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23080764 No.23080764 [Reply] [Original]

Books to reverse my antisemitism to the point of philosemitism or, atleast, ambivalence towards the Jews?

>> No.23080780

Any book will do as long as it hits your skull hard enough. How about Kafka or the works of some pretty relatable Jews so that you at least aren't blindly antisemitic, and realize that most Jews are not part of the international Jewish cabal.

>> No.23080781

My diary desu

>> No.23080782

Thinly veiled JIDF thread?

>> No.23080785

wasn't Kafka a pedophile and a zionist?

>> No.23080790

Kafka was an incel though, yuck.

Read andrea dworkin for some jewish woman kino

>> No.23080800
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Read Nietzsche

>> No.23080801

anti-zionist jews are fucking based

>> No.23080802


>> No.23080809

Most antisemitism on this site takes the form of not merely noticing Jewish financial and institutional power, but rather a bizarre form of Jew-worship that exalts them as a master-race that has dominated history for millennia. If you think this way, there's no hope for you. But if you actually want to learn a bit of their past, I'd recommend Jews of Medieval Christendom by Robert Chazan. It's extremely rare to find a book on the subject of Jews or religion in general that lacks lengthy passages about how you should feel bad for being white or a Christian, it's just a straightforward summary of the subject.

>> No.23080814

Anti-Zionism is quickly becoming a normalfag political position. I think it would be pretty based to see a Jew that doesn't support replacement migration in Western countries, personally, but such a Jew doesn't seem to exist.

>> No.23080816

>hate israel and just want to worship god in peace
why wouldn't they be. better than how I'm living

>> No.23080818

Ben shapiro is a jew and a pretty normal cuckservative with the usual talking points

>> No.23080822

[...] They said themselves jealous of their individuality more than any other Semitic people. They desired to pass for PURE in their descendance. They affected to isolate themselves from everything around them. As such, they would deserve a reserved place in these pages, if the big ideas that their name awakens had not assured them in advance.
The sons of Abraham changed their names several times. They began by calling themselves Hebrews. But this title, which they shared with so many other peoples, was too vast, too general. They replaced with that of sons of Israel. Later, Judas having dominated in sham and glory all the comings of their patriarchs, they became the Jews. Finally, after the capture of Jerusalem by Titus, this taste for archaism, this passion of the origin, a sad admission of the present impotence that never fails to seize the elderly peoples, a natural and touching feeling, made them take back the name of Hebrews.
This nation, despite what it could claim, never possessed, nor the Phoenicians, a civilization of its own. She merely followed the examples from Mesopotamia, mixing them with some Egyptian taste. The mores of the Israelites, in their finest moment, in the time of David and Salo-mon (1), were tyrrenian and therefore ninivite [...]
(1) Ewald, History of the People of Israel, I, p. 87.

>> No.23080823

>How about Kafka or the works of some pretty relatable Jews
I'm not sure I can related to spending my entire life in quivering fear of my father.

>> No.23080824

Which includes the cuckservative support for legal replacement migration, yes.

>> No.23080829

Philosemitism is actually the most antisemitic thing there is because Jews want you to hate them and get enraged when you insist that you actually like them.

>> No.23080840

I recommend OP use critical thinking skills and read books written by depressed Jews. It shows you that they're people too just like anyone else,
I don't deny that there is a Jewish cabal that has the majority of the political power in the West, I'm only saying that the average day-to-day Jew is a normal person. Are they privileged by their Jewishness? Yes of course. There are many institutional benefits to being a Jew. However, you shouldn't hate them for their privilege alone, in the same way that you shouldn't believe it's right for blacks to hate whites for perceiving them as privileged. (Before you get offended, I'm not saying whites are privileged- they're not. I'm using it for the sake of argument) The valid reason to be miffed about Jews is that they screech about anti-semitism despite being quite obviously privileged, but anyone pulls the race card if they have the option.

Again, I recommend any blind anti-semite to read books written by regular Jewish people like Kafka to show that, no matter if they were a Jew or not, they still had life problems, they still struggled, and there most certainly was not some invisible cabal helping them because they were a Jew. Starting point: The Metamorphosis.

