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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 257 KB, 1236x800, bukowski-beckett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22983123 No.22983123 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between lowbrow and highbrow literature?

>> No.22983207

Both are read by midwits and incels so there is not difference

>> No.22983206

the brow is in a different place

>> No.22983215

I thought midwits read middlebrow

>> No.22983220

Highbrow=literature I like
Lowbrow=literature I don't like

>> No.22983226

Genre fiction vs literary fiction

>> No.22983230


>> No.22983238

But it’s not how it’s used in practice.

>> No.22983281

Highbrow literature makes your brow go up in surprise, lowbrow keeps it down because you're focusing

>> No.22983333
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>> No.22983615
File: 742 KB, 602x761, Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 00-58-43 The Modernist Review Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beckett is so charismatic, I am not gay or anything just so you assholes know, it's like an admiration that I have for him. this photo of him people mistake for Stirner alone is probably what got Stirner his fame on the internet lmao.

>> No.22984858

Cosmopolitan context.

>> No.22984872

I had the perfect book for you to read that answers your question. But alas, the image for it on google was a webp file.

>> No.22984882

One is an art form or has bigger goals. The other is pure entertainment that usually follows a pattern or arc. Occasionally they blend

>> No.22984895


> WANDA: I was dealing with something delicate, Otto. I'm setting up a guy who's incredibly important to us, who's going to tell me where the loot is and if they're going to come and arrest you. And you come loping in like Rambo without a jockstrap and you dangle him out a fifth-floor window. Now, was that smart? Was it shrewd? Was it good tactics? Or was it stupid?

> OTTO: Don't call me stupid.

> WANDA: Oh, right. To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people. I've known sheep that could outwit you. I've worn dresses with higher IQs. But you think you're an intellectual, don't you, ape?

> OTTO: Apes don't read philosophy.

> WANDA: Yes they do, Otto. They just don't understand it. Now let me correct you on a couple of things, OK? Aristotle was not Belgian. The central message of Buddhism is not "Every man for himself." And the London Underground is not a political movement. Those are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up.

>> No.22984903

Nice quads but fuck you for Upper Middle Brow games.

>> No.22984919

i was researching the idea of transgressive literature, and its about dark reality, incest, rape, crime, murder, lower class, etc

>> No.22984930

It depends on whether the author raises its brows whilst he writes or not.
I can easily imagine Dostoevsky with an astounded look on his face as he writes The Brothers Karamazov. That's very high brow.

>> No.22984984

The most insufferable midwit you've ever met owns an Eames chair

>> No.22984991

One is at least honest about being mediocre and the other is pretentious

>> No.22985020

pretentious is merely a lowbrow buzzword for fools who refuse to understand

>> No.22985041

>piece of art is too complicated for the plebian mind
>le pretentious

>> No.22985043

>18 unique posters have no idea what literature is
This board is finished

>> No.22985046

big brain ideas versus small brain ideas. simple as.

>> No.22985048

Any good books that delve into the distinction between genre and literary fiction? Looking for something with more of a theoretical or philosophical bent to it.

>> No.22985483
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>> No.22985526

high brow lit is for pretentious wannabe hipsters which are probably on the narcissism spectrum
low brow lit is for the stupid masses

>> No.22985715

These posts made me laugh

>> No.22985790

It took a lot of posts to get what is basically the right answer...

>> No.22985827

I don't know whether I should take this as a feather in my cap as I've fell into the category of high brow(even the go and Calder), but I think Rilke is a joke and I hate Ives.

>> No.22986190

It's from a 1949 issue of Life magazine, so I guess it means you would have fit right into the high culture elite had you lived in New York 70 years ago.

>> No.22986497

Not directly related to that, but Hume's essay on subjective taste might be a good place to start.

>> No.22986582

yeah it's a shame I am a loser on an imageboard instead.

