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22979398 No.22979398 [Reply] [Original]

Cartel videos prove to me that Ligotti is right

>> No.22979405

Ligotti has a condition that prevents him from experiencing pleasure. That disproves anything he has to say about life is le bad.

>> No.22979421


Doesn't Gen Urobochi have the same condition or are they both lying for cred just to make it seem like their works are more profound and philosophical.

>> No.22979498

your logic is strange (flawed) but ok

>> No.22979535


The western world is comfy. How would one like to be born within the confines of the cartel. You’d be singing a very different tune about this whole existence thing

>> No.22979543

Would you trust a blind man to tell you what the world looks like?

>> No.22979550

>The western world is comfy.
Maybe Europe but not America. American society has always been hypercompetitive with poor urban planning in many areas.

>> No.22979561

He was right you know...

>> No.22979572

the point isn't what about what the blind man has to say, it's the fact that there are blind men at all.

>> No.22979576

Yeah but no one is getting beheaded over here for the most part. But I get what you mean

>> No.22979578

>life isn’t worth it because a small minority of the population has defects
>”the world looks ugly!” Said the blind man
I can’t take him seriously, sorry.

>> No.22979585

maybe comfy but still miserable, unlike other animals we can't be satisfied by just having our physical needs met.

>> No.22979597

you can't take him seriously because you're not empathetic. for you it's ok that some people suffer, it's fine if the world has pain in it, as long as you don't personally struggle that's good enough.
frankly we could use less people like you in this world.

>> No.22979601
File: 155 KB, 800x1022, Arthur_Schopenhauer_by_J_Schäfer,_1859b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we were to conduct the most hardened and callous optimist through hospitals, infirmaries, operating theatres, through prisons, torture-chambers, and slave hovels, over battlefields and to places of execution; if we were to open to him all the dark abodes of misery, where it shuns the gaze of cold curiosity, and finally were to allow him to glance into the dungeon of Ugolino where prisoners starved to death, he too would certainly see in the end what kind of a world is this meilleur des mondes possible ["best of possible worlds"].

>> No.22979627

You can be empathetic without agreeing with his misguided thesis. Antinatalist ideology is extremely dangerous for mankind. Suffering is a possibility of life but it’s not as reason to exterminate the entire species. If anything, he’s being myopic and selfish (“Since I can’t experience pleasure, no one should!”).

>> No.22979647

>Since I can’t experience pleasure, no one should!
that's a severe misunderstanding of what he had to say, no one is saying that you shouldn't enjoy your self because someone else is suffering, they're saying that procreation is immoral because you can't guarantee a good life for someone else.

>> No.22979649

> procreation is immoral because you can't guarantee a good life for someone else
Do you buy this?

>> No.22979655

what zero pussy does to a mf

>> No.22979674
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Schopenhauer is at least witty sometimes, but such a pathetic, whiny faggot as Ligotti has never held a pen before or since.
He unironically should man up and rope himself already

>> No.22979691

You'll rope soon enough tranimefaggot

>> No.22979699

not really, because I don't actually mind that some people are going to have a terrible lot in life. (not to mention that all life generally sucks, can't control death or disease)
no, but of course I fucking buy this. why wouldn't you buy this? unless you don't appreciate how fucked it can get.

>> No.22979705

>can't empathize with the apathetic
fraud. appeal to emotion too btw

>> No.22979707

i moved infants out of a morgue and schopenhauer is just a bitch

>> No.22979788

>misses the point

>> No.22979797

>Uhh, g-guys, this is heckin totally wrong, r-right guise? just KILl yourSeLf then!!!! or something... heckin' refuted.. r-r-right goise??

>> No.22979800

> why wouldn't you buy this?
Because it’s life-denying soulless autism. It’s not a helpful worldview.

>> No.22979807

no you're just retarded and have no idea what true empathy entails

>> No.22979819

My biggest fear is that life never ends, whether it's due to physics or a more abstract metaphysical mechanism. at least we could say that some day suffering would end on Earth. but if eternal return is true, then what can anyone really do about it?

>> No.22979839

There are a great multitude of retarded ideologies, but none so immediately self-refuting as this

>> No.22979848

God what a cuck

>> No.22979872

being pessimistic doesn't mean that you can't help other people (or your self) it just means that you have apporpiate expectations about life, and take "antinatalism" as a likely ethical stance, that's it.
you're trying to twist this into something else.
if he did empathize and really did think through this properly he would likely come to a very similar conclusion. he's saying (or at least implying) that it's good enough that some people have it really bad in life and it's no excuse to stop this life perpetuation thing. I was simply calling him out on that, that if he is really empathetic he would at least agree that it's ethically questionable. wasn't making an explicit argument, so no, I wasn't appealing to emotion, I was just questioning his insight.

>> No.22979885

are you saying that it's okay for 5 year old rape victim "Sarah" to get raped over and over again if life is cyclic? thet's pretty fucked up dude.

>> No.22979893

Nah eternal recurrence is kinda stupid (also Nietzsche just pulled it out of his ass, no reason to give it any weight)
And if universe reboots and repeats exactly it ain't gonna be the same Sarah
And I was talking about "death is cool actually attitude" anyway

>> No.22979905

I mean suffering will end not just because all life on earth will end someday, it could mean that because humans engineered a temporary paradise or something like that. anyways regardless of whether or not it's the same Sarah it doesn't matter, if life never truly ends then it's beyond anyone means to fix it, which means that torture and rape victims like Sarah will always exist, that's fucked up.

>> No.22979914

If you told someone in the cartel about Ligotti they’d probably laugh and say he’s gay

>> No.22979949

that's the true nightmare and I think that is why reincarnation was basically the equivalent of hell in Buddhism. according to Buddhism you simply cannot kill yourself, because you will be reborn. an average n-word would think to himself why would that be a bad thing, infinite life hack. but understanding how vile life is, then you will see how it is actually the worst possible outcome. that is why they dedicate to completely untie themselves from the cycle of life.

>> No.22979962

emotional appeal that doesn’t in any way refute leibniz

>> No.22979964

There are tantric strains of Buddhism that are perfectly ok with infinite reincarnation. They call it the journey without goal, enjoying the energies of life. "Give life its fullest brilliance!" could well be their tag line, but that comes from an (excellent) video game.

>> No.22979970

yeah sure there are versions of Buddhism that allow you to get married and live normally but allow you to wear a funny dress too. I am talking about the main line.

>> No.22980001

Suffering is a condition of existing. The "empathetic" response to that is not going OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS LE TERRIBLE, it is helping actual people with their actual suffering as you go on with your own life
Ligotti is a retard stuck in the edgy teen phase of life for some reason. Simply loosing your shit and flipping the table then slamming the door to go cry on your blog is not conducive to being taken seriously by anyone with half a brain

>> No.22980008

>that doesn't count because uhhh...
try again.

