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/lit/ - Literature

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22832391 No.22832391 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /lit/ gotten published?
If so any tips for writers trying to get published?
Tips for query letters?
Things you wish you knew going in?
Anything else you wish to say?

>> No.22832460

I'm curious too anon, good thread

>> No.22832490
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>> No.22832503

trying to get published now and they say to put in your query letter comparable titles released in the last 3 years that are similiar to your book so the agent can have an idea how to sell your book if they like it.

sounds great until you look through whats published today. its all fucking shit. Its either idiots writing the 200th knock of of jason borne books, or its black lesbian trans nonbinary person in some ridulous political/detective novel that "forces the reader to examine our assumptions about race"

its fucking horse shit. the absolute gate keeping in this industry is crazy. who the fuck reads that shit?

>> No.22832509

Interesting, thanks.

>> No.22832521

interesting, i've been thinking about this. wonder where the author is now and how much he's made

>> No.22832529

oh shit this was last month. homestly may go this route. fuck agents and fuck publishing is how im feeling right now

>> No.22832551
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Anyone had any good experiences with covers? I paid a bunch for mine and im not totally happy with it

pic unrelated

>> No.22832554

I would stick my tongue so far up Natalie Dormer's ass

>> No.22832578

>sounds great until you look through whats published today. its all fucking shit
You can't put the new editions of other books?

Buy a journal/magazine of /lit/ and do some research.

This site may help to make a general idea: https://www.goodreads.com/choiceawards/best-books-2023

>> No.22832581

All fucking schlock

>> No.22832592

DIY, let the pubs swoop in for sloppy seconds. Do not do signing tours or interviews at their behest. Retain all media adaptation rights. Have your own imprint, which said pub will credit in their editions (with an eye to eventually having your own deal and talent you scout out and vet yourself). Social media's is free advertising and what pubs want. Don't nickle and dime on type setting or graphic design-- this is what sets you apart from every Tom, Dick & Harry amateur doing print on demand for their furry fan fictions. Review copies out the ass to booktubers (even genre adjacent youtubers if the material warrants it) and academics.

This + having built in social media engagment (Instagram, Twitter, Youtube) is attractive for being quantifiable to suits and nominal marketing budget value. Find a boutique printer, nice shit, and do a limited run signed edition if you get enough traction (crowd fund). Spamming review copies to Booktubers by the dozens > what a typical agent brings to the table shopping material around you will literally be filtered in the opening lines and pages if you do even get a review reader's eyes on at a big league publisher

>> No.22832594

Why your book is not like diarrhea?

>> No.22832611

how much money have you made doing this?

also social media is shit, is it absolutely necessary?

>> No.22832672

It’s not for you to enjoy, it’s a marketing tool, so play the game and see the interaction number go up, don’t use it to occupy your time. People stop being people and become demographics in marketing, so their opinions can be ignored, only numbers matter.

>> No.22832752

you didnt answer the money question. have you even sold a single book?

>> No.22832760

You might not like what you find deep inside a girls asshole

>> No.22832773

only one way to know for sure

>> No.22832779

You sound retarded

>> No.22832787
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I've had two books published with a small indie publisher anon, i can answer your questions if you like.

>> No.22832794

i think he might know what hes talking about but its hard to tell without him saying more. though you might be right and he's an armchair book seller who has never sold anything in his life and just talks like he knows but doesnt

>> No.22832799

how much money did you make?
did the publisher doing marketing for you?
did you go through an agent?
how long did it take to find the publisher?
how did you do it?
how long after finding the publisher did it take until you sold your first book?
if you could redo the process, what would you have done differently?

>> No.22832824

I make very little money, i get royalty payments every 6 months, June and December, generally enough to buy a feed of fish and chips for the family and that's it. They have been slowly increasing but i am nowhere near being able to quit my day job.
I tried getting an agent but none would take me. I tried some of the bigger publishers but they weren't interested. I kept searching until i found a small press willing to take me on. I literally googled "small press publishers in Australia" or something similar and made a list then worked my way down the list.

>> No.22832827

did they make you buy 1000(or whatever) copies of your book first?
did they requires any money from you at all?
whats your relationship like with the publisher?
did they ask you to change anything in your manuscript beyond minor corrections?
did they help with cover art and promotional material (if you wanted any)?
do you think they provided solid quality in making the book?
what was their cut of the gross?
did they do anything that surprised you?
do you think you got a good deal?

>> No.22832832

Best thing about having a publisher, even a small one like mine, is that you are seen as "legitimate" and that can open doors. Case in point, there are about 30-40 copies of my books in public libraries around Australia now. This is only possible because i am with a real publisher. Generally public libraries don't accept self published books.
I've also entered literary competitions, got shortlisted in one, again, this is only possible because i'm with a publisher rather than being self published.