>> No.23080843
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>andrea dworkin
>jewish woman kino

>> No.23080851

As an aside, he was borderline genocidal on the Palestinian issue in the early 2000‘s when it seemed public opinion would allow for that. Couple that with how he was gunning for those Covington kids before he saw how hardline his base was for them and the basic picture you get is of a slimy jew who will pretend to be your friend on the little matters, so as to stab you in the back once he can.

>> No.23080853

>that has the majority of the political power in the West
No. Jews have a substantial portion of the political power in America, but not the majority. They weren't 90% of the Bolsheviks or in control of Europe for centuries like Jew-worshipers want you to believe. They have always been the servants and partners of Europeans and Euro-diaspora.

>> No.23080854
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Why does almost great thinker, statesman, genius, artist, writer and philosopher from the last 2500 years hate jews?

>> No.23080857

cuz smol pp lmao gottem

>> No.23080858
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>Sombart’s book, I may say, has in general had a highly unfavorable reception among both economic historians in general and Jewish intellectuals in particular, and indeed, something of an aura of anti-Semitism has come to be attributed to it. Much of the criticism seems valid but there is nothing in the book itself to justify any charge of anti-Semitism though there certainly is in Sombart’s behavior and writings several decades later, [this comma should be a semi-colon; otherwise the sentence makes no sense] indeed, if anything I interpret the book as philo-Semitic. I regard the violence of the reaction of Jewish intellectuals to the book as itself a manifestation of the Jewish anti-capitalist mentality.

- Milton Friedman

>> No.23080859 [DELETED] 

If Jews are privileged why can't be whites be also privileged? I never understood this mostly right wing talking point. They talk about natural hierarchy and whatnot but then you mention Jews are privileged and they agree. Then you mention whites are the second most privileged group and they want to murder you. They talk about some anecdotal evidence about that one time they were doing badly as an absolute proof whites don't have any privilege but one can do the same with Jews, so it doesn't really mean much. I think the reason why they hate this, and this comes from a conservative mindset, is that it destroys the idea of meritocracy. I don't see how you can talk about Jewish privilege but disregard white privilege. I think both exist but they aren't as absolute as the left wants you to believe either.

>> No.23080862

hey you stupid cuck,
Rejavik here, the true king of dragons.
Stanton Walker Magouirk
you all thought Elohim was bad?
the true face of God?
I came into creation when that brave little mouse called himself a fucking douchebag for the most pure thought imaginable, the first word spoken into existence.


>> No.23080864

If Jews are privileged why can't whites also be privileged? I never understood this mostly right wing talking point. They talk about natural hierarchy and whatnot but then you mention Jews are privileged and they agree. Then you mention whites are the second most privileged group and they want to murder you. They talk about some anecdotal evidence about that one time they were doing badly as an absolute proof whites don't have any privilege but one can do the same with Jews, so it doesn't really mean much. I think the reason why they hate this, and this comes from a conservative mindset, is that it destroys the idea of meritocracy. I don't see how you can talk about Jewish privilege but disregard white privilege. I think both exist but they aren't as absolute as the left wants you to believe either. There are layers.

>> No.23080867

Read the Tanakh and see if you can go to synagogue services as a guest. The Jews where I live are really chill.

>> No.23080868

Because they make themselves really easy to hate and Judaism is a monstrous ethnocentric religion that dehumanizes all other races to the point of believing that only Jews have souls.
It's debatable. Their primary advantage is that they are far more tribalistic, so Europeans will frequently fight their own kin where Jews will be united. It's such that, at the very least, Jews have enough political and economic power to easily equal all whites combined. I don't think you believe that, but whatever, I'm not going to change my position here.

>> No.23080880

talk to you later, buddy.
that was set up before you were born.



>> No.23080887

Who is jealous of the Jews? Their people is a gorillion years old. Why would I be jealous of a gorillion years old people. Neither do they indifferently mix with any other race like the spics, the blacks, and many other people so mixed they have completely lost the natural sense of repulsement towards mixing normal people have. So even if a country has Jews it's not like they much endanger the genetic stock of this population.

>> No.23080888


>> No.23080893

nice try, guy.
only you thought that was smart, and you knew that the whole time, you just thought otherwise.
that's some unbelievable denial, retard.
have fun in Hades.



