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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 344 KB, 687x567, Screenshot(41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22953940 No.22953940 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22953953

Sad. I relistened to his teaching company lectures on Plato's dialogues last month. Knew he had been sick for a long time though. Will pray for his family.

>> No.22953960

Just saw the post, grim.

>> No.22953964


>> No.22954034
File: 840 KB, 813x790, Screenshot(40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep to his lectures last night.
Checked the comments for some weird reason, and he's dead. Surreal.
No he was not some balls deep ultimate authority, but his teaching company series is a better first-blush to major concepts in philosophy than any podcast I've come across.

>> No.22954050

Shame. Had just begun watching some of his lectures last month as he was posting some of his final lectures.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

>> No.22954056

Rest in peace. I pirated his substacks.

>> No.22954062

I hope he's chatting with Socrates and company now.

>> No.22954108

Surely Socrates is in hell.

>> No.22954120
File: 137 KB, 349x479, rick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I can watch the streets while they watch the skies.

>> No.22954147


>> No.22954203


>> No.22954222

This, so is Aquinas.

>> No.22954235

I'm sure it gave you a little rush of adrenaline saying this. Pat yourself on the back for being so transgressive, or perhaps have some shame for a change.

>> No.22954279

You're a fucking psycho.

>> No.22954310
File: 34 KB, 300x360, 6020783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a gut punch of a feeling. Not many "celeb" deaths have cause me this.
Last post from 9 days didn't look that good and was praying he makes out :(
I agree with this. Not that he was some kind of authority but he was just awesome teacher. I wish I had such professor at uni for philosophy class.

>> No.22954316

RIP. Hopefully he’s on to a better place.

>> No.22954320

Eternal nothingness is heaven, if anything.

>> No.22954446


>> No.22954507

I choose to embrace deaths like this as a Klingon would. Basically, he did the philosophical equivalent of dying in battle. He philosophized and spread knowledge of philosophy all the way to the end. That's how I'd want to go. 67 isn't half bad.

... You and I are old;
Old age hath yet his honour and his toil;
Death closes all: but something ere the end,
Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods.
The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks:
The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
'T is not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

>> No.22954516

RIP. Hopefully Dr. Staloff stays in good health for a long time.

>> No.22954546

I agree he went well. I hope he was able to record his thoughts on Boethius, since the last previous post said that he now understood.

'like a klingon'/star trek pop culture references are cringe though, as is Tennyson especially given that Sugrue rightly recognized Plato's work to be a new, better Homer with his Dialogues. I'd prefer to send him off with Socrates:

>Let us reflect in another way, and we shall see that there is great reason to hope that death is a good; for one of two things—either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another. Now if you suppose that there is no consciousness, but a sleep like the sleep of him who is undisturbed even by dreams, death will be an unspeakable gain. For if a person were to select the night in which his sleep was undisturbed even by dreams, and were to compare with this the other days and nights of his life, and then were to tell us how many days and nights he had passed in the course of his life better and more pleasantly than this one, I think that any man, I will not say a private man, but even the great king will not find many such days or nights, when compared with the others. Now if death be of such a nature, I say that to die is gain; for eternity is then only a single night. But if death is the journey to another place, and there, as men say, all the dead abide, what good, O my friends and judges, can be greater than this? If indeed when the pilgrim arrives in the world below, he is delivered from the professors of justice in this world, and finds the true judges who are said to give judgment there, Minos and Rhadamanthus and Aeacus and Triptolemus, and other sons of God who were righteous in their own life, that pilgrimage will be worth making. What would not a man give if he might converse with Orpheus and Musaeus and Hesiod and Homer? Nay, if this be true, let me die again and again.

>> No.22954590

are you kidding? what?

>> No.22954605

dude was younger than my dad who is still alive

>> No.22954638

F. I must watch a lecture later today.

>> No.22954733

Sticky, maybe..?

>> No.22954752

Good, parasitic 'humanities' layabout.