>> No.22986606
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>quartered iceberg lettuce and store dressing

>> No.22986643

The real reason for it has mostly to do with real world conditions circa the rise of "genre" fiction affecting the distribution of media, a disconnect between academia and the wider populace, and war time paper shortages and the like. Outside of that context proper literary and historical analysis, particularly in regards to authorial intent and context of release, shows that the distinction is largely arbitrary and mainly of use for categorical classification for ease of broad theme and identification of context within wider literary traditions. There are "great novels" that have had less of a real world impact and less literary and cultural influence and value than pulps, or were in their own time equivalent to pulps, just as surely as there were many pulps that were nothing more than dreck, for example.

>> No.22986670

Look into books/articles about genre theory. On phone now, but might post some later.

>> No.22986681

Nice. Thanks for the recs.

>> No.22986854
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>> No.22986867


>> No.22986935

This. 99% of the people who call things "pretentious" are morons who are too stupid to understand whatever they're critiquing.

>> No.22987168

lowbrow doesn't pretend to be highbrow

>> No.22987296
File: 74 KB, 250x305, IMG_6279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New meme just dropped

>> No.22987650

Charisma = jawline

>> No.22987666

You just lost The Game.

>> No.22987671

Highbrow laughs at a New Yorker political cartoon

Lowbrow giggles at any mention of National Geographic because they used to have africa titties 30 years ago

>> No.22987982

look at his piercing gaze, hair style, glasses, the way he chose to wear his scarf. even if you had his exact genetic sequence you'd still look like a goober in a photo.

>> No.22988511

Hey now my full frontal chocolate porno mags are from less than 20 years ago, dammit!

>> No.22988528
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>> No.22988599

t. pseuds

>> No.22988793 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22989300
File: 651 KB, 1436x1080, Maison Ikkoku - 02.mkv_snapshot_15.29_[2024.01.01_13.50.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bartender here.
The drink column is 100% correct.
There's a reason why beer is piss for poor shits, tonic drinks are for little boys who can't stomach real alcool, I get paid a lot becase my Martini is great and wine experts are rich

>> No.22989362

Highbrow literature leaves you touched, lowbrow literature is the author touching himself

>> No.22989365

So it's rape vs masturbation then?

>> No.22989367

>quads wasted
That list is correct about somethings, but this kind of thinking is middlebrow to begin with.

>> No.22989941

Take Bukowski. Bukowski's poetry is popular poetry. He is a somewhat educated man who read a few books and writes what he feels. Therefore, he has nothing very interesting to say, because there have been 100s of such men throughout history. He's original only insofar as every man is original, and his poems are interesting only insofar as every man who's not some imbecilic NPC and writes what he feels is interesting.
A highbrow writer, on the other hand, usually has a very in-depth literary education, knows and has intensely studied what has been said and thought by other authors, and thus has either: 1) original things to say; or 2) an original way of saying it. Even if, like Alexander Pope, he has little originality he will still be a master of form, and write things in a quasi-perfect way that can serve as a lesson in style for other writers.
Every language has its own Bukowskis, I can name many such popular poets in mine, but there is probably no writer like Samuel Beckett other than his imitators and very few like Alexander Pope.

>> No.22989957

Beckett is just dime store Kafka

>> No.22990110

Not all that much in common in terms of writing style, only of, shall we say, "ambiance". Beckett is very easily distinguishable, you can spot his imitators from the first page.

>> No.22990150

Is it so? The maniacal overextension of logic is straight out of Kafka. Then there is Kafka's really early 1st person narrative: Descriptions of a struggle which is quite similar in its monologue. He doesn't have Beckett's English essayist (primarily Addison) diction, that the biggest difference in writing style I'd say.

>> No.22990313

Very true, but actually the opposite.

>> No.22990349
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The low-brow gets the girl, and what else is there anyway!

>> No.22990376
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>> No.22990779
File: 544 KB, 1500x952, Dabbler-Style-Guide-Highbrow-to-Lowbrow-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an "updated"(around 2012) version from Britian.

