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/lit/ - Literature

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22911676 No.22911676 [Reply] [Original]

Beware Imitators!
Accept No Substitutes!
New and Improved!

Thread Theme:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_lNE2HYeI [Open]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_lNE2HYeI [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_lNE2HYeI [Open]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6_lNE2HYeI [Open]


Meds For Atlas:
>>>/x/36800969 #
>>>/x/36791214 #
>>>/x/36789191 #

Bonus Round:
Submit your otherworldly, avant-garde, and experimental short stories for print in paperback:


>> No.22911691

Best of where?

>> No.22911721

kiss my arse

>> No.22911831
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issue 20 when?

>> No.22911883


How do we fix the magazine, guys? How do we get the magic back that we had for issues 6-13? That time was so much fun.

Let's hear your ideas. Keep them positive, we can do this!!

>ban all mean negative feedback everywhere! we need to stay positive and make this a nice environment
>find a designer and give the mag a whole new look!
>give kiss my arsefag a permanent ban!
>completely cut any mention of RJC and refuse to feed his narcissism! people like that are bottomless pits who'll take and take and drain us of energy!
> insist on anonymity for all, with the exception of the odd pseudonym awarded for particularly good work!
>we all collectively work to forget Atlas ever existed and let her move on with her life!
>editors say less and stop publishing any ruminations on ongoing drama!


>> No.22911918


>How do we fix the magazine, guys
black background
purple text
comic sans

>> No.22912306

Nah, it has always been a mix of good and bad, including really bad, and certain things just need to be shat on, criticized. However, it's clear when something is just a fake generalized anti-&amp conclusion and those people ought to recognize and ignore.
Maybe. While the design was never super innovative it was decent and the consistency is commendable. But it's been steadily lesser in the last few issues. A complete tabula rasa is too drastic imo, but…
I don't want to shit on the guy as he just released his book (haven't read), but despite this obvious newfound &amp association, no single figures should be mastheads for the project. Mostly as these characters, faked or not, in the threads. Basically all but the first two points are basically related to this. Same for the Jason Cana/pol/ spam, especially since he hasn't even contributed (yet); nothing personal and it might be fitting in a contemporary publishing landscape seethethread, but just not here.
Basically insofar as named authors don't devolve into thread namefagging, which is how it went for over year. So a bit weaker version of your principle, with emphasis on the contribution and attribution for those who want to repeatedly submit and track their progress
Also basically. Nothing good has come of it, it has not been exploited for a good readup (like its very own Brenda Sellars saga), and shifting from magazine releases to a venture of attention threads is no good alternative. Never mind that many of those threads were willfully unofficial. I don't know about this thread, but there don't need to be generals either. Once this thread has died out that will, realistically, have been all the organic discussion of #019. Then the odd, rare submission call but not frequent, many. And await the next one. Was better that way.

>> No.22912459

Kiss my arse, my wife loves my writing, even though she did kick me out this arvo for going on another vic bitters bender. Fair didgeridoo and all that.

>> No.22912588

The submission suggestion for &amp Standards sounds different. From literary fiction to experimental. Why the change, and can you elaborate on what you're looking for?

>> No.22912593

Woolston wasn't even in this issue. He was in a single issue of &amp and didn't make a big deal out of it. Every one just hated his story. Why is Woolston being used as an example of what went wrong with &amp? He was just a contributor who kept his mouth shut and became a giant meme because of his story.

>> No.22912601

They get like 15 subs per quarter I don't think it matters what their intentions are, they'll print what they get, just like with the mag.

>> No.22912721

The Woolston hate on this board is mostly envy. He's the only person from this shithole who has an actual publisher even if it is only a tiny one.
People shit on him because they wish they were him.
Welcome to the crab bucket that is /lit/ you can check out anytime you like but you can never have success.

>> No.22912765

I honestly hope old Woolster makes inroads with publishers and editors. Short stories are a niche market really just to break into the larger novel market. He's said before he wanted to write a novel, probably about his experiences with an abusive religious community. He only even began to mention religion in stories with that recent &amp issue. So he might be ready to take it on.

>> No.22912902

It doesn’t really matter what I want, I have very few motivated contributors, even with the offer of a commission. I’m just widening the scope of the project so as to catch more submissions. It would of course be a plus to see some innovative fiction, and I’ve received some already, but I’m just doing my best to make it a really cool book when it comes out.

>> No.22912940

>Anonymous Postmodern lit
I'm okay with anonymous submissions. Did you want the whole thing to be that way, or was it a figure of speech?

>> No.22912956

What you mean? I love Woolston. And I love my wife. ooh hoo hooo she left me again for drinking too much this arvo. I miss her... Fuck you fuck you fuck you, and I mean it.

>> No.22913147

He's great, not sure why he gets hated on

>> No.22913153

He is great. His writing sucks shit and is turgid and boring and goes nowhere, but the guy? He's great.

>> No.22913193

Woolston is a talented, talented man.

>> No.22913406

>His writing sucks shit and is turgid and boring and goes nowhere
Post his worst writing. Let's see a few paragraphs. Put in context tho.

>> No.22913437

Go read You'll Always Remember Fremantle in 018. It's hypnotically bland.

>> No.22913446

Was it meant to be? Or did it just come out that way?

>> No.22913461

must be hard to write after too many VBs sitting on the bench after his wife kicked him out, fair doos mate and kiss me arse cuz I mean it

>> No.22913464
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Okay, I will not judge you as a crab until I read it. Just cooking up some dinner here and then will give it a looksie.

>> No.22913504

To be clear, it's perfectly readable, in the same way that a bowl of unflavored grits is perfectly edible. He's taken a clear understanding of composition and made pablum with it.
I wish Wooly success but I do not enjoy his writing.

>> No.22913553

But was the blandness intentional? People judge Gardner for his "shitty writing" but once you dig into his work on a non-superficial level, it is obvious that everything he does it supposed to be at like a 10 year old's imagination level. Once you drop your vibration down to a child's level, his shit seems brilliant.

>> No.22913604

>we all collectively work to forget Atlas ever existed and let her move on with her life!
Hard for that to happen when Hartley is still harassing her and manipulating her in these threads

>> No.22913633

No, he is not kaufmanning it. He is just that boring.

>> No.22913762

What is so unremarkable about his style to you? Is there something that lacks flavour? What is that missing piece?

>> No.22913768

>What is that missing piece?
a soul

>> No.22914132

I would prefer attribution. I’m loath to include a single story by Anonymous among named writers, or worse yet, multiple Anons among them.

>> No.22914156

I like these ideas. No name fags is a big one for me. I’m trying to write more fun pieces because that’s how I want &amp to be

>> No.22914247

why would you want it to be anonymous? that's just gay. You submit to these things to get your name out. you don't have to go and namefag in the threads. but honestly the anonymous submissions basically suck anyway.

>> No.22914275

>You submit to these things to get your name out
Or you do it to participate in a community endeavor. The times I submitted to &amp weren't strictly 'anonymous' but the pseudonym I used was a throwaway that is not and will not be associated with anything else I've ever done. It was only for continuity across issues in regard to one project.

>> No.22914293
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Yeah... I'll research that myself, not sure if you're just crabbin' or not yet

>> No.22914442
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Adding on to this
>editor does the editing and that's it - no more tagalong editors
>no more monthly releases but set a deadline
>no more Discord (done?)
>no advertising submissions outside /lit/
>publish EVERYTHING and no cutting corners
>everybody should forget that the editor came crying to /lit/ about beating his girlfriend
>and that he then abused the first woman he got his digital hands on
>editor must relinquish his magic powers
>email response if your story has been added
>no more female authors for legal reasons
>remember to have fun
I think these are fair.

Publishing EVERYTHING is what kept me glued to &amp. I want the bad poems and the cult hits. I want to see everything /lit/ (and only /lit/) has got in glossy A4 goodness. Some people say to wait for enough good ones but to me that misses the point.

Obviously extra editors kept the pulse going, but 5 months was...not fun. But monthlies weren't cutting it either and I think we need the original formula back. Editor is the only one who nails the discount MDE style and has the mania to back it up on an irregular basis. Anyone who's been around since the early days knows &amp is one prison sentence away from another hiatus - so take it while you can.

The big thing thats been missing lately is the fun. We're all in this together using one man's mental illness to get eyes on our writing, so we might as well enjoy it! The comradery really nosedived this year and I think we need to remember that we're working together and to just enjoy the ride while it lasts. Meltdowns, evil plots, beatings, harassment, hit pieces, whatever. Just ignore it and have fun.

>> No.22914474

The monthly thing was Zulu’s idea, his claim was that he had worked in magazine distribution before and if &amp went monthly they’d be able to contract with a professional press and open subscriptions. You’d just pay $50 up front and get 12 months of &amp mailed to you.

