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/lit/ - Literature

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22840850 No.22840850 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22840859
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Conscription is slavery.
Conscription is murder.
Conscription is a serious offence.
Real wars are fought by volunteers.

Many real wars have been fought by regions liberating themselves from true enemies that tried to conscript their people.

>> No.22840862

The Station Fire when Great White was playing is one of the most disturbing videos I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen some bad ones. The way the fire spread so fast, the screams from those stuck inside the building, and the sick feeling when you see the crush of people in the doorway stuck, soon to be burned alive. Fire is some scary shit, man

>> No.22840863
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I am very racist

>> No.22840879

MEOWWWW MEOW MEOOWWWW I need money! Money for booze!

>> No.22840880 [DELETED] 

I'm not racist, but I'm also not afraid of saying nigger to black people.

>> No.22840884

you're supposed to link the previous one RETARD

>> No.22840892

List top 10-20 anime.

>> No.22840893

The last one hasn't even hit bump limit yet either. OP is a faggot.

>> No.22840922

shit thread.

>> No.22840945

I've got a feeling 2024 will be my last year

>> No.22840947

I'm in a weird rut where I can't figure out what I need to be doing until I'm busy then I get overwhelmed by my responsibilities. Am I stupid?

>> No.22840954

Every year is the last year before the next one.

>> No.22840959

Yeah. But this year will be the last I experience

>> No.22840960


>> No.22840962

I've got a feeling you're exaggerating

>> No.22840981

why did Joyce take 17 years to come up with an elaborate shitpost?

>> No.22840984

List top 10-20 movies.

>> No.22840991

Me too. I'm going to kill you, anon.

>> No.22840998

I don’t watch movies. I just pretend to to please my mother or gf

>> No.22841003

depends on which year or era

>> No.22841008

have a wonderful life to all who read.

>> No.22841018

Seeing women in their 30's is weird. It's not like male aging where there's a chance you hit a 2nd peak later on as a cool old man. Women look amazing for like 10 years then it gently withers away. Guys can cope because "Oh I'll look like a grizzled, wise old man" but with women any sign of aging is objectively a downgrade, you see a wrinkle and it's just like man aging sucks

>> No.22841022
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>Man is weak
>Man is soft
>Man is craven

Real men are forged by non-negotiation.

Many more wars have been fought by men taken from their homes in times of need and made to defend them or attack an enemy. Left to their own devices, most men would literally devolve in to women.

>> No.22841034

This is why I only like anime girls.

>> No.22841041

My 3 favorite movies are
It’s A Wonderful Life
The Thing
Fire Walk With Me
How based am I?

>> No.22841044

Seriously looking for the best video games of all time.
No reddit tastes please.

>> No.22841052

I am not personally impressed.

>> No.22841057

What do you want for Christmas?

>> No.22841067

I just want my dad to leave prison. Lack of a father figure increases urge to rape.

>> No.22841068

Some chicks can still look sexy into their 30s and even 40s, if I were a broad I'd minmax as a dual class so that when I'm in my youth years I can be a hot bitch but then when I hit 26 I start dual classing into "weirdly hot MILF with that thing where they look kind of chunky but it's hot"

You know what I mean about that last bit? Almost like their fat is hanging off them and it makes you want to fuck them like a sex animal. Is there an English word for this? I think a lot of women who have given birth to children have it, it makes them thicker everywhere.

>> No.22841069

Alpha Protocol
Vampire: TMB

>> No.22841073

Planescape: Torment
Arcanum (with content restoration)
KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 (especially the latter with content restoration)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (with unofficial patch)
Mask of the Betrayer (with or without playing NWN2 first, which is mediocre; NWN is worse although its expansions are sort of alright)
Deus Ex
King of Dragon Pass
Star Control 2 (Ur Quan Masters edition is free online)
Freespace / Frespace 2 (can be modded to look better than modern games)
Thief / Thief 2
Homeworld / Homeworld: Cataclysm (and maybe HW2)
Dwarf Fortress
Daggerfall (mechanically much more ambitious than any other TES game, you can also play the Unity engine version now)
Morrowind (heavily but tastefully modded)
System Shock 1 and 2
Ultima games (various)
Might and Magic games (various)
Gothic series
Jagged Alliance 2 (1.13 patch, and google "Drassen counterattack")
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (only play expansion after playing base game)
Masters of Orion 2
Sword of the Stars
Dominions series
Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas (heavily modded and with the understanding that Gamebryo isn't a real game engine so you have to focus on the roleplay/writing and merely tolerate the mechanics)

Look at SsethTzeentach's channel for some others

I am an Obsidian simp and not even I'd recommend that turd of a game Alpha Protocol, I played that out of loyalty to them and it was utter shit. You can see how they just realized 10% of the way in they hadn't been given the resources or the time to actually make the game they wanted, so they made some kind of potboiler instead.

>> No.22841081

> and not even I'd recommend that turd of a game Alpha Protocol

>> No.22841107

Thanks for thisblong list. You seem like an actual gamer. I’ve only played mario and gta growing up so I want to dig deep and see what vidya has to offer. Can other anons confirm his list is legit and i’m not getting memed? Thanks

>> No.22841119

I'm hilarious.

>> No.22841134

I haven’t liked a single thing in 10 years. I’m scared I never will and I’ve forgotten how.

>> No.22841137

Man, I'm pathetic.

>> No.22841140

not even reading books?
watching movies?

>> No.22841146

I stare at the wall only joined by the steady mechanical hum of the dehumidifier, whirring blind and oblivious to the world around it.
I've nobody to talk to. Nobody to share grievances, or to hear from, or to have idle chat. I'd scroll the internet but even that's lost its novelty after years of psychological damage from endless screens. Nothing to Do. Nothing to Think. Nothing to Say. Nothing to Feel.
I'd rather be the dehumidifier than me. It doesn't know it's purpose. It doesn't know anything. But it still goes on tirelessly and unceasingly until death instead of haphazardly pitching a fit every time it's reminded of its own existence.

>> No.22841156


>> No.22841163

I used to when I was a kid. Not anymore. I actually hate movies and books. It’s all the same cyclical ideas shuffled around. It’s terrible and boring. It’s just like real life.

>> No.22841167

You're right on the money.

>> No.22841169

I think I’m gonna splurge on a box set that I’ll never fully read. What should I get?

From Library of America:

Abraham Lincoln
HL Mencken
Revolutionary War

From Everyman’s Library:

Vasari’s Lives of the Artists
Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Maybe Shelby Foote’s Civil War trilogy as an option as well

>> No.22841209

whats this from

>> No.22841213

>Fire Walk With Me
Excellent taste, it's my favorite piece of Twin Peaks media by far

>> No.22841218

Why are you pathetic?

>> No.22841224

well that sucks I guess

>> No.22841243

Yea I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should feel proud that i’ve made it this long or if I should feel like the biggest retard for going through this hell for no reason.

>> No.22841248

I do nothing, I know nothing, I'm good at nothing, I have no drive, no aspirations, nothing, I am nothing.

>> No.22841249

Retards have really ruined this board. Methinks it’s mostly zoomers. What a terrible generation though I do partake in their girls

>> No.22841300

Does anyone have a good, brief book about Habits? I want to unfuck myself next year because if I don't, I might just end it all.

