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/lit/ - Literature

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22949836 No.22949836 [Reply] [Original]

What's your view on anti-work literature and ideas in general? Pro or against?

>> No.22949862

Sounds stupid, but I have never read anti-work literature so idk

>> No.22949865

I just want a job without having to jump through hoops. Just let me stack boxes or mop floors without having to send billions of personally tailored to the job emails or shill how enthusiastic and eager I am to work at such a great company during an interview.

>> No.22949877

dude I shouldn't contribute value to society and you guys should support my parasitic lifestyle with your taxes. I am a forward thinker

>> No.22949886

>t. doesn't understand how economy works


>> No.22949891
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All anti-work literature falls into two categories: 'people ought to work less because there is better automation' and that there's are cultural compulsions of worthless busy work going on in most developed countries. Both seem like reasonable assumptions, but changing this requires the sort of shift in consciousness that nobody knows how to generate and how to put accurate value on labor which nobody knows how to do.

>> No.22949899

Sounds stupid. I am very pro-work for everyone except myself. And i don't need to justify my aversion to work to myself, it is self-explanatory.

>> No.22949937

What do you mean by "accurate value on labor", we can measure labor without capitalism?

>> No.22949952

Where do you think the value of money comes from? Fuck off

>> No.22949964

>nnnnooooooo you can't point out my wrong reasoning

Negro, a NEET with income still productive for the economy because he's consooming something, he's just not waigeing.

>> No.22949971

that's not production

>> No.22949977


>> No.22949981

all of this is well and good, but how do i actually become a neet?

>> No.22949992

I wish a history of anti-work book existed. I want to read about people who refused to work throughout history.

>> No.22949997

anon's being real quiet right now...

>> No.22950035

>t. the if-they're-free-markets-how-come-nothing-is-free guy

>> No.22950040

Live with your parents

>> No.22950051

First things first, are you planning to be a NEET for a time or permaNEET?

>> No.22950058
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>> No.22950059

you first dumbo

>> No.22950064

perma. I'm fine with working towards it for a decade or two max, and spend my life self-employed with relatively few hours if that's possible

>> No.22950071

Than your either retired early, like those FIRE movement grifters, or start planning to get your NEETbux

>> No.22950077
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Not exactly anti-work literature, since they didn't write long texts against labour, but Evola, Montherlant, Gómez Dávila and Alain de Benoist all expressed disdain for labour, since it is the lowest economic activity.

>> No.22950087
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Also Ernesto Milá, Spanish far-right activist, who wrote this pamphlet.

>> No.22950091

whoever wrote that comic is a complete faggot, get off reddit

>> No.22950093

Based wagie btfoing neets with basic economic literacy.

>> No.22950111

Dumb negro, this comic was created by a 4chan user, not a reddit. Stupid away to try show off that you are oldfag, retarded newfag.

>> No.22950121

Not even in relation to capital but in relation to the necessity for certain types of work at all.

>> No.22950146

work at amazon

>> No.22950164

Wagie cope

>> No.22950170
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>NEET literature
>nobody mentions Oblomov

>> No.22950180

that thing has been around for like 10 years, newfag.

>> No.22950196

I'm generally anti-work (read: lazy) when it comes to the bullshit work people have to do to pay the bills. This usually means alienated labor, where an individual is disposable, has no meaningful connection to their job, and is at the mercy of indifferent corporate calculations. I'm anti-coercive work. I'm all for pursuing one's own life's work or working to better your standing in the world, but most people are denied the privilege to pursue that.
I don't have a solution for a better world without the shitty work nobody wants to do, other than full automation, the elimination of the income tax for everyone making the median wage or less, a UBI, rent control, taxing capital gains and unrealized land value, and significantly better compensation for socially necessary labor. I just know i'm disgruntled by the existing system and wish I didn't have to participate.

>> No.22950209

Social credit, guilds, family, simplicity. The solution is distributism.

>> No.22950211

I'd be willing to give it a try.

>> No.22950221

It would probably require a societal collapse first.

>> No.22950240

The basic assumption is that if people weren't forced to work, nobody would, so nothing would get done. A system built on voluntary labor would collapse. But this assumption inherits the mental framework of the reigning paradigm, which is wage labor on the labor market, which would not exist in the voluntary labor paradigm. The trick is a system which eliminates the negative incentive for working (avoiding homelessness) but keeps the positive incentive (more money to buy stuff). People would work when they have to or when they want something the baseline nanny state isn't generous enough to provide. There would be no make work (aka fake work). Farmers and industrial workers who must work would be heavily subsidized and supported, and they would be able to keep their profits and invest them as they see fit.

