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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 241 KB, 845x761, J.F._Sebastian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22833143 No.22833143 [Reply] [Original]

JF edition.

Previous: >>22828365

>> No.22833161

rubbing my psyche numb with information (no longer able to enjoy anything)

>> No.22833166

Just got Final Fantasy 1-6, playing the first one now, very fun.

>> No.22833168

I should try to be less pessimistic

>> No.22833176

do you guys think any posters on 4chan will ever become known in the future as influential anonymous poets/authors

>> No.22833177
File: 61 KB, 888x1200, RissetJean-Claude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck sugar, what a shitty addiction. And video games suck too. I can't be an artist with these vices, I need to detox from literally everything.

>> No.22833184

you mean they'll become famous for 4chan posts? I don't think 4chan posts can ever have a meaningful impact on the world, so no

>> No.22833193
File: 52 KB, 760x760, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just waiting for Disability Day, then I can party and buy Christmas prezzies. Also new Kanye is straight bussin.

>> No.22833200

It's not out yet. The song Vultures was trash. All of his music has been mediocre since 2019. I have no clue how he has so many young fans when his new albums are so shit.

>> No.22833202

Just listen. https://youtu.be/WIf5dKVTT60?si=qEo7aitdl7wK1Mpg

>> No.22833207

You'd be fuckin surprised

>> No.22833213

All music past 2005 is bad
I have two teeth that are fully rotted out. Like massive holes turning black and shit. Worried about sepsis. Drink at least one monster everyday. I agree. Fuck sugar
Jan 1st going to cut out all soda/energy "drinks" and go on the Mediterranean diet. Do it with me bro

>> No.22833214

Yeah I do. I think I will>>22833176

>> No.22833215

So I guess he just gave up on his fake Christianity phase

>> No.22833216

I feel bad cause I can't buy Christmas presents this year.

>> No.22833220
File: 205 KB, 545x530, IMG_1583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’ve never got pussy, can’t get pussy, or don’t want to get pussy, you can’t call yourself a man

>> No.22833221

No, he's still going with that, he was on Instagram live recently and he was still talking about god.

>> No.22833224

I've had a few pet cats in my life, but I still don't feel like a man.

>> No.22833232

Anybody can talk about God, doesn't mean what they say is biblical.

>> No.22833236

What's more important
Being true to God ir bring true to the Bible 123 go

>> No.22833273

bourbon is just barbecue flavored whiskey

>> No.22833277

We’ll never know

>> No.22833294

The essence of practiced Christianity can be summarized thusly:

1. Keep the Conversation Going (pray daily)
2. Know the Story (read the Bible)
3. Visit his House (go to church)

It is from these habits that one can grow closer to God.

>> No.22833314

>Mediterranean diet
I'll start tomorrow dude

>> No.22833323

It works I've done it before. It's the best diet for feeling better. Cleanses all the shit out, promote cardiovascular health (all bodily health is an exponent of cleanliness in the bloodstream), takes care of shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat, more energy, better mood.
Just if you do it, prioritize vegetables, specifically leafy greens, over all else, if you eat chicken or fish, have much more vegetables on your plate. Douse everything in olive oil, extra Virgin, and don't cheap out. Get high quality oil.
Also, learn to use bulgur wheat. It is your Fren.
You'll unironically live longer

>> No.22833333

thanks for the advice anon, I'm feeling good about this

>> No.22833334

God is unstoppable

>> No.22833337

If I suddenly died right now I wouldn't even be sad about it.

>> No.22833338

What has made you realize this anon?

>> No.22833343


>> No.22833345

Almost killing myself

>> No.22833369

the only reason i haven't killed myself is because i don't believe that death actually exists or can provide any relief from pain

>> No.22833375

How do you deradicalize yourself from pol shit?

>> No.22833377

Avoid politics. Avoid the news. Limit social media

>> No.22833388

unironically i stopped bring bigoted after taking copious amounts of LSD, but after several years i've devolved into an even weirder kind of right-wing

>> No.22833393

Understanding Magick and God will do it.
But as for practical steps; stop going on /pol/ entirely.

>> No.22833415

my depression has gone beyond being a mood disorder and is now an ideology

>> No.22833442

Men and women are from Earth.

>> No.22833458

The ever gentle transaction of balance between the nocturnal & diurnal dominion of the welkin, a primordial waltz of languid beauty, threads of silence weave a lens permitting a glance into infinity. In nothing, can be seen everything. The sun bows in the horizon relinquishing it’s mastery; dawning the nocturnal cloak.

>> No.22833502

Anhedonia is the horrific. I’m rotting inside and out. I can’t find an escape. I will eventually an hero at this rate. But there isn’t a single solution for anhedonia. I’ve tried so hard for 10 years straight. I know God can’t be upset at me if I give up. I know I’ve struggled enough for 100 lifetimes already. I know my parents can’t be upset too.

>> No.22833503

>trusting women to define what makes a man

>> No.22833504

i wish i wasn't gay

>> No.22833508

Ayn Rand talks about anhedonia in no specific terms in the virtue of selfishness

>> No.22833513

Don’t be a bitch, bro. That shit is embarrassing

>> No.22833524

Enjoy what?

>> No.22833530
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, 20231129_134735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really fucking down right now; just finished read an emotionally involved manga that made me relive a severed relationship and now my heart is stirring awkwardly.
>inb4 tranime pleb, yada, yada.
recc me some fics that'll leave me in utter emotional turmoil; no, i will not accept any other suggestions/solutions to this predicament except recc'd fics.

>> No.22833535

What's a good book for a depressed 29 year old loser that just quit his job. I hate everything and everyone, even my parents, even my girlfriend, I can't be bothered to give a fuck about anything long enough to apply for another job, I'm considering suicide, and on top of that all I'm sick, which isn't so bad except trying to fall asleep is fucking miserable right now

>> No.22833544

I think that women think men more or less have it the same sexually as they do, just without the danger part. women think that we can do as they do -- that if we wanted, we could open up a dating app and sleep with someone that night or the next -- just without the fear of being murdered. it's not like that at all for us. sometimes my sex drive is so high that I wonder if there's something wrong with me. if I was a woman I would be getting creampied every single night I possibly could

>> No.22833545

the sorrows of young werther sounds like it should do the job.

>> No.22833547

Yearning for justice, order. You want to be caught. You want to be punished for everything you did wrong.

>> No.22833548

what manga?

