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22975804 No.22975804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how to deal with the fact that im coping with pseudo-intellectualism and reading useless, weird philosophers to think im something special and being a complete useless loser irl, that has no friends, no girlfriend, no real job, wont marry or reproduce and will never see any kind of materialistic value or success in society?
its joe-ver.. millions must cry

>> No.22975813

This art is interesting

>> No.22975827

Apprehension of the transcendent empowers you to deal with the mundane. Sounds like you're reading the wrong philosophers / are lacking in spirituality.

>> No.22975852

join the online dissident right sphere where everyone is like you

>> No.22975856

>no friends
Feminine need for social affirmation.
>no girlfriend
Just talk to a woman.
>no real job
>wont marry
A Christian construct practiced for economic reasons
The last resort for those won’t leave anything more valuable behind

>> No.22975857

Pussy is the only real good t b h

>> No.22975875

is it, though? a good book is better than a good fucking tbqhwy

>> No.22975887

>Feminine need
Echg. You can't be purely masculine unless you're extremely autistic to the point of functional retardation. Feminine = bad/must be purged is so retarded. Especially on a board like this. Any man who reads, or consumes or creates any art, really, is more feminine than a man who doesn't, it's not a bad thing.

>> No.22975891

Wrong, nothing is better than lying down and mansplaining some Greek literature after you plow some pawg butt cheeks.

>> No.22975898

Post physique

>> No.22975900

Those grapes must've been really sour

Man are never feminine unless low T. All great men had extremely close friends and were often married
Guess they had "feminine needs" too lmao

>> No.22975906

what's your bench 1RM

>> No.22975910

I don't go for 1rm but I can do 4 reps 245

>> No.22975913

What's your fight record

>> No.22975916

It's very hard being a young man because in our time you're set loose even to wolves, without even the faintest suggestion or direction. Try not to be too hard on yourself. You, for example, attribute only shallow reasons for your interest in philosophy but among could definitely reside a real, muted love of learning.

It's not over until your flat on the ground. Try to get productive, trustworthy friends at least.

>> No.22975917

western, modernized, post-war sex-roles don't tell us much about what a great man is imo

>> No.22975925


>> No.22975943

Love for learning is cope for lack of sex

>> No.22975955

Sex is cope for death

>> No.22975959

God I love tall thick women so fucking much

>> No.22975961

ye, that's kinda true.
i always liked learning new things about topics i found interesting, but it became more of an obsession. the main problem is, that it is completely useless irl and people who just got a random economic degree or do basic, physical jobs are much more successful than im irl, AND they have a gf/wife and even kids.
how can i cope with that? i also started to feel lonely the last feel months, which is really weird..

>> No.22975964

this isn't the pornhub comments section, pal.

>> No.22975966

Negatory dude.
>An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex.
Or an artist, a woodworker, a researcher, etc.

>> No.22975968

don't intellectualize it

>> No.22975972

what do you mean

>> No.22975975

>tfw you'll never hug your girlfriend and look up into her eyes

>> No.22975981

r u ok right now

>> No.22975982

>Or an artist, a woodworker, a researcher, etc.
None of these has love of knowledge through books and all of them are sex havers

>> No.22975984

no i miss her

>> No.22975985

stop having sex normgroids

>> No.22975986
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i wish i wasn't

>> No.22975988

You could cry about it forever until you die.

>> No.22975990


>> No.22975992

Being sexless is the norm now. Us sex havers are the real dissidents. And we're coming for you

>> No.22975995

Just spend less time on 4Chan lmao it's just that easy

>> No.22976002

Missing the point.
excellence > a penis entering a vagina

>> No.22976004

i will probably. i will never kms, too fearful for it.
im just using 4chan to get new stuff to read and read some discussions. don't think that will change my real-life failure.

>> No.22976010

Excellence = only comes if your penis is entering vaginas

>> No.22976012

i only have experience with imaginary women sorry i don't know if i can help

that's a lot of headroom. too much, in fact. that's why i see a therapist.

>> No.22976014

>No, no, you're not getting it
>I don't have sex bc I'm pursuing excellence
Yo this site is so fucking funny

>> No.22976016

What is your ideal imaginary woman

>> No.22976020

A cope, if the aim is sterile.

>> No.22976021

Your mom

>> No.22976034

When I was a kid my favourite thing to do was to read any kind of encyclopedic information I could get my hands on
I would read and then re-read ad nauseam these books

>> No.22976043

someone i can admire and be friends with. i haven't given this a lot of thought.

>> No.22976052

If the quality of your life depends on a bloody woman, you're the woman!

>> No.22976058

Those are called men

>> No.22976065

I would produce the greatest poetic and philosophical works of the 21st century for her

>> No.22976075

You misunderstood.
There are no incels who achieved excellenxe. Only sex havers do it.

