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/lit/ - Literature

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22829967 No.22829967 [Reply] [Original]

Hope everyone is stoked for a productive 2024!
>Jason Bryan checking in
Despite the entire industry being devoted to uplifting establishment people with their pro-establishment ideas and their diversity hires fueled by the hebrew dystopia, we outcast authors will continue to write, we will continue to self-express, and, despite all of the obstacles, we will produce our work and inspire the next generation of schizos and 'tards to keep spewing their bullshit in whatever form they can.
>skibidi toilet
>five nights at freddy's
>other indy bullshit
Disney and other big organizations, their time is up, like dominoes, the old cultural giant WILL fall. All of the writing awards given out in Canada are all to establishment fucking dorks promoting blacks, queers, and white guilt. All we have to do is keep producing and keep going, and eventually the old DEI culture will become untenable. Eventually, the people will seek out the real and authentic, warts and all, over the sterile and fake buffet of conveyor-belt felt University graduates writing schlock for blue-haired fat 20-something women to approve for mainstream book deals.

As I get closer to finishing my 3rd novel, I want to reach out to Gardner, to &amp, and to the rest of the /lit/ faggots, schizos, and dorks... yes we can. We can become the next generation of writers, we just need to keep producing and hold on until the cultural rot is finally excised.


>> No.22829974

You are the rot

>> No.22829981

>post nose

>> No.22829987

kill yourself

>> No.22829992

If I were to be honest about the state of affairs we currently find ourselves in, I'd say that there is no removal of the cultural rot which can conceivably succeed in the sense that it would bring us to some sort of sense of what we could consider "normality," for lack of a better word. Every generation currently alive has been too traumatized by the system. There is no recovery that can take place; the only option is to pray for a solar flare to knock out modern technology so that we can have new generations born completely without the rot you allude to. Good luck with your novel, though. Even though I believe the aforementioned, I don't think that means we should stop writing.

>> No.22829998

Fags like you can’t do nothing but hate dissident writers. Where else can counterculture come from if not /lit/?

>> No.22830003

How much would I have to pay you for you to let me fuck your wife? Let's start at a loonie.

>> No.22830004

My 3rd novel is getting a chapter dedicated to suicide because of your constant harassment.

I understand though Alex, because being 50+ years old and rich, yet you have no kids or woman to spend your money on, you must be living the absolute worst timeline you could possibly be living. You live to work, and work to live. Outside of work, what do you have? Nothing! You have no friends, no children, no woman, you're the perfect shabbos goy. You work your job, never make waves, never rebel, and that's it. When you die, so does your bloodline. This is after doing everything the way you were supposed to, and yet Jason Bryan fucked Nadia and came in her holes while you lost you ability to even blaze your own trail in life. Now you exist to troll /lit/, and with each passing day you get older without having made a family of your own. Your coping and seething on /lit/ reflects poorly on you, because if you spent your time chasing lonely childless 38 year olds on PoF, at least you'd have a chance to one day hold your own flesh and blood in your arms minutes after your child is born. Unfortunately, you're too defeated and too cucked, so you haunt this place with your regrets, wallowing in your self-defeat and making feeble attacks on your student that bested you.

>> No.22830007

Okay, how about a toonie? Two bucks if you let me fuck your wife.

>> No.22830024

I've been seeing your posts pop up over the last little while and love them, but I had no idea you were this blackpilled. Do you really believe people will never rise up and cast off this cultural rot? Have you watched Netflix lately? The shit that they are putting out is absolute crap on such a level... the baby mamma is openly mocking everything almost to the point where I feel like I am in a romantic relationship with 2013 Alex Jones. All of Kelowna is so fucking fake, everyone knows it, everyone feels the underlying fakeness. How are you THAT blackpilled? I feel like there will be a cultural pendulum swing soon, whether da joos plan for it or not.

>> No.22830029

Jason, how about three bucks? It's time for me to get some sleep, but I'll check back in the morning for your answer.

>> No.22830037

I would totally go for this back when KFC had toonie Tuesday

>> No.22830053

I wonder if there are other times in history where a counter-cultural movement has "overthrown" the current order somehow, we are in the most darkest part of the hebrew dystopia here in 2023.

>> No.22830054

Three bucks to fuck my baby momma? If you'd pay $3 to fuck her, you'd pay $10 for her biscuits and gravy, had the fattest dinner tonight.

>> No.22830062
File: 72 KB, 500x534, 888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diversity hires fueled by the hebrew dystopia
>you're the perfect shabbos goy
>whether da joos plan for it or not
>we are in the most darkest part of the hebrew dystopia here in 2023.

>> No.22830077
File: 379 KB, 924x516, ummm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have entered a timeline where anti-white hate is 100% in the open and SPONSORED by the government while "anti-semitism" is universally condemned and questioning the fucking holocaust is ILLEGAL.

>> No.22830079

Lmao where is this

>> No.22830084

post schizophrenia diagnosis

>> No.22830086


Imagine "conceptions of jewishness" and then "When you're the problem, we are the solution"

Imagine being "right wing" and supporting Israel... lol

>> No.22830089

Noticing patterns about jews = schizo

>> No.22830094

This is why we need to keep writing, despite being the outcasts and being completely ignored by the mainstream.