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22990265 No.22990265 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best refutation of Marxism ever written?

>> No.22990270

Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion

>> No.22990274
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The fact that the existence of troons and BBC porn is a direct outgrowth of Marxism. No book needed.

>> No.22990276


>> No.22990280

going outside, touching grass and having sex should be enough

>> No.22990290

> existence of troons and BBC porn is a direct outgrowth of Marxism
No, it is the result of capitalism— if consumers want BBC porn then studios produce it . There is no jewish or liberal conspiracy; it is just the product of your favorite system pure and simple.

>> No.22990294

Every single part of your post is wrong. Impressive.

>> No.22990297

>capitalism is the reason for everything bad
>also gibs me dat for free
Marxism in a nutshell.

>> No.22990301

The communist manifesto is just an intro into marxism, if you want to understand this philosophy and trying refuting it then read Capital.

>> No.22990303

I don't think that you should be searching for critiques of marxism. Read marx, read capitalist economists, and do the reasoning yourself.

>> No.22990307

Your comprehension skills are impressive— I never implied capitalism is bad.

>> No.22990311

> Read marx, read capitalist economists, and do the reasoning yourself

>> No.22990314

If you want to understand Marxism, just repeatedly hit yourself in the head with a hammer as hard as you can until you're an incontinent, drooling retard. Then it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.22990315

Popper claims it irrefutable ergo the problem. Most liberals claim marginalism can refute him.

>> No.22990363


>> No.22990475
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>> No.22990485
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Karl Marx and the Close of His System by Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk

>> No.22990528

The thing is no one truly asked for this

>> No.22990536

>multiple failed implementations, 100 million dead.
>venezuela live
>labour theory of value
>positive correlation between economic freedom index and prosperity index, lookup heritage.org
This is all you need, you don't need to read Das Kapital when we have an abundance of experimental evidence. But if you really want to disprove the logic behind it then all of communism relies on the labour theory of value as an assumption. You can easily disprove this in any conversation.

>> No.22990552

This but you have to read it in the original german.

>> No.22990558
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>> No.22990559

You don't know calculus I bet

>> No.22990585


>> No.22990592

Im scared of reading his stuff because I'm very easily swayed and I fear I'd become a commie (I'm medically retarded, it's not my fault)

>> No.22991060

>No, it is the result of capitalism— if consumers want BBC porn then studios produce it .
>he thinks any of this shit emerges organically

>> No.22991071

Socialism by Mises

>> No.22991149

How does Communism exist when its societies buy and sell goods? I don't understand.

>> No.22991196

Marx criticism of capitalism is demonstrated by capitalism in practice though. His beliefs about how communism would work irl are completely wrong but that’s not all he brings to the table.

>> No.22991200

His criticisms of capitalism aren't especially unique. Why they're solely attributed to him is beyond me.

>> No.22991215

>Marx criticism of capitalism is demonstrated by capitalism in practice
every time retards say something like this what they have in mind is some variation of capitalism bad because inequality or poverty or financial crises. the trivial observation that these things are bad marx is given credit for noticing.
in reality marx "criticism" of capitalism was based on his entire elaborate theoretical system. it includes a particular form of economics based on the obsolete and unworkable labour theory of value, the hegelian woo woo metaphysics of dialectics and a grand vision of history that reduces everything down to production and class.

>> No.22991243

I concur. I think maintaining the perception of racial homogeny is a deeply ingrained human instinct. I think BBC porn transmutes the disgust and humiliation from a competing hominid tribe invading and conquering your women into arousal.

For those of you who are convinced the proliferation of Blacked et al demonstrates a wider demographic shift towards brown/black skin, I would say you need to realize where the conceit of the fetish ends and reality begins.

Black people represent 13% of the population (in the US). If every black man and woman married a white person and had 2-3 children, the black population in America would disappear in 50-75 years.

The only endangered race in America is black people.

>> No.22991244

Some fantastic points here. Marx’s ideology is built on labor theory of value, which is laughable in post industrial society. It’s not just been thoroughly debunked — it’s completely unworkable in today’s society.

That being said, Marx did bring *something* of value which was his identification of growing inequality with capitalism. But he misattributed capitalism. There is inequality in *progress*, NOT capitalism - and he goes off the rails in his justifications.

The most useful thing Marx brought to the table was class consciousness, but he did it in a totally annoying way. The way communists talk with total absolutes and off-putting bravado stems largely from Marx. It’s idiotic.

Henry George is the economist Marx so desperately wanted to be. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as intelligent, was cucked, and an idiot.

>> No.22991247

This is true but it doesn’t really matter

>> No.22991258

Well then tell me, how is labor theory of value refuted? Give me an argument. You are just saying that it has been debunking but that does not imply the arguments are good or of any value.

>> No.22991259

Marx lost all credibility when he said capitalism was worse than feudalism.

Think about that for a second — Marx genuinely believed a return to feudalism would have been superior because workers at least owned the labor. In post industrial capitalism, capitalists owned the machines and means of production thus depraving workers of their value.

This is the most cucked ideology of all time. It’s anti progress, fear mongering, and foundational to degrowth ideology.

Bro would’ve saw Star Trek and thought “this is hell”

>> No.22991266

Philosophers may be wrong in most of their ideas, but that doesn’t really matter. You just have to understand one good idea for it to be of use in your understanding of things.

>> No.22991275

If labor dictated the value of something, that would mean most car parts should cost next to nothing because factory workers put in very little labor to create them.

Expensive wines today should be worth nothing because no amount of labor went into producing it, after all, it’s all time. Meanwhile if a carpenter spends 100 hours building a chair, regardless of the quality of the chair, it should be worth a significant amount of money because he worked hard.

You’re free to use that metric in your own personal spending, but most people would LOL at the suggestion. Neo classical economics has moved away from it entirely for a reason

>> No.22991276

Why are 90% of bbc posters shitskins/mutts? Like on twitter, almost every account that posts about it are shitskins who wish they were White and are clearly coping.

>> No.22991282

I actually agree with what you say. I just wanted to know if you could elaborate.

>> No.22991289
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star trek would be hell but not for the reason he would imagine.

>> No.22991293

I am glad to hear you arguing against Smith and Ricardo as well.

>> No.22991297

Here’s the thing though. I could go on and on about how flawed the LVT (labor value theory) is but it’s not very useful - similar to how the theory itself isn’t useful.

It’s an idea that Marx himself arguably didn’t believe. It’s not defined very well, it’s not consistent in his writings (as far as I understand) and it’s not something that can be truly used in a real world setting. When you discuss this with Marxists, they’ll say you don’t “understand” it and that value != price. But what is price, if not someone’s subjective view of value?

