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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 324x500, 41rAl8u6UoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22927706 No.22927706 [Reply] [Original]

well that's fucking depressing
no wonder he killed himself if's fucking over for the West

>> No.22927711

Good riddance

>> No.22927745

bro just enjoy the ride, whatever happens will take place after you are already gone.
if it gets too bad you can still off you're self

>> No.22927751

doesn't matter if you're a left, right, communist or fascist, it's fucking over for us all

>> No.22928063

I find all his writings empowering because it allowed me to put a name to the evil which oppresses us, which is the first step in having power over it.
For those of us who don’t have a fatal neurochemical imbalance, there’s a lot we can do with that information.

>> No.22928069

>for the west
Do you realize how hyper-advanced neoliberalism is in Asia, good fucking thing Fishy wasn’t Korean

>> No.22928077 [DELETED] 
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I made a video discussing this book. I explain in that video that he was just projecting his own depression into this book. Leftists do this all the time. The modern left, like bernie is trying to completely contradict Fisher and put lipstick on the socialist pig by pushing "democratic socialism" as a new thing (which has been around for over a hundred years).

>> No.22928284
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Now read Nick Land

>> No.22928306

>hates capitalism
>probably hated Hitler and National-Socialism too
Good riddance

>> No.22928464

I am astonished at how stupid you are. You seriously looked at a book, saw it involved a critique of capitalism, determined it could not be National Socialist because it hates capitalism (????Hitler and the Nazis were heavily critical of capitalism...???????) and then decided that since it is not Nazi you will not read it. In other words you just told me you only read ideas you already believe are true. I cannot imagine a more pointless way to go about it. Your history is off and you need to leave the board, you do not belong here. Go read a book too, they will literally make you smarter so long as you continuously inject new ideas and info with your selections. Its not too late to stop being a dumbass, I beg of you.

>> No.22928488

I find Mark Fisher an embarrassment and emblematic of the problems left-wing politics has developed over the past 40 years.

if he never killed himself he would just be another fringe, blogger who found their humanities degree to be worthless.

>> No.22929036

So one view for every time you’ve spammed your shitty video in a thread. By some metrics, that could be considered pathetic.

>> No.22929055

>mark fisher
are you 15? go back to r3ddit you complete and utter embarrassment.

>t. sub 120 IQ tranny unironically shilling normalfag trash
everyone here already knows capitalism sucks, but if you think they're going to buy into the lie of materialism even further and become marxists you are deluding yourself and wasting your efforts.

>> No.22929082

>Complex and in-depth view from an academic forcefully putting forth a well researched thesis on the current economic system
>Every post in thread has the depth of "I don't like this" or "he's just projecting"
/lit/ is an embarrassing board. Does no one have a point of view on the current post-Fordist strategies of co-opting the consumer's own desires? The fact that Capitalism now includes critiques of Capitalism into it's profit model (the Barbie movie has cheap hollow anti-capitalist messages meant to make the audience feel good about themselves while they continue contributing to the machine of Capitalism). Does no one have a comment on the atomization and isolation that is the default mode of existing in our current culture? The fact that, society wide, mental illness and loneliness is skyrocketing, yet in each case the person is viewed as either personally at fault or suffering a chemical imbalance which can be cured by "Big Pharma Brand". Jesus, if the best you have to say it "it's bad", shut the fuck up and lurk more until you can form a cogent opinion on the book at hand.

>> No.22929097

You have to be 18 to post here, son.

>> No.22929099

> but if you think they're going to buy into the lie of materialism even further and become marxists
Fisher would have better off becoming monastic

>> No.22929101

> For those of us who don’t have a fatal neurochemical imbalance, there’s a lot we can do with that information.
Do you know where you are? Are you lost?

>> No.22929105

>neurochemical imbalance
Friendly reminder that there is literally 0 evidence that any of the "neurochemicals" thought to cause depression actually do.

>> No.22929110

To be fair I don’t think humans have the ability to be socialists either without becoming massive bureaucrats. At least in a free market system I can own things, or the semblance of owning things without some control freak sociopath making sure what I own is someone else’s too. In the current era I can’t even own my own wife without psychos telling me I’m controlling. I miss the days before 1865.

