why am I always cursed to be different?

I share Christian moral values to a T, and there is nobody in the secular world who I can ever relate to or be comfortable with, let alone marry. Despite losing my faith over 15 years ago I never strayed away from the same Christian moral life that I was brought up in, so it's not like I'm some stupid 4chan larper pretending to be """trad""" again after whoring myself for a whole decade.

>> No.23280811

That painting looks both too early and too Dutch to be Victorian but on the other hand there's nothing they didn't appropriate

>> No.23280817

Have you tried going to whatever your denomination is and checking if they have singles' nights or some kind of matchmaking function? A church girl isn't just going to fall into your lap.

>> No.23280829

Math really do be just sets of subsets with specific sets equivalent to other sets that can be covered by an amount of specific sets equivalent to another set don't it

>> No.23280832

Okay Cantor fill us in on any other messages from God

>> No.23280840

Being a cultural christian isn't unique or even uncommon. You're hardly the only person to appreciate Christian morals and traditions while remaining skeptical of supernatural explanations and dogma.

>> No.23280841

I'm not even intoxicated right now so I don't know why I felt compelled to type that

>> No.23280845

You're literally me. Maybe we should marry.

>> No.23280846

My problem is, I doubt a Christian girl would be OK with my atheism.
I mean, I even met some lapsed Catholics (my denomination) and even they were uncomfortable with my total lack of faith.

Also wouldn't it be weird if I went to a Church social activity only to later reveal that I'm a non-believer?

>> No.23280855

assume the universe to be a set of all elements and from there it follows

>> No.23280856

What I think makes me a bit unique is that when it comes to living the life, I'm more on point than most believers, even many church goers. I think I have a pretty strong moral compass and I even go out of my way to try to do some good and avoid doing evil.

I will be in Germany for the next four years. You're probably American, aren't you?

>> No.23280875
File: 78 KB, 828x811, 1712411558250538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people don't forgive you after you went to prison and served your sentence, what is prison even for?

>> No.23280885

I'm from Denmark

>> No.23280890

To punish your criminal ass.
Besides, maybe the state forgive you, the people aren't compelled to at all.

>> No.23280904

I’m not really sure what I should do. My first job was at a big Wall Street PE firm and I hated those guys so quit and got a shitty little job teaching and working in admin at a high school in my hometown. I’ve found it to be a lot more meaningful but these people are losers if I’m being totally honest and I’m beyond bored with this life. The kids are frustrating at best and I don’t even get to spend much time with them anymore. I feel like I’ve dug myself in some kind of career grave.

>> No.23280906

Huh, that's not that far way. I'll be in Cologne for my Ph.D. starting next month. Never been to Denmark, but I spent like 5 years in Groningen, which I presume is culturally similiar.

Sort of out of curiosity, but do you want kids? I'd like to have a big families. I hope to be able to afford it after the PhD. My plan is to get hired by one of the big tech companies and later setup my own firm.

>> No.23280914

>I doubt a Christian girl would be OK with my atheism.
They won’t, in all likelihood

>> No.23280931

I'd like a lot but I'm 27, so if we meet fast I could maybe do 3. I don't want to be non-stop pregnant for years or be pregnant past 35

>> No.23280933

then why do you want a christian girl or tradwife at all? if you're an atheist you should be fine with anyone as long as they're not a criminal anyways

>> No.23280955

I'm 31. My cousin had his kid during his last year of his Ph.D and that turned out really well for them. They are both older than me, though.
I think it would be doable, for us.
I also don't want to be 40 with month old kids.
What do you do for work, btw?

Because most non-believers I come across tend to be too hedonistic and don't share the same family values, which to me is very important and the importance of such is not derived from some belief in God.

>> No.23280986

>Because most non-believers I come across tend to be too hedonistic and don't share the same family values, which to me is very important and the importance of such is not derived from some belief in God.
I am pretty sure the importance of such is derived from some belief in God. Can you even articulate the thought without thinking about God or inspire yourself from religious practices? I think fullblown atheists should have no problem with hedonistic tendencies. I mean sure your wife may have fucked 20 or 30 people before but it's not like that makes her unlovable or undesirable. Anyways, maybe I'm wrong, but the mental block you might have with such women is rooted in the idea of purity, and that idea stems from God. Aside from this, on a purely natural standpoint, it'd be easier to raise a kid with multiple men around. That's what elephants do.

>> No.23280989

Gay marriage isn't Christian

>> No.23280994

Typical of catholicism. All vain works, no real faith. You'd fit right in with your Church.

>> No.23280998

To get you off the streets so as to protect everyone else

>> No.23281005


The argument I would make would be one from psychology rather than morality.
Some people are more family oriented than others and some people are just not even capable of being monogamous. Read up on the sociosexual spectrum.
It's not even clear that it is a choice because it seems to be partly genetically driven behaviour.

>> No.23281045

Learned yesterday that someone who I thought had a great and enviable life feels isolated and dissatisfied, and is considering doing something that would more or less destroy every good thing he had going on. Feeling a strange mix of anger at him for not seeing what he has, compassion for him and his struggle, relief that the grass isn't really greener, and just a bit of schadenfreude.

>> No.23281072

big dicks rule the world

>> No.23281076

No, baldies do. Small wonder we're so fucked.

>> No.23281093

left knee hurts

>> No.23281140

My right nut hurts

>> No.23281176

So far nuts. Are you ok?

>> No.23281208

I'm making $2 on dividends.

>> No.23281217

Yeah I have a sperm cyst on my right nut and occasionally it causes discomfort. Used to have an ex who thought rubbing the sperm cyst would be sexy but it was actually just painful

>> No.23281248
File: 597 KB, 1179x840, 1707911788861318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The feeling of being trans is slowly going away for the last couple of days.

But somehow I am sad because I am not trans then?

Make it make sense?

>> No.23281284

>The last performance Haydn attended [of The Creation (German: Die Schöpfung)] was on March 27, 1808, just a year before he died: the aged and ill Haydn was carried in with great honour on an armchair. According to one account, the audience broke into spontaneous applause at the coming of "light" and Haydn, in a typical gesture, weakly pointed upwards and said: "Not from me—everything comes from up there!"


>> No.23281290

>Haydn giving props to the lightning techs behind the scenes
A true man of the people.

>> No.23281296


>> No.23281356

I just want someone to say goodnight to on a daily basis and have them say it back to me (who isn't related to me) Is that too much to ask

>> No.23281361


>> No.23281384

Careful now. If I'm a nigger, and I'm nonetheless a better writer than you, think carefully about what that makes you.

