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/lit/ - Literature

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22998310 No.22998310 [Reply] [Original]

Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The April Reader, and Ideology, to name a few. There have been collaborative works, like Coronameron, The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick, Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, and The Complete Works of God II. Some of these projects were one-offs, some were serialized. Some /lit/ projects, like Unreal Press, are still hanging on but are plagued by drama, and some, like &amp, seem to be rapidly in decline.

Also related are the solo writers of /lit/, composed of various namefags and shills who frequent the board: MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston. There are also those who did not come from /lit/ but are /lit/-adjacent simply because they are discussed here so frequently: Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.

This thread is for the discussion of the history of /lit/ writing and the future of /lit/. Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene? Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived? Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them? Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing? Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?

>> No.22998315

>discord trannies talking about and amongst themselves

>> No.22998349
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>le official 4chan bookmakers club

>> No.22998366

Fuck off

>> No.22999084

Goddamn it, Frank, enough of your shill-spamming threads. Please jump out of the window of your studio apartment. 38 floors should be enough distance to put you out of our misery.

>> No.22999130


>> No.22999334
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Got RJC's book recently. Why's the cover lopsided?

>> No.23000588
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Ryan is working on fixing it. Thanks for your support! I appreciate you! Leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads if possible. Even if you think it sucks ass. I love the feedback from the community. It will definitely help with the next book. ;-)

>> No.23000631

hows the psoriasis going, anon?
genuine question

>> No.23000668

NTA but I thought it was pretty gud. Fucking Amazon didn't publish my review at first because I typed the word "wh*re".
Is Impyreum going to be more fleshed out than Shards?

>> No.23000699

Miles is not in the same league as these others. Embarrassing He hasn't even published a single novel. Hell not even a single decent short story

>> No.23000802
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I don't think I have ever had psoriasis. I mean, I have itchy patches here and there but nothing major that needs creams or anything.


Appreciate you reading it and TRYING to review it. Cocksucking Bezos and his prudish platform is worried about the word 'WHORE' while most products on Amazon are pumped out by sweatshops filled with children. Irony.

Impyreum will be a straight narrative with stuff interweaving within it. I'm still fleshing out some of the details but it's 1/4 or 1/5 done at the moment. I want to add more art in between the different parts. I've always been a fan of Gustave Dore (I have a full Divine Comedy tattoo sleeve based on his illustrations) and would love some art like that but if I want that I will have to pay someone on Fivver or something because I kinda suck dick at art. Pic related is one of my published art pieces. I'm better at photography and music than I am at drawing. I'll figure it out.

So, long story short, yes Impyreum will be more fleshed out than Shards.

I want to say I'll have it ready by Halloween 2024 but if it's not done then I'll release it the following Halloween. Shards took me three years off and on while I was in my MFA program, and then took me three years to be confident enough to push it out into the vastness of online "self-publishing" on KDP with Lamp Standard and Ryan.

>> No.23000848


I'm not trying to say anything negative about your skin btw, Anon. Just saying I've never had psoriasis. Perhaps the $40 you spent on Shards would have been better spent on skin cream. Again, no offense.

>> No.23000854
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>6 years
It's crazy how first time publications are like this. Unless a reader realized it, he would only check the publication date and think it was all written just before then.

>> No.23000925


I'll admit to being extremely insecure about my writing. Even with all of the romance and YA schlock I've read. I would have had it out in 2020 but I guess I wanted to focus on the Covid bullshit because I had just gotten let go from my teaching gig at SDSU. Needed to reassess my life, so Shards took a backseat. People that are able to put out a book every few months have it better than I ever will. Insecurities and no mommy and daddy to fund my art projects. Lol

>> No.23001068

Based and Renaissancepilled

>> No.23001070

How long ago was this purchased?

>> No.23001629 [DELETED] 



>> No.23001913

You just know Ryan made this himself.

>> No.23001954

Pretty sure it was that faggot Tooky

>> No.23002153

John Jay Stancliff reporting for duty in shill thread.
Also subscribe to Tooky’s Mag, read Miles MacNaughton, buy Mixtape Hyperborea.

>> No.23002205
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I got it earlier this month and will be reading it in the Spring.

>> No.23002465

Jason here, buy The Shitlickers now streaming on Amazon!

>> No.23002475

I'm a very wealthy and very accomlished author and have been watching you all with interest. Some of these books are better than others, I'm still working through them. Looking forward to seeing what The Unreal Press/ &amp Magazine does next!

>> No.23002564


>> No.23002613

I encourage you to stick around /lit/. Some anons are just starting their bibliographies. Even if it goes through new permutations of publications, /lit/ will keep writing.

>> No.23002696
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>Bret Easton Ellis

>> No.23002706
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is there something on my face?

>> No.23002868

Fucking based

>> No.23002873

summoning curfag!

>> No.23002938

Mid-December. I just got it two weeks ago.

>> No.23002945

It is okay. My Native American wife calls it "kisses from the devil"

>> No.23002997

Release Winds of Winter, fat man.

>> No.23003164


Hi BEE, I'm sorry/not sorry I named my book Shards. Tbf I started writing it in 2017 so I had the title in mind before your book came out. American Psycho is a masterpiece and writers like Palahniuk have you to thank for their careers. You have also influenced me and I will continue to use that influence in future books.

Robert James Cross

>> No.23003290
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>> No.23003548

So how does one go about purchasing that moby dick?

>> No.23003574
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>> No.23003581
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beware the dogkiller

>> No.23003624
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yeah beware bitch!

>> No.23004449

hahahahahahah he’s still ‘fixing it’
fuck bob, you must really not care at all

>> No.23004454

>first history thread in a while
>within seconds RJC is treating it like an AMA about his shitty books, giving indulgent, self-important replies to anything that mentions him.

RJC. to be clear. your book is horrible and that's not even subjective. you are a narcissist with a mountain of unhealed trauma. you're coping with your lack of inner self worth by trying to get people to see you as a writer but you're not remotely skilled enough yet to be called one.

be humble. write a lot but anonymously and hone your craft. you'll need to write a thousand dogshit short stories before you're ready to write something good and that's okay. why not read some books on how stories work, just to lay some groundwork.

right now watching you do this is just uncomfortable.

>> No.23004475
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>>23004454 acchutually it’s pretty fun. reminds me The Horror’s Call series, pretty irreverent and discombobulated.

>> No.23004496
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>> No.23004500

did RJC use AI to write this? honestly reads like AI

>> No.23004511
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>> No.23004529
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>> No.23004535
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>> No.23004551
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>> No.23004556
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>> No.23004563

wow this is much more gimmicky than I ever expected

>> No.23004583

>imports classes without string references
>subs memory for bottom stack
>layers requests instead of pulling unit variable
>a fucking integer list
Absolutely fucking based. This is funny on its own.

>> No.23004686
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>> No.23004692

Based and &ampilled

>> No.23005388

>irreverent and discombobulated

Stop pretending to like it just because you were suckered into buying it. It's plainly a weak book written by an almost complete amateur masquerading as something more.

>> No.23005580

>num_classes = 1488
what did John Shards mean by this

>> No.23005651


I said my influences were Mark Z Danielewski, Tom Phillips, and Arno Schmidt. With a little Dante, The Bible, and Stephen King mixed in. Almost every one of my published pieces has some "gimmick" that I feel accentuates the writing. I'm fine with being called gimmicky though. A lot of my favorite writers are and were called that at some point in their career. It's not laziness. It took me time and creativity to do it.


I wrote most of it in 2017 and 2018. I've only recently discovered ChatGPT in the last year. So no, I didn't use AI.


The Hell's Angels don't hide it.

>> No.23005670

Every excerpt I see of your book is more and more damning. It's just awful, cheap gimmicky writing, and it's syntactically awkward and unpleasant to read. Hilarious that you have an ego the size of Texas and yet you can't write for shit.

>> No.23006452

How is it gimmicky?

>> No.23006530

Isn't it obvious? Most of the pages shared above are making a point of using odd formatting and quaint vocabulary as literary devices. Gimmicky because a reader might say "oh haha that's the book where part of it is written in code", but it doesn't make the actual writing or prose any more captivating.

Like are you dense or something? How did that even need explaining?

>> No.23006580


Anything that isn't in a straight paragraph/chapter form is considered gimmicky to most critics. Even experimental forms of poetry and verse are oftentimes called gimmicky. It's a buzzword. Again, I will gladly take that criticism. Most who have read the book have enjoyed it and I couldn't be happier about that. When Ryan and I finally get the Kindle version locked down, which should be soon, I'm sure there'll be more varied critique. I await the day.

>> No.23006700

While I do wish to see you write more of a cohesive narrative, I will say this: if you can write Shards, you could write something more thoroughly insane/unorthodox in the future if and when you try. I have read some unhinged stuff by /lit/ anons. Believe me when I say some anons are a small push away from a mental institution. Which is scary but also based and potentially transformative for your writing if you hone that blade called madness.

