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File: 58 KB, 629x547, Existential Comics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22951009 No.22951009 [Reply] [Original]

>be existential comics
>spend years reading the works of great minds
>only to write paragraphs soifacing over the most retarded political ideology possible

This person is a perfect example of why reading by itself is useless. It's very easy for some midwit to read the last 2,500 years of philosophy without ever bothering to think about the ideas they're exposed to.

>> No.22951017

Sad how he overlooked what Bakunin and Proudhon had written about (((them)))

>> No.22951033

Most Antifa retards are 101% Ancomm with no deviation

>> No.22951048

>bruh the telos of anarchism has always been the current year
oof madon

>> No.22951196

Can one expect better from a self identified "existentialist"?

>> No.22951206

Post the comic where he depicts Lenin as a Lucario fighting for the liberation of Pokemon

>> No.22951318
File: 2.10 MB, 1000x4504, pokemonRevolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu

>> No.22951341

Communists have been seething ever since French people voted for whoever their priest told them was instead of whatever le epic faggot socialist their clubs pushed.

>> No.22951359
File: 105 KB, 241x318, 1605841492330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people write such gay shit without a hint of irony

>> No.22951371

>"lead" as its own past tense
Does this guy even read?

>> No.22951419

When was this

>> No.22951439

>Anarchism has always been a philosophy of mutual self aid, freedom, cooperation, dismantling illegitimate hierarchies, and moving towards open democratic structures in all aspects of life.
One sentence in and already everything he says is completely and utterly wrong. The only way any of those could possibly occur in anarchy is if God personally presided over it and impacted the actions of the people...thus making it a state of non-anarchy.
As for what you say though OP I think you're wrong. Somebody with an IQ of 100 or above who is not being poisoned by retarded propaganda for some stupid ideal or another will, assuming he read the western canon, have fair and reasonable opinions and thoughts.

>> No.22951453


>> No.22951459

>people trying to enforce the system are bad?
Does he think a system is always there to be rebelled against? or does he not know about the terrors and purges? or does he not know anything?

>> No.22951465
File: 351 KB, 1540x773, fighting game improve iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this applies to reading philosophy too

>> No.22951489

Shame, I had a hearty kek at some of his comics

>> No.22951724
File: 1.64 MB, 1000x1500, DogandCatMorality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a man
>prefers cats over dogs
There was never any real hope.

>> No.22951728

As someone who had followed him weekly from almost the very beginning, you can actually track his level of comedy drop as he slowly became more and more 'Left'.

>> No.22951881

Existential Comics? Don't care for him, never did.

>> No.22952992

>absolutely shatters his own argument in the last three panels
the plight of the logically sterile

>> No.22953019
File: 64 KB, 500x500, IMG_6075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and shambles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because somebody else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his sense of importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect—the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours—and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense. Altogether, we may see that the dog appeals to those primitive emotional souls whose chief demands on the universe are for meaningless affection, aimless companionship, and flattering attention and subservience; whilst the cat reigns among those more contemplative and imaginative spirits who ask of the universe only the objective sight of poignant, ethereal beauty and the animate symbolisation of Nature’s bland, relentless, reposeful, unhurried, and impersonal order and sufficiency. The dog gives, but the cat is.

>> No.22953711 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 883x876, IMG_9987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”noooooo, people can’t help each other unless god tells them tooooooo!”

>> No.22953894

I wonder what is his criteria of a "legitimate" hierarchy.

>> No.22953919

I couldn’t finish this, too cringe. Of course it’s a Lucario of all things.

>> No.22953959

>reading comprehension

>> No.22954032

I forget his name, but when Benjamin Franklin came to New France in the 1770s to convince Quebec to join the revolution and become the 14th state, there was a Catholic bishop who said any colonists who voted in favour of joining would go to hell.

>> No.22954060

New France had been conquered and didn’t exist at the time. I’m being pedantic though.

>> No.22954075

Proudhon is truly the only based anarchist intellectual

>> No.22954088

Existential Comics was never good anyway. All of it is made purely for the people that have, at best, the most surface level understanding of any of the philosophers he puts into wacky scenarios. You could trade any given figure in his comics for a generic human and nothing of substance is changed with his """jokes""".