>> No.22833554

soredemo boku wa kimi ga suki

>> No.22833562

Theseus' father the king kills himself as Theseus returns. It would seem to be tragically ironic but this belies the truth the king realizes which is that if Theseus killed the Minotaur, greater forces of evil are about to be unleashed on the kingdom. Behind one thrall of evil, a greater one possesses it and all are possessed by one terrible master.

>> No.22833563

Have you ever even drank bourbon? It’s nothing like that. It’s sweet.

>> No.22833564

>talking with hoe on an app
>she's horny as hell and dtf
>one last thing anon, can you send me money so I can pay for my ride?
>you don't have money for a bus?
>no :)
>ask how the fuck she doesn't have money for the bus fare
>gives me some bullshit and asks me if I can't transfer 4 times the necessary amount to her
>I say that when we see each other I'll give her what she spent on the bus + enough for the fare back
>asking becomes demanding and she starts acting more agressive
>I say I won't do it
>conversation ends
Bizarrely the exact same thing happened to me twice tonight with different women despite never going through something like this before. They were horny and both clearly wanted sex, but they decided to throw it all away over some amount of money which isn't even enough to pay for a meal. Both didn't unmatch me after their ultimatum and one even texted me hi some time latter. They were clearly hoping that I would change my mind. Maybe they're used to guys doing anything for sex.
>if the amount of money was so small why didn't you pay it
Principle. I refuse to pay some bitch for the privilege of getting dicked down until she's completely exhausted. I also don't believe they were playing me because the amount of days and hours we spent talking would be ridiculous for such a small con with terrible payout. I think they just saw a way of making a quick buck while having sex and either had a meltdown when I said no or thought that I would cave eventually.

>> No.22833571

How do I get into counterintelligence?

>> No.22833578

my penis is in a truly incredible amount of pain

>> No.22833598

Notes from the Underground

>> No.22833601

ok the pain in my penis has subsided
but the pain in my soul has not

>> No.22833602

Women are fucking retards. It's that simple. I don't hate them. I'm just simplifying the truth so it can be understood. Like I don't hate them for being retarded, knowing they're just retarded is what allows me not to hate them.
They do think our experience mirrors theirs because 90% of them have extreme childish narcissism.
Honestly, it's not worth expounding on. They're retards. You just accept it.
Fuck em.

>> No.22833605

>Bizarrely the exact same thing happened to me twice tonight with different women despite never going through something like this before. They were horny and both clearly wanted sex, but they decided to throw it all away over some amount of money which isn't even enough to pay for a meal.
No homie they weren't horny they were using your desire to fuck them to get something out of you. They may have let you fuck but it would have been transactional and abusive. You dodged a bullet
Get smarter tho you're gonna get eaten alive
Good on you for telling them to fuck off tho that's good

>> No.22833607

>I also don't believe they were playing me because the amount of days and hours we spent talking would be ridiculous for such a small con with terrible payout.
Anon, you are dealing with females. Your standard of petty and beneath you...is not the one they use lol.

>> No.22833611

>>22833564 here. I'm becoming Kazakh to the point that I've been considering taking the hooker pill and exclusively fucking them. To think that I used to have all those thoughts of romance when I was younger, now I'm only left with a mix of spite and horniness. Any advice?

>> No.22833615

>A woman should take a bus to come fuck me
I wanna believe this is bait so badly. At least pick her up or something.

>> No.22833619

Why the fuck would you do that? Pick her up? Bruh you don't understand. You got no game
You pick up your girlfriend or a date
Not a lay

>> No.22833622

Yeah don't cave to it and I'd honestly do the opposite of what you said. Try not to fuck women at all, I get sometimes you'll have to, if you absolutely have to, base it on sanity not on looks, fuck a woman who won't go nuts and pick up a vengeance quest on you.
And keep searching for a girlfriend but if you don't find one just stay single and avoid bitterness. Obviously I'm bitter. But it is ruinous, the reason I'm telling you to avoid it is I've lived it's effects.
What you're talking about tho, hate fucking women or hate fucking whores, will only make it worse.

>> No.22833627

Can you actually afford hookers? You sound broke.

>> No.22833630

Two things I desperately want. A hardcore, right-wing, authoritarian regime, akin to the Puritans combined with Hitler. And a gay husband to love and share my life with.

>> No.22833631

I played too many games this year. I read a lot more last year.

>> No.22833632

Both the pain in my penis and the pain in my soul have reached a sort of tolerable resting point

>> No.22833655
File: 1.06 MB, 1559x1346, GreatWorkAnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sure there’s at least one or two career writers who have used this site as a well of madness to draw inspiration from, or as a way of putting material out there to see how it’s generally received.
I’ve spent a lot of time honing my writing by intending to post it on $Chin. Positive feedback feels more rewarding when it’s coming from an arena of anonymous, overly-cynical social pariahs who’ve granted themselves absolute moral authority to brand complete strangers as niggers and faggots at the slightest hint of provocation. And it’s a little easier to let some of the more targeted criticism roll off your back when it comes in the form of, “fr nigga, this shit gay af kys fagit.”
I cropped together picrel after I posted some writing that was particularly well received; I set it as my desktop background (much to my wife’s chagrin), and I give it a quick glance whenever I need to remind myself that I’m capable of producing work that can make at least some people happy. It’s really the only thing that seems to motivate me to keep writing anymore, if I’m being entirely honest. I don’t see myself making a career out of writing (not for a lack of genuine effort, that is to say). But I love making my wife laugh; my friends and family, too. And I have this romanticized idea of compelling someone to see an issue in a way they might not have otherwise ever seen it had it not been for my ability to communicate it to them in a meaningful and engaging way. Try as I might, I just can’t seem to grow up out of and away from my passion for it.
I know I use that as an excuse to waste a lot of time here, but damned if this place can’t serve as one of the best jumping-off points to get the pen going.
Any other Anons here have similar experiences?

>> No.22833658

the little green wheels are following me

>> No.22833675

/lit/ has gotten me writing for the first time in like ten years. I agree about the feedback meaning more because it's coming from perma-trollcels, to whom I also relate.
I've never attempted being a career writer or getting anything publishes, for multiple reasons. I think I'm a highly proficient writer, in fact, I know I am, and could probably get something published easily if I apply myself.
I avoid it for two reasons: one, i have run my mouth a lot and been a pretty terrible person at times, any amount of fame at all and I'll be eviscerated to shreds.
Two, maybe this is just petty juvenalia, but i figure anything i write that's worth reading, will only come from me writing it with my blood and not out of any ulterior motive like getting published or developing a career. Just to express what I feel is important.
I'll probably write a good book someday, and then die immediately after.
But anyway yes. /lit/ is a great resource. I don't really go to the other boards anymore.