>> No.23007099

In order to subvert traditional forms, you first have to master them. You’re not even a good enough writer to competently write a conventional narrative, so you have no business experimenting. With a writer like Danielewski, for example, his nontraditional formatting serves an essential function, working to create a convoluted narrative labryinth for the reader to work their way through. He’s also a skilled enough prose stylist that he could write an enjoyable book without the use of those sorts of tricks. In contrast, the gimmicky shit you’re doing here (coloured sections, screwy formatting, footnotes) plainly serves no purpose and does nothing whatsoever to enhance the reading experience. It just allows you to jerk yourself off and tell yourself
>My work is so cool and unique and innovative and experimental and groundbreaking!
when in reality you’re just a weak writer with a massively inflated ego who relies on cheap tricks because you lack actual talent.

>narrator is on the highway
>coloured font is formatted to look like a road
>obvious visual association that serves no real purpose and fails to contribute any additional layer of meaning

This is atrocious. Like another anon says, it reads like a fucking AI could’ve written it. You’re not even doing a good job of capturing the erratic or grandiose ways in which a mentally ill person’s thoughts might run; you’ve created a ridiculously weak edgelord-esque caricature of a misanthropic and traumatised person. It all comes off as clumsy and pointlessly repetitive.

The coloured sentences are serving absolutely no narrative function that couldn’t be accomplished through the basic use of quotation marks and paragraph breaks.

>more pointless use of coloured fonts
>another weak attempt to transcribe a mentally ill person’s thought process and fixations

>more weak edgelord shit
>omg guyz the apocalypse is v. scary amirite
>footnotes read like something out of a shitty fanfiction

It’s telling that you’ve never responded to the criticism from the last thread regarding the ridiculous pricing of your book and the false claims you’ve been making about your profits and about the KDP royalty system. It’s also lazy and disrespectful to your readers that you’re offering a $40 hardcover for sale with a cover that’s misaligned and incorrectly formatted. If someone is paying that much, they deserve to get a professional looking product.

>inb4 “Ryan is going to fix that!”

Well, when the fuck is he going to fix it? The book was released three months ago. No legitimate publisher or small press would drag their feet for months over fixing serious formatting errors or formatting a simple epub. He clearly isn’t holding up his end of the bargain, and I seriously doubt that he’s given you your share of the royalties or that he ever will.

>> No.23007104


Funny you say that. I actually wrote a cohesive narrative as a response to Tao Lin's "Suburban Teenage Wasteland Blues." It recently got published in an online lit mag here: https://92b12815-4f6a-4587-b8bf-7a04024a7d52.filesusr.com/ugd/67d909_0f8aea1e5fce41b2b13eb46530df4cdc.pdf

It's called "Heaven Can Wait." I had nothing to do with the formatting so if some of it looks wonky that wasn't me.

>> No.23007143

based and Ari-pilled

>> No.23007222
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you guys should be more forgiving. Robert's 1 movie score away from award season gold

>> No.23007625


>> No.23007705

The problem with /lit/ writers is that they're not very good at taking advice, and this usually leads their work to be pretty transparently resentful and politically motivated. I like the sentiments they write with, but there's a distinct lack of polish and proper editing with most of the projects.

>> No.23007734

Sadly, I have to agree. There are some that are improving in this regard, and a few that I can think of that stay focused. I don't mind the angry alternative point of view, but it can get obtuse.

>> No.23007981

niggaz mad

>> No.23008033
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Posting just to say fuck you to the crabs.
We're gonna make it.
We're gonna be the new renaissance

>> No.23008064

Didn't RJC say he had a MFA in writing? Do they not teach how stories work in grad school?

>> No.23008075

Fuck off Woolswine

>> No.23008105

make me

>> No.23008163

Does anyone know when the /lit/ book of cocktails is coming out? Or did the project get scrapped?

>> No.23008276

>RJC responding to shill his work while ignoring valid criticism

Business as usual.

>> No.23008282

hence why it was frank approved. did you expect something else?

>> No.23008580



>> No.23008624

Another deflection. Nice.

>> No.23008685
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>> No.23008715

schizo shit fr

>> No.23008749
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Just your typical narcissistic Californian.

>> No.23008814

So anyway, how about that Lit Quarterly volume 3?

>> No.23008826

It's just a data mining list. I hope you didn't sign on with your Google account

>> No.23009328
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>> No.23009649

Would buy

>> No.23009730


>> No.23009850

Man listening to this music does make me feel better about my achievements (I have two million+ streams on spotify with 10k monthy listeners). This is just the sound of a guy who isn't willing to put in the work to improve his craft, it's just painful.

>> No.23010081
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>> No.23010086

You have never read Schmidt and it fucking shows, you utter retard.

>> No.23010120

Fuck off Ari

>> No.23010146
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Wrong again, bud.

>> No.23010151

Just like JewTuber Fat by Fat but owning a book doesn’t mean shit since if you actually opened ZT, it would show.

>> No.23010202

Stop shitting up the threads by posting your face, you tiresome self-obsessed narcissist. You’re not owning the haters; you’re just making an utter lolcow of yourself. It’s shocking that you’re pushing forty and yet have zero awareness of how embarrassing and pathetic this sort of attention-seeking behaviour is.

>> No.23010236

Absurd that RJC goes on and on about how he welcomes any and all criticism, but as soon as he gets any substantive critique he just ignores it and refuses to respond because it bruises his massively inflated ego. Faggot.

>> No.23010299


How would you like me to respond to it? "Yup, you're right, I'm a shitty writer! I'm going to go do something else!" That's not going to happen.

The Anon who posted about the formatting and price, Ryan and I discussed it and we'll be creating a grayscale version of the paperback with the Shard titles put on the top of the pages for less than $17.

That was valid criticism and was responded to in kind.

Telling me to rewrite the whole book or give up writing entirely because I haven't read a book on writing, even though I went through a three year MFA in Fiction program where I was taught by accomplished authors who'd been doing it for 50+ years, is not valid criticism. I'm not going to rewrite Shards. Typos and formatting issues aside, everyone who has read the book has enjoyed it and has gotten the gist of what I was trying to do with the interconnected vignettes.

Ari and one or two other people here who have no published works or even a book are only here to shit on my book. Give me something beyond "it sucks, you're fat and embarrassing, and fuck jooz" and I'll think about it.

>> No.23010709

>is not valid criticism

It's perfectly valid. You plainly didn't learn enough.

Onision (another narcissist) literally does this exact same thing in a video responding to his book critics: "my book can't have been bad because x factoid says I'm good at English!" you see how stupid that is, right?

I think the anon that said you just need to practice waaaaay more was right desu. There's potential there, it's just drowning in a sea of ego, desperation and impatience.

>> No.23010774

God, this is just the saddest picture. Behold, a man with dogshit impulse control.

RJC, you know, if someone says something about you that isn't true, or that you don't like, you don't have to respond with your face. It's weird. It's a weird thing to do.

Go ahead and minimise your weirdness again.

>> No.23010785
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>even though I went through a three year MFA in Fiction program where I was taught by accomplished authors who'd been doing it for 50+ years, is not valid criticism

>> No.23011304

>Give me something beyond "it sucks, you're fat and embarrassing, and fuck jooz" and I'll think about it.

I literally went through [>>23007099]
and gave fairly specific critiques of every single one of the excerpts from Shards that were posted in this thread. I made zero mention of your physical appearance, nor did I make any mention of your Jewish heritage. I wasn’t the anon who told you to read a book on writing either, although I don’t disagree with the broader point that he was making about you needing to practice so that you can improve. You’re lumping in valid critiques with unrelated posts by trolls, and creating a straw man to avoid addressing actual feedback.

Just because my opinion of your writing wasn’t favourable doesn’t mean that you can falsely characterise it as baseless trolling. And any idiot can upload their work to KDP, so stop deflecting with this
>I’m a published author and you aren’t!
shtick. Either you welcome criticism or you don’t; pick one and stick to it.

And stop bringing up your MFA as though it has any inherent bearing on the quality of your writing. Plenty of writers who write YA slop or diversity-quota navel-gazing litfic have MFAs, so clearly having gone through an MFA program doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re any good. Bragging about your credentials has no redeeming effect on anyone’s opinion of your work, and just comes off as narcissistic defense mechanism. Likewise, name-dropping authors that you claim to have derived inspiration from doesn’t make your work look any better by association.

>> No.23011398

>t. curfag

>> No.23011407
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here he is with his MFGay lmfao

>> No.23011420

>RJC LARPing as a troll to repost Jason Bryan’s AI slop
>still not answering anything

You’ve reached a new low.

>> No.23011465
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not RJC but a better writer than u lmfao

>> No.23011472

This anon is right, RJC. He gave you plenty of valid, detailed criticism. You just didn't like his tone because you're a big sensitive baby. You're bundling thoughtful critics in with genuine trolls, which is a classic narcissist way of reframing the narrative.

Genuinely textbook.

>> No.23011494 [DELETED] 
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The crabbing here is beyond anything normal or healthy, the people involved with tearing down /lit/ writers here would not be tolerated in any other place online or offline. The upside of 4chan is you're able to actually self-express and discuss topics that normally would not be allowed in "polite" society in 2024 (read: woke as fuck), and 4chan, at least, allows misfits and characters such as ourselves to still speak.

The downside, of course, is that you have a core group of utterly hate-filled crabs that vigilantly wait for a new writer, a new author, or even someone with a passing interest in storytelling to come along, and then they turn all of their attention to that new person and attack them ferociously, trying to turn them into a negative nancy like them. This is one of the reasons they want you funneled into discord, where they can further gather friends for their cause to wreck /lit/ and harass writers here.