>> No.22955007

Nah, it would be more appropriate on /his/ and someone did make a thread but, well, see for yourself. In fact, don't.

>> No.22955548

Sad, worthless post from a sad and worthless anon.

>> No.22956311


>> No.22956444



>> No.22956526

He was a learned man, my child. A learned man who loved his country.

>> No.22956605
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Died on the same day as my grandma, both Inspired me to actually start reading of my own volition. It’s a very sad day bros

>> No.22956620
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Normally I wouldn't do this, but I was about to give in to an impulse to make an obnoxious shitpost, something like "UHHH literally who? He seems gay LOL"
But reading all these replies is genuinely moving me.
I'll watch his videos bros, I swear.

>> No.22956757
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Godspeed, You were the best

>> No.22956866

RIP. Some of his earlier lectures outside his wheelhouse are a bit biased and misrepresentative (eg those on Nietzsche) but nevertheless he was one of the best public relayers of philosophical who never assumed his audience were idiots, and never dumbed down or diluted the subject material.

>> No.22956871

outside his wheelhouse? he said nietzsche was his favorite philosopher as a young man and read all his works.

>> No.22956883

nta but whereas some of his earlier content contains some contestable viewpoints, the content in the last 2 years of his life is wise and very lucid

>> No.22957331

Just learnt about him a couple of days ago o.o

>> No.22957987

For some reason, probably the video quality of his lectures, I assumed they were recorded a long time ago and therefore that he had already died. Surprising.

>> No.22958507

God bless you, anon.

>> No.22958511

Rest in peace.

>> No.22958572
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RIP...I bow, Sugrue-san...

>> No.22958589
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This hit hard for me, i havent done anything since yesterday other then refreshing his YouTube channel recent comment section.

>> No.22958591
File: 92 KB, 1148x227, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh is this the same guy? I literally googled 'epic of gilgamesh lecture' a few hours ago, i never saw this guy before

>> No.22958597
File: 1.65 MB, 1200x1203, Dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age and Cancer will do that to you.

>> No.22958601

The enjambment in this is so fucking nice

>> No.22958956

For my money, the best Gilgamesh lecture from a Teaching Company/Great Courses series is Rufus Fears, mainly for how much he gets into it and how he pronounces enkidu as 'inky-doo.'


>> No.22959779

For me it's Machiavelli.

>> No.22959787

*by Sugrue, of course

>> No.22960047

For anyone who didnt know he also has a podcast where he talks to his daughter about philosopher that interested him and some 2hrs class recording of his from 2019 which js pure gold.


>> No.22960059

Gracias señor

>> No.22960087

Good man

>> No.22960117

Rest in peace.


>> No.22960450

He helped me get into philosophy

Rest in peace, Professor

>> No.22961071

Rest in Power, Professor.

>> No.22961490

He was old, not ancient, and he was sick, but, there are a couple of lectures where the guy is positively bouncing, and his voice is awfully shredded.

lads, was Soogs on the nose candy?

>> No.22961675

>lads, was Soogs on the nose candy?
Idk man, Philosophy is sure potent. a useful mental illness as he said it.

>> No.22963242


>> No.22964053

your favorite lecture of his? mine would be his Kierkegaard one where he goes in on the Knight of Faith.

>> No.22964069

Looks like Sylvester Stallone trying to do a Columbo impression.

>> No.22964086

Literally who?

>> No.22964238

I can't take Staloff seriously enough with his ponytail in the lectures, especially since usually talks about more obscure and difficult concepts. Feels like the guy at the bar in Good Will Hunting. He looks 100x better better here lol

>> No.22964286

Thanks for making this thread. I believe there was a profile of Dr. Sugrue in 'The American Conservative' sometime in the past that I intended to read at the time but forgot about.

>> No.22964320

Imagine if Sugrue had the reach of Jordan Peterson.
He was a much better role model for listless young men than JP, who ends up telling them nothing useful.
Just look at the comments on his youtube page.
The people he did reach are broke the fuck up.

Peterson: "Just be a whore or a doormat."
Sugrue: "Just be authentic."