>> No.22929120

All the capitalist cocksuckers on 4chins are bots right?

>> No.22929142

no, just contrarian teens or injured stemlords

>> No.22929152

>/lit/ is an embarrassing board.
first time here?

>> No.22929402
File: 35 KB, 488x488, GUEST_0a8c1c99-2481-4fcf-a2af-0e7ceb5576f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now read k-punk

>> No.22929489

Capitalism sucks but leftardism is considerably worse.

That's pretty funny coming from an unironic leftist crying about capitalism. How fucking stupid do you have to be to be a serious leftist past your teens? Get a job and start a family you fucking loser.

Who gives a fuck about that fag. I'd kill myself too if i was that much of a reddit-tier pussy.

>> No.22929490

How's 9th grade?

>> No.22929492

That's cool but how many mRNA vaccines did you get, rebel?

>> No.22929495

You're just mad that he refuted your shitty marxcuck "book" that you shill for free

>> No.22929518

>some control freak sociopath
>can't even own my own wife
Pretty funny post, but also get help, you're projecting all over the place and have no actual thoughts.

>> No.22929556

>without becoming massive bureaucrats
This is unironically the endpoint of capitalism too though, Fisher dedicates significant time to the bureaucratic tendencies of private enterprises to hit certain arbitrary targets which recede further and further away from actual production and for executives types to make themselves seem valuable simply by employing many underlings to essentially pointless jobs.

>> No.22929560

Like every other Godless commie in existence Fisher didn't realize that it's going to take something literally Divine to break the power of American capitalism.

He should have studied what John Paul II did against the Soviet Union.

>> No.22929563

Zero. Before they even came out I heard the Pharma companies refused to roll them out without total legal liability immunity. "100% safe and effective" meanwhile they refuse to take liability onto their companies but expect you to take that very liability onto your own body. Not to mention this is an environment and industry which purposely created the opioid epidemic just to make a quick buck. It's actually a decent metric for whether a person has basic critical thinking skills to ask whether they took one of these products under the absolutely ridiculous circumstances in which they were offered (hint, it's impossible to generate safety data and effectiveness data in the short time frame that was given).

>> No.22929566
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Imaginary daddy figure in the sky isn't the answer

>> No.22929574
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He isn't.

>isn't the answer

Then what is? Bioleninism? Third worldism? These, too, are things that capitalism and America can incorporate.

You won't beat the United States unless you can conjure something to oppose it that men will die for. That's the level of passion that will break the hold of capitalism. Come up with something people will DIE for. Will give their lives for. Something people believe in that strongly. Nothing purely intellectual will do, you will have to stir the soul and pump the blood, and get people ready to die.

>> No.22929579

Ot was much simpler for me-if you try to force anything onto me, I'll find a way to disobey or get around that. Something-something-father/control-issues but fuck you I'm not compliying with anything anyone forces onto me, turns out that's a decent filter for bullshit as well.

>> No.22929585
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You won't get anywhere if you deny reality. There is absolutely no reason to believe any divine being exists or cares about human affairs.

Human civilization tends to go in cycles. It's likely the only possible end to our civilization is a catastrophic collapse, likely to be ushered in when AI achieves a level of general aptitude to automate entire industries in such a short order to create genuine labor shocks to major parts of the labor market. To date, this has been slow enough so that one generation simply bleeds into a generation markedly worse off and so, like a frog in heating water, this will not cause a jump. When a new generation gets boiling water dumped on them, then we will reap the grapes of wrath and nigh, we shall see the fate of Man.

>> No.22929587
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The reddit atheism is strong with this one

>> No.22929588

Damn... I suppose you don't pay taxes, obey traffic rules or stand in line either?

>> No.22929589

The Nuremberg code stands up too. Values and convictions are just that, convictions, not to be thrown away over trumped up fears by people who have everything to gain from your fear and panic.