>> No.23281386

What if you start messaging random girls on Instagram and conduct a study to see how many reply back and if they do how long can you maintain a streak for

>> No.23281390

This is what you wanted to be? This creature? This thing which is driven entirely by desire, the capacity for the greater and the higher burnt away entirely?

>> No.23281406

I feel stuck with my shitty life and stuck with my shitty self.

>> No.23281408

no hymen no ring

>> No.23281417

That's it. I'm going into the battle head on. I don't care how many girls ignore me or call me cringe. If they say goodnight back to me it's their loss. My study would be the greatest study ever conducted!

>> No.23281430

>t. incel

>> No.23281434

Why can't I make things...
Everyone says you need to be creative and make things it'll be nice.
But I just can't do it. God what the fuck is the matter with me. I've tried my ass off. But I'm always on the outside looking in for every single art. I can't do this anymore. I'm so exhausted

>> No.23281443

Describes me pretty well. I've totally dive bombed my life. I guess I'm trying to break through the safety net. I'm an old virgin NEET now despite starting life so well. If I have my way then even being a NEET won't be an option. Being. NEET is miserable. I don't understand why anyone would want it or ever want to retire.

>> No.23281457

I'm not consciously atheist but I identify with this. I'm pretty culturally Christian catholic. I've never really done anything bad. But everyone I've met has been so messed up. I don't know what to do. I don't think i could ever meet a woman. The ones in church are too churchyard for me and the ones outside of it are so messed up. I'm a virgin because I chose to be but I think about how I'm going to die without ever feeling love. I feel like I'm just going to have to settle for being taken advantage of or something.
It makes me sad. I can't really express myself very well on this post.

>> No.23281473

Why don't women find funny guys attractive? Are they some sort of sadistic creatures that don't like to laugh?

>> No.23281478 [DELETED] 

I'm seriously thinking of slitting my wrist. I dreamed about it last night and it calmed me down and helped me sleep

>> No.23281497

Hot! Can I drink your blood and keep myself younger for centuries?

>> No.23281500 [DELETED] 


>> No.23281513
File: 24 KB, 680x451, images (45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg! The scent! Yum Yum! I can already taste it! I've been waiting so long for this chance! *Gulp gulp* 20 years younger! I.. I .. can finally hear from my right ear again!

>> No.23281530

They do. Being able to make a girl laugh is a great way to build rapport. They just don't like awkward nervous laughs and class clowns

>> No.23281532


>> No.23281536

Oh fugg I messed up the lyrics

>> No.23281537

I've been totally rudderless as of late. I am an unemployed grad student at a relatively prestigious university. I have a vague desire to be a professor someday and have a decent enough chance of making that happen. Four months ago the only woman I've ever loved left me with little explanation and immediately started seeing someone new. When we met we were both very lonely and mentally unwell, her especially. For years she was the only person I talked to outside of my family and her wellbeing was my main concern. That's not to say I was some selfless paragon of virtue, for all the good I did her there were also things I should have done differently. If I was the man I am now back then perhaps things could've been different, but I only had to change because I realized the relationship was in danger and by then it was too little too late. I got too comfortable, I suppose. Our future together seemed so secure as to be inevitable. I told myself that it would take time but I would learn to be alone again, as I had been before. I told myself that she was the exception, that someone like me should be thankful to have known love at all. But though I've adjusted to my new life a little I'm still as desperately in love with her as I have been since the day we met. I only have to be on campus for classes a few hours a week, and outside of those hours, I spend most of my time walking aimlessly around town, trying to read or write, and languishing in my room. I have a few friends, but we only meet for a few hours a week outside of class, so I'm usually alone with my thoughts. I've been smoking and drinking far more than I used to, usually alone. My future career in academia seems like a distant abstraction, and I can't see my condition changing anytime soon. I don't even seem to be getting numb.

>> No.23281545

At the moment I'm making a video game, 3D animating videos, and writing a novel.
The process is extremely slow because I have to split my time, and I have little to show for it.
But I don't want stop any of them...

>> No.23281551

I'd kill to be you

>> No.23281557

Having divorced parents is the most retarded shit in the world. Both of them have plans for this weekend and have invited me. So now I’m forced to choose at the last minute and no matter what I get to be the fuckin bad guy. Sweet, thanks.

>> No.23281563

Why haven't you written your story?

>> No.23281566

I just can't do it. I'm just not capable

>> No.23281572

guess what? the key is not giving a shit. they're old, retarded, and will think of you in a bad way no matter what you do. revel in it and have some peace. that's what I did. it doesn't even bother me when they're playing the guilt game anymore. godspeed friendo

>> No.23281574

I'm so lonely but I just really don't like being around people

>> No.23281575

>dies alone

>> No.23281578


>> No.23281584

Its not fair that I have to compromise on this

>> No.23281600

They don’t even play the guilt game. They’re both nice and understanding people most of the time. I just do this shit to myself because I’m a headcase. But I hate being forced to make these decisions - I always get anxious that I’m hurting someone’s feelings so I torture myself over it (probably for no real reason).

I think your advice is generally pretty good, by the way, but I’m not there yet.

>> No.23281605


>> No.23281618
File: 257 KB, 600x400, Faustine__They_Tagged_The_Land....Tweed_Court_House__NYC_600_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“What does a Black person look like today in those places where Africans were once sold, a century and a half ago?” asks artist Nona Faustine (born 1977). Using her own body, she interrogates this question in her photographic series White Shoes. More than 40 self-portraits show Faustine standing in sites across New York City, from Harlem to Wall Street to Prospect Park and beyond, that are built upon legacies of enslavement in New York—one of the last Northern states to abolish slavery. On her feet are a pair of sensible white pumps, which speak to the oppressions of colonialism and assimilation imposed on Black and Indigenous peoples locally, nationally, and globally. Otherwise nude, partially covered, or holding props, Faustine is at once vulnerable and commanding, standing in solidarity with ancestors whose bodies and memory form an archive in the land beneath her shoes.


>> No.23281619

I'm too dumb. I can't draw or make music or write.

>> No.23281621

do something else

>> No.23281625

When presented with a seemingly binary choice. Pick the 3rd option.

>> No.23281629

learning german. I'm still shit at it. honestly progress has been slow even with the right learning material. I'd need to study something like 4 hours a day to get good I think but I don't have that kind of time or motivation, so I'm having one or two 30-minute lessons a day. it's depressing. I'm using the assimil method coupled with verbs and grammar books. I'm at lesson 13 which represents, according to the book, about 6.5 but is probably 9 hours of active learning. this method includes listening to stuff on repeat, writing the word, learning the word, how to use it, and writing it somewhere with the correct pronunciation so I can look it up if I ever forget it. it's a slog. I don't know how polyglots do it, and I know two languages (french is my first one, english is my second one) so it should be easier but it's NOT. they say "listen to podcasts or watch series in german!" but the characters speak too fast and I can't understand half of the crap they're saying. most spoken expressions and idioms make no sense and sometimes it feels like they're not even speaking the same german I am learning. I want to bury myself in books for weeks and not come out until I have learned how to read german but I need to work and go out to see my friends. everything is tedious right now.