Smith at least gave a working theorem, that is at least measurable in some form with data today — supply and demand. Using the LVT as an actual metric to gauge price isn’t useful nor is it something Marx himself would argue. It’s much more useful as a critique of society, to question, what does society value, and why? Why is labor undervalued? These are the best things to extract from the LVT, not very useful in an empirical sense.

>> No.22991301

marxist implementation is the best refutation, plus any religious text

>> No.22991302

Can confirm

T. Shitskinned incel

>> No.22991311

You are right. I still don’t think we should praise capitalism. We should actively criticize it and try to improve it.

>> No.22991319

This is also accurate, Marx formulated his exploitation theory of capitalism partially on the premise that labor theory was already flawed from the outset.

>> No.22991325

Eugen Duhring. Sadly his books are not in translation but a friend of mine is working on it

>> No.22991337

Are you’re seriously suggesting that the porn industry didn’t emerge under capitalism?

>> No.22991343

Don’t listen this faggots. You’re absolutely correct.

>> No.22991346

I just don’t like it.

>> No.22991417

It seems like you are interested in equality of gains, my friend. This can coexist with capitalism.

Henry George neatly solves this problem with the superior LVT (Land Value Tax). George keenly identified that with progress somehow comes inequality, and theorizes it on LAND. He actually thought that the land value tax would be so effective there would be no need for any other tax, and it would bring a utopia and make America a christian nation (he was a devout christian). This is, at the very least, an interesting POLICY point unlike Marx who never really provided much of anything.

People are so anti capitalist they’ve blamed everything on capitalism and never bothered to question what the root of the problem really is. Being a socialist would have been at least reasonable in George and Marx’s time. After all, the idea that the federal government and private markets could coexist was still a legitimate question. Not some 30 years before George wrote On Progress and Poverty, people still thought HUMANS could be property ffs. When Theodore Roosevelt took office and broke up the monopolies, he solidified federal supremacy. FDR made it a core tenant of his society. I simply don’t understand how one can live in TODAYS society, look at the progress capitalism has brought us, see government and markets coexist, and say “capitalism is the root of all evil.” It’s dumbfounding

>> No.22991421

Is this bait? you actually cant believe marx advocated for a return to feudalism, that would showcase such a complete lack of understanding of marxism yet you're this confident in speaking about it...

>> No.22991428

what about that 'cobson guy?

>> No.22991429

yeah bro, because the porn industry is famously run by collectivist marxist idelogues

God, people are so fucking stupid. I don't want to live in this world anymore.

>> No.22991437

So true. You’re so much smarter than that guy. You’re the fucking best *gets on my knees and starts sucking your dick* mmmmnnngnngngn yummy yum yum!!!!!!!

>> No.22991451

currently porn hub is owned by Ethical Capital Partners, a company founded by Sarah Bain. Sarah Bain is the daughter of Bill Bain, the man who founded Bain Capital. Bain Capital was the largest contributor to Mitt Romney's presidential campaigne.

There are some commie-pedo jew billionaires like soros but the BBC sluts are all white guys in the republican party

>> No.22991452

>Think about that for a second — Marx genuinely believed a return to feudalism would have been superior because workers at least owned the labor.
Yeah that's based. You're just a jew.

>> No.22991484

>western society starts gradually falling apart after wwii
maybe it's mainly a side effect of the world wars or deindustralization making us soft but this seems to indicate that almighty states are the root of all evil. or put another way, power corrupts and diffused power spread throughout institutions corrupts even more insidiously than absolute power.

>> No.22991561

Your post is low-info redditor-tier. Pornhub is run by Jews and it was discovered that leftist Jews inside the company were trying to manipulate people's sexuality.

>BBC sluts are all white guys in the republican party
More delusional leftist fantasy. I don't like the Republican party but you're just making it up as you go at this point. Btw, the biggest bbc cucks are non-Whites or mixed-race, it helps them cope with the fact that White women will never want them and they're motivated by anti-White hatred.

>> No.22991570

Low IQ post. Companies decide what consumers want now, it's social programming. Porn companies have already been exposed attempting to manipulate sexuality. The company running pornhub is called "mindgeek" and is run by Jews. We aren't even allowed to know who owns or operates the others. It's free too, because YOU are the product, you leftist bugman.

>> No.22991588

I’m curious to know how do you feel about anarcho-capitalism (as a law student I’m absolutely against it)

>> No.22991616

Anarcho-capitalism is proto-fascism, which is to say it is inherently opressive to black and brown POC and non-binary ppl, and favours White supremacy, which is against everything communism and Marx stood for. No thanks.

>> No.22991648

This desu. The main reason I'm a communist is to fight fascism including White supremacy systems like the US.

>> No.22991655
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Don’t know but bumped into picrel this week, which added to my list. Wonder if any anon has read it…

>> No.22991666
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>Tintin in the Land of the Soviets (French: Tintin au pays des Soviets) is the first volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. Commissioned by the conservative Belgian newspaper Le Vingtième Siècle as anti-communist satire for its children's supplement Le Petit Vingtième, it was serialised weekly from January 1929 to May 1930 before being published in a collected volume by Éditions du Petit Vingtième in 1930. The story tells of young Belgian reporter Tintin and his dog Snowy, who are sent to the Soviet Union to report on the policies of Joseph Stalin's Bolshevik government. Tintin's intent to expose the regime's secrets prompts agents from the Soviet secret police, the OGPU, to hunt him down with the intent to kill.
Unironically the whole Tintin saga

>> No.22991699
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Nick Lands conceptualization on capitalism kinda runs opposite to the marxist vision of history.

If you want a good refutation, read up on technosingularity. It's ultimately a refutation on historical materialism.
If you want a refutation on the communist system of governance - there are none. It's a matter of political incliniation, and politics as i hope you know is based on anything but rationality.

>> No.22991706

>Julian Assange in the Land of the Liberal serfdoms

>> No.22991726
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Guess how i know you haven't read marx.
This isn't at all what Marx claims, it's quite the opposite in fact.
First comes slavery => feudalism => industrial capitalism and then the revolution begins.


also >feudalism would have been superior because workers at least owned the labor.
Please seek help. I don't think you understand what feudalism is.

>> No.22991730

Clean your room.

>> No.22991767

Get a girlfriend

>> No.22992061
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without looking it up, what exactly do you think feudalism is? The revolution begins because conditions get worse - to Marx history is an inevitable spiral down until communism saves the day.

Taken directly from your bible by the way. Should i have said that Marx actually thinks being a slave is better than a proletariat?

I would say you’re a retard who should read more Marx, but you’re somehow doing a better job at making his ideology look worse than him. Im sure you’ll take this as a compliment

>> No.22992075

>Should i have said that Marx actually thinks being a slave is better than a proletariat?
not a marxoid but would he really have been wrong at the time? industrial labor sucked major ass until ford and the west had proper laws on the treatment of slaves.