>> No.22833676

Trust me, don't trust me.

>> No.22833696

>/lit/ has gotten me writing for the first time in like ten year.
That's awesome, anon. I'm fired up for you. I know how hard it can be to get back in the saddle when you've been away, but how meaningful it can be if you can see your way there.
Thanks for your insights, friend. Best of luck to you.

>> No.22833703

this is all just making conversation. i don't really have anything important to tell you. i just like to talk to you. it alleviates the loneliness for a little

>> No.22833710

>tfw from kazakhstan

>> No.22833711

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.22833735

See the cave, not the shadows. The medium is the message.

>> No.22833736

You enter my mind like the soft blue creeps over the morning sky, all present thoughts dissolve into memories of your ineradicable warmth, at the expense of committing violence to all my senses my soul submits to this hijacking.

>> No.22833739

A little while ago in these threads I talked about how powerful lucid dreaming can be and how much a device that could induce lucid dreams like in Inception would change things. Well just recently they announced that some tech startup is creating a device similar to that called a “Halo” or whatever. It’s supposed to help induce lucid dreams and is receiving a lot of funding. I wonder if it’ll actually work. Being able to lucid dream for hours every night would be insane.

>> No.22833753


>> No.22833755

I lucid dream pretty much every night. But weirdly I have this mix of half-lucid, half-nightmares every night. Maybe my conscience is punishing me for having exclusively perverted lucid dreams. So my nightmares are filled with paranoia, stalking, etc.

>> No.22833774

We are all a little Kazakh, man. I'm heavily persuaded by the idea of hookers myself over time. Fuck the obsolete ideas of courtship.

>> No.22833788

Once a gooner had learned how to fly
In the cockpit he’d tug it quite sly
Till the hot flight attendant
Had realized his penchant
And slipped the wrong stick up inside

>> No.22833818

I truly hope that when I sleep now, I won’t wake up ever again.

>> No.22833833
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>> No.22833837

People often joke about the amazing things that autists would be doing of hentai and video games didn't exist. The truth is most of them would just get jobs at the post office and hyper-fixate on the sorting system in the mail room.

>> No.22833844

That is amazing tho

>> No.22833846

Well I'm drunk and alone having hour long conversations with imaginary people. Havent done this in a while. Feels weird man.

>> No.22833848

Sometimes there's 5 minutes of gold in a 3 hour work of bronze.

>> No.22833853

How I wish that. I feel so awful when I'm up. Every waking hour is painful.

>> No.22833876

I can't just be myself. The real me is completely catatonic. I have to pretend.

>> No.22833877
File: 294 KB, 1080x1350, imilenaioanna_1647607173932898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tradtards losing their shit over DINK videos are really something. You should be glad that DINKists are self selecting out of the gene pool. This is a good thing. It ensures future generations are more likely to be born to parents who reject short-term hedonism. There's just no point forcing people like this to breed, it makes no sense.

>> No.22833885

I almost hate them. They've gotten so lucky, they have been given so much material just by way of being born and no humility to temper it. They're patronizing and single minded, they can understand no values except those which favor them most. Had mankind their strength no star would be off limits. A mass of genetic iron greater than any other has received and yet they are trapped by it. We've all forged blades, of course, they're necessary; but they have no tool except for that sword, dull and rusted now from never seeing a sheath. But more it's more than that which binds them so. They built themselves a cage. Standards of society keeping them from rising, raw potential forged into a cell. Perhaps they were useful at a time, protecting them from the harsh world or even themselves, but now the rising tide which should lift all boats instead threatens to drown them. They cling to the bars as they do their pride, the only security they know.
We cannot watch them drown, it's simply not our nature. It might be our own hubris but we cannot simply haul them along, loosing the beast when we have need of its strength then locking it in again. It pains us to see others suffer, we make everyone our family. They deserve happiness as well. There is nothing greater than the freedom to fly as you please, but it must be learned rather than given. We will be there for them, though. We will teach them new shapes for their iron, help whet their blades to the beauty they could be, and share in their burdens until they understand how they might be free of them entirely. We might shed our pride together. Then we can truly stand as one house, one family, against the uncaring stars, and all be stronger for it.

>> No.22833895

Once you fall outside the world, outside of life and other people, you can't reason your way back inside.
The reasons only make sense from inside, but you are outside, so they just seem like noise.
If you are not making music then someone's preference, or well thought out reason, for a certain key,mode, technique, or anything else is irrelevant.
They only become relevant once you make the choice to participate in the music.
It's the same thing. The choice is arbitrary. There is no reason to abstain or participate. That kind of thinking only becomes applicable within the interiority of "yes".

>> No.22833899


>> No.22833902

who's the girl in the pic

>> No.22833908

How many pages am I supposed to read a day? What's a respectable number here??

>> No.22833912

>be at a party
>don't let me drink/smoke/get high/go home too late/...
>20 minutes later
>drink from other people's cups/grab a cig from someone else trying not to be spotted/...
what sort of person do you imagine?

>> No.22833916


>> No.22833918

A sped

>> No.22834011

That seems unfeasible.

>> No.22834037

I gotta re-watch Deadwood.

>> No.22834041

I gotta rewatch that JT Leroy doc

>> No.22834078

No bro YOU don't pick up your lay. I have decency..

>> No.22834090

Please help. I can't read.

>> No.22834183

Come on boys, what do I get the lit gf for Christmas?

>> No.22834186

A liger

>> No.22834221

I want to read some postmodern stuff. What are the essential masterpieces of postmodern fiction?

>> No.22834231

At Swim Two Birds
Slaughterhouse 5
The Name of the Rose
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.22834241

Don Delillo

>> No.22834251

Alright. I'll check them out.

>> No.22834256

They won't all be to your taste, but they all have the basic elements of the style.

>> No.22834263
File: 174 KB, 405x388, Emoji - 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero compromise 2A supporter
>Support free healthcare
>Vehemently anti-Israel
What am I? Someone tell me.

>> No.22834268

Looks like some kind of salamander or newt

>> No.22834270

I meant politically. I don't know what my political affiliation is or what I most closely resemble.