Basically I'd like to see a better mixed system, the dialectical fusion of the USSR and USA, with a fully built state infrastructure servicing all civilian needs and then a freewheeling optional market system for those who want more than that. Being left with only one of these options ends up being hell for many if not most people.

>> No.22950243


>> No.22950256

I think this goes for pretty much any alternative. We can't really pivot from the end of a our second act into a completely different play, which is what it seems everyone wants to do and mostly just disagrees on what we should replace it with.
I don't have any answers, much less a coherent theory, but I have a near unshakable intuition that pandora's box has been opened and you can't just pretend otherwise.

>> No.22950384

Good books about that hypothetical future, bro?

>> No.22950388

Oblomov wasn't a NEET in the modern sense, he was just a aristocrat, not a dude on bux, stop forcing this meme.

>> No.22950395

>The category of the work society refers not just to the socially mediating and subjectively constitutive roles of work but to the dominance of its values. Challenging the present organization of work requires not only that we confront its reification and depoliticization but also its normativity and moralization. Work is not just defended on grounds of economic necessity and social duty; it is widely understood as ari individual moral practice and collective ethical obligation. Traditional work valuesthose that preach the moral value and dignity of waged work and privilege such work as an essential source of individual growth, selffulfillment, social recognition, and statuscontinue to be effective in encouraging and rationalizing the long hours US workers are supposed to dedicate to waged work and the identities they are expected to invest there.

>> No.22950406

Those are 2 and the same.

>> No.22950413

>learn an instrument
>play video games
I don't get that picture. How are you supposed to be able to do that and still pay the bills without a job? I doubt even the most generous government program gives you enough for that.

>> No.22950416

Oh naive boy, you never went to the deep hole of welfaremaxxing and NEETbuxmaxxing

>> No.22950421

I would have to write that book to really express the idea as it is working itself out in my head. Probably a close approximation to it would be The Zero Marginal Cost Society by Jeremy Rifkin. Although what he's talking about is only approximative to what I envision.

>> No.22950467

Just walk around until you see someone with a big yellow exclamation mark floating above their head.

>> No.22950468

It's not that hard. You'll never live comfortably, but you'll live.

>> No.22950488

On welfare, bro?

>> No.22950516
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From all my imaginary provisions for the entry of the Artwork into Public Life, it is evident that I pictured them as a summons to self-collection (Sammelung) from amid the distractions of a life which was to be conceived, at bottom, merely as a gladsome occupation (heitere Beschäftigung), and not as a fatiguing toil. Hence the political movements of that time did not attract my serious attention until they touched the purely social sphere, and thus appeared to offer prospects of the realisation of my ideal premises—prospects which, I admit, for some time occupied my earnest thought. The line my fancy followed was an organisation of public life in common, as also of domestic life, such as must lead of itself to a beauteous fashioning of the human race. The calculations of the newer Socialists therefore lost my sympathy from the moment they seemed to end in systems that took at first the repellent aspect of an organisation of Society for no other purpose but an equally-allotted toil. However, after sharing the horror which this aspect kindled in aesthetically-cultured minds, a deeper glance into the proposed condition of society made me believe I detected something very different from what had hovered before the fancy of those calculating Socialists themselves. I found to wit that, when equally divided among all, actual labour, with its crippling burthen and fatigue, would be downright done away with, leaving nothing in its stead but an occupation, which necessarily must assume an artistic character of itself. A clue to the character of this occupation, as substitute for actual labour, was offered me by Husbandry, among other things; this, when plied by every member of the commonalty [or "parish"—Gemeinde], I conceived as partly developed into more productive tillage of the Garden, partly into joint observances for times and seasons of the day and year, which, looked at closer, would take the character of strengthening exercises, ay, of recreations and festivities. Whilst trying to work out all the bearings of this transformation of one-sided labour, with its castes in town and country, into a more universal occupation lying at the door of every man, I became conscious on the other hand that I was meditating nothing so intensely new, but merely pursuing problems akin to those which so dearly had busied our greatest poets themselves, as we may see in "Wilhelm Meister's Wanderjahre." I, too, was therefore picturing to myself a world that I deemed possible, but the purer I imagined it, the more it parted company with the reality of the political tendencies-of-the-day around me; so that I could say to myself, my world will never make its entry until the very moment when the present world has ceased—in other words, where Socialists and Politicians came to end, should we commence.