>> No.22964417

You mean this Article?


>> No.22964435
File: 3.08 MB, 1382x1838, dankforest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very true, i found his lecture in a very particular time in my life and i am so thankful that he lead me out of the dark forest. of all the shitty editted Stoicsm video, Jordon Peterson, Mushroom psychedelic craze, redpill shit. he was an oasis for me. Took one of the class in 2022 with him and got to talked to him was one of my high points in my young life. he introduced me to the classics, that is a gift that i can never repaid. Bless him

>> No.22964567


>> No.22964631


Dude revived my interest for learning

>> No.22964806

Rest In Peace to a real one.

>> No.22964851

mine might be the one on Shakespeare's Measure for Measure. The one on Either/Or is up there too. I liked the lectures on literature and theology the most. always a good listen.
they were recorded in the early 90s. '92-'94, I believe.

>> No.22965401


>> No.22965514

I'm still sad bros...

>> No.22965537

This is great. Thanks for the link

>> No.22965541

An orator worthy of comparison to Cicero or Gorgias

>> No.22965930

His lecture on Gorgias was so good; the admiration he had for Gorgias just going full-tilt into sophism with no apologies was nice to see.

Gorgias has long been my favorite of the dialogues (mainly for the last third with Calicles) and it was nice to see it get its due in his lectures.

>> No.22966274

It is nice to know that I will be in good company in hell.
RIP Michael Sugrue. God bless.

>> No.22967005


>> No.22967008

People should post what they think are his best works

>> No.22967235
File: 1.13 MB, 803x1030, tikuiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the obvious one for me and most people i think are his lecture on Platonic Dialogue.

For me personally is his Goethe's Faust lecture.


>> No.22967564

Any specifc order in which i should start with his videos?
I've been meaning to whatch his lecutre for quite some time now, but i dont know if there is any order

>> No.22967704

there's playlists of them sorted into little series by topic on YouTube. you could watch most of them out of order just fine I think, but sometimes he'll reference another lecture, and some topics naturally build off others. Its worth noting there's a couple lectures which are only available on his podcast feed (like the Moliere one from the literature series.)

>> No.22967711

Remember to download copies of the videos you like. Ain’t no telling when shit like this just poofs out of existence. For any of a thousand reasons. There’s Youtube downloaders that still work if you ain’t using Chrome.

>> No.22967858 [SPOILER] 
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>For any of a thousand reasons

>> No.22968612

Measure for Measure is good. He got me into Opera. One day I shall see Don Giovanni because of him.
Agreed. Humanity has lost one of its best teachers ever and one of its most virtuous men.
he and his daughter have some podcasts from later in his life on Spotify called "The Idea Store". I thoroughly enjoyed his lecture on the Middle/Southern Colonies.

>> No.22968621

>Measure for Measure is good. He got me into Opera. One day I shall see Don Giovanni because of him.
No kidding, he lectured on opera too? I had no idea. What a based man. Definitely a stalwart of the Western world and the classical western tradition.

>> No.22968642
File: 485 KB, 2441x1470, sugrue final chapter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He loved Measure for Measure, and if I remember correctly, talked a bit about Shakespeare. I know I heard of Don Giovanni from him, somewhere.
I would argue that he was the best living stalwart of the Western world and the classical western tradition since... I don't know. Since the classics were generated? Either way, you are doing yourself a disservice by not watching his content. My children and their children show grow up listening to his lectures.
>pic rel is the final chapter of his book, not sure if it'll be published. I would be willing to buy 3 copies just for myself

>> No.22968647
File: 100 KB, 1196x427, sugrue education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugrue on education

>> No.22968662
File: 106 KB, 1199x529, sugrue foucault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugrue on Foucault

>> No.22968675

This guy is great.