>> No.22834273

Yeah I'm more interested in salamanders, sorry you're lonely or whatever

>> No.22834317

We have all had experiences of talking about something and getting recommendations/ads for it very soon after. However, increasingly I am finding this happens for things I have just thought about but never spoken out loud.
It is probably just a coincidence, but I am starting to believe that the algorithm/psychometrics, whatever you call it, being used on us far more advanced than we have been told. I also assume that it is no longer merely reactive and predictive but proactive in cultivating certain desires, thoughts, behaviours.

>> No.22834325

>being used on us far more advanced than we have been told
I want you to go to the really really cheap section of the toy store, the bit with knock off tamagotchi and 10 in 1 tetris games, and find the 20 questions key chain and try to outsmart it. It's not psychic, you're just predictable.

>> No.22834343

A week ago I had the thought "I wonder how animals drink so much shitty water without getting sick" after watching a dog drink from a puddle with literal shit in it. Didn't say it out loud, didn't google it or anything. Later that day one of the top video on YouTube recommend to me is on this very subject.

Similar events like this have repeated for months now. This isn't it a matter of a purchasing a bag of potatoes and then getting ads for "I LOVE TAYTOS" shirts or something.

>> No.22834391

Ever since childhood they tell you about true love, marriage and saving yourself for the one special one. And then you grow up and realize that everyone have been having sex with everyone all the time. It's like a global joke I was too autistic to get until much too late.

>> No.22834397

m8, a couple more posts and i'll have your county picked out, you're giving out a lot of info you don't realize

>> No.22834411

Nah, God was there before the bible, prayer and churches were invented. Fashions of worship change.

>> No.22834447

This is a warning to all women who could be my prospective partners. You have failed me. I have received no attention from you all my life, so I'm now turning mine to Magic the Gathering. Yes, you've heard that right. Every day from now on that you continue to ignore me, I'll waste a shit-ton of money, money that was destined for our and our children's pleasure and future, on some worthless cardboard. Have a great day :^)

>> No.22834456

>anon gives up showering to punish women
Many such cases

>> No.22834524

I love my dad. I never really had a close relationship with him but now that I’ve grown up and on my own, I see that he had some sort of high functioning autism/ personality disorder, he had his own issues in life. End of the day he is a little human in a mad world the same as I am. I completely understand him now and I just feel nothing but empathy. I have a much more fulfilling relationship with him now. We are better off as two men than as father and child.

>> No.22834596

unspeakably based

>> No.22834611

What’s the modern equivalent of Stoicism? Spengler said it was socialism, but I’m just not seeing it. It seems like there’s a lot of overlap between Stoicism, Islam, and Orthodox Christianity online.

>> No.22834791

Back from a vitalist three hour walk in the hills and forests. Very refreshing, can recommend.

>> No.22834800
File: 74 KB, 181x300, fWS4u4RRhV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resultes of the PISA study is such a bad thing.

What do you think, Anon?

>> No.22834823

the defining characteristic of being male is that we want to kill each other, and that's a good thing

>> No.22834872

I'm actually reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and it's kinda whatever. I love the movie but the book so far is not super engaging, we'll see...

>> No.22834882

I had some marmalade in the fridge and after opening it I saw it had caught some white fungae on the top. They say taking off the fungae isn't enough because the roots of the fungus are in the marmalade itself. I think that's libshit bias and ate it anyways.

>> No.22834895

Just woke up to fucking egg liquor farts. Jesus christ even my dog was offended.

>> No.22834917

Your dog is pretty cute anon, you're a lucky guy.

>> No.22835000

Royal Gala is the best kind of apple

>> No.22835007


>> No.22835056

Im scratching my legs till it start bleeding. Maybe I have anxiety issues.

>> No.22835104

Where did we go wrong? I can't even make a few friends meanwhile my dad knew and still practically knows everyone in the entire town. It wasn't always like this. About 10-12 years ago I had friends to hang out daily, real friends. Not those friends you meet online. It all just changed suddenly with most of the world being online. I was never an extrovert or a outgoing person but the internet seems to have made it 10x worse. Any books to fix this or is it unironically over?

>> No.22835112

I've been thinking about reading a book about starting a cult but only applying the principles at like half intensity to recruit a friend group

>> No.22835115

if i can't be perfect then it is better that i just die

>> No.22835129

Just got back from the hospital. I masturbated too much and my penis lost blood circulation so they had to amputate it.

>> No.22835130


>> No.22835138

>other people see me as a clown
cant blame then I really do present myself in that way. I should've know better than be a comedian at a funeral.

>> No.22835153

i don't feel anything anymore, beyond a soft pressure from my clothes and the keyboard on my fingertips

>> No.22835162

was it always like that?

>> No.22835164
File: 13 KB, 211x250, 3aebf1404e9183ecc03718e8457c2482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22835170

no, in fact i was quite happy just a few months ago

>> No.22835179

Thats not a pink lady apple or even a honeycrisp.

>> No.22835180

My grandma told me to take off my pants.

>> No.22835195

What do successful, driven people do on weekends if not work?

>> No.22835199

did something specific happen?

>> No.22835206

wait, but you guys told me working, like going to school, is a scam and the best way to stick it to the man is to fail at life.

>> No.22835210

I'm gay for women, but I'm not a woman.

>> No.22835217

five or six distinct but related things

>> No.22835220

Cocaine and bitches.

>> No.22835222


>> No.22835258

in the sense that they're all 100% my fault

>> No.22835259

Arguably it is. I’m not seeing the contradiction.

>> No.22835272

Sex gets tiresome after some time. I'd rather play league or cuddle than doing it, but it's necessary for the maintenance of the relationship. I guess it's the same thing rich people say about being rich: that when you earn a lot you realize it's not that nice anyway

>> No.22835295

bleeding from every orifice. i can't stand up. even typing this is exhausting.

>> No.22835323

How do you do it every night? I've heard some people can do it naturally but it's extremely rare, how long do they usually last and how vivid are they?

>> No.22835330
File: 191 KB, 1536x2048, Silica_Animus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, got ebola?

>> No.22835331

Whatever your average for the week is +/-20%ish
Sometimes you get more sometimes less, and that’s alright

>> No.22835333

how it's your fault?

>> No.22835348

I've been doing it since childhood. I have a very strong imagination, like schizophrenic-level but controllable. I have phantom touch, taste, smell. It's probably some abnormality in how my brain developed, like how some people have synethesia. I don't know how long they last in real time, but they feel like hours. They're very vivid. Sometimes I wake up crying from my lucid dreams because it felt so real, like I was in an isekai and was transported back to reality.