>> No.22841322

Certainly! One highly recommended and brief book on the topic of habits is "Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones" by James Clear. This book is well-known for its practical and straightforward approach to understanding and changing habits. Clear offers a blend of inspiring stories and scientific research to demonstrate how small changes in habits can lead to remarkable results. The book is concise, engaging, and filled with actionable advice, making it a great choice for anyone looking to improve their habits without a long, dense read.

>> No.22841329

wind rises by miyazaki

>> No.22841346

You need to see more James Stewart movies

>> No.22841353

Hot take: Vertigo was fucking boring.

>> No.22841368

You too >>22841346

>> No.22841372
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>> No.22841378

I wish I broke up with my wife when I had my chance 10 years ago. Listen to your guts anon. Red flags are red fucking flags I'm such a moron my life is over

>> No.22841380

Imagine thinking jimmy stewart gave a better performance in something other than it’s a wonderful life.

>> No.22841384

Your life was over the day you got married, I feel bad for people who get married, I don't know how someone so stupid doesn't have a caregiver holding their hand every day.

>> No.22841386

That 6'3 genius can act 5'10 in Harvey

>> No.22841388

Women don't really understand violence.

>> No.22841391

Wow, so profound, you're so enlightened.

>> No.22841395

>t. woman

>> No.22841396

>She can't have brain damage, officer, the dumb bitch would need a brain!

>> No.22841398

I jerked my dick raw again.
Back to reading heart of darkness.

>> No.22841401

Nothing's better than dirty things clean.

>> No.22841402

I hate my mother for not treating my individuation as an adult more seriously and now I'm realizing I'm slipping out of the prime of my life with nothing to show for it at a rapid pace because of this stupid cunt.

>> No.22841404

>know this deep down
>still convince myself to romanticise overcoming the issues

>> No.22841406

Grass is always greener, I'm dying alone or marrying a cunt just to have kids I hate anyway

>> No.22841407
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I deserve better treatment than I deserve.

>> No.22841410

You'll become a tranny in the next life.

>> No.22841413

And I'll still be happier than you.

>> No.22841420

Happiness only matters if you're a man, dumb faggot.

>> No.22841424

You're so edgy and cool, I hope to be like you one day.

>> No.22841427

Tell me more.
I might feel similar to you. But I don't hate my mother, conciously at least

>> No.22841428

My grandma wanted me to share this joke with you guys.
>A pussycat and a cockerel are walking by a stream when the pussycat slips and falls in the water. The cockerel starts to laugh.
>Why? Because when the pussy is wet, the cock is happy.
I didn't find it funny, it's immature and would only appeal to children or boomers (both mentally equal). I'm just obliging my grandma's stupid request.

>> No.22841430

You'll commit suicide because your life is mired by hedonistic indulgence which is only satisfying in your youth.

>> No.22841433

Look at you trying to sound smart.

>> No.22841437

Boomers are a different breed, I envy them.

>> No.22841440

They have very simplistic humor. I don't even pretend to laugh at my grandma's jokes anymore, just eye rolling for her.

>> No.22841441

You should fuck her.

>> No.22841445

Explain more specifically what she asked of you? She asked you to tell the people in /wwoym/? The people on 4chan? Your online friends? Your best friends?

>> No.22841450

They do. Maybe that's how they did things back then.
I envy them because they had all these opportunities and experiences while the closest zoomer/millenial equivalrnt is getting groomed on discord by yiffypaws#1488

>> No.22841449

If you're a *man* you should *want* these things, regardless of how society has corroded your social will, but since you are a *tranny* you accept this is the way of things instead of resenting your leaders and cucked society for caging you like an animal. Why even try to argue with me? I know I'm right too.

>> No.22841452

Lmao, keep coping in your echo chamber, you'll gain the ability to think freely one day.

>> No.22841455

I live with her. She asked me what I do all day down there, so I told her about 4chan, and that's where I get my social interaction, and she said she can hear laughing and crying, so she knows I do have emotions.

>> No.22841457

>you'll gain the ability to think freely one day.
Ironic because all you dumbfuck zoomers think the same exact way with your obsession with being a passive participant through life doing meaningless extraneous bullshit. Society conditioned you to think and act like a submissive housewife.

>> No.22841458

I have this ugly melanoma in my front lip that is drivibg me crazy. I want it to go away.
It's so ugly and out of place.

>> No.22841461

Not a melanoma. Just a black spot.

>> No.22841462

Those are called beauty marks, and everyone finds them beautiful.

>> No.22841466

You're the only one acting like a housewife with how much you're bitching and moaning, lmao.

>> No.22841471

Bitch is used derogatorily against women because no one wants a woman to emasculate them, not because assertiveness is a negative trait you simpering little fag boy. You're a female man, and your civilization is full of male women. Do you see the issue here?

>> No.22841473

I masturbate primarily to try-on-haul videos on YouTube.

>> No.22841478

How does this make you feel?

>> No.22841479


>> No.22841488

Are you genuinely retarded or are you playing a character?

>> No.22841493

It makes me wonder about the machinations of my subconscious.
MILF's, to be exact.

>> No.22841497

I don't see why I shouldn't call a duck a duck.

>> No.22841502

Ah, so you're genuinely retarded, got it.

>> No.22841504

Being cucked is worse than being retarded.

>> No.22841507

Unfortunately, you're both.

>> No.22841510

Wanting social value as a man is the opposite of being "cucked".

>> No.22841513

I'm just a wreck of a person

>> No.22841514

Wanting and having are two different things. What you want doesn't matter, it only matters when you have it.

>> No.22841516

> the ust itt

>> No.22841517

Being a snickering voyeur is putting you closer to hell than it does to me.

>> No.22841518

So is everyone, what precisely can't you do?

>> No.22841521

Hell doesn't exist, I don't care.

>> No.22841524

Sometimes I think of these spiteful little things to say, as if I were speaking to my dad, to tell him that my personal failures are a result of his bad parenting. But it doesn't matter. Because they're still my failures. My position in life inst alleviated by levying even justified blame. Therefore it doesnt matter. Even if I assign guilt where guilt is do, I'm still just as fucked as if I didnt. It's like theres no recourse. No real catharsis. No meaningful closure. I'm just this half life until I'm dead

>> No.22841528

Theres a lot I can't do, like talk to girls, make friends, or maintain relationships. But ultimately what bothers me most is that I can't provide for myself. I'm dependent. And I have this constant fear that if I lose those whom I depend on before I can achieve self sustenance that I'm fucked forever.

>> No.22841539

>Tell me more.
Not even sure where to begin this sort of thing is a lot to unpack. I guess her personality is something I've always taken issue with first and foremost. The obsessive control freak filled with vice and a sullen personality who had little going for her besides her good looks (at least back then), and the occasional lapse of pity or empathy. Not a very intelligent or even rational mother, which I could stand if I ever saw a single man manage to tame her impulses. I'm not even sure it's conductive of me to point out all of her negative traits, but her promiscuity is something I always took serious issue with, with how many boyfriends I've seen her go through throughout my life, only seeming to settle on her most recent one (which I have no doubt has to do with the fact age makes it harder for both parties to act so flippant). That, and a combination of negligence and helicopter parenting also fucked me up socially because it was "too dangerous" to talk to anyone in my neighborhood, yet only me and my brother were ever at home for prolonged periods of time.