>> No.22992106

Are you forgetting the absolutely abysmal treatment of people during the early days of industry that was only rolled back after pressure from communists started, forcing governments to adopt pseudo socialists policies to appease them. Industrialism as Marx knew it was likely worse than feudalism

>> No.22992128

Actual answer
>The Opium of the Intellectuals - Raymond Aron

>> No.22992173

It’s really interesting how many non-capitalist economists and economic theories there were in modern history but Marx and Engels completely overshadow them to an insane degree. It’s the equivalent of a religion stomping over minor pagan cults as it spreads. Everyone is irrelevant compared to Marx. He conquered history.

>> No.22992277

>labor theory of value, which is laughable in post industrial society
Why post? Economies of scale applied then too.

>> No.22992307

Surplus value "profits" is created from labor. As the share of labor that goes into a product decreases we would expect "profits" ie value to decrease. Is this the case? No. Wrong in theory wrong in observable practice.

>> No.22992336

Surplus value = profit
Value = socially construct assigned price
Utility = individual budget optimization determines value
I'd like if someone would synthesize these terms. Why do we have a market around funkopops, why is there value in this. I'd like if there was better analysis.

>> No.22992362

The Bible

>> No.22992374

not really, he just got lucky. were it not for the third world coming into play and the KMT being retarded he'd be viewed as a nutter.

>> No.22992380

err the second world coming into play rather. what i meant was were it not for the fall of the european (and east asian) empires though.

>> No.22992381

You don't know a single thing about Marxism. You're just repeating Murdoch media talking points. There's absolutely nothing, at all, about gender or even sexuality in any of Marx's works.

The fact that you're asking how to refute facts and philosophy is funny. You can't. That's the whole point.

One of Marx greatest works "Das Kapital" is a book entirely about capitalism. Not against it. Not for socialism. Not anything else- It just accurately describes what capitalism is and how it works.

Refuting that would mean you are implying capitalism doesn't exist.

. . . . . Whether you like capitalism or not, it obviously does exist.

>> No.22992391


>> No.22992543

>"Market economy dictates that supply and demand direct the economic processes, it's not capitalism it's just how economy works"
>BBC/cuck porn/troon industry/Jewish fed exists and makes mad bank
>"It's not REAL supply and demand it's all social engineering brainwash"
And it still exists and makes mad bank. If you deny that it is "natural" supply and demand, then you directly admit that "natural" supply-demand process is a spook, and that planned (by deepstate Jews, to brainwash and control you) economy built on articicially engineered demand and artificial speculation is not only viable and thriwing - it is in fact the most superior economic approach to ever exist.

This stance is straight-up more anti-capitalist than Marxism.

>> No.22992558

>regardless of the quality
Socially-useful labor.

Arguing against a strawman.

>> No.22992562

>Marx lost all credibility when he said capitalism was worse than feudalism.

Marx explicitly stated that capitalism is better than feudalism. He did state that capitalism allows for more thorough exploitation than feudalism, but he still viewed and described it as an unambiguously positive development because it enhanced society's productive capabilities beyond what is possible for feudalism.

>> No.22992648

what's the purpose of this reply?

>> No.22992686

>If labor dictated the value of something, that would mean most car parts should cost next to nothing because factory workers put in very little labor to create them.

automation is a function of congealed labor in machinery. marx of course was aware of technology-aided automation taking place in his day.

> Expensive wines today should be worth nothing because no amount of labor went into producing it, after all, it’s all time

> Supply and demand regulate nothing but the temporary fluctuations of market prices. They will explain to you why the market price of a commodity rises above or sinks below its value, but they can never account for the value itself. Suppose supply and demand to equilibrate, or, as the economists call it, to cover each other. Why, the very moment these opposite forces become equal they paralyze each other, and cease to work in the one or other direction. At the moment when supply and demand equilibrate each other, and therefore cease to act, the market price of a commodity coincides with its real value, with the standard price round which its market prices oscillate. In inquiring into the nature of that VALUE, we have therefore nothing at all to do with the temporary effects on market prices of supply and demand. The same holds true of wages and of the prices of all other commodities.

>> No.22992778

sniffing out a pseud who thinks there is such a thing as a "capitalist economist" that you can "read".
you don't know calculus I bet

>> No.22992830

Its about as organical as the emrgence of movies. You arent making a point here

>> No.22992853

Not a single Marx critiquer here has any idea about what they are talking about nor have they even the awareness to see this. Don't you mongoloids understand that you are just making the thing you hate so much look better since it's obvious that you have bo idea ehat you are talking about lol. It's the same with every philosophy thread

>> No.22992890

I do, but there's no point in justifying myself to you. You're a bigger psued.

>> No.22992939

Kek leftypol pseud damage control.

>> No.22992945

I'm not a leftist. That should've been clear from my initial comment. Poor reading comprehension.

>> No.22992962

If you want to refute it economically, read Von Mises

>> No.22993033

>Smith at least gave a working theorem, that is at least measurable in some form with data today — supply and demand
That's obviously not quite right. Economics got in a muddle because Smith framed long run relative prices differently. Smith never thought "demand" or "supply" in the abstract could explain things at the root because he assumed that to be pretty constant generally ironically

>Henry George neatly solves this problem with the superior LVT (Land Value Tax). George keenly identified that with progress somehow comes inequality, and theorizes it on LAND. He actually thought that the land value tax would be so effective there would be no need for any other tax, and it would bring a utopia and make America a christian nation (he was a devout christian). This is, at the very least, an interesting POLICY point unlike Marx who never really provided much of anything.
Taxing the value of privately owned land isn't a theory of value or anything. George saw that markets didn't necessarily result in the best of all worlds and added an auxiliary condition to make pure theory work.
You'll find very conservative figures who advocated for outright nationalization of all land FYI

>After all, the idea that the federal government and private markets could coexist was still a legitimate question
Huh? That wasn't a "question" to anyone. Nobody thought private business was going to coup government. How did you think Henry George thought you could impose a tax on all land owners without a government doing it?

>don’t understand how one can live in TODAYS society, look at the progress capitalism has brought us, see government and markets coexist, and say “capitalism is the root of all evil.”
Place the emphasis on what could be instead of what is. Things being better isn't best of all worlds. You can easily look at all kinds of things today and say "damn that's dumb"

Of course. Praxeology is logically irrefutable, it's ipso facto true smooth brain

>> No.22993261


>> No.22993348

Well. You may be right, but you are not giving any arguments. Saying that is pretty easy.