>> No.22914504

I think the only real problem with that is submission quantity and/or magazine length.
I don't know if &amp has ever been working with a notable surplus of submissions beyond what was needed to fill 96 pages. I do know that submissions have run pretty thin at times because the actual writing community on /lit/ is not really that big. You kind of need that surplus as a safety margin so that you don't fail to fill out a month's issue.

>> No.22914583

Question: I have a decent sized blog I've been running for 4 years, that clocks about 50,000 unique users a year. I was interested in hosting a few short stories based around the niche genre of the blog. What is the best way of soliciting this? I am worried I would get hundreds of phony entries or GPT written garbage that I would not have the time to parse. Should I approach other writers instead? Curious what this zine does.

>> No.22914594

>You submit to these things to get your name out.
imagine being so foolishly motivated by ego. You're "getting your name out" to a tiny community of shut-ins; doing it for that reason is pointless. it should be about writing something and seeing it get discussed by people who care.

>> No.22914643

>it should be about writing something and seeing it get discussed by people who care.
Exactly. And they also know my name! :)

>> No.22915109

You’re a fucking loser trying to make friends and create drama. If you write well and consistently people will recognize your style. Then you might be good enough to submit to more serious journals using your name. I can’t believe I’m explaining this.

>> No.22915430

The capitalist system thrives on our self-loathing. If we have self-assuredness, they call it egocentric, or arrogance, or conceit, or narcissism, because if we feel insecure, we buy things to fill that void. A confident and secure person is a bad customer.

>> No.22915574

>The monthly thing was Zulu’s idea
No it wasn't? The first 14 issues were run on a monthly schedule, (barring a missed month and a longer hiatus later), and Zulu wasn't involved as an editor until this year.

Why lie?

Yeah, this has been the admitted problem for a long time. Issue 014 was trimmed down due to lack of submissions, and the amount of filler even in a regular issue is high.

&amp isn't the first /lit/ magazine that had non-anonymous authorship. Zine Writer's Guild, the April Reader, Pinecone, and Lit Quarterly all had significant non-anonymous submissions (and ZWG goes back to 2010). &amp also did it plenty before the drama that started last year. Lots of people like having their work attributed to them, even if just to a throwaway pseudonym.

The difference with nu-&amp has been Discord. There's a continuous discussion going on somewhere that isn't /lit/, where all those names can congregate and contribute in a way that has very little to do with the writing itself. It invites the creation of continuous personalities, which is the real anathema to 4chan-type anonymity.

Nobody would give a shit about Woolston if he was just a name associated with a bland story. The doxxing saga was in part because Ari and Atlas were known in the Unreal Discord. Until last year Ryan conducted everything over email and seemed to avoid Discord entirely, but joined in with the Unreal Discord after doxxing himself. And the fact is that even if you personally ignore Discord, it still exists and forms a continuity of discussion and a collection of personalities that previously only mattered when an issue actually released.

>> No.22915650

from what I'm reading it seems the Unreal discord is the real problem here, none of the other suggestions really matter

>> No.22915703

>Zulu wasn't involved as an editor until this year
Fuck, *last year.

&amp had its own Discord, and any time one pops up it's going to have the same problems I described. Plus there was a clear change with &amp last year and I don't see things going back. The problem with being long-running in a small community is that shit like this just accrues and even a small group of people can have an outsized impact on the community overall. I also don't see Ryan going back from having a Discord presence.

>> No.22915713

>unreal discord boogie man
Fuck off. We're not deleing it. The Unreal discord is a mainstay of /lit/ culture and has been for over a year now. Besides, anonymity is dead and anyone who contributes without a name is simply propping up the "namefags" for free. You fags need to stop this gay posturing about "4chan culture". It's just preventing you from taking credit for your work or connecting with other authors.

>> No.22915751

The only thing it's a mainstay of is the talentless. Your indignation is as laughable as your pathetic attempts at the written word. Keep jerking each other off in your gay hugbox. You're not /lit/ and you don't speak for /lit/.

>> No.22915755

There will always be disagreements in a long running community. The problem the last year exposed is that running a project on 4chan alone is trash since 3 or so people who feel the group wronged them (in this case this is "J." the guy who writes boring oil drill worker stories, "Ari/Cur" the Best Of guy, and "Atlas" or some other sperg) can just spam your threads into a cesspool that turns people off.

4chan is a public bathroom, and there's 2 or 3 bitter dudes constantly gloryholing themselves in this one. Insane to organize here or try to accommodate them so they stop

>> No.22915763

Thinking Discord (not just Unreal) is cancerous isn't the same as thinking anonymous attribution needs to be forced. Lots of /lit/ mags had non-anon contributors without the Discord baggage.

>it's just three people
Is that what they told you on Discord?

>> No.22915780

This. It's impossible to organize anything here when Ari and Atlas are such scum. Discord is a necessity to weedout sociopaths who want us to fail. You can hate it all you want but it's here to stay and so are we.

>isn't the same as thinking anonymous attribution needs to be forced.
Okay, Ari. We both know that if we deleted the /lit/ Discord your next temper tantrum would be about us "namefagging" (not pissing our work into the wind).

>> No.22915785

>Discord is a necessity to weedout sociopaths
the sheer irony of this statement is breathtaking.

>> No.22916384

>credit for my work
I don’t care what anons beyond the editor think of my work. I send my stories to my friends to read and what they think matters to me.

>> No.22916403

I don't know how good that is, man. My friends read my stuff and say it's great and interesting. I get published in &amp and you guys call it boring and shit. Friends aren't good critics.

>> No.22916414

You two realize &amp doesn't do acceptance/rejection, right? Just because your work showed up in &amp doesn't mean the editor gave it the OK. He doesn't receive enough submissions to turn anyone away, so just about everything goes in barring a missed email. It's been that way since the start.

>> No.22916428
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>You're "getting your name out" to a tiny community of shut-ins
Holy fuckin' based!

>> No.22916481

Oh I'm aware. What I look for is how the people in the threads feel about my work. They're a better indicator of what to focus on in subsequent writing than friends.

>> No.22916553

These balless, brainless wormchomping toads actually think deep down that if they '''''publish'''' enough wet-behind-the-ears, warmed-over pablum to a nothing magazine run by a jailbird crackhead that some fine day Simon and Schuster will personally come to their door, contract in hand.
Of course for them it's but the latest manifestation of loserdom in a humdrum go-nowhere life balanced on a heap of excuses and cowardice. Kiss my arse. You can talk big in here all you like, none of you will ever be on my level. Me. Lewis J. Woolston.

>> No.22916560

The discord and specifically the &amp channel has been dead for the last 4 months. RJC posting selfies and a few other trannies dropping links to youtube videos. Meanwhile the /lit/ threads have been eternally seething over the discord and its influence. Honestly LMAO at you all. Obsessed schizos.

>> No.22916568

>published in &amp magazine #19
is enough for any portfolio, no one will check, and if they do and see your name then they will stop there. It's worth it if you have any long term goals.

>> No.22916572

And if I shit on a hotel bath towel, that doesn't make me the manager of the Hilton.

>> No.22916593

The crypto-Unreal /wg/ server still exists and that's where they migrated to. Plus whichever groups they actually keep private.

>> No.22916600

kek. little twat with his dayjob applies wagecuck rules to his life. his entire bleak future is dictated by the whims of the karen in the high tower. you're doomed, mate. enjoy the 'limelight' of lamp cuz that's all you're ever getting lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.22916632

Brazenly crabbish. Sad!

>> No.22916652

Fucking oath mate, you're the voice of Australia!

>> No.22916720

All artists have a portfolio. If you think that term only relates to a real estate office or something then you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.22916731

oh please correct me with your wisdom
professional johnny writer over here with his plethora of accolades in such illustrious publications as amp and lit quarterly!
do you do signings at barnes and noble too?
you stupid dickhead lmao

>> No.22916951
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>if they '''''publish'''' enough wet-behind-the-ears, warmed-over pablum to a nothing magazine run by a jailbird crackhead
Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.22917007

Don't listen to asshats like this. Getting published anywhere is actually quite difficult. Otherwise, this person would be a professional writer. I would bet they are not. All projection.

>> No.22917031

Everything you just said is wrong. Impressive, but also pathetic.

>> No.22917040

Post your work right now.

>> No.22917053
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Good luck!

>> No.22917056

>Getting published anywhere is actually quite difficult.
The editor is in this very thread saying he's relaxed the rules on submission and is going to print whatever he gets because no one will submit to him even if he pays them.
If you think that any reputable business is going to look at you padding your portfolio with garbage as anything but you padding your portfolio with garbage, you are insane.