Around middle school is also the time I started failing all my classes and I've never recovered from this, probably because I started to realize how pointless all of this crap I was doing really was, and the fact I hated that I was trapped in a disgustingly dysgenic school system. Of course my Mom was totally clueless why I was so distressed and thought it was a matter of receiving "proper" tutoring, but I didn't do a single bit of the work regardless. When that didn't work she punished me by just... making me sit around looking at a wall or TV all day long. I still passed, probably because even the teachers recognized how cruel it is to trap kids in their garbage schools (or they just had to fill a quota because it was a poor charter school).

To quickly summarize because I don't feel like writing a part two, I could have forgiven all of that, if by my teen years a single person informed me that there was an alternative I could take instead of letting my Mother intimidate me into stringing along with her bullshit (like dropping out of the online ""school"" I was "forced" into because I didn't realize I could actually just go to work and get a GED). Now I just feel like I wasted a lot of time and I'm resentful towards my Mother for not even being the slightest bit aware that her actions did actually have consequences over the long term.

>> No.22841543

Not OP but I disagree.
You do not need to force a man to defend his family, his home or himself. Men will defend that which they believe is worth defending.
A country that is ruled by parasites, whether elected democratically or not, who do not represent the interests of the hard-working, tax-paying people, is not a country that is worth defending.
Now look at most western countries - they hate their own people, they love importing foreigners, they are forcing everyone into poverty via "climate change policies" as if paying a carbon tax for your car will somehow reduce the temperature of the planet... Not to get too political, but I live in the EU and I hear the following sentence more and more from young people - "They talk about our democracy and then do things that nobody would ever vote for"

>> No.22841545

I'm retarded but I often call others retarded, sometimes I think of something I said or did and was then in turn called retarded and feel retarded, how deep is the depth of my retardation that it take years to realize a retardation, would I be less retarded if I noticed my retardation sooner, I guess that would be knowing myself

>> No.22841555

I have deleted my past 5 or so (long) posts on this board after finishing them. I don't know why, I guess it is primarily due to quality control so you are all welcome (though ironically I let this trash slide). I think a large factor is that I do not want to feel obliged to check back for replies even though I would definitely willingly do so anyway, I don't want to feel forced to. Fear of commitment and blah blah.

The other day I made an effort post advising an anon and then got distracted with work, thinking that he, like most people, would just brush it off as some idiot online who can't really know his situation. I came back days later to see he really appreciated my advice, said it made sense and asked for more. I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were a real one.

When I do post I usually try to come off as unhinged and overly emotional as possible (although i am not intentionally trying that here), as utterly deluded and detached from reality. I don't know why, I guess it's just because those are the types of posts I like reading and I am emulating my heroes - the unsung effort posters of /lit/ who usually only get a reply or two. I see you kings, keep on that grind, you are loved and appreciated, keep honing your crafts.

I could post what is actually on my mind but it's stock standard struggles and other posters already have that market covered. Ironically I am posting this as a procrastination from a section in my shitty novel where the character is mentioning his struggles, I procrastinate because I am struggling to find the balance between self inserting my own thoughts and distancing myself from them due to the cringe when I read something similar by others.

>> No.22841560

Those all sound fixable, you are lucky. Go out and tackle them before you get some issues that are actually unsolvable like grief (not speaking from experience). Generic advice but just do at least one thing a day to make your life better and in a month you will be astounded at your progress, even if you think it's all impossible, just do it anyway.

>> No.22841563

I can't respect states that have ugly shapes.

>> No.22841570

I just started Christopher Hill's "The World Turned Upside Down" and right off the bat the author talks about how some of the key factions in the English revolution felt that hierarchal orders put men and women in bondage to the antichrist.

>> No.22841572

Much is socially constructed but not everything is. Remember to not overextend, that's how I always lose games.

>> No.22841577

Ive been working on myself for years. I have gotten better. But I'll 25 in just a month and I feel like I'm going through all the growth I should have had at 15. Its exhausting to know that I'm so stunted in every area of life.

>> No.22841597

how old are you

>> No.22841607

I don't find Elliot Smith very interesting or insightful in much of what he said or made but he did have moments that amazed me. When I look at them objectively they all seem so mundane and trivial. Like another anon mentioned, Smith saying that being an alcoholic is just a soft type of suicide. "She appears composed so she is I suppose". How he killed himself in the middle of an argument with his gf. I can only imagine what was said and how she can go om living. Maybe she cheated on him, maybe she mentioned how he is always going on about suicide for attention and he isn't actually serious then he stabbed himself in front of her to prove a point at the expense of a successful existence. Suicide ideation is not cool or healthy, I have experienced loved ones killing themselves and the pain is like nothing else. Perhaps I can convince myself that I am doing something slightly different, like it's not specifically related to death, it's merely about someone really showing that they hold true to their beliefs, it just so happens that this is the best way to prove you are a real person.

>> No.22841627

I think my crush is involved in a cult.

How do I deal? I get the vibe it's Shincheonji.
Does this mean she is probably faking being my friend too to try and recruit me?

>> No.22841631

Shooreh Pippi!

>> No.22841634

let her fuck you then you can decide later if the cult is worth it

>> No.22841656

Are you korean?
Also, why do you think she might be in a cult?

>> No.22841728

Iirc he's foreign in korea and the girl befriended him and keeps insisting they go to her church. It's a whole saga

>> No.22841755

Nah that list is fake, play Fortnite instead

>> No.22841758

>wake up four hours early
>At least I won't be late now!
>four hours later
>not even dressed

>> No.22841781

No, neither is she. She's middle eastern.

What red flagged me is when I ask her what church her bible study group is she says it's a "non-denominational" church. Which I didn't think too much about. But then she seems to be heavily into Revelations. Then when I looked up which churches are heavily focused on revelations, the SCJ church I mentioned came up. Then she mentioned she started going to bible study in person (she only did it online when I met her) and she mentioned the area she goes, when I googled it, apparently that's where SCJ meet up in our city.

Even the course of who she transitioned from online to IRL seems to coincide with how ex-SCJ members mentioned how it works. Apparently in the online groups there are a few "students" who are fakes who just get to know the new members posing as newbies themselves too. Like screening/monitoring people

>> No.22841789

>Deus Ex
I've only ever played Human Revolution. Bought the og and started it, but the gameplay felt kinda janky. I'm open to old games but wasn't sure if it's worth continuing or not.
>System Shock 1 and 2
Another one I'd like to play eventually
>morrowind (heavily nodded)
After playing both vanilla and modded, I honestly prefer vanilla. Mods always end up being more trouble than they're worth. I just spend way more time downloading a ton and fixing errors than i do actually playing. Base game is plenty playable

>> No.22841793

>Deus Ex
It's definitely janky but it's still ahead of contemporary games in how the games is open ended (you can finish a single mission in many ways and the developer will anticipate it). JC's banter is surprisingly good and the plot is a relentless train of old conspiracy all baked together which somewhat makes sense.
A game I'll also recommend is Disco Elysium. It's a pretty funny game.