>> No.22976076

What traits would make you feel that way tho

>> No.22976081

I think there is much to think about regarding the biological essentialism imparted by the substandard scientific education provided to public school students. We don't provide teenagers with any firm basis for their humanity and let them think of themselves as an animal fighting tooth and nail for access to reproductive success. Even if your goal is to make the most biologically successful men possible it's a stupid idea. Birds don't learn to sing by reading an ornithology textbook, a man doesn't become by agonizing over genetic proliferation.

>> No.22976084

"Incels" are not a real thing (the term itself is oxymoronic) but there are loners who have achieved excellence.

>> No.22976087

oh... i don't really think i'm a closet gay.

i'll have to think about that. maybe next time i see her in a dream i'll know.

>> No.22976095
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Overwatch 3

>> No.22976103

tag urself

>> No.22976117


>> No.22976188

Weird when I open a history book I don't see them

>> No.22976195

Look for a guy named Sir Isaac Newton, for example.

>> No.22976308

>domesticated nerd doing a job a computer could
I was in fact reading about Caesar and Alexander but I guess I'll check out this Isaac guy too

>> No.22976446

>Dad hands you keys to Army able to fight the Greek autism warriors
>get tutored by the biggest Greek autism scientist

>> No.22976471

Yes several unexcellent men will serve as teachers for excellent men. Homer did too

>> No.22976475


>> No.22976483

Isaac Newton was an excellent man of science.

>> No.22976496

Larry Fink is an excellent man of finances.

>> No.22976557


>> No.22976575

What's your height?

>> No.22976588

Alexander was a homosexual.

>> No.22976627

90% of this website is shitskins/3rd worlders and trannies at this point

Can confirm all my based friends from off site have left, the only people i know who still spend time here are non-White incels

>> No.22976632

I wish all homosexuals were like this (with multiple wives and rape slaves). Homosexuality wouldn't exist

>> No.22976636

wh*tes are the incels on average, they have the lowest birthrates and weakest sperm
we are taking over your joke of a country and you will do nothing to stop us

>> No.22976637

well I don't have friends so

>> No.22976640

He had multiple wives and the only evidence of any homosex is that he screwed a eunuch once in his late days of drinking and debauchery.

>> No.22976641

There's a board for pseudonazis like you.

>> No.22976642

>literally no evidence
Ya just like the holocaust happened and putin rigged the election for drumpf, fellow dumb cow

>> No.22976647

>He had multiple wives

>> No.22976656

Genghis khan was also a homosexual

>> No.22976658

>Any man who reads, or consumes or creates any art, really, is more feminine than a man who doesn't, it's not a bad thing.
I agreed with you up until this part. I don't agree that art by nature is feminine. Art is the expression of the self, which can be masculine or feminine. But I agree that feminine does not equal bad.

>> No.22976662

No actual rumors or theories about Genghis being a fag, thoughbeit. Unlike Alexander.

>> No.22976672

>Unlike Alexander

>> No.22976673

Art is ultimately a masculine pursuit. It requires reason, spirit, and balls.

>> No.22976688

Stop seethe tranny

>> No.22976697
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if by taking over you mean turning the cities into even bigger 3rd world toilets then ya, that's why the bankers ship you in like herds of subhuman feral orcs. really all you're doing is coming here begging for gibs, like the impotent dogs that you are. you all stink btw, tell your parents to fucking shower lol
>wh*tes are the incels on average, they have the lowest birthrates and weakest sperm
That's hilarious shitskinned incel cope. Every non-White i know from this site can't even get a second date and has never even kissed a girl, every White person i know apart from 1 (who has a gf) has children and a house.

you're coping with the fact that Whites are your superiors and you're an incel while all your hottest women go for average White men like me

>> No.22976703

Tl;dr have fun going extinct. This land is ours now lmao

>> No.22976704

Schrodinger's immigrant: simultaneously a lonely incel and reproducing to replace whites in their own countries.

>> No.22976705

ya, the entire site

there's no evidence of Alexander being gay either, it's literally created out of thin air, and idiot 3rd worlders like you, and stupid boomers, unquestioningly believe it because the tv says it. Don't deny the fact that you're not White, i can sense it.

>> No.22976710

>ya, the entire site
Just a containment board where you can jerk off about Hitler and the usual tired topics.

>> No.22976716

All the land is owned by White people, you dumb simian. Shitskins like you and your stinky immigrant family all live crowded up in apartments, usually paying a White landlord lmao. You couldn't own land in the West, that is fucking hilarious, are you even old enough to post here, nigger?

lol. the stinky parents immigrate and have 12 kids to collect welfare, the kids are incels who sit inside playing computer games all day. it isn't complicated, you're just stupid (and brown lol)

>> No.22976724

>the only evidence of his homosexuality was when he fucked a man
Gay and proof Aristotle molested him

>> No.22976726

you're being prejudiced, i can BTFO shitskins all day without needing to talk about glorious Hitler. now, you need to stop discriminating and be more tolerant.