>> No.22980016

frankly we could use less people like you in this world

>> No.22980024

Frankly, the world is overpopulated, there is no one we wouldn't be better off without. Yelling it at each other is not very mature, though

>> No.22980029

>Suffering is a condition of existing. The "empathetic" response to that is not going OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS LE TERRIBLE, it is helping actual people with their actual suffering as you go on with your own life
sure, that's not what is being said though.
>Ligotti is retarded because he doesn't want to have kids and implicitly inspires others not to have them in this hellish world
is that what you're implying? now that's retarded.

>> No.22980034

> the world is overpopulated
Jewish lie.

>> No.22980042

>Pleasure is... LE GOOD

>> No.22980048

>Pain is... LE BAD

>> No.22980058

Why doesn't Ligotti kill himself? Schopenhauer at least explained why suicide is wrong

>> No.22980068

dunno ask him, probably because his day to day life isn't too bad.

>> No.22980082

This is really funny because Schopenhauer never witnessed any of those things. He probably had one of the most coddled and easy lives of any philosopher ever.

>> No.22980084

The claim that the world is "hellish" is what is retarded. It is what it is, and part of becoming an adult is realizing this and acting upon it. If you are bothered that suffering exists, there are many ways for you to work to alleviate it. The fact, as was mentioned, that L can't experience pleasure, doesn't prevent him from experiencing joy through interaction with others, through working towards present and real goals that create joy or meaning in others. And so actually alleviating suffering

>> No.22980090

He’s a hypocrite. His cocksuckers make excuses, thoughbeit.

>> No.22980100

to go on a bit of a tangent, off this threads topic;
anyone who doesn't run a giant mega corporation and believes that overpopulation is a myth is just stupid or has some other agenda and probably bought into race supremacy or something.
we're quite literally destroying civilization because retards had too many kids and still continue to insist on having 5+ kids in some other parts of the world.

>> No.22980103

>part of becoming an adult is having kids in a hellish world
ok buddy

>> No.22980112

And there you show your true self, all you are able to do is parrot two words
If the world is hell, don't not have kids, kill yourself. By all means. Or quit your pathetic hypocritical sulking

>> No.22980127

but the world is hellish, you don't need to be a genius to see that. smart optimists admit this and hope to fix the world, but you're just straight up denying that life is bad when it very obviously is.
and life having some good in it doesn't make it "good". at least not for all individuals.

>> No.22980130

Niggers and Pajeets are multiplying like the vermin they are. People in Europe and the Americas have low fertility rates. We never hear you shills tell Niggers in Africa to stop reproducing, you only use that shaming propaganda with us.

>> No.22980134

Anti-natalists are existential-level spoiled babies.

>> No.22980141

>quantity of a race = quality of a race
swarthoid mindset
just end foreign aid and mass immigration, not that complex

>> No.22980146

Anything over 100,000 people is overpopulated. Retvrn

>> No.22980161

>it’s okay that less and less Europeans exist
Jewish mindset.
Fuck off to Pissrael, Moshe.

>> No.22980165

Europeans shouldn't exist actually

>> No.22980176

But the School or life video on Schopenhauer said he was denied love, that's why he was so pesimisstic.

>> No.22980178

Nobody is going to stop that though.

>> No.22980194

god will in due time because nearly the entire world is on a ticking time bomb. don't get me wrong it's likely gonna be several decades away but this is not sustainable

>> No.22980199

>two more weeks

>> No.22980208

i'm betting six-eight more decades. also consider how much the establishment is willing to destroy and censor to prevent change. what they don't know is that what they ruin cannot be so easily fixed and basically we're gonna see an augustus sometime this century.

>> No.22980281

>wage for 10 hours for someone's sake and wellbeing for no other reason than others force you to
>know fetuses are rotting in trash bins, animals are killed by speeding vehicles, your own organism is chock-full of degenerative chemicals, microplastics, and is constantly blasted by invisible energy waves, your only window for socializing is in spaces where lie IS truth, your whole freedom is slavery, the ultimate truth of the material world is that power is everything, you unconsciously dream of being the butcher with the knife in a cartel video and you wish nothing but pain unto your brothers
>eat a fried dough concoction with chemical cheese and putrid tomato sauce with just enough sugars and oils to trick your primitive limbic system into thinking it's pleasurable
>fake intimacy and primal urges by buying your time with a whore
>drown your sorrows with drugs to drive the point home
>wow bros nvm life is sooo beautiful I love feeling good :D its all in how u see it!!!

>> No.22980469

That line doesn't exist anymore. Buddha did say it is better to stick your penis in the mouth of a poisonous snake than in a woman's vagina, and if that doesn't clue you in that Buddha was a bit loony, I don't know what will.

>> No.22980495

I mean pain is good. Pleasure is bad

>> No.22980499
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>> No.22980519

Read this recently without realising it was an anti-natalist book (though it was just the author musing on his suicidal thoughts and about the nature of death or something).
I am, lets say sympathetic to the idea that someone could consider their life to be on balance more worse than it is good and only be sticking around cause overpowering ones survival instincts is probably not an easy task. But, its a hell of a leap to decide that since your life is caught in such a misery trap that everyone else must be too and we would all be better of not existing. It takes either a real lack of imagination or narcissism to think everyone else in the world must be in the same mental state you are in (and considering he is an fiction author I assume lack of imagination isnt the problem here).

I also found his attempt at presenting a future in which people collectively chose to not have children as an optimistic cheerful event since realistically even if you convinced everyone to go along with it, it would turn into a terrible experience as the demographic ages and there are no young people left to sustain the systems in place or to take care of the old and dying.

But really for me the fundamental failure of his anti-natalist "utopia" is the sheer impossibility of it. No engineered disease or totalitarian dictator could reliably wipe out all every spec of humanity. Some one survive and reproduce. Ultimately just causing an evolutionary filter to making a humanity with an even stronger survival instinct. And even if humanity was completely wiped, some species somewhere would eventually evolve a consciousness anyways.
Reality (or God if you prefer) clearly does not believe that one needs consent to birth new self aware life into existence. It did not ask for consent till now and it wont be asking in the future either.

(Also, he assumes that consciousness start and human birth and ends at death which obviously not everyone is in agreement on)

>> No.22980526
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>Schopenhauer at least explained why suicide is wrong

>> No.22980602

>Schopenhauer at least explained why suicide is wrong
what is his reasoning? I am curious, he does not sound like the type of guy who would prevent people from doing it.

>> No.22980996

The young Schopy was completely against suicide because it is the ultimate affirmation of will, the desire is so great that it seeks self-destruction or something like that. Old Schopy agreed with suicide, read the sentence above.