>> No.22994348

capital is way too fucking long! i can't be arsed reading such a brick of a book when i'm already struggling to sit down to read a single chapter of whatever 300 page novel i'm on and finish it after a few months. i prefer reading short shit on the internet.

>> No.22994351


>> No.22994391

History books about communist countries.

>> No.22994398

"This is Jake. If he doesn't get what he wants, you win a prize."

>> No.22994419

Hitler's "Mein Kampf"

>> No.22994475

I prefer reading shitposts about how Marx was a retard

>> No.22994538

The best refutation of Marxism is that orthodox "Marxism" was invented after Marx by his less intelligent fanboys and who reduced his views down to anti-cap economic determinism and dialectical and historical materialism based on books by Engels and stuff that was only ever partially published and translated. Leninoids brag about how Leninism is the "next stage of Marxism" but leave out that the Russian communists ignored Marx's own advice in the Zasulich letter (build socialism based on the traditional peasant commune) and went for the exact opposite of destroying tradition and imposing collectivization. Marxists can't even get Marx right. That's their biggest single fuck up.

>> No.22994603
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Working with people you despise.

>> No.22994635

In feudalism, the king needed to protect his subjects or face ruin. In communism, they genocide the subjects.

>> No.22994730
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>> No.22994738
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>> No.22994756
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>> No.22994769
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>> No.22994775
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>> No.22994785

>at the time
that's the key term here, faggot

>> No.22994817

I have it wishlisted

>> No.22994820
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>oh no le heckin brown people
Do you even hear yourself talk?

>> No.22994906
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Marx's "response" to Stirner in the German Ideology might be one of the funniest things ever written. It's wild reading Marx completely sperging out
Almost great bait but you fumbled it by linking heritage.org
A little too on the nose

>> No.22994926

Is Bordiga actually worth reading though

>> No.22994940

yeah what's your point, he couldn't exactly prognosticate on the industrial system. i mean sure he tried too but he was wrong and that's that.

>> No.22994958

>Marxists battle for decades for basic workers' rights
>Morons look at the modern rights Marxists fought for and claim capitalism is great
Many such cases!

>> No.22994970

ignore the fact that normal worker's unions existed and were actually infilitrated by marxists and oops suddenly they don't exist anymore but even if they did you couldn't unionize with mass immigration anyway sowwy

>> No.22995100

Irrefutable. I pray to the portrait of Marx over my bed every night.

>> No.22995104

>>22990536 (prob bait)
There's no Marxism to "implement" you fucking retards. Read a book.

>> No.22995107

People like to own stuff because of the superstructure. Once we change the political system and economy they won't care anymore, simple as.

>> No.22995117

Lmao marxists can’t defend this

>> No.22995118

There is nothing to be "refuted", Marx just observed undeniable historical laws better than anyone. Refute reality.

>> No.22995122

Retarded lolberts actually think 700 pages of wordcel seething about the "labor theory of value" (invented by your beloved Adam Smith in fact and marginal to Marx's theories) will refute the realization of the Real Historical Spirit.

>> No.22995134

Marxism is anti rights, literally that is what marxism is at its core. Capitalism is not a mode of production, it is the direct result of freedom and rights, what you call workers rights is actually workers privileges. The fact that you cannot actually say what your ideology is actually about should clue you in to how bad it is. The idea of marxism, spoken plainly, without twisting words and outright lying, is that giving people freedom and rights results in an unfair distribution of resources, and we need some people to have their rights taken away to confer privileges over those people by others in order to equitably distribute resources. A right cannot be something imposed by one over another, that is not a right it is a privilege to another. Rights cannot be positive, they can only be negative, a positive right must confer a lack of rights in others so it is privilege.

>> No.22995165
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>> No.22995245

any critics of dialectical materialism

>> No.22995572

Marxism refers to the works of Marx which highlighted the abuses that were particularly rampant during the early industrial revolution but which are also inextricable from the mode of production which is Capitalism. In short, for a capitalist to continually pay for labor, he must garner more value from the laborer than the payment he gives, thus, categorically exploiting him. You seem to have a very narrow idea of what "Marxism" is.
Also: >Rights cannot be positive, they can only be negative, a positive right must confer a lack of rights in others so it is privilege.
You have no idea what a nation state is, do you? As a citizen of literally any Western nation, you absolutely DO have many positive rights provided by the state. It is a right because your membership as a citizen entitles you to particular things. The concept of "rights" simply means something that individuals or systems of individuals will respect, thus your use of the word "privilege" is less accurate.

>> No.22995587

>muh capitalism
Boogeyman. Capitalism is a real thing, but you are improperly using it to describe a phenomenon that is not real.

>> No.22995624

Actually, reading that sentence was all it took. No need for a hammer.

>> No.22995652

Well yeah he was more relevant to his time and place. That doesn't mean the owner-laborer dialectic doesn't exist today.

>entire elaborate theoretical system
This is a bit of a false reduction. Marx's alienated labor as the mechanism by which the increased value of the commodity at the expense of the world of the living is LIVED and observable everywhere, just look at people obsessed with wrapping their furniture in plastic, or people screaming at children for spilling something on leather seats.

>> No.22995671

"As for large landed property, its apologists have always sophistically identified the economic advantages inherent in large-scale agriculture with large landed property, as if these advantages would not on the one hand attain their fullest degree of development and on the other hand become socially useful for the first time once property abolished. Similarly, they have attacked the trading spirit of the small landowners, as if large-scale landownership, even in its feudal form, did not already contain within it the elements of barter -- not to mention the modern English form, in which the feudalism of the landowner is combined with the huckstering and the industry of the tenant farmer."

>> No.22995682

Sorry, I had to stop masturbating and suck the cheetoh dust off my fingers to type that you have awoken me to how my inclusion in a nation state has removed my animal from the need for the constant vigilance characteristic of nomadic or hunter gatherer survival life. I am suddenly awakened to the fact that I've lived my whole life with the comfort that I can depend on other agents of the state to generally work towards my safety and wellbeing whilst I work from home in my career field of brand personality marketing.