>> No.22917062

Never gonna happen cuz I don't need to prove myself to you. Believe me or not, doesn't make a difference. You truly believe your lukewarm approach to life works despite years of evidence to the contrary. Everyone else must be wrong because you 'feel' like it must be that way. It's a joke, kiddo. This is a dogfight, not a merry go round. And you're toothless.

>> No.22917156

Nobody should be calling themselves published for being in &amp. It's a complete misrepresentation. Same if you threw your shit on KDP or another form of self-publishing. Nobody would take you seriously for calling yourself published for having a blog, and the standards are no different here.

You can get into the semantics of the word itself, but the expectation of being "published" is that your work has been vetted by a third party and seen fit for distribution. The element of print-on-demand (which applies to &amp and to Amazon self-publishing) also undermines the last element: nobody has figured the work is good enough to justify printing X books in advance, so an on-demand model is relied upon.

>relax the rules
There have never been any rules for regular ole &amp magazine, which has always included everything they're sent and struggled with submissions regardless. Earlier the editor was talking about his anthology project, which is a separate thing entirely. But yes, same issue there of course.

>> No.22917262

Delusional and retarded take desu.

The truth is that the guys from Unreal Press spent months doxxing Ari and Atlas and spamming their faces in every &amp and Unreal thread. The Unrealies did this because they were pissy about some drama involving Ari and Atlas that had played out in their Discord server months before, even though the drama was seemingly unrelated to the operations of the press itself or any of their upcoming projects. Most /lit/ posters value anonymity and dislike Trannycord on principle, so naturally there was a backlash to Unreal starting shitfights and doxxing people on /lit/ while using Discord drama to justify it. Their threads started to attract tons of trolling and shitflinging. But instead of just owning up to their gay ops and taking the L, the Unrealfags decided that /lit/ was the problem, and they retreated further into their Discord hugbox. Now they're enlisting retards like this one to come out of the woodwork and act as though anyone who criticizes &amp or Unreal must be an old Discord enemy trying to sabotage them, as though half of the people on this board don't have ample reason to be sick of their shit.

And with &amp, Hartley turned his own contributors against him by using the mag as an avenue to act like a powerhungry lunatic. His schizo downward spiral and the steadily declining quality of recent &amp releases have incited mockery and bred ill-will, which is why the mag is falling apart.

>> No.22917309

Dude nobody left but Atlas. We’re stronger than ever. You’re just hungry for (You)s.

>> No.22917312

I never said that. I said the opposite of that. You’re so mad.

>> No.22917356

Again lol. The discord is dead. It's used by 5 guys to drop youtube links and memes. You are a total schizo.

>> No.22917361

it's so dead that you have to frantically run damage control whenever someone brings it up, right?
and your hidden rooms are an open secret. niggerbrain

>> No.22917377


>> No.22917440

>I have very few motivated contributors, even with the offer of a commission. I’m just widening the scope of the project so as to catch more submissions.

>> No.22917458

Let's not forget bumping the deadline from January 1st to July 1st. The editor can walk this back and pretend it was a fake, but the changes to the webpage are archived.

>> No.22917601
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I will have a story ready for Drops by mid February. I've already written it, but I'm not pleased with it presently. So I'm off to more editing.

>> No.22917870

I've seen English professors who had literary magazines with the words "cunt" and "scat" in their CV get hired. &amp or Unreal, even a magazine called "FUCK JANNIES 4CHAN FOREVER," counts as a publication. Go look up your favorite authors and then look up whether or not they had friends who worked at the journals or mags they were first published in. Don't be so daft.

>> No.22917905


>> No.22917917

This isn't about whether &amp is obscene, or about if someone is going to check your references, but about the fact that having your work in &amp depends only on whether you sent it in and not on whether it was any good.

If you're advocating for putting &amp on your CV you might as well advocate for lying. Don't even write, just say you got published! We've all had our writing in the New York Times if some fag gets into an MFA because &amp was on his CV.

>> No.22917937

>you might as well advocate for lying
The entire industry operates on a foundation of lying. Everyone knows that, and nobody wants to bring overt attention to it, because they're lying too.

>> No.22917954

You're either underage or still in undergrad, aren't you

>> No.22917962

Discord really is cancer. The user base is the worse I have ever seen on any platform. The kind of people who sit on it hours a day thrive on attention and create nothing. You really need this shit off Discord and to sever those freaks. Run the whole thing on gmail/google docs imo.

>> No.22917970

Still haven't published my masterpiece. Tell me, is it simply because of your pathetic word limit? Is it fear of too much reality?

>> No.22917979

Okay, to spell it out more clearly: the ability to lie doesn't mean that lying about &amp being good actually makes it good. What point are you trying to make?

I'm doing a PhD, and I didn't have to lie on my CV to get in.

>> No.22918000

As someone who has been directly involved in the hiring process of writers, I can tell you now that we do our best to check every single attribution on the merit of accuracy and worth. It's literally our job. You're not fooling us.
In fact, padding a portfolio with garbage tier accomplishments is probably the biggest red flag I can think of, right next to people listing the fact that they've led a WoW raid group as a sign of how great a worker they are — yes, I've seen that multiple times, and if that's you, please stop.

>> No.22918001

Alright, I'm retarded despite the half-baked PhD. Second half of >>22917979 was for >>22917970.

>> No.22918011

yes, good little schoolboy, a pat for your schoolboy's hat!! your good grades and good little PhD will look marvelous I'm sure on that list of brilliantly mundane achievements you call your CV when you go applying to KFCs statewide. but since we're talking about writing here, and not food prep, that little slip of overpriced card won't go far. unless it's a PhD in lying, in which case you might have an advantage over every other overeducated man who thinks he can write.

>> No.22918033

The PhD is in physics, so I can expect a bare minimum of codemonkey status when (if) I graduate. That is unless premature failure leads me the janitorial route.

I can understand some arguments against the idea of being overeducated: being over-inflated, big-headed, etc. But to me writing is the escape from everything I've been educated in the last seven years. If you're astute and a real &amp lover you might pick up on how I feel about my place in the underpaid stratum of academia, but what's your argument against what I've been saying? Is this about &amp or is it just your grievance with higher education?

>> No.22918042

you write like you've had penis and sperm in your mouth before lmao. what a little faggot you are

>> No.22918071

you may be the exception (you seem more self-aware than the others in this thread) but the more schooling someone has, the less imagination. It turns out blockheads who think in terms of rightness and wrongness--rule following little bum kissers who beg for validation from editors and their close-knit hugbox of choice. They generally aren't capable of appreciating anything outside of their tiny, limpdicked experience, and despite their complete lack of intelligence, they often consider themselves the voice of reason on every subject. pitiful little worms with no vocabulary. here's one now to prove my point >>22918042

>> No.22918084

So, in the context of &amp, are you saying it should be taken seriously or not? You're making a vague point about not taking editorial success seriously, but this argument tracks back to whether someone should or shouldn't slap &amp on their CV. The status of &amp has screamed "hugbox" for a while.

And you do sound like a cocksucker, so keep an open mind about other anons.

>> No.22918097

I have never seen such condensed seethe and irony.
Yes anon, those idiots who have dedicated themselves to expanding our circle of knowledge are so dumb compared to you. They spend their time being a valuable asset to those around them instead of disassociating from their fast food job into a world of pure imagination. Those mouth breathers probably don't even know all the words you do!

>> No.22918108

You should learn more humility if you want a real answer. I have no obligation to cast my pearls before maggots

>> No.22918457
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>by using the mag as an avenue to act like a powerhungry lunatic.
AI says this is based

>> No.22918522

No thanks, I will simply list my story as published in &amp. It is only one of many after all. No need to lie, but don't be ashamed of local scenes either.

>> No.22918667

>non sequitur
Damn this bitch just gave up.

>> No.22918677

Under the Influencer
--Publish it you fucking monkeys. It's not up for debate.

>> No.22918696

Meaningless Satements
--Have some standards you desperate apes

>> No.22918720

Bump. Any insights? Though it seems that your issue is the opposite, with too few submissions.

>> No.22918730

Are there any small-time authors you like? Instead of having a broad call for submissions you could ask people directly and offer a commission.

>> No.22918745


>> No.22919718

give a hint of how to find this blog

>> No.22919966

Heteronymic, Buckley and RhymeAndGrind were the main culprits and were behind the facepost of Ari and the cum edit of Atlas. They were fuelling the whole drama in order to draw attention to their magazine, but they seem to have dropped off the face of the earth now.

>> No.22919968

this is all so wrong.

>> No.22920002

Rhymeandgrind is a literal walmart bagger. Despite years of groveling on the server for 'critique' on his lifeless, pointless prose, he still couldn't even write the nutritional information on a can of baked beans.This is the class of people who derail here, and their motive is malice driven by jealousy.