Meanwhile, if you're a writer bro and want to make friends, you're going to be more and more skeptical of anyone you chat from off here, because it would appear to be a pit of crabs, and any "socializing" you do off here is either through email (mostly safe) or through discord (tranny headquarters), so you really have to weigh whether or not having any writer "friends" is even worth it, especially when certain people from here are pretending to be other authors and trying to start beef between different authors to help sow chaos.

RJC, keep fighting bruh, these crabs have chosen you as their #1 target for now. I like Shards and the style of the different pages, it's new and fresh. The crabs just hate on anyone writing from /lit/ because they can't write or create themselves. I would love it if the crabs put out their own work, but they don't. They can only try and claw you down.

>> No.23011506 [DELETED] 
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RJC, you could've written the Lord of the Rings and these crabs would just say "why didn't Gandalf just fly the ring to Mount Doom on an eagle you fucking loser" or something along those lines. The way to win against the crabs is to:
>1. keep writing
>2. troll the shit out of them because they are very sensitive that they can't write or produce anything themselves
Anytime a crab comes at you, ask them to post their work. This gets them pissed.

You know what the ultimate revenge is against the crabs? Putting out more work. Put out more books, more writing, and do it with a smile.

>> No.23011576

>I like Shards and the style of the different pages, it's new and fresh.
Lol at that being all the praise you can find.

>> No.23011612 [DELETED] 
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I don't read anymore, I'm up my own ass right now finishing my 3rd novel.

>> No.23011624

Me too!

>> No.23011666 [DELETED] 
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My budget is tight but I'm 100% good until February 28th, I left a 12 pack of eggs by accident at the grocery store the other day, fuckin' for some reason out this way, eggs are like nearly $8 a dozen. I replaced them last night and was pretty pissed, that could have been $8 in whiskey and /lit/ shitposting fuel!

#1 issue I'm having with my 3rd book right now is, my character is leaning towards actually liking the Ai and wanting to work for it. He was brutally and scornfully against it at the beginning of the book, but I think he's seeing how powerful the Ai is and how much simpler the rules are compared to the "real world" he's in.

>> No.23011676

I mentioned I liked it too ITT and gave RJC some feedback. On a technical level the book doesn't hold a candle to lit I typically read, but there is some value to RJC's perspective and I want to seem him do more. I would sooner ask more successful authors to stop writing, who see the truth and run the opposite direction.

>> No.23011705 [DELETED] 

I was reading a bunch of different Brandon Sanderson novels the other day and I found them to be the exact type of books I liked when I was 13 years old. They seem very Dean Koontz-y I then noticed he has 18,000+ reviews on several of those books! Reading "Steelheart" for example, was like reading an episode of Amazon's "The Boys", like they could've stolen the idea of Epics from Sanderson, or vise versa.

>> No.23011788

Thanks man. They think the get to me but the funny thing is I don't think about them literally ever.

>> No.23011924

I don't think I get to you. I think you have reptilian defence mechanisms that shut me out no problemo. I just don't think that's a good thing at all.

>> No.23011944 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, authorcrabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the crabs serve a purpose, and that is whittling the author down to bare metal. Whether true or false, the critics who attack you really just act as a caustic agent to remove all of the things that convince us to write, attempt to instill self-doubt, and generally try to get under the skin of an author and take away time from his or her writing.

I appreciate the crabs in a way, because they polish me down to one of two things I could be at the end of the day:
>a genuine narcissist who thinks his farts smell wonderful and writing is a bigger benefit to society than if I were to labour manually for the local municipality or work in a factory producing goods supporting the oligarchy
>a genuine soul that is producing art despite its uselessness to society, in hopes to inspire others to take a pragmatic look at life and encourage them to find their own freedom within our prison

I mean, nobody who makes art should recoil at being called a narcissist, you have to have some fart-sniffing tendencies to even produce ANY art, art is impossible without feeling inspired- and while it is true that people can absolutely and totally become insane narcissists huffing nothing but their own farts and having huge teams of people saying "these are the best farts", there is nobody like that on /lit/, so the narcissist accusation is so baseless and petty.

I'm getting that fun little giggle sensation in me the closer I get to finishing book #3. Added 15,000 words of shite in the last 3 days, just sprinting for the end of the 1st draft.

>> No.23011945

Your writing fucking sucks. Just jump off a building already

>> No.23011984 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 1024x1024, godsave2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, you, Mr. Crab, helped me out, big time. After I got a bunch of money, earlier this month I re-installed Mordhau and was smashin' skulls and blasting people in the face with throwing axes for about 3 days. Ate like 2 pizzas, a bunch of butter chicken, and a 40oz of vodka. Man I had a good binge!

Then, in my lowest moment on the floor, hungover, covered in greasy basmati rice and feeling lower than your sister's tits rudely scrawled onto the side of a dumpster in feces, I remembered you, Mr. Crab. I remembered that the liquor, Indian food, and the electronic steam hebrew, was winning. I hadn't written jack shit in like 96 hours+, so then and there, I got off the floor, deleted Mordhau, cursed the brown man's food, cleaned up my place and got to writing. Since then, thinking about the little crab on my shoulder whispering in my ear:
The crabs serve this purpose, they, in their operation like some sort of electronic ghost lurking an Italian Fishing forum, serve to police pseuds, bullshiters, and braggarts, and either we're writers dumping out our shit on this board and rolling in it, or they call us out for our lack of shit. So the one thing they force us to do in a happily-symbiotic way, is to keep pumping out as much writing as we can. Because that is how you defeat the crabs- finishing projects and releasing them.
Since thinking of those crabs that one day, I've written over 50k words, no re-installs of Mordhau since then, either.

God save the crabs!

>> No.23011998 [DELETED] 

I've only written 2 books so far, have like 6-8 books 1/2 finished and 1 book almost done. Maybe I do suck, who knows, but I'm enjoying the process of getting this 3rd book finished.

>> No.23012016

RJC, Jason Bryan, and F. Gardner are why the /lit/ renaissance will never have a mainstream breakout. Literally nowhere else in amateur writing will you find a community this exacting, precise, and thorough in their critique. Every other place on the internet devoted to writing is a pathetic hugbox, but with /lit/ its sink-or-swim, do-or-die, put up or shut up.

Do these three idiots respect and appreciate where they are at all, what kind of resource they have? No, they are doing their level best to wear out the patience of those who are trying to help them. Jason Bryan demands we behave like his bar buddies and give him asspats for trying his bestest, RJC is just fucking positive that he is only one more painfully pompous "I don't even care" post away from silencing his critics, F. Gardner just deliberately shits all over everything in the worst way all the time. Even if you morons were right, that people are just lashing out at you from jealousy, then consider rule #1 of 4chan: don't feed the trolls.

And if /lit/ just hates people who write, then why doesn't anyone come into these threads to talk about how annoying Ogden, Zulu, and Adem Luz are?

>> No.23012049 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 1706350654152478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if you morons were right, that people are just lashing out at you from jealousy, then consider rule #1 of 4chan: don't feed the trolls.
The /lit/ haters serve a purpose, they keep us writing. It is a chicken/egg situation here.

>> No.23012130

I have never given a shit about Adem. Zulu and Ogden are among the best this board has ever spit out. It's a shame they appear to have been bullied into quiet corners while apes like Woolston beat their chest over and over again.

>> No.23012136 [DELETED] 

>Zulu and Ogden are among the best this board has ever spit out. It's a shame they appear to have been bullied into quiet corners
Who bullied them?

People like Ryan, Gardner, and others have been nothing but friendly and helpful to newfag authors... who bullied Zulu and Ogden into not posting?

>> No.23012177


>RJC is just fucking positive that he is only one more painfully pompous "I don't even care" post away from silencing his critics

"I don't even care"

>> No.23012198 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>painfully pompous "I don't even care"
Damn... based RJC

>> No.23012208

Anons I'd like to write something for fun with no higher aspirations than improving and entertaining myself and maybe someone else.

Where do you suggest I write ?

>> No.23012226

KDP under Farmer Press.

>> No.23012254

I take KDP is kindle direct publishing, but what's farmer press ?

>> No.23012575


>> No.23012742 [DELETED] 

I have a good idea for a meme /lit/ book that can reach the mainstream


>> No.23012773

kill yourself

>> No.23012804

kill yourself

>> No.23012816

kill yourself

>> No.23012817 [DELETED] 

Two posts dedicated to me from kill yourself guy.

Eat your heart out, RJC

>> No.23012917

>It's not laziness. It took me time and creativity to do it.

It took me time and creativity to make the fingerpaintings that I did in kindergarten, but that doesn't mean that they deserve to be hung in a museum. The time and creativity you put in is irrelevant, because you lack skill and the end product is still abysmal. No one is going to give you a participation trophy.

>> No.23012962 [DELETED] 

The crab is openly comparing your work to a toddler finger-painting, and yet this crab likes, in other posts, to claim that /lit/ is a resource and everyone should be grateful to have these reviews of our work. Ever notice he doesn't even pick a single theme, or character, or scene to attack? It is just a blunt-force, attack everything about you, your character, your life, your work, it is an all-out assault on everything.

...yet the crab seems to think we should be falling over ourselves to their advice, breathlessly waiting for our turns to have our work evaluated!

