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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 360 KB, 2207x1646, Capture d’écran, le 2024-01-25 à 09.34.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22989489 No.22989489 [Reply] [Original]

almost done the 2nd draft of my bike novel, thanks /lit/

>> No.22989723

proud of you anon

>> No.22989802

>using word for serious editing
do /lit/wits really?

>> No.22989854
File: 1.69 MB, 1080x1422, 1683052099693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you use, poindexter?

>> No.22989869

text documents
they are easier to send, datamine, and manipulate. once you finish writing you can work on formatting in a separate piece of software.

>> No.22989870

Seems mind of boring

>> No.22990101
File: 252 KB, 2123x1634, Capture d’écran, le 2024-01-25 à 13.12.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a particularly boring and descriptive section, but yes, I do fear it's a bit boring. In this second draft, I'm trying to cut fat and inject more drama, humour, etc. It's meant to be a meditation on men's mental health, modern masculinity and alienation. But I'll have to make it more lively.

>> No.22990161

whatever nerd. im not trying to be a software engineer; I'm just writing.

>> No.22990191

This is what happens when we let autistic STEM fags on this board. Enjoy your computer science degree, nerd. We'll stick to creating art

>> No.22990206

If this is your definition of art, then poojeets might as well be called artists.
The canvas and the brush matters.

Use Latex.

>> No.22990234

It’s words on a page I don’t think anyone will read his work and be like “hmmm these letters are 2 pixels to big and the font is slightly off because he used the wrong cyberding. Trash. I’m never reading this again!”

>> No.22990235


What's the idea behind putting a space between every paragraph? And no indentation?

>> No.22990258


I find it's easier to read. Makes the page feel less cramped with text. And I enjoy crafting paragraphs that feel like stand-alone works. I appreciate the paragraph more when it is its own little island of text.

>> No.22990289

Proud of you. I’ve never done anything like this.
Based on this lil excerpt, I would cut down on use of adverbs and similes. You don’t need the word “suddenly” there, and there are too many similes in such a short space for my taste.
That being said, way better than my writing. Keep it up :)

>> No.22990339
File: 316 KB, 2184x1654, Capture d’écran, le 2024-01-25 à 13.10.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hell yeah. Thanks anon. I agree, I need to cut it back.

>> No.22990358

jason you are one of the biggest faggots on this board but i have to admit that using comic sans as handwriting is kinda cute

>> No.22990366
File: 430 KB, 2111x1641, Capture d’écran, le 2024-01-25 à 14.33.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you, but I'm not Jason

>> No.22990372


This is all true, but not everybody is going to be able to use a text editor as there's a big learning curve.

>> No.22990375

>mind of boring

>> No.22990675

seems decent. Nicely done, anon.

>> No.22990690
File: 101 KB, 769x960, asuka racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read fantasy
>know fantasy
>write a "fantasy novel"
>revise it 20+ fucking times
>almost 80k words
>send it to agents known for fantasy
>actually read it
>the main character has gone through mk ultra brainwashing
>someone fucking melts from not taking precautions near an anomaly field/dissipated wormhole
>the n-word shows up like 15 times or more
I need to send this to cormac mcarthy type agents and not borderline young-adult people

>> No.22990706

you gotta pump those numbers up

>> No.22990708

I will unironically help you edit.

>> No.22990718
File: 3 KB, 592x55, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the n-word count is fine. I might do an uncensored version, the censorship is a joke

>> No.22990719 [DELETED] 

Blessed C64 image!

>> No.22990740 [DELETED] 
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, livingwriter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Livingwriter... Like $10 a month and it is great.

>> No.22990744 [DELETED] 

Print edition of The Shitkickers uses Comics Sans in places*, the best font of all time!

*Or maybe it doesn't, I was high and drunk when I did the design. I can't remember now.

>> No.22990758
File: 110 KB, 689x747, synopsis lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent about 1/10th of this figurative nightmare to a few different saps. Copyrighting the text may have been a mistake but at least I can throw it at people. I've never published anything outside of a shitty blog. It feels like making shit up as I going along, breaking rules and then thinking about where I fucked up.
This synopsis needs revision, looking at it again. The book itself is about how I want it to be except for a few details. But I'm fucking stumped as to how to market it or even what genre to call it. Maybe I should be up front about that.

