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22936712 No.22936712 [Reply] [Original]

Is it the greatest work of the /lit/ renaissance?

>> No.22936744

As literature? No.
As a shilling campaign? Probably.

>> No.22936754

Only Gardner and Woolston come close for sheer relentless shilling

>> No.22936811

i heard hes a fag surfer down in florida now

>> No.22936820

This book and its unchallenged prevalence here is more proof of /lit/ going down the shitter.

>> No.22936832

>i heard hes a fag surfer down in florida now

And people say that BAPism has achieved nothing.

>> No.22936834

It's a fun read with nothing profound or challenging to say. I respect the prose and most of the humor. But, the poltics are too cringey, and Mike has a bad case of schrondingers douchbag when talking about his beliefs

>> No.22936853

yeah, it turned a straight-laced alt-right c-grade web personality into a long-hair faggot surfie cocksucker i guess

>> No.22936867

i'd say that's an improvement in every way. good for michelle, i hope she's happy out there on the waves

>> No.22936872

>BAPism has achieved nothing.
Just showed more people that da juice are derivative in all of their work and everything funnels back to the same ultimate, self-serving message. His handlers in University, for example.

I've never seen anyone really praise Mike Ma for any of his work. Is he allowed on Twitter?

Does have over 1,000 reviews, many of them 5 star, could some of them been paid for?

"5.0 out of 5 stars Important read.
Reviewed in Canada on August 23, 2020
Verified Purchase
a great book from a perspective that is extremely relatable for today's young men"

>> No.22936877
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As someone who has had my share of unfair 1-star reviews, I take negative reviews with a grain of salt. However, it seems like this book is genuinely popular/hated for its theme that seems adjacent to what made BAP popular previously. The same channeled-angst into nothingness and no influence. Wasted energy.

>> No.22937094

The real question is when we get porn

>> No.22937144


>> No.22937147
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Top kek

>> No.22937572

I just want more books like it.
I didn't really like Paul town. Shazam watkins's book was great, and I liked Gothic Violence even more than HA. not for it's plot for the SemiReligous themes

>> No.22937598

I think young angry males are just desperate to have a new figure to represent them. Same sort of demo who were absolutely rabid for early Palahniuk, but receded once it became public that he was a nancy queen (and his work began to reflect it overtly).

I completely understand the motivation. I too would like a new White male literary figure to celebrate as a right winger.

>> No.22937609

My twisted world wannabe.

>> No.22937641

I saw Mike at a wedding of a mutual friend (an EDM dj), he said he was going to release a new book soon and was also working on a few other projects in other mediums. That was like 7 months ago now. He got retirement money from crypto and doing work for that faggot politics guy Milo, I wonder if the lifestyle ended up zapping his creative drive? But regardless of what you think, at least he's published.

>> No.22938783

Wish I'd been smart enough to make money on crypto. Also, he's only *self* published, any idiot can shart something out onto Amazon as F Gardner demonstrates. Ma is an interesting guy but I'd respect him more if he put his money where his mouth is and actually did some of the shit he not-advocating-advocates

>> No.22938801

Nonironically, is this worth reading? I'm interested in reading something modern that goes against the social grain.

>> No.22938813

Yes, it's fun in the same vein of American Psycho and Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.22938832

Why is it always some sheltered, upper-middle class dweeb who is pontificating about le noble combat? Go fight in a war then, idiot. There are plenty to volunteer for. The average pavement monkey in a shoot out is closer to your le Aryan warrior ideal than some simpering fag on right wing twitter

>> No.22938858

Why is "self published" bad? If anything it's more impressive since his book is successful.
>NOO you HAVE to go through publishing agencies that won't publish anything that's not YA romance written by a black woman!!

>> No.22938865

The quality varies from chapter to chapter. If you've been on here for a while there's nothing really new but it's occasionally pretty funny. I liked the one where the heavens opened with the "YOU WILL NEVER SEE 1000 FOOT STATUES" paragraph shining down

>> No.22938879

It's basically a collection of well-written schizoposts

>> No.22938884

By what standard is Frank successful? He’s wasted more money than he’ll ever earn by spamming 4chan ads only to be universally reviled and mocked. If you think being a lolcow is a sign of success you should legitimately kill yourself, you’re too stupid to participate in the real world.