>> No.22841796

Stonewall Jackson was literally insane, how did that guy get command of an army?

>> No.22841804

I feel this heavily. Right now the entire apartment is empty of noise except the recurring sound of a.c turning on.
It inspires in me a particular kind oc dread and loneliness that suddenly hits like a wave; all the emotion i try to hold back and ignore. The wasted time alone, the years and years slipping by sunk in videogames and solitary childish distractions, that all steadily become less and less interesting, while I remain unchanged, a virtual child
Start to feel trapped in my room, and by empty repetitive routines and soon it starts to feel more like a coffin

>> No.22841807

If you met her while in induction and your church suppositions are correct, she herself is probably not being malicious.
If the curiosity is killing you then just ask her (in a way that doesn't sound concerned or serious, try to be as casual possible and just try to make it run with the flow of conversation).
There's other ways to contrive that information out of her.
>Agree to go to church with her on say, sunday.
>Make her send the location
>Make up an excuse to why you can't go.

>> No.22841823

What happens next?

>> No.22841828

Yeah I feel she genuinely has a love for God and I feel I met her during the more induction stages.

>> No.22841830

I honestly just felt like the schizo conspiracy writing was a bit much. I can't really take it seriously.
Kinda feels like the game wants the story to be serious but it just seems kinda goofy.

>> No.22841862

I had a Canadian professor in college (in the US) who I now realize might have been a British empire colonialist or white nationalist. He was forced into retirement this year by the uni. When I had him, he listened with such great attention and engagement when the kids of western european ancestry spoke. He would even ask their ethnicities and go into great stories of their culture and literature and politics in a very positive way.

But when I or the slavic or Caribbean or west african students spoke, he always ALWAYS brought up some WW2 or colonial or some traumatic af story. He always brought up Nazi Germany when the Polish (?) kid spoke, always brought up Africa/slavery when the Caribbean homie spoke and always mentioned the French and Belgian empire when the kid with Ghanian parents spoke. After which he would immediately change the topic away from those students and continue with some shit about the British. Most kids of non-WASP heritage left the class except me and my Jamaican friend and I'm only realizing now how alienating it was

>> No.22841878

>He always brought up Nazi Germany when the Polish (?) kid spoke, always brought up Africa/slavery when the Caribbean homie spoke and always mentioned the French and Belgian empire when the kid with Ghanian parents spoke.
What would he specifically say? Like when speaking about slavery was it in a gloating way, or was there any kind of context/reason he'd bring it up?

>> No.22841886

The game takes itself very seriously, it's just that the building blocks in the game are based on conspiracy theory elements (such as the Illuminati and Area 51). It's not any different from some games that try to mix different theism elements or the Fallout franchise which basically based itself from outdated idea about nuclear holocaust.

>> No.22841917

So it was a class on Jewish early 20th century writers (I know, don't @ me, I needed the credit). We read some Primo Levi, Kafka, and some other misc shit. The last 10-15 mins or so of class would be a discussion where people discussed the readings and share their own experiences. The prof encouraged the students to talk of personal stories or any other literature or cultural artifacts relating to whatever we read and he would navigate the convo in weird way like what I was mentioned in the earlier post. He just spoke very glowingly and excitedly about the Western European descent kids and spoke very weirdly and kinda like "remember your place" kinda vibe and always pivoted back to either the other students or his obsession with the British

So he also had this big ass framed old world map which showed in orange the extent of the British empire at its biggest. He many times used it as a jumping off point for stories about the British colonialists in WW2. He would very frequently talk with glee about the map and even described it as "amazing" or "so beautiful". Me and my Jamaican bro later joked that he was actually talking about the empire and not the map in those moments

>> No.22841920

*but spoke very weirdly and kinda like "remember your place" kinda vibe to the other kids and always pivoted back to either the European students or his obsession with the British

>> No.22841962

>joked that he was actually talking about the empire
And so what if he was? It was amazing; they governed half the planet for centuries. Seems pretty impressive to me

>> No.22841975

MBCGA (Make book covers great again).

What can we do to make book covers great again? They're all so shit these days.

>> No.22841979

No digital.

>> No.22841986

Mother issues, psychosexual development, can't sleep, girlfriend mad at me, language meaningless, useless, idiotic, etc

>> No.22841996

Idk, probably something good, then something bad.

>> No.22842016

Based grandma, wanna trade?

>> No.22842018

>im a normie ablublublu

>> No.22842072
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Try to write a list perhaps?

>> No.22842096

America is being taken over by Indians

>> No.22842100

Designated sharting walmarts

>> No.22842129

I moved back to my college town a few years back to work at the college and get a PhD. I ended up dropping out of the PhD and now I’m ready to quit the job, but I don’t know where to go from here. I guess I go back to where I was before I came back to my college town? I don’t really have anywhere in particular that I want to go anymore, just places I wish I went when I was younger.

>> No.22842156

My father dresses like a Chechen and it makes me cringe.

>> No.22842181

>blaming your mom for this
Even if there's some truth to it, you're not really doing much for your "individuation as an adult" are you?

>> No.22842190

lol what bs. Judging by the anons description, the dude kept bringing it up when it really didn’t matter, seemed to talk of it as if he were a colonialism apologist, weirdly asked his students about their race and family background shit, and created this odd power cultural dynamic in a lit class of all places? It’s weird af and I’m sure the guy jerks off to images of bismarck and Churchill. Guy seems like a product of some weird British colonial brainwashing that impacts your older colonial canuck cuck

>> No.22842194

>colonialism apologist
Nothing to apologize for, it's just how human history has rolled since it started.
>inb4 peaceful tribal third worldism myths

>> No.22842195

Any of you guys studied philosophy or some other humanities at the graduate level and can talk about your experience? Do you regret it? Do you not regret it?

>> No.22842201

isn't it crazy how the people who value education the most always seem to get ahead in america? must be a conspiracy!

>> No.22842206


More people these days are advocating against going to college/university but the numbers don't lie.

>> No.22842207

>value education
>t. never met a jeet in his life

>> No.22842217

Aight buddy, keep jacking it to that beach pinup of prince Charles, you’re almost there

>> No.22842223

I did a masters in history. I made great friends, learned a lot, but then inevitably had to work part-time for a bit getting a teaching-degree so that I could finally make some money. All in all worth it. My only suggestion for those thinking of doing it, if you're going to do it, do it properly and don't have-ass it, otherwise don't bother.

>> No.22842263

Well, what would you consider half-assing it?

>> No.22842268 [DELETED] 
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>she's starting to take longer and longer to reply to my messages

>> No.22842277

She's slowly weening you off, same thing happened to me, eventually, she just stopped replying entirely. Either that or she's been waiting a couple of years to reply, I'm still yet to find out.

>> No.22842278

Not doing all of the reading, not doing multiple drafts of essays, not showing up for all the classes/lectures, that sort of thing. If you don't put the effort in it's all a bit of a waste.

>> No.22842281

I think "don't half-ass it" is just general great advice for everything you do in life.