>> No.22929592
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>> No.22929593

The zoomer tradlarp is strong with this one

>> No.22929606

Mostly not, how could you tell?
Not my fault most of you are literally too dumb to utilise the modern world to avoid taxes, traffic rules are for retards with no spatial intelligence. Standing in line though is not a matter of control, why do you have to be dumb?
Doesn't exist, we just outsource our inhumanity into the third world. Whatever's "not ok" in the """modern world""" is very ok somewhere else and you indirectly benefit from that.

>> No.22929609

What doesn't exist, values?

>> No.22929612

why is Putin giving me seductive looks? Anything for the motherland I suppose.

>> No.22929615

The nuremberg code. Values exist, but they're not what the system tells you, they're what the system actually upholds-self preservation, monopoly on violence, an ever growing need for control and so on. The "humanistic" values we espouse and swear to live by don't exist for most people, but we feel better about ourselves thinking they do and thinking we help uphold them.

>> No.22929621

It's true that power tends to centralize and that every thinking man must steel himself against this fact and shift his back in the fight against this malevolent tendency of the human condition. The Nuremberg Code, while vacuous in the context of governmental adherence, is still a code which exists. Codes are merely a set of standards, thus, if you view a government violating such a standard, it consequently informs you of the integrity (or lack thereof) of that government. That is what I was referring to.

>> No.22929661

I believe in a magical cosmic kitten who controls all the universe. Here is a list of His properties:
1) He has exactly 6 legs
2) He likes milk
3) He has exactly 8 legs

I believe that there are no contradictions in my belief system. You are also, clearly, not allowed to point out any supposed contradictions, unless you believe in the Holy Kitten yourself. How else would you be able to grasp the belief system?

>> No.22929668

Lol psychology cuck what are you feeling right now aaaaa you don't know an expert didn't tell you yet

>> No.22929697

Correct me if I am wrong, I read this book during COVID (and listened to an audio book reading of it a year later), but as I recall it's basically a primer to Marx's Kapital with a few pop culture references thrown in. The conclusion was simply "capitalism is unstoppable unless complete environmental failure happens so...". There was no advice or solution given, just to deal with it. Am I missing something?

>> No.22929745

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Anonymous widely used expression, used by many authors, it appears at least as early as in Death and Dying (1979) in the Social Issues Resources Series, Vol. 1, p. 35.

>> No.22929750

Suicide is the permanent solution to an unbearable and permanent will to live, who's existsance causes pain for the individual. If they truly wished to die, they'd keep on living meaninglessly, perhaps slowly drowning in an addiction or two.

>> No.22929772

The entire book is him jerking off about other authors’ opinions and mostly sniff Zizek sniff.
Why do people read this twat when all he does is say other people he read had great ideas. He contributed nothing, might just be a reading list.

>> No.22929813

i prefer prolapse-punk

>> No.22929828

It was a half ironic post genius. Can’t read subtext can we?

Ok but let’s not pretend the inverse doesn’t do the same thing.

This is the correct answer

>> No.22929829

>is that a coca cola advertisement?

>> No.22929830

Human rights are a meme

>> No.22929835

>implying reality actually exists
You can’t prove the physical world is real outside mere empirical evidence.

>> No.22930309

I find your k a t - k a e s q u e deity sublime and intriuging.

>> No.22930394

>l-look bro! it only has like 1k views!

>> No.22930559

>socialists think that their ideal world wouldnt make our current level of bureaucracy seem like baby shit in comparison

>> No.22930585

>Get a job and start a family you fucking loser.
Are you a drunk redneck uncle from a family gathering?
What are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.22930629
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> It was a half ironic post genius. Can’t read subtext can we?
see the picture
although I'm not sure I agree with that anon

>> No.22930671

The United States is beat already, look what happened to Detroit.
Besides, it could happen gradually without people having to be passionate or willing to die for anything. Just gradual change.

>> No.22930733

That doesn't sound convincing.
Death is inevitable anyway.
But of course to each their own.

>> No.22930742


Doomposting at it's finest

To the despair code

>> No.22930747

All we need to do to stop it is ram it's head with a commercial fishing boat.