>> No.22950519
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Why do neets feel the need to aggressively defend their parasitic lifestyle?

>Inb4 wagie cope
We get it now answer the question

>> No.22950542
File: 164 KB, 800x800, darth vladimir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communism 1.0
>to each according to his ability, to each according to his need
>communism 2.0

>> No.22950551

I loved my jobs before COVID...

Post-COVID? Fuck work, do as little as possible as you need to live.

>> No.22950553

This already exists.
Homeless can get shelters unless they use illegal drugs. If they have a family then there's welfare. A token starting job at walmart pays like $30/hr if you have children and full benefits.
>the USA isn't socialist
Look at entitlement spending, healthcare spending. The nominal tax rate climbs to around 40% but most avoid that with legal loopholes

>> No.22950587 [DELETED] 
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Men generally work too much to be themselves. Work is a curse which man has turned into pleasure. To work for work's sake, to enjoy a fruitless endeavor, to imagine that you can fulfill yourself through assiduous labor—all that is disgusting and incomprehensible. Permanent and uninterrupted work dulls, trivializes, and depersonalizes. Work displaces man's center of interest from the subjective to the objective realm of things. In consequence, man no longer takes an interest in his own destiny but focuses on facts and things. What should be an activity of permanent transfiguration becomes a means of exteriorization, of abandoning one's inner self. In the modern world, work signifies a purely external activity; man no longer makes himself through it, he makes things. That each of us must have a career, must enter upon a certain form of life which probably does not suit us, illustrates work's tendency to dull the spirit. Man sees work as beneficial to his being, but his fervor reveals his penchant for evil. In work, man forgets himself; yet his forgetfulness is not simple and naive, but rather akin to stupidity. Through work, man has moved from subject to object; in other words, he has become a deficient animal who has betrayed his origins. Instead of living for himself—not selfishly but growing spiritually—man has become the wretched, impotent slave of external reality.
>As long as faith was enough for the honor and dignity of human beings, no objection could be made against any work, however strenuous, if it only did not hinder a person in his faith. However, now that everyone is supposed to develop himself into a human being, relegating human beings to machine-like work amounts to the same thing as slavery. If a factory worker has to make himself dead tired for twelve hours and more, he is kept from becoming a human being. All work should have the aim of satisfying the person. Therefore, he must also become a master in it, i.e., be able to create it as a totality. One who only puts on the heads, only draws the wire, etc., in a pin factory, works mechanically, like a machine; he remains a dabbler, doesn’t become a master; his work cannot satisfy him, it can only tire him out. Taken for itself, his work is nothing, has no purpose in itself is nothing complete in itself; he only works into another’s hand, and is used (exploited) by this other.

>> No.22950597
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>Men generally work too much to be themselves. Work is a curse which man has turned into pleasure. To work for work's sake, to enjoy a fruitless endeavor, to imagine that you can fulfill yourself through assiduous labor—all that is disgusting and incomprehensible. Permanent and uninterrupted work dulls, trivializes, and depersonalizes. Work displaces man's center of interest from the subjective to the objective realm of things. In consequence, man no longer takes an interest in his own destiny but focuses on facts and things. What should be an activity of permanent transfiguration becomes a means of exteriorization, of abandoning one's inner self. In the modern world, work signifies a purely external activity; man no longer makes himself through it, he makes things. That each of us must have a career, must enter upon a certain form of life which probably does not suit us, illustrates work's tendency to dull the spirit. Man sees work as beneficial to his being, but his fervor reveals his penchant for evil. In work, man forgets himself; yet his forgetfulness is not simple and naive, but rather akin to stupidity. Through work, man has moved from subject to object; in other words, he has become a deficient animal who has betrayed his origins. Instead of living for himself—not selfishly but growing spiritually—man has become the wretched, impotent slave of external reality.
>As long as faith was enough for the honor and dignity of human beings, no objection could be made against any work, however strenuous, if it only did not hinder a person in his faith. However, now that everyone is supposed to develop himself into a human being, relegating human beings to machine-like work amounts to the same thing as slavery. If a factory worker has to make himself dead tired for twelve hours and more, he is kept from becoming a human being. All work should have the aim of satisfying the person. Therefore, he must also become a master in it, i.e., be able to create it as a totality. One who only puts on the heads, only draws the wire, etc., in a pin factory, works mechanically, like a machine; he remains a dabbler, doesn’t become a master; his work cannot satisfy him, it can only tire him out. Taken for itself, his work is nothing, has no purpose in itself is nothing complete in itself; he only works into another’s hand, and is used (exploited) by this other.