I'm also heavily dissatisfied with my current job as I don't know about half the stuff I should be using and am afraid people think I am retarded for being slow. maybe I am after all since I can't read a fucking book

>> No.23281634

Women will have to settle for you as well.
Or do you think you're everything a woman would want?
Not every woman who has had sex before is ruined forever.

>> No.23281637

This is probably a smart approach in a lot of cases. But like I said in my other reply, this is a “me” problem. If I pick a third option, I’ll just make myself feel double guilty and won’t end up enjoying the thing I decided to do.

>> No.23281641

Thats not what I'm saying. This would just bother me too much. I don't understand why people take it so negatively. I'm not saying they're ruined or lesser in anyway. I'm simply saying I don't see them as a partner. That's a huge difference.
Why are you judging me? At the end of the day this would bother me just as much if not more than being alone.
I cannot control for what bothers me. I feel I would be doing an injustice to myself.

>> No.23281645

Have you even been close to getting a relationship?
If yes and then you drop them for not being a virgin it's one thing. If no then you really don't know.

>> No.23281649

Define relationship?

>> No.23281652

Me too op, we're like the same people, let's hang out sometimes

>> No.23281655

Why does someone being nice to me annoy me so much

>> No.23281656

Define define

>> No.23281657

>Thats not what I'm saying.
>I don't understand why people take it so negatively.
>Why are you judging me?
Whores don't like being called whores when that's what they are. Don't bother and live your life, anon. Honestly, if you want a virgin that's your choice and you're right for having basic expectations. People in general are retarded and don't understand that you don't have to taste shit to know what shit tastes like. Or that you don't have to waste your virginity with someone you don't see yourself with in a long-term light just to have the right to say "Mm, maybe i want a virgin and a stable marriage after all."

Fuck those guys. And I'm saying this with full knowledge of what a relationship and sex is. I have been in one for five years with a woman I loved and we separated because we didn't want the same things in life. Don't ever listen to niggers telling you to date short-term or date "women with experience", they are retarded.

>> No.23281658

I'm not messing with you here.
I know. Its just exhausting to be attacked constantly for this. People are so judgemental. Leave me alone.

>> No.23281660

Who gives a shit about your insecurities? Get a life. People can still choose to date who they want to date on any criteria they want. If you don't want to date blacks, no one is forcing you to date a black man. If you don't want to date an ugly ass 4channer no one is forcing you to do so. Why should anyone justify themselves for not wanting to date someone who is not a virgin? Get a fucking life and also a hymen

>> No.23281672

I'm damaged goods. Someone with baggage. I've got red flags. Should someone like me have standards this high? Should I demand someone loyal, traditional, pure, when I'm a fucked up degenerate? Probably not.

>> No.23281678

I don't believe anyone who is cool with their partner having had a raucous sex life has ever taken 5 minutes out of their day to imagine it. It's always the whores or the faggots who are afraid of themselves who will screech the loudest. I can't love someone truly who has gotten their brains fucked out. If men are tainted by onanism then women are tainted by experience

>> No.23281681

I'm not the type of guy who wants to do that. I see every relationship as a long term one. That's just how I am. Girls wanted to fuck me in college and I just wasn't interested. I have never met the right girl for me. And I'd rather just keep waiting for her to be honest. I don't understand the point in fucking around with this stuff. I don't understand the profound emphasis people put on this.

>> No.23281682

No they don't. They like chad with motorbike. Even his shit joke is funny but I get nervous laugh. Fuck this world I want to get rich. Money is the only thing that matter anyway

>> No.23281686

Its really not. Money will make you miserable. Trust me.

>> No.23281694

>men are tainted by onanism
What do you mean?

>> No.23281697

Donating to Israel

>> No.23281700

Sex is fucking gross. Adults are nasty and pollute the world. Puberty must cause brain damage in most of the population. I don't understand why people do gross evil shit all the time. I wish I could pop their heads with my rifle. I doubt any brains would come out; knowing them it'd just be cum.

>> No.23281701

>I don't understand the point in fucking around with this stuff. I don't understand the profound emphasis people put on this.
that's just wisdom. and people don't have that. congrats for not being a complete idiot in a world that is going to shit with over the roof abortion and divorce rates

>> No.23281705

what worth is wisdom if you end up dying alone and miserable? people called me both wise and intelligent with a good head on my shoulders all my life. now look at me, im on 4chan, im a NEET, i will never have a family, i can't work any basic job. im too stupid and dumb and "moral" for this world

>> No.23281717

If you don't get no bitches, you're a leper

>> No.23281724

My jokes are objectively better than 75% of the population and there is data to support it

>> No.23281734

>im on 4chan
you've fallen for the bit of trolling. I know a few 4channers in real life and they're all successful and well-integrated. even the one I despise the most has a well-paying job. they're good at pretending they're tards on the internet
>i will never have a family
you don't know that. I'm pretty sure you could fish up someone passable if you tried. that's okay if you don't too. plenty of women are alone in their 40s and will never have a family either, and they're not even NEETs. imagine if they were. luckily we've got dem brains and you can be an amazing uncle or philanthropist or do something unique in the world. as long as that makes you happy
>i can't work any basic job
why is that?
>im too stupid and dumb and "moral" for this world
plenty of stupid people make ends meet. are you sure that's not laziness? it's okay to be lazy, it's not okay to be a parasite to you parents

>> No.23281739

crack a joke then. I'm having a mental breakdown

>> No.23281740

>uncle or philanthropist
id rather die.
no. nobody will hire me for any job. i can't compete in my area. i am objectively worse than those stupid people.

>> No.23281746

There's something noble about being on the outside of something that buckbreaks so many people though. It's like exiting a whole sphere of existence. If you never watch movie ever again starting tomorrow you'll have checked out of a multi billion dollar industry sustained by the energy of millions. Derive a pleasure from renunciation without coping. Good luck

>> No.23281761 [DELETED] 

Isn't me.>>23281681

I don't know if I would call myself wise. But thank you. I'm generally directionless right now. I can't really move on in life. I could go buy a home for myself but it seems pointless. I don't understand these things. I think about starting a foster home some day or some kind of small cafe.