>> No.22991284

>ideas salon

>> No.22991290
File: 1.91 MB, 240x135, IMG_4252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being able to hold your liquor and drugs


>> No.22991298 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22991322

What always gets me about this one is that the upper middle brow salad is just objectively better than the highbrow salad.

>> No.22991327


>> No.22991335

>Ives and after above symphonies/concertos/opera

I hate these people so god damn much

>> No.22991363

This chart was made by an upper-middle brow desperately wanting to be a high brow

>> No.22991697

Lowbrow literature is trash people enjoy reading, highbrow literature is trash people enjoy telling people they enjoy reading

>> No.22992634

Nueva rich resentment, what could be more upper middle

>> No.22993402

What if I hate all of those things?

>> No.22994541

Which one does that make you?

>> No.22994569

Did you shave off your brows recently?

>> No.22994585

lowbrow: you can't miss it

>> No.22995694


>> No.22995900

Can you imagine the stink?

>> No.22996084

/// We could hear the puppy yipping playfully in its kennel /// Prolonged use of alcohol also leads to cross-tolerance to other drugs, for example the barbiturates, so that the effectiveness of these compounds is reduced /// I came home laden with cardboard boxes /// However, as anyone who has experienced the bad egg smell will know, the unpleasant, putrid odour can make people feel sick, to the extent, sometimes, that they become sick /// I am not endeavouring to be difficult or in any way obstreperous /// Access to the manufacturing process is on a strictly need-to-know basis /// Ability and hard work cinched her success /// The cybercriminals are wily, and every time one internet portal closes, another opens /// But still he did not remain indifferent to a sincere feeling of love and respect and always distinguished it from idle and fulsome tittle-tattle /// All that bile, all the exaggeration, all the stuff that was not grounded in fact just kind of bubbled up, started surfacing /// Calvert was a pudgy older guy who wore thick horn-rimmed glasses and personified the lovable nebbish /// On a typical visit, we arrive with our group late morning, and spend 15 minutes in the parking lot on a sarong-tying lesson /// The grander the occasion, the larger the width of the hoop petticoat /// The vessel was repaired and scheduled to set sail again later in the month /// When the facts seemed cut and dried, why would the authorities be hesitant to release information? /// Pulling oil from the tar sands is costly, even more so when you tack transportation costs on top /// Many of the stories of these soon-to-be merchant princes are prosaic, but a few are as wild and woolly as the Gold Rush itself /// This impression is entirely consistent with the air of improvisation and sprezzatura which characterizes his whole performance /// The calyx encloses the ripe fruit, acting as a protective structure /// A judge can revoke those rights for an indeterminate amount of time, but the respondent always has the right to petition to have them restored /// The House Freedom Caucus is voicing its displeasure with how a slew of end-of-year legislative priorities are being handled /// Despite facing an array of difficult questions, the speaker showed remarkable aplomb and answered each one with confidence /// Mary Ann had made an effort at jazzing up the chilly modern interiors /// Results were obtained for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc ///

>> No.22996497

> Modern british "highbrow" is a collection of yesteryears middlebrow, random tacky garbage, and literally just whatever peasant shit or inherited junk he has left over from his grandfather
Do Bongs really?

>> No.22996616

Kek, where is this from?

>> No.22996699

I guarantee you that chart was made by a London hipster.

>> No.22996863
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Real answer: Ambition
The work itself isn't really all that relevent, what matters most is what the author set out to do BEFORE they did it.
A good way to conceptualise this is to find the midbrow writers such as Kafka and Lautreaumont. Incredibly ambitious and would be regarded as highbrow had they not been discovered post-humously

>> No.22996926

The themes, characters, subject, structure, format, vocabulary, purpose, market,

>> No.22996933

One is read by college graduates, the other by high school dropouts
De gustibus, or different folks different strokes, as the dropout would say