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22914707 No.22914707 [Reply] [Original]

Is this billionaire right about philosophy being useless? Why waste your time reading philosophy when you can learn all the important stuff with a STEM degree? Is Hegel a brainlet?

>> No.22914709
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>> No.22914721

>if I disagree with it, then it's bait
Kek philosofag

>> No.22914742

>thinks philosophy is useless but not history
Massive kek

OP why do you come here but not read? Do we make you insecure? Like an incel raging in a sex having forum? Am I cucking you every time I open a book? Do you get a little dick tingle when I turn a page that fills you with shame?

>> No.22914747
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most philosophy is useless btw

>> No.22914748

No on all except Hegel being a retard. I understand why some would think Philosophy is dumb if they studied Hegel

>> No.22914754

I read things relevant to my work and short essays. Almost all good ideas can be summarised in 20-40 pages. If the author is too incompetent to do that, I won't read what he has to say.

Philosophy is useless and fiction is for (man)children. Other forms of literature can be okay.

Imagine going to college to specifically understand the incomprehensible mental masturbation of some long dead man.

>> No.22914764

STEM is ultimately purposeless as well, the same with anything you will probably do with your life.

>> No.22914774

and he's suddenly important because he's a billionaire? this is like posting a screencap of a 4chan post

>> No.22914782

i am astounded at how shitty this board has gotten

>> No.22914784
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Imagine asking an autist about decoding the depths of the human soul

>> No.22914787

>paul graham
Possibly the most insufferable pseudo-intellectual I’ve ever seen. Go read his tweets. He made most of his money on the backs of others through y-combinator.

>> No.22914807

If it’s so easy to make money “off the backs of others”, why are you not a billionaire? Paul is a higher value man than you and could fuck your wife and sister if he tried.

No philosopher has ever “decoded” anything. It’s just mental masturbation.

I come here because all the other boards are even worse. You have something nice, and I, as an immigrant, will come to piggyback off it and enjoy it while contributing nothing.

He’s a higher value man than you.

>> No.22914811

Hello Paul.

>> No.22914825

Serious question.
There are two philosophers in front of you.
One of them is a hack that consciously bullshits his way into looking like a intelectual
The other actually understood the philosophical texts and is the real deal
Neither of them can explain to a lay person the content of their philosophy or how that philosophy can be of use on day to day life.
Neither of them have anything in their life that they can point out to and say: "My understanding of philosophy made this possible" aside from their boring academic job.
How do you figure who is the fraud and who is the real deal?

>> No.22914827


Business Ethics education is a more desired discipline than accounting among hiring executives. it was an elective for my MBA.

>> No.22914828

What do you think about black people?>>22914754
What do you think about black people?>>22914807
What do you think about black people?

>> No.22914864

Hell yeah fuck basedboy readers
I use brain training apps, watch cool Joe Rogan vids and all the latest podcasts to stay up to date

work hard, play hard, be good to people, it is that easy

yall follow me on insta ezmonE2024

#growthmindset #grind2024

>> No.22914867

Which one is a communist?

>> No.22914875

And here we see, the mighty Champion of Philosophy using his mystical powers of reason and logic, honed by decades of study, to defend his position... by doing a lame strawman that a 8 year old could do.

>> No.22914884

>Is this billionaire right about philosophy being useless?
Yes and thats a good thing.
No I will not elaborate. Those who know, know.

>> No.22914891

>He’s a higher value man than you.
define value

>> No.22914893


>> No.22914894

is your goal to be a billionaire?

>> No.22914902

No. Philosophy teaches you how to think.

>> No.22914907

No, humanitieschads run the world. All of these softwarecels (which can hardly be called a hard science anyway) are interchangable and far less powerful than they believe.

>> No.22914910

The problem is that half of philosophy has been rendered useless with the advent of modern science. All that philosophy that makes, at best, educated guesses about how reality works? Useless. As a result, what are we left with? Ethics ("how should we behave?") and politics ("what's the best society?"), the latter of which is now 50% observing actual effects and not just theorizing.

>> No.22914923

philosphers disagree witb eachother. scientists fail to replicate studies (look up replication crisis) and they found themselves in an awkward situation because of specialization of fields they can't have a hollistic view, and every field subject of study is built on experiments, and then on other experiments, if an experiment result is wrong, then whatever they study after that is useless.
Modern science also relies a lot on funding and technological capacity, and that's pretty bad don't you think?