>> No.22981034

thanks for clarifying.

>> No.22981042
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I haven't really read Op's book. But from your comment it seems that Ligotti fails miserably in whatever he wanted to convey.
Benatar explains the point damn well in pic rel.
The most screwed thing it explains is about the optimistic psychological bias that we all have and that makes it almost impossible for us to fairly judge our quality, much less the quality of life of others. It demonstrates that objectively our lives in their broadest perspective are beyond hell... that this place is the worst of hells. I cried lmao...
Another point that is not in the book but is related and caught my attention is "depressive realism" which shows that people who "suffer" from depression are much more likely to see things as they are (because depression mitigates the optimistic psychological bias) a irremediable HELL.

>> No.22981083
File: 283 KB, 1200x1638, 1200px-Courtyard_with_Lunatics_by_Goya_1794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dealing with people throughout my entire life, and witnessing how a lot of them are so eager to debase others as if they were undeserving of any basic human kindness or respect, often times with very little to no justification for their ill treatment to begin with, yet when they're by themselves they appear to be extremely miserable.
They feel an overwhelming sadness in their lives, therefore they feel that they must take their misery out on others as a coping mechanism. Which in turn makes their victims feel miserable, thus becoming an endless cycle. And this is only one of the countless factors of human suffering.
I suffer, and as result you should suffer as well through derision and humiliation, in the hopes that I will seek some sort of comfort in doing so. If I want something from you by way of force, I'm taking it from you regardless of whether you suffer or not as a result, in the hopes that I will seek some sort of comfort in doing so. If I want to exploit you for my own benefit, then I will do so either through coercion or by force, regardless of whether you will suffer in the process, all in the hopes that I will seek some sort of comfort in doing so.
It all comes back to the Ligottian "malignant uselessness" of human consciousness as a whole. And whether you agree or disagree, the only way this could all be alleviated is if humanity were to cease to exist.

Fuck you all.

>> No.22981104

He didn’t actively recommend it though

>> No.22981112

There is no doubt that humanity needs to stop existing, even cheery, happy go lucky transhumanists think so, not just pessimistic misanthropes. the only problem is that there is no out because we lack the means to change and the only real "out" is when nature finally comes for us and wipes us out.

>> No.22981116

If i was born blind, maybe i would see things the same way...

>> No.22981134

Okay but if the pleasure of the executioners is greater than the pain of the victim being skinned alive, then the total amount of pleasure in the world increased
Therefore cartel vids prove that life is worth living

>> No.22981144

none of that sounds like my problem

>> No.22981145

human pleasure is nothing but a momentary farce

>> No.22981175

instead they beg for a death that wont come. People shouldnt have to live like this.

>> No.22981220

This is a hell realm, it just is what it is. Risk having a nightmare rather than no dream at all

>> No.22981223

So is pain. Also There are different kinds of pleasure

>> No.22981242
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cartel videos are pure sadistic insanity.
I can't even begin to imagine what the victims experience, and I say this as someone that suffers from chronic pain. I think someone coming out of the experience (if they come out with some of their sanity intact at all) would perceive someone like schopenhauer or ligotti as a cheery optimist.

>> No.22981254

I don't get why the cartels are especially cruel and evil

>> No.22981289

cartel members are sociopathic and probably low IQ as well. they don't seem to understand that regardless of which side they join they're essentially risking getting tortured themselves, so even if you're a selfish heartless prick you're still better off not joining them. but they're dumb and cruel, as are most humans unfortunately.

>> No.22981295
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transgenerational psychopathy

>> No.22981324

You think south Americans are genetically more prone to low empathy levels due to selective pressures from ancient aztec culture?

>> No.22981346

Brutal acts of torture wasn't something that was exclusive to the Aztecs. This was something that was commonly done throughout most parts of South and Central America

>> No.22981360
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the fact that such a condition exists proves his point u midwit

>> No.22981368

>I love feeling good :D its all in how u see it!!!
I struggled with depression for years and realized I have to find joy and pleasure in small stupid things

>> No.22981393

> The more conscious one is of the meaningless and often horrifying nature of the world (which is referred to as being "malignantly useless"), the more one wishes not to be aware of this fact
What a fucking baby

>> No.22981395

I'm not saying it's the only marker, but the fact that Cartels operate in tropical or warm regions definitely is one fact that you can't ignore.
Maybe prolonged heat has a compounding effect on violent urges. It's certain that the phenomenon exists, as warm weather is predictive of crime waves and I don't think this can be relegated to 'more people outside' alone.

>> No.22981398

Dumbest take I've read in a fucking long time, congratulations.
>Colonial intervention destabilizes country
>Weak state power vacuum means organized crime takes over
>uhhh warm weather = mafia
Jesus christ.

>> No.22981400

So you ignore facts in favour of some narrative you've constructed?
I can't say I'm surprised on this board.

>> No.22981402

Yeah buddy, it's a heat problem, congrats.

>> No.22981432

>Because it’s life-denying soulless autism

Life-denying, yes. Soulless, no. In fact denying this physical world is soulful, it's embracing it which is soulless. Hence why every major religion has a tradition of asceticism along side it

>> No.22981439

He's right, it may not be the most significant reason, but the association between heat and crime is real.
As he mentioned in the post, stats show spikes in crime during heat waves. Some thinkers like Montaigne have made this hypothesis as well.

>> No.22981441

Then why is he trying to sell me his book instead of just offing himself since life is not worth it?
Any worldview that concludes with "life is not good" simply failed and is trying to engulf other people in their own self-inflicted misery. I'm glad I won't fall for that.

>> No.22981449
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It always comes down to low IQ brownoid hordes that will breed like animals until the sun explodes and cause as much suffering to the world as possible.

>> No.22981464

>Then why is he trying to sell me his book instead of just offing himself since life is not worth it?
His book is so bad it will make you want to off yourself and so accomplishing his objective

>> No.22981466
File: 94 KB, 401x568, Illuminati-card-enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more like every attempt at redeeming this world ended up in failure. ligotti is just saying enough is enough.

>> No.22981467

sometimes I think maybe life wouldn't be so bad if only 200+ IQ empathic people bred.

>> No.22981508

All life is going to die someday, or rather, everything is going to die someday. Even the universe, of that there is no doubt.
Our species is also the most destructive of all. We are killing ourselves at worrying steps. De Maistre was right that we are the coffin of the world.

>> No.22981513

>Therefore cartel vids prove that life is worth living
KEK wtf

>> No.22981537

Imagine how shit life truly is if even coddled and safe you can become a depressed faggot.