>> No.22968689

Beautiful. Brings to mind a passage from Norman Maclean's "Young Men and Fire"

>IT IS LIKE THAT IN THE WOODS and even in the wide world generally—the rescue of men and women, alive or dead, comes first. Of course, some step on the gas and leave them lying on the pavement where they landed and some sneak off, like Egyptian bas-relief, with their profiles looking one way and their bodies going the other way. But most people think they can be of help, and some even seem born to rescue others, as poets think they are. The best of them goof, especially at first, because only a few have the opportunity to keep in practice. Then as they catch on again they become beautiful in performance if one can step back for a moment to look. Almost as beautiful as when, having completed their job of deposing death, they fade into complete anonymity. It was very hard, for instance, to rescue the names of those Jansson picked for his rescue team. Even though he must have regarded them as his best, they all made mistakes, especially at first. But they also support the statement that one of the finest things men and women do is rescue men and women, even when they know they are rescuing the dead. This statement takes into account the Egyptian bas-relief, the drunks, and the sobbing radios.

>> No.22968693
File: 41 KB, 1218x208, sugrue tyranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugrue on education

>> No.22968698

>you are doing yourself a disservice by not watching his content

The funny thing is that I listened to his lectures 20+ years ago when the teaching company first started offering courses for sale that could be downloaded as mp3s. Times have changed a ton, but Sugrue has always been great.

>> No.22968711
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I only came across him ~1.5 years ago. I'm glad you have spent a lifetime with him. What advice/lessons/teachings would you have for a 22y/o aspiring lawyer?

>> No.22968773


Life advice or career advice?

If the former, probably some very common maxims. Be of service to others and don't be an asshole. Don't hold your erudition over others. Strike the appropriate balance of never being convinced that you have complete knowledge of anything, without becoming a doormat who doesn't stand up for what you know to be right.

Do what you say you're going to do, and own your mistakes and missteps without trying to blame others or make excuses. By and large, you'll do well to live by the four cardinal virtues and the following three admonitions:

>1. Don't be an asshole
>2. Don't be a dumbass
>3. Don't be oversensitive

Anyways, happy to discuss actual authors or titles, or things related to the law as a career (I am not a lawyer, but my career is law-adjacent), but would need to know more what you're looking for. And regardless I think that general mournful gratitude for Sugrue's life is more appropriate for this thread.

>> No.22968788

Anything that you feel worthy to pass on.

You're right about the mournful gratitude. My apologies. Forget that I asked.

>> No.22968792

No need to apologize friend.

>> No.22968813

/lit/ btfo

>> No.22968990

Foucault dying of AIDS is the last best thing to happen to Western thought

>> No.22969059
File: 1.06 MB, 1259x990, image-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have downloaded all the lectures that he did for the teaching company. In an hour or 2 I will upload it here for download for posterity. I uploaded them to a sugrue thread a few months ago so will do it again for those who missed it.

They are:
Plato, Socrates and the Dialogues

The Bible and Western Tradition.

Great Author of the Western Literary Tradition, 1st Edition:

History of the United States (is a Stalloff lecture but Sugrue did a few apisode on it)

>> No.22969075

agreed. he was the equivalent to a terminal illness in society.
Thank you, cannot wait.

>> No.22969157
File: 242 KB, 1200x1600, da329eaa-3671-4c07-be05-3365079da4d7_1200x1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok nvm it didn't take me hour or 2.

Hey Folks, here are all the lectures that Mike did for The Teaching Company that i am aware of in Zip and also some general info of his other content which you might have missed.

Plato, Socrates and the Dialogues

The Bible and Western Culture

Great Authors of the Western Literary Tradition, 1st Edition

History of the United States, 1st Edition

The Idea Store Podcast, run by his daughter, there are some gold in there like recordings of a lecture/Seminar in his classroom talking about Thucydides for 2hours or the pre-socratics.

His other writings and such, keep an eye out, he said when he checked out his daughter will upload the unfinished History of the World here for us to read.

If there is anymore stuff from him that I didn't know please post it here.

>> No.22969169

(This will be up for 30days, get it while you can)
Good morning and have a wonderful day.

>> No.22969192

thank you. downloading now.

>> No.22969410

I am pleased with the positivity in this thread.