>> No.22835372

that feel bro

>> No.22835379 [DELETED] 

ya that reminds me of when the us government was surveilling some isis douchebag and they were like for being an austere religious scholar this dude spends a fortune on porn!

>> No.22835388

>special one
doesnt exist

>> No.22835414

I wanted to cook pasta but I forgot to get ketchup at the store. I'm hungry but somehow the... laze... is... greater...

>> No.22835418

I laid in bed doing nothing this Saturday, I can hear the brutish sounds of men with friends out tonight in my small-town, which is too intimidating for a friendless and sensitive soul like me to go out alone. I dress normally and don't attract attention and people will still call me a faggot.
I think I look people in the eye for too long. Anyway, people don't mingle in bars anymore, they just stick to their friend groups so even if I did have a friend, I would just be looking over my shoulder at women all night. Being autistic enough to not get pussy should be classified as a disability. I spoke to a woman the other night who said some people just sit in their living rooms and watch TV for company. I stopped watching TV/CDs/DVDs because my mind just says COPE. It's a catch-22, you can't be needy to have sex, but I am in desperate need of human touch.
I just rub my fingertips across my top lip and that is my replacement for company. Soon I'll be a wizard, all because I have no good photos or know how to talk to women online without boring them. The new drugs I'm on are supposed to be allieviating depression, but it's just my environment, if I was transported back to a university party I would be feeling better immediately, I don't think life for an autist is worth living sometimes if none of my hobbies bring me joy anymore. I just doomscroll all the women farming likes on the bird app until it's time to go to sleep. Not smart enough to have sex either, all I have is a dick bigger than most.

>> No.22835449

Why are you so obsessed with getting pussy?

>> No.22835455

damn that's crazy, how real does the sex feel

>> No.22835475

I am a chud would "Tales of Earthsea" upset my closeminded world view or is a solid enough story where I can look past that?

>> No.22835480

If you can't read stuff that challenges your worldview without seething at it you are a faggot

>> No.22835481

It feels real. And yes, I ejaculate in my sleep from it.

>> No.22835502
File: 123 KB, 716x871, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was partly a joke , but in raw terms how "progressive" is it? I dont care if the main character is a female or is the only one who can wield magic as long as the male characters arent portrayed as incompetent

>> No.22835516

Here’s some info about the lucid dream device they’re making, I’m skeptical because it’s made by soulless Silicon Valley ghouls so of course they’re framing it as a way to “work in your sleep” but here’s hoping it actually works and allows people to live their fantasies

>> No.22835538

What the FUCK is DINK?

>> No.22835544

Sounds like my schizophrenic brother who starts fights after drinking

>> No.22835547

You're a pro 2A, pro universal healthcare, anti israel, anti tranny

>> No.22835548

I'm pretty sure no female has ever considered me attractive in any way.

>> No.22835554


>> No.22835555

D.I.N.K. Double Income No Kids at least I think thats what it means

>> No.22835562

Get her a really fancy edition of her favorite book . Folio Society will ensure it gets here before the 25th

>> No.22835563

It almost isn't real to me, pussy, it's this fabricated thing, an idea, like a heroin fix, pussy is chasing the dragon, my libido feels like a psyopp, I'm blasted with adverts of normalfags across the globe taking part in a great conspiracy to feel normal, the great lie. Everyone is doing it so why can't I? Nature's trick you know. I'm a virgin who's been told it's one of the keys to being a normalfag and imposter syndrome be damned I am hooked on the concept, I am so alone

>> No.22835572

>they tell you about true love, marriage and saving yourself for the one special one.
Literally no one ever told me that. I was told the opposite. My dads advkce was to fuck as many women as is possible and that all women are whores who are good for only one thing (sex) and that I will end up fuckjng a crazy women who will ruin my life and that for him thaf crazy women was my mom.
As you can imagine I hate women and avoid them

>> No.22835579

Why does there have to be a modern equivalent

>> No.22835580

Speak for yourself, sex is great. Way better than League of Legends

>> No.22835584

MtG? Go bigger , Warhammer my friend. Shit is like weapons grade pussy repellant AND its expensive

>> No.22835596

Kind of impossible for me as I never have any money to go anywhere

>> No.22835599

Just mind your own business , keep your life as simple as possible and dont let petty shit control your life. Women unfortunately can contribute to the petty shit

>> No.22835604
File: 163 KB, 654x1000, IMG_2620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with picrel. Just one more section

>> No.22835606

Going for a walk is free

>> No.22835607

Blessed are those who are made eunuchs

>> No.22835610

dunno , Center right? or Right save for one issue?

>> No.22835612

Stop using /pol/ and get a life. I used to hate immigrants until I had this lucid moment of realization that I'm literally an immigrant. Somehow I forgot

>> No.22835629

Damn, what level of normie are you on?

>> No.22835637

Quite a few women have been attracted to me throughout my life but always fucked it up after making approaches that should have led to something. They liked the idea of me, not the real me.

>> No.22835654

whats on my FUCKING mind? I lost all my FUCKING threads when they FUCKING changed the 4chan address. how the FUCK do I know if I got any (You)'s?

>> No.22835662

> he doesn't remember his posts
How drunk are you?

>> No.22835664

Over the summer I visited some family in a different country and got close to some distant cousins that I never met before. One of them is a girl that is my age and she took a really strong liking to me. I slept over their house one night for a wedding the next day and she cuddled with me since we both slept on the floor on a mattress. I didn't think too much of it but then she starting kissing my cheeks and caressing me. I didn't know what to do so I just held her harder and ran my fingers through her hair. I still feel extremely weird about the whole thing and I get incredibly anxious every time I encounter her, like when she texts me or posts a new pic on Instagram.

>> No.22835665

has anyone read Daniel Mason? he's a young male author and he's published a few books that have some popularity/acclaim. the plots look interesting so I am curious if anyone likes his works

>> No.22835667

Trying to figure out where it all went wrong. I was such a normalfag the first half of high school. Friends, gf, parties, sex. And then something happened. I dont know what happened but somehow I ended up friendless, alone, and weird. And I got weirder and weirder and became a reclusive shut in. Then i fell down some rabbit hole of political extremism. At 16 I was at parties doing my gf on the couch. At 17 I was a friendless shut in. At 19 I dropped out of college and started hanging out with skinheads as I raged about things far beyond my control. At 21 the pandemic started and I just gave up on everything and have since been a totally apathetic, non social character.
I see a lot of variables that led up to it but piecing it together coherently is a challenge

>> No.22835671

Be happy your not a Slav because here you can't marry a cousins less she's your cousin ten times removed or more.