>> No.22938887


>> No.22938895

BAP's fanbase is mostly middle aged like him and he's also brown

>> No.22938898

Surely he must make some profit. On his youtube channel it appears that he has his own apartment. So must be making enough to support himself as a fulltime writer. Unless he's on welfare. Also aren't 4chan ads super cheap? I imagine he must have a cult following to some degree.

>> No.22938900

My favorite is his raving about niggers in Walmart making their children "chemically gay" by feeding them dino nuggets.

>> No.22938911

>Unless he's on welfare
Hes a forty year old man who still lives off his rich parents and tries to groom children via discord.

>> No.22938917

your poor parents, dude. it would be so amazing to interview them

>> No.22938932

he was born in 1989, so mid 30s

>> No.22938941

is he true???

>> No.22938962

Proof of discord noncery?

>> No.22939026

He started a discord server for nanowrimo and hosted “the F games” which was billed as a writing tournament, but kicked out anybody who wasn’t properly kissing his ass.

>> No.22939030

why would anyone kiss his ass, hes a loser who writes garbage

>> No.22939031

Kek, I'm a newfag so don't know all the lore. I've tried watching some of his youtube videos but he's an insufferable rambler. I hope one day someone will create a comprehensive lolcow history for my zoomer brain to follow

>> No.22939034

You are being psyopped by half a dozen discordniggers who aren't even /lit/ and have nothing to do with /lit/ except that they post their discord spillover shit here. Nobody pays attention to these faggots or knows anything about them, they just talk about and amongst themselves.

>> No.22939395
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>I'd respect him more if he put his money where his mouth is and actually did some of the shit he not-advocating-advocates

I would imagine he does. He did an interview with Wrong Opinion a couple of years ago and subtly implied that he does a lot of the shit he writes about.

Not trying to pin this on him, but awhile ago some power substations were shot up in North Carolina (Where Mike either still does or used to live.) [https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2023/05/02/north-carolina-power-grid-]

Mike Ma could very well be doing some of the things he talks about, but if that is true he would be an absolute retard if he admitted to any of it.

Also it should be noted that most of what he wants people to do would most likely not become national news. If some power substation is disabled in bumfuck NC, it obviously wouldnt be broadcasted across the whole nation, nor would it behoove the powers that be for it to be broadcasted on such a large scale.

>> No.22939443

I'm talking about Mike Ma

>> No.22939451

pretty sure he's got fat milkers now

>> No.22939467

he looks like he has black ancestry

>> No.22939475
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, gardnercoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frank is a fucking hero to many of us on /lit/, and during some of the darkest times during COVID, that curly haired mother fucker was the FIRST BRO to buy my book. I don't care what people say about Frank, he will ALWAYS be a bro and a hero to me. That first purchase of The Shitkickers helped lift me up to print out a ton of copies that helped me pay the rent while I couldn't work because of the bullshit COVID VACCINE laws here in Canada. You couldn't even get a fucking gas station job without taking the fucking "vaccine", but somehow, with help from bros like Frank, I made it.

So so so so SO glad my entire family and I didn't take that fucking "vaccine", I was 100% ready to start _____ _____ if they tried to force my kid to take it to go to school.

>> No.22939585

nah hes down in florida these days being a gay surfer

>> No.22939726

smokescreen to try and disassociate with his actions, if anything these replies further cement he was the one who did the whole substation heat

idk if Mike looks at these threads but he is self-obsessed enough that I would wager to guess he is the OP in most of them.

>> No.22939786

I doubt he's even on 4chan anymore, most of the original alt-right/frogtwitter guys seem to have moved offline or into telegram

>> No.22939790

Telegram is for fags

>> No.22939828

Any Leftist review of a book like this will be negative. They are ideologically committed to Leftism in a way that prevents them from appreciating the perspective of those outside their narrow political strain of what is acceptable.