>> No.23013198

kill yourself

>> No.23013565

they hated ari because he told them the truth

>> No.23013603

I liked Wing's The Beautiful Kingdom.

>> No.23013626 [DELETED] 
File: 630 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many good memories still to make friend :)

>> No.23013636

dude sorry but shards was a good read. no skin in the game, no bias. it’s schizo-lit for sure, but it’s a lot of fun, especially the murmur bay thing.

i get that people don’t like his prose or literary approach, but there are some pretty violent, fun passages.

>> No.23013639

Okay this is funny

>> No.23013644

Holy fuck the schizophrenic mental gymnastics you attempt. Wild.

>> No.23013691 [DELETED] 

God I WISH I were more schizo!

I'd be putting out bangers on /mu/ and my books on /lit/


>> No.23014076

Wow this song is terrible/great

>> No.23014104

Honestly, one dude named Ari spends fourteen hours a day In This Thread, samefagging his narrative and diluting all contrapoints. Shards was an elementary exercise in sophomoric literary fiction. Was it amazing? Maybe not. Was it fucking worthless? No. Trolls like Ari beg suckers like RJC for dinner, and RJC can’t help but feed the trolls because despite being here ‘for years’, he still doesn’t understand not to.
Shards might have been worth defending, but I’ll never know, because RJC legitimizes all the trolls’ critiques by responding at all.

>> No.23014286


>> No.23014377

if Ari put even half of the time that he spends on gay ops into working on the best of, it would have released like a year ago. the guy has issues

>> No.23014421 [DELETED] 


>> No.23014426

kill yourself

>> No.23014873


I'm new here and I don't know much about RJC. I haven't seen anything to make me think he's a narcissist or whatever. Seems nice enough.

But I do have to say this writing's not great. And I can say that with at least a bit of authority because I studied writing for a year. There's:

>No clear conflict, internal or external
>Very little cause and effect
>Really limited character development

I don't get how someone who's studied storytelling can get it this wrong, though. It's like someone who's studied music writing a song that's out of key. It's missing core components that make a story matter to the reader.

Looking at the conversation on this board I'm wondering if I'll just be labelled a crab and this criticism will just be ignored. I don't know, but it feels valid to me.

>> No.23015516

this is ari samefagging

>> No.23015533

Who is Ari I have never heard of him. I'm new here.

>> No.23015779

nice try ari

>> No.23015825


>> No.23015985

The conflict of the story is around the Whores of Nevada. I did notice a narrative but it is shattered into pieces. It is enough to build dread and a vague sense of tragedy and existential horror about what American society has become. I think there's a little bit of cause and effect but I would need to actively try to organize my thoughts on the story and read it again to do that. I'd rather move on to another book for now.
You are right that the character development is limited.

>> No.23016461

&amp 020 when?

>> No.23016520

>Ctrl F
>Only one tangential mention of Tao Lin

Also, anybody remember Kolsti Nguyen?

>> No.23016576
File: 99 KB, 634x767, the-greatest-comedian-in-the-wolf-tribe-v0-JlBVHYJz3qGJKXOLuEGxACQj9uBAiNCkl-WDAH0c2bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ was turned into complete and utter shit by post2015 election tourists, reddit refugees and /pol/cels. Never mind literature, they weren't interested in reading books full-stop.

At least /lit/ didn't completely die on its ass following the invasion like / mu/ did I guess.

Thus constant drive to present /lit/ to others, to outsiders, as some kind of intellectual salon is pathetic really. For example, the "top 100" lists are composed of books that are never discussed here so anons can try and impress the likes of r/books. Therather romantic idea that /lit/ is full of socially dysfunctional intellectuals is completely disingenuous.

>> No.23016613

/mu/ is still decent desu

>> No.23017104

I agree with you about the lack of conflict and character development being a problem, but the biggest issue I have with the samples of his work is the quality of the prose itself. His sentences are so awkwardly and clumsily structured that it kills any hope of flow. In the passages where he’s narrating the character’s thoughts in what appears to be an attempt at stream-of-consciousness, he continually fails to use contractions at points where it would feel natural to do so, which gives the writing a stilted and stiff feeling. I’m not even really a stickler for strict grammatical or syntactical correctness in prose—I don’t mind run-on sentences or sentence fragments if they are judiciously used and serve an actual deliberate purpose. But his work is full of clunky sentence fragments and sentences that are incorrectly sandwiched together, and in his case the choppy syntax comes across as simple ineptitude rather than as an intentional stylistic technique. His prose is also extremely repetitive, and not in a way that seems like a deliberate attempt to portray circular or fixated thoughts—it’s just redundant and inefficient. The entire structure of his sentences feels all wrong. It’s such a pervasive problem that even the book’s back cover blurb (which one would assume would be carefully written and edited) has an awkward sentence fragment and uses redundant phrasing. Shards seems like a manuscript that needed some serious input from a competent editor, and didn’t receive it.

And then you have shit like
>Alexander flipped his dirty blonde hair and let out a chuckle.
which is just awful Wattpad-tier writing. (Also, it should be “blond,” because the person being described is a male.)

>> No.23017125

Based hypertalented prose autist.

>> No.23017284


>doesn't read the whole excerpt and understand why it's 'blonde' instead of 'blond'
>accuses me of being clunky

This isn't an undergrad English class during your first year of a Business degree. You should read between the lines a touch. Autism or not.

>> No.23017869

not for a long long time with any luck

>> No.23018011

>the biggest issue I have with the samples of his work is the quality of the prose itself
Yeah this is a fair point.

>> No.23018432

>akshualy I'm smarter than all of u and I totally made all of those mistakes on purpose
>my prose isn't shitty, u just don't get it because ur 2 dumb and u dont know nuffin and u have autism bitch
>ur a dumb undergrad, learn2write b4 you dare 2 criticize a titan of the literary world like me

>> No.23018472


It's a sexual relationship between two men, Ari. One has to be the female. Alexander even comments on his aversion to taking it up the ass. If I have to explain why I used 'blonde' instead of 'blond' then you are indeed acting like an undergrad.

Once again: "I don't even care."

Now fuck off.

>> No.23018578







>> No.23018591

Something's not right here...

>> No.23018654


I'm already in therapy. I have been in therapy since I was a child. So, no.

>> No.23018711

I suspect that he posted a pic of his own book to make sure he would be talked about itt, and then he slipped up by responding to the psoriasis comment and had to backtrack. Either that, or he really is so narcissistic that he immediately had to make a comment on someone else's skin condition about himself. Either way: NARCISSISM.

>> No.23018727

Y'know, it's funny. The fact you've been in therapy this long and you're still a blatant narcissist actually reaffirms that you're responding to therapy like a narcissist. Lots of therapists just give up or refuse to treat narcissists because they can't have their worldview challenged, so they get nowhere.

Anyway RJC, here's a fun video of Onision (another narcissist) responding to his book reviews. He deflects them, nitpicks, misconstrues them, mocks them, turns them into attacks and does whatever he can not to have to take them on board. This is exactly what you have been doing with every criticism of your shitty book.


See what you have become.

>> No.23018731


It was early days in the thread so I replied to the comment. Has nothing to do with narcissism. I even apologized to the original image poster so they didn't misread what I said.

>> No.23018820
File: 86 KB, 800x450, disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /wg/ in the hopes it will be a relatively drama free group of like-minded homegrown 4chan dwelling writers with similar senses of humor and sensibilities writing to entertain each other and make works of unbridled art, unpoisoned by lust for money or fame, or influence from the outside world - much like the greentext culture, or old 4chan culture in general
>it's a den of crabs and cloutwhores either pulling each other into the bucket or trying to escape the bucket through internet clout; half the posts are people asking how they can "make it"
To say I am disappointed is an understatement.

>> No.23018841

I like how they're all embracing AI to help them write then use said AI prompts and tools to put out a book.

>> No.23018965

Fucking kek. RJC so afraid of a bruise to his ego he won't even engage in a classic writing challenge.

You'd lose anyway

>> No.23018975


Ego sum Roberto Jaime Cruz

>> No.23019105

Ha. Ever asked why you feel the need to respond to accusations and insults with flippant quips like that?

I know why: It's a display. Your ego wants other people to think you're witty, cool, calm and collected. But to people in the know you just look narcissistic and afraid.

>> No.23019152

Accurate assessment, but you shouldn't waste your time giving him any more criticism. You might as well be talking to a brick wall. It's better if we all ignore him from now on.

>> No.23019246

This. For the record I'm the guy that's been onto RJC as a narcissist (and being really vocal about it) from the very beginning.

Sometimes shaming a narcissist can kick them into self-reflection, and it can be quite satisfying to watch them undergo change as they confront unpleasant aspects of themselves. Sometimes it's just cathartic and satisfying to point out their narcissistic traits because they're so uncomfortably blatant.

But I think you're right. He's just lost. It's time to stop. The sooner we stop mentioning him the sooner this place dries up as a source of narcissistic supply. It's not like he'll be able to get it as a writer anywhere else - he's just not skilled enough to earn genuine praise.

Honestly what a fucking loser.

>> No.23019275

Early in Moby Dick, Ishmael pointed out that the story of Narcissus is surprisingly the key to understanding everything. Every time I hear talk about narcissism I think about this.