>> No.22920832
File: 107 KB, 324x302, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet look at what he was able to accomplish by just fucking around
maybe you're right...for now, Rhyme isn't a pure novelist or fiction writer...
but he is someone who has repeatedly shown that he is capable of creating an environment, a playground for creatives, to come together to produce something...anything.

>> No.22920837

he didn't create jack shit

>> No.22920846

that's not true and you know it

>> No.22920959

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.22920985

I'm not generally one for the unsolicited bashing of Unreal, but nigga, it's a Discord. Anyone can make a discord in 3 clicks. I get it, you appreciate that he liked your book, but lets not defend someone who accomplished that Herculean task of clicking his mouse three times wish such fervor, especially when he followed that up by doxing members of our community. Any praise you can throw his way is immediately asterix'd by the fact that he was, and likely still is, a spiteful manchild.

>> No.22920994

Fuck off RJC

>> No.22921035

What a dumb as shit take. You can't commend Rhyme on "creating a playground for creatives" when his only real contribution is doxing people he doesn't like. Ari did nothing wrong and neither did Atlas and you know that.
I'm hoping you're not actually MNMDR because I did like Behead all Satans and because holy fuck what a stupid opinion.

>> No.22921050

mnmdr wouldn't make such a groveling post, especially not about someone as completely devoid of talent and skill as that ugly nigger rhyme

>> No.22921057


Whoever that was is far less narcissistic and a far better writer than I. Haha

>> No.22921063
File: 200 KB, 1024x1024, crabz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Rhyme finna get fucked up lol

>> No.22921081

We need to have a competition to see who is the biggest narcissist on /lit/, I, naturally, would win this. Piss of RJC, you barely sniff your own farts.

>> No.22921087

Kiss my arse, my wife loves me and I love myself. I sucked my own dick this arvo.

>> No.22921111


RJC has always stood for "Resurrected Jesus Christ." My mother's name was Mary and my last name is Cross. I am the second coming. I am Him.

>> No.22921123

not even the messiah would have the gall to try and sell that guff for $15.

>> No.22921125
File: 216 KB, 1024x1024, ummmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my wife loves me and I love myself.
AI drew you as gender ambiguous with that prompt.

>> No.22921126

BTW, Shards got its first 4-star review on Goodreads. I hope there are more. Then maybe the /lit/ community can move past thinking Hartley and I paid everyone off for reviews. Haha

>> No.22921129
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, rjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Holy fxxking SHIT you made a sick prompt. I'm jelly.

>> No.22921131

stop replying to me, you parasite.

>> No.22921140

I need to find a way to get a new account on GoodReads or get unbanned, so I can add my 2 current books and my 3rd when it comes out soon. Someone trolled me and added all these gay books to my author name and I can't even login and fix it. Kind of crazy that GoodReads hands out LIFETIME bans if you insult a book like 50 Shades of Grey by writing a negative review of it and call out how a man with money has permission to do things to and with women that would put a poor man in jail for the same thing. Admins did NOT like that.

>> No.22921144
File: 158 KB, 1024x1024, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22921163
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Cool, cool. What are you using? I have an RTX-30 Series with 8GB VRAM and I use Stable Diffusion natively sometimes. Here's Alan Moore by Andy Warhol.

>> No.22921169


That's it, that's what I use

>> No.22921171

Jason, you are fraud. We've seen your reddit and know the truth about you. You are not counterculture. You are a conformist who couldn't make it.

>> No.22921176

>Atlas did nothing wrong
lol. lmao even.

>> No.22921178

Come on bro, he wrote about going to nightclubs in Vancouver! There's nothing edgier than that.

>> No.22921192


I wish I could add myself to all of my publications. I've been published in several journals but the only person they credit is the fucking editor.

Yeah, people aren't fans of being called out for their hypocrisy. It's best sometimes to just bite your tongue. I'm guilty of doing the opposite too. As is evident in some of these threads. Two or three cocksuckers who have only read what I wrote in &amp want to say I don't know how to write. Well, I wouldn't have been nominated for a Pushcart or been a finalist for a competition put on by The Kennedy Center if I didn't know how to write. And I did both of those things without including PC bullshit in my writing. I appreciate solid feedback and opinions. Being a fuckface and saying "welp, he wrote something that confused me and wasn't a straight bullshit plot so he has proven he's a shitty writer all together" is tantamount to reading Leviticus and saying "well, the rest of The Bible is shit."

Kindly eat my ass.

Love, RJC.

>> No.22921198


Oh nice. I should get on it. There are a lot more tools now. Can't wait for the future. Be able to watch movies that they never made and stuff. Technology rules. Haha

>> No.22921203

you're a shitty writer because you can't write a plot and fall back on tropes. It's why in 2023 you hacked out and wrote about a vietnam vet while cribbing the multimedia gimmic from house of leaves. Transparent faggot, you should write on saran wrap.

>> No.22921207

I have yet to meet an AI enthusiast that wasn't an obvious idiot. Thank you, Jason Bryan, for further cementing my prejudices.

>> No.22921208
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_00001464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it is actually more fun to embrace the narcissism and just keep writing. The less money I make and the more writing I survive to do, the more I win!

Lots of successful people who are miserable despite their success, but if you can be happy while being a total failure and STILL put out work, the crabs could not seethe and cope any harder that, somehow, in some weird twist of fate, you're persevering. Seeing all of the other writers here get relentlessly attacked is just more motivation to finish my 3rd book. So close now. Just need to do a few last edits. Big theme of the book is the main character just accepting his fate and how he has no power, but that doesn't stop him from having a good time in whatever way(s) he can.

>> No.22921221

>hedonist tripe
you're a faggot, and no amount of crying 'crab' will change that fact

>> No.22921237
File: 57 KB, 1203x282, IMG_5892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I make plenty of money teaching. "Those who can't do, teach." Love that quote. But I do write and I do get published and I do move copies of my work. Shards was #16,000 out of all the books on Amazon for a day. That was pretty cool seeing as there are millions of books.

Wish you nothing but success with your 3rd book. My second should be out, hopefully, on Halloween this year. I want the make October 31st the day I drop all of my books. I don't write horror or anything, I'm just mildly autistic when it comes to patterns. Haha

>> No.22921238

With 4chan X you can filter by image dimensions and save yourself from his most low-effort posts. Somebody should compile the MD5s of his actual photos then he could be filtered almost completely. For a while you could do it based on filename because all he posted were those apartment image gens with names like sicklove3.jpg.

Dude is a broken record who posts almost the exact same shit across different threads too. It's almost fucking spooky seeing him have multiple "conversations" across the board that all follow the same pattern. I'm surprised he hasn't lost himself to a loop of talking to a chatbot on his phone.

>> No.22921244

16,000 is not a good BSR rank. You're an idiot.

>> No.22921296
File: 117 KB, 277x280, 1683353437999464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the first reply you got was shitting on your BSR rank, haha! Celebrate all of your little victories RJC, it is all we got in this extremely fucked up world.

It is awesome seeing my fellow masochists hanging around this place where there is more discussion calling us every name under the sun than any of the characters, chapters, situations, or themes we've written about. I've converted my mind to be fueled on this hate, and, here I am, Sunday afternoon getting powered up so I can push through the blahs and finish book 3.

Finishing a book has a big downside for me, because while I'm super proud to have another one of my brain-generated works out in the world, I know it won't make more money in a year than a single part-time McDonald's shift. Accepting that fact is actually what allows me to keep writing, because I set the bar so low that I'm never disappointed again. I have another payment coming from the porn business tomorrow of $291 USD and I haven't even worked on promoting that porn for longer than I can remember, so even porn I've forgotten about with a watermark I can't even remember the URL it is sending people to is out in the world making a greater impact and financial benefit to me than the art I put my heart and soul into, only to be completely overlooked by all but about 2-3 people on this planet that do like my writing.

One of my fans sent me nearly $500 last year in support money in exchange for early chapters of my 3rd book, their only demand is that I put them in each book as a minor character, a fair trade for sure.

>> No.22921321


Passive income, brother. It's the American way. Some of us get lucky and end up getting dividends back from the years of backbreaking servitude. Some of us have rich parents who set up a trust fund. Some of us die chasing our way out of poverty. At this juncture, I'm still trying to escape poverty. I'm getting there. I grew up on welfare, food stamps, and government cheese. I could do it again if push came to shove but my wife and step-kid couldn't so a lot of what I do is for them.

Wish I had a fan to pay me money to write them into a book. Haha

>> No.22921326

>my wife's son
a literal cuckold as well as a spiritual one.

>> No.22921340


Yeah, I heard all of those jokes when I started dating her. Hilarious. I had a stepdad. I don't see the harm. Consider yourself lucky for having non-absentee parents and move along.