>> No.22835682

Anon!! Wake the fuck up nigga! It's 8 AM and you have work at 9! Are you fucking drunk?! Why do you smell like that?

>> No.22835685

Trying to figure out if something's very mean and stupid intentional comedy, or an unintentionally mean and stupid accidental comedy.

>> No.22835689

I used to work the graveyard shift at some store. I would get off my shift at 3am and get home at 3:30am. I would start drinking. It was actually very pleasant to be drunk at 6am

>> No.22835697

Me, I sort of just went on parties less and less. Wasn't as liked by my friends anymore. Don't know if they ever really liked me but we just always kind of were going along. But after I tried having deeper interactions with them or one of them I realized it was all just fake. So naturally I started going out less. Also couldn't stand the booze and the weed anymore. I've got better things to do than going out on parties. The few approaches I did on girls were met with extreme arrogance. Like these hoes are really average looking but at the same time they are extremely arrogant and unforgiving, and they think every guy just wants to fuck wich makes them react that way when they talk with some guy they're not interested in. This might sound like an incel rant but I was never the guy who just wanted to fuck, perhaps because I was in that sort of innocent state where I thought I had to go through a lot of stuff with a girl to actually get anything close to sex going. But yeah to summarize things I never even got to take a lady to the cinema. Invited many of them but I guess I was just born in the wrong era. Asking them for sex directly would have brought me more successes. But I just don't care about these hoes anymore. They were never worth the attention I ever gave them. Maybe one day I will find a quality woman.

>> No.22835713

False causation

>> No.22835717

Ok onw to your moms house

>> No.22835719
File: 13 KB, 225x225, d5b35f80ec8c20fa1e52b8f2a31557f4e23c87021f7124b745753cdc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to have sex with a female woman.
I trust my fellow chads here will be engaging in similar endeavors this evening.

>> No.22835720

Third position with libertarian sympathies, we’re similar

>> No.22835722

Similar indeed, I‘m going to have sex with a male woman.

>> No.22835729

Sexual activity doesn’t define a man, men existed before women so women are defined by us not vice versa.

>> No.22835738

I think rejection from girls played a large part. I was with my gf for basically 2 years but the last year she was a total bitch. Ditched me, cheated on me, was real nasty. I sort of hitched my whole social life on her but I never actually liked her friends. She was a couple grades ahead of me so when she graduated I was stranded. Made no friends my own age. On top of that my family moved halfway through my junior year. I stayed at the same high school but I lived really far away and had no car. The only way I could get home was if I got picked up right after school. My whole senior year was spent in isolation. By the time I got to college I had been a total shut in nearly two years. Got fucked because my dorm mate was a tranny. From what I understand the dorm mate is a ready made friend and I lostthat. I tried talking to people on campus but no one liked me and every girl I talked to was an extreme cunt so I just ended up isolated in my tiny ass dorm room, browsing outrage politics all day. That my high school ex was a radical progressive and my dorm mate was a creepy tranny and that women were cunts to me and that I was the only white guy at my high school made it easy to get into racial right wing politics.
Sometimes I look back on it and see it as if all the circumstances came together in a perfect storm to be as bad as possible. I feel like I totally transformed that year and I've never been able to feel normal since.

>> No.22835754

i'm going to fuck a male man

>> No.22835766

Ok because me I see it as a loss looking back of having hanged out with 'the cool kids', 'the bad boys', it probably got me brain and lung damage. First cigarette when I was 12. First joint when I was 13. First time drunk when I was 14. But in that time it was just part of the glorious conquests we were doing, like breaking into some car lot and magically make the way into some fancy wagons that looked like from the movie breaking bad with an axe. Standing on top the roof of those wagons smashing the roof with an axe with the police station right next to us in the middle of the day. Spent the next three hours running away from our imagination. It was a fun time. But at some point I think my friends just gave up and it became all about the weed and the booze primarily and chilling around secondly with occasional going to the city and snack some bitches. It shouldn't have been that way but I just kind of played along with it until it really got annoying and immature. Now I moved to some other country anyways so I'm basically alone all the time or talking to my older neighbours and at work obviously. I prefer this to damaging my health with booze and weed.

>> No.22835770

Lucky ducks

>> No.22835775

The weed fucks up a brain but there's nothing wrong with drinking

>> No.22835798

The last time I got drunk I woke up in the hospital and asked the nurse: 'excuse me lady, wtf am I doing here?'

>> No.22835799

its all bad for you and you should really come to terms with that but, it doesnt mean we can just stop. cigs and vapes are just as bad

>> No.22835804

Vapes can be a bit worse than cigarettes, but yes, they're all bad for you.

>> No.22835808

> pasta
> ketchup

Are you Colombian?

>> No.22835810

for some reason i just love self-destruction. i dont know where it comes from but it feels so good to me

>> No.22835811

Some meaning comes from nothing, some meaning comes from everything.

>> No.22835813

I had a really weird dream that I was on my period and had to use tampons. It was extremely uncomfortable, I could feel it and it made walking difficult and kept falljng out.
This dream is especially weird because I am a male. I'm really confused.

>> No.22835815

Colombian? I thought pasta ketchup was a neckbeard tradition. I got the ketchup btw and am now enjoying first class gourmet.

>> No.22835820

Thats yiur fault for being a retard who blacks out and gets alcohol poisoning. That has never happened to me and I've been drinking since I was 14

>> No.22835822

never thought i could find another board on this shit hole that i would connect with but wow this is me

>> No.22835829

I want to have Freud with my sister, every night, and a bit of Jung with her in the morning.

>> No.22835839

Well, don't be too sure on yourself because I too thought I was in perfect control of my drunkenness. I was in fact not drunk when I swallowed the last bit of alcohol that night.

>> No.22835843

Then I guess vaping is the way to go for you. I don't think there's going to be much room for them to Sleeper into good for you, but ymmv and who knows what the future holds?

>> No.22835844

you're drunk right now (so am i, but that's besides the point)

>> No.22835849

nah dude i will never vape. i want my self destruction to be padded out for years to come. vape is turning kids lungs into fucking dust its insane

>> No.22835857

Should I become a passport bro? Well, that question is kinda superfluous, I am already some sort of passport bro.