>> No.22981557

The world is no such thing. It is what it is. You are the one imposing qualitative statements on it. So it is up to you to stop being a cry-baby
Mommy isn't there to spoonfeed you, so you feel hungry, and instead of going out to the fridge you start crying like a little. Because that's what YOU are. The world has nothing to do with it. It just is

Now like I said. If the world is hell, that is the worst possible place to be. And there is an easy way out of it. So if you weren't just full of shit, you wouldn't be bothering other people, or trying to sell muh-philosophy books after your lame knock-off Lovecraft tripe didn't sell, you would take it. Which again, I suggest you do as well, or GTFO

>> No.22981572

>if he did empathize
Holy autism. What that anon tried to shed light upon was the fact that if you actually were as empathetic as you claim, you'd be able to empathize with an apathetic person. Of course you're not though, nobody with that much empathy would go around bragging about it, they'd just use it to help others. You are a literal crybaby that mommy and daddy didn't love enough and you want to claim people going through infinitely more hardship than you, who come out of it WANTING to live, are wrong because you refuse to heal yourself. Be a crybaby all you want, but stop pretending it's a "philosophy" you dumb kid.

>> No.22981573

This is the correct answer

>> No.22981621

You do realize what you are advocating for is simply the boomerism of "just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, goyim!"
The world is massively shit, and what you espouse as a qualitative statement, erroneously, is something that has been at the forefront of every major cultural, religious and societal act ever manifested in an effort to keep entropy at bay.
If the world weren't shit, if it were the garden of Eden you think it is, man wouldn't have made all he knows in an effort to stave off his pain.

>> No.22981669

Wow just read a summary of this guy
>says consciousness is a curse and life shouldn't exist
>says everyone should die
>doesn't kill himself
Seems like a smart fella

>> No.22981680

>that L can't experience pleasure, doesn't prevent him from experiencing joy through interaction with others, through working towards present and real goals that create joy or meaning in others. And so actually alleviating suffering
He can't feel joy dumbass. That like telling a blind man to see by using his eyes. It's a truly deplorable condition.

>> No.22981698

This book is brain poison. I read it as an impressionable pre-teen and it destroyed me, philosophically, for years.
To me it's a lot like determinism. It is perfectly logical, well reasoned, and nigh-irrefutable. It's also completely useless. The end point of believing what Ligotti wrote is killing yourself. If you don't plan on doing that, there's no point in internalizing his thoughts. You're better off coping with existence like anyone else does, rather than wallowing in the banal suffering of it all.

>> No.22981700

No one can't feel pleasure or joy that's a made up disease
That guy is making it up

>> No.22981705

Camus was a hard-core gangster for this exact reason. He realized of an idea leads to you wanting to die then it's a non starter

>> No.22981711

In what world is "joy" not "pleasure"?

>> No.22981738

>the fact that such a condition exists proves his point u midwit
Then we can just resolve the conflict by killing all people with this condition. Simple as.

>> No.22981744

You keep on proving his point

>> No.22981747

personally, I think he's a fart smella

>> No.22981752

>every unmolested acre of God's earth must be a parking lot

>> No.22981787
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>Don't because... just don't do it OK

>> No.22981908

But then it's not an issue for people without that condition.

>> No.22981939

You never know who will suffer from this condition. I don't think it's hereditary. For me, it materialized after a failed suicide attempt. It's probably my body's way of telling me to finish the job. I don't complain about though, and I believe healthy people should have kids if they can provide for them, but it's easy to understand how it could drive someone to hating all life and existence as a whole.

>> No.22981962

It's your body's way of telling you to get therapy retard, stop with these cringe rationalisations and admit you want to live.

>> No.22981963

The Buddhists knew that existence is fundamentally negative. We're all in the red. I love sub-25 anons defending this world within the constraints of the most comfortable and artificial society in human history.

>> No.22981967

It is your problem, you're as enmeshed in it as everyone else (except for monks and the enlightened suicides).

>> No.22982003

I've tried therapy and meds and everything for five years. I'm hoping for a cure or solution by I don't feel it, the hope, if you catch my drift. There is no anticipation or whatever. I was temporarily cured by taking acid last year, back to my normal self for a couple of days after the high, but I think that's a dangerous habit. I simply have to exist and I'm fine with that, but I also appreciate there being a way out. I find your lack of emphaty cringeworthy, If anything. You should try to see things from other people's point of view and understand that everyone experiences existence differently

>> No.22982025

I don't want to get too new-age on you, but I've actually found mindfulness DBT stuff to be pretty helpful. From the age of 14 to 22 I hit a mental hospital or rehab every single year (more like 8 months on average). I tried a bunch of gay half-assed suicide attempts and did all the drugs, legal and non. It was only when I started to actually challenge my beliefs on things and work to change my mindset that I started making progress.
I'm still extremely depressed a lot of the time, but it's been years since I had to be institutionalized. I'm relatively functional, and I don't take pills for anything except indigestion. It might never get good, but it can get easier.

>> No.22982032

>chan and redditor dorks will tell you this is normal because they have pizza and hentai on tap
It wasn't supposed to be like this.

>> No.22982158

Therapy only made the situation worse.

>> No.22982263

>pizza and hentai on tap
god what a time to be alive

>> No.22982323

You're a loser.

>> No.22982371
File: 332 KB, 2089x2097, 1661216422267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we were to conduct the most hardened and callous pessimist through valleys, plains, picturesque villages, gardens, beaches, opera theaters, through piazzas, historical-monuments and freeman homes, over peaceful country and lands of plenty; if we were to open to him all the bright abodes of joy, where it shuns the gaze of cold hopelessness, and finally were to allow him to glance into the dungeon of Anon (me) where high school girls gorged themselves on jizz, he too would certainly see in the end what kind of a world is this porco mondo ["fucking hell"].

>> No.22982772

I do empathize with an apathetic person, because I don't believe in free will, however just because I empathize doesn't mean that I shouldn't try my best to stop apathetic people from doing their retarded harmful shit.
one can empathize with a hungry wolf, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't stop the wolf from harming something.
> Of course you're not though, nobody with that much empathy would go around bragging about it, they'd just use it to help others. You are a literal crybaby that mommy and daddy didn't love enough and you want to claim people going through infinitely more hardship than you, who come out of it WANTING to live, are wrong because you refuse to heal yourself. Be a crybaby all you want, but stop pretending it's a "philosophy" you dumb kid.
wtf I never claimed this, I was questioning his presumed "empathy". and yes it is a philosophy, you just don't have any real arguments so you resort to muh subjectivity and straight up deny that the world is hellish.

>> No.22982850


>> No.22982863

Because it's become a trend to "one up" rival cartels. Cartels weren't peeling faces off when Pablo Escobar was around. It started in the 90s with the Los Zetas cartel who popularized beheaded their rivals. Ever since then it's been about which cartel can be the most cruel. You probably won't be taken seriously as a cartel if you're not willing to do something depraved and film it for the internet.