>> No.22939832

the same person made these replies

>> No.22939835


>> No.22939840

He's latently homosexual, like all the dissident right

>> No.22940296
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nice try

>> No.22940426

Not really, most leftists who read appreciate good reactionary writers like Celine or Mishima

>> No.22940451

>Not really, most leftists who read appreciate good reactionary writers like Celine or Mishima

lol no they do not

>> No.22940471

Post nose

>> No.22941160


>> No.22941169

what exactly makes him gay?
BAP was right about you freaks, you are the fags and you project your gayness onto everyone else so that you don't feel lonely and singled out

>> No.22941221

dude everyone knows hes a cocksucker

>> No.22941257

Celine's work is very anarchist. He was considered a liberal writer before his views of jews became public. In fact, if his legacy wasn't tarnished by bitter kikes, he would be considered a leftist author

>> No.22941269
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Maybe people call him gay because posting homoerotic pictures and captioning them with homoerotic roleplay prompts is a fucking gay thing to do. Seethe, kike idoliser.

>> No.22941281

Not worth reading. If you've read American Psycho and Ted K, this adds absolutely nothing. It's like a direct-to-video knockoff of a successful movie

>> No.22941317

Everyone knows BAP is gay but Mike isn’t I don’t think, doesn’t seem interested in women at all tho

>> No.22941350

My bad, I thought we were talking about BAP.

>> No.22941367

everyone in fuentes gang of inbred ooga chaka durka durka rape groypers maybe
>when i see good physiques i immediately think of gay sex
telling on yourself?

>> No.22941407

Maybe he’s asexual

>> No.22941424

I have a friend who loves BAP and who hated this book. I haven't read either, I haven't read any modern right wing stuff beyond Curtis Yarvin.

>> No.22941449

>Prepare your angus, kike faggot

>> No.22941497
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what are the books of the /lit/ rennaissance? Is it just books by anons who post here?

>> No.22942213

>le good physique
That's literally a fitness model who was popular a few years ago (not really anymore). Nowadays only gay people would know his name and yes, I'm telling on myself.

>> No.22942265
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Here's one.

>> No.22942411

Still waiting on someone to post a sample from this.

>> No.22942622

This is the offical list


>> No.22942625

Nobody has actually read it

>> No.22942646

RJC does have something in common with Michelle: they're both selfpub serfs who refuse to publish in e-book format out of greed, cowardice, or both.

>> No.22942806


Frank Gardner has.

>> No.22942929

Do I really have to pay 10 bucks for that wrong opinion interview ? I've been waiting for it to pop online for free but it never did.

>> No.22943182
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It means a lot of things to a lot of different people. Basically it's a quasi-forced meme which claims that there is/was a literary movement springing from writers on /lit/. Some participants claim it was a brief period of collaboration, creativity, and output that began in January of 2023 and then began to die sometime in March of the same year, others say it is still ongoing.

There are apparently two schools within this movement: those who believe F. Gardner's claim of real success and hope to imitate him, and those who believe Ryan Hartley's claim that &amp magazine will serve as a cornerstone of a future literary revolution. Due to the open source nature of internet collaboration and memery in general, it can be hard to nail down whether or not any given author or idea can be considered part of the /lit/ renaissance. There seems to be three distinct drawing lines in use, though:

1) Authors who directly participated in projects which were themselves explicitly billed and advertised as part of the /lit/ renaissance, as described in any of the above definitions. Off the top of my head: Tales of the Unreal #1, &amp #16, the last Unreal Press Podcast, and a series of standalone releases by Ryan Hartley, James Krake, Zulu Alitspa, and Robert James Cross.

2) The above + authors who published books for which they shilled or bought /lit/ ads. People like Jason Bryan, John David Card, F. Gardner, Pseudo Bulkington, John Jay Stancliff, Spencer Weedman, and anyone on the /lit/ top ten.

3) The above + self-published authors who have never verifiably posted on /lit/ but the discussion of whom inspired the first two categories to try and reach similar levels of success. RC Waldun, Mike Ma, and formerly MNM-DR.

Even with such a broad spectrum of possible definitions, ARX-Han's Incel is hard to categorize. In a substack post, he has admitted to not browsing /lit/ and describes an almost calculated attempt to take advantage of what he mistakenly believed was a thriving counterculture literary market. Although he fits well within the second category, he does not clearly fit into either of the two schools of legacy inspiration. It could be said that whereas the other authors mentioned attempted to start a movement, ARX-Han attempted to capitalize on it, thus confirming that at least one outsider to the incestous discord circlejerk was willing to believe in the concept of the /lit/ renaissance.

>> No.22943194

2024 is going to be the year.

>> No.22943248

Mixtape Hyperborea is pretty good in that it's not just polemic right-wing slop

>> No.22943253

also Fedbook, even though it's amateurishly written

>> No.22943520

So Nesmer is gone for good then?