>> No.22835859

i may or may not be a sugar daddy to an Idol group

>> No.22835864

No I'm not. I'm not scheduled to be drunk til about 9pm

>> No.22835865

how often do you tell other men that you love them?

>> No.22835872

The worst thinf I did drunk was pour bleach all over the floor to kill a line of ants. I went to sleep not knowing that I fumigated the whole upstairs. My dad had to open all the windos including the ones in my room. I was sprawled out naked and had my fetish toys on the floor

>> No.22835876

>tfw smoke cigarettes
>turn out to be very rare case where it's kept me alive longer

>> No.22835881

Ya dude im a fucking retard and ADHD makes addiction feel even better

>> No.22835882

You'd know it's called "sponsor" not "sugar daddy" if you were

>> No.22835883

I say "night, daddy, love you" and "night, mama, love you" every night.

>> No.22835884

i am the white Okonkwo

>> No.22835891

oh i know lol
just afraid to admit it

>> No.22835892

Why is almost all interracial porn niggers and white women? You go into any porn site, type interracial and you're immediately blocked by a wall of niggers piping white women.

>> No.22835893

Oof, if I had poured bleach all over the floor to kill a line of ants, drunk, and my father found out, he would have probably beat me up. I mean, he once beat my arms for throwing a compost bucket into the container instead of just the compost (the compost was full of maggots). That fucker took out the bucket out of the container, washed it and put it back into it's place.
But what would he have done to me if he would have seen me naked in my room with fetish toys on the floors? That is a question I never even got to contemplate as a hypothesis.

>> No.22835897

let us know how it goes

>> No.22835900

if u dont think by now its an agenda then idk man but if it wasnt even tho think geek is jewish own then id say from an artistic point of view its kinda hot with the color contrast and blacked, blacked raw is really well put together, hush pass and blackzilla had that early 2000s feel to it too. god im so fucked

>> No.22835901

that's slightly strange but i guess it's nice, if that's what's normal in your family

>> No.22835902

Well I really can't say whether or not you're better or worse off. On the one hand your dad sounds abusive. On the other hand, you dont pass out drunk after dumping a bucket of bleach on the floor

>> No.22835904

Would you rather drink wine or unknowingly have an alien alter your mind into thinking the water your drinking tastes like wine?

>> No.22835908

So much of it is amateur though? I thought the meme about white women fucking dogs and good for nothing niggers was just that a meme. But apparently not.

>> No.22835912

What characterises a sophist?

>> No.22835919

ive seen amateur too. man look more in more in life at work, ect i see white women into blacks, all sorts of race mixing is going on. whatever is happening doesnt seem natural but there must be some secret underground white women fucking black men going on idk, i moved to a new city and listen to stories of the locals growing up in grade school for them, one kid told me black guys he knew would go after white women and bed them for slavery on their ancestors. its sounding like some /x/ underground ring kek

>> No.22835921

Probably the wine, aliens are only cool if you get to remember them

>> No.22835924


>> No.22835927

my testes

>> No.22835942

You’re probably searching that type of stuff lol. It’s algorithm based

>> No.22835949

Well, he was a good father after all. I was 20 or 21 when the story with the bucket happened. I think that was the third time he beat me up. Most of the times he was a chill dad who doesn't get really tempered about stuff. A berating man, a wise man, a man of character who went through too much bad luck in life. He is a leftist, but a leftist of old bone. Definetly not a soiboy. He once kicked an annoying factory manager into the balls. I'm sad I turned out such a disappointment to him.

>> No.22835950

I don't use many porn sites and I don't use cookies in incognito, in fact I have an extension that blocks data being collected. And even in new ones that I have never used, It's the same result. You can go try it yourself. Just go to a random porno site and type in interracial and see what happens.

>> No.22835972

I thought you meant the Home Screen. Black men and white women is most popular in IR because it appeals to a few different kinks and tendencies- 1. Racism 2. misogyny 3. Humiliation.

>> No.22835982

When SHAKIRA SHAKIRA came out with hips don't lie, I remember people being super offended and saying she was being so sexual. I rewatched it again recently, and it's so tame in comparison to today, I almost had a stroke.

>> No.22835986

Who exactly are the bourgeois and why are socialists so universally angry at them?
Bourgeois this, bourgeois that, you'd think a bourgeois ate their granny.

>> No.22835990

bourgeois is just another word for the scum middleclass, ie, boomers.

>> No.22835991

i'm not old enough to remember the public reaction to that song but i do know that it fucking rocks and i'm gonna listen to right NOW, since you've reminded me

>> No.22835994

Half of it is amateur though?

>> No.22836003

>people born in 2000 are now 23

>> No.22836004

No one will tell you this, but depression was introduced as a term to invalidate the feeling of sadness in people who experience it. Realize how no one is sad anymore, just depressed? It is a term created to put stigma around both depression, because you're mentally ill if you have it, and sadness, a temporary feeling that nowadays is too closely associated with depression so whenever someone feels sad he doesn't express it because people might think he's depressed. So everyone says he's feeling good all the time.

>> No.22836006

Perhaps /pol/acks since they shape together a beautiful picture and write so elegant

>> No.22836009

so it's just a sort of hatred directed at another NPC class?

>> No.22836011

i was actually born in 98 but i guess that doesn't make much of a difference

>> No.22836014

yeah, but they're all fucking bootlickers so it's justified.

>> No.22836016

It seems we have a few NPC in /lit/ also actually. Thought we'd grow out of new age atheism.

>> No.22836029

anyone else feel an immense sense of relief when the sun goes down and a horrible dread when it comes up?

>> No.22836035

How do you feel about garlic and crucifixess?

>> No.22836036

Anon these guys were several years before that
Britney saying hit me one more time in a schoolgirl outfit was a contemporary

>> No.22836047

I like "A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying"

>> No.22836048

Today I was doing a hike and had to interrupt it because it was getting dark. But yeah, in the days of work, I almost feel like I'm not getting up I have to jump out of bed and get myself ready for the work barracks. When the day is getting to it's end I feel glad that I can finally go home. That's unnatural. It shouldn't be that way. We should be happy about the daylight, sad about the sun going down. I think it's all connected with modern society being so shitty and - I hate to say it - setting down, I had a dream about it. It was a dream of the sun, but the sun was actually an emblem of the white house, and there it went, rising from the horizon, rising above the sky, then slowly making curves, and setting as the clouds got orange. Maybe it's what just was meant to happen.