>> No.22842283

Yeah fair enough. I’m more worried about the impracticality of a humanities degree.

>> No.22842302

I've been thinking of writing my own commentary on the Bible, the Quran and and Pythagoras but I'm not sure which one to start with first or how many drugs to take before writing it.

>> No.22842458

you ever wonder about how a woman can be simply born with large breasts and she has a job? She doesn't even need to post them naked and she has a job.
She doesn't have to even touch men and she has a job.
I see women on bird app with 50k followers and their tits aren't even that big, they just allude to playing pokemon and they have a job. That's insane to me, even unremarkable women if they are not stupid and pretend to be boyfriend material are set for life and they never have to service a man or do anything really, just be a woman.
How can a man look at a woman like this without envy, women who stay in the comforts of their home and post hints of cleavage post their cashapps and earn a wage
How is this not evidence of Gynocracy

>> No.22842468
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the grifting space has spawned a new aesthetic nightmare. conservative reddit atheists pushing pro-natalism under the brand 'Based Camp' on youtube. horrifying to say the least.

>> No.22842482

I think I might have to hire a speech therapist, or maybe a neurologist…

>> No.22842485

>simply born with large breasts
>women if they are not stupid and pretend to be boyfriend material
Anon, you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.22842495

lit is the coolest place on the internet

>> No.22842496

how so?

>> No.22842507

laughably weak argument

>> No.22842576

It's the easiest time for a woman to be a coquette, that's what I'm saying, not even big breasts or "pretending to like video games" are neccessary unlike the past, it has never been easier to rake in the cash from online men
if a man has to go to trade school, or gain qualifications and work a real job and all a woman has to do is feign sexual availability online within the comfort of her home to earn what takes a man a hard wage, how is that not a gynocracy in action.

>> No.22842594

I struggle to understand whenever Im neurotic or psychotic in Lacanian terms.

>> No.22842606

i would assume neurotic since you have self awareness enough to worry about it

>> No.22842617

>the sex trade has never been easier
oh come on you used be allowed own people and age of consent wasn't a thing

>> No.22842622

It’s come to my attention that when I talk I mainly express my mouth only on one side. The other side of my mouth stays pursed and barely moves. If that’s just a habitual thing, I should probably see a speech therapist. What makes me worry that I need to see a neurologist is that on the same side of my face that I keep my mouth pursed, I also have a droopy eyelid. My eye doctor seemed to think it was just skin and not neurological but these two things now make me think there might be an underlying neurological issue. Both of these are definitely worse if I sleep, if I drink, if I do anything that would affect my CNS. I’m a bit worried about this to be honest. I’ve been feeling really down about myself and my appearance in general recently so if I do have some sort of issue, I would be really upset about that. I was upset to realize this thing about my mouth already. The eye was bad enough.

>> No.22842624

Ah, a doubt? That makes sense. Psychotic people like paranoics are always certain.

>> No.22842632

Honestly man if I was a woman with giant tits I would just stream games in a tanktop all day and rake in the cash. I can't see why you wouldn't.

>> No.22842635

i mean if you have psychotic episode you would most definitely know it, most likely neurotic worrying

>> No.22842638

>if I do have some sort of issue, I would be really upset about that
It's better to get it seen to early. If it is neurological, some kinds resolve themselves, and some of the other recoverable ones need help but still can return to function, but almost everything is easier fix the sooner you get treatment.

>> No.22842654

Yes, worrying has to be.

>> No.22842666

Most of the people I've seen have psychotic episodes weren't aware when it was happening, a lot of them were amphetamine psychosis cases and autists whose overanalyzing and rationalizing tendencies were cloaking the delusional thinking. I've had a few slips into delusional thinking in my life too and I could only recognize it after the fact. In the moment it seemed rational.

>> No.22842673

usually it is enough to feel anxious to realize something isn't as it should be, you are not normally supposed to feel impending dread for no reason or to be worried about life to the point that it causes you discomfort

>> No.22842675

I know, I’m just not in a good place confidence-wise right now. I’m also making a career switch that is sub-optimal. My confidence is at an all-time low and at a time it needs to be at an all-time high.

>> No.22842686

I can see why, what I'm saying is that, it's essentially the opposite of a patriarchy, we're living in

>> No.22842687

I don’t regret going to college. I regret being an academic. I regret working at a college.

>> No.22842749

Whatever doesn't kill me, but kills others, also makes me stronger.

>> No.22842752

I thought I was the only that noticed this. In Britain and every other Anglo country, too!

>> No.22842757
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>> No.22842776

>parents are considering divorce
>I feel nothing
I can't even tell if this is an appropiate response or if I have simply ran out of fucks to give.
All I can think about is how much I hate my job.

>> No.22842777

I'm angry.
Some stupid reddit user had the same idea as I, and has been doing a fanedit of one of Toller's stories; he even had the gall to self-advertise in one of Tolkien Gateway's pages.
The dude isn't even using all of Tolkien's texts, which relate to the particular story. >:(

>> No.22842788

People who get really upset about their parents divorcing as adults are weird man. I'd say your response is appropriate.

>> No.22842789

nap time -_- zzzzzzzzzz

>> No.22842855

My brain tells me you are right, but it sure doesn't feel like it. They also discussed some other stuff with us, but while everyone was crying, I was my usual self. I only made myself cry by focusing on how much they left me to my own devices as a kid due to working too much.
Also, I'm pretty sure they expected me to come out as gay LMAO.

>> No.22842919

Are you gay? Honestly it would have been an opportune time to come out.

>> No.22842947

Bluepills are fucking retarded they have a belief system that is utterly nonsensical. Blue pills believe every dude can somehow get a girl that is not possible some are too ugly to score anyone will tell you this but bluepills will say otherwise which is not right. It goes Face>height>fitness this is not disputable even normies will admit this bluepills,because they are retards,say otherwise and even have the gall to use “just go outside and see for yourself” no retards YOU go outside this is how I know you’re lying because unlike you I actually go out beautiful people are with beautiful people ugly people are with ugly people fat, ugly,short manlets do not get beautiful women they just don’t another fucking strawman I hate they use is when they go “any guy can get a girl” and tell some anecdotal story that is likely false retard some ugly guys can probably get a ugly girl but you’re a maroon if you believe they prefer that of course they want a beauty but cannot get one so they settled get with the program also “hurr durr wash your face” no amount of face washing is going to make you look like a A-lister ugly guys will still be uggos another thing I do not like is the “muscular midget” crap basically ugly short guys tell themselves that getting a six pack will some how put them on par with supermodel looking guys another,blue pill false claim,a muscular midget will lose to a tall guy who is even skinny fat also rich guys who pay off some bitches to get with them obviously don’t count but am sure bluepills will still try to use it as actual examples fuck they’re stupid. Bluepills are retarded they do not live in the same place we do they cannot.