>> No.22930815

>killed by the UK's socialized healthcare system
>Fisher died by suicide at his home on King Street, Felixstowe on 13 January 2017 at the age of 48, shortly before the publication of his latest book The Weird and the Eerie (2017). He had sought psychiatric treatment in the weeks leading up to his death, but his general practitioner had only been able to offer over-the-phone meetings to discuss a referral

>> No.22930817

That is an accurate cartoon of Yahweh, who confounds sense utterly without ever losing sovereignty

>> No.22930912

Marxism is inherently depressing because it reduces the metaphysics of the world down to an arena of social domination without any justifying principles. Basically, capital dominates and forces capitalism on those who fail to dominate. If you diagnose capitalism as the cause and consequence of society’s ills, you are necessarily trapped in a hopeless spiral of pessimism wherein nothing can ever get better once this genie is let out of the bottle. Your life is just fucked in that scenario. At that point, an impossible utopian Marxist revolution is your only hope and capitalism excludes the possibility.

>> No.22930947
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>he thinks abrahamic theology is literal unga bunga Hindu retardation
You'd get btfo by a Taliban soldier

>> No.22930968

What's wrong with Bernie Sanders democratic socialism? He's just advocating socialism but held to account by elected officials in Congress as opposed to being enforced by the whims of a tyrant turned God such as Mao (perhaps the greatest moral tale warning of absolute power getting to someone's head)

>> No.22930985

>At least in a free market system I can own things
The problem with the free market is that it enriches the very people who will destroy it. That's why it never lasts.
> case Hong Kong
Once a free market, now taken over by the CCP because its elite sold out
> case Singapore
Run by a tyrant, a huge chunk of the populace live in public housing and were pushed to sterilise themselves back when they had a 2 child policy

>> No.22931069

I'm converting to Kittenism right now. All hail the Divine Feline!

>> No.22931081

Literally all human constructs are memes. You're using language memes to type out your posts. Memes are central to life itself.

>> No.22931083

>mere empirical evidence
If you base your worldview on anything else, you are a schizo

>> No.22931134

Suicide should be mandatory.

>> No.22931137

Is that a new subgenre?

>> No.22931198

That's whataboutism, anon.
That's a fallacy, and that means that you fail to think, you're not thinking, you're just automatically producing sounds and actions like a zombie, can you imagine that?

>> No.22931211

No retard, your straw man is gibberish that was debated 2500 years ago. I'm sorry you're uninformed on this topic and learn logical fallacies like some debate retard.

>> No.22931213

What was the post

>> No.22931219

it sounded funny to me too, but then if you try to think on a deeper level, there is some truth to it.
we're not even sure what the word "material" (or "physical") means, so it's not all crystal clear and settled as you might think.

>> No.22931231

That guy looks like he sucks copious amounts of cock just like you do

>> No.22931237

>real communism has never been tried
The post

>> No.22931238

Swift disproves that retarded image.

>> No.22931242

Whataboutism is effective, THOUGH

>> No.22931248

No, you’re just every philosopher before John Locke. Are you calling the entire philosophical canon up until the 17th century schizophrenic? I don’t think you’re even qualified to talk about theory, then.

>> No.22931261

> No retard, your straw man is gibberish that was debated 2500 years ago.
What are you referring to here?
He's talking about contradictions in descriptions of god, that's one of monotheism's biggest problems.
> I'm sorry you're uninformed on this topic and learn logical fallacies like some debate retard.
But they are still fallacies and you know that. If I said to you "b-but you're ugly and bad and I don't like you" you would've laughed at what I said, right? Because that's a fallacy. That's ad hominem. I know some people don't like naming and categorizing everything, but everyone knows that logical fallacies are faulty thinking.
See, that's the problem with people like you. You seem to care more about emotional contents of messages rather than their actual conceptual contents. If one person says "unga bunga" in a loud and domating manner and another one says "unga bunga" quietly then you're going to think that the first one is right and you don't care about the actual contents of what's been said. That's what you're trying to do now. You're uttering nonsense, but you're trying to do it in a dominating way, that's your monkey brain working in that way.
Think, anon, think.

