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/lit/ - Literature

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23147086 No.23147086 [Reply] [Original]

>went to one of the most prestigious universities
>war physician
I fully believe that literature took a nosedive because instead of people like those making books, we have, well, regular people...

>> No.23147091

i am fully convinced you are the living embodiment of the appeal to authority fallacy

>> No.23147132

>le authority fallacy
Not everything an expert says it's true or better, but the probably of it being true is 1.000.000x of a random people blabbing, and I say that as a someone who already wrote a book.
Retards like me having books out there isn't uncommon, just spend a long time editing or pay for it and even a brain dead guy can make a book nowadays.

>> No.23147199

> I say that as a someone who already wrote a book.
>Retards like me having books out there isn't uncommon
>brain dead guy can make a book nowadays
Oh so you just hate yourself because you think your books are shitty, moreover most likely because you have nothing but that book as your main accomplishmet and compare yourself to someone who did more than just write a singel book; resulting in envy and inadequacy

>> No.23147292

It's true that the educated elite and the aristocracy have historically been the gatekeepers of literature, and given that we got the Western Canon out of it, I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

Sure, some commie will tell you that the common folk need to have their voices heard, too, but what exactly do they have to say? And is it worth listening to?

I mean, think about the typical working-class artist. Bukowski comes immediately to mind. Are you really going to pit him against somebody like Dante or Milton and think he comes out looking better?

>> No.23147309

Doyle was not a very good writer, solid story teller and entertaining but that is about it.

>> No.23147325

>I mean, think about the typical working-class artist. Bukowski comes immediately to mind. Are you really going to pit him against somebody like Dante or Milton and think he comes out looking better?
kek never thought of that but you are 100% on the money

>> No.23147330

1800s authors are just a different breed of person

>> No.23147352 [DELETED] 

> It's true that the educated elite and the aristocracy have historically been the gatekeepers of literature, and given that we got the Western Canon out of it, I'm not sure that's a bad thing
Aristocracy doesn’t exist anymore.
> Sure, some commie will tell you that the common folk need to have their voices heard, too, but what exactly do they have to say? And is it worth listening to?
In the modern day, I’d rather read something by some poorfag than by some richfag. Have you listen to richfags lately? They’re not cultured like in the past.
> I mean, think about the typical working-class artist. Bukowski comes immediately to mind. Are you really going to pit him against somebody like Dante or Milton and think he comes out looking better?
I can cherrypick too. You’re comparing a modern hack to legendary/canonical writers of the past. You think this is an honest comparison?

>> No.23147360

I agree, but these days people like what you describe are actually even more retarded than the average man, somehow. Also >>23147352
>Aristocracy doesn’t exist anymore.

>> No.23147365 [SPOILER] 

> It's true that the educated elite and the aristocracy have historically been the gatekeepers of literature, and given that we got the Western Canon out of it, I'm not sure that's a bad thing
Aristocracy doesn’t exist anymore.
> Sure, some commie will tell you that the common folk need to have their voices heard, too, but what exactly do they have to say? And is it worth listening to?
In the modern day, I’d rather read something by some poorfag than by some richfag. Have you listened to richfags lately? They’re not cultured or well read like in the past.
> I mean, think about the typical working-class artist. Bukowski comes immediately to mind. Are you really going to pit him against somebody like Dante or Milton and think he comes out looking better?
I can cherrypick too. You’re comparing a modern hack to legendary/canonical writers of the past. You think this is an honest comparison?

>> No.23147381
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When do you think this nosedive happened? Because late into the 20th century "average", albeit well-educated, people were still producing world class literature. The state of modern literature can be attributed to seriously a million unique things, I doubt an ordinary person writing his musings has contributed to its decline in any noticeable degree.

>> No.23147409

The Internet was the turning point I think, like it was for many other societal issues

>> No.23147429
File: 25 KB, 680x383, 632092043ad50c112f94b25d802c0198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooooo don't invent the printing machine, if everyone can write then that's not real literature!!!
>nooooooo don't invent voice recorders, if everyone can sing then that's not real music!!!
>nooooooo don't invent digital photographic cameras, if everyone can take photos then that's not real photography!!!
>nooooooo don't invent digital video recorders, if everyone can record things then that's not real cinema!!!
>nooooooo don't invent open source game engines, if everyone can make games then that's not real video game design!!!
>nooooooo don't invent generative AI, if everyone can make drawings then that's not real art!!!
the world will be better off when people like this are dead.
shame it's going to take 100 more years.
wish i was born in 2010...

>> No.23147431

> >nooooooo don't invent generative AI, if everyone can make drawings then that's not real art!!!
This is true, though.

>> No.23147438

Did you post in the wrong thread?

>> No.23147442

I was with you until the AI part. Pick up a pencil or pirate a drawing program and learn to draw. Drawing is already available for the masses to learn, if you choose to prompt you are just lazy. Why do you think anyone would care about something that you yourself didn't care enough about to create yourself?

>> No.23148879

A good story is way rarer than a good writer. Even Doyle himself "looked down" on Sherlock because he had "better" literature, yet only Sherlock remained timeless among his works