>> No.22921425

you're so dull i get the taste of carpet lint in my mouth every time I read one of your replies

>> No.22921434


I'm not trying to entertain you. I'm telling you to fuck off. So I guess it's working. ;-)

>> No.22921446

not being entertaining is a pretty lethal flaw in this game
also you're a cuck

>> No.22921451
File: 431 KB, 999x954, 1703156458211363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a man of honour, and I salute you. Women are much more horrid than they were only 10 years ago, if you can find one that you can stand to even be around, you're winning!

Holy fuck I had to drive around a ton of strippers last week for hours, if you only knew the insane shit they were blabbering about, my mind almost melted.

I used to have more fans but during COVID, I went around telling everyone I know who took the vaxx to fuck off, so that was like 90% of the people I knew. One of my other fans who I told to fuck off, she knitted me a wool cap I used to wear.

People will attack anyone who tries to have a whole family, everyone wants company in their childlessness or broken family misery. They are crabs because the only thing in the bucket with them- are more crabs.

>> No.22921457

>during COVID, I went around telling everyone I know who took the vaxx to fuck off,
no you didn't. you cried on reddit about wanting to take the vax
duplicitous snake-tongued loser faggot

>> No.22921458
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, awwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crabs walk low to the ground, no wonder you got the taste of lint!

>> No.22921465

i mistook the carpet for your wife's cunt

>> No.22921479
File: 1.54 MB, 480x264, 1689611693837329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you two writing next?

>> No.22921498

your obit, you braindead fag

>> No.22921627

Wrong. Ari was the one who doxed Atlas and did the cum edit.

>> No.22921637
File: 89 KB, 1024x1024, dayoftherake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day of the Rake will be my 3rd novel, it is about the AI and medically assisted death. I've heard that medically assisted death in Canada is now our 5th leading cause. Not 100% sure on that though.

>> No.22921642

reminder that Jason wanted to get the vax

>> No.22921647

Not even close to true. Ari met this girl IRL, he knew a fuck of a lot more about her than a single photo she had on her Twitter account. Hell, we didn't even know her name until Ryan released that last month.
Ari doxing her just makes zero sense.

>> No.22921672

Would one of you autists please commit to writing a short essay recapping the personal love history between these two since apparently to post on /lit/ you need to have a thorough understanding of two people and their private lives. I'm serious too. Someone write a little story before I ask G. Farmer to come up with his best guess.

>> No.22921696

See >>22717664 in the archive.

>> No.22921714

those tripfag posts are fake as shit and obviously someone doing a bit

>> No.22921717

I wish.

>> No.22921719

omg im p osting so f ast that im split ting words eve n though autocorrect wo uld Imm ediately correct that!!!! I'M SO INSAAAANE SAVE ME DOXMAN

>> No.22921738

Not everyone is a phoneposter.

>> No.22921747
File: 649 KB, 727x727, 1623191781166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he types with autocorrect on

>> No.22921989
File: 726 KB, 498x498, 1692849672076435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everyone is a schizo.
(just most)

>> No.22922268
File: 284 KB, 1128x876, can't snipe the vipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else notice that Ryan is kind of like an unsuccessful Viper? And unlike Ryan, Viper is innocent.

>> No.22922333
File: 198 KB, 1284x1456, IMG_6338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Next book should be out on Halloween. I'm doing research on it now.

It was originally going to be about New York. I realized very quickly that it would be painstaking because the last time I was in New York was 1993 and I didn't want to travel there for research. Instead, it'll be about Vegas again. I was just there last month and saw some beautiful, terrifying, heartwarming, and heartbreaking things. I would write about Hollywood, where I grew up, or San Diego, where I live now, but I don't like writing shit that's too "autobiographical," and of course San Diego is actually a pretty fucking boring place. Vegas falls into the "high highs and lows lows" type of setting that I can pull some good material out of. I'm going to be there in April too for Spring Break. More research.

The book is going to have one character weaving in and out of Vegas history. From it's inception to today. I haven't really decided how that's going to happen. I'm leaning towards discussions with ghosts or something. We'll see.

It's called Impyreum.

Look for it from Lamp Standard Press in October.

>> No.22922405

Why not just an immortal hobo

>> No.22922412


That's a neat idea. Like "The Man from Earth" meets Skid Row. I'll consider it.

>> No.22922438

Why are you so obsessed with hating Ryan? Find something better to do

>> No.22922724

why did scoreanon fail us? I have a feeling scoreanon was always schizo cantos anon.

>> No.22922741

Dude you must make sure you walk around the hotel casino floors from like 3 AM-5 AM to see the most lonely boomers of all time. I dare you. This is a must-do in Vegas.

>> No.22922772

I did, and I was.
I have a lot going on away from the computer at the moment, the &amp drama is tiresome to interact with even in a tangential way, and the formatting on this issue made it more of a chore than a leisure to read.
I greatly enjoyed participating in 016-018, and even sent in submissions last August for 019. Then drama ensued, every /lit/ thread was an unapproachable shitpile, the &amp server vanished off my server list, and I didn't go looking for it again. Right now I'm not really inclined to put more effort into a project and community that may well just explode again at any moment. I certainly won't go trying to re-ingratiate myself if the person who replied to me last thread was actually Ryan and not just a shitposter.

>> No.22922990

I understand. There was a lot of comradery around the &amp community that felt sour after the dramas that went on. It is a shame not to have you!

>> No.22923008


>> No.22923306

>Lamp Standard Press
you've learned nothing then.

>> No.22923407

wife kissed my arse this arvo. it was her last kiss. an exploding can of whipped cream turned her head to gravel. I'll miss my wife. she loved my writing and I miss her. ooh hoo hoo....

>> No.22923701

I still need to read SK. I will keep an eye out for your next.
Please tell me this is a tentative title and you aren't having two novel titles that sound exactly like another title. But good luck anyways. I wish I knew more about where I lived but I just don't.

>> No.22924374


Learned plenty. Small presses are easier to deal with and I write whatever I want.


I can name my book The Bible if I want. It was originally Empyreum but I like the 'I' better than the 'E'. There are more books titled Shards than just Bret Easton Ellis'.

>> No.22924392

You're a tree stump. Know how else to write what you want? Self-publish, you fucking buckethead. All of the hours you spent sucking crackhead's dick could have been spent on marketing. Any KDP published work can easily break 100k BSR by buying a single ad (since apparently that's your only metric for success).
You're a fool and a coward at every step and the fact you continue to go along with crackhead's paperthin charade just proves how absolutely devoid of substance you are. You don't deserve even a small readership because you have no balls or brain.

>> No.22924400

>Small presses are easier to deal with
How would you know, considering that you've never been published by one? Lamp Standard Press is a KDP scam run by a drug-addled grifter, not a legitimate small press.

>I can name my book The Bible if I want.
Unchecked narcissism.

>> No.22924516

>Unchecked narcissism.
You mean... freakin' based?!

>> No.22924553

a fatal lack of intelligence. fatal.
no wonder he can't even come up with an original title

>> No.22924576

NTA but, buy an ad where? I use amazon ads and the success rate is dismal.

>> No.22924593

what is your definition of 'success rate'?
ads directly lead to sales and raises your BSR

>> No.22924612

>what is your definition of 'success rate'?
Pages read per click. Those clicks get expensive for a couple hundred pages read per month (if that).

>> No.22924622

I don't disagree with you, but the point was that it still does 10000% more for your initial exposure than teaming up with a rapist drug addict from Vancouver.
What other marketing strategies do you employ?

>> No.22924641

Stop defaming Ryan. He's a great guy and he would never rape anyone.

>> No.22924662

>accessory to murder
>gang stalker
>drug dealer
und so weiter. . . .

>> No.22924726

>What other marketing strategies do you employ?
I have short stories posted on literotica which are well received but there doesn't seem to be much overspill to the books on kdp. I'm not much of a self-promoter, I guess.

>> No.22924812

Still no proof he's a rapist.

>> No.22924831

Your splitting hairs does nothing to restore Ryan's tarnished reputation, nor does it prove any kind of point other than your continued willingness to suck his dick dry for no benefit. Fool.

>> No.22924892

Fuck off Ari

>> No.22924934
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, sickprompt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you continue to go along with crackhead's paperthin charade
Sick prompt bruh

>> No.22925044

I'm not your bogeyman of the week so don't bother

>> No.22925242

Ari had until the end of 2023 to finish it and didn't, so the main &amp editor is taking over the project now. Should be out soon

>> No.22925285


>> No.22925290

hetch really is important to a lego humanoid

>> No.22925296

dollop of technical foreplay; windex

>> No.22925299

algae in arkansas that ' s a lot of money for smoke

>> No.22925308

my boxter ran out of vegetable oil and I parked it in a pit of white chalk

>> No.22925317

lego corporation is warping you in less than a minute for imitating something junie does

>> No.22925320

but my boxter.