>> No.22832840

No, they don't require me to buy a certain number of copies. In fact they give me ten promo copies and then i can buy more promo copies at a discount price if i need them.
They did not ask for any money up front and any "publisher" that does that is a vanity press and a scam.
We're pretty cool in our relationship, one or two small disagreements about things but mostly pretty cool. I've never actually met the guy in person, we communicate via email.
I got as good a deal as i could expect being an unknown name from nowhere that nobody had ever heard of. The big name publishers weren't going to take me so i'm happy to be with my publisher.

>> No.22832891

are you able to sell through Amazon still, or is it through your publisher only?

so did they do any marketing for you?

>> No.22832948

Yeah it's on Amazon and all major platforms.
They did a little bit of marketing but they are only a small press so there isn't a huge marketing budget, not like the big publishers.

>> No.22833648

Don't ask me for advice I got dropped from my publishing company.

>> No.22833654

Yeah, do your own research and don't post your work nor name here. That's it. Stop trying to be spoonfed. It's merit based so you can cry if you're not reading around nor know who's who. There's so many writers and half of them don't know what's good writing.

>> No.22833881

I'm personally curious if there is even a market for more avante garde type stuff anymore, given that the market (As most industrys these days are) is so hell bent on immediate return that nobody takes any risks in something that won't yield a certain degree of revenue.
Of course that shit has always been hard, but it seems like these days it's been eradicated entirely. Is it the market thats preventing great art from coming to the surface, or are people just not publishing things that are really striving to be great works of art?

>> No.22833962

That was one of the things that turned me of to traditional publishing, too, especially with how rigid the guidelines for comparable titles actually are.
>Last 3 or 5 years at most
>Same genre and age demographic as your book
>Has to be standalone or the first in a series
>Popular enough they'd know what it is, but not TOO popular or you're being arrogant
>All this while having to make sure your book doesn't have aspects that go against their MSWLs
I know there's writer's who manage to succeed while ignoring all of this or even comp one book and one TV show/movie/video game, but the whole thing was just too petty for me.

>> No.22833977

How legit is self publishing through Amazon? Expensive? Easy to do? I've never tried it but I'd like to put an e-book up someday at least.

>> No.22834643

>noo why do I have to work at my job even though i dont like iitt.. mommyyy..

Just tell people on the street you hate social media and then peddle your book to them. It will work out anon, you're so smart and handsome.

>> No.22834670

Daily reminder that publishers are idiots. Harry Potter got rejected because it was "too long for kids". Watership Down got rejected because "the intended audience finds rabbits babyish". The Fountainhead got rejected because it was "too intellectual".


>> No.22834772

>you're so smart and handsome.
you forgot talented

>> No.22834812

If you are a white male, the ONLY WAY you will get published is if:
1. You came up in the University brainwashing system
2. You self-hate whiteness
3. You align yourself with the progressive social engineering and your writing is indistinguishable from propaganda

Just look at all of the recently published white guys in the mainstream and you will find they they do not deviate from the formula above.

>> No.22834959

>If you are a white male, the ONLY WAY you will get published is if:
>1. You came up in the University brainwashing system
>2. You self-hate whiteness
>3. You align yourself with the progressive social engineering and your writing is indistinguishable from propaganda
>Just look at all of the recently published white guys in the mainstream and you will find they they do not deviate from the formula above.
millions must fry btw

>> No.22834991
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>be /lit/
>deride and avoid reading anything written in the past 60 years.
>expect to make a living producing contemporary literature.

Also, you have to put your autism/incel shit to one side and form relationships with publishers, marketers, "taste makers" etc. You need to be able to go to events at book stores/literature festivals to do readings and question/answer sessions without sperging out about chabtard bullshit.

>> No.22835103

Last time I went to a literature festival, during a 2-3 hour talk on publishing, out of 10 speakers, each and every single one did a land acknowledgement at the beginning of their speeches followed by applause from the audience. By the 3rd or 4th, I was nearly gagging on the sanctimony.

Because the algorithm and speech in general is so captured, the "counter culture", whatever it may be, is pretty much invisible and non-influential outside of Swedish clog making circles. With every new social media site, every new tech, there is a narrower level of bandwidth of human interaction and communication. "Dead internet theory" is just one of the manifestations of this shrinking band of communication. The powers-that-be are giving the book awards out to the least influential works on purpose. Culture itself is, generally, a top-down thing now, coming from corporations and technology rather than from the people. The average person does little local cultural creation but a ton of global cultural participation.