>> No.22842979

I understood it until I started getting laid and realized the total disconnect and dissonance between how incel/loser men see women and what women really are. Women are not in possession of their sexuality or sex appeal in any way that even slightly approximates what men see in them. They are like 18 year old boys and men are like older gay men. The 18 year old boy can kind of comprehend the attention the gay man wants to lavish on him, but it's in a "fragmentary" way, whereas the older gay man's desire for the 18 year old boy is intense and singular. When a 18 year old boy consents to being "worshiped" by an older gay man, he is really just gathering up all the dim fragments or embers that are accessible to him, like "I am receiving money for this" and "I am receiving validation for this, I must be ... handsome? Charming? Good?," into a smouldering pile, while the older gay man is unleashing a pure intense beam of white hot fire onto the 18 year old boy. Within the older gay man's mind, "I am WORSHIPING this 18 year old boy" makes perfect sense, it's totally integrated into a total worldview, it's the focal point of that world, and the actual acts he's performing on the 18 year old are like the perfect expression of that unity. Meanwhile the 18 year old boy is sitting back and receiving the acts and adding yet another dull ember to the pile, "I guess this feels nice. Is that what sex is? Sort of feeling nice?"

Women only really "activate," in the way male lust is activated or potentially activated toward any and all women toward whom the man is attracted, when they love a man and they are experiencing his acts as proofs of his love for her and of her having captured and entranced him. They CANNOT experience simping in this way, most of them don't even bother maintaining the smouldering dusty pile of embers.

To me, knowing this ruins any appeal to simping for a woman. It's not even that she's uninterested in you, it's that being interested in you is an unthinkable thought to her. She doesn't get any joy, she doesn't see any symbolic meaning in you kissing her shoe or kneeling or calling her princess. The ONLY thought and feeling she has toward you is "I wish he was gone / I wish he did not exist for me." The only truly obedient act you could commit is ceasing your simping. This realization instantly reveals that all simping is really topping from the bottom and really a complex form of masturbation, since the woman is an infinitesimal point like Kant's "X" and all actual experiential content in the fantasy is being provided by YOU. You are basically fucking yourself mentally.

>> No.22842988

>What is the caste system
Jeet memes don't apply to high caste Indians, those guys genuinely live in more first world conditions than most Westerners

>> No.22842994

My life will mean nothing. I don't have 'anything.' I'm a neurotic wreck and I'm tired of trying.

>> No.22843000

I dont remember posting this.

>> No.22843003

> Pajewt

>> No.22843007

Why do you feel this way?

>> No.22843010

I want to start a journal and write down my thoughts, but I'm scared someone of my family will find out and they will see how degenerate of a freak I am. Fuck, I really want my parents to die and give me money from testament so I can buy myself an apartment and live alone like I always wanted to. I will not move out just to be a rentcuck

>> No.22843023

Uh. I need a bit of help bros. After much practice I'm now able to read without distractions for about an hour but it usually always ends up like this.
>start book
>read about an hour
>roughly 30 pages in
>book just doesn't grip me
>never open the book again
Help I guess. I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.22843043

I'm a guy from the fucking Midwestern United States.

>> No.22843059

are you ok?

>> No.22843069

i don't think there has been a single day this year where i was glad to be alive. each year i tell myself "next year is going to be better" and still, every time it turns out to be worse than the ones that came before. I'm not feeling suicidal, i just feel that i lose touch with reality with each passing month. first i lost interest in most of my hobbies and started getting drunk most days with friends. now i stopped responding to my friends and it's been months since my last drink. most of my days i just read or sit around mindlessly in my room, not really feeling anything. the only thing that seems to occupy my mind these days is the frustration that comes with all this, i want to enjoy life but everything i try just seems to be without purpose and not worth pursuing, like why bother when in a couple of years it's all over anyways? i hope that next year something will change, that somehow i will be able to enjoy things again.

>> No.22843070

Oof. Are you guys all like this?

>> No.22843073

I'm good.

>> No.22843086

No, I'm just a selfish, introverted manchild who would rather die a virgin rather than put up with another human being. But I guess that pill is a lot harder to swallow.

>> No.22843091

Yes, I didn't know this was unique to us.

>> No.22843109

STEM is soulcrushing. everytime someone asks me what i work and i have to answer "i'm an engineer" i regret the last ten years of my life and wish i had chosen a profession i enjoy rather than one that pays well.

>> No.22843126
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End of Evangelion
Scott Pilgrim VS the World
Naked (1993)
Mulholland Drive
Under the Silver Lake
Madoka Rebellion
No Country for Old Men
It's such a beautiful Day
Persona (1966)
The Fire Within

>> No.22843143

>t. copied and pasted from my diary desu
Soon I'm going to be 30, all I do is wander around town wondering what the hell this is all about, trying to find cute women

>> No.22843144

That there are whole careers based on catering to the fantasies of men is actually one of the most obvious manifestations of patriarchy

>> No.22843155

We must not look back over our shoulders at the world: we should meet each day as it comes with the same assumption: we can make each new day the best of days if we get the habit

>> No.22843161

>>22840850 I wonder how the increasing male loneliness will manifest itself in the next few decades. I wonder if we could see a potent "brotherhood" emerge among all men and "prophets" emerge with similar attitudes as the Buddha or the dudes who made Mithraism whereby women would not be allowed into the "brotherhood" (for obvious reasons) and will be seen as second class in some respects.

>> No.22843166

In no particular order

A Bittersweet Life
Sword of doom
Yellow Sea
Pulse (2001)
Fallen Angels
The Seventh Seal
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
The Crow

I could probably fill another 10 spots with just random korean crime movies, got totally hooked on those for a while.

>> No.22843170

>pretending to be sexually available and show cleavage for a full time job is oppression
male sexuality doesn't even enter the room anymore, it's just women exploiting men for being born with testostorone

>> No.22843178

Same as it always was but it’s a reciprocal relationship. Your thinking is warped

>> No.22843179

Brahmins are the Jews of Jeets. That's why they're over represented in positions of power and high paying jobs

>> No.22843180
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I would love to be a big tiddy streamer hoe but that's just what AGP does.

Also, why do men in those scenarios want to be women? Wouldn't they feel dysphoric as women?

>> No.22843187

I'm human again!

>> No.22843192
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>> No.22843193

Men create the demand for this content. I'm not saying that these women are "oppressed" by society, but that patriarchy created the conditions by which this is possible. They're gaming the system, and again I can't see why you wouldn't

>> No.22843195

Even if we became radically successful overnight or did some hard pivot where we experienced exponential success growth from here on out, it would still not bring happiness. If you want to be happy, you need to find a way to be happy in light of success and not because of it. I think people should spend less time chasing success and less time chasing happiness and instead chase something worthwhile with their lives. If you are allocating the precious finite moments of your life to something worth doing, then being successful at it and being happy while you do it are merely secondary. I think we should all strive to figure out what is worth doing and then to do it. If you’re deeply unhappy, it’s probably less of a problem in itself and more of a sign that you’re not quite on the right path.

>> No.22843198

Happiness for me is a function of doing important work. I currently have a roughly 3-4 decade long plan to learn and master all the things I need to learn and master to complete my plan to help humanity achieve spiritual enlightenment more quickly. Every day is a blessing.

>> No.22843201

The grass can be greener. The upside of having been an engineer is that it’s a near-automatic smart guy qualifier. I once learned that the CCP prefers engineers over lawyers in party leadership. Why? They say they’re just smart. Hard to argue with that. Money might be a prohibitive factor, but engineers are generally smart enough to go do anything they want and the fact that our best poets, novelists, painters, and sculptors aren’t engineers probably has to do a lot more with coincidence and self-selection than anything else.