>> No.22950700

It sounds great on paper but in order for nation to keep running people have to have jobs

>> No.22950712

Only about 20% of people need to work at a career, maybe less if your population is expanding.
>father works
>mother helps at home
>kids help at home but less
>grandparents help at home
Atomizing the family increased housing demand and big surprise that maintaining houses is a huge labor strain for the economy. Normalizing women in the workplace is also a scam that was implemented to halve wages

>> No.22950721

That being said, why do women leech off men so much?

>> No.22950742

The state is a tyrant and should be destroyed.
>but how will people survive without Walmart
Not my problem

>> No.22950743

Im pro-work but anti-capitalism. I think people naturally enjoy working, but what burns people out is that they are taken advantage of by the system and by the rich elite.

We need a 30 hour work week.

>> No.22950760

people enjoy their hobby and passion, not work per se.

>> No.22950773

isn't there something to say about the social function of labor? if everyone just did what they would like, they would never learn anything outside a narrow set of skills that are not necessarily useful. but at least work or a career forces you to learn a host of other skills (including communication) which you otherwise wouldn't learn if not in a job

>> No.22950783

Well, I mean moreso people enjoy the satisfaction of getting work done, if the work is meaningful and purposeful, and the labor isn't taken advantage of.

>> No.22950791

also with this system the average man only needs to work at his job and not a million shitty things around the house. Also the houses would be fuck enormous for modern standards but back in the day they were small and people just dealt with it.
After this baby boom, and with the divorce rate, the whole country is filled with 3 bed 2 bath money sinks with only one person living in them.

>> No.22950797

Pretty much everything said in thread. Plus restructure capitalism, get rid of stocks and that whole system. Profits go in hands of workers and the community. Jail any type of subversion or greed. Idk

>> No.22950848

>capitalism 1.0
>i make thing, you make thing, we trade
>capitalism 2.0
>we invent ways to scam people and if you don't have a good method you're in the fucking hole

>> No.22950851

People aren’t bugs with only specialized interests, many people have a wide array of interests they would pursue but can’t because the mechanical nature of work atomizes them and their interests like a cog in a machine.

>> No.22950935
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Aristocratic worldview

>> No.22950939

>Bob Black
Literally a FBI informant kek

>> No.22952106
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>What's your view on anti-work literature and ideas in general? Pro or against?
I literally live in an apartment complex with a bunch of people who live large off the taxpayer dime and do nothing but watch daytime TV and smoke drugs all day, and party all night. While I work to support them and the government takes a third of my paycheque away. I'm just waiting for the fascist revolution to come around so we can put those "people" in work camps and put a bullet in every drug dealer.

>> No.22952113

I don't think people are ever really going to come around to how many people get paid to either knowingly or unknowingly do nothing all day, graber barely scratched the surface. One basic problem I never hear addressed is what happens when a generation of people are too old/no longer interested in the work they do but can't leave because they have bills and debts associated with their job.

>> No.22952183
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As technology advances, it requires less labor for a given amount of production. This means that at some point in the future, it will require almost zero labor to fulfill all mankind's basic needs. The question is this: what will the power structure, the actual people in power, decide to do about the superfluous masses of human beings? We stand at one of the most portentous moments in all of history, will we take a firm and confident step towards utopia, or will we succumb to the worst devils of our nature and have a boot on our faces forever? One of these outcomes will occur, society as it stands is unsustainable.

>> No.22952192

dude, I know I just ran a major company in a major industry which has sustained the country for a century into the ground, but just bail me out so I can retire with my multi-million dollar bonus paid for by tax payers, okay? It's what I deserve since I obliterated the economy and everything. I am a high powered executive.

>> No.22952198

The answer is a UBI. The market only functions via a negotiation between producers and consumers. This means that to strengthen the market, it requires consumers with disposable income who can choose what products to buy. The problem with our modern economies is that those in power desire cheap employees and affluent customers without realizing that if every company wants that, there can't be any affluent customers!