>> No.22943670

Gardner didnt have success wtf are you talking about

>> No.22943703

The only one to achieve any kind of "success" was Mike Ma

>> No.22944056

You're proving my point. As soon as an author espouses "naughty" views, Leftists abandon them.

>> No.22944445

He got rich and brags about it on youtube

>> No.22944457

So whats the best of this shitpost-as-literature genre?

>> No.22944471
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We need a website that lists off all of the /lit/ users and their books, no fucking tourists though.

>> No.22944591

certainly not by selling his garbage books

also consider that he may be lying

>> No.22944640


>> No.22945600
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For those wondering where to start with the renaissance, this should help you

>> No.22945872

Why leave Eggplant but cross out I Pray to the Hungry God? The consensus seems to be that the latter is significantly better (which I agree with).

>> No.22945960
File: 484 KB, 1280x960, such hideous wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His apartment was paid for by his parents, and they're listed as the owners, not him. And contrary to his claims on YouTube, it's not a penthouse apartment, it's a studio apartment three floors below the roof. Also, its decoration is absolutely garish.
Yeah, that.

>> No.22945962

Ah yes the consensus of *checks notes* all four people who who read it

>> No.22945970

You mean like https://lampbylit.com/magazine/authors/

>> No.22945976

That's fucking awesome!

I'm about 1/3rd of the way done my "ultra honest" writing piece for &amp 20.

>> No.22945980

I have the same tile floor as Gardner, and bare painted cinderblock walls... wish I had that sick ass wallpaper!

>> No.22945981
File: 252 KB, 1440x1080, such hideous paint color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. major faggot

>> No.22945982

He has 4 readers?!?! I'm fucking jealous!

>> No.22945995

I have never seen a man hate another man over the wallpaper in their kitchen before...

>> No.22946037

not necessarily hatred, just stating an undeniable fact. the previous owner was an old jewish woman who died. frank, despite his claims to be rich, didn't change the old-lady decor, so either he's a major faggot, or the apartment belongs to his mommy & daddy and they didn't care to put any money into it before depositing frank there

>> No.22946064

>or the apartment belongs to his mommy & daddy and they didn't care to put any money into it before depositing frank there
most likely this

>> No.22946085
File: 386 KB, 1226x783, frank lying due to terminal insecurity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yyyep, and he lies about it on his youtube channel

>> No.22946257

why's he got a chinese surname

>> No.22946290

Frank is a funny guy, why are you picking on him? He doesn't try to be anything he's not. Parody is part of his schtick.

>> No.22946310
File: 30 KB, 450x184, frank gollum gerbil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frank is a seething, schizo, same-fagging, shill-spamming, little gerbil of a man-child, and his so-called books are illiterate garbage

>> No.22946323

>He doesn't try to be anything he's not
That’s the only thing he does. He endlessly touts how he’s the best writer, is universally beloved and is discovering new conspiracy theories all the time and none of those things are true. Literally all he has to do is TRY to write instead of racing to pump out mindless drivel and he can’t manage it. He’s a pathetic failure with cognitive dissonance who aspires to be known for being the most annoying faggot on this shitty board and turn it into profit.

>> No.22946431
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>> No.22946444

you had me until "turn it into profit" at which point I rotflmao

>> No.22946453

So you read the entire post? What did you mean by this?

>> No.22946461
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I wonder if him and Waldun have spoke to one another

>> No.22946476
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>> No.22946491

frank's books have never made a profit. he lives on the largesse of his hapless permissive rich parents, who bought him a tiny garishly-decorated studio apartment on the 38th floor so he'd be motivated to jump, and thus put him out of their misery

>> No.22946498

L'Academie was boring as fuck. I made to the end of ch. 3 and couldn't bear to continue. See for yourself: https://files.catbox.moe/n1l2zh.pdf

>> No.22946676
File: 21 KB, 867x173, 4chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you nutters did this?

>> No.22946734

Based on the points of view expressed by that user...it looks like Gardner has managed to weasel his way back onto Reddit.

>> No.22946885

>Neo lit
Nigga? That isn't even a writing server. It's barely even /lit/. Wtf?