>> No.22843205

Right. I guess what I tried to say in other words is that “important work” is just doing whatever is worthwhile with your life. I mean, if the most worthwhile thing you think you can do is write novels, for example, you’ve got to go full tilt into that.

>> No.22843206


>> No.22843208

Fuck the rules, exploit the system except if you are a woman

>> No.22843223

the problem for me is finding what i want to do with my life, i seem to be unable to find anything that makes my life worthwhile. there were things i enjoyed, less and less each year until i arrived where i am now, i've reached a point where nothing seems to bring me either joy or pain, it's all Just a blur that seems to happen without me responding either positively or negatively to it. i just don't really seem to care for much anymore, the only thing i do care about is trying to find out why nothing brings me joy anymore. i don't even regret all the time i've wasted and will waste, at this point life just seems to be something i have to sit out

>> No.22843228

THIS time will be the time I turn my life around, unlike the dozens of other times I tried in the last 6 years

>> No.22843252

We are GMI bro.
For sure this time haha...

>> No.22843257

God I want to get back to reading, my books are screaming at me to the left of me. I am not in a book phase but I want to force myself into one so I could do something smart with my life, not play videogames. Sigh.

>> No.22843258
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I prefer these fagging threads when they're on their deathbed. Dying at 200 250 0 responses minimum max. 'Write what's on your mind' as a nobody is hard. Writing a mind on (you) as a famous is a burden too. Noise, fans and windmills. Nobody ever says: yes please, more of this now. Nobody accepts anything less.

I love the Internet. Thank you for reading me stranger. Gooniegoogoo to you too.

>> No.22843267

>read flannery o'connor's "The Comforts of Home"
>35 yo unemployed living with mom virgin dude
>his mom brings home 19 yo BPD gf
>she instantly falls in love with him
>even tries to rape him

This guys is absolutely biggest faggot I've ever read about
he's could be harem anime protagonist in how much he hates pussy thrown at him

>> No.22843321

I only use my mobile data for internet, I can't watch any YouTube or play videogames. It means I do a lot of reading online.

>> No.22843335

Your major, school, and what you do for the first few years after you graduate is really important. The objectively right thing to do is get a good degree from a good school and do the most high status competitive job you can get for at least a year.

>> No.22843352

I'm 6 days off nicotine spray now. But now I have cravings and I'm thinking of buying some nicotine pouches again.

>> No.22843376

It Follows
The Boondock Saints
it gets all fuzzy after that.

>> No.22843381

Actually a similar thing happened to me years ago. She was a childhood friend staying at our house. For some reason I completely friendzoned her. She'd play footsie with me, sit on my lap, wrestle on my bed, and one time under the covers she had her lips around my penis before I pulled away. I don't know why my brain couldn't see her sexually back then, I just saw her as a friend. Thinking back on it makes me so depressed because she was very attractive too. Even my parents were confused. They thought I'd eventually form a romantic relationship. When I told them I only saw her as a friend, they basically said I was dumb. She has a boyfriend now, and we don't speak to each other anymore.

>> No.22843387

I did this and got a $10/mo plan for unlimited talk/text and 1gb of data. 1gb is just barely enough for email and searching, not even 4chan. I make my phone as a hotspot when I want to check my email at computer.

>> No.22843395

Stop with this fucking meme you bunch of failed normies

>> No.22843406
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lmao imagine being Russian

>> No.22843412

I don’t get the pic?

>> No.22843446

Modern world doesn't allow for individuals like me to succeed nor even makes me want to. I hate the world I'm living in, excess conformity is the death of man's spirit and fertile ground for hedonism and degeneracy. Lack of God's presence makes every life decision meaningless. Existence of individuals from the same species as me, willfully ignoring every logical rule and constantly abusing it by fanatically imposing their way of thinking on me is bothersome. All I want now is a little peace as I drown in escapism fantasies of men from the past with mindset more or less same as mine before I pull the trigger as my senses will get more and more rusty

>> No.22843458

>individuals like me
Whiny little bitch boys?

>> No.22843459

Why don’t you just adjust?

>> No.22843475

Theoretically, I already did. But practically I don't feel, and probably never will, sense of belonging to this world.

>> No.22843528

Recently I have come to see human competitiveness in everything, and in it I only see vanity. Everything done by people is done for status. The partners they chose, the cars they drive, the clothes they wear. It is all a symbolic signal of their tribal affiliation. Modern consumerism has smartly seen to a near infinite supply of cheap shit to “express” oneself with. There is nothing authentic in the material world, only in spirit can we be genuine and true to ourselves.
How can anyone look at themselves in the face? How can people keep going without weeping?
Who is there who has not done harm to another? Whose words have not hurt, whose look has not scorned? Name one such person.
There is no meaning in expressing oneself, for understanding is impossible. Do you honestly believe that any man could see another? Everything is a mask.
What is there to do? Embrace the world of the spirit and abandon the flesh. Leave the crowds and care for them not. What can they offer you other than vanity, and you them vanity in return?
Even the woman I love, whose body I am as familiar with as my own does not know me, and she never could. Everything about this world is a tragedy. All is false and there is no truth and nothing can be known.
What I have written is vain and untrue, it isn't what I wanted to say.

>> No.22843546

literacy escapes me for the moment so i can only say
>this but unironically

>> No.22843552

in terms of quality, maybe...
but for lit anons, the shop around the corner is perfect............

>> No.22843558

There's no time like the future.

>> No.22843562

I am looking forward to my firing on Friday like you cannot believe. I will be a free man again. I am going to take a few months to relax and live off my savings before I even consider working a j*b again.

>> No.22843566
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I am having tranny thoughts and I am ashamed of it. Not only am I a waste of space lazy loser, no I am a potential tranny too.

>> No.22843583

Honestly you might feel like less of a piece of shit if you transition. Seen it happen before

>> No.22843596

Kill yourself, you fucking monster.

>> No.22843598

Just always remember that age is no friend of trannies. Look up "the gay death." What do you think happens to a gay man whose entire schtick is dressing up as a young woman? It's like a double gay death.

Old people are meant to be mundane. You don't want to still be chasing the oasis on the horizon of being a 21 year old slut as a 34 year old man with saggy bags under his eyes and busted hairy man tits.

>> No.22843622

Right back at you dickhead

>> No.22843626

I have bad intentions.

>> No.22843630
File: 199 KB, 1168x1794, IMG_3045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s with the sudden uptick in leftist threads the last few days? Like I know /leftypol/ came from here but it’s a tad unnerving.

>> No.22843644

Way more blatant pol threads, bro

>> No.22843693

Just seems kinda weird to me that you'd even treat being an apologist for the British empire as something super taboo. Given that the Empire has not really existed since like 1950. It really doesn't matter. It's not like Britain is or ever will try colonialism ever again.
Neither do i buy people who frame geopolitics like Star Wars, as some battle between heroic oppressed people v.s an evil empire.
Would the world be better off today if the Empire had never existed? I am not so sure

>> No.22843760

just finished having a cuddle with my cat. feeling cleansed and revitalized.