>> No.22952359

>I can paint, learn a language, learn an instrument
And yet, in the same vein, the based "chad" says the following;
>Go and brag about your vacation in Cancun
Why is travelling bad? What is the point of learning an exotic language if the only place you're going to be staying at is your place of residence?

I hate these comics, these are made by the twittertards who have greek statues on their profile pics. They are an absolute catastrophe of human beings

>> No.22952375

holy shit, op literally strawman's his own argument in the image

>> No.22952381

>I am very pro-work for everyone except myself.
Actually good line anon if thats original

>> No.22952399

Le epic wholesome Fully Automated Gay Space Communism but deracinated atomized """whites""" XDDDDDDDDD

>> No.22952413
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>and how to put accurate value on labor which nobody knows how to do.
I know it's tradition that /lit/ doesn't read, but come on now

>> No.22952979


Production does not exist.

>> No.22952988


Only those who work are parasites. The institution of employment is founded on a man being payed in an other man's stead.

>> No.22953002

Anti-work literature is like the unsung hero we need. It's all about sticking it to this hustle culture that's driving us crazy. Like, why are we defining ourselves just by what we do for a paycheck? Anti-work stuff reminds us that there's more to life than being a workhorse. It's all about finding that balance and saying it's cool to chill, enjoy life, and not let work dictate everything.

>> No.22953043

If you want less work you need more capitalism, if lefties read more than their propaganda you would understand that. Marx was a self obsessed monster that just wanted to be important.

>> No.22953081

All these books are commie garbage, commies are the one that birthed work worship, before french revolution aristocrats all despised it.

>> No.22953089

Junger too

>> No.22953091

What the fuck? Literally no book at the chart talks about that, why projecting so hard?

>> No.22953098

Envy is a sin.

>> No.22953198
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I will never work for a wage.
I work independently and I don't make much but I'm glad knowing that every cent that I make goes straight to me, rather than to a bullshit boss that gives me a shit tier wage in exchange and that takes most of my life's hours hostage for no reason. I understand NEETs. Wageslavery is just slavery with good optics, and not even that as of lately!

>> No.22953261

Did you even read the meme colloquy on the right side of the image lmao?

>> No.22953263

>send billions of personally tailored to the job emails or shill how enthusiastic and eager I am to work at such a great company during an interview.
normgroids love this shit. they live for it. you're living in a normgroids world.

>> No.22953288


>> No.22953338

this seems to be a very narrow definition of work. work is essential to the human experience, in that, through work, man creates the means of his existence. the 'work' being criticised here has only arisen due alienation, wherein the worker's labour and existence cease to be linked.

there is nothing more satisfying than gathering one's own firewood, making a fire, and providing oneself with the warmth one needs to live. that is WORK!

>> No.22953358
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people will vote for their own slavery. the average boomer type will vote to ban automation just so people are forced to work. the average boomer would rather people starve to death in the street than implement any sort of UBI. the elites are the good guys. the average normies spinal reflex against WE CANT JUST GIVE PEOPLE MONEY FOR NOTHING FUCKING PARASITES is the actual enemy. but there's nothing to be done about this. the small-mindedness of the average human is what is going to keep us from ever improving society no matter how good our tech gets.
you will wageslave until you fucking die. life is a curse.

>> No.22953362 [DELETED] 

Theory of value doesn't hold up outside of a factory or sweatshop. Lots of work is done besides making tangible commodities. Marx would have thrown out everything he wrote when faced with the kind of automation we have now.

>> No.22953382
File: 115 KB, 1024x683, 1703388268515979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theory of value doesn't hold up outside of a factory, farm, or sweatshop. Lots of work is done besides making tangible easy to price commodities. Marx would have thrown out everything he wrote when faced with the kind of automation and complexity we have now.

>> No.22953393

Get a job

>> No.22954216

Marx theory of value is the dumbest thing he wrote

>> No.22954433

A UBI and social dividends. All workers at a company should get a cut of the annual profits. The current shareholder system is judaized and parasitic.

>> No.22954723


>> No.22954803

This and some more. Commies seethe

>> No.22955833


>> No.22956097

I will simply not work. I hope society collapse. No I don't care if I die.

>> No.22956111

see you in Walmart 6:30am first day after your parents kicked you out

>> No.22956117

Wagie cope. I'll live the best NEET life that you can't live and die before I have to face reality.