>> No.22995686

5 threads, all unpopular

>> No.22995744

>Marxism refers to the works of Marx which highlighted the abuses that were particularly rampant during the early industrial revolution but which are also inextricable from the mode of production which is Capitalism. In short, for a capitalist to continually pay for labor, he must garner more value from the laborer than the payment he gives, thus, categorically exploiting him. You seem to have a very narrow idea of what "Marxism" is.
This is all polemic bullshit, it is not abuse if it is done by choice, the laborers life was exalted by the opportunity to work for the capitalist, and it still is today. It also lays bare the central flaw in marxist dogma which is ignoring how time factors into value, a present good is worth more than a future good, trading your labor to the capitalist can be more profitable to yourself than investing your labor in yourself. You fundamentally don’t understand economics, you don’t even believe in economics, you just reduce everything to cultures and conspiratorial plots of abuse.
A right cannot be positive, any positive right is by necessity a lack of rights of another to not do something, what you call positive rights is literally slavery of another, and maybe you think this is fair if everyone is one equal parts slave of each other, but of course this is implicitly zero sum to everyone not being slaves of each other unless someone is suffering more under the slavery, someone with more responsibility to others than they gain advantage over others IE those with more ability. When it comes down to it marxism is at best a reversal of morals where the weak rule the strong (and yes I literally mean dyels ruling those with strong arms in the ultimate scenario before you go on about capitalists being fat and lazy and workers being the strong ones). I could go on about the darwinian issues this would cause, but I don’t want to play your tribalistic bigot games, instead I will tell you about how you should recognize that it is not in the weaks best interest to enslave the strong, the reason being that economic calculation is impossible in a single owner/single payer situation. You need accurate price data produced by entrepreneurs to effectively run an economy, price data is a real value that cannot be determined by a single individual or a committee or a voting process, it must be determined on a free market. Fascism is a little better off than communism, because it more or less leaves a market, and what we have now is basically reverse fascism, but the problem with fascism is that it is prone to collapse for not having a free market money supply.

>> No.22995747

So you need capitalism to even have society functioning, but more than that, it is a good situation, it finds the most efficient way of doing things and makes the workers productivity go farther so they can work less. Capitalism experiences a constant deflationary pressure, the only reason we have inflation is because of the reverse fascism. Poor people are ironically the real winners of capitalism, hence the pressure of capitalists to have fascism. In true capitalism the poors life gets better and better while the riches life gets worse and worse as they are subject to increasing competitiveness while the poor reap the benefits of better and cheaper goods and services.

You lefties are fucking halfwits. The problems of communism are all so fucking obvious but you can’t see shit, you are fucking blind disabled subhumans.

>> No.22995752

There are several hurdles here
1. Defining Marxism, specifically whether or not you include the works of marx' socialist contemporaries. You might say narrow vs. Broad Marxism
2. Whether you credit marx modern supporters as Marxist, and credit their works as Marxist
3. Whether you honestly expect anyone to have read marx liturgical body of works, which would waste half of anyone's life.
It's very common that Marxists will simply refuse to engage with anyone who hasn't read marx complete works, and equally common that those critical of marx have read literally nothing marx wrote, or have read only poor faith recounts by marx enemies.

I've read a lot of commentary critical of marx, but not the original works they cite so it would be ignorant to parrot them. But then again.... who's going to waste 20 years reading all of marx works?

>> No.22995762

If you can’t explain it to a child you don’t understand it, the single most damning idea against leftism

>> No.22995861

>everything I don't understand is wrong.
you scored an own goal here, my whole point is that most of the commentary on marx is totally uncited, consisting of baseless claims and hostile summations.

Marx was first and foremost a materialists, so strong refutations will come from virtue ethicists.

>> No.22995907


>> No.22996078

>No need for a hammer.
Can we dispose of the sickle as well?

>> No.22996611

> So you need capitalism to even have society functioning, but more than that, it is a good situation, it finds the most efficient way of doing things and makes the workers productivity go farther so they can work less.
Assertion without proof
> Capitalism experiences a constant deflationary pressure, the only reason we have inflation is because of the reverse fascism. Poor people are ironically the real winners of capitalism, hence the pressure of capitalists to have fascism.
More assertions and the latter point doesn’t logically follow
> In true capitalism the poors life gets better and better while the riches life gets worse and worse as they are subject to increasing competitiveness while the poor reap the benefits of better and cheaper goods and services.
No true Scotsman, plus just another baseless assertion
> You lefties are fucking halfwits. The problems of communism are all so fucking obvious but you can’t see shit, you are fucking blind disabled subhumans.
Ad hominem, also probably projecting

Do you people ever get tired of being retarded?

>> No.22996652

this is easily the gayest fucking description of marxism i have ever read. Entirely removed from reality

> increased value of the commodity at the expense of the world of the living is LIVED and observable everywhere

fascinating how Marx didnt say shit about the environment but leftist retards have expanded their ideology to make him an environmentalist.

these people aren’t looking for actual answers. nor are they looking to actually study what marx said. they are looking for a God that had all the answers to every issue and injustice everywhere. so cucked

>> No.22996674

> buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
You don't actually read.

>> No.22996721


>> No.22996897

>Meanwhile if a carpenter spends 100 hours building a chair, regardless of the quality of the chair, it should be worth a significant amount of money because he worked hard.

Do people actually think that marx argued more hours of labor = more value with no further explanationm People on a board for literature are unironically attributing the 'lol if I dig a point hole for 100 hours that is high value according to marx which means marx is dumb'

Holy shit read you fucking niggers it's embarrassing

>> No.22996913

That is not why the labor theory of value is dumb, it is dumb because you cannot quantify value arbitrarily

>> No.22996922

The simplest way to refute a marxist is to kill them, if private property doesn’t exist they are not entitled to their own lives

>> No.22996968

The labour theory of value doesn't quantify value arbitrarily. You can say the system he built to try and explain value is wrong, but I wouldn't call it arbitrary

>> No.22996970


>> No.22996971

If laborers work on a product that doesn't sell well because market changes, and the company makes a loss, have they created negative value, and do the owners have a right to demand part of their wages back? Because that's the corollary of saying that the laborers should get the profits if it's successful.
Concepts like socially useful/necessary labor just try to distract from the basic logical faults of marxism by padding it with ever-more qualifications. Based Occam kills Marx dead.

>> No.22996972

Spengler of all people. He outed it as capitalism, but for the working class.

>> No.22996999
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>retarded chud discovers class warfare and thinks it's insightful

>> No.22997003

If a product is not being sold/used in that society then it is not socially necessary labour, the workers are not doing useful labour, so not creating value.

>> No.22997004

It is absolutely arbitrary, whether it is giving value for labor no matter what the labor is or trying to more equitably distribute rewards for work done it is the same fundamental problem that you are arbitrarily pricing labor. Value cannot be determined, it must be discovered.

>> No.22997015

You don’t know what arbitrary means and you call others embarrassing

>> No.22997030

Prosperous and stable Marxist economies:

End of list.

>> No.22997036

There's no such thing as Marxist economics THOUGH

>> No.22997039

Wtf I love the freemasons now

>> No.22997048

You are fucking retarded, Marx thought it only applied to a point, i.e if the chair on average takes 20 hours, then the labor will create that much value. If someone is dicking around and they take 100 hours that doesn't change it.
And he wasn't using LTV as some kind of argument for higher wages

>> No.22997049

So it's socially necessary when it's profitable and socially unnecessary when it's not, and ofc it might change month to month; a simpler way to say this is that the market determines value

>> No.22997052

>outed it as capitalism, but for the working class.
The fuck does this even mean? Why are chuds so retarded? You probably didn't even read Spengler, just Youtube videos on him.