>> No.22931281

>He's talking about contradictions in descriptions of god, that's one of monotheism's biggest problems.
It quite literally is not a problem in monotheistic religions. It is a problem for Arabic cavemen that think God has a literal physical body and polytheists that have to appease 90 different gods due to British people forcing their religion into a thing that can be written about by a professor. Not even gonna bother with your "faulty thinking" bourgeois nonsense.

>> No.22931300

> It quite literally is not a problem in monotheistic religions.
You mean that's one of their beliefs, right? That they don't have such problems and contradictions.
That's what that anon was hinting at with his example about a kitten-god with exactly 6 legs and exactly 8 legs.
We made a full circle here and now you should understand what he was trying to say.

>> No.22931323

Wait, it's hard to tell, maybe your message is a sarcastic one and it means that you're trying to get to suck my cock.
Because according to you every message could be a sarcastic one with the opposite meaning.

>> No.22931329

How does Swift disprove it?

>> No.22931345

You literally couldn't think of anything wrong with Singapore so you just wrote some random bullshit based on your feelings rather than the reality of the matter than Singapore fucking works.

>> No.22931349

>You mean that's one of their beliefs, right? That they don't have such problems and contradictions.
I have literally never met anyone that claims there are no contradictions in monotheism. Theologians sit around thinking about these contradictions all day. His "hinting" was as subtle as a dog humping your leg.

>> No.22931357

The Tale of the Tub does not have clarity of purpose. Please don't go read the Wikipedia page and try to argue about this, the work's only 100 or so pages.

>> No.22931376

You mean it's just an undefined purposeless sarcasm in a vacuum?
Sounds like bullshit.

>> No.22931387
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>does not have clarity
>so it's undefined and purposeless??
Are you one of those people that can't read a poem?

>> No.22931389

> I have literally never met anyone that claims there are no contradictions in monotheism.
You might be surprised, but people actually claim that. It's even written in some of their holy books.
> Theologians sit around thinking about these contradictions all day.
Usually religions prohibit thinking about contradictions that they contain, especially dogmatic ones, like abrahamic flavor.

>> No.22931418
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>what? an economic system that allows and encourages narcissistic short-sighted neets to leech off of a state and its workers indefinitely fucks over the people, weakens nations and destroys the planet?
>no way haha you're just brainwashed bro

>> No.22931422
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>> No.22931430

this holy kitten sounds like a very nice fellow (and cute also)

>> No.22931438

I don't know, anon, I'm not in the mood to read a poem right now, so, let's agree to disagree.

>> No.22931447
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>> No.22931465

>You might be surprised, but people actually claim that. It's even written in some of their holy books.
That's a claim about their specific religion and not about monotheism.
>Usually religions prohibit thinking about contradictions that they contain, especially dogmatic ones, like abrahamic flavor.
Luckily we're not longer bound by feudal structures and can write freely about religion without having to worry too much about Spaniards torturing us.

>> No.22932009

Any worldview is built on inference. It's true we can only "know" for certain that we, our perception as a phenomenon, exists. Inference must be logically consistent to be reliable. Thus, "empirical evidence" is that which is logically consistent and commensurate with the model of reality which includes an external world that is capable of being apprehended and interacted with. Anything else is just mind games and schizophrenia.
>Are you calling the entire philosophical canon up until the 17th century schizophrenic?
Much of it was. Human beings have an overwhelming bias to believe things happen due to agency. Evolution has favored this type of error, since a rustle in the bushes can be taken as a sign of danger and save your life, or dismissed as random noise and risk your death, whereas being spooked in error carries relatively little harm. Inculcate this tendency across time and our species now has a bias to attribute all kinds of spooky agency to things unseen. To actually forego careful reason and simply give into these primitive beliefs is tantamount to schizophrenia, yes. Also
>every philospher before John Locke
Read Lucretius

>> No.22932032

> Anything else is just mind games and schizophrenia.
You should rephrase it:
> Everything is mind games and schizophrenia.
At the end of the day you arbitrarily decide to believe certain things.