>> No.22925328

lol faggot you aren ' t using those letters jej all faggot imitating a lego humanoid magazine is getting warped &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&legocorporation

>> No.22925331

austin evan schumacher bbc lego corporation ceo married an author

>> No.22925333

a fingerless nutbanger crackhore gave him digestive disorder and he can't swallow his advil

>> No.22925335

new ujenics study is starting

>> No.22925342

we lost the cat to cosmic syphileese; head buried in larder for future study; do not open til Christmas

>> No.22925373

I’m really hoping the Best Of drops soon and we continue this momentum

>> No.22925378


The momentum is really going to go nuclear once my shout-out to &amp and Lamp Standard Press gets published in a pretty prestigious book review journal this year. ;-)

>> No.22925508

Where the fuck did this schizo come from?

>> No.22925564

It’s Atlas. She’s gone off of the deep end.

>> No.22925599


Also, my landlord's son just let me know that he bought two copies of Shards and put them in the work library at his job, he works at a huge pharmaceutical company, and both copies have been checked out. ;-)

>> No.22925604

Holy fuck, are you a rentoid at your age?

>> No.22925624


I'm in Education. I'd you really think I could buy a home in San Diego, CA on a teacher's salary then you're dumber than me.

>> No.22925625

why dont you adopt him too

>> No.22925636

Buying property wasn't something that my generation seemed to want to do, it only became such a big deal once the mass immigration floodgates opened.

>> No.22925645

The fuck are you investing in if not property? You look to be in your early fifties and you haven't even achieved a mortgage yet? You've got 20 years on me and I'm already down to five digits on my half million dollar mortgage. Did you spend the 2000's in prison or something? What is your excuse?

So you saved nothing in that time? Really?
And lets not pretend that CA being full to bursting with immigrants is something recent.

>> No.22925712

I've always been able to make a ton of money easily, so I never saved. Only since COVID has life been on a harder difficulty setting. The AI is bringing new opportunities though, and 2024 is looking up.

>> No.22925740


I'm 38. My parents died when I was a kid and we lived on welfare and food stamps. My family lived in HUD housing which was a variety of shitty apartments off of Hollywood Boulevard. I never lived in a house and we didn't own a car. I'm a product of my childhood and I didn't have parents around to steer me in the direction of homeownership or any of that. I JUST bought a new car a few months ago for the first time. I used to just drive $900 shit heaps until I met my wife and decided I needed to get my shit together. We live in a three bedroom, two bathroom house. It's the first house I've rented. I have only ever rented apartments and/or rooms. So, long story short, I am still working through the trauma of my childhood and the current state of the economy and my job as a teacher isn't helping me any.

>> No.22925763

These sound like excuses to me.
I'm sorry that your parents died, but this isn't a Disney channel special. Real people don't need expertly backlit role models to swoop in and keep them from pissing away their most productive years on god knows what. You're not a product of your childhood, you're a product of your response to your childhood, and that response has led you to pissing away your free time on pretending to be an author in an attempt to soothe your broken sense of self. Focus that energy on your mulatto. Pick up a couple shifts at the local Bestbuy and buy him a nice gaming PC. Will be a far better use of your time and energy.

>> No.22925776
File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, bbbased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pissing away your free time on pretending to be an author in an attempt to soothe your broken sense of self
Hoooooly sick prompt!

>> No.22925777


Lol you wouldn't know. Not a lot of people do. And my stepkid is whiter than me. You're funny though.

>> No.22925805

You can be upset about my take all you want, but your wife's son is unlikely to give a fuck about your life's story when it's being used as an excuse as to why he didn't get a PS5 for Christmas.
RJC, I don't mean to be rude, but your life is over. You lost. You'll never be a real artist. You'll never own a home. The best thing you will ever be is a father figure to this kid that is totally whiter than you. Don't piss that away too.

>> No.22925855


Haha. His real dad buys him the PS5. I gave him my old XBOX ONE when I bought my Series X. And I built him a gaming PC for Christmas last year.

>> No.22925862

You're so concerned with defending your ego that you miss the forest for the trees.

>> No.22925872

You are a splitting image of Jason Bryan. It's uncanny. That flustered defensiveness is exactly how he responded when I brought up his failures as a father.
>L-look! I got them some hamster maze pieces! It's okay because their mom bought them each an IPhone 15 Pro Max. And I got them something great last year anyways

>> No.22925898
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, crabspray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dude you got a baaaaad case!

>> No.22925967


I'm not defending anything. Simply clarifying. I've dealt with enough teenagers during my tenure teaching that I can tell when I'm being baited. You can't just make things up about my life. You can ask and I'll answer, may even give you an anecdote or two, but you I won't stand idly by while you say my kid isn't white or that I don't provide him with video games and such. As I've said before, I was raised by my stepdad. Named after him even. He was Robert James Phillips Jr. and my mom thought it would be cool to name me after him. He was a good guy for the most part. He was just never really around. And then he died. I see my kid everyday and I tuck him in everyday and I let him know that I give a shit about him everyday. My dad would have done the same if he wasn't a drug addict. I made my peace with that. I'm going to provide a better life for my kid. I get along fine with his birth father. I wouldn't call us friends but if he needed me to do anything for him then I'd be there to help as best I could. I'm sure you have or had a regular nuclear family and you pass judgement on those who didn't. Well, it wasn't my fault I didn't have your upbringing. It was my parents. The best I can do is not make the same mistakes. Since I've been sober for over 10 years I can say that the cycle will not continue will me.

Now go buy Shards and fuck off. ;-)

>> No.22925998

I don't know if you're telling the truth or not. You seem desperate for my approval and would probably be willing to lie for it, but I'll be nice and assume you aren't. Buy your kid a copy of Dragon's Dogma for me. Let him develop some taste in his formative years.
>The best I can do is not make the same mistakes.
Whether you accept it or not, this is the source of your failure. I don't know where you got the notion that the bare minimum expected of you is to not be a dead addict, but you're wrong. You have a kid to look after now. Buckle down, save your money and grab a second job. Quit the author larp and grow up.

>> No.22926103
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These threads are utterly toxic, why are we still doing them?

>> No.22926105
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>You have a kid to look after now. Buckle down, save your money and grab a second job. Quit the author larp and grow up.
Damn... seems like quitting the author larp is something satan is cool with!

>> No.22926200

>mountains of trauma
>flatly denies any possibility he might be a narcissist

>> No.22926232
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Wow... great prompt!

>> No.22926438

i dont know how someone who takes such little responsibility for their flaws could be a good dad
but anyhow, good luck on raising that black baby

>> No.22927018


>> No.22927884

you suck and your channel sucks

>> No.22927928
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>> No.22927939

Fuck off, you smarmy lisping faggot.

>> No.22927949

tooky is an asskissing sycophant nigger shoe shiner who remarkably has less talent than even the dull halfwits he gnoshes off on a daily basis

>> No.22927975
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>> No.22928008

At least there is someone discussing what /lit/ writes now that Unreal doesn't.

>> No.22928010

tooky is unreal.
whats the matter, is the rat scurrying off the sinking sink at last?

>> No.22928013

aggregate dishwater tablets
I left my car in drive and the battery

>> No.22928026

pointless snowstorm gave me free cable
I washed my cylinder with dishwater

>> No.22928032

I was referring to the Unreal podcast, my bad.

>> No.22928039

I was willing to give it a chance but a mealy-mouthed smug man bragging about stealing ideas wasn't really my jam

>> No.22928088

Gabe is the Karl Pilkington/Jim Norton of the show, a beloved secret sauce that episodes feel empty without. But I am currently 30 minutes in and I have to give major praise to the boys here. By the way, the visual element with the website and Cap tracking along was a nice touch. This is a good lil topic and much more interesting than originally seemed goes to what you said Tooky that it's great to just pick up and actually use ideas instead of just shrugging at them and moving on. Seriously this is a great ep and actually I like the shorter run time I have to say much like the Man's World article, I would say these two been my favourite eps so far. It's funny cause when it's a review of something and the episode is 3+ hours I'm pleased cause I definitely am a fan of autistic micro analysis but the relief I feel when cruising through a 40 min one shot with the niggas is palpable and speaks for itself. I give 5/5 for this. Professionally executed!