>> No.23281762
File: 53 KB, 612x506, istockphoto-93218155-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cool

>> No.23281770

your mom lol

>> No.23281777

So apparently the roots of voluntaryism go back to the middle ages

>> No.23281778
File: 8 KB, 220x221, pepe-angry-pepe-mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23281782


>> No.23281800

Defective products are destroyed. We should do the same to defective people (such as myself).

>> No.23281801

Thinking about quitting my job to go work on a horse ranch, maybe out West.

>> No.23281819

No, you should seek to externalize, not internalize

>> No.23281828

I am scared that Mia will fuck Samual for revenge and then tape it to me and I am writing it out so it doesn’t happen, and I am scared it’ll happen because of my ocd

>> No.23281837

i am scared that my ocd will manifecture an event where i have yo show it to her and so on and on

>> No.23281841

>having ocd in normie land

>> No.23281842

>Iran and Israel about to duke it out
Well I wanted to live in interesting times

>> No.23281846

you WILL die for Israel

>> No.23281847

I recognized that I am a Titan.

>> No.23281855

>but I lost my faith
You never had it. You were a LARPer, through and through.

Good riddance!

>> No.23281859

I'm not doing it for free, I charge 20$

>> No.23281865

You don’t actually believe that psyop do you?

>> No.23281868

Anyway, these times aren’t interesting. Technology renders pretty much all of it fleeting or stupid. Imagine reading that Julius Caesar defeated Pompey’s legions with drones. Fucking lame.

>> No.23281871

Mass technology should have stopped at radio

>> No.23281877

How many thoreau and sosososhave there been in history
Individuals who just fuck off to the woods and live primitives

>> No.23281885

Instead just be a Christian and watch Jews and Muslims mass murder each other, proving the inferiority of their heathen religions.

>> No.23281889

Christians WILL die for Jews

>> No.23281901

>live primitive
his aunt brought him food and did his laundry, he was only twenty minutes from civilization at all times

>> No.23281904

Alright but thats not my point. Replace his name with someone you like more then

>> No.23281909
File: 236 KB, 1190x1200, 71qlN6SLHhL._SL1200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now playing

>> No.23281919

Looks like the English translation of Zapffe's On the Tragic was released

>> No.23281920

Reminder that if you own a plot of land and are willing to live cheaply, you can get out of the wage cuck race.

>> No.23281927

Your mom will die for my penis!

>> No.23281931

Nice I got some black metal on

People who own land should have to pay a higher tax rate for those that do not!

>> No.23282066

Look up cases of miracles. Most of them are pretty suspect but maybe you could find something to reignite you're faith

>> No.23282069 [DELETED] 
File: 1.73 MB, 6720x4480, Purple Dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The military robot dogs are starting.

>> No.23282070

somehow I developed acid reflux out of nowhere. my main symptom is just constant burps. burps 24/7. I am a healthy young person who doesn't eat junk food or fast food. what gives?

>> No.23282089


>> No.23282095


>> No.23282099

So what is the best volume of Marx to read if I’m only possibly going to read one of them?

>> No.23282115

Remembering the time this girl I liked said something I thought at the time was supposed to be flirting but in retrospect was making fun of me

>> No.23282119

not as mad as damaged goods learning they're damaged goods.

>> No.23282187

Going to meetups to meet people in the hopes of maybe getting friendly enough with people to get myself some kind of work. Indeed just isn't cutting it and I refuse to use LinkedIn for work because it's icky.

What are anons thoughts?

>> No.23282192

You should be more selfish.

>> No.23282197
File: 208 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_1763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t stop buying books

>> No.23282206

Same but idc

>> No.23282208

NTA but what’s a good theological treatise on miracles

>> No.23282210

I'm sure there are nice girls looking for romance out there somewhere but it seems like every girl I've known in real life who didn't end up in a long term relationship by their first year of college ended up becoming a netflix insta Tinder zombie with a double digit body count. I know I'm not exactly the greatest catch in the world but I just can't bring myself to pursue someone like that.

>> No.23282222
File: 55 KB, 933x933, 1712263260587600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw someone post this image on /lit/ like a week ago and it's one of my favorite internet images of all-time, i can't get enough of it!

we know that feel, anon. it's tough out there. i've gone the 'hold out and be selective' route myself and it's for sure lonely at times.

>> No.23282235

I tried out apps but it made me depressed. I couldn't like any profiles. Even with that there were people interested in me. But MAN did I not like talking to any of those girls. I just stopped responding to them. Maybe its stupid to be picky when I'm nearly 30 and a virgin but I would hate myself more if I just went with someone to not be alone.

>> No.23282266

The degree to which I've degenerated over the last 3 years is insane. I went from a normal-ish dude to a full blown sexually deranged creature. It's hard to believe how far I've gone. If there's any fucked up perverted thing a dude can do by himself in his bedroom I've probably done it.
Of course I still think of myself as a normal or relatively pure person, someone who temporarily strayed from the path but who will be right back on the way, but it's illogical. I'm practically a citizen of Gomorrah despite technically still being a virgin.

>> No.23282312

Why does this moment stand out to you?

>> No.23282349

There are definitely women who are well past their first year of college and don’t have a double digit body count. I personally know multiple women between the ages of 22-27 who have never had sex. 4chan has distorted your perspective on this.

>> No.23282355

I know this is objectively true. I am not some special outlier person. I know that the same kind of person can happen but with a flipped gender where they just get involved with their friends and school pipeline and then they graduate and their life is pretty shutin and insolated from any socializing. All that stuff is possible. Theres no reason for me to be special.
But I just don't think there's any chance we can meet eachother

>> No.23282369

Gotta put yourself out there, as well as approach women in public.

>> No.23282374

If anon is approaching women in public at least tell him when to recognize he’s being a creep and harassing

>> No.23282384

I want the mother of my kids to be significantly more intelligent than me, I’m not retarded but I’m nothing special. I read a lot. Idk. What do high IQ women look for in their men? Cis gender replies only

>> No.23282385


Unfortunately that's something only anon himself can really be the judge of, as it's hard to give any advice specific and detailed enough to be useful, as the gist of it all really boils down to 'is she showing interest back?' So I suppose all I can offer is try and ask them out and/or for their # soon enough to where the risk of lingering on into 'creep' territory is mitigated.

>> No.23282387

Muscles, money, and a big dick

>> No.23282388
File: 12 KB, 398x228, 124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out somebody else wrote the novel I've been working on for nearly a year, and he did 80 years ago. It's the exact same topic with a very similar treatment.

>> No.23282389

Yeah but they're a hack and you're not. Go get 'em, anon!

>> No.23282391

I’ve got all three and no dice, what am I lacking?

>> No.23282393

But the woman I want to meet are not in public.