>> No.22932045

yeah, and those spaniards were lucky to not be tortured by some crazy atheist or sectarian from another epoch.

>> No.22932057

The man who kills a man kills a man.
The man who kills himself kills all men.
As far as he is concerned, he wipes out the world.

>> No.22932062

Totally unfounded claims about evolution only pushed by retards. You know nothing about how man's psychology evolved and you probably don't even understand evolutionary theory.

>> No.22932063

That's the exact opposite of what I just said. You must justify every inference you make.

>> No.22932069

Another example of an idiot who's only method of arguing us "nuh-uhhh". Explain why I am wrong and what you think or shut the fuck up and lurk more you asinine idiot. Stop shitting up the board with the most basic bitch level of literally empty and vacuous contradiction while adding absolutely nothing of value.

>> No.22932078

ok, justify logic then. try to use logic to justify logic.
try to use scientific method to justify scientific method.

>> No.22932100

My favorite thing in the world is that the only response to logical realism is "well, what if I want to choose illogical things and delusions?" The justification is conformity with reality. "I think therefore I am" is true because it cannot be otherwise. To think while not existing is incoherent. If you mean to say I make an "arbitrary" decision to be coherent rather than incoherent, that's an exceptionally weak position for you, isn't it?

>> No.22932124

> "I think therefore I am" is true because it cannot be otherwise.
You could say "it thinks" in the same way we say "it rains".
I think if you want to really reach the bottom of things, you should say that "something is going on".
That's the most basic thing that you know.

You're like someone who claims that all planets float in space except Earth. Earth is different because there are a lot of buildings on Earth. Architecturally perfect, symmetrical and beautiful buildings.

>> No.22932153

>something people will die for
How about a life of dignity and a future for their children? How about freedom and a planet that isn't poisoned on every conceivable level? Where does god fit into all this? All you have to do is value your own dignity more than safety and security. If people aren't willing to die for those things then they're already mental slaves.

>> No.22932164


>> No.22932185

Literally provide a single piece of evidence for your claims about how human behavior evolved. You are just pulling shit out of your ass based on your own tendency to flinch.

>> No.22932610

Are you familiar with natural selection? If a behavior is likely to lead to survival where another behavior will lead to death, the one that fosters survival will be selected for, and consequently, the kind of biological structure which results in the choice which results in survival will be selected for and continue to exist. You would have to show that either the situation which I referenced did not exist for the ancestors of man, or that the survival incentives in that situation are weighted differently as to select for a different outcome. You are incapable of even engaging in the slightest on the topic so I will repeat my advice to shut the fuck up and lurk more. Hell, maybe read a book like "On the Origin of Species" or "The Selfish Gene" so that you have a semblance of an idea of what is being discussed.

>> No.22932657


>> No.22932695
File: 23 KB, 400x347, pepe_activated_3rd_eye_by_grzegorzusludi_detun8q-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask a nigga for a source and he responds with this
>Are you familiar with natural selection?
Yeah, I'm a biologist. Are you familiar with the other three factors of evolution or are you talking out your ass? I literally asked you for a source to support your argument and you responded with the shit they tell you in middle school. You're the one the has to provide a source here, go off to scihub and get one. You're just making shit up. A rustle in the bushes is much more likely to be something you can eat than something that's going to eat you, in my experience at least. You're talking about an ultrasocial primate that pretty much always rides around together stinking like shit and throwing rocks at things, not a grouse.

>> No.22932704
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Let me add here that a cat (aka the things that usually eat apes) can smell you and aren't going to make a rustling noise in a bush. Being alert to noises helps much more with hunting (you'd be aware of this if you ever went hunting) and it seems to me that having one or two other smelly ape pals around is a much better defense than spooking when a woodcock flushes from a bush.