>> No.23019310

Haven't read it, but I think there's some truth to this. Just understanding the power of reptile-brain fear and stress responses does seem to unlock a much deeper understanding of human nature. It answers so many questions about why people behave in ways we can't understand.

Stress turns you fucking wacky, man.

>> No.23019315

this has to be RJC pretending to be a troll there are so many narcissistic traits in this reply

>> No.23019320

Based on this you seem like the asshole.
Maybe he is a narcissist, maybe you are, who knows, but you sound empathy deficient.
It's one thing to critique someone's work critically but with empathy; it's another thing entirely to just sadistically tear into something without regard for the person on the other end, slap a pathology on them and try to completely destroy them and their reputation like you have - ironically, this is prototypical narcissistic behavior.

It sounds like you're using diagnostics as a weapon to give yourself the green light to mistreat and abuse this guy with the permission of your conscience. That's fucked up.

>> No.23019326

it's RJC trolling himself for attention

>> No.23019345

RJC and Hartley are probably replying to each other in these threads to gather attention for their failed attempts at writing and publishing.

>> No.23019358

Maybe, I wouldn't rule out that possibility, but there really are a lot of people in the /wg/ and /wg/ adjacent threads who are like this - which is why I rarely post in them anymore.

>> No.23019383

NTA, but I strongly disagree with you. RJC’s behaviour in these threads over the past few months has been so attention-seeking and insufferable that I completely understand why anons are frustrated with him and have run out of empathy. No one has been particularly sadistic (aside from a handful of troll posts that commented on his appearance and insulted his wife, which is obviously immature and shitty. But to be honest, when you brag about yourself for months and spam your own face and name on 4chan incessantly you invite that sort of negative attention from trolls, so I can’t say I have very much sympathy). Pointing out someone else’s lazy writing and obnoxious self-absorption isn’t mistreatment or abuse. No one has gone after his reputation or tried to destroy him either; no one has attempted to sabotage him by posting fake reviews or harassed him using other platforms. People have simply been posting valid criticism of his book and of his sketchy involvement with Lamp Standard Press in these threads. Harsh at times, yes, but truthful, and certainly not unwarranted, given the utterly narcissistic way in which RJC presents himself and his association with what seems to be a dubious pyramid scheme.

>> No.23019492
File: 152 KB, 1024x1024, BPitU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If what's happening is what I think is happening, Hartley is actually a fucking genius. If you're confused, look to the image posted.
For those completely outside the sphere of Dick Masterson and his podcast, his selection of a cohost is completely incomprehensible. Vito is fat, self admitted pedophile with no presence on the microphone and a near unmatched ability to suck the comedy out of any and every bit he's even tangentially involved in. He is a mess, and that's exactly why he's kept around. His status as a public embarrassment makes him the community punching bag, a role that takes the stress off the people who matter. Just recently, Masterson's ex came forward with a story claiming that he was a cuckold who loved getting pegged, a claim that she backed up with multiple receipts. Know how Dick's community reacted to the news? They never heard it because it was drowned out in the cacophony of another one of Vito's unconvincing rants on the age of consent.
RJC is Hartley's Vito.

>> No.23019596


Sure, Ari. Whatever you say.

>> No.23019646

NTA, but this dismissing all RJC critics as Ari is so tired and pathetic.

>> No.23019648

ok Ari

>> No.23019768

>all RJC critics
Nigger it’s just you. No one without a personal issue would even give this much of a fuck. This is the most cringe beef imaginable. No one cares about this guys book or his character, it’s literally only you and it’s obvious to anyone even at a passing glance. I hope this guy raped your wife or something because anything short of that just emphasizes how fucking pathetic and embarassing you are.

>> No.23019837

There are 54 IPs in this thread, retard. Do you seriously think that all of the criticism is coming from one guy?

>> No.23019848

Judging by the totally unreasonable level of hatred contained in the posts, I would not be surprised to find out you were driving around your city posting from various coffee shops wifis.
What I can guarantee you without any doubt is that there aren’t 50 people on /lit/ who give that much of a fuck about some random anons book, let alone people who hate it as much as you clearly do. You don’t have to believe me, it’s already obvious to everyone who isn’t you. The only reason I’m posting because it’s mind blowing to me this thread stays ups and it’s just the same fucking shit over and over and someone needs to break it to you that you’re cringe as fuck.

>> No.23019866
File: 564 KB, 454x498, 1627254014864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lol

>> No.23019900

Never ever. RIP.

>> No.23020019

>The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick
>Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
>The Complete Works of God II
What's the most interesting or distinct of works like these /lit/ projects? I think there was an excerpt from the Complete Works of God II in a recent &amp issue, correct?

>> No.23020034

dunno but ill read them all and give my opinion if you have links to them

>> No.23020067

We need a separate board for discussion of literary fiction .... or at least a general like /sffg/. nu/lit/ fucking sucks at literature.

>> No.23020069

If you check the warosu archives for >>21361811 there was an anon that linked free pdfs for most of them. I have a few physical copies of someone but I wanted to know what other anons thought.
Some of these books are fucking massive. Even if they aren't that good they have to be a great snapshot of the spirit of the board, which is valuable itself.

>> No.23020127


>> No.23020133

None of you trolls can hold a candle to Justin Mohn. He cut off his dad's head, then posted a video about it. See >>23015198 for a link to the video, links to his music, and a catbox.moe link to all his e-books. Then bow before him and accept your new master, pseuds. None of you have the balls to do what he did.

>> No.23020138

>gang weed the movie
Holy fuck I remember when anon dropped that screenplay out of nowhere. That thing is hilarious.

>> No.23020226

You've been summoned

>> No.23020529

is there really a discord group making a /lit/ annotated gravity's rainbow?

>> No.23020577

Nah, I don't think there's that much foresight to it. To me it seems like Ryan is in it because RJC feeds his sense of legitimacy and growth, and acts as an outward sign of "success". He seems to feel a real need to defend and believe in RJC because of that, and I think RJC's credentials (MFA, published in actual magazines) also lend him some legitimacy in Ryan's eyes.

There were two other books up on the Lamp Standard site with different authors and future release dates that disappeared when shit hit the fan in the fall. Ryan (plausibly) went as far as to try faking being one of those authors to claw back some of that legitimacy >>22713038. Since then he's rallied hard behind RJC and even Jason (seemingly that changed, but who knows if it was real, or if that's changed again since), which looks to me like he's bunkered himself with people he feels won't turn around on him.

If it weren't for these threads and RJC taking part, the Lamp Standard stuff would have vanished from the board by now. This kind of goes in with a suspicion I've had about Ryan being the one making a lot of these threads (recently), but that might be grasping at straws. The main thing is that Ryan seems to think that if he doesn't hold on really tight to the little he has, then it's all going to vanish. I imagine he'd be worried if discussion of &amp actually fell off the board.

Sorry they're saying you're me, homie. My first post in the thread right here.

>> No.23020590

>my first post in this thread

>> No.23020645

>My first post in the thread right here.
This whole thread is full of obvious Ariposting.

>> No.23020673

all of these posts are blatantly the work of ari. no one else is that much of a crab

>> No.23021255

Someone needs to update this. So obsolete it's insane.

>> No.23021270

Go on

>> No.23021810

You should see the /wg/ pastebin.

>> No.23021817

Someone made a mega with links to a bunch of /lit/ projects and shit, it was shared in an earlier thread

>> No.23021838

Fuck no. The nu/lit/ consumer products™ should not taint the actual art that came from here.

>> No.23021842

No one gives a fuck about adding dogshit schlock such as tales of the “unreal.”

>> No.23021853

Pastebin guy is long gone I think. Last time I saw him was June or July when he was shitting on Unreal and saying that Krake was the future of /lit/.

>> No.23021863

The unreal troons who shit up lit with their spam perfectly the capture the state of this now nu-male board

>> No.23021871

I feel like that's just because they're the loudest voice right now. /lit/ has actually seen a couple success stories this year but no one has heard of them because Unreal and &amp drown out all discussion of any creator that doesn't hang off them.

>> No.23021961

It wasn't art. None of this is art. You are all dogshit. This board is not for creative manufacturing, it's for reading. Fuck off and die.

>> No.23021972

Okay but Tales of the Unreal is actually good, unlike that irrelevant schlock

>> No.23021974

You really think moby dick whateverdafuck is genuinely better than Incel?

>> No.23021998

>the most organic and true to form expression of chan culture is irrelevant schlock
I have no idea what made you think 4chan is where you belong
Yes. It's contrived and the writer has no original thoughts or voice; his perspective on an already well known topic is not novel in the slightest; he's jumping on a trend.

>> No.23022336

The preface "this is not a manifesto" almost made me throw the book against the wall. Why would you defang a story right from the start? A far cry from MNM-DR who swore BAS was all real and he is a threat to society.
I still need to read "Incel" for perspective, but I suspect that I already know what I'm in for.

>> No.23022634


>> No.23022653

Not novel to chronically online 4channers obsessed with the blackpill? Guilty as charge. To anyone even slightly more normie ie most of the reading population, it is more novel and interesting. Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.23022658

Your novel is shit and stop shilling. You want to become the next lolcow after RJC? Be my guest. Let's go, boy.

>> No.23022689

This is why your book sucks; you have no empathy for your own character and you're using a cultural phenomenon cynically for profit. You are the opposite of an artist and you should kill yourself.