>> No.22976728

>Ancient sources tell of another favorite, Bagoas; a eunuch "in the very flower of boyhood, with whom Darius was intimate and with whom Alexander would later be intimate."Plutarch recounts an episode (also mentioned by Dicaearchus) during some festivities on the way back from India in which his men clamor for him to kiss the young man: "We are told, too, that he was once viewing some contests in singing and dancing, being well heated with wine, and that the Macedonians' favourite, Bagoas, won the prize for song and dance, and then, all in his festal array, passed through the theatre and took his seat by Alexander's side; at sight of which the Macedonians clapped their hands and loudly bade the king kiss the victor, until at last he threw his arms about him and kissed him tenderly." Athenaeus tells a slightly different version of the story — that Alexander kissed Bagoas in a theater and, as his men shouted in approval, he repeated the action.
Ew, what a faggot!

>> No.22976740

You sound unhinged. This is why you keep getting molested by immigrants.

>> No.22976750

This entire site is filled with subhuman brown incels like you, you ruined this board and others with your seething over White people, White women, unironically posting Andrew Taint, not being able to read a book, etc.

You are inferior, and you know it.

Impotent brown incel powers fantasies. White people won't go extinct, at most we'll just turn in to mutts like you

>> No.22976756
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>White people won't go extinct, at most we'll just turn in to mutts like you

>> No.22976761

I'm literally occupying your ancestral homeland raping and killing your people and getting a slap on the wrist and you won't do anything to stop me. You can cope about it though

>> No.22976763

Fertility is at an all-time low in Europe. Migrants reproduce the most. That's just a fact.

>> No.22976764

>oh no, an anon who has t levels higher than a brazilian tranny!
I only live in White areas hahaha you think I'd live in the cities around 3rd world garbage? Where I'm from shitskins get bullied into leaving.

>> No.22976765

>hite people won't go extinct, at most we'll just go extinct
what did he mean by this...

>> No.22976771

Where you're from you are ruled by a jewish government who controls the army and your bank accounts and funnels foreigners in your borders
>w-we didn't really want the nation our forefathers fought for!

>> No.22976776

Brown people are just mongrels, so really it's more accurate to say that the White race is getting mongrelized as well.

You're just coping with the fact that White people dominated your entire lineage of stinky 3rd world ancestors, you speak my language and adopted my culture out of weakness and necessity. Go behave like feral chimps in the streets, it's good entertainment and wake more people up every day.

>> No.22976784

Europeans are mongrels too. What you mean is they will be more diversely mongrelized.

>> No.22976787

Yes, quantity < quality, obviously. Everybody knows the lesser darker races reproduce faster. We're gonna send them back once we get control of our democracies again. And all the stinky little shitskins like you will only be able to impotently seethe, like what you're doing right now.

>> No.22976801
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kek no they aren't you fucking retard, that's why they're White-skinned with different coloured hair and eyes, you incredibly stupid shitskin. They would be mongrelized if they mixed with inferiors like you and your stinky family, that is the entire crux of the discussion, you total fucking retard

now go back to your 3rd world toilet, you unsanitary, ungrateful monkey

>> No.22976806

wow there really are a lot of shitskins here

they learn English and get access to the internet, and you can literally see the quality decline as it happens. We are not the same.

>> No.22976816
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>> No.22976817
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Yes, they are. And they will be more diversely mongrelized in the upcoming decades. All these petty insults will result in karma raping you in the face. It won't end well for you.

>> No.22976820

That's cool and all but I just imported my own culture and raped your sister and publicly litter your national monuments. You will of course do nothing to stop me

>> No.22976824

We Jews will win.

>> No.22976825

That's a haplo map and not an autosomal map, but it is true that Europeans have mixed ancestries like almost everyone. White skin is a pretty recent development and unique to North Europe though

>> No.22976832

Or rather NW Europe and some East Euro countries

>> No.22976835

>a good book is better than a good fucking

Either you’ve been getting some absolutely TERRIBLE dick/pussy, or you’ve been reading some very different books than I’ve ever read

>> No.22976853

>Yes, they are.
Having different genes doesn't mean you're a mongrel, halfwit. Mongrel means mixed-race, as in part negroid and part mongoloid, not pure caucasoid or pure mongoloid, you pseud.
>oy vey stop insulting me as i shit all over your people
nah, you're a disrespectful uppity shitskin and we're sending you back! that's "karma"
kek are you gonna consult the elders and do a tribal dance next? what's my astrology sign? retard

>> No.22976860

Me on the right

>> No.22976864

>i'm a shitskinned monkey unworthy of being part of civilized society
yes, that is the point we are getting at here, well done

>shitskin larping as a jew because he's too afraid to admit he's brown

>> No.22976866
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idc i'm just posting meme dude

>> No.22976871

3-0 in my favor, but that was in high school

>> No.22976877

Me on the left

>> No.22976879

6'1 and a half.

