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File: 260 KB, 1200x1346, sermon on the mount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22781542 No.22781542 [Reply] [Original]

christians have tried for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, yet they have NEVER been able to solve the problem of evil, IMMEDIATELY invalidating their entire faith. i have yet to see ANY christian give an explanation that isn't some insane cope. an omnipotent and benevolent god has NOTHING stopping him from eliminating all suffering, yet he doesn't. if anyone can give an actually sensible solution i will convert to christianity IMMEDIATELY

>it's a test
why? just let everyone into heaven, there's absolutely no reason for an omnibenevolent god not to do so.

>sin keeps us from god
if we have to repent our sins for god to be able to save us then he is not omnipotent. if he refuses to forgive us our sins and save us if we don't repent then he is not omnibenevolent.

>we must suffer to develop
an omnipotent and omnibenevolent god would just create beings that are already perfect.

>> No.22781545

>>>/his/ is that way, nigga

>> No.22781550

Plato already solved it bro. Nobody's going to shit their pants over your grade school refutation of religion.

>> No.22781553

it's not my fault that your religion can be refuted at grade school level

>> No.22781563

Evil doesn’t exist and your gay, nigga

>> No.22781579

christianity presupposes the existence of evil, so therefore it is invalidated

>> No.22781583
File: 52 KB, 1024x767, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theism makes zero sense. It's entirely indefensible.

>> No.22781585

never said anything about evil, suffering exists no matter your stance on whether evil is the absence of good or some other bs

>> No.22781595

Suffering doesn’t exist and your gay, nigga

>> No.22781596
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>> No.22781738 [DELETED] 

You completely misunderstand Christianity if you think it has a "problem of evil" that needs to be solved. Yes, natural "evil" like calamity, disease, and misfortune can't always be explained as punishment for sin, but bad things happening by human intention is easily explainable.

Very basic doctrine reconciles God's justice with His love with the sacrifice of Christ for remission of sins.
We all deserve Hell because all have sinned against the only pure being. God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell, so He sent His Only Son to suffer in our place.
Those who believe in Him and repent will be saved.
All sin, no matter the degree, contributes even in its own minuscule way to evil being present in a world intended for perfection, and seeing that we're only human, we can't hold to God's standard of perfect goodness, and despite that God loves us, and it is for this reason he pardons us.

>why? just let everyone into heaven, there's absolutely no reason for an omnibenevolent god not to do so.
There's a plethora of reasons, and the irreverent pride with which you ask this question is one of them.

>if we have to repent our sins for god to be able to save us then he is not omnipotent.
Why would someone want to save you from circumstances you created yourself out of either foolishness or malice? Now someone might take pity on you if you see the error of your ways.

>if he refuses to forgive us our sins and save us if we don't repent then he is not omnibenevolent.
Is a judge bad for not absolving a thief, let alone one who isn't sorry?
>inb4 "what if it's bread and he's feeding his starving family"
You know what I mean.

>an omnipotent and omnibenevolent god would just create beings that are already perfect.
He did, but because of our own pride we like to think the way we think is better. As for "morally perfect", he already created the angels that way and could have stopped there.
Now why would he bother creating humans?
Simply put, something that is programmed to "love" you can't have the same kind of love that a complex being with its own will potentially could.

Try reading the New Testament in good faith and without any presuppositions. I promise that will do more good for you than asking bad faith questions to strangers on the internet to feel good about yourself.

Also, Jesus loves you.

>> No.22781746

You completely misunderstand Christianity if you think it has a "problem of evil" that needs to be solved. Yes, natural "evil" like calamity, disease, and misfortune can't always be explained as punishment for sin, but bad things happening by human intention is easily explainable.

Very basic doctrine reconciles God's justice with His love with the sacrifice of Christ for remission of sins.
We all deserve Hell because all have sinned against the only pure being. God doesn't want anyone to go to Hell, so He sent His Only Son to suffer in our place.
Those who believe in Him and repent will be saved.
All sin, no matter the degree, contributes even in its own minuscule way to evil being present in a world intended for perfection, and seeing that we're only human, we can't hold to God's standard of perfect goodness, and despite that God loves us, and it is for this reason he pardons us.