>> No.22956144
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Holy based

>> No.22956253

I hate work, but modern society could not function without at least some people staying at their jobs, so this shit is retarded.

>> No.22956257
File: 51 KB, 518x626, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most based man itt
come kill me

>> No.22956299

Its not a new idea, the french decedents were in tune to the idea


À rebours (French pronunciation: [a ʁ(ə).buʁ]; translated Against Nature or Against the Grain) is an 1884 novel by the French writer Joris-Karl Huysmans. The narrative centers on a single character: Jean des Esseintes, an eccentric, reclusive, ailing aesthete. The last scion of an aristocratic family, Des Esseintes loathes nineteenth-century bourgeois society and tries to retreat into an ideal artistic world of his own creation. The narrative is almost entirely a catalogue of the neurotic Des Esseintes's aesthetic tastes, musings on literature, painting, and religion, and hyperaesthesic sensory experiences.

À rebours contains many themes that became associated with the Symbolist aesthetic. In doing so, it broke from Naturalism and became the ultimate example of "Decadent" literature,[1] inspiring works such as Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890).[2] In his preface for the 1903 publication of the novel, Huysmans wrote that he had the idea to portray a man "soaring upwards into dream, seeking refuge in illusions of extravagant fantasy, living alone, far from his century, among memories of more congenial times, of less base surroundings ... each chapter became the sublimate of a specialism, the refinement of a different art; it became condensed into an essence of jewellery, perfumes, religious and secular literature, of profane music and plain-chant.

>> No.22956355

I want to read Là-bas but can’t find a pirated copy.

>> No.22956373

I tried the whole civil disobedience boycott society thing. It didn't work. The world was fine without me. If you want your opinion to matter you need to work really hard and have a lot of money. If you want to be left alone you need to work really hard and have a lot of money then retire. The people who let this bother them are the textbook definition of delusional.

>> No.22956398

>he thinks working hard is going to make him lots of money and let him retire at an age where he still has life left to live

>> No.22956402

Or just steal everything. Who tf cares...

>> No.22956406

So why not kill the boomers? It should be so simple. They're fat and weak.

>> No.22956411

>Why is travelling bad? What is the point of learning an exotic language if the only place you're going to be staying at is your place of residence?
Because some people cant afford to do it. Simple as.

>> No.22956417

working hard might not make you rich and not everyone who is rich worked hard for it, but if you don't have money the only way to get it is to work. if you as a poor loser believe you can make money by doing nothing you are delusional.
stealing is working

>> No.22956419

Fair enough. I'll give you that

>> No.22956420

It will become your problem though, in order for a person to have rights to something, a right must be taken from another, and so forth and so forth...

>> No.22956423

>Pro or against?
anti-work like all ideology is bourgeois liberalism.

Praxic organisations of workers can gain some value by critically reading it in the light of concrete experiences (self-historicising) and then test against future experience.

>> No.22956436

No thanks, I’ll continue to NEET.
The greatest delusion of the average wageslave is that they think by sacrificing their time for money they’ll somehow gain a net positive from it. What actually happens is that they waste their life at some job they don’t care about for scraps to sustain their meaningless lives until they eventually die. I’d say they’re the ones that come up short in this bargain.

>> No.22956443

I was a neet for a long time. you are the delusional one. sacrificing your time for money is bad but there is more to work than that. you can be out in public interacting with people while personally developing. as a neet all you are doing is sacrificing your time and mental health for the sake your pride.

>> No.22956447

>ummmm no actually you’re the one sacrificing your time

>> No.22956452

>time stops when you are a neet
look in the mirror hun. you are old now.

>> No.22956458
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>> No.22956566
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how did the powers that be convince everyone that any resource is more sacred than time?

>> No.22957978


>> No.22958241

It's not that hard to accumulate money. You only need two things. Skills in a field that's in demand, trades are fine. And monk like ability to minimize spending, which any man should be capable of. Homemade vegetarian diet, a shared home, no alcohol/drugs, and cheap/free entertainment.

Stick to that for ten years or less, get some diversified investments for your money. An 18 year old could retire before 30. Plenty of life left. Of course if you stay in the city, you'll need to keep up your monk like lifestyle. If you move to the countryside you can upgrade a bit. Or even more if moving to a cheaper country.

t. Epicurean living the moderate life

>> No.22959852

because without money you'll have less time

>> No.22960308

"I can do anything with my time" yeah because the farmer already sacrifices his time for you
You dont want to work? Get a slave

>> No.22960320

After I get my parents inheritance I'm moving to the Philippines to become a NEET there for its cheap cost of living.