>> No.22976880

>I just imported my own culture
What, rape and garbage? No shit you stupid shitskinned incel, have you even been reading the thread? that's why we don't like you and are sending you back, you don't belong or deserve to be in civilized/White society.

>> No.22976882

Mongrel simply means a mix of different breeds. Look at the map. All different breeds. Europe is already mongrelized and it will continue to be even more mongrelized (unless you fuck your own family lol). Keep the cope coming, Ivan.

>> No.22976883

In that case a half-irish and half-yemeni would be "white", since all West Eurasians are caucasoid in their skull shape
Doesn't make much sense

>> No.22976885

Lol dude you're shorter than my mom

>> No.22976887

Yes, I am destroying your civilized society and robbing you of your future and you will do nothing to stop me

>> No.22976890

yeah and that's awesome i love taller women

>> No.22976891

Yes, rape and garbage. We're bringing this here and you will do nothing to stop us.

>> No.22976892

>once we get control of our democracies again.
Imagine not ruling over your own nation

>> No.22976894

Imagine thinking democracy is a good thing in the first place
This is why whites lose

>> No.22976898

All the Europeans worth a shit died in WW2. What's left is just a bunch of faggots. Prove me wrong.

>> No.22976903

Why are you so obsessed with Negroes? lol

>> No.22976907

>Prove me wrong
I cannot

>> No.22976908

>Mongrel simply means a mix of different breeds.
No it doesn't. Mongrel, the original/only definition, is mixed race, like a negroid and a mongoloid. Whites are also the least mixed group and most pure, which is why unique traits like coloured hair and eyes and pale skin are preserved.
>W-White people aren't pure cro-magnon, that means they're mutts like my arab parents!
No, Whites also have the least amount of diversity in their genes, and Africans have the most. Your ancestors are mongrels. They are a big mutt mix, all different shades of black and brown. But genes aren't even the point here, you're muddying the waters/the definitions of race to cope with being brown, like a typical anti-White simian.

Nope, shitskins aren't White, even if they have a caucasoidal skull, they aren't White. Europeans are the most direct descendants from cro-magnon, the prehistoric race of "giants" which dominated the Mediterranean, north African, Europe and the Middle East, and farther probably, like into the Tarim basin. All this haplogroup cope is just to deflect from the fact that modern humans come from a variety of different hominid species.

>> No.22976916

We're gonna send you back, pooman

Keep going retard

You moved to the West and learned English too you fucking retard, you have no control over it either. Are you gonna tell me your 3rd world shithole that you ran from was controlled by your own people? but i thought bad Whites controlled it and that's why you had to run to a White country.

>> No.22976917

Not sure about cromagnon ancestry. The most common ancestry typein Europe is Dzudzuana and ANE from 25000+ years ago

>> No.22976922

use your energy for worthwhile pursuits instead of consooming information

>> No.22976924

I will keep going and raping and murdering your people and you will do nothing to stop me. We are coming to enrich your neighborhood

>> No.22976928

So you're basically agreeing with the "far right" talking point that browns are bad for White people?

Whites countries control the world and are still on top at least outwardly, the reason they lose is because after ww2 (which was a pointless war) a bunch of jews took over and destroyed the civilization from within, and that's how we got here.

>> No.22976941

modern races are a mix of different hominid species and genes are secondary.
Ya, cro-magnon, retard.

To be perfectly honest, don't care about your half-baked anti-White pseud opinions. You may as well be a jew pushing hatred of Whites and undermining our identity while you swarm in like a parasite to pilfer us, all while making us feel bad for it.

>> No.22976948
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>> No.22976953

>No it doesn't. Mongrel, the original/only definition, is mixed race, like a negroid and a mongoloid.
That's a hybrid. A mongrel is a cross of different breeds. The map shows the mixing of breeds in Europe, a process which has taken millennia and will continue after we're dead.
>Whites are also the least mixed group and most pure, which is why unique traits like coloured hair and eyes and pale skin are preserved.
I don't think so. The map reveals a quite diverse ethnic makeup. There are less mixed groups in other places. Also more mixed groups. Depends.
>No, Whites also have the least amount of diversity in their genes, and Africans have the most. Your ancestors are mongrels. They are a big mutt mix, all different shades of black and brown.
Where do you think I'm from? lol
>But genes aren't even the point here, you're muddying the waters/the definitions of race to cope with being brown, like a typical anti-White simian.
Genes are not the point? Come on now. I'm just telling it like it is. You live in an unscientific fantasy.