>> No.22946912

>In 2020 F Gardner who was previously semi-famous for his Chicago political endeavors made /lit/ history by advertising his book series “Horror’s Call” through 4chan banner ads - something never attempted before for a book series, making him an historic outlier for authors. However, F Gardner became a polarizing figure for a variety of reasons.
>Ever since then there have been numerous attempts to imitate F Gardner’s success by aspiring 4channers, even parodies. However, as of 2024, none have matched the viral success of Call of the Crocodile, not even the 15 subsequent books written by Gardner himself.
stilted grammar...shamelessly glossing over atrocious behavior...strawman arguments...this is so frank. someone needs to report this user for ban evasion. his previous acct was HorrorsCall e.g. https://reddit.com/comments/j7poea

>> No.22946960

seems like it. i can't imagine what it's like to have all day, every day, 24-7-365, to just fuck around with nonsense.
35 years old and he's probably never worked a day in his life. must be nice

>> No.22946972

being that idle is probably eating away at his soul. that would explain his awful behavior

>> No.22947015
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Adding on to this, it can be said that Adem Luz Reinspect's novel Mixtape Hyperborea served as, if not necessarily proof, certainly a template for the Hartleyist School of the /lit/ renaissance. The /lit/ book we'd all been waiting for, from an outsider artist with a professional respect for his work and his audience.

However, despite the cocksure posturing of the book's presentation, Adem Luz is very much a rebel without a cause. He idolizes the cultural aesthetic of a previous graduating class of the American youth, not even achieving Mike Ma levels of social critique. Thusly, as it failed to find a lasting foothold on 4chan or anywhere else despite causing a stir amongst its contemporaries, Mixtape Hyperborea has so far failed to prove the most crucial claim of the /lit/ renaissance: that there is any point to it.

>> No.22947356

who reads this shit

>> No.22947373

People who want to discover new authors themselves, instead of filtered through the "consensus" of people that aren't even like them. In other words, not sheep.

>> No.22947519

>RC Waldun is literally me
Alright, man.

Is there really any strong common theme or style among the "/lit/ renaissance" authors? Are they actually inspiring each other's works in any significant way? Collectively, what ideas do they care about and work on beyond getting their books bought?

The chart here >>22945600 seems either arbitrary or trivial in the connections it gives between books. Its only sensible recommendations reduce to "read more from the authors you like."

>> No.22947700

Christ why don’t you just read one or two and find out? Why is this board so resistant to reading something, even if you end up not liking it? Your disapproval might actually mean something if you knew what you were talking about

>> No.22947744

There's no real wit

>> No.22947754

They care 90% about people buying their slop and 10% about pushing their far-right ideology and angry-young-man aesthetics

>> No.22947773
File: 37 KB, 313x500, 51dPFjOlgCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be the 2nd person to review this.

>> No.22947829

Why are you so resistant to giving an answer? You could tell me I'm wrong and discuss what I asked about instead of being so defensive. I'm not even disapproving of anything beyond saying to lump them all together is misleading. This is reasonable to ask about, and it'd be beneficial to all of them if you could actually sell them collectively as an artistic scene, but it doesn't look like one to me.

To me it seems like a loosely-associated crowd without any artistic current that defines them as a group. If that's the case, then if I read one of their books and like it, it's no indication that any of the others' books will be similar or personally worth reading. If anything, lumping disparate authors/works together could be a disservice because a reader who dislikes one work might assume it's representative of the rest.

>> No.22947843


"All of The Bible is bad because one book of The Bible is bad! I'm someone worthy of being listened to!"

>> No.22947854

It's actually pretty pathetic how 4chan, so prideful in their opinions and criticisms of everything else, doesn't have a literary culture on this board. No one creates anything. No good art has come from this board. A lot to say about others but nothing to say themselves.

>> No.22947861


>> No.22947874

I'm going to run into this guy in Missoula one day and I'm going to demand my money back to his face.

>> No.22947877

You're off the mark. If someone disliked their first introduction to a particular genre of music, they might decide at that point not to listen to other artists in the genre. That's a reasonable approach, and adjust the hypothetical sample size as much as you want, but I think the same problem applies here if you try to bill these authors as being similar.

Even if someone's first introduction to a /lit/ author is good, if they expect something similar from the others and don't get it then it's also a problem.

>> No.22947889
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, crabz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one creates anything.
Holy fucking crab.