>> No.22954095

All leftists overlook Marx's racism and (religious) antisemitism and consider fascism and nazism massive deviations from marxist socialism when they are obviously not. Literally the one thing that seperates nazism from marxism is that it is a racial antisemitism rather than religious.

>> No.22954111

Boggles the mind how people can believe in anarchism

>> No.22954961

Yeah, he's a nutter. Good comic though.

>> No.22954969

I read the bottom text. Of all things, this was done in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. This almost feels like Dobson and "when I see computers, I see food".

>> No.22955119
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>> No.22955644

For the longest time I thought it was a she (given the womanbrained tone of the comics)

>> No.22955673

Why do you need a pet to intellectually (lol) challenge you? You should have friends for that, bro.

>> No.22955691

>implying people here have friends

>> No.22955697

Typical frogs

>> No.22955704

Bakunin also (brutally) shat on Marx

>> No.22955707

At least it’s still in the triple digits

>> No.22955715

Fucking based, fuck ameriniggers and fuck the republic of france.

>> No.22956748

Cats are literally less intelligent, smoother brains, less neurons. The reason cats don't do anything for you is simply because they were historically not bred well and don't have good attention span. Dogs were bred for intelligence, strength, etc., we just fucked up a lot of breeds with people wanting something vain like "cuteness."

>> No.22956759

well and nazism didn't want to abolish nationality, family, religion and put in its place a vast bureaucracy run by bankers to reconstruct the proles of the world, yeah that aside they're totally the same thing

>> No.22956768

he could've at least been creative and put team plasma in the comic but i guess that would mean his ideas would be shown as wrong. unless he made ghetsis stalin or something.

>> No.22956777
File: 1.99 MB, 1000x1500, HarryPotterandtheTransgenderProblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a tranny harry

>> No.22956801

>Literally the one thing that seperates nazism from marxism is that it is a racial antisemitism rather than religious.
National socialism explicitly rejects the concept of class conflict. It straight up says that while their (((enterpreneurs))) are a vile cabal of transnational parasites holding governments in their pockets and using those to milk populace like cattle, our (((enterpreneurs))) are based and will work together with the proletariat and the government against their own economic interests for the sake of for the common goals of the nation and never do anything against those because... um... because they are very very patriotic and nationally-conscious okay!

>> No.22956818
File: 89 KB, 449x449, IMG_6132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the matter of intelligence we find the caninites making amusing claims—amusing because they so naively measure what they conceive to be an animal’s intelligence by its degree of subservience to the human will. A dog will retrieve, a cat will not; therefore (sic!) the dog is the more intelligent. Dogs can be more elaborately trained for circus and vaudeville acts than cats, therefore (O Zeus, O Royal Mount!) they are cerebrally superior. Now of course this is all the sheerest nonsense. We would not call a weak-spirited man more intelligent than an independent citizen because we can make him vote as we wish whereas we can’t influence the independent citizen, yet countless persons apply an exactly parallel argument in appraising the grey matter of dogs and cats. Competition in servility is something to which no self-respecting Thomas or Tabitha ever stooped, and it is plain that any really effective estimate of canine and feline intelligence must proceed from a careful observation of dogs and cats in a detached state—uninfluenced by human beings—as they formulate certain objectives of their own and use their own mental equipment in achieving them.
>There is a wearying excess of bad manners in all this doggish fury—well-bred people don’t paw and maul one, and surely enough we invariably find the cat gentle and reserved in his advances, and delicate even when he glides gracefully into your lap with cultivated purrs, or leaps whimsically on the table where you are writing to play with your pen in modulated, serio-comic pats. I do not wonder that Mahomet, that sheik of perfect manners, loved cats for their urbanity and disliked dogs for their boorishness; or that cats are the favourites in the polite Latin countries whilst dogs take the lead in heavy, practical, and beer-drinking Central Europe. Watch a cat eat, and then watch a dog. The one is held in check by an inherent and inescapable daintiness, and lends a kind of grace to one of the most ungraceful of all processes. The dog, on the other hand, is wholly repulsive in his bestial and insatiate greediness; living up to his forest kinship by “wolfing” most openly and unashamedly. Returning to beauty of line—is it not significant that while many normal breeds of dogs are conspicuously and admittedly ugly, no healthy and well-developed feline of any species whatsoever is other than beautiful?