>> No.22969449

Probably going to happen to me

>> No.22969453

He had useful concepts but was overall not a good person

>> No.22969488

I would like to note: his daughter, Genevieve, is pretty. would.
tight. disappointed Mike only makes up about a sixth of the eps of the western lit series, I'll probably listen to the rest anyways though; hope the other speakers are good. especially excited to check out the US History series.

>> No.22969560

No, they should apologize. The poorly-contained sperg attitude belongs nowhere near the practice of law.
The wrong people aspire to the wrong things.

>> No.22969676


>> No.22970229

>The wrong people aspire to the wrong things.
This was always the case. Eventually the wheat is always separated from the chaff.

>> No.22970264

Thought-terminating cliche, not reflective of reality.

>> No.22970300

Good luck to you anon; I hope you find some measure of peace in your life.

>> No.22970361

>our cardinal virtues

>> No.22970369


Thank you anon, a true blessing

>> No.22970753


>> No.22971109
File: 83 KB, 512x628, H0027-L03575178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your very welcome Anons, its getting harder and harder to get these courses both legally and illegally. spread this and upload it somewhere for prosperity.

I did some digging and manage to find some more TTC course that Sugrue did. This is all of them + the ones i already uploaded here.

Great minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 1st Ed

Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 2nd Ed

>> No.22971257


>> No.22971467


>> No.22971947


>> No.22971993

Holy moly, this should be stickied or something, you should have to listen to at least the great authors series to be able to post here.

Thank you, anon.

>> No.22972022
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>> No.22972023

Personal favorite lecture.
RIP Mike.

>> No.22972045

Might be a boomer question but is anyone else having issues downloading these due to antivirus blocking?

>> No.22972108

Anon that upload those zips file here. Maybe turn it off when you download it and turn it back on when you finish downloading it? I checked proof the files, virus safe i assure you. If others also have this issue i can maybe upload it to MEGA tomorrow when i wake up in 7h~ ish. If the thread is still up that is.

>> No.22972134

Thanks for being so considerate anon

>> No.22972137

Based takes. Sugrue is a rare example of an academic who was virtuous, kept his integrity and unapologetic love and admiration for knowledge and western intellectual culture. RIP

>> No.22973042


>> No.22973084

This is probably the most continuously wholesome thread I've seen on lit in some time, honestly impressive. Thanks for everything, Dr. Sugrue.

>> No.22973198

His bibliotheca lectures are Great. Delves into some Great contemporary novels as well.

>> No.22973219

/ourguy/. I will miss this man for the rest of my life.

>> No.22973399

This man ignited my interest in the Western canon, wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.
Rest in peace.

>> No.22973662


>> No.22973739

Staloff seems cool but gives off a whole 90s IT guy who likes the Dead and jazz music vibe

>> No.22974957

It's so strange to me. I was made aware of his illness a while ago, but just happened to visit his channel again a few hours after the announcement of his death

>> No.22975014


>> No.22975033

for me, it's Nietzscheanism and stoicism.

>> No.22975093

hard to not be a bit Nietzschian in these day and age id say. not a bad choice doe. Build a house on the slope of mount Vesuvius.

>> No.22975422


>> No.22975771
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>> No.22976584
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>> No.22977647


>> No.22977857

Glad I found this now at least RIP

>> No.22977920
File: 3.96 MB, 3840x2160, 5258340-T-S-Eliot-Quote-I-shall-not-want-Honor-in-Heaven-For-I-shall-meet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked listening to Sugrue. Our world is worse without the man.

He may not have started with the Greeks, but he has certainly ended with them. As we speak he's hearing the lost books of the Iliad from Homer himself.

>> No.22977924

I don't get the love. He gave some good lectures and introductions to Western philosophers. Not THAT unique, and personally I avoided them because I prefer coming to understanding of a work freely.

>> No.22977947

I've been considering for a while about writing a thoughtful comment to thank him for his work under one of his videos, but I never did. Damn.