>> No.22997059

He also refutes LTV himself in Capital.

>> No.22997061

Total Libertarian Death

>> No.22997065

I assume anon is referring to communism enslaving the strong for the benefit of the poor. I understand your communist brain doesn’t work too good so that might have been hard to derive for you.

>> No.22997074

Pick one

>> No.22997079
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Was Napoleon a freemason?

>> No.22997087

>if you are forced to give your greater ability to those with greater needs you must not have greater ability, check mate capitalist
Uhh, k. Jeez you commie retards are so easily impressed with yourselves. No standards.

>> No.22997091
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>> No.22997096

I bet you believe in fairy tales too

>> No.22997113

Even though Marx avoided it his whole life he ended up falling into metaphics and like all metaphysicians he is wrong.

>> No.22997266

>umm according to the fantasy I invented just now rational production is impossible, check mate gommies;^)

>> No.22997470

Imagine advocating for being a slave to the "strong"
Literally what do you gain from this

>> No.22997534

Lol, pornhub is literally owned by a rabbi

>> No.22998319

these days it's capitalism for the intellectual class.

>> No.22998376
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>> No.22998383

None. He's never been touched in a fair debate. Everything that has ever been argued against him has been a cope of some sorts.

>> No.22998640

Nukes pacified imperial Japan so you should consume polonium like faggots did in the USSR.
>thus, categorically exploiting him
This is both the world's most retarded definition of "exploitation" and responsible for the death of millions in the last century and for DEI in the modern day.
Most discussion on Marxism is really a discussion on Leninism since Lenin is who popularized communism in the 20th century.
>plus just another baseless assertion
please tell me how Lee Kuan Yew turned Singapore from 3rd world to 1st world.
Societies are built upon hero worship.
In his own lifetime he got BTFO by Stirner and cucked by Engels and he himself coped by cheating on his wife.
>implying non-commies think that line-go-up-economics is good
Since we don't we also don't want infinity brown people storming our countries to raise our GDP.
These sorts of manipulations are only allowed because leftoids (and/or Jews) infiltrated the government and NGOs and hate white people.

>> No.22998685

>Everything that has ever been argued against him has been a cope of some sorts.
Cope about what? That they didn't manage to invent a system that reliably produces economic squalor in every single implementation attempt?

>> No.22998902
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>> No.22998923

>Nervous systems are downstream from the products of nervous systems

>> No.23000400

A world history textbook.

>> No.23000651

The Economic Calculation is empirical, so even for you, people that cant even understand the concept of a priori truths, it should make sense.

>> No.23000963

There is no good refutation of Marx, he was almost completely correct about everything

>> No.23000965

Why can’t I kill you?

>> No.23000982

Hegel and Marxism can walk hand in hand. Hegel is always, "consequences of history / historical necessity" which isn't much different than "everything is class."

>> No.23000986

The only thing stopping you are either the consequences, not knowing where >>23000963 lives, and your inability to act on your desire to kill him.

>> No.23000998

No I mean why, not what is stopping me, what is the reason to stop me from killing anon

>> No.23001000

The post that mindbroke /his/ capitalists with basic supply and demand theory.

>> No.23001003

Implying woke is in demand, remember they had to hide the dislike bar on youtube

>> No.23001027

YouTube is a service. It is in demand if nobody except you and some other nigger stopped using it after it went LE WOKE.

>> No.23001130

Reasons don't stop people from killing anyone. Usually, people kill in passion or because they enjoy hurting others and their justification comes after the fact. Metaphysics aren't coming into play when you decide not to gun down someone who cuts you off. Your brain either resists the urge or you become a murderer.

>> No.23001140
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The following statement that I’m writing right now.

“What happened to the people living under the Soviet Union?”

>> No.23001146

I don’t disagree, but the passing over of religion and theology by means of critique is central to Marx’s philosophy.

>> No.23001147

I did this, and also read critiques of Marx, and saw how pathetic they were, and that's why I'm a Marxist.

>> No.23001148

philosophical constructs isnt a problem for Marxism.

>> No.23001156

nta but money from blackrock and vanguard is objectively a better deal than money from normal people. so in a way you're both right.

>> No.23001162

Blackrock handles the federal reserves liquidity injections so that is just money printing

>> No.23001166

So what you are saying is we should murder marxists because there is no reason not to and it would be enjoyable? Well it sure is weird that marxists support this but ok, wya?

>> No.23001174

It's easier than reeducating them. Franco knew the best way to handle Marxists after they had been raping nuns and peasants / robbing people.

>> No.23001178

precisely. the us economy is a fake and gay notion thanks to nixon. it's literally just a spook meant to enslave the majority of people into for working for massive multinationals. getting healthy capitalism back would involve restoring the old ways with a new twist.

>> No.23001184

>capitalism is the reason for everything bad
>also gibs me dat for free

Unironically this is my world view. I still voted for Trump twice and will again.

>> No.23001200

Finally a good post.

>> No.23001245

its applications

>> No.23001268

that's how you get worker's militias so go ahead lol

>> No.23001311

ignore the fact that marxists in the 21st century are the ones organized by the corporations to murder workers

>> No.23001430
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>> No.23001446

this thread is astronomically stupid even by /lit/ standards. good lord

>> No.23001480

Star Trek is pretty communist in it's vision. Endless credentialism and testing etc.

>> No.23003004

1971 was a bad year but things have been over since 1913

>> No.23003007

No no u dont understand da jooos like money but they also like losing it that why they make bbc porn that is clearly unprofitable because all the arayans dont jerk off to that shit.

>> No.23003012

>capitalism is when the government rapes your paycheck and hands it to anti-white marxists who want you dead

>> No.23003036

>people like to own stuff because of ideology.
>implicitly stating that people own stuff because of ideology
you are this close to refuting dialectical materialism and just saying that the infrastructure does not matter.

>> No.23003047

it's more that marx was a liberal who turned on hegel when he thought that the liberal state could not fulfill it's principles. the material reality is just that he was conditioned into thinking this way and therefore there's no reason for us good materialists to take him seriously as his opinions are tainted.

nah but seriously. "material conditions" don't actually determine anything. it's all ideology and their struggle for dominion.

>> No.23003949

this anon is just straightforwardly correct and it's extremely funny to see everyone seethe in response

>> No.23003953

>What is the best refutation of Marxism?

The world we currently live in.

>> No.23004114

Marx was a megalomaniacal nutjob who literally wanted to be God

>> No.23004501


>> No.23004577

This is not the best refutation of Marxism ever written.