>> No.22956829

>only to write paragraphs soifacing over the most retarded political ideology possible
So? He makes a living drawing a silly little comic that raises the pleb awareness of philosophy, even if it is made in his own limp-wristed basedfaggot "de Beauvoir was so based and Schopenhauer was an angry incel" way. Nobody has to prove the existence of God or cfreate a new religion or otherwise flip the world around in order to make use of philosophical works that they've read.

I think it's just you venting your own frustration that for all that you've read, you can't even quit jerking off to furry porn.

>> No.22956832

It is true that measuring intelligence by evaluating trainability is wrong, and in fact the supposedly intelligent dog breeds are less intelligent than wild dogs and wolves - they are just bred for trainability (which is effectively a very specific form of retardation).

But from other masures, like general behavior complexity and plain neurology, felines are unquestionably dumber than canines.

>> No.22956843

>violence, to the out group, is having their things forcibly taken by the in group
What savages these capitalists are.

Every leftist idea is so fucking sanitized, they call capitalism a mode of production, as if it were a plan, and not the inevitability of a granting of human rights. What they are really saying is they are against human rights and their results, but they won’t be honest about that, they don’t even know that, they don’t know what a right even is.

>> No.22956845
File: 283 KB, 1200x900, IMG_6133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogs can be well trained to do a single thing, but psychologists tell us that these responses to an automatic memory instilled from outside are of little worth as indices of real intelligence. To judge the abstract development of a brain, confront it with new and unfamiliar conditions and see how well its own strength enables it to achieve its object by sheer reasoning without blazed trails. Here the cat can silently devise a dozen mysterious and successful alternatives whilst poor Fido is barking in bewilderment and wondering what it is all about. Granted that Rover the retriever may make a greater bid for popular sentimental regard by going into the burning house and saving the baby in traditional cinema fashion, it remains a fact that whiskered and purring Nig is a higher-grade biological organism—something physiologically and psychologically nearer a man because of his very freedom from man’s orders, and as such entitled to a higher respect from those who judge by purely philosophic and aesthetic standards.
>On the other hand the gentleman and thinker sees each in all its natural affiliations, and cannot fail to notice that in the great symmetries of organic life dogs fall in with slovenly wolves and foxes and jackals and coyotes and dingoes and painted hyaenas, whilst cats walk proudly with the jungle’s lords, and own the haughty lion, the sinuous leopard, the regal tiger, and the shapely panther and jaguar as their kin. Dogs are the hieroglyphs of blind emotion, inferiority, servile attachment, and gregariousness—the attributes of commonplace, stupidly passionate, and intellectually and imaginatively undeveloped men. Cats are the runes of beauty, invincibility, wonder, pride, freedom, coldness, self-sufficiency, and dainty individuality—the qualities of sensitive, enlightened, mentally developed, pagan, cynical, poetic, philosophic, dispassionate, reserved, independent, Nietzschean, unbroken, civilised, master-class men. The dog is a peasant and the cat is a gentleman.

>> No.22956850

Fascism is really just a mixed economy but the government are good guys, what we have now in the US and most countries could be considered like an inverse fascism honestly.

>> No.22956868

Let people enjoy things, chud.

>> No.22956886
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they call capitalism a mode of production, as if it were a plan, and not the inevitability of a granting of human rights

>> No.22956895

I'm reminded of that quote by a famous rothschild which said, concerning israel, "I could have used cheaper workers but I chose to employ jewish ones". It was in a book by Simon Schama, I think? Plus that quote by Spengler, that blood alone can come out victorious against gold.

So perhaps tribalism overwriting capitalism is what they had in mind, since it was definitely an idea that was floating around at the time.