>why? just let everyone into heaven, there's absolutely no reason for an omnibenevolent god not to do so.
There's a plethora of reasons, and the irreverent pride with which you ask this question is one of them.

>if we have to repent our sins for god to be able to save us then he is not omnipotent.
Why would someone want to save you from circumstances you created yourself out of either foolishness or malice? Now someone might take pity on you if you see the error of your ways.

>if he refuses to forgive us our sins and save us if we don't repent then he is not omnibenevolent.
Is a judge bad for not absolving a thief, let alone one who isn't sorry?
>inb4 "what if it's bread and he's feeding his starving family"
You know what I mean.

>an omnipotent and omnibenevolent god would just create beings that are already perfect.
He did, but because of our own pride we like to think the way we think is better. As for "morally perfect", he already created the angels that way and could have stopped there.
Now why would he bother creating humans?
Simply put, something that is programmed to love you can't have the same kind of love that a complex being with its own will potentially could.

Try reading the New Testament in good faith and without any presuppositions. I promise that will do more good for you than asking bad faith questions to strangers on the internet to feel good about yourself.

Also, Jesus loves you.

>> No.22781751

>Yes, natural "evil" like calamity, disease, and misfortune can't always be explained as punishment for sin
then christianity is invalidated

>> No.22781769

Create a perfect world then.

>> No.22781775

the only way true love can exist is with free will

>> No.22781778

Modern science really did prove christianity wrong. Evolution means that the genesis narrative is false. If Adam and Eve didn't exist, then original sin doesn't exist and Jesus died for no reason. To this day I've never seen a good response to this, only thomists claiming that species cannot change because muh metaphysics (cope)

>> No.22781784

I don't claim to be a perfect being like Christ deceived you into believing

>> No.22781787


>> No.22781795 [DELETED] 

People don't die things they don't believe to be true

>> No.22781804

People don't die for things they don't believe to be true

>> No.22781808

Things aren't true just because an idiot died believing them

>> No.22781809
File: 176 KB, 863x1110, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really want evil to filter out the likes of you who think they are good but they lack any true faith in God

do you think that evil is a problem? we are the problem

we sin, we betray God trust, we are trash

>> No.22781815

God created us this way and created the world this way, it is his problem

>> No.22781818
File: 82 KB, 640x497, 7777777 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God didn't create you to complain about it, you must find the peace within yourself by yourself

>> No.22781827

many of our early church fathers believed the days of genesis 1 were figurative or allegorical while believing that adam and eve were real historical figures
Then my argument is correct. The church fathers were wrong because Adam and Eve didn't exist. Christianity is wrong, unless you wanna argue that the church fathers do not represent true christianity.
>it's not like you have to either take all of genesis as allegorical or all of it as historical
So you can change your interpretation according to what is more convenient to your argument at any given time. Got it.

>> No.22781831

God didn't create me at all, because he doesn't exist.

>> No.22781833

if the beings he created were perfect then they would never have fallen into sin.
and if god is ALL-LOVING, OMNIbenevolent, then he would save everyone, no exception. additionally, if he created the world then he is saving us from conditions that he allowed to exist, which again contradicts omnibenevolence.

>> No.22781835
File: 74 KB, 768x513, 777777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God do exist whether you like it or not

>> No.22781837

The Gnostics were right

>> No.22781839
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, 1701120982765769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must find peace within your heart
the kingdom of God is within you

>> No.22781841

If he does then he is not good, because he created evil.

>> No.22781852

he is good but not by our mere definition of goodness, it's like dad punishing you because he wants you to learn something, not mere hatred

>> No.22781855

Christians only have this problem because they have a creation myth and they argue God as a personal being. As long as you have those things it makes no sense. The problem of evil is irrelevant when ultimate reality is absolute, impersonal, and non-sentient, but then it becomes less appealing since you bear the consequences of your own actions, there is no faith, there is no get out of jail free card, and you are responsible for your own salvation. Christians seem to want a supreme authority to give them stability, it makes sense, the more nihilistic society becomes the more people grasp for something to give them structure, hence the reason for the rise of christcucks on 4chan.