>> No.23282396


>> No.23282398

They do not go outside. The ones that do are not people I want to talk to. I think thats just my shithole city though.

>> No.23282402

Then how do you know they exist if you never see them?

>> No.23282406

Well I don't know anon. I am only hoping. Because the people I meet outside I really really do not want to be around

>> No.23282423

Do you even want a girl or you just think you do? Like you like the idea of it similar to how many here like the idea of reading but don’t read. There are major downsides to dating and you won’t like them. There are obviously good parts too. I always hate seeing these guys on /lit/ who fall in love with some idealized imagery girl, and not in the Beatrice courtly love type of way. Those guys are in for a rude awakening if they start dating. Relationships aren’t easy. Best thing I can say is you’ll get a girl when you’re ripe and ready

>> No.23282427

Thats not really my problem here.

>> No.23282435

update : I went through the first two pages of the metamorphosis. I had to look up 90% of the words I read. that brings me back to when I was a kid and started reading machine translations of japanese novels. one page is in german and the opposite one is written in french. I'm using google traduction for every word, and I am checking the context afterwards with the french page. I will buy a dictionary tomorrow. I reckon I will need to learn about 2000 words to feel at relative ease with the language. Two books should be enough to get to 500 words at least. after those two I will read some neat full german book series about time travel. supposedly it's about someone guy chased down by secret services for stuff he hasn't done yet. I've rarely heard of german KU original stuff so I am quite excited. One of the props of learning new languages is that you can read new popular stuff that hasn't broken through country barriers yet. I won't be able to brag to anyone but /lit/ about that shit, but imagine the amount of stuff you will never hear about in your life! and now you get to maybe be a fan of a rando that doesn't even speak english lol internet is amazing

>> No.23282436

I don't think there's ever going to be a US-China war. There's no way they think they could win. They haven't even fought in a war since 1979.

>> No.23282485

I just watched The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and RRR back to back.
Both of these took some place during India's colonial era yet romanticizes different aspects of it. One looks at it through the more oriental lens with a mystical twist to it. While the other, sees it through a more patriotic way against the British raj.

>> No.23282528

Bro I'm so excited to see Civil War. I'm gonna bring my pseudo gf who is really just an Asian woman who wants a green card to come see it with me

>> No.23282539

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It is not hard to believe in God if you can believe in love. God is love as it is written. If you can believe in love you can believe in God, and through faith, Christ and the miracle of the resurrection.

>> No.23282559
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Can a woman dress in anything sexier? All the women wear one in Wong Kar-Wai's movie In the Mood for Love and I swear I was drooling on myself the entire time.

>> No.23282560

Ever since I cut back on coffee my digestive health has gotten better. I used to have one explosive horrible shit every morning with my coffee. Now I have two solid shits a day. Crazy what happened. I've been shitting like that for years and then I got really sick and couldn't stomach coffee for a week. My gut recovered in that time. Feels bad man. I love coffee. I'm gonna miss drinking coffee all day

>> No.23282648 [DELETED] 
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I'm the nicest girl in the world. You can feel my hands and hips and chest and tongue and fur.

>> No.23282680

I'm torn between being a generalist and a specialist.

>> No.23282688

"Used to" can be used to mean something in the past but has finished before now, and you'll get used to it.

used to— FUCKING SHIT.

>> No.23282703

Idiots are useful for understanding the truth. It's just the opposite of what they say.

>> No.23282707

The Nicene creed is the dumbest tradition in the history of humanity, and you are, for all intents and purposes, one and the same with Jews.

>> No.23282714

No book on persuasion must be good considering not one has ever persuaded me to read it.

>> No.23282812

I fear my fiction is of execrable quality, I should have started writing at 14.
Can any of you please reccommend some good low to mid level 19th-20th century authors with good flow and prose?
I've already read a little bit of Conrad but I feel like that just went through my head without any effect. I must reread him. And also, is his early bibliography any good?

>> No.23282813

Just like your mother

>> No.23282816

>diagnosis: yellow fever
>prognosis: terminal

>> No.23282857

>Thought he was a good writer
>He was actually imitating Nietzsche's style in translation

>> No.23282867

I forgot

>> No.23282921

Are hate and love truly intertwined?

>> No.23282934

No that's called mental illness

>> No.23282954
File: 22 KB, 670x458, images (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be the force against early onset alzheimer's, take your medications you shall

>> No.23282983


>> No.23283003

Because its not healthy. Whichever where you love/hate its not going to work out. Cut your losses now and don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.23283023

>Disadvantaged people are mentally ill if they don't subscribe to the developed western rhetoric I've already heavily invested in. Ok faggot, keep using your catchall terms appease to their morality

>> No.23283053

When did I mention disadvantaged people?

>> No.23283054

>furious obsessed thirdie can't even get xer greentext right

>> No.23283056

I wish my room had space for a desk. Every time I use my laptop, I havo to put it on a chair in front of the chair I'm sitting on, forcing me to adopt a very uncomfortable posture.

>> No.23283083

Im never enough.

>> No.23283088

Who put that idea in your head

>> No.23283089

>wHeN DiD i MeNtIoN dIsAdVaNtAgEd PeOpLe
You know what you're doing bro and it doesn't stem from a place of genuine spiritual concern for the well being of the entire universe. You just want to seem smart to your superiors because that'll get you the most neetbux, there is no comradre

>> No.23283094

It was put by the lack of experiences and things.

>> No.23283097

No I'm concerned for some fucking idiot who is in the shoes I was in a year ago. If your in a lobe/hate relationship get out its that simple. What does the universe have to do with it.
And also I work agency work its not the best but I'm no neet

>> No.23283098

If that wasn't the case then you'd let people speak for themselves
>but what if they mess up their speech and something and become a laughing stock for my superiors
They think then they should behave in a certain way which will please the big guy or they are cooked

>> No.23283111

Objectively I know there are. There's hundreds of millions of women in my country so of course not all of them are like I described. It's just that I very rarely actually meet anyone in real life who hasn't participated in the dating app casual sex carousel, male or female, and the few times I've met a girl who hadn't she was either already seeing someone or very clearly not interested.

>> No.23283127

A higher power will punish the both of us when the time is right.

>> No.23283129

To add one more thing and not to prematurely psychoanalyse too much - the way intelligence works is you need the apparatus test out your theories. When I meant disadvantaged I was hinting that some people don't have the apparatus and never fully reach their potential intelligence level and get mocked out of the universal human race and get disheartened

>> No.23283137

Can you explain this to me as if I am retarded. Emphasis on I am retarded.

>> No.23283141

Like what if the apparatus is some part of a human brain and you don't have it

>> No.23283146

Don't submit to the punishment. Ask questions as to why you're being punished and cleverly diffuse the situation or scury out of it

>> No.23283150

What does that have to do with reachinb my "full intelligence level" or whatever.