>> No.23080895

Whites have temporary privilege in the form of economic possessions. They do not have institutional privilege. Imagine it like this:

>A Jew comes from a rich family but is estranged, he has no money or assets, and he needs help. There are plenty of Jewish only scholarships, there are support groups for Jews, there are Jewish Family Service charities, etc. to help him. He receives a lot of benefit just from this.

>A white comes from a rich family but is estranged, he has no money or assets, and he needs help. There are NO white only scholarships, there are NO support groups for Whites, there are NO White Family Service charities, etc. to help him. He receives NOTHING except what every prole gets, but worse, he is perceived as privileged, and does not have access to any of the benefits given to minorities.

Whites DO have privilege in the form of material possessions, but without them they would be worse off because there is far less institutional support for them. This is the primary point that right-wingers have. And on your issue with the failure of meritocracy, these problems arose from Europeans committing pathological altruism and destroying the meritocratic system on their own (with the help or guidance of Jews, however you want to see it).

>> No.23080906

How do you know most Jews aren’t a part of it and aren’t just putting on a persona so that you don’t see the truth. It seems a bit odd and unlikely that it would just be a handle of the most powerful Jews that control everything.

>> No.23080909

I honestly do not care what happens to so-called "whites" anymore. At some point I cared and I empathized. After browsing this board, /pol/ and rw twitter, I have seen your true face and I don't care at all what the hounds of Hell do to you. You are equally as vain, vile, arrogant, capricious, obnoxious, evil, identitarian, superiority-complexed as your caricature of the Jew. The more I know you, the more I hate you.
>inb4 "he said on the white-created internet, with the white-created bla bla bla"
This is an example of what I'm talking about. You're as tribal as the Jews to the point you take credit for and weaponize the creations of others for ethnic/racial posturing. Everything you see in the Jews and loathe is a reflection of yourselves.

>> No.23080918

You shouldn't assume too much that cannot be proven. If it is unprovable but very reasonable, sure. But it isn't reasonable to believe that every Jew is a part of some hidden cabal. It makes a lot more sense that they're recipients of institutional privilege, and that there is a small group of very rich ethno-nationalist Jews helping that process.

>> No.23080938

Whites have the "privilege" of simply creating prosperous societies and enjoying the fruits of them, but this is coming to an end in the face of third world replacement. Jews have traditionally benefited from this by growing rich in the service of Europeans, but in recent decades they grow rich destroying them. This too is coming to an end though, Jews are quickly losing control over the narrative and other foreign groups like Indians are quickly becoming the new Jews. They destroyed themselves for no reason.

>> No.23080948
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If you just added a yarmulke to this photo, it would be illegal and anti-semitic

But since it just represents a straight white male, the hate is actually encouraged by the jewish-captured state

>> No.23080950

We’ll I’ve had experiences with regular Jews that would suggest otherwise.

>> No.23080956

>jew capitalized
yup it's the jidf

>> No.23080958

Because "white" is not a thing, dumbass. There are multiple nationalities/ethnicities that fall under this. Look for scholarships and you will find them. For example:

>> No.23080960
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How long until the next BAP thread hits the catalog?

>> No.23080962

Doesn't look very straight or particularly white.

>> No.23080963

Irish is not an ethnicity, just ask:


Anyone can be Irish.

>> No.23080966

Nationalities, religious and ethnic groups are capitalized in English.

>> No.23080970

White is a thing, stop being retarded. We could also split Jews into Sephardi, Ashkenaz, etc.
Pointing to a minor exception like Irish or Polish people is pedantry. The vast majority of Whites will not receive any special benefits that minorities don't get. Don't be pedantic and abandon all good faith in an argument.

>> No.23080975

Fuck off jew, you know if they meant him to be gay they'd put a huge fucking rainbow on his face

>> No.23080976

And yes, there is also tension between Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews in the same way there was between most Europeans and Irish people, and now between Euros and Poles to some extent. That doesn't mean that the group doesn't exist as a whole. Don't engage in pedantry because it will be VERY hard to take you seriously.

>> No.23080982

No, it's not a thing, although amerimutts are trying so hard to make it one. Amerimutts have generational wealth and institutional power despite what /pol/ says but then they get angry when some negro or some native gets a scholarship even though they didn't have the same right for ages. Negroes for example were not allowed to own land for many years unlike amerimutts. That's why they're more present in urban areas than in rural areas. Amerimutts could buy rural lands, negroes couldn't.