>> No.22956896
File: 70 KB, 440x720, 397e97c245101b2402fac75f330a47cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that the Church is the one true enemy of all revolutions, because Jesus Christ Himself is the only successful revolutionary

>> No.22956911

I don't really understand why lefties think what antisemites believe is so outrageous when they already believe in the malicious conspiracy of the rich against the non-rich. Is it really that fantastic a leap in their understanding to consider the shared ethnic, cultural, and religious milieu of the rich to affect their relations with the overwhelmingly non-jewish non-rich? Especially when judaism is so comically chauvinistic. No group can live for dozens of generations under the spell of such an ideology and not come out still being affected by it even after secularization, just like christian societies are pretty much still performing a kind of bizarro christianity in the form of liberalism.

>> No.22956940

>Is it really that fantastic a leap in their understanding to consider the shared ethnic, cultural, and religious milieu of the rich to affect their relations with the overwhelmingly non-jewish non-rich?

Leftists don’t see it in this regard. They see that those of European ancestry and Christian background make up the majority of powerful positions in western society, so they assume western society to be “white supremacist” in nature. They don’t pay attention to the fact that Jews make up disproportionate positions of power in western society, receive more privileges and opportunities than any other ethnic/religious group within western society, and influence every significant aspect of western society—including those white Christians which constitute the largest power bloc in western society, who they hold in ideological subservience specifically because of their religion.

As a former leftist myself, I would argue that many leftists—particularly those of the anarchist variety—are closer to understanding the role of Jews in western society than many may think. They already understand that it is an ethnically and religiously homogenous group which rules the world, they just think it’s “white people” instead of Jews.

>> No.22956946

assigning human-traits to sub-humans is a peak of solipsism

>> No.22956948

pentacostal moment

>> No.22956976

>I don't really understand why lefties think what antisemites believe is so outrageous when they already believe in the malicious conspiracy of the rich against the non-rich. Is it really that fantastic a leap in their understanding to consider the shared ethnic, cultural, and religious milieu of the rich to affect their relations with the overwhelmingly non-jewish non-rich?
Marxist position does not propose the existence of a malicious conspiracy of rich - it proposes that rich are acting in their own rich interests, they literally don't even have to communicate or know each other in order to do that, though they may collude when it's beneficial.

That is harder with Jews, since the overwhelming majority of Jews are pleb shmucks - so it doesn't make any sense that rich Jews act in unison with poor Jews. It doesn't even seem to be so, since poor Jews don't seem to recieve anyh more gibs than poor people of other ethnicities. If anything, it appears at most like rich Jews are pushing their clique against rich non-Jews, like every ruling class ever had it's own internal cliques and... ok? How is that a problem for us proles? How is Mr. Shekelberg buying me and my family out from Mr. Dollarford an existential threat? neither of them treat me or mine like anything more than catlle, why the fuck should I concern myself with protecting Mr. Dollarford and his mansions from the evil Jewish conspiracy? My problem is that I'm a wageslave in the first place, if one massa and another massa are busy eating each other - it's only better for me and my goals of breaking out of their chattel.

>> No.22956995

>That is harder with Jews, since the overwhelming majority of Jews are pleb shmucks
And the saddest part of every fucking JQ redpill so far is that they keep pointing out (((them))) in high places while gathering their strength, but once the JQ comes into action - they catch and hang or gas or pogrom Shlomo the carpenter and Isaac the watchmaker, but the long-nosed financial bigwigs and bankers rapidly turn out to be alright and not so long-nosed after all in the view of the previously antisemitic leaders. Almost like it was never a racial issue for those leaders all along.

>> No.22957006

Your mistake is taking leftists at their word. They don't care about economics or social justice, they just hate White people and in their mind Jews are non-White so Jews are good. Jews are "le oppressed group" so they are moral. Whites are "le oppressers" so they are evil. That's it, that's all of leftism.

>> No.22957007

did you develop these theories on reddit you clown? all jews rape kids, especially the poor ones

>> No.22957026

>How is that a problem for us proles?
Because some bourgeois fags are better than others, like Engels and Owen were. Your vulgar marxism will always lose because you think you're above petty bourgeois in-fighting.

>> No.22957038

>their mind Jews are non-White so Jews are good. Jews are "le oppressed group" so they are moral
Most leftists support Palestine, retard

>> No.22957043

>Because some bourgeois fags are better than others, like Engels and Owen were
Perhaps, but how does that relate to the JQ? Are white bourgeois fags somehow inherently better than the kike bourgeois fags? They all inherently don't treat the plebs as their in-group, so "we are the same as them" approach fails as a sorry Soros psyop that it is.