>> No.22914940

The replication crisis is just the scam of psychology being revealed as a scam

>> No.22914941

>hates philosophy
>writes think pieces sounding like sloppy blogposts on his website

Yeah seems like some one is pissed that his opinions are not valued enough. Go read some books and try again Paul.

>> No.22914990

>It’s no longer cool to work hard, play hard and be nice to people
Why are all philosophers neurotic unlikable weirdos?

I think people here have a problem with poor black people, instead of black people in general. If you don’t like poor people, work harder to live in a better neighborhood.

No. Caring about money makes you look like an e-grifter. I will eat worms, live in a pod, own no car or home, enjoy my subscriptions and send my kids to public schools. I will do all this because wanting money is bad.

Exactly. Paul wins once more.

The “blogposts” are way more successful than anything you’ve ever written. And no one cares about what you write anyway cause you’re a loser.

>> No.22914998

Hegel was a genius.

>> No.22915002

>modern science
Is lies on top of lies. The laws of physics are pretty basic and anything on top of that is speculative.

>> No.22915009

>scientists fail to replicate studies (look up replication crisis)
The replication crisis is exactly due to the /lit/cel crowd infiltrating universities to partake in politics and language games rather than science. Social psychology is the poster child for the replication crisis with its "implicit racism tests," "growth mindset," "priming," "stereotype threat" which are all irreplicable rubbish—you see the race politics commonality between those? Meanwhile, the field these /lit/cels hate with a passion—the differential psychology of IQ—replicates absurdly well, with massive data sets, huge effects, and solid statistical methodology after decades of politicized attacks. There were studies that tested whether laypeople could predict which psychology papers would replicate. And laypeople, in fact, can, better than middling academic psychologists, though not better than eminent ones. The incentives are there for /lit/cels to churn out this garbage—they get rewarded by journalists who praise and cite their "studies," and they don't lose credibility when their "studies" don't replicate because university administrators are politically on their side. The incentives aren't there for /lit/cels to learn proper statistical methodology and do actual science; not that they could if they wanted to.

>> No.22915011

History is a record of what probably happened in the past. There's no way it can't be of massive use to us in seeing how humans act and the patterns that civilisations and societies tend to follow. Philosophy has its uses, but is nowhere near as important, and is often just absolute navel gazing wankery that deliberately aims at subjects that can never be resolved or are adequately resolved using actual empirical methods. It's still a worthwhile subject, in the same way that literature is, but you're fucking codding yourself if you think it's somehow on the same level as history

>> No.22915012

Philosophy was useful for me in at least that it prevented me from thoughtlessly respecting the opinion of a rich person just because they're rich. Maybe I'd respect his opinion about what stocks to own or advice on tax avoidance , but it's terminally American brained to just see money and think qualification.
> argumentum ad crumenam

>> No.22915014

What forms of literature are non-fiction? Self help books and philosophy are not literature, anon

>> No.22915022

> morally corrupt person does not like philosophy
wowza! I need to grind and... BAZINGA!!

>> No.22915023

Bullshit. You're just too stupid to understand it.

Without philosophy I wouldn't be able to see conmen or disarm psychopathic women. Without philosophy men are lost - slaves to be pimped.

>> No.22915026

Unironically a better mindset than whatever some vague, inconsistent faggot like Nietzsche came out with

>> No.22915029

Which one of you retards posted about lit on HackerNews?

>> No.22915033

Nah, total shite you're talking. Those things you mentioned come with actual experience of the world, not by reading texts of dead autists. Like I said, it has its place as an area of study, but its practical applications are basically nil

>> No.22915035

For you. I don't have to lose to learn.

>> No.22915037

lol I just figured it out, you are not white

>> No.22915066

Anon, physics, chemistry, and biology all have significant problems with replication as well, granted they are nowhere on the same scale.

It is in some ways a pseudo problem. Results that are important enough do get replicated or fail to replicate. You're always going to have significant problems with the bleeding edge though.