>> No.22990759 [DELETED] 

Whatever you do, avoid using discord... that's where all the drama on this board comes from. Trust nobody from here.

>> No.22990771 [DELETED] 

Did you come up with this from doing drugs?

>> No.22990787
File: 80 KB, 720x479, magic nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22990790

>chatGPT tab

>> No.22990793

at least get a good font and close that chatgpt tab when you're taking a screenshot
make it look not retarded

>> No.22990796
File: 839 KB, 907x1466, IMG_2713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like shit. Man, what a waste of time. At this point I'd just bury it in a harddrive somewhere and do your best to forget about it. Try to hold onto your dignity, sure hope you haven't told anybody you're close to irl about this.

>> No.22990807

>don't even get to keep it

>> No.22990821
File: 61 KB, 621x723, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it reads really well. The plot and narrative is coherent with a lot of foreshadowing and mystery. It's clearly not for everyone but it is quite an adventure.

>> No.22990830

Libreoffice is free and is capable of doing everything livingwriter does

>> No.22990841

I'd rather use Google Docs

>> No.22990843

Lmao dont.
Libreoffice messed up your font and you had to restart your entire pc to get back to normal. Use scrivener instead, I get the full version one from 1337x for free

>> No.22990844
File: 324 KB, 2541x1644, Capture d’écran, le 2024-01-25 à 17.08.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, man.


80k for a fantasy novel isn't going to cut it. I wish I were in your shoes. My first draft was 125k of literary fiction—too long for an established author, let alone a debut. I'm mid-way through the 2nd draft and I've only got it down to 119k, while aiming for 100k or fewer. But for fantasy, 100k+ is the standard. 80k is where I'd like to be for literary fiction, ideally. But it's never going to happen with this manuscript.


Mine also has the n-word pop up like six or seven times in total. But it has its place. Used to illustrate the casual racism and degeneracy we encountered on our trip.


Thanks, might take you up on that.



>> No.22990845

Why are you racist

>> No.22990846

Surprisingly decent.

>> No.22990853

that's a bad idea. gooble gobs will steal your screenplay and send it to hollywood. they will change the names of characters but the general plot outline and themes will stay the same. I would only ever write on open source software that has been independently autedid

>> No.22990854
File: 59 KB, 1372x842, f30bded1-11cb-45cd-85ff-756e88a90def.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, that last "Fuck that" is obviously spoken by Marcio, not Mauricio. Pic rel by the way.

>> No.22990858

I don't think this fucker should even be sold as "fantasy" but I still have a lot of details that could go in.
'It's the exact opposite of "Crime and Punishment"' I told them...

>> No.22990863



>> No.22990872

What would you do if you had a fucked up, short horror novel that read like the Joker from Batman wrote it?

>> No.22990881


>> No.22990893

march into the sea

>> No.22990909 [DELETED] 

You haven't seen the new 4+ GPT's, have you?

>> No.22990912 [DELETED] 

Have you ever done drugs?
What is your "creative process" like and is there a time of day you are most creative?

>> No.22990915 [DELETED] 

Livingwriter is a great tool.

>> No.22990939

Yes I have done drugs but that was years ago. I'm glad for it as it provides a frame of reference. I read "Daily Rituals" by Mason Currey (just a collection of creative processes from various notable types) and the underlying theme for successful and long-lived people was that they would get up, eat breakfast, and before the distraction of a day got to them, they would just do whatever task they needed to without bother. Coffee helped me focus. If I didn't eat lunch then I would crash later on in the day.
Don't ask how I came up with these ideas in my book though. I read fantasy books. I did visit jail. I wrote.

>> No.22990942 [DELETED] 

>I did visit jail.
Tell us more!!!

I've only been in a drunk tank, and an immigration jail for a day. Also a jail in a 3rd world country for an hour because of a mix-up in paperwork.

>> No.22990949 [DELETED] 

>underlying theme for successful and long-lived people was that they would get up, eat breakfast, and before the distraction of a day got to them, they would just do whatever task they needed to without bother.
All my best work is done right after I wake up and have a coffee and breakfast, once I have lunch and put normal pants on, the creativity hits reality and I need to go and do shit, usually, depending on if I have a job/gigs/nightshift.

>> No.22990960

The drunk tank is usually in a police station, for short stays. I went to the larger holding facility. I heard on the radio earlier this week that the inmates there consider it a very nice jail all things considered. Personally, breakfast at 4:30 AM is a touch early for me.