>> No.23004883

Wasn't he a Marxist?

>> No.23004915

The best refutation as has already been pointed out and that the marxists unironically did not have a counter point for is that you should just kill marxists since they don’t own their lives

>> No.23004935

>Marx lost all credibility when he said capitalism was worse than feudalism.
Except that he did not say that. Ever.

>> No.23004958

He certainly strongly implied it as have many marxists with the concept of alienation

>> No.23005040

No. Name one.

>> No.23005382

>ctrl + f "kill"
did you really spend the weekend posting about killing marxists or are there more of you sad losers on here?

>> No.23006707

>Societies are built upon hero worship.
Hero worship isn't the same as subservience to a class that won the birth lottery
>Since we don't we also don't want infinity brown people storming our countries to raise our GDP.
>These sorts of manipulations are only allowed because leftoids (and/or Jews) infiltrated the government and NGOs and hate white people.
It's almost cute that you still think that politicians that rail against illegal immigration actually want it to stop. If we can have an entire class of people who aren't supposed to be here, we don't need to have labor laws apply to them. Really it's to the capitalist class's benefit to sow hatred of them while making token efforts to keep them out as Trump did. Of course the neolib attitude is similar except they feign sympathy.
Face it, unless the guy you support is actively calling for genocide and Nuremberg-esque race laws this is what they support; in which case good luck gaining any popular support.

>> No.23006708

I'd say he lost credibility when he conflated Feudalism, a primarily governmental system, with capitalism, at its core an economic system as if they were at all equivalent and as if one replaced the other. Yes, feudalism tended towards certain economic realities but ultimately it was concerned with governance and the practicalities there of. Capitalism fundamentally doesn't really give a fuck about government, sure it has ways it'd prefer, but so long as the exchange of goods and services is appropriately diffused and flowing it continues to exist. The idea that these are the same and should be treated the same just because they have to bow to logistic realities and had to contextualize and construct a response to impacting systems is a marxist delusion, entirely artificial, a reach. Most feudal states were at their core, functionally capitalist economically, merely not as free and absolute as later methods of governance.

This is because the end of history bullshit communists try to claim is fundementally undermined by the fact that the capitalist boogieman they claim to be succeeding as it was merely a phase has existed since the fucking formation of any kind of civilization, having it's roots when Grug was first payed in berries and shiny stones to find an animal with a certain quality of pelt, and then traded some of his bounty to get a woman to open her thighs for him without having to make a fight of it.

Capitalism, what it truly is at its core, the free trade of goods and services for things of alternative but agreed upon value, at its core, is literally a cornerstone of human civilization and instinctive human behavior and always has been.

>> No.23006720

Marx didn't know what the fuck Feudalism was so if Anon doesn't it's at least a fair level of intellectual prowess for each side of the debate.

>> No.23006734

When you get down to it Anarcho-Capitalism is literally anarcho-primitivism with guns and medicine, since it's never able to realistically answer how exactly anything resembling a society will function past the local level of "gentlemen's agreement" more or less.

Which defacto means 90% of African tribal villages are Anarcho-Capitalist.

>> No.23006760

>I'd say he lost credibility when he conflated Feudalism, a primarily governmental system, with capitalism,
you fucking idiot.

>> No.23006803

>In this post Anon is stupid enough to not see the difference between economic theory and governance because them being related and interconnected confused him.
Alternatively you just didn't ready any further elaboration which admittedly is about the level of literacy you'd expect from a communist.

>> No.23006808

>Capitalism, what it truly is at its core, the free trade
Capitalism does not require free trade, it requires capital to exist. "Free trade" has never existed, it's an artifact of Econ 101 courses teaching what a "perfect market" would be if one could exist. Perfect markets, of course, are hilariously fantastical and are ludicrous to base any theory of value off of, but were a necessary evil to create to distract from Adam Smith's theory of value which actually made sense and didn't require a literal utopia to work

>> No.23006871

>Conflating literal term shorthand with an Econ 101 artifact.
You are actually retarded.

It's clear that in the context schizofag up there is using that "free trade" merely refers to the ability to exchange economic capital without direct interference, the retard just takes too long to get to that point, but it is a salient one.

At its absolute core, boiled down to its most basic elements, Capitalism is about the ability to freely engage in trade without needing to involve direct oversight, intermediaries, or interference. Indirect pressures, restrictions, facilitating intermediaries, and so on are it bowing to the realities of a complex system that evolves naturally from the fact that it has to exist in a real world with finite resources and non-instantaneous or effortless transit of those resources, various vital services that have to exist due to those realities and the nature of human civilization and so on.

TLDR: you're both fucking retarded but while anon needs to get to the fucking point and avoid using specific terms incorrectly in this context you need to learn to read, nigger, read.

>> No.23006879

that's like asking what's the prettiest of a field of wildflowers

>> No.23006889

Bro there are hundreds of books about it. ;)

>> No.23006901

Equating capitalism with any sort of free flow of capital is fundamentally misunderstanding it. It doesn't even require the illusion of free engagement to arise, especially in the case of state granted monopolies.

>> No.23006928

In general, rightness or leftism is not determined by economics, and judging leftism or rightness solely by economics is the lot of leftists.

>> No.23007144

Probably social democracy. It is not that his grievances are wrong, but his methods lead to too much change. Once a revolution is over, you tend to feel like you are surrounded by secret enemies. When looking at viruses, new contagions have a higher morality rate, but mutate to be less deadly in order to pass on it's genes. The same happened with communism. During the history of socialism, it got softer in its methods, it's enemies became more like socialism, and socialism became more like capitalism.

>> No.23007446
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USSR playlist

Living conditions in the Soviet Union
>Communal apartments
>Hour long queues
>Children were taught to squat instead of sitting on the ground because it was difficult to clean clothing because of soap shortages

Coverups by the USSR government
>Soviet Union space program disasters
>The Mayak nuclear disaster and the subsequent fallout
>The Holodomor

>Yeltsin gets shell shock after seeing a supermarket in the USA

>People murdered while trying to escape the "worker's paradise"

>> No.23007490

>referencing a drama
You're not even trying with this bait

>> No.23007515

this is pretty good. i have it, but i printed it myself. not every theses within it amused me, but it does make some good points, particularly in linking anti-marxist liberalism with every sordid thing conservatives growl about these days. the pdf is out there. take it and either read it or print it.

>> No.23007533

Will expand my playlist later. Am going to add the ethnic cleansing of the Tartars from Crimea, the great purge(s) and the Moscow show trials. Also the Kolyma death camp and the Katyn massacre.

>> No.23008019

Only ironically so he could highlight its issues

>> No.23008067
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Working with blacks and minorities made me turn against Marxism. These people can not work and if given an equal voice in anything they will drown out any competence.