>> No.23283163

Women are like the lying gender, aren't they?
They are literally never honest about anything.
I understand why they do it, but it is still annoying to deal with.

>> No.23283211
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The first thing: you aren't as Christian as you think they are. The second: the "traditional Christian wife" is a fantasy. Not that you can't find a Christian woman: that isn't difficult. But that a woman in and of her self is going to be the perfect, caring, nurturing mother/wife you have in mind, ready and waiting for you to enter her life. As Christians we know woman are the weaker sex. And, as it relates to a relationship, based on the doctrine of Christianity, we know she can't be anything approaching a true Christian wife until you are a true Christian man first. The man always supercede's the wife in the relationship, not the other way around. It's why the man is the head controling the body. Your failure to understand this crucial concept to our Christian faith is precisely why you have not found a Christian woman yet. If you were the true Christian man you think you are, woman with even an inkling of faith would be flocking to be with you, unironically. It is engrained in woman's nature to seek out a man of faith by pure instinct.

One of my best friends recently got married. When he met his now wife, she was a bleeding heart liberal, and he turned her into a trad Christian gf and now wife in the course of a couple weeks. Not by any rhetoric and theology persuaded, but by his nature as a man, how he carried himself and treated others, how he held Christ in his heart, he essentially transformed her by his mear ontology. Is he perfect? No, but his recognition of his inperfections is what made him Christian.

This is what most of you lack, and why most of you are still single: you are so caught up in your head with theory and the abstract that you fail to implement any of it in your own life in any real and sincere way. The point of theory and theology is to eventually lose the theory, and have it become a living, breathing reality. Not to stay stuck on the thoughts and stuck in the abstract.

Milton really was right in the first book of Paradise Lost when he describes a section of hell with demon's debating and arguing over philosophy and the abstract. It sounds a lot like 4chan and /lit/.

>> No.23283218

they can't not be. imagine being as weak as a fly and having to deal with people who have the potential of 100% ending your life on a daily basis. one wrong word to an insane person and you're gone. even as an honest guy I'd be fucking terrified and overprepared for every situation. at least as men we can fight back or even the ground long enough to find a weapon or escape. single women who think they are the shit are very lucky to have modern society

>> No.23283220

>women are like the lying gender, aren't they?
No more or less so than men are, in my experience.

>> No.23283227

Eating and showering take out all of my vital energy. If I dare to do one of these things, I will be left with no energy nor motivation for hours at a time, in that time period I will be nothing more than a real human bean that cannot even manage to get up by itself.

>> No.23283232

You sound extremely depressed

>> No.23283236

I'm the same as you. have you tried maybe opening up the windows

>> No.23283240

Do mothers actually love their first-borns the most?

>> No.23283247

Look, I get the general gist of what you are saying. I have witnessed it myself: women metamorphosing to fit the man they are dating.

But, I don't want no woman with a past. That shit is fucked.

>> No.23283255
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>But, I don't want no woman with a past. That shit is fucked.
Pure cope and delusion. And you don't have a past? lmao. You are going to be alone forever. You aren't Christian at all.

>women metamorphosing to fit the man they are dating.

That's not what I'm saying. That isn't Christianity or Christian marraige. You use biological language and miss the spiritual reality that a relationship between man and woman is. Animals have a biological relationship. Humans have a spiritual one. Man and Woman become one life together when they choose eachother. No one is 'metamorphosing' to the other. They become something different entirely.

You're just very confused. You say you get the 'gist' of what I'm saying but your reply tells me you don't understand at all.

>> No.23283263

I have been drinking coffee for years on end and my shits have always been solid. Maybe you just have a horrible diet outside of coffee?

>> No.23283270

>he turned her into a trad Christian gf and now wife in the course of a couple weeks
Lol man how do you expect people to believe this obvious fantasy

>> No.23283274

Isn't it all very convenient that whenever Israel needs some more Muslim hate in the West, ISIS magically springs to action and sends one of their secret cells on a stabbing spree?

>> No.23283284

It makes me sad interacting with anons here. It reminds me why I never come to this site. So many of you are lost and confused, I try to have hope that maybe one day you will understand and that maybe one day I can reach the person behind the screen and have them see a better life is possible, but I think I'm just going to stop. It isn't worth my time or energy when you all refuse to look in the mirror and make the change for the better.

>> No.23283288

There is no romantic/sexual experience a woman can have that I can ever see in a positive light:

1. If she got pumped and dumped and hates the guy, then I think that she's got low inhibition, low standards and got played.

2. If she got pumped and dumped and she still obsesses over the guy, then she probably thinks she's settling for me.

3. If she left him on good terms for some other reason, then she doesn't prioritize family that much.

4. If she had one very long relationship and they broke up, then I would never feel secure cause even after many years she might break up.

I could go on.

>> No.23283290

You're depressed irl and paranoid

>> No.23283296

Hes literally me then.

>> No.23283297

Not denying it, but I never met any girls who didn't have fucked up histories.

>> No.23283299

yeah because you don't have a fucked up history either or anything, I'm sure. 4/chuds/ really are a pathetic batch of losers.

>> No.23283310

Buying a dictionary might not help you too much. Usually in my experience digital/pop-up dictionaries are better, since they can get you to the information you seek a lot faster. Also, for vocabulary you might want to try Anki. Used the right way by the right man it can help a lot, though obviously there are some people who just aren't good at or really dislike rote memorization, in which case it's better to not bother with Anki at all.
Why the fuck WOULD he have a fucked up history, retard? What reason is there for you to assume that he has one?

>> No.23283313

based on my experience, yes. I'm the last one. my parents both didn't give a shit about me until I got older (18-25) and absolutely loved the heck out of my oldest brother. by the time I realized how different things were I had become independent and had moved away so I didn't even care. you don't know how much a crutch costs until you need it. we only call each other when we need something, which means almost never since I won't ask for stuff and they won't ask me for stuff (guilt). I didn't know families were supposed to be close like in movies and series until I had my first girlfriend and saw how her parents treated her. that's just how life is, am I right?

>> No.23283314

My life is great man, I'm married with kids and I didn't need to brainwash a liberal girl with my Chad Christian aura like your friend allegedly did. Like I said, it's the fantasy that so many seem to have: you bend some woman to your will without even having to do anything, she just sees how obviously right you are and flips.

>> No.23283317

What was your oldest brother like?