>> No.22843809

The pickaxe is heavy. How am I supposed to do this for 12 hours? I'm in the bathroom, I'm running away.

>> No.22843854

Some albums give me goosebumps, but I dislike the album. Some albums don't give me goosebumps, but I like the album.

>> No.22844067

That's a man. It's crazy how anyone can look like a woman now. Peasants back in the days would go fucking batshit seeing a literal woman with a dick and maybe try to murder her. What the fuck

I've done something I might regret today. I spent $350 for a near stranger to hang out with me during holidays. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. I totally invited a girl I barely know to Disneyland and she said yes. The thought came down like thunder. I just couldn't find a better thing to do for Christmas and I didn't want to be alone. Honestly I just expected her to make fun of me and move on but she went 'Well, that's sudden, but yes. I'm not doing anything either so why the fuck not?'

I bought the tickets but I can't continue to spend my money on NPC-tier actions like that. Like I know I did this for a variety of reasons but it's so fucking weird. Stuff doesn't happen out of the blue like that. I feel like I was being compelled to do that shit by destiny. That's the only reasonable explanation

>> No.22844079
File: 1.62 MB, 1200x808, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reading a selection of his stories, and he seems like an excellent writer, but it makes me feel a little sad how unhappy most of his characters are. Were Americans of that time really like that?

>> No.22844084

No, they're not.
I know a few old people who aged gracefully while still being fairly interesting people.
One's my dad and the other one's my grandfather.
Half a century, but it was beautiful while it lasted.

>> No.22844086

I would have done the same kek.

>> No.22844110

start of the 2024 election bot/shill cycle

>> No.22844133

Just have some fun at Disneyland man, don't think so much

>> No.22844358

What do asexual people do if they don’t have or are not even interested in sex am pretty jealous not going to lie.

>> No.22844367

asexual = women who has molested and is traumatized by sex and just uses the label as a defense mechanism but still has sexual urges , or man who is perverted so beyond normal sexuality that he just lies and says he's asexual so people don't question (they still do) his striking lack of attraction to any living human whatsoever

>> No.22844376

>Real wars are fought by volunteers.
Yeah. Fought and lost.

>> No.22844378

Stop taking these meme "sexualities" seriously

>> No.22844381

Real women have penises

>> No.22844386

Wrong on both fronts, asexuals are people with autism or a physiological problem

>> No.22844387

my sister's life is so much better than mine i just don't get it. how can we be born from the same family yet live completely different lives?

>> No.22844388

So weird you mentioned this as I was just thinking about that video recently. Been meaning to rewatch it actually

>> No.22844391

Because you're different people

>> No.22844398
File: 989 KB, 3840x2160, 1592048648821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it get any better than monday football and egg nog?

>> No.22844405

There is a breakdown by seconds in the first comment of the 7 minute video with 433k views on YouTube, I think the 3rd one down if you search great white fire nightclub. Incredible how bad it got so fast. The cameraman is lucky he headed out as soon as he saw the flames

>> No.22844413

>people with autism
ie. people with insane fetishes like only getting hard for balloons or whatever, we're discussing the same thing.

>> No.22844437

Yeah for real, autistic people are the most perverted

>> No.22844450

Am I romanticizing love? I feel like the average person never experiences real and true love. I feel like people just find and get paired with other people because it’s the thing to do, you know? I don’t understand how the average person is able to fall in love so easy. Surely, they can’t be experiencing real love, right? How do people so easily find others that connect with them on “every level” supposedly? A big reason as to why I am still single late into my 20s and never dated before is probably because I’m pretentious when it comes to the idea of love. Also, it’s extremely difficult and rare for me to actually open up and be vulnerable, even with my own family. I crave a deep damaging and instinctual type of love. I have no idea where to find it, but I crave it. Actually, it’s the only thing I will accept. I could never be with a man if I am not completely intertwined with his soul, body and being. Maybe every single other normie is experiencing the same thing that I speak of, and I’m just being ignorant by assuming that their desires are surface level. Maybe that’s why I am alone. I don’t know.

>> No.22844459

Stick to Reddit and get a MRI to make sure your brain isn't atrophied and lesioned.
Not my personal taste.

>> No.22844480

That's a polished fucking jaw.

>> No.22844483

Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.22844485

Yes. However, it has to get much worse before that.

>> No.22844487

Queer pseud.

>> No.22844516

Censorship is always bad. If you're having a difficult time working out who is right and who is wrong, find out who wants to censor.

>> No.22844541

We should censor the pro censorship crowd

>> No.22844566

Asexuality isn't real. It's just incels or extremely inhibited people.
These people still have sexual desires they just deny them expression.

>> No.22844573

I'm listening to Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast from the beginning and this shit is hilarious to me, I wonder if it stays this funny. I hope it does.

>> No.22844577

Is it really so hard to believe someone doesn't have sexual desires? People are into all kinds of weird shit, human sexuality is endlessly malleable, I just see asexuality as another variation

>> No.22844578

Certain things should obviously be censored: slander, libel, inciting violence, inciting hate if it’s a non public figure, etc

>> No.22844583

bisexual here, hate to use the atheist argument, but asexual people just like one less gender than you. idk gay/straight people think that's somehow less weird that you were like, only one kind for me
though anons are right a lot of sexualities now are memes and you have to rely on the autists for actually weird shit

>> No.22844589

what is it about

>> No.22844590

asexuality is defined by their low to non existent libido and ability to live without sex, not everyone who is like that is autistic some people just got dealt a low libido hand and lack of real desire for sex
the fact that some people immediately assume that this is impossible is contrary to history where we have multiple examples of monks, saints, hermits etc who have had the same low libido and speaks more about how big of coombrains majority of people are than about asexuality

>> No.22844592

Wow, you're so profound and intelligent, what a free thinker you are.

>> No.22844596

It's a comedian podcast starring Shane Gillis and Matt McCusker.

>> No.22844597

should be a simple concept to grasp, not his fault most people don't appreciate truth, if your regime can't handle criticism your regime is shit and based on lies

>> No.22844600

>it’s extremely difficult and rare for me to actually open up and be vulnerable
That's your problem. Other people are vulnerable and so have the opportunity to be known for who they are and loved for that. You're convinced it's going to be damaging but the point of it is to be vulnerable and not be hurt by it. Being vulnerable and hurt by doing so isn't love, but something closer to abuse.

>> No.22844602

should i cause more pointless but immense suffering to myself? yes or no, please answer quickly

>> No.22844603

yeah ok

>> No.22844606


>> No.22844623

whut u gonna do

>> No.22844629

>Is it really so hard to believe someone doesn't have sexual desires?
The coom-drive is burned deep into our monkey brains.
There may be a few genuinely asexual people, but i bet many more just can't get any

>> No.22844631


>> No.22844645

more meth. 5 days. i dont want I DONT WANT TO BE ALIVE im sorry mom

>> No.22844660

Asceticism and overcoming carnal desires isnt the gay ass asexuality you fags talk about today

>> No.22844835

The same thing normal (not zoomer degens) people do the other 23 hours of the day except an extra hour of entertainmentor work?