>> No.22982878

they're spics fullstop

>> No.22983036
File: 111 KB, 779x778, 1000009048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao only a first world nigga could have written that book
Antinatalism and nihilism are the direct product of excess and materialism
Above average intelligence and excess don't go well together.
I understand Ligotti but the point gets refuted by telporting him into a slum where he has to fight for survival. Then just lean back and watch how he gets his shit together and starts working in the mines or something. There is a reason suicide is less common in underdeveloped countries.

>> No.22983051

lmao, this just proves how a codled and safe life leads to depression

>> No.22983140
File: 299 KB, 1950x1425, 41254135123523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a reason suicide is less common in underdeveloped countries.
It isn't. Unless zimbame is a highly developed country to you

>> No.22983479

This chart shows there's no connection between development and suicide rates

>> No.22983583

I really love the title of this book and over time I just end up appreciating it more, the way people react to it is indeed like desperate paranoid conspiracists. it couldn't be true that this world is a mistake, burn the heretics!

>> No.22983591

lil bro, the sun will swallow the earth anyway in a few millions years, JUST YOU WAIT

>> No.22983599

It doesn’t prove shit for 99% of mankind, though. I agree a waste of oxygen incel like him should kill himself.

>> No.22983607

>I don't care about suffering or injustice in this world
am I getting you right? because if this is true then there is nothing much to debate about, and it just proves to us that "99%" of humanity is evil.

>> No.22983614

His condition is fake

>> No.22983624

Hollyshit! just world hypothesis is correct.

>> No.22983629

i moved infants into a morgue, and schoppy is right

>> No.22983632

No it's just 100% not real. There's no condition that prevents you from experiencing pleasure. You'd have to be retarded to believe that

>> No.22983640

They’re part of life. Kill yourself if you don’t want to live but don’t tell others to extinguish life forever. Back in the day men just killed themselves in secret, now they’re loud drama queens begging for attention. Misery loves company.

>> No.22983643

You'd have to be retarded to believe some people can't see

>> No.22983647

repressive boomer moment, yikes!

>> No.22983657

No. Blindness is totally different from saying someone can't experience pleasure, which isn't a biologically determined concept

>> No.22983679

Are you saying pleasure isn't biological?

>> No.22983686

since none of you fucking read the book, his reasoning in the conspiracy against the human race is that suicide is pointless since the pain has already been experienced, for him it's a cope to think that we can escape pain by shortening it. The whole grotesque circus of life will forever live within you, death is for him the ultimate cope.

tl:dr he's a gigantic pussy who willingly decides to stay in a permanent state of veery confortable stasis and paralytic fear. the choice is really simple in fact. You gonna kill yourself ? If not you're gonna whine and grovel ? for ever ? really ???

>> No.22983704

I don't know, I've met some spoiled, wealthy guys lately; everyone seems happier than the average normalfag (I hate them). Well I'm also spoiled and semi-wealthy, i think i'm depressed but for other people and animals. Haha literrally my motto is: "Everyone should carry the weight of the world on their shoulders."
Fuck everyone lmao

>> No.22983788

He's completely, completely right, and so called "depressives" who can't understand this are fucking normies who just felt babby's first sad. Suicide doesn't do anything because it is all pointless, there is nothing, your pain is meaningless, and the eternal agony of a hypothetical Hell you would go to after sewer siding is also meaningless and of absolutely no consequence at all. It's all nothing, you are already dead, and there is no "you", just a marionette on strings of instinct and an idiot hedonic calculator that pathetically "thinks" it is "rational" and that its "suffering" "matters". Even emo teens who cut themselves realize this, pain is a distraction from the insatiable sucking void which is your truest self.

Catatonic depression is the only respectable depression, claiming depressive status outside this is stolen valor and peacocking. Suicide is a healthy and rational response to pain, stress, disappointment, or even boredom, but if you've truly internalized the hopelessness of existence it loses any appeal.

>> No.22983958

This is such a Rick and Morty tier ideology.
>It's all chemicals Morty, nothing le matters BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP

>> No.22983988


>> No.22983994

I guess it all comes from sky daddy and his friend Casper the Friendly Ghost :^)

>> No.22983996

If existence is meaningless then nihilism is even more meaningless, and wallowing in meaninglessness as a response to meaninglessness is absurd. If the world is truly meaningless then there's nothing noble or logical about living as a catatonic depressive in response because there's nothing noble or logical regardless. It just means it's one choice of many and my subjective interpretation of that choice is that its a whole lot gayer, self absorbed and less constructive than nearly all the other ones.

>> No.22983999

It does come from energy, as does everything else in the material world.

>> No.22984006


>> No.22984007

It would take a lifetime. And I don't feel like it

>> No.22984009

Cool. I believe you 100%

>> No.22984017

>meaningless normie noises
It's got nothing to do with chemicals and I don't know what Rick and Morty is, you sound dumb + mad. If life is truly meaningless then there is no escape because there's nothing to escape from or to, it's nothing, your suffering means nothing and your death means nothing, it's all the same and there is no redemption. If there's a Hell then there's a God at the center of everything, even if He's a sadist, any potential source of meaning better than absurdity and the void. Suicide is despairing of your particular life circumstances, and if your suffering amounts to more than zero the choice to end your life can be rationally defended or opposed. If you despair of existence itself - if you have a real philosophical despair, a depression right down in your soul - there is nothing to be done, because there is nothing.

>> No.22984019

>if you have a real philosophical despair, a depression right down in your soul - there is nothing to be done, because there is nothing.
One could simply stop crying like a Lil bitch and smile instead

>> No.22984055


>> No.22984058

>If existence is meaningless then nihilism is even more meaningless, and wallowing in meaninglessness as a response to meaninglessness is absurd. If the world is truly meaningless then there's nothing noble or logical about living as a catatonic depressive in response because there's nothing noble or logical regardless.
Yes, there's nothing noble or logical about being a catatonic depressive or not being about a catatonic depressive because there is nothing noble or logical and nothing could ever be or not be noble or logical or not or anything else. It's not logical or comprehensible like suicide, it can't be reasoned away or reasoned with or even accepted, it's just nothing inside of nothing leading to nothing forever. And so you are nothing and you become nothing and stare into the abyss.
>It just means it's one choice of many and my subjective interpretation of that choice is that its a whole lot gayer, self absorbed and less constructive than nearly all the other ones.
There are no choices and there is nothing constructive, and there is nothing gay (except OP), these are all just distractions from the void. And I would recommend you grab these distractions like I do because the alternative is the empty affectless catatonic stare, and all our idiot instincts recoil from this, life instincts and our death drive as well, because the true depression will swallow them all the same, and once you go there you can never come back.