>question/answer sessions without sperging out
Struggle sessions where you already know the correct answers that your audience wants to hear. We all do. I know exactly the type of speech publishers would want to hear from me, I just have to envision a Portlandia-sketch of a white Canadian "man" in 2023 and the views I'm expected to have. I could roleplay that character, but I wouldn't be my authentic self. If you can live with yourself by faking who you are, I think you could find success in modern publishing. If authenticity is important to you, you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.22835105

>ummm unless you write exclusively in the schlock the extant publishing industry churns out then you will be be a real writer

>> No.22835120

The 2020 International Booker prize winner is a book about beastiality and underage sex, written by a female-to-male tranny with a large social media following

>> No.22835126


>> No.22835134


>> No.22835145

It is a zippertits frankenstein

>> No.22835265

>Bear is a novel by Canadian author Marian Engel, published in 1976. It won the Governor General's Literary Award the same year. It is Engel's fifth novel, and her most famous. The story tells of a lonely archivist sent to work in northern Ontario, where she enters into a sexual relationship with a bear.[1][2] The book has been called "the most controversial novel ever written in Canada".[3]
Why are Canadians like this?

>> No.22835274

The "left" in this country loves everything that is degenerate

>> No.22835322

Russian women also have an odd infatuation with bears.

>> No.22835357
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Being a " writer" denotes making a living from writing. You need to be able to make a living from it. This involves making a product that people will actually spend money on.

>women's cycling lol

>> No.22835387
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>making a product that people will actually spend money on.
A large percentage of Canadian "writers" are all sponsored by government

>> No.22835395

It does not denote that at all, retard.

>> No.22835409
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based and kino

>> No.22835431

I hate women's sports so much. They get their own leagues that let them compete with other genetically inferior people and they still complain. "Boohoo we make less money than men." Yeah, of course you do, and a man who performs at your level makes no money at all.

>> No.22835447
File: 581 KB, 768x1152, 1701097945031050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blonde and blue eyed girl
>cuts off tits, goes insane
This is an award-winning author because the system is corrupt as fuck and wants to demoralize normies. Yes good goy, cut off your breasts and call yourself a man, look at the status your fellow zippertits have, they're award winning authors while based bros are nobodies!

>> No.22835460

As the former boyfriend of an Olympic-level female athlete who ended up in TV and film, she told me all of the females around her in sports were all lesbians and social rejects. People dedicating themselves to much to their sport they have no personality outside of "do sport, eat, sleep, do sport" etc etc.

>> No.22835461


this person has a superficial understanding of the industry.

"i'd take a chance on hundreds of authors, even if each only sold a few..." lol what? s/he thinks an agent can just up and publish things?

post is just by someone who got filtered and turned to selfpub to feel good about themself. ("if i sell 13 i'm more successful than 90% of trad authors!"

>> No.22835517

Thats incredibly hot. Imagine the smell.

>> No.22835522

Your "/lit marketing" worked on me, sort of. I do occasionally remember that I wanted to read them (saved cover images to a special to read folder etc.) Someday I will. Just some feedback. Happy to see you live and well.

>> No.22835566

She had incredible tits

>> No.22835651

Ok schizo

>> No.22835670

I notice patterns with the jews too, definitely a schizo!

>> No.22835879

If the jews really have some hidden plan, why don't they translate his second novel? They don't because it's too based for english audiences. Basically it's Lolita: the reboot.

>> No.22835926

That's a frankenstein woman with no tits and

>> No.22836385

Details on this? Asking for a friend

>> No.22836450

I haven't read it yet so I can't give full details but the book is about a veterinarian who's horny for a 14 year old girl.

>> No.22836455
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Trannies are put into positions of power and are 100% promoted by the establishment. They are the goons of progressive ideology.

>> No.22836460

what the fuck is a land acknowledgment?

>> No.22836463

What is that image supposed to convey? I'm not fluent in reddit.

>> No.22836477
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More importantly, ask yourself, who is hiring these people? Who pays for all this anti-white shit?

>> No.22836478

I can't take these Muslim women seriously.
You're Muslim and you're going to come to the West and lecture us about racism and misogyny. Kek. Grifting and scamming.

>> No.22836495

Canadian mainstream culture celebrates people like her like they are here to educate the backwards and ignorant white people.

>> No.22836498

>"i'd take a chance on hundreds of authors, even if each only sold a few..." lol what? s/he thinks an agent can just up and publish things?
Fair enough, but the ones reading through manuscripts to send to higher-ups can just bin stuff they don't like. They could be upset that a person's submission is good and don't want them to succeed out of spite, so they bin it. It's like HR people being in charge of hiring for a job they know nothing about.