>> No.22976954

I look like this and rape white women

>> No.22976958

Arabs have the most Dzudzuana thoughbeit, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.22976961

>You moved to the West and learned English too you fucking retard,
I haven't moved anywhere. Let alone to Africa 2.0, I mean, Western Europe. I learned English by myself for fun.
>Are you gonna tell me your 3rd world shithole that you ran from was controlled by your own people?
Sure .
>but i thought bad Whites controlled it and that's why you had to run to a White country.
I never said or did any of that, thoughbeit. Typical boogeyman.

>> No.22976984

>I look like this
>and rape white women
That's why I call you a shitskinned subhuman

Can you write out an actual response and not quips to random lines you selected?

I don't even know how you can argue that mongrel doesn't mean person of mixed race. That's literally the origin of the word and why it went out of use in the first place.
> The map shows the mixing of breeds in Europe
There aren't different breeds, you fucking absolute imbecile. There is the original "indo-European", "Germanic" or "Aryan" or whatever you want to call it racial stock, which split up and spread to different places, which is where different ethnicities come from. There are other stocks mixed in lesser or greater degrees in southern and eastern europe, which would be mongrelization (although nowhere near to the rate it occurs in the middle east or africa or whatever).
>Genes are not the point? Come on now. I'm just telling it like it is. You live in an unscientific fantasy.
You can be of the same racial stock and have different genes, retard.

I don't care where you're from. You and idiot trying to undermine White identity, saying stupid things like Whites are mongrels which is objectively false, all because you can't cope with the fact that Whites are better than you.

>> No.22976994

The punishment for literally traumatizing the women of your race for life and causing them severe ruptures that will remder them infertile is to call me names on 4chan? I'll have more of it please

>> No.22976998

Too bad it's mongrelized with a bunch of other stuff, otherwise they'd be pretty close to pure cro-magnon, like Swedes.

>Let alone to Africa 2.0, I mean, Western Europe.
Those are only the big cities, full of shitskins like you.
>I never said or did any of that, thoughbeit. Typical boogeyman.
That isn't a boogeyman, that's what browns cry about all the time and use as justification for occupying White lands like the jews occupy palestine but at least they have more of a right to lmao

>> No.22977005

It isn't name-calling, it's a statement of fact that you are a shitskinned subhuman.
You're already brown and an incel

>> No.22977008

Sounds like mongrel cope. It must be quite the revelation to discover you're not "pure" (because no such thing exists) and you're a mongrel just like everyone else, only you're a pale mongrel. I get it. You're in the denial phase.

>> No.22977015
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depends where you are, in rural areas you'd just get shot and the police would pretend they didn't see it, or the police would deal with it themselves, nigga

>> No.22977019

>Those are only the big cities, full of shitskins like you.
They're slowly moving to the rural areas, too. I hope you get a neighbor like that.
>That isn't a boogeyman, that's what browns cry about all the time and use as justification for occupying White lands like the jews occupy palestine but at least they have more of a right to lmao
Okay? But I never said this. You can discuss that on twitter with such people. Jews do belong in Israel. It's our land :P

>> No.22977025

>nooooo ackshually white people are mixed just like me! because there are different ethnic groups that emerged from the same Germanic stock of cro-magnon!
kek, you are such a coping brainlet mutt. anti-White garbage, we are sending you back.

>> No.22977038

>They're slowly moving to the rural areas, too. I hope you get a neighbor like that.
Lol not at all. That's what you tell yourself to cope. You can't bear the fact that there are pure White area, this is how sick in the head you are. Nonwhites who end up in rural areas really don't last long lmao. They need the comfort of the big city, they're pussies.

>> No.22977041

>no comsequences
As I said
I will go on to rape more white women now, thank you. hoping the next one will be related to you

>> No.22977044

>Jews do belong in Israel. It's our land :P
They belong in Israel more than blacks and browns belong in Europe, is my point. The only reason Israel isn't another 3rd world shithole is the fact that Jews have so many White genes. Arabs are just less refined jews, both are essentially violent and selfish by nature.

>> No.22977046

>we are sending you back.
You're actually sending more of us in. This is our land now and we rape and kill you at will and walk on $1000 bail

>> No.22977052

>I'm mixed but I'm not a mongrel!
haha look at the map, slowly, stop coping about muh cro-magnon.