>> No.22984060

It's a cope in either instance. One is just a cope where you cry your whole life and do nothing til you die while clapping for yourself, the other is one where you smile and maybe do something cool.

>> No.22984065

But what if there's a cabal of energy jews that constantly bombard him with negative energy so that he can't feel pleasure at any time?

>> No.22984070

Yeah Yeah I know all this but what you have to realize is the void isn't something where catatonic depression is a valid response and therefore the delusions aren't distractions from the "real" depressive horror. Infinity isn't horrifying, it's beautiful. Meaninglessness isn't actually all that meaningless. It's pretty meaningful.

>> No.22984071

Cope. There is no sadness or happiness, there's just nothing, and there's no good choice or bad choice and eternity in the fires of Hell would be far preferable. But that's cope too.

>> No.22984079

There is absolutely zero difference between nothing and everything. So again, who's coping here? You're choosing to see Nothing, instead of Everything, so you can be dark. I instead see both, as is the more total view. All is One and All is None, in that there are no good and bad choices, both are in limitless supply!

>> No.22984097

>catatonic depression is a valid response
No it's not valid or invalid and it's not a response. Suicide is, potentially, in a non meaningless world, because then things can matter. But nothing matters at all.
>the delusions aren't distractions from the "real" depressive horror. Infinity isn't horrifying, it's beautiful. Meaninglessness isn't actually all that meaningless. It's pretty meaningful.
I read this to a padded cell full of catatonic depressives and they all immediately jumped up and killed themselves. So i guess beyond the frozen borderline there is still something worse, and that is your atrocious cringeposting.

>> No.22984111

*MY* atrocious cringeposting? Good lord, have you seen a mirror?

>> No.22984123

There are no choices to make and there are no distinctions, and you can't see this because you aren't actually depressed. That's good*, you don't want this, you can't pull anyone out from the abyss but you can definitely fall in.

*I lied, nothing is good. Or bad

>> No.22984144

You speak to a man who has already died. You know nothing of where I've walked. Or crawled
Listen man
When you're in the pit, right, the craziest thing happens
If someone tells you there's a way out and they know because they used it to get themselves out
You convince yourself that no one's never been in the pit
Except you. Wake up numbskull. You're not the only person to experience babys first collapse of meaning and get le sad and put a gun in your mouth and stop showering and blow your chances at work and ruin relationships and ruin your life.
People are deeper than you realize and go through the same thoughtloops you do
Deciding to be happy, which is a DECISION, is not always the product of ignorance
I laughed at your reply. If you only knew the horrors of my soul.

>> No.22984159


>> No.22984188

>condition that prevents him from experiencing pleasure

like what, impotence?

>> No.22984203

This. The nihilistic mind virus needs to stop where it all started. So long fuckers.

>> No.22984215


>> No.22984239

>the horrors of my soul.
You don't have a soul and there aren't even any horrors. You are just a puppet pulled by strings of instinct and rationalization and even valorizing your own despair, when you never really felt despair. If you really go all the way the strings will snap and you will collapse where you are, and you will never decide to be happy or not or anything ever again, and you will be fed through a tube and shit into a pan, and every now and then you will recall the time you thought that hell could be real, and maybe the orderly will catch the faintest hint of a smile on your lips?

>> No.22984255

Weirdo narcissism

>> No.22984260

You both sound like faggots! Damn!

>> No.22984450

>t. coping centrist

>> No.22985081

At what age did you guys realise the meaninglessness of modern life and start having your first suicidal thoughts?
For me it was 10.

>> No.22985088

Why is he arguing like a woman?

>> No.22985151

god these are always the best threads, Ligotti is like blood for sharks. Isn't this fun ? COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE COPE NO YOU'RE COPING NO YOU !!!!!!

>> No.22985154

Yes, life is an infinite regress of cope.

>> No.22985222

For me I would say like 13 but I was a pretty dumb kid anyway and didn't really think about that. I feel like suicide is meaningless even if I have suicidal ideation. If you're already going to die, what's the point of ending it sooner? This thread is kinda cringe and gay tho

>> No.22985230

I was 14 years old, I refused to believe it, I looked for copes everywhere.

>> No.22985233

>I feel like suicide is meaningless even if I have suicidal ideation. If you're already going to die, what's the point of ending it sooner?
What's the point of wait for your death when you can kys any time?

>> No.22985244

I might as well just wait and see how my life goes I guess. If I kms now it will just end things sooner but how does that make it any different if I die at like 80? I guess you get old and frail but the end result is the same. Suicide doesn't do anything ultimately.

>> No.22985245

>If you're already going to die, what's the point of ending it sooner?
I guess if one cannot tolerate living any longer.
Sometimes I'm overcome by a strong feeling of wanting to die, but at the same time I don't really want to kill myself.
Since I feel that I cannot die in peace until I have achieved something in this life, otherwise my life would really have been meaningless.
I guess this anxiety is partly what keeps me going.
I also idealise dying a martyr, I guess because that in itself have some symbolism and meaning to it.

>> No.22985250

>I looked for copes everywhere.
This seems to be how most people deal with their problems. I can't necessarily blame them as there is not always an obvious solution and it is often hard and painful to face these things.

>> No.22985252

Yeah like I'm not actively suffering or anything so I don't see a point in killing myself even if I've always wanted to die. That's why I don't support or encourage suicide but I don't think people should stop others from doing it either if that's what they really want. I think a lot of people feel like this but many cope by distracting themselves or like you said, want to achieve something in life so that's what keeps them going.

>> No.22985420

For me, my body is a machine with programmed limitations. My soul cannot control these (yet?). I need water, food, I need to piss and I can't bite off my fingers and I can't kill myself. It's the hardware that limits me.

>> No.22985436

What are your grounds for believing we are just creatures of onstinct and rationalization

>> No.22985440
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Human life is about focusing on the material world and pleasure or lack thereof.
Another shallow, modernist tale about to get dabbed on by Plato.

>> No.22985448

Neetch and Plato drew essentially the same conclusions about meaning. Much of Nietzsches approach is incredibly Platonic, which is why I laugh so much while reading his work. When I get to the parts where he's shitting on Plato despite arguing for life affirming values in the face of essential meaninglessness, through "acts of transcendence" like two pages earlier, I always laugh and am like haha what a little fuckin fried spaz Nietzsche was
Very bright but always needed to pick a fight
Guy just loved to wage war in his mind

>> No.22985502

he doesnt say it's le bad

>> No.22985517

Nihilism discussions peaked with Nietzsche
And he was right too
Stop being a bitch and make your life worth something TO YOURSELF
Only your perception matters because only you can feel your own pleasures and happinesses

>> No.22985587

I think he just profoundly misunderstood Plato and didn't understand he was recapitulating a ton of his positions. Saint Augustine's re love of fate as well.