But it's also a problem born out of publish or perish, and the fact that there are no incentives or resources for replication. And there is also the very high premium placed on "originality," and the need to have "surprising" findings to rack up citations. It effects us in the "hard sciences," too.

Many areas of the sciences are simply underfunded and arguably, scientists are over produced, which leads to problems like "publish or perish." I don't think scientists are actually overproduced, I think we don't fund more fundemental research enough, and especially not replication. Pay in academia works a lot like organized crime, with the foot soldiers living near poverty at times and all the money and prestige going to the top. It's hilarious how liberal it is given this, hell, maybe it is liberal precisely because it is more unequal than society at large.

But they can't pay researchers more because of cost bloat and they have cost bloat because universities now run legit parallel local governments, police, health care, etc. and all that shit is expensive as fuck. Local governments have property tax levies for that stuff, schools have overpriced tuition instead.

If 18+ year old kids do something wrong, let them go to big boy jail, no special cops who use kid gloves. If they get sick, let them go to a regular doctor like an adult. Same for psych services. You don't need so many administrators and coaches. If a student needs help they can go to the professor or take remedial classes. But schools are punished for drop outs so they throw cash at doubling up on teaching positions.

>> No.22915087

Professional money managers who pick bonds, stocks, etc., on average, do not beat index funds. We now have more than half a century of data that expertise in stock trading does absolutely nothing for returns. Same with other assets.

>But what about all the people who make huge returns!

For every person making huge returns there are also people fucking up. Also, huge returns aren't huge returns until they are realized. During a speculative bubble, everyone can make huge returns because people keep throwing more cash in. In reality, only a few will get out before the bubble pops.

The reality is that hedge funds, billionaires, etc. can make big returns because they have enough money to actually manipulate the market. If you have enough to actually manipulate prices, then you can make big returns, but this is predicated on you already being hyper rich or having the $20 million minimum to get into a big fund. Plus, everyone knows these funds do most of their stuff based on insider trading. The added value of specialists is not in fundemental analysis, but technically illegal access to information about firms before it is public.

Making money once you have money is easy. If you had $20 mil already you could bank about a million a year in income off virtually risk free CDs.

Human ability tends to be on a normal distribution. Human wealth across societies is on a power law distribution. This all comes down to cumulative returns on capital. There are a lot of Musks out there. If you have a lot of heirs throwing money into projects, starting with huge $$$, some will hit it big and become turbo rich. They did an analysis of Fortunes' richest 500 people and virtually none came from families that most people wouldn't consider "quite wealthy," even if they weren't turbo rich.

>> No.22915090

don't be a lay person

>> No.22915107

You understand nothing.

Life is an alchemy, not a science. The farmer feeds the chicken everyday and the chicken expect to be fed. Until the farmer kills the chicken.

How would the chicken know this was to happen if the farmer so consistently took care of th chicken everyday? That the problem with science.

Only philosophy sees.

>> No.22915111

>physics, chemistry, and biology all have significant problems
The culprit is still the /lit/cel crowd, except the motive is less political—these are people who showed up as soon as science began to be seen by normalfags as a respectable and high-status career path around 1930–1950 or so. These are /lit/cels who gained entreé to the institutions and hijacked them in service of their own status struggle, not meaningfully different from university administrators.
>scientists are over produced
Yep, the average IQ of a university student now matches the average IQ of the entire population. These are not people who are constitutionally capable of science, they are /lit/cels. (As a side note, this shows that education doesn't raise IQ; the causal arrow is from IQ to education rather than vice versa, as some /lit/cels in "social psychology" would have you believe.)

>> No.22915112
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One must drink the whole cup of Logos. Science, poetry, philosophy, etc. When one finished the cup, one shall find God at the bottom.

>> No.22915117

The Jewish God that pimps Christians.

>> No.22915121

Hegel would've been the first trillionaire had he lived in 2024

>> No.22915150

Yeah, somehow I don't think you're learning anything of use

>> No.22915153

Because you're stupid.

>> No.22915186

>rich = morally corrupt
He has offered more to humanity through charity than you ever will. You’re a Last Man, a troglodyte that hates success.

I’m in a white European country, I don’t spend my time thinking about black people. Additionally, racism is for poor people.