>> No.23023034

Silence, you neurotypical dog.

>> No.23024356

If there is then I want an invite link

>> No.23024691

I'm amused that none of you have the guts to confront the overwhelming awesomeness that is Justin Mohn. None of you are willing to do what he did to get famous. You're all total posers.

>> No.23024769
File: 141 KB, 640x720, justin-mohn-the-pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justin Mohn mogs all of you so badly, it's not even funny. This one page is more entertaining than all your crap put together.

>> No.23025104

Why are you so obsessed with Ryan? Shit is weird. He's in your head rent free.

>> No.23026710


>> No.23026770

Aw, can't handle being completely mogged by a superior author? And now you're projecting your own suicidal desires? Typical. No wonder you fail at literally everything.

>> No.23027131

The thing is that the author specifically marketed it to /lit/ and failed. He wrote a blog post about it, specifically noting that he (mostly if not exclusively?) marketed the book to /lit/ based on a bunch of false assumptions he made about its appeal to the crowd here, and how he did it as an outsider to /lit/ and 4chan. He wasn't aiming to write something that would reveal some fundamental experience of the Other to entice the conventional reader, noting in his blog that he wrongly assumed that
>It should be relatively straightforward to get young male readers on /lit/ if you write fiction about young men

Search the archive for "incel ad" and the first result will be someone who links the blog post where he breaks it all down.

>> No.23027190
File: 746 KB, 1170x1545, Zulu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even Zulu is calling out RJC lmao

>> No.23027246


He's right. Nobody ahead of you gives a shit about you or what you're doing. It's the people who feel you're doing more than they are and/or see you as competition that want to bring you down.

>> No.23027267

>completely missing the point

>> No.23027398

Jesus. I almost feel bad for him after reading his blog post.
On the off chance he's reading this: Write something you care about deeply and have a personal attachment to. You don't need to be the person, or have experienced the things yourself (don't have to be a murderer to write a murder novel), but you need to LOVE, in some way, what you write. Cashing in on a subculture you aren't a part of and don't understand intimately is always a bad idea.

>> No.23027430 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 1024x1024, divinecrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in crustaceans you are correct

>> No.23027574 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 672x456, fedjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justin Mohn would've been told to kill himself if he had posted his work here. He would not have been welcomed.

I say that as a confirmed wonky honky.

>> No.23027643

Here's the blogpost

>> No.23027694 [DELETED] 

The only thing Arx-Han got wrong was that you have to blunt force your culture here, you have to be a leader, because crabs like Ari don't write jack shit and have zero personality. It is the real trench fighters like Ryan, Gardner, etc that get noticed because they put on their bayonets and have slugged it out for years. You have to keep hammering away at the shells of these crabs and keep writing. You have to release more work, faster. Be a leader, this place is dying for someone to show others the way.

>> No.23027704

Oh god, no. Just write something good, for fuck's sake.

>> No.23027745

He shilled his books on /pol/ the summer of last year and a single anon told him to fuck off. Really just generic messiah complex nonsense, I agree that /lit/ would have destroyed him.

>> No.23027747 [DELETED] 

>Just write something good, for fuck's sake.
That's not how this works... have you read the books that sell and have 10,000+ reviews on Amazon?

>> No.23027766

>real trench fighters like Ryan
I saw that RH had another novel besides Chicken World attributed to him on Amazon, but I've never heard a peep about it. Worth a read?

>> No.23027785 [DELETED] 
File: 2.94 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have so many isolated young white guys that have zero ability to participate in culture, and since we're taught to hate each other and compete with each other, the crab-in-bucket mentality completely prevents any organic culture from forming.

Black rappers have tons of avenues to promote themselves and bippity-boppity on social media gets shared and they even have gang wars and such to promote themselves within the underground culture, where as white guy writers have no such turbulent social arenas to assert their dominance. Rappers, for example, have routes to fame like drug dealing, pimping, crime, fashion, etc etc, where as how do writers even get any exposure? Every social channel where you'd have highbrow enough people who read is simply going to be controlled 100% by the establishment. You're never going to reach the people who should be reading your material. There are so few cultural connections between white dudes in western nations outside of sportsball. Also, you'll notice, when blacks go on podcasts or the radio and talk, they openly question things and talk black amongst themselves, when white dudes, especially sportsball or sportspuck players talk, they walk SUCH a fine line because they know if they step out of line, they'll be suspended from the league and their trophy wife accustomed to a 10+ million a year income is going to destroy their balls.

We're really in a very unique cultural position at the moment. There is so little "cultural inertia" to ride upon.

>> No.23027790

I'm glad to see someone in &amp take a stand against this shit.
The single biggest issue &amp has had since its resurgence, and the thing that's made me take a good ten foot stride away from it, has been a complete lack of gatekeeping. For anyone who was ever curious, this is what it leads to.

>> No.23027814 [DELETED] 
File: 985 KB, 1347x1796, furmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have so many isolated young white guys that have zero ability to participate in culture, and since we're taught to hate each other and compete with each other, the crab-in-bucket mentality completely prevents any organic culture from forming.

Black rappers have tons of avenues to promote themselves and bippity-boppity on social media gets shared and they even have gang wars and such to promote themselves within the underground culture, where as white guy writers have no such turbulent social arenas to assert their dominance. Rappers, for example, have routes to fame like drug dealing, pimping, crime, fashion, etc etc, where as how do writers even get any exposure? Every social channel where you'd have highbrow enough people who read is simply going to be controlled 100% by the establishment. You're never going to reach the people who should be reading your material. There are so few cultural connections between white dudes in western nations outside of sportsball. Also, you'll notice, when blacks go on podcasts or the radio and talk, they openly question things and talk black amongst themselves, when white dudes, especially sportsball or sportspuck players talk, they walk SUCH a fine line because they know if they step out of line, they'll be suspended from the league and their trophy wife accustomed to a 10+ million a year income is going to destroy their balls.

We're really in a very unique cultural position at the moment. There is so little "cultural inertia" to ride upon.

>> No.23027819

Might be something he wrote with ai—iirc a lot of the hyperlit stuff on &amp site that's also on amazon he did like that too

>> No.23027820 [DELETED] 

Zulu is just another discord fag that doesn't throw his hat in the /lit/ arena.

Who on /lit/ has any sort of momentum going at all?

>> No.23027836
File: 485 KB, 690x456, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus H. fucking Christ.

>> No.23027852 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't even write
Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.23027870

It's because retards like this >>23027747
are numerous here these days. Conforming to what you think normies want in the hopes of cashing in is the exact opposite of organic culture - and when you do this you effectively act as a weed in the garden of culture.
You fuckers are so lost you have no idea.
>durr how do I make slop 4 normies?
>hurr what do da normies want?
>how do I write 4 moneyzz?

>> No.23027916

Based Zulu.

>> No.23027944 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 480x265, 1682685759732113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conforming to what you think normies want in the hopes of cashing in is the exact opposite of organic culture - and when you do this you effectively act as a weed in the garden of culture.
>You fuckers are so lost you have no idea.
Hey Zulu, go fuck yourself discord dork. Where's your books? I've written two and about to release #3, working on a poetry collection, and working on writing for &amp.

You're just another Ari-adjacent crab. Who even the fuck are you? Do you have any fucking hot chicks? Fast cars? Cool places you've lived? Discord trannies like you are crabs through and through. You release nothing, you attempt to push zero boundaries, and you won't even out yourself because you're ashamed of how much of a fucking dork you look like. Keep hiding on your fucking discord, never publishing books, never doing shit but crabbing other writers you absolute faggot.

>> No.23027982

I'm not even Zulu; but thanks for showing everyone what a shallow soulless artistry deficient newfaggot fucking retard you are with this post.

>> No.23027997


Zulu has written and self published four books, and he regularly buys ads on /lit/ to promote them. From the samples of his writing that I've read in &amp and Tales of the Unreal, I'm confident that his books are much better than your Shitlicker slop could ever dream of being. He also edited &amp and has contributed to other /lit/ projects like the Unreal anthologies. Fuck off, you ignorant shit-for-brains moron.

>> No.23028009 [DELETED] 

Dude that shit is fucking pure slop, nobody talks about Zulu, he has zero momentum or anyone even interested in his shit. He's not even banned everywhere and can't even get any influence at all. What a complete and total fucking dork.

>> No.23028017 [DELETED] 

>and he regularly buys ads on /lit/ to promote them.
Does not share sales data. Does not add anything to /lit/ culture. Does not even reach out on /lit/ to other authors. This dude is a discord-fag Ari-adjacent crab.

>> No.23028029
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>> No.23028049 [DELETED] 

>Author, veteran, and explorer, currently living in Ecuador


Just another fucking dipshit crab in a bucket of dipshit crabs. Not brave enough to do jack shit in life other than tear down the people who actually have the balls to stand up and piss all over an industry that is dominated by the safest, most faggy and gay "writers" who the establishment pushes. Then you crab anyone who stands out from the crowd.