>> No.22932708

behead frog posters
roundhouse kick frog posters into a trash bin

>> No.22932791

>I literally asked you for a source to support your argument
You're a moron. If I were citing a statistic, you could ask a source, when I am extrapolating from a theory which is the bedrock of the entire field of biology you have to address what I said to address (and you admit as much by providing an alternate theory of incentives).
You should know that animals that herd together are constantly on alert, especially if they are on the outskirts of the herd, in order to raise the alarm to danger. All prey animals are alert to signs of predators. You are clearly talking out your ass.

>> No.22933146

It was a medicore book honestly

>> No.22933158

I’m aware of Lucretius. Didn’t he believe in something close to natural philosophy? That’s just something Spinoza perfected and Spinoza wasn’t an empiricist.

>> No.22933348

Genuinely awful reply
>when I am extrapolating from a theory
Not how this works. If you want to argue using le science be prepared to actually use le science.
Man is not a prey animal.
>and you yourself admit as much by providing an alternate theory of incentives
I pointed out how retarded and unfounded what you said was, hoping it might motivate you to at least dig up some shitty evopsych paper. Stay in school.

>> No.22933385

Spinoza was an autistic moron who desperately wanted to use words like "God" and "Love" when the concepts he was actually defining have no similarity whatsoever with the actual usage of those words.

>> No.22933395

To refute my point, you would have to show it violates the principles of natural selection or my example has not occurred in the life of man enough to exert a survival pressure. Science is a process of deduction and actually, you know, THINKING. Demanding an authority to state a thing as true is the opposite of science, but you've gone far enough to demonstrate that you are a certified idiot. You are basically a caricature or a parody of science, imagining you are appealing to science when really you are just unwilling to actually think through a hypothesis but instead simply insisting on an official paper so you can out-source your thinking to an authority. Absolutely embarrassing anon, seriously, lurk more and post less if this is the caliber of post you have to offer.

>> No.22933566

>be child in man's body
>have the wits of 3 monkeys combined
>all observable parameters point to a problem on the onset
>problem smacks in the face
>oh woowiee is le meeee oohh i better le kiww meself oww it's so unfaiw uwu

>> No.22933590

How did you get from "you can't prove the physical world is real outside mere empirical evidence" to "Human beings have an overwhelming bias to believe things happen due to agency"?
Seems like you just brought a completely unrelated topic.

>> No.22933881

>the widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but also that it is now impossible even to imagine a coherent alternative to it.
What the fuck is he talking about? Everyone can image living in Soviet Union

>> No.22933900

>fatal neurochemical imbalance
No such thing.

>> No.22933955

Which one of his writings in Fanged Noumena conveys this feeling, anon?

>> No.22933991
File: 37 KB, 601x508, 6qvqip2dm0h51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No retard you need data in the data based system to support your claims. This is the most basic part of the whole thing.

>> No.22934423

lol glad I'm not the only one who found that off

>> No.22934959

Because people have a universal tendency, all over the planet in different setting, to assign agency to inanimate objects. Some peoples what believed that rocks and trees and rivers have spirits. Some people think nature herself is a being with agency, or the earth itself. Some people believe the universe itself is a being. It's a projection of patterns onto something where the pattern does not call for a personhood. It's like if you turn on a TV tuned to nothing and it looks like the white spots on the screen are swirling in patterns when, in reality, it is totally random. This all goes to my point that you should be careful and rigorous when you make claims about reality and thus you could base your claims on empirical evidence.

>> No.22934964

Capitalism absorbs everything, it would just buy the boat, market it as a progressive change and keep growing.

>> No.22934967

Read "On the Origin of Species". Then you will become acquainted with the principle of Natural Selection. Then you will have the ability to discuss hypothetical situations and whether Natural Selection would favor one thing or another. Idiot.

>> No.22936206

To be fair most things wouldn't appreciate a fishing boat to the head

>> No.22936250

I didn’t say I supported Spinozas hypothesis, either

>> No.22936550


>> No.22936568
File: 777 KB, 1140x485, Fukuyama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He won..
Jokes aside End of History is kind of a comforting book. Fukuyama seems to makes an honest attempt at defending the idea of an eternal reign of liberalism and I feel less convince of it after reading him.