>> No.22990986 [DELETED] 

What were you there for? Were you guilty? Did you have any conflict inside? Did anyone you meet have a shank?

When I was in the drunk tank, one of the cops didn't do a very good job of checking the Indian (feather not dot) guy, and he took his belt off(not supposed to have belts)and swung it around and tried to whip some other Indian guy in there with it, so the cops had to come in and break up the fight. I ended up talking about steaks with some guy for like 5 hours. Everyone else was just sleeping.

>> No.22990998
File: 3.81 MB, 1600x2710, jew harry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got off totally free actually. One guy punched me in the mouth because we were playing basketball and he kept rushing me. He got dragged away so fast.

>> No.22991047 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1024x1024, bakkaball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just be prepared for your work to, eventually, get attacked pretty hard. We call them "crabs" around these parts. Don't take it personally.

>> No.22991087

Too bad it fell into the hands of an amateur

>> No.22991123 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 1024x1024, crabbzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn... got me again!

>> No.22991759

Aren't you the guy who was working on this years ago?

>> No.22991918

Needs more hos

>> No.22992014

What's this new double line paragraph formatting trend? You want more pages with fewer words?

>> No.22992055 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, crabster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22992069

Very impresive Jason. The second edition is a huge improvement. I know Ive made fun of you a lot on here but its genuinely impressive to see you sticking to your work and honing your craft. We could all learn something frm you

>> No.22992078

>We could all learn something frm you

like what?

>> No.22992122 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, spycrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo... this crab knows it ain't Jason, he's working some crab magic here.

>> No.22992146 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 1024x1024, careful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense the crabs are cooking something up, and it ain't garlic and butter. Be careful.

>> No.22992816


My name's Liam, but I appreciate it.


There are some hos here and there. There's like a little romantic arc over a period of a week that I fumble about mid-way through.


It's just cleaner and makes each paragraph feel like its own little standalone art. Assuming this goes anywhere, the editor would likely stamp it out anyway.

>> No.22993165


Yeah, been chipping away since 2020

>> No.22993173

Your style is too try-hard for my taste, sorry anon.

>> No.22993195


That's ok

>> No.22993349

>The canvas and the brush matters.
What a terrible analogy.

>> No.22994134

How did you publish your first, anon? I'm on my way to publishing my first novel in English but I'm an ESL so I don't really know if it's worth it.

>> No.22994156

holy crap that's a lotta feedback

>> No.22994374


I didn't publish my first draft - that's not what a first draft is for. You publish your finished product. Which, in my case, is still likely a year away.

>> No.22994387

flower corporation is warping all faggot from /lit/ into mince machines

>> No.22994403


What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.22994416

mostly bots lad

op is clearly real cause he took 'use the active voice' literally and is using it in setting descriptions when he should be using copulas and passive

>> No.22994467

Sorry. thought it was the first draft of your second novel. If you can get a good editor it can be like a miracle worker. Good luck anon.

>> No.22995304

>the canvas and the brush matters
OP has a canvas and a brush and THAT’S all that matters

>> No.22996348

no one wants to 'steal' your shitty writing.
and less than ten sentences in and you're already bringing in some boring harpy named 'donna' (total cunt name) who is obviously going to moralize and deball the protagonist to match your lack of testicles in reality.
I really dont know whats going on (a whole page went by and nothing happened at all) but
I do know you should take a morning star to the face already
this is pablum

>> No.22996374

you write like a fucking faggot and it makes me sick inside
at first I thought you had to be a woman because no one actually writes this toothlessly but them, but your comments project al lthe insecurities of an incel so it can't be that
you've allowed them to shape your entire thought apparatus into the shape of a drooping pussy
fuck, mishima would kill himself again if he read two lines of this

>> No.22996378




>> No.22996382

you're even more tedious than he is shut the fuck up
both of you belong in a fucking meat grinder

>> No.22996415

I'm sure Unreal Press will publish it (if it's decent)

>> No.22996431

dogshit for the dogshit pit, seems like the right place for it.

>> No.22997267

simply love to have a normal one on /lit/

>> No.22997350


Thanks for the feedback, brother

>> No.22998730

Good for you OP. I'm almost done with my first draft over here :)