Zulu is about as exciting and inspirational as stale oatmeal. Guys like him want everyone else to be as boring, quiet, and fucking gay as they are. I've known dudes like that all my life, when you're out drinking with them and you're having fun and sitting next to some women and they're laughing at your jokes and having a good time, instead of adding their own personality and jokes, socializing as normal, they go all quiet and just get jealous and mad that you're having a good time. Zulu is allowed on Goodreads and, yet, their Goodreads page is dead as fuck. If I was allowed on Goodreads, I'd have a hub of people talking about my work and shit that I comment on, because my personality is far, far bigger, and I have history of ascending to the top of social pyramids. It is what someone as outgoing and daring as someone like me does when the playing field is level. As is right now, I'm not even allowed on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram... these are the places I would have huge support if society hadn't become a safe space for faggots.

>> No.23028073

I know you don't read much but you should just read Zulu's Savage Green. Half the book is a pretty awesome lampoon of the same things about contemporary society that bother you, except set in the US rather than Canada. Calm down my dude.

>> No.23028086


Even though he shit talks me for posting my picture he's always been a cool dude to converse with on /wg/. I know he and Gardner don't get along but I think they're both great writers in their own right. They, more than a lot of other /lit/ adjacent writers, deserve attention, respect, and goodwill from the community at large. I buy their books and I tell people outside of /lit/ about their work. They are not my competition. They are my brethren.

>> No.23028096 [DELETED] 

I don't read shit by cowards. These faggots are not my equals, they are too afraid to assert themselves and we all languish in obscurity because there is no momentum created and no interest in writers as a whole coming from places like /lit/, instead, "new writers" come up in the faggot University systems, pushed by big book, and then disseminated through social media top-down as the publishers have access to alllllllll the creative writing / MFA students across the western world who then write reviews for the slop recommended to them in their programs. All of the establishment loves guys like Zulu who have zero balls and police their own communities while the fucking establishment has the actual in-roads to culture.

Faggots tearing people down who rebel against the meek culture of being a fart-sniffing /lit/ writer.

>> No.23028136

The public execution of Jason Bryan when?
It's about time that &amp took out the trash. Make this shit cool again.

>> No.23028163 [DELETED] 

This place is just pure war, you put out your work, I'll put out mine, we'll see who eventually wins in the long term.

>> No.23028171
File: 53 KB, 500x500, getaloadofthisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have history of ascending to the top of social pyramids
You're quickly ascending to the top of the lolcow pyramid. Chase that crown, kang. You deserve it.

>> No.23028181 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.23028196

You too have a Goodreads page dipshit

>> No.23028212 [DELETED] 

Banned, faggot, cannot post, cannot update, cannot interact.

I am only not banned on YouTube and TikTok, will use those platforms once my 3rd book is done and poetry collection is ready. Going to have fun with those platforms, but will have to completely neuter my personality and not talk any shit or I'll be banned in a fucking heartbeat.

>> No.23028253 [DELETED] 

Get this faggot, I was banned from Goodreads 10 years ago for making the joke that 50 Shades of Grey would be a CSI Miami episode if the man was poor and not a billionaire. That riled up 100's of Karens on the 50 Shades forum/discussion that they all mass reported me and got me a LIFETIME BAN for making a snarky joke. I followed up by saying that 50 Shades would set the stage for more women to look the other way when rich men want to use them for sex because 50 Shades was manufacturing consent for that. A few years later we get OnlyFans and a simp epidemic. Everything is designed to hand power to women and enslave men further.

>> No.23028347 [DELETED] 

This place gets nowhere because nobody from here can carry this place into the mainstream. It is just a trap for people to get stuck in, become ineffectual as they don't want to become the target of crabs, and never make any impact at all.

>> No.23028417

/lit/ tells everyone to kill themselves. But the people that need to kill themselves, to put themselves out of our misery, are never the ones that do. Also, who cares? Justin Mohn went much further than you posers...he actually killed his father and showed the severed head on YouTube. None of you posers will ever get anywhere unless you eclipse his achievement.

>> No.23028423

>/lit/ would have destroyed him
you fucking poser...he's demonstrated he's capable of killing another human being. you haven't demonstrated squat. you will forever be a non-entity, not even worthy to be in his shadow.

>> No.23028458

>The public execution of Jason Bryan when?
when you stop flapping your lips and actually do it, like Justin Mohn. fucking poser, you never get off your dead ass and do anything. why even get up in the morning? you're a gutless failure.

>> No.23028656 [DELETED] 

/lit/ openly admits you have a better chance of getting somewhere with your writing through terrorism than by actually writing a "good book"

>> No.23028886

/lit/izens everywhere would gather to watch and rejoice

>> No.23028912
File: 77 KB, 800x600, unabomber-writing-lesson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be the first time!

>> No.23028953 [DELETED] 

I'm going to document my attempts to promote my work in 2024 for everyone to see, writing and writing outside of the mainstream, I think, is probably the most futile thing a white guy can do in 2024. But we'll see. I am faking my optimism and I will poke fun at myself via YouTube and TikTok, if I'm successful I will promote other /lit/ writers to my audience, if I fail, well, I have porn to fall back on and a couple local factories and sod farmers are always hiring.

I don't think people understand or appreciate just how tightly constrained culture actually is. It is so moderated and so linear that you'd have to be crazy to think a single person writing can have any real affect on culture, but being crazy is one of the only ways to truly be authentic, as people like Mohn show. (which is why their culture and art is cancelled universally)

>> No.23029049

Wasn't it weird how quickly he was unpersoned? His Amazon and GoodReads account, purged instantly. Guilty until proven innocent. It's like the psychopaths in charge are daring Atlas to shrug.

>> No.23029141 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 313x500, 51dPFjOlgCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asshole, if you think it is weird he is de-person'd, I think you don't have a good grasp on the reality we face.

We're living in the most ridiculous, most tyrannical-anarchist time possible. Everything is controlled chaos and our entire culture is so astroturfed it isn't even funny anymore. Who actually believes in the nation they live in? WHO???

Right now, we're in a position where if you go out into the "real world", things you see in life don't align with what you read and see online, online is everything to young people and old people, but if you're stuck in the middle with gen x, you can see everything is bullshit and lies. The young never knew any better, and the old want to hang onto the nice lies before they die. A truly unique situation that anyone with a conscience finds themselves in.

>> No.23029156


>> No.23029176 [DELETED] 

Can't, I wish it were that easy... still have crabs, faggots, trannies and commies to piss off

>> No.23029258

shut up retard

>> No.23029282 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 960x1280, 1705717786351834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feed off of your seethe

>> No.23029306
File: 879 KB, 350x350, 1511418398970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, another non-native boomer who washed up on the shore of 4chan because he got kicked out everywhere else and mistakenly thinks we're like him because we aren't PC and don't like mainstream shit
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.23029338

Goddamn poser who will never kill anyone, who will never kill himself, and will never get off his dead ass and do anything.

>> No.23029365 [DELETED] 
File: 2.23 MB, 3504x2336, IMG_0874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on 4chan and in top form before you beat off to your first Sasha Grey anal

>> No.23029400

I condemn Robert James Cross.

>> No.23029414

Fuck off Ari

>> No.23029420

Turning on Jason is probably the smartest thing you guys could have done.

>> No.23029457 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23029459
File: 432 KB, 1284x1929, IMG_6506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 3rd Anniversary of when I finished writing SHARDS and handed it in for my MFA! <3

>> No.23029468

Sorry 4th* I'm a dummy haha

>> No.23029477

Condemn me for what? Writing a book? Who am I? Salman Rushdie?

>> No.23029483

Cross, I don't mean to rain on your parade here, but you know you're next after they're done picking Jason clean, right?

>> No.23029485 [DELETED] 

We /lit/ 'tards should be racing to see who can put out the next /lit/ novel.

I'm working real hard lately, my only anchor is I can't decide yet if my mc actually gives into the temptation to join the stronger side or not.

>> No.23029492 [DELETED] 

>Salman Rushdie?
That faggot thinks he's too good for /lit/

>> No.23029496
File: 539 KB, 1280x720, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say Lewis woolston

>> No.23029587
File: 94 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone hates Jason? Okay, I like him now.

>> No.23029810

And you know that /lit/'s ability to do...well, anything...is zero? Right? Do you recognize your own impotence? Or do you completely lack self-awareness?

>> No.23029852
File: 37 KB, 600x815, 1626831987093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We /lit/ 'tards should be racing to see who can put out the next /lit/ novel.
I wish I knew who else was planning on a publication this year besides Jason and Robert. Not even that, I don't know if there are any other collaboration works besides the various magazines and anthology works.

>> No.23029870

A. Zeller is working on a release.

>> No.23029882

Was that a mag contributor, or a newcomer? What kind of genre, can you give any hints at all?

>> No.23030859

Odds are it's a made up persona. The name has been peppered throughout a few threads without substance and called out as a fake. Reminds me of the Lamp Standard announcement thread when the &amp editor tried to pass off one of his pseudonyms as the first author to join up >>22473962, so keep your eyes out for a Zeller popping up there as the author of another phony novella of AI trash to fill in their ranks. That or it's just a sad attempt to cultivate fake "lore" and distract from the dwindling shitheap reality, as suggested by other anons.