>> No.22781894

>it's like dad punishing you because he wants you to learn something, not mere hatred
If your dad punished you with eternal damnation and torture because he wanted you to learn something, he would be considered an abusive dad and put in prison

>> No.22781898

you can't define what is good and what is evil, only God knows that

>> No.22781901

stop using your emotions for information

>> No.22781921

>22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Genesis 3:22
It's a fact that eternal torture is evil

>> No.22782133

>if anyone can give an actually sensible solution i will convert to christianity IMMEDIATELY
If a sensible solution was a snake you would have been bitten by now

>> No.22782325
File: 84 KB, 800x1154, 1000005552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre such a fool

>> No.22782432

Wrong. Evil is the privation of good. Evil has no ontological status of its own

>> No.22782435

Kek true

>> No.22782445

why does god allow the *checks notes* privation of good?

>> No.22782447

who said I wanna go to heaven? it's probably full of retarded kikes

>> No.22782450

>an omnipotent and omnibenevolent god would just create beings that are already perfect.


>> No.22782474

if god allows evil he's not good.
if god cannot prevent evil he's not omnipotent.
therefore the mere existence of evil disproves the christian god.

>> No.22782544 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 319x402, JesusSaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man is created with an inclination to "sin" and then "deserves" eternal punishment? The person who creates such a situation is masochistic and psychotic.

>> No.22782551
File: 352 KB, 319x402, JesusSaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man is created with an inclination to "sin" and then "deserves" eternal punishment? The person who creates such a situation is sadistic and psychotic.

>> No.22782591

so you admit you have no proof to back up the critique then, meaning Irenaean theodicy type response is a valid answer to the problem of evil

>> No.22782638

the concept of benevolence doesn't even make sense without its dual counterpart

>> No.22782674

audibly kekked

>> No.22782689

the best thing to get rid of something on the internet is by ignoring
you're no better than the christcucks

>> No.22782701

>so you admit you have no proof to back up the critique then
I already refuted your faith though
>Irenaean theodicy
this just moves the goalpost. creation is imperfect but it shall become perfect. why?
>because it's better to become perfect
then why didn't god become perfect?
>he did
then he's not unchangeable
>he didn't
then he's not perfect

>> No.22782975

>there is a god at all


>> No.22783017


God is Evil.

>> No.22783021

Imagine being a materialist in 2023.

>> No.22783024

It's very simple. There are dualistic religions and non-dualistic ones. Duality creates all the problems you see in the modern world. Non-duality is enlightenment, peace and bliss since there is no conflict between opposites.

>> No.22783035

>Adam and Eve didn't exist
Even in the context of evolution there had to be first humans.

>> No.22783040

Someone hasnt read Genesis

>> No.22783050

God created all things good. Humans sinned against God and brought death and decay into the world. God redeemed us on the Cross thereby defeating death by His death and resurrection. We now have a straight path back to God by partaking in the sacraments and therefore, His Divine Life. Next question.

>> No.22783056

>already refuted your faith though
no you didn't?
how should i know
>then why didn't god become perfect?
why assume that everything that applies to humans must also apply to God?

>> No.22783180

he is good but he will allow evil because he is having a free will

>> No.22783202
File: 122 KB, 1080x675, 77777777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless

>> No.22783209

What if eating the apple and discovering moral knowledge was a sin because it meant mankind could see that God was morally flawed?

>> No.22783225
File: 31 KB, 550x445, 564bf83f99b76cd30fc6b62e39a420c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.22783228

because god is a jew

>> No.22783233

You really love that one image

>> No.22783236

you really is scum

>> No.22783430

>the only alternative to materialism is monotheism because... it just is okay!!!

>> No.22783435

>god created all things good.
he also created all things that cause suffering if he created everything

>humans sinned against god and brought death and decay into the world
if god is omnipotent then he could have simply prevented this from happening