>> No.22947915

Who is that? He looks like a young Joaquin Phoenix

>> No.22948179

yes vote. fun read. don't regret. will give it a second go soon.

>> No.22948724

Read Mixtape Hyperborea

>> No.22948950

just more latently homosexual right-wing crap

>> No.22948963
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>> No.22949099

Not very homosexual, debatably even right wing

>> No.22949332

if dubs the lit renaissance will win over the crabs

check these dubs

>> No.22949337

if dubs Woolston will kiss my are this arvo

>> No.22950144

It is very funny.

>> No.22950165

>those who believe F. Gardner's claim of real success

>> No.22950229
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>> No.22950267
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>> No.22950281

Thank you. Not great, not terrible. Shame about the formatting (or lack of it).

>> No.22950336

Formatting seems fine. The actual writing is only on the right hand pages for some reason, I assume to keep all the microfiction sections separated. Other than that, the formatting seems okay.

>> No.22951016

If dubs Mike Ma will come out as a faggot after all these years

>> No.22951026

Kinda like it. Not sure what the point is. It’s a shame that stuff like this will never penetrate the mainstream because of the black cloud of 4chan and self-publishing hanging over it

>> No.22951233

Selling 200 pages but only using 100 of them is a big rip-off. I know you can make the argument that it served an aesthetic purpose, but I don't think the cost is justified when you could have removed half the pages by using smaller titles on each page (and styling those however you please). People have complained about the price, and it's sad to see that much of the cost has been spent on nearly blank pages. I see this as genuine wastefulness and a lack of care. Not to mention you're effectively billing a novella as a novel.
This is even worse for the hardcover edition considering it uses the same number of pages but is way larger, meaning there were no changes to the text to accommodate the difference.

The following is more of a style nitpick in the form of advice, so argue your case if you want: Start new sections without an indent, but indent all of the following paragraphs while reducing the paragraph spacing; most paragraphs should only be separated by a single linebreak. It helps with readability.
Hartley's style seems to be to use double linebreaks between all paragraphs and to never indent, which I personally find ugly and amateurish if it's used all the time. If you use indents and single linebreaks between paragraphs you've got more tools to improve readability/flow and to delineate sections of text without having to rely on titles (reserve double linebreaks and unindented first lines for soft section separation). Lots of people separate paragraphs using double linebreaks and let their word processor deal with indents, but it's to your advantage to use them deliberately.

Also, when your text is justified (spans the margins by adjusting space sizes) use hyphenation on your text (where words break with a hyphen on the margin and are continued on the next line) because it will generally improve your spacing. Look at the first line of paragraph 2 in pic 2 to see where the words get spaced out awkwardly to fit the margins; with hyphenation "manifestation" would probably have been split across the lines to reduce the space size. Hyphenation is something that can be done automatically by whatever software you use (even Microsoft Word and LibreOffice support this, apparently).

>> No.22951307

For the indent thing, look at Lit Quarterly (at least 2&3) for an example. They use drop-caps where I suggested no-indents, but it's a matter of style and how much emphasis you want to place. They don't remove indents on the first lines of new sections, which goes against my own style ethos, but it's personal preference or whatever.

>> No.22951337

shut the fuck up already

>> No.22951345

This book’s formatting was largely the preference of the author, but those are actually single line breaks, not double.

>> No.22951356

Great posts anon. This is what I meant about the formatting earlier. The linebreaks-over-indents *could* work as a stylistic choice if it's supposed to read like diary entries, but I suspect it's more down to neglect/laziness/amateur mistakes, or simply padding. It's common in selfpub circles, and many authors don't seem care how their work is ultimately presented, but they should! A little attention goes a long way, and really gives the book a big boost.

>> No.22951416

In my second point I specifically said "[reduce] the paragraph spacing". If the paragraph spacing was set to be twice as large then it's equivalent to a double linebreak anyway. It's unnecessary and looks bad however it happened.

>preference of the author
RJC is an avowed know-nothing who handed over 50% of his profits because he didn't want to think about typesetting (as simple or as worthwhile as it may be for him to learn it himself). It's up to the editor to rein things in and do what best present's the author's writing to the reader. An editor shouldn't say they were just taking orders when it was their job to make these decisions in the first place; editing should be a back-and-forth discussion, and the editor should be prepared to tell the author not to do something if it's a detriment to their writing.