>> No.22977064

You should invite them to your house and offer them some nice meal. Be kind!
Am Yisrael Chai. Let's goooooo

>> No.22977066

>brown incel LARPs about raping White women
Kek. You're a permavirgin, immigrant shitskinned incel living with his stinky family! Your life is so over it never even began. The only reason you don't kill yourself is because you don't live in your toilet country anymore and can eat chips and spicies that your gross brown poo mom makes for you.

>> No.22977076

stop replying to me, anti-White jewish mongrel

Ya but you're still a brown incel with shit genes

Different ethnicities from the same racial stock, you simpleton. You're coping with being brown, you want all White people to be mutts like you because you can't bear the fact that we're racially superior.

>> No.22977087
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you're just proving our point tho. also imagine being this much of a disgusting brown incel.

>> No.22977088

>Different ethnicities from the same racial stock, you simpleton.
Different breeds, thus, mongrels. European, African and Asian genes.
>You're coping with being brown, you want all White people to be mutts like you because you can't bear the fact that we're racially superior.
You're coping with being mongrel. You just found out today. If you were racially superior, you wouldn't be whining about muh immigration, instead you would've solved that ages ago.

>> No.22977089

you've never even had sex, abdul

>> No.22977098

Not all people with brown skin color are bad, you dumb faggot. Anyways, that guy is a moron, yes. Joking about raping other people's women is unseemly.

>> No.22977104

kek, do you actually have a mental disability? Europeans are from the same racial stock, which came from cro-magnon and are the purest descendants of it, specficially in the Northern half of Europe. Originally more people were like this, including beyond Europe, but they mongrelized (i.e., mixed racial stocks). You posted haplogroups, which is a separate thing. A subsharan can have the same haplogroup as a German, you're a retard who fell for a pozzed, politically correct type of science.

>> No.22977113

Ya no shit. The point is that brown people don't belong in White societies, at least not in any large amount. Otherwise we have huge amounts of crime and brutality against the host population, and they are a burden on the tax system, and don't have any respect for the customs or the people that host them. They should be made fearful, that is the only way you can get these people to respect you. They don't have the same level of compassion, empathy, understanding, selflessness etc.

Brits in India had far more interest in the customs and history of the nation they invaded than do the random niggers and desert mutts coming to Europe from the 3rd world. These people are not equal to Whites, and pretending like they are only leads to bad things.

>> No.22977114
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>Not all people with brown skin color are bad, you dumb faggot
I'm not that anon, but yes you are.

>> No.22977117

A Muslim Europe is a good thing. Let's just embrace that possibility.

>> No.22977129
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Ya, that's the other thing. These brown monkeys will try to shame you about White people dominating them for so long, but then will turn around and laugh about how they're gonna take over your country with their shitty religion. It's just more dishonesty and proof of their base nature. We need to deport these people by the millions, they are bad news all around.

>> No.22977136
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islam is a religion of mutt slaves and reflects that

browns want to see White countries brought down to the level of their 3rd world shitholes, it is the morality of slaves par excellence.

>> No.22977146
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There is a lot of regional and racial diversity in that region. It's not fair to lump all Middle Easterners together and just come them "brown".
I don't have brown skin, and I'd have to see the stats for that the breakdown for all races. I don't think skin color determines race. Race is not skin deep.

>> No.22977150
File: 100 KB, 728x1051, Afghan girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will eventually integrate. Give them time, chuds. Trust the plan. Just lower your intake of the African negro and you'll be fine.

>> No.22977154

He kind of has a point, but the aggressive dehumanizing way he goes about it does not help. There is also a lot of nuance and complexity involved. Afghanistan has a lot of ethnic diversity. What you posted is a Tajik. They were slaughtered in large number by Pashtuns.
There are also other ethnic groups in Afghanistan. Saying "Afghan" by itself doesn't mean anything.

>> No.22977160
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The stats are being collected in every Nation in the world, every single nation that has a standard of living above a garden pond demonstrates the depth of race beyond skin, every single criminal dataset, every single high school test, every college admittance test, every single data set that can be plotted shows you what you do not wish to know.

>> No.22977166

ya, they're actual mongrels, but some are less so than others. i know there are middle easterners who are basically as civilized and racially almost the same as White people, doesn't mean we want them in our countries. the mixing of these different peoples and cultures isn't a good thing, it is really a kind of death. different people are incompatible. Europeans get along much better with each other, having a lot more in common than random arabs or africans. If you could show me that there are specific groups in the middle east who are actually very similar to Europeans racially and therefor culturally, then my opinion might be swayed, but it seems unlikely.

It's a similar argument as not all africans or muslims are rapists or murderers so we shouldn't pre-judge the individual. even if we accept the argument that to do so is wrong (as if being an individual negated your collective identity), when you're bringing these people in by the millions and have stats like these>>22977129, making sure we don't accidently misjudge an african and hurt his feelings just isn't up there in things we're worried about.