>> No.22928145

the graphics were annoying as shit

>> No.22928171
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>Gabe is the Karl Pilkington/Jim Norton of the show, a beloved secret sauce that episodes feel empty without. But I am currently 30 minutes in and I have to give major praise to the boys here. By the way, the visual element with the website and Cap tracking along was a nice touch. This is a good lil topic and much more interesting than originally seemed goes to what you said Tooky that it's great to just pick up and actually use ideas instead of just shrugging at them and moving on. Seriously this is a great ep and actually I like the shorter run time I have to say much like the Man's World article, I would say these two been my favourite eps so far. It's funny cause when it's a review of something and the episode is 3+ hours I'm pleased cause I definitely am a fan of autistic micro analysis but the relief I feel when cruising through a 40 min one shot with the niggas is palpable and speaks for itself. I give 5/5 for this. Professionally executed!

>> No.22928321
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>aggregate dishwater tablets
>I left my car in drive and the battery

>> No.22928581
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I believe I actually said that anything you perceive to narcissism is most likely a survival mechanism I developed because of said trauma. I'm not denying that I think highly of myself or that I talk about myself a lot. I never really had a family around who could do it for me.


I'm not larping as an author. I have an MFA in Fiction, I've been nominated for literary awards, I've almost won a few competitions, I've been published in publications that published DFW, Malcolm X, and Joyce Carol Oates. I've watched almost every one of my fellow graduates and my professors dip their toes in "presses" that use KDP or the like. It's not a scam. I'm sure that the big three outsource their printing to China or Taiwan or some other shit. There's not a printing press at the corporate headquarters of Penguin or Doubleday. At least KDP prints in Las Vegas. The accusation that I'm lazy can be explained as: I don't have the time to suck off anyone in the publishing world because I already have two jobs (three if you count being a parent) and I would rather spend my time writing. So far I've sold more copies of Shards than I ever thought I would. I honestly thought I'd sell maybe...10 or 15. Haha

>> No.22928631

yeah but the key factor here is that you can't write
the rest is just redundant mein neger

>> No.22928680

Fuck off. Don't you have anything better to do, like sucking off your crackhead master?

>> No.22928712
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>> No.22928720

Everything that comes out of your mouth is drenched in loser stink. The qualification of an author is not an MFA, it's writing something of worth. Maybe try it sometime instead of making endless excuses.

>> No.22928803

RJC, You don't seem like a bad guy so I'll hand you a little professional advice: do not look at your Shard sales as any kind of success.
I don't mean to put you down with that. I'm not suggesting that you should've pulled in 100x the sales by now and I'm not trying to shame you into quitting. I just want you to understand that you've wandered into what is essentially an organic version of a Mikkelsen Twins style boost group. This brand of networking may feel effective, but in reality it's not earning you any real readers. You will be given your inorganic reviews, sales and attention, but in turn, you will be expected to provide for the group in the same manner.
You need to understand that your numbers are far from special. Everything that is released on /lit/ immediately sells into the low triple digits, at which point it will wallow there for eternity, something that most of our authors seem to be content with as they seem more concerned with attention than recognition.

If what you say about your academic accomplishments are true then you are setting your sights far too low. That's not something I say to shit on Hartley, as it is, he seems to be the only person in this sewer looking for an escape route, as shaky as his attempts have been thus far. I say that as an admonishment of you, but also as a compliment. You've put the leg work in. The hard part is over. You've played the game properly up till now. Don't go looking for shortcuts.

>> No.22928854
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>Everything that comes out of your mouth is drenched in loser stink.
Do better.

>> No.22928877

Finally, a good post.

>> No.22928879

>Don't go looking for shortcuts.
It's too late for that. I gave him the same advice before he cucked out to Lamp Shitwipe Press the first time and he ignored it because he's lazy and has no fire in him. Now he's talking about going with this fake publishing racket again. Some people were just born to fail. You can tell from the way he speaks around shit that he wasn't made for this. The dumb cuck could walk through a rainstorm without getting wet.

>> No.22928913
File: 339 KB, 1024x1024, sinkorswim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't go looking for shortcuts.
This is the most fucking gay advice I have ever fucking seen.

OF COURSE look for shortcuts. Have you met people who actually become creative writing teachers? Have you been to writer's fests? Everyone there is all about being as nepotistic as possible "it was my turn!" mentality. This is evidenced by the fact that everyone conforms to whatever they need to conform to in order to not stick out. This is why wokeness is such a conveyor belt to public awareness, because if you follow "current thing" then the system gives you the permits to gain the attention you need to proceed in your career. If you scream "X thing is total BS" from the rooftops, no matter how right you are, the system will absolutely punish you and drop you down to as low of a level as you can withstand. There is no resisting the system; there is enduring the punitive damages you'll receive if you do not go along with the program.

Looking for shortcuts is how strength is gained, looking for shortcuts is how cunning is utilized, looking for shortcuts is the basis for every rom-com and adventure film ever made. There is a reason why in "The Big Lebowski" that The Dude is some guy who burns his balls by dropping the cherry of his joint, and not some straight edge accountant from Richmond B.C. named Edward Kwok.

The thing is, we /lit/izens, many of us are afraid to actually embrace who we are as people. There are only an elite few, the Ryans, the Gardners, the RJCs, the Nesmers and the Woolstons, these are the people who actually make up this board, not the crabs that are trying to give the most parachutist advice possible. You either aim to jump from the airplane and see what comes may, or you're hoping for a gentle landing in life, which never produces any heros.

>> No.22928932

Jason, you're a drug addict deadbeat father living in a government subsidized janitor closet. Keep your advice to yourself.

>> No.22928939

And you're a nobody crab with no books, no adventures, no ridiculous photographs to share. You're low adventure, dare I say, you're a bottom-dwelling crab?

Even kill yourself guy has more style than you, You exist like the clear fluid in a specimen jar, the only reason you even have a purpose to be here is because of us. I actually enjoy how you work as the ether to keep us all together, like gravity. It is almost like you exist to keep us motivated to write. Thanks bruh! 3rd book is about to drop in a couple of weeks, I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to market it.

>> No.22928953

I'd rather have the most vicious trolls than read another Jason post. Having them both together is a migraine I don't need.
Can we make a deal? I excommunicate Jason in the most public way possible and you leave us alone. Capiche? Deal? You hate him more than I do. Come on guys. Lets team up for once.

>> No.22928959 [DELETED] 
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Cry harder bitch

>> No.22928961
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Cry harder bitch

>> No.22928997

Fine. I don't need a formal agreement signed in troll blood.
Your entire shtick is pisswater rung out of a homeless sock.
>Oh bloobloobloo the gobernment won't help me! They gib all the browns and woman all the money!
I know better than most what happens is Vancouver's slums. I've been there. I know what the alleys off East Hastings are like and I know the type of people that fill them. They all have same glib gibmedat attitude that forms your hollow, put-upon persona, and they're all scum the same as you.
When was the last time you paid any taxes Jason? I know for a fact that you make under $15k a year so you get all your taxes back, so I'll ask it this way, when was the last time you made over $15k? How long have you been sponging off people like me while crying that it's not enough? How much are you paying for that bare brick room and how much would it be if I wasn't footing the bill?
Stop shitting up my threads and get a real job you sack of waste.

>> No.22929136
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My brother, if you are who I think you are, I am in ascent, and when I reach a better place, I want to fun your next adventure.

2023 was the big COVID "hangover" year.

2024 is the year where /lit/izens are validated.

>> No.22929167

I don't give a fuck what you want to do for me. You can't even support yourself. You're of no worth me. Get the fuck out of my thread and stay gone. How many different ways do you want me to say it?

>> No.22929502

>I believe I actually said that anything you perceive to narcissism is most likely a survival mechanism

Narcissism IS a survival mechanism caused by trauma, idiot. The fact that you're pontificating like this when you clearly know nothing reflects your narcissism.

>Have hardly any inherent self-worth because of your trauma
>draw some self-value from other peoples' recognition of your achievements
>Hyperfixate on controlling their perception to continue drawing worth, and in fear of them criticising in a way that pokes at unhealed trauma

AS FUCKING IFFFF you just tried to spin my comment into "actually it's not what you're saying, it's actually this really clever thing I've thought of because I'm smarter than everyone."

You. Are. A. Narcissist. It is so utterly plain to see every time you write. Everyone who has encountered you who knows enough to make the call has said it. Go ahead and squirm out of it again, give us some other "well actschually" reason why you're not actually what we say you are. I need a good laugh anyway.

Get some therapy, faggot.

>> No.22929514

>Some guy talking about getting banned on goodreads
>RJC's response is all about himself.

>> No.22929613

>My brother, if you are who I think you are
Who's that?

>> No.22929833

I wish you'd jump from a plane or even just a high rooftop.

>> No.22929866

my wife kicked me out the house again ooh hoo hoo
she found me cheeky bum mags
my arse is kissed this arvo

>> No.22929981

NTA but sign me up.
Honestly, I dont even know what anons expect of /lit/ writers.