>> No.23283342
File: 696 KB, 1365x568, MRsshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't need to brainwash a liberal girl with my Chad Christian aura like your friend allegedly did
No need to condescend and mock. Just sharing an example. That was a smaller part of the greater, overall point I was trying to make, which is men need to stop looking for the perfect girl and start trying to be the perfect man instead, and the first step in that process is accepting the fact that we aren't perfect, and no one is. If you want to get caught up on one small example and miss the overall point I was trying to make in the process, that's on you

>Like I said, it's the fantasy that so many seem to have: you bend some woman to your will without even having to do anything, she just sees how obviously right you are and flips.

but I don't think it's fantasy. Others have testified to seeing it in their own life and others. I have seen it in my own life when I have dated very far left women and in the matter of a couple weeks, through casual conversation and spending time together, they become far more neutral in their political and theological leanings, if not outright Christian. Most women, nay, most people in the states were raised Christian to some degree. All Christians believe everyone is 'Christian' whether they realize it or not. It is not farfetched to imagine a woman quickly coming to terms with her own faith by virtue of being in a relationship with a man who has a strong conviction in his faith. In a way, that is unironically what happens. Women will always follow the mans lead. Surely your own marraige has taught you that in some regard?

>> No.23283346

>What was your oldest brother like?
he was smart, funny, caring and polite and became a successful engineer. now he's married with a great wife and has a kid. I'm happy for him. he didn't have the easiest life even if he was loved by my parents. he's still alive but we don't see each other that much. the closest description overall that I can give is that he has the kind of aura that makes you want to lend him money and trust him even though you barely know each other. hat was yours like?

>> No.23283348

>Why the fuck WOULD he have a fucked up history, retard? What reason is there for you to assume that he has one?
Everyone has a fucked up history. To think otherwise is delusion.

>> No.23283353

Sheltered kid logic

>> No.23283355

in what way?

>> No.23283373

Im the oldest one but a complete fuckup. My younger brother is a very successful person but it seems like mom speaks different "tones" to us.

>> No.23283379

>it seems like mom speaks different "tones" to us.
Of course she would, you're different people. I don't speak the same way to two different people, and I imagine I would speak differently with my children if I had any. I know my parents spoke differently with me and my brothers and sisters.

>> No.23283380

What its like to grow in a big family?

>> No.23283382


People are fucked up in different ways, some by their own doing and some by the cards they are dealt.
I personally have always lived a straight edge life. I got drunk once in my entire life. I rejected sex a bunch of times with girls who were trying to get laid for the night. I never did drugs or any of that nonsense.
I have enough drama in my life through illness in my immediate family.

When I meet a girl who basically admits that she drove her ex to commit suicide and that she had been to therapy for 7 years over it, that's a bit much for me. Or maybe I should tell you about the other girl who I met who broke off her five year long relationship because she met another guy she liked and she wanted to be with both simultaneously.

>> No.23283391

crazy. my parents worked odd hours so we were either home alone a lot or at my nana's. had great parents though.

>> No.23283416

Apparently my conversation is "too logical" and too much of an exchange of facts rather than genuine conversation
Are there any books I can use as a basis for how people talk normally to improve myself?

>> No.23283424

>I see my conversational style as too logical but what would you recommend for me to become even more logical.

>> No.23283430

I guess I agree with your broader point. Live your ideals as much as you can and you will attract like-minded people. But I call your example a fantasy because it's something I see pushed by a lot of "trad influencer" types, especially the women in that scene. It's always "I was a girlboss until my husband showed me the way." Regardless of how true their particular story is, they're in the business of selling a lifestyle. I'm naturally skeptical of people like that and approach anyone spreading those sort of ideas with caution. My wife and I already agreed on the important stuff. I don't think we would have ended up together if that wasn't the case.

>> No.23283435

Not everything has to be an exercise and display of pure reason, and the more logical a man is, the better he knows this. Sounds to me, that you are not as logical as you think you are.

>> No.23283443

I don't have social media so I didn't know people like that existed. It's not suprising people like that exist on social media, but social media is full of people perpetuating certain lifestyles as a business or brand. I would suggest you stay off social media (which is actually a fantasy) and spend more time in the real world. Because whether you realize it or not you are still missing my point.

>> No.23283450

I should also add:
>I guess I agree with your broader point.
My point is not broad, it is entirely specific to Christian theology.
>Live your ideals as much as you can and you will attract like-minded people.
That isn't what I'm saying at all. You still fail to understand. Again, I am speaking purely from a Christian theological perspective. I am not talking about ideals, but rather a reality that Christians believe to be the foundation of the relationship between man and woman. It is clear to me you aren't a practicing Christian like the person I was replying to was (or is trying to be), so frankly, what I have to say on the matter doesn't pertain to you at all. You'd be better off disregarding it entirely than trying to re-interpret it to fit your own worldview.

>> No.23283462

Asking here cuz I think recommendation threads are a blemish on this board..

I'm getting tired of modernist and postmodernists things. Any recommendations for stories heavily based in myth and history like the Iliad? I've read the Iliad, and the epic of Gilgamesh and I own a copy of Beowulf in old English that i havent touched yet.

>> No.23283469

I may just read Greek plays.. I just want a good story. I don't want to analyze too hard or read annotations or understand references to other bodies of literature or engage with newer narrative techniques. Any good Greek/roman plays, poems or whatever

>> No.23283488

read Shakespeare. Few playwrites have his masterly representation of character, import and facility of language, and moments of true sublimity.

>> No.23283496

Ok in that case I will revert to being dismissive and condescending, I wish you all the best in trying to convert your lib gf into a tradwife but if you think someone so easily swayed will not turn again to whatever seems appealing or convenient in the moment then you are a complete fool

>> No.23283501

Okay thanks anon, I will. I (probably stupidly) avoid reading the Greeks as I know prose and meter don't translate well into English.
I'll read some Shakespeare, probably some middle English/old English and maybe translated Greeks. I think latin may be easy enough to pick up for myself so I may read some original latin.

>> No.23283502

Sluttiness is mostly biological, anyway.

>> No.23283510
File: 458 KB, 659x642, 1702237717495969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading some right wing blog. It seems the author hates diversity, individualism, conformity, forced equality, totalitarianism, mediocrity, race mixing, low iq people, socialism, boomers, abrahamic religions and democracy.

>> No.23283540

Reading some lefty blog it's clearly written on the computer but the author hates white people

>> No.23283557

how so?

>> No.23283559

reading a centrist blog, have to admit, this is epic and based

>> No.23283564

How do you feel when someone offends you? Do you offend too?
Today after a very hard discussion with my family I realize it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, people aren't interested in that. They live in their own world and in their own true, so no one gives a shit about a suppose real reason. My real conclusion is you don't really need to be angry about what people can think of you. You know who you are, right? And if you do believe in Jesus, Allah or whatever religion do you have, they know too. A very common experience right? But I think most of us don't really take it seriously. So relax. Accept that and live your life. You're better than that

>> No.23283650

Science. Personalities are to a great extent genetically predetermined.