>> No.22960323

based "hurry up and die" millenial

>> No.22960329


>> No.22960377

Rich people are basically NEETs and working for mere crumbs just to get by while making these rich people even richer is just a big ponzi scheme.

>> No.22960384

i already have you slaving to pay for my neetbux

>> No.22960512

>in 2013
those were the days my friend

>> No.22960949

>I am silly!

>> No.22960962

Do not poison your mind with such garbage. There are few things as rewarding as a job well done.

>> No.22960966

>words words words
When will they learn?

>> No.22960971

I just want to work less, like 4-6 hourse for 5 days per week, or 6-8 hours for 3 days per week, and actually having life besides work

>> No.22961018

Right now, I am the slave. Sold into it by my family. All the generations before the last three lived off the land, and were it not for my grandparents, so would I, as a firstborn son of the upper-middle class. Instead, our land and our homes were abandoned to the state and industries in exchange for the promise of greater profit in the city. And sure enough, my grandparents did make great profit with no merit or effort, after their parents sacrificed what little they had left to enable the exodus. But the children of my grandparents were given no such opportunity, and were able to pull themselves up only through incredible luck and the booming economy. Now, I find myself with even less than that: low-salaried, entry-level work is extremely competetive, extremely exploitative, deprived of the rights once bought with blood, and with no potential for advancement. I do not have the means to easily pursue higher education, and there are orders of magnitude fewer positions available for the educated, all of which are much worse than what previous generations got. What used to guarantee an effortless life of luxury now barely raises you above the warehouse worker - or sometimes not even that, judging by my prior colleagues. And outside of nepotism, there are not really any other ways to make a career.

Simply said, the previous generations traded what we've always had for a bit of personal short-term profit, leaving my siblings and I with nothing at all. I'm glad to say they are all dying slowly, painfully and unloved. The only reason I need the labour of others to sustain me is because I have been deprived of both the right and the means to sustain myself. Believe me, if I had but a shack and a river or a garden, I would never ask anything of anyone ever again.

>> No.22961029

Lmao, what a cope and I get you didn't understand what "anti-work" means

>> No.22961053

Menial labour for twelve straight hours, five or more days a week, for symbolic reward does not give you the satisfaction of a job well done, unfortunately.

>> No.22961074

I've always wanted to find Stephen Robins' The Importance of Being Idle. This book is nearly impossible to find online, except as a OpenLibrary loan. Does anyone have a pdf?

>> No.22961097

Nobody in the first world does this.

>> No.22961127

I'm afraid they do. I know I and my coworkers have. Mandatory overtime for the season.

>> No.22961146

Am I anti-work if I have a lot of downtime at work?
I'm at work now and have plenty of time to shitpost on 4chan. I scroll Twitter and sometimes read entire articles. Days aren't bad either, I'm back home at 15:15 so I still have time to do all sorts of things.

>> No.22961152

If you want to work like a dog then communism is for you and you should support antiwork to its unwitting ends

>> No.22961153

You are either a dishonest nigger or lying about living in the first world. Mandatory overtime is not a thing in workplaces where the work is menial. In the first world it is educated, higher level work that has mandatory overtime.
Second, you are beyond retarded if you think money is a symbolic reward. Currency has been utilized by every civilization in history and no, African hellholes that failed to invent the wheel aren't civilizations.

>> No.22961181

Underage, underexperienced, overopinionated, overidentifying? Not sure why someone would react so strongly about this. It very much is a thing. "Beordrad övertid". Swedish logistics. And I'm not criticizing the concept of currency here, I'm saying that the reward is trivial and insignificant enough to be mainly symbolic. It's not an obscure use of the term.

>> No.22961210

>I should be the one who doesn't work and you should be the slave! This is progress!
Joke philosophy

>> No.22961213

Money is crystallized labor

>> No.22961217

when people go into retirement their brain really starts to go downhill from lack of cognitive stimulation. Your earnings potential also goes to shit

>> No.22961224

>when people go into retirement their brain really starts to go downhill from lack of cognitive stimulation.
Sounds like a normie problem

>> No.22961230
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>> No.22961238

>A system built on voluntary labor would collapse
false. see Linux and free software.