>> No.22929992

don't fall for Jason's lies
he'll have you hogtied, gaping and violated before you can finish your first mickeyed beer

>> No.22929994

There's thread for that in the Goodreads Librarian Group, where you ask to have contributions added/bibliographic details fixed.

>> No.22930026

Goodreads has useful, non-obvious features? Anything else worth knowing about?

>> No.22930035

>hotshot writer RJC is such a hotshot that he didn't even bother to check the FAQ on GoodReads
This is the loser mentality that spurs 99% of the human race toward their inevitable fate of total mediocrity

>> No.22930214

What are you trying to say!?

>> No.22930257
File: 278 KB, 1024x1024, sickprompt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the loser mentality that spurs 99% of the human race toward their inevitable fate of total mediocrity
Damn... sick prompt bro

>> No.22930268

Do you realize that you actively harm discussion more than the trolls at this point? Anytime someone says something remotely interesting you try to milk it with you boring shit.
You don't even know how to use AIs properly either despite months of this bs. Fuck off and die.

>> No.22930274

Cry harder bitch

>> No.22930278

So now that the dust has setled, what's your hope for &amp this year? The magazine, the anthology, the youtube channel, and the press?

>> No.22930298

can one of you discord goblins post some pics of these lamp freaks? i wanna laugh

>> No.22930308

You're talentless and incapable of writing anything remotely witty or interesting so you take a shit on the work of others out of spite. Terrible character.

>> No.22930323

Jason has done nothing but encourage anons writing. Even if he can be overbearing, I've never heard him come out against anything I've written. The most I could say is that he's overly skeptical of traditional publishing, but even so he's not wrong about the mainstream being nauseating.

>> No.22930325

>I dont even know what anons expect of /lit/ writers.
I think there's a key element of the discussion that's getting left out: nobody asked for any of this. The people who peddle books here should recognize they are roughly on terms with people who used to go door-to-door. The most efficient approach is to offer a product which recommends itself, not your resume, and if your pitch fails don't come back the next day and try again.

>> No.22930352

Good point. I will make sure to not peddle books here, I will check my mailbox instead.
>offer a product which recommends itself

>> No.22930355

I just hope there'll be more &amp. God willing 4 issues this year. I hope people continue to submit their stuff and are undaunted by the drama, hate, crabs, etc. Here's to another year of improving the craft and editor not overdosing.

>> No.22930374

Shitting on someone's words by feeding them into the mechanical jaws of a faggot AI that turns it into a trite ugly turd is far more heinous than any of the supposed 'crabbing' he seems so fond of calling out. He is the real crab here and it's no wonder he's so obsessed with that concept. The word projection gets overused on this website but here it actually applies.

>> No.22930376

Jason isn't a menace in the same way that the trolls are. These trolls might be genuinely great additions to &amp's roster if they'd stop being ontologically evil. Some of their writing here is quite good, especially the imitators.
Jason's issue is the fact that he is an active embarrassment on all of us. Imagine for a second that we were a gaggle of trannies instead of aspiring authors, Jason would be that one AGP incel that just wants to set up cameras in the woman's bathroom. He's that bad and I need him gone.

Look forward to it.

>> No.22930701

I wish I could figure out a way to filter out his cancerous posts. His worthless spamming makes these threads unbearable. At this point I just click Hide Post as soon as I see an AI-generated image.

>> No.22931658

So many tears!

>> No.22931673


Much like sucking off people at publishing houses, I also don't have time to read the FAQ on every website I or my books and publications are on. You'd think it'd be more intuitive. I'll look into it though. Sounds promising.


Much like sucking off people at publishing houses and reading every FAQ ever written, I also don't have time to research what is and isn't narcissism according to the ever changing definitions.

When I was a young warthog, narcissism meant you didn't care about anyone but yourself, like at all, now it means that you have a special character limit for when and how you should be anecdotal or pass on the wisdom of the experiences you've been through. I'm wondering why every autobiography doesn't count as narcissism.

And I am currently in therapy. Have been since I was a kid. My parents were both dying of AIDS and they put my brothers and I in government funded therapy to help us cope with the fact that we'd watch them turn into skeletons and wither away. Helped a little. Not enough obviously. I'm doing better than most people I know who still have parents. Whether or not you believe that, as an anonymous nobody, is of no concern to me.

I'd love you to read my book though. I'd love everyone to! I want to answer queries and questions related to my writing and not related to whether or not you believe I'm a narcissist. I have a wife, stepson, two jobs, and not a lot of time to keep responding to you.

>> No.22931731

This dude is oblivious. What a total tree stump.
I'd get more "wisdom" out of a laffy taffy

>> No.22931750

>whether or not you believe I'm a narcissist.
The crabs here are just attacking you at what they perceive is your weak spot, just embrace their insults for you and watch them seethe.

>> No.22931759

go whack yourself off with your crab paste, fucknig one-note broken record
I support my fellow writers -- keyword WRITERS, which is something neither you nor the doddling old man above are.

>> No.22931762

3rd book about to hit the market, cope and seethe.

>> No.22931768

Another tree falling in a deserted wood. You are not a writer. You're a failed father and that's it.

>> No.22931777

Still going to feel great getting my 3rd book out there!

Cope and seethe.

>> No.22931912

>It invites the creation of continuous personalities, which is the real anathema to 4chan-type anonymity.
Fuck off with playing by your fucking stupid rules

>> No.22931982
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All the hate Jason gets is exactly why I want to read his writing in &amp since it's the best place there is right now for saying what you want no holds barred. He's someone who keeps pushing on and creating despite zero support and constant hate. That is what gives him the insight to say something worthwhile that isn't nonstop crabbing. He's someone who knows the highs and the lows, knows how to have a good time, knows how to say something important, and most of all HE FUCKING DOES IT.

Jason should be an &amp regular. Like every fucking issue regular. This place needs some wisdom and it needs as much as it can get. Reading a Jason article in every issue of &amp may too much to hope for, but I do want more.

All this goes for Ryan and RJC too if I'm being frank. Swap the names out and it's the same story. Jason, Ryan and RJC are all too good to be here but they keep trucking on regardless of the hate. These three are whose really making this scene. We have the holy trinity and nobody even knows it (yet).

Honestly Ryan + Jason + RJC interview when?

>> No.22931994

You're a loathsome worm and if I stepped on your head only shit would squirt out of that rotted cavern you call a skull.

>> No.22932025

Yeah ok. Jason + Ryan + RJC and the rest of &amp are above crabs like you. Keep it up you're only proving my point.

>> No.22932036

Ryan is in this thread telling Jason to fuck off. I don't think it's gonna happen.

>> No.22932067

Nah, they're not. They're boring cliche factories spouting predictable lines of dialogue. I win (again).

>> No.22932072

Holy fuck, your defensiveness here is off the charts.

>I also don't have time to read the FAQ on every website I or my books and publications are on.
Yet you conveniently have time to shit up these threads daily and talk about yourself endlessly? Interesting.

>I'm wondering why every autobiography doesn't count as narcissism.
Maybe because an autobiography is a specific project that is marketed towards an audience that is chooses to purchase your book because they are actively interested in reading your life story? There’s a big difference between that and shitting up unrelated threads with tiresome stories about yourself when no one has expressed any interest in you or your “wisdom.”

>When I was a young warthog, narcissism meant you didn't care about anyone but yourself, like at all
That’s not what narcissism has ever meant. If you have no absolutely no empathy or regard for the welfare of others then that’s a much more serious problem, like psychopathy. Fundamentally, narcissism is: “excessive interest in or admiration of oneself.” Narcissists aren’t totally lacking in empathy; they just tend to only care about other people when those people serve to validate their self-image in some way.

You clearly are self-obsessed, and have almost every common trait of narcissism.
>constant name-dropping here and on Discord, mentioning any person you are even tangentially connected to who has any degree of fame or clout
>monopolizing discussions by talking about yourself excessively, seldom expressing genuine interest in the lives or perspectives of others
>constantly bragging about your experiences and exaggerating your accomplishments
>constantly bringing up your tragic backstory in a transparent attempt to play the victim and make other people pity you
>rejecting all criticism outright and denigrating your critics

Even your namefagging and bragging about how you “don’t care about being doxxed” while shitting on your critics for being “anonymous nobodies” is pure narcissism. Your namefagging and faceposting is a transparent attempt to draw attention to yourself and get clout and validation, and it’s in poor taste, given that the entire culture of 4chan is built around anonymity.

But I’m not surprised that you don’t see it. One of the common qualities of narcissists is that
>“They generally lack self-awareness, and will have a difficult time understanding their own traits and narcissistic tendencies.”

>> No.22932076

LOL sure then I'm Ryan too. Are you RJC or do you want to be Jason?

>> No.22932102

>t. Jason
I’m actually embarrassed for you.

>> No.22932244

new thread