>> No.23031477
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>Jason Bryan got banned

>> No.23031611
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>> No.23031661

>admits the story makes no sense
>begs people to read it anyway
Holy FUCK these guys are scumbags

>> No.23031814

checked and enjoyed responsibly

>> No.23032487
File: 62 KB, 423x500, here&#039;s your patch faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr the 4chan establishment did my work for me because i'm a total coward that hides behind my mommy's apron and sucks glownigger dick
you must be so proud of yourself

>> No.23032546


>> No.23033382
File: 104 KB, 1024x1024, severed head TRUTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading "The Pink" by Justin Mohn. There was nothing wrong with it that an editor couldn't have fixed...such is the way with self-published titles, so I don't hold it against him. It was actually a great story with a lot of spell-binding parts...standing totally in contrast to the average /lit/ work, which hovers somewhere between incompetent and navel-gazing. If you make it out of chapter 3 without being enthralled, I wonder if you're even alive. Although it would be rated NC-17, I think this would make a great movie...or, given the amount of content, a multi-episode miniseries, like the type Netflix makes all the time. It just goes to show you...there are a lot of great writers out there that only lack for publicity, which is distributed arbitrarily and without merit. And now the author is out of commission, all for displaying a fake severed head & being part of a psyop...which, may I point out, is far more than any of you worthless chumps will ever do. Bask in his glory, and admit you're unworthy.

>> No.23033395

Why does his dad look like John Podesta?

>> No.23033418

Maybe a little like John Podesta without wrinkles.

>> No.23033420

Okay, bud. Jason is the biggest ally to /lit/ authors around right now, even more than Ryan if you look at the front lines. Yeah it's good to have those guys in the back crunching numbers and stapling paper like Ryan, but &amp needs people like Jason and not the other way around. Crazy duo to have them together any way. He said he's working on a submission so I'm excited to see what's in store.

>> No.23033530
File: 370 KB, 1284x1694, ruready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready, Crabs! Papa Gardner is coming for you!

>> No.23033602

>but &amp needs people like Jason and not the other way around.
You wanna play that game, Jason? Zip your fucking lips before I show you how little you're needed. You've been where I've been for long enough to know what happens to people who run their mouth.

>> No.23033608

tellem why u mad tho

>> No.23033656

Lol I'm not Jason and you're dense if you think people can't see the pecking order here. Get off your high horse and make something if you're dellusional enough to think you have something he doesn't. /lit/ doesn't need another crab and I know I'm not the only Jason supporter hoping to see him put some real wind in the sails here. Jason is going to make &amp next level.

>> No.23033666
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, 1661528912353.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Jason! Did kissing my fucking shoes go unrewarded for a little too long? Sure you don't wanna give them a couple more pecks? Come on. You were so close.

>> No.23033685

>Jason is the biggest ally to /lit/ authors around right now
If by /lit/ authors you mean dysgenic clout-chasers, then sure. Otherwise I can't quite see it. Jason is a self-professed and proud non-reader of books. He has never posted about any piece of literature that was not authored by Jason Bryan. His own work is abysmal and solely produced as ammunition for his one-man culture war. Any budding writer would be a fool to take advice from him.

>> No.23033686

It doesn't change the fact that JB needs a reality check. He can't go talking shit about other writers and also claim to be their champion, especially to a writer who has been an editor at the mag he's submitting to. It makes any of his good will look insincere in retrospect.

>> No.23033828

God, he's so slimy.

>> No.23033866
File: 165 KB, 1088x1391, IMG_6873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay and who are you exactly? Just another nameless nobody with nothing to show for all his crabbing? The fact you're here talking down while he writes his third book, acting like being a halfwit critic made you God, shows you have nothing worth showing. Where are your novels? Where's the effort? Where's all that spirit huh? We've got a man grinding it out right now while you celebrate him being banned yet again. What's your motto behind it?

Literally clueless. This whole time he's been telling you how hard it is to speak the truth and now you're proving you're part of the problem.

>> No.23033883

>those trips
Satan exposed. Fucking poetic.

>> No.23033934

You're not speaking truth to power right now. I'm not the one causing any problem and I don't have the authority to stop you from publishing whatever you want to write. All I'm asking is that a writer show some professionalism to his peers on this board.

>> No.23033977

This is about /lit/ writers. Is someone sitting in a Discord really a /lit/ writer's peer?

>> No.23034058
File: 38 KB, 300x440, frank is a lying sack of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frank has nothing on Justin Mohn. Synagogue tunnels? That's nothing compared to killing your own father, cutting off his head, and showing it on YouTube. Unless Frank wants to admit to being a pathetic never-was never-will-be joke of a human being, he will match Justin Mohn. Oh, and to make it sting more...his books are actually entertaining.

>> No.23034076

It was a fake head.

>> No.23034080

>pecking order here
so you admit this is a thread full of chickens. as if that wasn't obvious

>> No.23034083

>speak the truth
michelle obama tier view of literature. ngmi

>> No.23034200

i'll believe that when he's released from jail & his books are restored on Amazon.

>> No.23034245

Faking crimes is illegal. If what I suspect is true, a lot of his content, which has a spotlight on it, will be kept out of mainstream publishers due to obscenity and any other reasons to throw the book at him. People have been banned from Amazon marketplace for much less.

>> No.23034410
File: 19 KB, 245x406, marian-engel-bear-fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faking a crime (assuming the government ever admits the truth) is minor compared to bestiality porn, which is available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Bear/dp/1911547941

>> No.23034444

I didn't say it was fair. And you should know better that they won't be.

>> No.23036070

I first saw posts in these threads about those fake name around the time that all of the Atlas drama was going on, so it's an obvious effort to distract people from any criticism of &amp. It's probably Hartley.

>> No.23036691
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did he take on the Jewish Question?

>> No.23036709

Nah, it’s just me fucking around. Maybe I’ll write something under A. Zeller, idk it’s just a joke.

>> No.23036930
File: 106 KB, 898x930, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m just kidding. was curious to see if anybody might notice.
You're a broken record, dude.

>> No.23037034

What he did was put a permanent ceiling on any semblance of a career he could hope to foster. By openly denying the holocaust he’ll get himself about 40 likes on some shitty streaming site, while also guaranteeing his ads will be taken down, his books removed from Amazon, and no one will ever hire him to mop the floor of a 711. Hope that word of mouth 4chan sales can pay his bills, but that’s unlikely considering they almost universally revile him.
Honestly what a stupid fucking move. Guess he really was unironically retarded this entire time.

>> No.23037140

I'm not Hartley, what was this?

>> No.23037156

We /lit/ tards should be racing to put out the first novel under the pen name A. Zeller.

>> No.23037284

>By openly denying the holocaust

>> No.23037329


>> No.23037371

holyshit what a fucking idiot
he's a dangerous combo of so-desperate-for-notoriety and just plain stupid.

>> No.23037407

Must be nice having rich parents.

>> No.23037568

for his parent's sake, i hope this ends up like everything Gardner attempts: no one cares and it gets memory-holed.
but what an absolute dumbass thing to say on camera

>> No.23037585

how do we know RJC isn't AI?

>> No.23037602

You know how agents tend to do submission requests for novels they want to see? Has /lit/ ever done anything like that, rather than short story prompts?

>> No.23038107
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A quick google search will indicate that Frank's dad has been blatantly stealing from the city of Chicago for decades. He behaves exactly like Frank does: commits some egregious act of corruption, gets caught, and then refuses to acknowledge or apologize.

So it's pretty fitting that the greasy little camel-lipped homunculus which bears his name and face should turn around and start bleeding him dry in order to finance his own ego. Frank Sr. stole from the people of Chicago to give his family an advantage over everyone else, now the Gardner bloodline ends here, with his dead-eyed autist son basically flushing his money down the toilet in order to promote his anti-semitic gibberish. Basically screaming out to the ACLU and kiwifarms like
>Hey everyone! Come investigate Frank Gardner of Chicago! Come do as much research on me and my dad as you can!

His parents have already divorced because apparently Frank would scream and stomp around like a Japanese hikikomori if they didn't keep paying him to sit on his ass and promote his books (he bragged about this on discord). Now Frank Sr. sits alone in an empty house, reflecting on the fact that it is literally only a matter of time until his son succeeds in his quest to make Frank Gardner synonymous with jew hate. All that money he stole did him no good, because his son has no soul and no sense of filial duty whatsoever, never once has Frank Sr. seen the spark of humanity in Frank Jr.'s eyes nor heard genuine passion or wonder in his voice. He simply takes and takes and demands more and more at every moment, like some kind of hateful changeling sent specifically to punish him. Let this serve as a cautionary tale about the virtues of honest dedication to public service and personal integrity.

>> No.23038249


>> No.23038587

I wish. Antisemitism is now a mainstream position within the Democratic Party.

>> No.23038610 [DELETED] 
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>This pic came true too

F Gardner’s meme magic is real lmfao. Seriously though this is the most shocking story arc from this board in ages. Go F Gardner! He’s literally going full Kanye. Why? I don’t know but this is amusing as fuck. Gardner you are one brave motherfucker

>> No.23038615

yeah...unless you're a jew...and they're still pretty touchy about antisemitism.
oh and they control every business in the western world...so probably not a good idea to piss in their faces

>> No.23038714 [DELETED] 

This place has produced the most far right unhinged author in history. I wonder what his daily life is like. There needs to be a Gardner tv show.

>> No.23038730

Hi Frank.

>> No.23038770

New >>23038766

>> No.23038809

How do the Democrats expect to win elections if they're pissing off the Jews big-time?

>> No.23038854

they've had 90-95% of the black vote locked for 50 years...but that's starting to wane...
so here come the illegals south of the border