>> No.22977174

I am primarily concerned with my own race, particularly in terms of how it influences others' perceptions of me. I view my race as impressive yet often unjustly vilified. I am not interested in your views on other races. However, I suggest you examine each race and record your thoughts on them. After that, I can share my perspectives concerning your perception of my own race.

>> No.22977179

what the fuck happened in this thread

>> No.22977185

It doesn't matter if some of them are essentially White racially (a very small percentage), that isn't an argument for why the should be allowed into our nations. Maybe we'll take the White ones and install them as leader of their own countries, against all the savage dark races who always seem to be killing them...an Aryan empire.

>> No.22977192

Well, the Migrant Crisis was overall a disaster, but I hope you realize even Soleimani was warning Europe and trying to stabilize the region. He even called the rapefugees subhuman too. The fact is, your leaders keep killing (or attempting to) all the people who would stabilize the region and set things right. Why should I be burdened for this shitstorm that's out of my control? ISIS even said they would intermingle with the Syrian refugees, which is what happened. Even Assad was warning about it, and even Gaddafi was talking about dangers of what would happen if he were gone.
Most of these terror attacks come from Sunni radicals.

Also, most people are retarded, white or brown. Most people don't know what the hell is going on and just *react*. They don't take a step back to *analyze*. If they did, then they wouldn't get the jab or accept fake narratives like 9/11 (it was actually orchestrated by Mossad most likely).

>> No.22977193
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, islam stats sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you brown and living in a White country? how are middle easterners / muslims "unjustly" vilified? we don't want trash like picrel in our countries.

>> No.22977194

really good thread guys always nice to see high quality discussions on /lit/

>> No.22977199

You're mentally ill. You're an edgelord who acts like your chauvinist power fantasy has any bearing on the complexity of the events unfolding. You have an overly simplistic worldview not rooted in actual justified facts.
I'm not saying to accept them into your nation. I'm saying to calm the fuck down. Take a step back. Analyze.
Your retarded worldview of "if it's white, it's right", doesn't work. Chechens are white as hell and some of the most chimpiest of all Mudslimes.

>> No.22977200
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>> No.22977204

I don't have brown skin, and most of the ones doing the attacks are Algerians, Pashtun, and Pakistanis. Gulf Arabs are pretty bad too, but they're well off and actually pay to shit on InstaThots.

>> No.22977211

i don't see your point. i know our politicians an the entire system are anti-White (probably judeo-masonic).
i agree that the average person is retarded, but this racial egalitarianism of implying retarded Whites are the same as retarded browns is just ridiculous and obviously wrong. the crime rates committed by blacks and browns in every White country is ridiculous too. these people don't belong in our civilized societies. muslims don't speak up about it either, instead they attack you and call you racist and say you deserve it lol

>> No.22977219

i don't care

cool, so even the rich ones behave like monkeys (fun fact: i already knew that)

we need to deport these people by the millions

>> No.22977223

>the crime rates committed by blacks and browns in every White country is ridiculous too.
It's only Algerians, Balochis, Pakistanis, and radicalized Syrians that do it. Other ones not so much.
>this racial egalitarianism of implying retarded Whites are the same as retarded browns is just ridiculous and obviously wrong. t
Which browns? I keep asking you to make a list of all the Middle Eastern ethnicities and share your views on them. I'll respond in regards to my own only. I don't give a shit what you think of other races but my own. It's retarded to classify every single Caucasus or Middle Eastern as the same based on appearance alone.
>muslims don't speak up about it either,
They do. Iran's leaders have multiple times. Soleimani did speak up about it.

>> No.22977224
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You cant, cope. Im too in your mind. im the one in control now you cuck, Im deep in your frontal lobe itching and scratching all your cortex. You VILL Honoré de Balzac, you VILL stroke ze Carlyle, you VILL become my little HEGELTRANNY (Cute) (Fasciste)(debutant)

>> No.22977227

>cool, so even the rich ones behave like monkeys (fun fact: i already knew that)
Nope. It's what all elites do. They hire whores and humiliate them.

>> No.22977230

Have you bothered researching each of those people and their variations at all? What about the Lebanese? Lebanese Christians? Do you even understand the full complexity of what we're dealing with here.
Regardless, the Migrant Crisis was best avoided. It basically destabilized Europe and continues to do so. In fact, there is evidence America intended this for Europe. I didn't save the link but one politician hinted at it.

>> No.22977329

Why don't you just stop wasting your time on useless philosophers? There hasn't been a novel and interesting development out of the online Right in years.

>> No.22977358

proof? epstein wasn;t hiring whores to shit on them and get them to shove salmon up his ass lmao, this is typical arab degeneracy. it's why they have to cover their women and kill gays.