It's also crossed my mind that the page inflation gave an excuse to put a higher margin on the book. The more I think about it the more frustrating it is, and, whether it was intentional or not, the reader is only going to figure it out after they've bought it and half the book they were expecting arrives in the mail.

Letting shit like this through, like I said before, is wasteful and shows a lack of care about both the writing and the readers on the part of the editor. It's lazy as fuck.

>> No.22951433

If you buy a /lit/ scambook you get what’s coming to you

>> No.22951666
File: 27 KB, 739x415, crab-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22953173

Did you guys all jack off with your pals in high school at sleepovers? I never did that, we ate pizza and played halo. Weird ass

>> No.22954448

Thank you for effort-posting.

>> No.22954451

Read the sentence again idiot.

>> No.22955449

wow, look at this pile of crap: https://files.catbox.moe/d9sukc.zip

>> No.22955635

Uptight nerds hate mike ma. His books are good

>> No.22955670

>because of the bullshit COVID VACCINE laws here in Canada.
And then you said on reddit that you took the vax, lying jason faggot

>> No.22955687

>nodded knowingly

>> No.22955710

imagine how bad the rest is if this is what he showed as the best example
oh my kek

>> No.22955741

youre crazy dude
this shit is fucking absymal writing
boring stale nothingburger said in the most unimaginative dirt dry way possible

>> No.22955768

Personally I'd prefer the blank pages over the ones destroyed by his garbage prose. To say it's rudimentary is to overly compliment it. What a fucking embarassment. Shit like this is why I'll never associate my work with this board. Shameful, just shameful. I wouldn't even use it as asswipe, I'd feel too dirty afterwards.

>> No.22955779
File: 66 KB, 322x331, Barbra Streisand paid Gardner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect, for a book that Gardner selected as the winner of his gay contest?

>> No.22955789

Calm down big guy, you’re making more noise than even his fans are.

>> No.22955793

strikes me as a scam coordinated with hartley behind closed doors

>> No.22955829

I think you're giving both of them way too much credit.

>> No.22955989


I assure you I'm not trying to scam anyone. I wrote and experimental text using 100 vignettes. It is basically a novella but I think it must be taken beyond that label because of its depth. I've read a lot of novellas in undergrad and grad school and for fun. I guess I tried to write a flash fiction collection that tells one story and uses different templates and formatting to do it. There are full color pages and pictures alongside the text. You could flip through the pages and pick a random one and keep doing that and you'll figure the story out eventually if you don't read it straight from Shard #1 to Shard #100.

>> No.22956180

>I wrote and experimental text
book discarded
$17 for 100 pages of text? fuck off.

>> No.22956187


I'm phoneposting. An autocorrected to and. My bad.

>> No.22956190
File: 1.62 MB, 1237x2000, sharts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22956193


You know who made that? Lol

>> No.22956291

some of it is legitimately good and some of it is not, good effort for a 22 year old or whatever. a lot better than his second book

>> No.22956582

2023 has felt like an awful year for the /lit/ renaissance. Just look around at the progress we've made.
>unreal fell apart because one guy doxxed another
>unreal's attempted revival was met with cricket noises
>&amp's attempted revival was a far more disastrous flop that ended in more people getting doxxed and harassed IRL
>no one has sold more than 200 copies this year
At the start of the year I honestly felt that we were getting into our stride. Nope. Didn't happen.
Maybe Krake's side is looking better but Jesus it feels bleak from what I see here.

>> No.22956596

>Maybe Krake's side is looking better
Not financially but on the growth side he's getting his name spread rather far. Hardly any other writer can keep up with his output, that dude is focused

>> No.22956607

Woah, I never thought I’d meet another krakeophile on /lit/! He really is getting a lot of traction lately.

>> No.22956613

Assuming you're not shitposting, i think more people need to let go of the notion that their first book has to be the best and based and right wing. A renaissance has to be y'know, creative, and not derivative of other things like Harassment Architecture

>> No.22956696
File: 50 KB, 878x757, retardner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a reference to a reddit post where Gardner is talking to himself. another failed grift

>> No.22956936

krake is boring as shit too, they all are
just very boring boring people is all you get around here
havent read hyperborea and right now dont care to after the ptsd of reading that shards sample.