>> No.22836508
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The people who approve the books for publishing are professional fart-sniffers, so detached from reality and high off wokeness in its most pure and refined form. Imagine an industry so far up its own ass that the only people it considers publishing is just a more-intense version of them. Everything we see is the result of over-educated people socialized in echo chambers.

>> No.22836521

It's so insane. 50 years ago we would have roasted these people. Bitch wears a hijab, bitch likely comes from a country where men still buttfuck livestock. I wouldn't be surprised if some of it isn't just grifting, but an attempt to spread Islam. This shit is so ridiculous.

People should just start dismissing all these women. Bitch! Why are you talking? You're a woman. Shut up! Stand up at one of these events an ask, "Why are you in public without your father, brother, husband, or an elder man??? Why???

>> No.22836526
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>is that a brown woman???? ahhhhhhh im going insaaaaaneeeeee reeeeeee

>> No.22836539
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Remember... he fell according to the rag-head cunt

>> No.22836541
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Investigative reporter
>he fell

>> No.22836543

>subjugation of women
These people are insane. There's a million women's initiatives. Women get promoted constantly. The education has been geared toward women since at least the late 90s (from my own memory). Women are outpacing men in education. There's a million scholarships for having a vagina. When men hired men, there was no government mandate. Lol.

They really think that most men are mediocre and that somehow all these men were living large and getting praised for nothing. They focus on CEOs, but ignore most of the men working regular or absolutely shitty jobs. Most men aren't CEOs, but these women think they all deserve to be CEOs. It's delusional.

>> No.22836549

If some bitch is going to come to the West and criticize us for racism and misogyny while being Muslim, i have the right to ask her why she's in public without a man present. Ask most devout Muslims their opinion on that. You retard.

>> No.22836555
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They're not insane, they are deliberately using their positions of power in the publishing industry to deliberately push lies and transgenderism, and anything that takes swipes at masculinity and whites. Everything is in service of the progressive agenda, even if they know they are flat-out lying about reality.

>> No.22836557

Yes at NeurIPS. I would suggest a good grasp on the mathematics. Of course people love new techniques, but they long for mathematical insights.

>> No.22836594

I had a poetry book lined up after winning some awards, which then subsequently fell through mysteriously after excusing myself from a party where horrible self-involved women kept massaging my shoulders and attempting to surreptitiously play grabass.
So if you care about being published it might be best to endure the vain geriatric molestations.

>> No.22836835

so basically millennials are to blame yet again

>> No.22836882

we're in hell, so would you expect anything else?

>> No.22837109

you did well. the road to selling your soul starts with a first step of compromising your integrity for financial gain. Today it's grabbing your ass, tomorrow its a little worse, and the next day more and more and so on. Manipulators push you a little at a time until theres so much inertia you'll never resist them for anything.

Bravo anon, you're a good artist and a good person. That was a dangerous test you passed

>> No.22837135

Every single day we are humiliated a little bit more. Pro-palestinian jew groups can openly protest Santa-fucking-Claus at a mall in Canada, harassing the goyim openly, with not a cop in sight.


Also, no discussion of this is even allowed on Reddit. You will not find a post talking about this. Imagine if the convoy people had interrupted a mall santa chanting "Jesus was unvaccinated" and the outrage would be all over the news, the cops would be sent in to bust white supremacist heads.

Canada is hell. You can only laugh!

>> No.22837142

Why would anyone side with Palestinians over Jews especially on a lit board? Fuck has a Palestinian ever wrote?

>> No.22837148

One group calls me an infidel, the other calls me a goyim... both groups are my enemy.

>> No.22837365
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There is only one cure and it is a return to Traditional Catholicism and launching a Reconquista. These followers of false religions must be expelled from our Catholic lands. Pray the rosary every day.

>> No.22837370
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Canada must return to Traditional Catholicism and reconquista our lands. Europe as well.
Did he get arrested?

>> No.22837373
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You already know why

>> No.22837378


>> No.22837384
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You must become Traditional Catholic and we will reconquista our lands. Pray the rosary every day.

>> No.22837503

HARVESTED by weinstein

>> No.22837725

The thread is for the book industry meanwhile the last post speaks about racism...

>> No.22838082
File: 382 KB, 1170x1560, F7w0txyXMAA4fnB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except most jews are atheists with same beliefs as us westerns. You can't say the same for """palestinians"""""

btw before anyone calls me a jew I'm not although I am zionist and islamophobic

>> No.22838142

i wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.22838989

>athiest jews
>same beliefs as "us westerns"

fucking lol. nah i dont believe in usury, child murder, sexual degeneracy, race mixing, and all the other hideousness the jews constantly push on white people