>> No.23080988

>That doesn't mean that the group doesn't exist as a whole.
It doesn't exist as an identity is what I'm saying.

>> No.23080993

Jewish anon here. AMA.

>> No.23080996

Why did you do it?

>> No.23081000

Okay retard.
It exists enough that we can say "white people" and you understand what I mean. It also exists enough that we can say "white people don't have access to a lot of the institutional privileges that minorities do" and it be an overall accurate statement. I used the tool you linked and I could not find any scholarships entirely exclusive to Anglo-Saxons, Nordic people, or Germanic people, although I did not search long. Do you have any examples? Or will the vast majority of white people in America have little access to these particular institutional benefits and have to go through typical channels available to everyone?

>> No.23081001

Just consume the mainstream news.

>> No.23081005

>Whites have the "privilege" of simply creating prosperous societies and enjoying the fruits of them,
Sounds like an appeal to the tribe. We're talking about the modern world. Are they privileged or not? Are Jews privileged or not?

>> No.23081012

It had to be done. Nothing personal.

>> No.23081034

Nietzsche will not lead to philosemitism unless one shares Nietzsche's values. Nietzsche thinks the Jews are exactly what antisemites claim Jews are like. The only difference is that Nietzsche it makes Jews good (as in strong/full of life rather than morally good).

>> No.23081042

The Netanyahus- a novel

>> No.23081057

Most whites are mixed with yellow peoples so they appear white but they are actually as good as spics.

>> No.23081060
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I like Jews and some of my favorite writers are Jew. Everything I post about them is banter or bait.

>> No.23081061

What is the endgoal of the Jews?

>> No.23081067

I'm going to leave off this thread because I think it's gotten retarded and not literature related at all. I believe the first argument against me will be along the lines of this:
>"White" is not a historical identity and it isn't now because there's no such thing as being "white" etc.
I am familiar with the argument and, to put it bluntly, it's bullshit. First, it doesn't matter whether it was a historical identity or not. "Black" is not a real identity because there are many specific ethnicities that can be called "black." Igbo, Yoreba, Somali, Ethiopian, etc. When we say "Black" we know what we're referring to, and it's generally the dark skinned people of Africa. In America, we could be offering scholarships to Americans of Nigerian descent, South African Descent, etc... but it would be retarded because we know what we're really referring to.
White people are an identity NOW whether it was so historically or not. The reason we know this is because leftists have something to point at and say "they're privileged." What, are they not pointing to a specific identity? When they say white, are they not referring to White Irish people? Do they care if a specific white person is not actually WHITE but 50% Anglo, 25% German, and 25% Italian? No, they couldn't even care less if they tried, because "white" is an identity, and it's enough of an identity that we can, BROADLY SPEAKING, say "white people are institutionally disadvantaged when it comes to X, Y, and Z, and have economic privilege" and the meaning is completely unambiguous given our current context. Whether there are quibbles about when, where, and WHO exactly is white enough doesn't matter. There are also quibbles about how black a black person needs to be to be "black." There are plenty of blacks I've met that are so light skinned they essentially look Mexican, and they're 25% black and qualify for scholarships given to "Black Americans."

You can disagree, but it will make you look as insane as the neon haired college professors that say Shakespeare was a queerfem demiperson. Anything past this point is pedantry. I don't think you disagree, though, because you seem to be reasonable. Thanks for at least trying to have a normal discussion anyway.

Now for the love of GOD OP say you will read some books by 20th Century Jewish authors and let the topic be over.

>> No.23081093

>post nose

>> No.23081399
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Anything that grows class consciousness will make you neutral because it'll teach you to look past religion (or other bullshit idpol liberal garbage) and look straight into class. Hate the bourgeois no matter their race, sex or religion.

>> No.23081659

I don't see how you could be ambivalent about them. For a more balanced perspective read Shestov.
Yeah, that's worked out well.

>> No.23081668

>post nose

>> No.23081693
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>reverse my antisemetism
Literally just have conversations with more jewish people - you don't need to read a book to be convinced of someone's humanity.

Probably Guide to the Perplexed. Totally brilliant and people have such little exposure to Maimonides' shit. It's incredible.

>> No.23081699

>Literally just have conversations with more jewish people
Not a good idea probably lmao that'll make him more antisemitic. Just read fiction.