>> No.23283669

Herodotus or Flaubert 's Temptations of St. Anthony. I have no idea why Herodotus isn't part of the meme canon, you'd think the race realists would have discovered him by now

>> No.23283677

all girls are sluts with they men they find attractive

>> No.23283695


>> No.23283702

...ugly /lit/cels, our retort?

>> No.23283707

not really

>> No.23283708

Women are all form and no substance, men are all substance and no form.

>> No.23283711

There is no such thing as 'Science' as a pronoun. There are only the sciences, each one in a rapid state of change, and each one often contradictory with one another. The science of geneology or genetics does not and cannot determine personality, seeing that personality is an abstract concept.

>> No.23283727

Read up on sociosexuality and come back to me.

>> No.23283739

Nepotism is based and something which should be preserved for centuries to come. It could be a replacement for the bottleneck hitler created with his ethnostate spergout

>> No.23283756


>> No.23283770

read more books

>> No.23283774

If it wasn't for art, especially literature, I would just become a full-on meth and fent addict and keep using nonstop until I died.

>> No.23283790

I would just kms if it wasn't for art, it's the only thing left in this world that nourishes the soul.

>> No.23283808

Definitely not the only thing. Any sort of labor or physical exertion is soul nourishing. So is companionship, and most tasks. Tons of things nourish the soul, now that I think about it. Existence in general nourishes the soul so long as you are not languishing idly by, which many anon's are.

>> No.23283815

I love long hair on girls so much it's unreal. It's literally the most attractive feature they can have.

>> No.23283816

You get me. If it ever comes to that though, before you kill yourself, come join me and try out some hard drugs.

All of that is true but art is the only thing that nourishes the soul in high enough measure to justify life. Maybe I'm biased though because I let the love of my life get away.

>> No.23283827

>All of that is true but art is the only thing that nourishes the soul in high enough measure to justify life.
Well I define art as "the expression of the human condition" and in a cosmic enough sense, literally everything we do is an expression of the human condition, so I also believe literally everything we do justifies life. So in general I think we agree with eachother.

>> No.23283836

I disagree! I love when a girl has no hair and a beard! Most feminine women are sluts anyways. Only an ugly girl (not to me) can fill the void in my body where a soul should be

>> No.23283845

>/lit/cel attempts humor

>> No.23283853

so many incels itt it's crazy

>> No.23283857
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>> No.23283859

first time here? These threads might as well be called "/lit/cel general- the cute barista said 'hi' to me edition"

>> No.23283860

rude, did you not see the 'pls no bully' sign when you entered the thread?

>> No.23283864

I unironically come to these threads just to bully ignorant, egotistical, delusional, weak willed /lit/cels

>> No.23283869

i will not be gay for pay
i will not be masquerade

>> No.23283873


>> No.23283875

well, yknow... s-stop N-NOW!

>> No.23283882
File: 21 KB, 452x678, images (53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy that bullies the bully. Prepare to say sorry to everyone you've ever hurt or die

>> No.23283884

Shut up faggot, I'd beat your ass into the ground if I saw you IRL

>> No.23283892

I'm doing so much better. So many things in my life are good right now. <3

>> No.23283895

Don't you have another thirdrate/loweffort movie which no one's ever going to watch to star in? Or perhaps make another app which gets rid of the middleman for something obscure like a parcel delivery service?

>> No.23283897

kek now that's a hella specific insult

Glad to hear, anon! Happy for you!

>> No.23283902

I'm a /lit/cel and I come here to get bullied, I used to fight back and bitch and move goalposts when anons were trying to help me but I realize it was just to avoid the reality. So now I come here to get bullied and I'll probably kms soon.

>> No.23283905

Im going to fuck your ass

>> No.23283912

Nobody cares faggot I'll kill you myself if I ever saw you enter my sight

>> No.23283915

>when /lit/cels snap
Many such cases

>> No.23283921

It's all in good fun... I assume.

>> No.23283922

I just found out I can't read Latin. It's like a different language to me.

>> No.23283924


>> No.23283931

Is that like a Norm Macdonald or Mitch Hedberg line or something?

>> No.23283939

Who asked you? Go about your business before I ask my dad to call the cops on you

>> No.23283970

I'm a /lit/cel

>> No.23283984

It feels like political science has become a study of how to best avoid the discussion of real politics rather than being the study of the political.

>> No.23283989

I get what you're getting at but how so?

>> No.23284029

World would be so much better if women didn't exist. Think about it, the problem of rape would be solved. Especially white women. The entire earth would be better off instead of just a portion of the population

>> No.23284044

The world would be better if there were proportionally more women then men.

>> No.23284051

lol, lmao

>> No.23284090

>thinks women don't lie about their bodycounts
I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.23284098

I have a fetish for girls who are attracted. It's a common one, I think.

>> No.23284105

I should clarify that I meant magnetic, not "attractive."

>> No.23284109

Okay, that just makes it hard to understand what you mean in a different way, lol.

>> No.23284145

it's not the world's fault that you have zero success with women, some men actually enjoy their company and presence

>> No.23284167

terrifying furby evolution

>> No.23284180

>Enjoying a woman's presence
Simp harder dude I'm pretty sure some of them on the board are comming out of the woods to increase their presence after reading that

>> No.23284184
File: 330 KB, 799x1209, 800px-Three_human_skulls,_study_for_ Democritus_in_Meditation _MET_DP836195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when death is real

>> No.23284193

mmm this niceboi kinda cute

>> No.23284205

suit yourselves virgins

>> No.23284232

All these beta fags repel me too. I love you anon please marry me and have my children and let's go back into wood where i came from, I baked you cookies

>> No.23284244

In your face faggot

>> No.23284255

Can't be. Coffee is the only variable I changed

>> No.23284259

Past couple days I've been singing 'animu, animu; does whatever animu does' over and over to myself, it's devilishly catchy.

>> No.23284314

Goodnight anons, time for me to go learn french for a while before going to sleep in duo lingo to one day read the book another anon posted 100 days of Sodom in native language. See you guys tomorrow, or I'll keep popping by in between if I got bored, take care guys. I love you all

>> No.23284409

What made you lose your faith?

Fire away, I'm sure I've read an answer to, and can explain away, whatever obstacle you have

>> No.23284447

There's a new thread up

>> No.23285500

>higher tax rate for owning land even though you are using it to reside only
Are you one of those people who believe that giving the government more money will somehow make things better for the people it takes the money from?