>> No.22978670


>> No.22979228
File: 466 KB, 1782x2048, GEGJwL_XgAA971O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP, love his lectures

>> No.22979611

I kind of agree, and kind of don't. I do think that Sugrue was somewhat unique in how he could convey the passion and relevance of early philosophies and dialogues without abandoning a critical perspective; I've listed to a number of different lectures on Plato and his dialogues, and none of them have felt more immediate than Sugrue's. That said, I've (somewhat rarely) taken classes with other professors who can convey something similar in their areas of focus, who wouldn't be memorialized in a thread like this.

But Sugrue's second life on YouTube is unique, and given that this thread is far less surprising.

>> No.22979702

RIP Professor.

>> No.22980329


>> No.22980645


>> No.22980969

Are you trying to imply Sugrue was trans??

>> No.22981222

Are these only available through here or did he also upload them to his youtube account? Thank you for the effort either way.

>> No.22981260

some are, his parts of those series are, with exception for the History of the United States - there's also lots of lectures by others included.

>> No.22981745
File: 59 KB, 606x603, 1704062558347459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please make a torrent or at least a MEGA upload of the whole thing. Thanks.

>> No.22983247

As long as this thread exists Sugrue's spirit will live on. Don't let him go, anons.

>> No.22983268

Bump, he is off to Limbo chilling with the boys on the first circle

>> No.22983334

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm a public state school biology grad. The most passionate professor I had in my education was a professor of ornithology. The only humanities courses I took were taught by really unenthusiastic liberal guys that seemed to think my science courses were more important than what they taught. I like Sugrue because he presents things I'm interested in but never had a teacher for.

>> No.22983406
File: 151 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how i would have give my left hand for a professor like this for four years in the university.....

>> No.22983587
File: 86 KB, 640x785, e2eeime3myqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would take as long to do this as it would to just download them seperately yourself, lazy bones.

>> No.22983619

And then it will be easily available to download for everybody for years.

>> No.22984324

What's the difference between the first and second edition?

>> No.22984339
File: 44 KB, 419x270, K9.7Ares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are some overlapping same lecture from Mike but also different one that the other edition dont have. Like how on the first edition (if i got it right) mike has a lecture on symposium and the second edition dont but has other lecture that 1st edition dosnt have.

>> No.22984344


>> No.22985522


>> No.22986538

Learned a lot of new things from him... Amazing lecture style...

>> No.22987773

links broke. anyone have another?

>> No.22987919

Can someone please make a torrent (idk how)
If there is still nobody reuploads, i will reupload them again in about 7hrs

>> No.22988385


>> No.22988954

Oh no :(
God rest his soul.

>> No.22989128


>> No.22989147
File: 53 KB, 748x339, ziozo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is the MEGA link:


lemme know if everything works.

>> No.22989167

Works perfectly. Thank you again anon.

>> No.22989188

No worries, is the best i can do for Sugrue.

>> No.22989236


>> No.22990012

rick roderick, you can find his lecture on 'the partially examined life' youtube channel

>> No.22990214

Smoothbrain here. Is listening to his lectures enough to get basic understanding of some philosophers that I'm interested in? Or reading their work is a must? It it is so, does his lectures actually helps? Do I need to write essays after every chapter? To at least understand something? Im not hardened reader yet and I'm not young already and kinda retarded

>> No.22990333

Reading the work beforehand enhances the lectures and I would recommend it, but I wouldn't say it's required. For example, the lecture on marcus aurelius meditations by sugrue, I'd say anyone could go into it pretty blind

>> No.22990364

always found his videos pretty annoying, like someone playing a bit part as a professor in a sitcom

>> No.22990373

I came upon Soogs after watching all of Rick and wanting more teaching company.
I was like "who's this assfucker with his brown suit and stupid glasses? He's not even obese!"

Turns out Soogs was even better and eventually became obese in the interest of truth.

>> No.22990459

His Faust Lecture did it for me, strange how some random lecture on the internet can completely change the trajectory of someones life for the better, for me at least.