They destroy everything.

>> No.23009358


Reductions to everything being class driven is NOT compatible with Hegel's super racism and mega anthropology driven account of history.

>> No.23009475

Then how come the conservative states search up "shemale" on porn sites more then liberal states? You wouldnt happen to be projecting right anon...

>> No.23009557

Because conservative states are states with large Negro populations. Negroes are known to have higher rates of homosexuality and other sexual deviancies than European-Americans do. Are you so incurious you never looked up a map of US states by the percentage of Negroes?

>> No.23009582

>Utah, Montana, Maine, Oklahoma, West Virginia
>known for their large black population
You're actually retarded. Your use of the word "negro" also betrays that you are underage, I've only seen politically obsessed teens use that word so they can technically get away with saying something that isn't actually a slur.
Just say nigger if it means that much to you, you're not posting on Reddit right now

>> No.23009589

Shemales are the most googled porn period

>> No.23009596
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Reality, human nature and practice. You will quickly learn how every marxist contradicts themselves constantly even marx does so.

>> No.23009604

Shit cope, literally only a couple states aren't majority white (Columbia, Hawaii, and California). Conservative states are still vastly white, just like the rest of the country.You fuckers in the red states just love to jack off to Shemales, more than anywhere else in the United States. While making up insane levels of cope. Like, where's your southern pride, anon? You should be proud that red states are majoirty White. But you can't because red iltra white states are filled with the most crime, the most welfare abusers, drug addicts, and most of all hypocrites that are into Shemales

>> No.23009626
File: 30 KB, 611x587, states-metro-areas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Utah, Montana, Maine, Oklahoma, West Virginia
And of these, only Oklahoma ended up in the 17th spot among the 20 states that seek transsexualist pornography, whilst the listed Oklahoma metro areas all have Negro populations way out of proportion to the national average. Knock-knock, who is there? Nobody is there in that empty Negro skull of yours, or else you would have checked if those states supported my point, which they do.
>Just say nigger
No, thank you, I'm not American.

>> No.23009632
File: 29 KB, 640x294, 1705404577874754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger please, in muttmerica the average spic and mutt is considered "White".

>> No.23009648

Thanks I forgot to mention these states
Anyway what's the number one Metro area on your own list?

>> No.23009684

>Anyway what's the number one Metro area on your own list?
Why are you such a sore loser? You're gonna grasp at outlier straws now, when I'm right about the nature of the statistical relationship and you aren't? Whenever most Republican states are at some extreme but ones like West Virginia aren't doing as extremely, it's always race. That's the nature of the relationship, which I'm right about, and you aren't. And obviously most of those metro areas are Negrified enclaves surrounded by non-Hispanic white counties. This is the same deal as left-wing cities surrounded by right-wing country. You must be pretty damn retarded even for an American if I as a non-American realize that and you don't.

>> No.23009752

>I'm not American.
>Obsessed with US demographics and politics
People like you are extremely cringe.
t. European

>> No.23009773

>not talking to Americans
>not reading anything that touches on America
>what even is general education
O.K., numbnut.

>> No.23009795


>> No.23009835

>what even is general education
ah yes, the true renaissance man will make everything his study, especially the distribution of shemale porn preferences by race in foreign countries

>> No.23009942
File: 251 KB, 1600x899, 19-facts-about-donkey-shrek-1693484550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>distribution of shemale porn preferences by race in foreign countries
You are an embarrassment for posting that and thinking it was some kind of own; perhaps if you had had any general knowledge you would have realized why. Let us break it down.

>by race
One of the fundamental explanatory variables when it comes to understanding why the world's societies are what they are. This is reason enough for "race" to merit at least a passing interest.

>in foreign countries
The US is uniquely valuable to understand race. Data collection is expensive and requires considerable skill. Because of this constraint, it is extremely challenging to get reliable data on the world's poorer countries. We do not even have reliable ±2% population estimates for most of Africa's regions, or similarly basic facts:
>[...] showing that survey methods matter and the size of the survey design effects can be nothing short of staggering, affecting basic stylized facts of development (such as country rankings by poverty levels) and conclusions drawn from econometric analyses (such as what the returns to education are or whether small farm plots are more productive than large ones). — De Weerdt, J., Gibson, J., & Beegle, K. (2020). What can we learn from experimenting with survey methods? Annual Review of Resource Economics, 12(1), 431–447. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-resource-103019-105958
The US is wealthy, can afford these sorts of statistics, and does, in fact, produce these sorts of statistics. There is no similarly wealthy country with a similarly diverse racial make-up. The statistics are not just observational, either — the US has run what amounts to extremely expensive large-scale experiments that cost hundreds of billions of dollars over the last several decades, in various attempts to nudge racial gaps in ability. Having realized why one would care about race, it is obvious why one would turn to the US to understand it.

>distribution of shemale porn preferences
The word is "consilience". This is consilient with the elevated rates of homosexuality among American Negroes, and that, in turn, in consilient with the idea of intelligence as a general health factor — it is genetically, not just phenotypically, correlated with height, lifespan, and various health metrics — and the idea of elevated sexual deviancy as one consequence of genetic and environmental insults. Consilience is the reason one studies history and takes note of these statistics. Even in the highly politicized and distorted area of American race relations this lets one hone in on an increasingly accurate view of the world.

<--- This is you, jackass.

>> No.23010145

peak petty-bourgeoisie scholasticism lmao

jesus christ

>> No.23010382

>gets proven wrong
>calls me the lose
Okay lmao
>Whenever most Republican states are at some extreme but ones like West Virginia aren't doing as extremely, it's always race.
Read: it's always race, even when it's extremely obvious it isn't
It's apparent that you aren't American sense you clearly have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.23010594
File: 86 KB, 491x830, CD144B59-2B92-4692-A0C5-3821C744A362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx was not a communist. He wrote a whole book on capitalism. He thought capitalism would reach a point that would bring about communism, but he was an idiot and was flatly refuted by Mikhail Bakunin.

It’s a damn shame you people don’t snap right away to this man. BAKUNIN REFUTES MARX

>> No.23011065

What's your opinion about Otto and Gregor Strassers?

>> No.23012255

Biden level politicians? Dustbin of history

>> No.23012335

Baby, wake up. Humane nature is not some fucking computer software that you can control just like that. No matter what, the self-interest incentive and the will to thrive will NEVER EVER be changed ... and eliminating this "want to own" in a REAL (not imaginary) free world is impossible by all metrics

>> No.23013662

There is only a want to own (means of production not simply personal property) because in a capitalist system it yields an advantage. Yes, people will always act in their self-interest but how this self-interest manifests depends on the social order in which the individual is embedded.