>> No.22985588
File: 107 KB, 1074x540, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22985791

MEANINGLESS AND USELESS is such words so used highly to describe life but its not even fucking close to the truth. you all need to live, reproduce and experience life in itself

>> No.22985808

Living in an urban are isn't some inherent human right. Go work at a farm retard.

>> No.22985812

I was that infant. I lived bitch.

>> No.22986105

everyone experiences the uselessness of life on their deathbed. it's your decision to trick yourself into not realizing this fact.

>> No.22986117

life is gay, let people be depressed and stop caring. i love wallowing in my shit pity now, it makes me feel comfy and human

>> No.22986133
File: 102 KB, 781x900, democritus-the-laughing-philosopher-1630-johannes-moreelse-3418934610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so fucking over bahahahahaha

>> No.22986139

Metaphysical mutants even.

>> No.22986149

Did you read it? Because one of the points Ligotti repeats consistently is that no one listens to the pessimists of the world and there is no foreseeable future where people turn their backs on life. His vision of the future he presents is just a thought, he never claims that it will actually happen and in fact says the opposite.

>(Also, he assumes that consciousness start and human birth and ends at death which obviously not everyone is in agreement on)
This is silly. If my consciousness doesn't start with my life and end with it why do I experience pain when someone stabs me but not when my skin cells fall off? Why can I take physical drugs and alter my qualia? Our consciousness is clearly attached to our neurological system's functions or we wouldn't have this sense of "self" that is centered around its functioning. If consciousness persists after death in some way it must be in such a radically altered form that it no longer is human or recognizable as us in any sense. Idk why I am arguing with you though as you clearly lack reading comprehension.

>> No.22986482

Nietzsche believed that ultimately every desire had an opposite result in action. In short, if everyone affirms life, we will die (more faster). If we all deny life, we will live (more). (We will die anyway)

>> No.22987219

It's not a case one builds or a rational worldview, it's just like falling down the stairs. You realize there is nothing and there has never been anything nor will there ever be. What are your grounds for getting out of bed in the morning? What is your evidence-based case for doing anything at all instead of staring vacantly because it's hopeless beyond the limits of hopelessness? You aren't right and you aren't even wrong, just more nothing.

>> No.22987939

There has to be a way to end reality forever. even if life had no pain and no suffering it would be utterly useless in the end. I mean seriously, what is there to do anyways? people act like there is a purpose for all of this but there doesn't seem to be anything. I'm sure that there were infinite attempts by infinite groups of conscious agents that tried to end reality but always failed, it's beyond anyone it seems.

>> No.22988472
File: 12 KB, 722x458, conspir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just today realized that I have a 2007 manuscript of TCATHR and its wildly different.
I have no idea where this came from. Even The Nightmare Network deleted all of their manuscript copies when the book was first published.

>> No.22988484
File: 675 KB, 952x1270, Yes Mistress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it differ? Enlighten me, /lit/bro.

>> No.22988524
File: 212 KB, 715x715, Screenshot(47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strictly speaking, nothing may be claimed as a natural birthright, since—to
digress for a moment—every birthright is a fiction, something we dreamed after straying
from a factual world into one fabricated by our heads. For those keeping track, the only
rights we have are these: to seek the survival of our individual bodies, to create more
bodies like our own, and to know that everyone’s body will perish through a process of
corruption or mortal trauma. (This is presuming that one has been brought to term and
has survived to a certain age, neither being a natural birthright. Rigorously considered,
our only natural birthright is to die.) No other rights have been allocated to us except, to
repeat with emphasis, as fabrications. 4 The divine right of kings may now be
acknowledged as such a fabrication—a falsified permit for prideful dementia and
arbitrary mayhem. The unalienable rights of certain people, however, seemingly remain
current: whether observed or violated, somehow we believe they are not fabrications
because an old document says they are real. Miserly or munificent as a given right may
appear, it denotes no more than the right of way warranted by a traffic light, which does
not mean you have the right to drive free of vehicular mishaps. Ask any paramedic.

They do not think anything indispensable to anyone’s
existence may be claimed as a natural birthright, since the birthrights we toss
about are all lies fabricated to a purpose, as any student of humanity can verify.
For those who have given thought to this matter, the only rights we may exercise
are these: to seek the survival of our individual bodies, to create more bodies like
our own, and to perish from corruption or mortal trauma. This is presuming that
one has been brought to term and has made it to the age of being reproductively
ready, neither being a natural birthright. Stringently considered, then, our only
natural birthright is a right to die. No other right has ever been allocated to
anyone except as a fabrication, whether in modern times or days past. 3 The
divine right of kings may now be acknowledged as a fabrication, a falsified permit
for prideful dementia and impulsive mayhem. The inalienable rights of certain
people, on the other hand, seemingly remain current: somehow we believe they
are not fabrications because hallowed documents declare they are real. Miserly or
munificent as a given right may appear, it denotes no more than the right of way
warranted by a traffic light, which does not mean you have the right to drive free
of vehicular misadventures. Ask any paramedic as your dead body is taken away
to the nearest hospital.

>> No.22988540

Wow, he even dabbed on Schoppy but didn't have the guts to leave it in the final work.
He just politely references TWAWAR in the book.

"Perhaps it is precisely because On the Tragic is not globally accessible that “The Last
Messiah” seems precious as a terse and limpid epitome of Zapffe’s thought. This short
essay has no drawn-out and obfuscating elaborations, no detours into the kind of
metaphysical song and dance that makes, for example, The World as Will and
Representation (two volumes, 1819 and 1844) by the German philosopher Arthur
Schopenhauer so wearing on those of us who have no head for such things. Zapffe’s
thesis is crystalline, uncluttered by metaphysical gibberish and worked through to its
ineluctably dismal conclusion. With minimal novelty of thought, “The Last Messiah”
succinctly codifies ideas that, in view of the works of his philosophical predecessors,
were already well covered. The real thrust of his message does not emanate from insights
that are as astonishing as they are irrelevant to anyone who is not a career academic or is
fooling himself about the consolations of philosophy. For Zapffe, as for all pessimists,
insistence on what is commonplace but taboo is his stock in trade. The expression of
outlawed truisms, however, is unfailingly obscured by philosophy’s arcane brain-twisters,
which are supposed to “teach us how to think” as we amble toward the grave. Thinking
and living are irreconcilable. If we must think, it should be done only in circles, outside
of which lies the unthinkable."

>> No.22988550

Either nothing intelligent gains the power, something does have the power but has not reached your philosophical ends, something does have the power but is opposed by equal to superior forces that do not share their philosophical end, or there is nothing else intelligent.

