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/lit/ - Literature

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23158218 No.23158218 [Reply] [Original]

I used to read only eastern european science fiction and PKD. what im in for with pic rel? What else would you recommend from western sci fi

>> No.23158522

it's okay but not great
read 2001 and CS Lewis's space trilogy instead

>> No.23158565

You're in for the End of Evangelion but in the 60s, evolution of humanity, biblical imagery etc. I enjoyed it, but it has been quite awhile since I read it.

>> No.23158592

>only eastern european science fiction
So, three authors?
There's so many from England alone I wouldn't know where to begin. Read War of the Worlds, i guess.

>> No.23158734

The author's pedo fantasies

>> No.23158804

I liked the Rama books when I was a kid, but that was a long time ago. Where should I start with Clarke now? I'm particularly interested in Biblical allusions and themes.

>> No.23158897

>So, three authors?
Your ignorance ia showing.

Thank you all for replies. What abour Vernon Vinge?

>> No.23158916

Oh yeah i liked Zelanzny as a kid too

>> No.23158940
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Interesting concept with a mediocre to shit execution. From my recollection the middle third is particularly bad.

>What else would you recommend from western sci fi
Do you want interesting scifi-y ideas or good writing? Because you're not getting both.

>> No.23159092

Ideas mostly

>> No.23159191

The Inverted World
The City & The City
Lord of Light
Altered Carbon

>> No.23159281

I'm not going to feel bad about not knowing of Boris Gormlazov, the chances of such a person being better than Lem or Strugatsky are miniscule

>> No.23159291

Mishima liked it

>> No.23159453

I really liked it
but I agree with this

>> No.23160638

one of my favorite books unironicallo

>> No.23160675

>CS Lewis's space trilogy instead
Kek, this is a joke, right?
A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay

>> No.23160882


>> No.23160906

Not a joke. It's unironically very good.

>> No.23160947

It's an interesting book but the ending wasn't written very well. Maybe it was more interesting decades ago.

Why do you think it's a joke?

I've only read the first book so far anon and I found the plot to be tedious. And the second book is similar, so far. It's literally just Ransom walking around and describing an alien landscape for most of it.

But the theological/philosophical bits between the pages and pages of walking simulator book are interesting enough for me to keep reading.

>> No.23161034

What's Clarke's most theological book?

>> No.23161083

The Stars My Destination - Alfred Bester
A Canticle for Liebowitz - Walter Miller
Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein

Book of the New Sun is also /lit/core for good reason. An anon recommended me Space Viking a year or two ago and that was a good read.