>> No.22836054

You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel are probably the some of the finest lines written in the 90s

>> No.22836057

It still appeals to the same people. And a lot of amateur stuff is semi-professional or prostitution. The type of man who watches IR is racist and hates women

>> No.22836060

it is top tier

>> No.22836065

" The Ballad of Chasey Lain " is a song by American comedy rock band Bloodhound Gang. It was released in February 2000 as the third single from their third studio album, Hooray for Boobies (2000)

>> No.22836073

Gotta smoke all the cigarettes left today so I don't have any when I get up tomorrow.

>> No.22836075

The question was more aimed at trying to shed light and understand why there are so many white women that fuck niggers.

>> No.22836078

If you were born in 2000, your parents were hearing this nonstop the year before

>> No.22836085


Shakira had a good run with Hips don't lie, but Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo still took the crown.

>> No.22836090

man i fucking love bluegrass
any delheads up in this bitch?

>> No.22836093

Have you ever heard red grass? It's ap[parently chinese bluegrass

>> No.22836098

Self hate and other pathologies. Lots of women like it rough too

>> No.22836102

that's hilarious, i'll look that up

>> No.22836106

im drunk. is it easy to go to AA?

>> No.22836107
File: 47 KB, 647x605, born_to_fly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had my egg nog! I had to drive two hours and go to 3 stores but I got it. Dropped $80 on those christmasy rum filled sluts.

>> No.22836109

I wanna be drunk. I haven't gotten proper drunk in a while.

>> No.22836114

I only know about it from recently coming across some woman called Naomi Wu reviewing some chink smoker bbq.
slightly surreal experience

>> No.22836116

you just show up

>> No.22836120

all the files from my old computer are trapped in a computer store with an owner that won't fucking reply to me, and that's real upsetting to me because I made a WORLD IS A FUCK edit with a /lit/ post and it's unironically one of the pics that I want back the most.

>> No.22836138
File: 71 KB, 500x501, 1674777152548895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. I went to warosu and I actually fucking found it. This is fantastic.

Also I love egg nog, but they don't have it in germany, so I have to make my own. I don't want to brag, but it's pretty damn good. Except one year I was really mad and I accidentally made egg nog pudding.

>> No.22836160

why are comically large cats so loveable? i have a mainecoon that must be like 40 pounds and he is the best boy ever

>> No.22836164

I had a dream just a few days ago that I got a new orange kitten that I named Barbarossa. I want my Barbarossa...

>> No.22836169

so go buy him. i'm sure he's out there.

>> No.22836174

Think I'm going to bed soon. It's 12 am. I shouldn't be up so late at night.

>> No.22836176

just think of it as getting up very early

>> No.22836178

yeah, but our other cat just died, so the wound is still fresh

>> No.22836185

Gonna have a rough day in Monday. Construction work in the snow.

>> No.22836198

>Daniel took one more look at the restaurant. It was once Bookie's, where his family went out to eat fairly often, a place where company was enjoyed and memories were made, and barring an awful mustard-yellow and green paint job and now bearing the name of some Arabic scribbles on the name, was the same building. Now is not the time to get nostalgic. His aim was Turqa Turqa al-Durka, part-time CIA informant and full-time murderer.

>He had two bodyguards with him. One of them looked like an Arabic Vladimir Putin, circa 2010. The other, looked like he was 400 pounds and full of hair and muscle. He was the more dangerous one and could snap Daniel's neck in an instant, and the last thing Daniel would smell is some unbathed musk of an Arabic man. He shuddered and thanked God that he was not a gay man. He wondered if the fat man was gay. If he was, Turqa Turqa al-Durka would be the type the type to throw him off the roof. Very based, if Turqa Turqa al-Durka wasn't one of the worst human beings imaginable.

>Daniel gulped. He was not a murderer, never wanted to be one. What was he thinking? No, he wasn't. Assassinating Turqa Turqa al-Durka was not murder. He could get one kill in, under the right circumstances, and Turqa Turqa al-Durka would strike first given the circumstances. Daniel would've rather just back to his apartment, eaten chips, and watched YouTube videos until he fell asleep on the couch. That was no longer an option. It's one reason he couldn't be seen. The fat one raised his nose in the air. Had he detected him, or was it the smell of the restaurant's naan? It didn't matter. He simply mouthed "I'm sorry" and squeezed the trigger.

>One minute, Turqa Turqa al-Durka was there, the next thing, blood, bone fragments, and bits of brain matter were sprayed over the restaurant's exterior walls, as well as the fat guard. Immediately, they began running in the direction of the sound. Gotta run, Daniel thought, and taking the rifle he scampered down the stairs of the apartment unit he took refuge in. He jumped down the stairs, twisting his ankle, and sped away in his clapped-out Ford Taurus.

>He didn't know how long he drove. There was one Chevron gas station he stopped in somewhere. Gas price was of course ridiculous but that's the price to pay when you're trying to avoid detection. Finally, he came to it--a desolate ranch located in the middle of nowhere. He stumbled out of the car, and found that there was some clean water in the safehouse. He wasn't going to be on the run for long. As soon as he accomplished his goals, he would be a free man once more.

>> No.22836238

Yeah they channelled the ghost of Tom Lehrer on that one

>> No.22836262

Holy shit how is Tom Lehrer still alive? I take back the ghost part but the sentiment remains

>> No.22836263

they've taken my weakness for kindness

>> No.22836281

I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, and I accidentally drank some molten lead instead of my apple cider. Somehow I was able to drink molten lead without harm.

>> No.22836291

A tom collins is just a shit gin and tonic.

>> No.22836307

here's a comprehensive list of things i can feel:

>> No.22836308

Glad you found it anon, nothing better than fruitfully combing the archives.Yesterday I drank Advocaat for the first time; it's highly recomended. Home made egg nog is always better than store bought anyways. I just plan on drinking it in the shower on my next day off so it should be fun.

>> No.22836332

women owe me sex

>> No.22836356

i have to take a shit but i'm too lazy to get naked right now

>> No.22836420

after over a month of health problems, i just realized i might have diabetes

>> No.22836473

does your pee smell sweet? i have no other symptoms but did notice my piss smells like sugar crisp cereal with a hint of ammonia.

>> No.22836481


>> No.22837113

Are you still around? Can you post that which people replied to in the screencap? It's not in the archives anymore.