>> No.22977364

Both Jews and Arabs are equally degenerate. Jews are a little bit moreso due to blood libel, and those underground tunnels most likely dealt with that.

>> No.22977371
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i don't need to. it's not my problem to sort through all the different mixtures who may or may not act like savage animals. we open up our borders to middle easterners and africans, and everywhere they go devolves into a 3rd world shithole.

and no, after terrorist attacks in Europe where random people are beheaded or the grooming of up to a million english girls, muslims don't do anything. meanwhile you have white people marching in the streets for Palestine, and muslims will bully or attack you for not taking their side in another stupid middle eastern mutt war.

we're gonna deport millions, to start. the worst ones first obviously.

>> No.22977374

no, jews are just more refined. and there aren't stories widespread about any European monarchs hiring hookers for poop play and all this other shit, what a cope. the fact is muslims are dirty and base, which is why their religion is so strict

>> No.22977379

>it's not my problem to sort through all the different mixtures who may or may not act like savage animals.
It's not that hard.
>we open up our borders to middle easterners and africans, and everywhere they go devolves into a 3rd world shithole.
You opened your borders during 2015 when Assad and Iran were fighting against Sunni radical terrorists. USA and Israel were backing these Sunni radical terrorists:


ISIS even claimed they would intermingle with the refugees when you stupidly opened borders. Even Soleimani was against this and warned Europe.

>and no, after terrorist attacks in Europe where random people are beheaded or the grooming of up to a million english girls, muslims don't do anything.
Again, the ones doing that are Pakistanis, Algerians, and a few others. I feel no sense of brotherhood with those people. It's not my responsibility.

>meanwhile you have white people marching in the streets for Palestine, and muslims will bully or attack you for not taking their side in another stupid middle eastern mutt war.
I don't give a shit about Palestinians. I only care for my own race and how people view it. I have been clear about that numerous times. You sound like a DL bot.

>we're gonna deport millions, to start. the worst ones first obviously.
If you're not going to bother sorting through them, then you'll just wind up creating a shitstorm. In fact, I don't want them there either fyi. Europe becoming radical Sunnis is not in my interests.

>> No.22977383 [DELETED] 

>jews are just more refined.
Hmm, you are not starting to sound like a Jew yourself.
I have never seen a white man call Jews refined, lol.
>the fact is muslims are dirty and base, which is why their religion is so strict
I do not like any of Abrahamists, but Islam is not a race. Also, something like Ismailis or Alawites has more in common with Hinduism than Sunnis.

>> No.22977389

>jews are just more refined.
Hmm, you are now starting to sound like a Jew yourself.
I have never seen a non-cucked white man call Jews refined, lol.
>the fact is muslims are dirty and base, which is why their religion is so strict
I do not like any of Abrahamism, but Islam is not a race. Also, something like Ismailis or Alawites has more in common with Hinduism than Sunnis.

*reposted due to typos

>> No.22977415

>It's not that hard.
you can pay for it then
the graph i posted is from 2005, also nonwhite crime rates in the US were high, same as before we let more terrorists in. the gangs in the UK were almost exclusively black and brown, post more cope.

>If you're not going to bother sorting through them, then you'll just wind up creating a shitstorm.
no, we'll just send them all back and not let any in, there's no need for browns in White countries, except maybe in very small amounts, of their best.

ya, the stock who follow islam are innately more base, hence the need for such harsh enforcements against sodomy, women, etc.

jews are just as beastly but they evolved in a White country so they have an air of civility to mask it.

>> No.22977422

>the graph i posted is from 2005,
The graph does not control for which race and proportionality can impact these results too. Like I'm saying, I agree there is a problem in Europe with Algerians, Pakistanis, and Arabs, but these are not my people so I don't care. I've heard Turks can be bad too, but I have looked into it much.
>same as before we let more terrorists in.
We would have to look at the composition of the ethnic groups.
>the gangs in the UK were almost exclusively black and brown, post more cope.
Brown is not a race. Lebanese Christians, for example, actually assimilate well, and there are others like Assyrians and Armenians that assimilate well too. Do you even know the basics of this?
>we'll just send them all back and not let any in, there's no need for browns in White countries, except maybe in very small amounts, of their best.
You don't even have a plan, and will just win up being manipulated by kosher far right Jews.
>ya, the stock who follow islam are innately more base, hence the need for such harsh enforcements against sodomy, women, etc.
Most of the terrorist attacks come from Sunni radicals. Alawites, Ismaili, and Twelvers Shia do not do near 1/10th of that level.
>jews are just as beastly but they evolved in a White country so they have an air of civility to mask it.
There's no air of civility in the Jew if you have triple digit IQ.

You are evading most of what I'm bringing up like a pilpuling Jew. You're a Jew, aren't you?