Sort of has a flavor of Fermi Paradox mixed with prime mover argument. Saucy.

>> No.22988578

Low iq people simply have little to no empathy, they literally can’t think from another person’s perspective.

>> No.22988583

Fucking kek and dubs

>> No.22988584

You simply have no soul or internal world to contrast this dead landscape to. You should never write.

>> No.22988871

not having a chin

>> No.22988885

Being from Detroit.

>> No.22988914

nah you just aren't man enough for this shit you grew up nice and cozy and held on to mama's titty for too long now every time you get a boo boo you curse god and your father

>> No.22988917

he was a famous feminist.

>> No.22989016

Any man that calls himself a feminist is a fucking creep.

>> No.22989151

The purpose of life is to be eaten by other things. Everything else is a cope.

>> No.22989165

this screams stockholm syndrome to me
>maybe if you had it worse you'd be humbled into loving this world

>> No.22989240

>it's ok that some people suffer
I think it is good.

>> No.22989282

Suffering is good. Pleasure is bad

>> No.22990070

Nah, suffering is awful, and pleasure, as sparingly and irregularly as we receive it, is the only consolation in this life, and a dim one at that. Notice how pleasure is confined and limited while suffering is potentially endless. We are destined to suffer: pleasure is contingent.

>> No.22990115

Pleasure is the trasmutation of much suffering and its impulse. Suffering is the evil but pleasure is the worst of evils.

>> No.22990140

I can see how pleasure is the worst insofar as it gives us the false hope that life is worth living; that pleasure awaits us on some future horizon if we could only be patient and wait and work for it--utter bullshit, of course. So I would go so far as to say that, yes, suffering is bad, pleasure worse, because pleasure leads us to experience, and incentivizes us to endure, even more suffering. It's the bait that arouses us out of our boredom, our pain, our ennui; it's the ephemeral phantasm ever beckoning us towards future days. Pleasure is indeed evil because it isn't pleasure at all: it's a mechanism designed to keep us going, infinite in our imagination yet so small, so sparse, so stupidly temporary in reality.

>> No.22990207

I hope you suffer all of your life and never know pleasure, by your logic it'd be preferable so I am sending you my heartfelt good wishes.

>> No.22991141
File: 154 KB, 640x916, Nietzsche - suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche, is that you?

>> No.22991554

- Sam Harris

>> No.22991567

you're just retarded no worries

>> No.22991687
File: 67 KB, 665x461, IMG_1323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The environment we live in heavily affects how we perceive life. For some people life is horrible, such as the slaves in Congo or Palestinians. For others more privileged it is worth living.

Improving society is what leads to a better life and better mindset. There will be things you can’t escape from, such as illness or death of the loved ones. But I believe that a society where we are as free as possible, makes life worth living. That’s exactly why anarchism is the only way to happiness.

>> No.22992165

if we could just raise the average IQ for humans most of our political problems would go away.

>> No.22992194
File: 2.30 MB, 854x480, 1706190388479496.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean in this very moment there are human being out there that are putting live grenades near their ears so they die faster because they know their fate is sealed by suicide drones
Ligotti had a point but you will never see it if you dont see the full extent of what suffering exists here

>> No.22992197

Life is fucked, how can anyone argue against this video?
normies are so fucking oblivious it's insane.

>> No.22992199

the main reason that our intelligence evolved so much in these past 50k years is because we need to always find new ways to cope. So I think "normies" will find some meaning and reason in getting mulched by drones
A book on this:

Of course all these copes only work when you're far away from the action. We will see how well they last when these suicide drones get fully automated and we clean the entire planet with them during WW3

>> No.22992214

Yes, for us humans it's all about narratives, we refuse and or are unable to see objective reality and how it relates to us. we all do this to varying degrees, we all cope.

>> No.22992219

Empathy is a learned concept and not intrinsic to human beings. It is easy to let global misfortune affect you if your hyper-active amygdala misconstrues someone's misery as your potential misery. This only happens after repeated exposure (second hand) to instances of said exposure, and the world that we live in provides constant pseudo-accessibility to these things. But no. Simply strolling through a refugee camp as a callous optimist is not going to break you down and ground you and make your reconsider the soundness of your optimism. Because that would require you to care even a bit about the way these sufferers suffer. And you can't do that unless you project yourself into their position. And you can't do that if they don't look like you and you don't know them and you share nothing in common and they are effective strangers.

>> No.22992241

>Empathy is a learned concept and not intrinsic to human beings.
tell me you're a sociopath without telling me you're a sociopath.

>> No.22992260

People love throwing this word around (along with other over-pathologized conditions).
You can have a sober outlook on the nature of human relationships without devolving to 'hurr durr if you don't care about le pipo all the time you are le sociopath, hurr durr.'

I just said that empathy is a learned concept. And people are heavily reliant on their environment to curb or prune out any 'bad' pre-disposition. Bad in the sense that it does not contribute to the good of the community.

But what is community in the 21st century? What is 'environment'? The immersive nature of digital spaces can manufacture a surreal sense of belonging that transcends space (and time). And yes, you could find yourself emphasizing with war victims continents away. WITHOUT HAVING THE ABILITY TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Is that sound? The thing is, this is the first time in human evolutionary history, that environment is too vast, too complex, and the parameters that contribute to conditioning human nature are too many. 'Superficially' too many. You can't survive in a world where you don't pick and choose with whom you need to emphasize.

>> No.22992266

dude im not saying it's a gotcha, im just pointing out that this statement can only be made by someone that doesn't understand empathy (the feeling). you're probably a sociopath if you believe that empathy is only a cognitive thing. and there is nothing wrong with that, but im just trying to point it out.

>> No.22992273

Naw just dysthemic, so severely disconnected from my feelings.
I learned the hard way to calibrate my empathy growing up (meaning there are people I should NOT emphasize with, and there are people I should). Hence why I consider it a learned concept. I recognize that there are people I must emphasize with simply because I was taught it's the 'decent' thing to do.

>> No.22992323

whatever, he pushed that old woman down a set of stairs which is hilarious

>> No.22992351

In all fairness getting cuckblocked from pussy for life destroys a mans integrity.

>> No.22992359

when WW3 happens we're perfecting industralized warfare with power armor, mechs, and helper robots. we're also going to finally colonize space to escape the destruction of earth. call it a big cope if you want but the generals aren't retarded enough to commit genocide on man, after all they wouldn't be able to wage war anymore if they did.

>> No.22992379

>implying human generals will be making the decisions in the end.
Doubtful, imagine China making an advanced AI that can micromanage millions of drones at the same time. Maybe America will create one to stay in the race and lead to something like this