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23064734 No.23064734 [Reply] [Original]

does the truth™ exist? or is it really my truth against yours?

>> No.23064750

Yes but not in the form of knowledge.

>> No.23064753

Yes but it is impossible to certify as truth. All our methods are unreliable and subject to dispute. We can only attain probabilistic "knowledge".

>> No.23064761

Both. The objective truth exists, but for each person, in their own world, their personal truth also exists. Consider:
>a mental patient believes they can fly
>goes onto the roof
>jumps off
>believes they are flying
For that person, up to the moment of their death, they truly believed that they could fly. To the rest of us they were insane, but their reality is not subject to our individual reality, or the consensual, objective one.

>> No.23064766

All truth is based on the system of knowledge that surrounds it. If we can agree on a system we can have truth.

>> No.23064772

So how can you say "yes"?
Explain objective truth.

>> No.23064776

So truth is just consensus? I guess the sun was really Apollo riding a chariot through the sky.

>> No.23064779

>Explain objective truth.
If you drop something, it falls to the ground; the sky is blue; if I punch you in the face, it will hurt. Easily observable reality. And before you try and get gay and cutesy and solipsistic with me, I will punch you in the face and viciously beat you until you admit that objective reality is real, and it hurts.

>> No.23064795

>If you drop something, it falls to the ground;
>the sky is blue
Not today where I am. Also is it? Or is it just how our rods and cones perceive it? Does a cat see it as blue?
>if I punch you in the face, it will hurt
Maybe for you
>Easily observable reality
Observable when? By whom? Where?
>And before you try and...
Why are you so mad?

>> No.23064800

brb omw to your house rn to come prove objective reality to you

>> No.23064819

Correct me if I'm wrong. You're saying "truth" is the consensus surrounding human perception? I just want you to be more clear about this.

>> No.23064839

Truth is objective universal law, which exists independent of human perception. Like how when my fist connects with your jaw, it will fracture the bone.

>> No.23064845

It is an objective truth that lice and bedbugs will infest your apartment in 1 month from now... my armies of insect tormentors are on their way...

>> No.23064857

Shallow and pedantic. You're not proving objective reality doesn't exist by pointing out it has complexities.

>> No.23064872

His name is Jesus.

>> No.23064903

I'm not trying to disprove it, I just want to be clear about how we are proving it. So again, are we saying truth is consensus about human perception of the physical world?

>> No.23065685
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then why god deprived people who lived before him of truth?

>> No.23065724

He is obviously talking about things that we know do fall to the ground
Go walk into a brick wall while subjectively telling me you can traverse it passing trough it and see what happens
>W-what if it's unstable and falls down?
I'm going to behead you

>> No.23065763

No, each person lives in their own world. No person’s eye is exactly the same as any other person’s eye. No one’s brain is identical to another person’s brain. Consequently, each person’s reality is unique to themselves. You can argue that there’s some objective, independent, universal reality beyond the sensory, but you’re not going to find it by using scientific methods.

>> No.23065770

Shut the fuck up Socrates, I'm busy prosecuting my father for impiousness.

>> No.23065807

Because Christ Jesus is consciousness that is within everyone
>Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?

>> No.23065867

That’s not “truth”, that’s an opinion. Zoomers are so fucking retarded.

>> No.23065950

Does math exist? Does logic?

>> No.23065962

there's an objective truth (either in the material or metaphysical sense) but people have a far weaker grasp of it than they like to think, so individual/local/partial truths are the only thing that's accessible

>> No.23065965
File: 158 KB, 640x916, IMG_6535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no no no

>> No.23065971

Helium balloons drop to the ground as well
>Erm no they don't
Is that some kind of objective truth?

>> No.23065982

yeah of course, are you retarded? have you ever adding numbers? other people will get the same result if their math is not flawed.

>> No.23065983

Anybody who denies the existence of objective truth deserves to be punched in the face and told it never happened

>> No.23065986

yes but only i know what it is and i'm not going to tell anyone

>> No.23065995

>my 1+1=2
>your 1+1=2
cool we agreed that "Sneed" means the same as "Sneed", now how do we move this boulder that fell into our stream?

>> No.23066021

>acting like a nigger is objective reality

>> No.23066022
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>"Sneed" means the same as "Sneed"
thanks for admitting logic exists too.

>> No.23066025

God gives us logic but takes it away when we've been bad boys, look around you

>> No.23066166

>He thinks purely in the material
Good god.
Here's your (you). Congratulations on not understanding that what you said was my point.

>> No.23066174

Didn't we just agree there is no objective reality?
Now bend over.

>> No.23066175

>objective reality is proven
>you get raped by a nigger moments later
sounds about right

>> No.23066185
File: 72 KB, 614x575, Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 20-19-51 _lit_ - does the truth™ exist or is it really my truth ag - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one Truth, and your "truth" is just an ephemeral delusion like all of the rest which are not the One True Truth.
>t. 1 true truther

>> No.23066199

what's probable is not knowlege , its a lower form of it .