>> No.22961970
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The problem of your family isn't that they sold the farm. As you say, it was more profitable for that generation. The problem was they blew all their money on cocaine and hookers (or something else stupid.) That is why now you are not a rich man and must work. Possibly they married poorly and let the foolish mores of the spouse raise their children. Or they simply did not have the values of old money in the first place (as is often the problem of new money.) Thus your path is set for you, if you are still aristocratic enough to follow it. Raise yourself, and your capital, back up, set your children back on the rich path. For your sake hope your blood has not been too corrupted.

>> No.22962045

Just a reminder that "job" is abrahamic word magic for punishment.

>> No.22962282

Shut the fuck up boomer. The most rewarding thing is raising a family in a home that you own, which is basically impossible for the majority of the citizenry in the modern economy.

>> No.22962288

Nooooo, you don't understand, it's very important that the taxpayer bails out my horrendous decision making which tanked central industry in the economy. I need my multi-million severance package for all the hard work I've done. Not everyone can be a high powered executive like me.

>> No.22962294

Scientifically speaking, doing heroin is more rewarding than raising a family because it releases more rewarding chemicals in your brain.

>> No.22962295

>Money = labor
>Can print money for free
>Can print labor for free
based, we are already in the communist automated utopia then!

>> No.22962304

Scientifically speaking, there are different measures of what people regard as "rewarding" and raising a family is deeper and more stable a base of rewarding feelings than the diminishing returns and addictive side effects of substance use.

>> No.22962308
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>implying paper and printers don’t cost money, i.e. labor

>> No.22962319

Scientifically speaking, the feeling of being rewarded is strictly chemical and your subjective opinion doesn’t matter.

>> No.22962325

I fucking love how he turns blonde

>> No.22962374

no, I guarantee it's happening to your brain as well in the absence of some disciplining forces.

>> No.22962382

Would you be willing to put your balls on the line if you’re wrong? Didn’t think so.

>> No.22963192

while the other guy's teeth turn yellow kek

>> No.22963202

are you genuinely retarded? fiat isn't specie

>> No.22963352

>muh capital
>muh labor
I'm not fucking interested in long-ass Marxist screeds on anti-work.
I just don't want to work because I'd rather read books, play chess, play vidya, watch movies, and do other shit I find mentally stimulating.
Simple as.
So which anti-work book is right for me?

>> No.22963413

Anything on getting rich. One response to modern work life sucking is to try and campaign for shorter hours and an economy that easily allows for people to raise families and stay in their communities so it's not all so isolated and meaningless. The other is simply to pursue power. That's the path I'm choosing. I don't have all the answers, that's all beyond the reach of my arms. I seek only the power to follow my dreams (escape spending my life as a modern serf) and not have to take orders from those I despise.

>> No.22963591

The marginal added value for improving some piece of software like LinuxOS is much much greater than the marginal value added by say mining another lump of coal from the ground. Totally voluntary labor could work for the former but probably not the later. There are just some jobs that are so hard on the human doing them that nobody will do without compensation. These are usually the most foundational jobs in society: raw resource extraction, waste removal, transportation.
Note that the Linux role is closer to being fully automated over the mining role.

>> No.22963647
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>I bought the printer for free

>> No.22963658


>> No.22964576

That's the whole point of anti-work though. By not being a wage slave, you actually have free time to engage in rewarding hobbies that you enjoy. Whereas the wagie is too exhausted from their meaningless job that all they can manage to do is veg out in front of the television for a few hours until they go to sleep and repeat the process the following day.

>> No.22964760

Why the fuck is 8h the standard? Why is this shitty society miserymaxxing?

>> No.22964799

like Thoreau? based on all counts.

>> No.22964905

>I shouldn't spend all my time working
Yeah man I want to balance my work life and become a better person using the free time I have to work on myself too
>I want to play videogames and do nothing all day
>also i hate women

>> No.22964925
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I sleep comfortably and soundly in my cozy bed until 3 pm every day, snoozing and snoring as the birds sing and the sun shines, knowing my wagie friends and past colleagues are working 10+ hours every day (and paying $$$ to GO to their offices) for a fraction of what I make working a couple hours a week.

I don't spend money on shitty clothes or furniture and instead invest in shitcoins and see my savings balloon up. Soon I'll have my own house and I'll briefly see them commuting to work as I look up from my book on my front porch.