>all jews rape kids, especially the poor ones
Most kid rape is done largely by poor people, so maybe we just need to exterminate the poor people to protect the kids.

>> No.22957044

because Palestinians are brown and Israelis are White in their mind, they still reject antisemitism, you are a foolish self-centered jew who can't observe reality for what it actually is

>> No.22957045

>Most kid rape is done largely by poor people
nope, it's just done by jews, the poor ones and the rich ones

>> No.22957047

>they just hate White people and in their mind Jews are non-White
>Palestinians are brown and Israelis are White in their mind
I'm starting to think that you are the real kike here.

>> No.22957048

>nope, it's just done by jews, the poor ones and the rich ones
Did you just say that niggers literally dindu nuffin?

>> No.22957053

You're clearly just as stupid as the average leftist. Leftists don't view Jews and Israelis as the same thing, to them Israel does not represent American Jews, Israel is some nebulous European colonial state, they have not magically turned into anti-semites overnight, they are simply malfunctioning golems.

>> No.22957057

niggers aren't conscious actors, they are a bioweapon brough to America and Europe by the Jews. Have you ever seen the Alien movies with sigorney weaver? weyand utani represents jews, xenomorphs represent niggers

>> No.22957068

>"It is your neighbor Shlomo who is the real kiddy-diddler"
>"The hedge fundies, bankers, media moguls and feds like m- I mean like good mister Goldstein are actually alright and I almost never molest kids so you should just leave us AH THEM I MEAN them alone"
>"Focus on your neighbor Shlomo, (((he))) is the real problem"
Whay are they literally always like this?

>> No.22957082

Some intense mental gymnastics to explain how golems can critisize Jews while still being a mindless tool of the Jews.

>> No.22957084

>le jews are heckin wholesome working class stiffs just trying to live the american drwam, goy!
Why do Jews send chickens to hell in their place? I'm talking about kapparot, that's not something rich Jews are doing, that's a welfare leech hasdic thing.

>> No.22957108

Because hasids are amish-tier inbred brainfucked fundamentalist retards?

>> No.22957223

you're thinking of liberals

>> No.22958121

Probably that is the basis for the left-variant of Nazism, like Strasser etc. But Hitlerism is pretty firmly corporatist, even to the expense of the nation

>> No.22958209

>it doesn't make any sense that rich Jews act in unison with poor Jews. It doesn't even seem to be so
Oh, come on...stop playing dumb.

>> No.22958244

People failing to understand how Quebec views things is endlessly hilarious. Everyone just assumes that historically they hated the English, which they did, but there are half a dozen other groups they hated more.
>the French from France
There's a mini-Nelson's column in Montreal that was built with donations from French catholics because they hated the French empire so much.

>> No.22958275

You can train cats to fetch just the same with treats and if you begin training at a young age. They just have less instinct for it. Cats are about as intelligent as dogs but less social. The biggest difference really is that dogs have some facial expression and more easily read mannerisms. Cats however have no facial expressions and people don't know how to read their tail mannerisms anywhere near as well.

>> No.22958276

Why did a random city in Canada develop such an intense sense of national consciousness?

>> No.22958286

>even to the expense of the nation
You are a liar.

>> No.22958299

>hehe, I'm no liberal, I'm a Leftist!
You're. Faggit.

>> No.22958324

It was Quebec is general, and while they saw and very much still do see themselves as separate to Canada, their ire for the French was a reaction to the revolution. They were still devoutly catholic, and saw Napoleon's empire as an extension of the godless revolution, thus celebrating when they got blown the fuck out at sea. Funnily enough with the silent revolution in the 20th century Quebec became even more staunchly atheistic than France, but now they just hate the continental french because they are smug assholes.

>> No.22958483
File: 211 KB, 1000x496, DostoyevskyFindOtherEmployment1~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the comic because I like comics and philosophy. But it isn't very good and they aren't a very good thinker. Suggestions for better are appreciated.

pic I did like though.