Philosophy “sees” nothing. Modern philosophy is an academic circlejerk that sustains beard-stroking professors with public funds. Non-modern philosophy offers you nothing you couldn’t learn with a STEM degree, as Paul says.

Accepting a life as a slave is morally reprehensible, as you violate your own and your family’s dignity out of cowardice. Ideally, you want to reign and be virtuous.

Hegel would have been a barista at a mall with a philosophy PhD, severely in debt and utterly irrelevant.

>> No.22915209

You're just am ignorant bigot. A slave or a bot.

Billionaires want you to be slave. Why would he tell you anything useful? They fear losing their money.

>> No.22915219

Worse, he’s brown

>> No.22915221

Them he must overcome his brownness. Their inferiority complex makes them completely unbearable.

>> No.22915224
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> Worse, he’s brown

>> No.22915230

yes, but that's the point, true philosophy ought to elevate man from drudging through matter like any other animal, learning and becoming an expert in the 1001 wholesome ways to program some mechanical arm to jerk off a consumer to optimize some X parameter doesn't remove the telos of philosophy, if anything, it makes it even more poignant

>> No.22915234

Since when have the richest men in a society (now billionaires) been known to be great minds or possess an interest in the virtues of the intellect?

Read Schopenhauer.

>> No.22915247

Some like Soros are genuine intellectuals and philosophers. But it's a minority.

>> No.22915443

You're a brain damaged Zoomer and exactly what's ruining this board.

>> No.22915470

Good philosophy will teach you how to think, and improve your ethics and morals. Which is something a billionare probably does not want to do.

>> No.22915483

Paul saved thousands of life by charity donations which he never broadcast. How many lives have you saved from your mom’s basement, philosopher?

>> No.22915495

I wonder where his wealth comes from, must be thin air! but it's fine because he donates to charities which is not a way to avoid taxes or anything. I hope those charities help those people in need and they don't use it for themselves.

>> No.22915508

I find Hysto to be a wholly stinky character to read. I tire of him.

>> No.22915524

Accident report: Hysto.

I grow tired of reading him.

>> No.22915535

The only philosophy non philosotards know is read from left to right. There's a whole complex framework out there with 4 quadrillion facets.

>> No.22915540
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Non philosotards get poop'd on hard

>> No.22915578

Nobody with any sort of enlightenment would phrase that as poorly and crudely as you have.

>> No.22915585

Imagine if it was riding dragons but instead riding birds in a category that was about the same legendary status but not the very top. You go-to that corner you think is impossible (why is it prevailing) and do something like a throw put to 8 it and more onward. After you do the corner, you'll get the bird

>> No.22915589

Nobody. Even. Cares faggat. You don't even know how to perceive a concept from a vantage point. You seem to think it's all straight font. Well newsflash, you're retarded.

>> No.22915595

Bare in mind, this is what the broken sim is suggesting I say by some sort of consequence of what you're doing... I'm not saying this is what I know. I'm saying what's being said I say.

>> No.22915658

Why would someone who doesn't care about philosophy donate money instead of hoarding it? If it's morality, ethics or religion, why is he acting by following a principle he tells us not to study? Isn't it better to study it? Sounds dangerous to just act out of principles you don't understand.

>> No.22915689

This: Paul gave alms, not charity. The people doing the real charity and saving the actual lives were the workers on the ground, laboring to help people. The extent of Pauls labors to help people was signing his name on the dotted line, with probably little more than tax breaks in mind, not helping people.

>> No.22916490

oh it makes sense now, you're a shitskin living n Europe. fuck off back to your 3rd world toilet, you aren't wanted here, dog.

>> No.22916836
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>At one point he literally told me that all other work either agrees with Hegel so is redundant, or disagrees with Hagel and is wrong.

>> No.22916842

You're female

>> No.22916862

Just reading philosophy on its own is a waste of time. Philosophizing on the other hand is the best use of your time. You read philosophy to help fuel your philosophizing. If you don't understand the difference between doing philosophy and reading philosophy you understand nothing about the subject and aren't fit to speak to it.

>> No.22916866

This is all according to his philosophy, which affirms that philosophy is useful.

>> No.22916874

That last sentence shows he’s full of shit and himself making arbitrary distinctions. Classic billionaire being clueless about the foundations of modern science.

>> No.22916908

Only practical philosophy matters
