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22774273 No.22774273 [Reply] [Original]

Why are leftists turning on him? He even wrote an essay against racism.

>> No.22774284

I've never seen anyone talk about him outside of this board, but he's pretty homophobic imo (and that's a good thing)

>> No.22774290 [DELETED] 

Right on. Fuck faggots.

What about kikes and womeme?

>> No.22774292

He's a degenerate. A mental coomer if you will. Don't believe me? Read Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.22774314

I have read and he was astoundingly ahead of his time when it came to race relations which is why I find it so disconcerting the initial push towards labeling him “problematic” have begun, even if only slightly.

>> No.22774317

>writes several hundred pages about a gayboy being gay in AtD

>> No.22774328

I think he came from a time when it was the norm to use homosexuality in and of itself as a punchline. Based in the rest of his views gleemed from his books, I could easily see him regretting that.

>> No.22774707

I don't think they care

>> No.22774712

what leftists are turning on him? now i genuinely want to know
you aren't a lying faggot, right OP?

>> No.22774715

Are you esl?

>> No.22774773

what grammatical errors are in that post?
if you're OP, post the leftists seething about pynchon or fuck off homo.

>> No.22774776

I will now buy his book.

>> No.22774782

Calm down, autist. It was a genuine question, and I'm not OP. Also, look up what a "vocative comma" is. Now, if you want to continue seething because your syntax/vocabulary give you away as esl, be my guest.

>> No.22774797
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>> No.22774801

>ahead of his time
Opinion discarded

>> No.22774817

>you aren't a lying faggot, right OP?
>you aren't a lying faggot, right, OP?
too many commas and now it looks gay
it would be better to turn the first fragment into its own sentence and just turn it into
>you aren't a lying faggot. right, OP?
also if you get hung up over vocative commas, you might be the autist lmao. i really hope you don't throw a shitfit over every vocative case error you see on 4chan.
anyways OP is a lying faggot that hasn't read pynchon and wanted a pynchon thread anyways.

>> No.22774818


Go to a doctor. There's a good chance you are retarded.

>> No.22774830

Ok, mr. esl. If that’s how you want to cope, so be it.

I know grammar difficult for you as a midwit so you have to lash out. It must be hard being a pseud.

>> No.22775166

Who is turning on him?

>> No.22775167

>Racial Neoliberalism and Whiteness in Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.22775252

He is a white male

>> No.22775409

There is a sufficient amount of lumpenproles imported now to start undercutting that one group's internal sway. "The capitalist will sell us the rope we use to hang them with." Sort of deal, and Moscow-Beijing coming to eat their useful idiot lunch on the soft power side of things. Less canon, more room for random plants of their choosing to be 'tastemakers'.

>> No.22775599

If he's a degenerate then so are you

>> No.22775607

The demons in OPs mind

>> No.22775686
File: 44 KB, 387x573, 1447060428538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He leans forward to surround the hot turd with his lips, sucking on it tenderly, licking along its lower side ... he is thinking, he's sorry, he can't help it, thinking of a Negro's penis, yes he knows it abrogates part of the conditions set, but it will not be denied, the image of a brute African who will make him behave. . . .

>A fresh thought occurs to Slothrop. He puts his head back out and hollers "Major Marvy sucks NIGGERS!"

>He'd rather not have to look at her face anyhow, all he wants is the brown skin, the shut mouth, that sweet and nigger submissiveness.


>That night she didn't come. Next morning he caught her on the breakwater, made her kneel, placed his boot on her nape and pushed her head under the sea until his sense of timing told him to let her up for air. He noticed then how long and snakelike her thighs were; how clearly the musculature of her hips stood under the skin, skin with a certain glow, but finely striated because of her long fast in the bush. That day he'd sjambok her on any least pretense. At dusk he wrote out another chit and handed it to her. "You have an hour." She watched him, nothing about her at all of the animal he'd seen in other nigger women. Only eyes giving back the red sun, and the white stalks of fog that had already begun to rise off the water.

It's not that being racist, but it's not properly marked with characters saying or whining how horrible how bad or raising an eyebrow. He'll have the offhand reputation of being racist eventually. I'm genuinely surprised V. & GR are always in stock at B&Ns and other bookstores. I think people just don't know what's in them.

>> No.22775696
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Posted the wrong V. quote. Should have been:

>It had only to do with the destroyer and the destroyed, and the act which united them, and it had never been that way before. Returning from the Waterberg with von Trotha and his staff, they came upon an old woman digging wild onions at the side of the road. A trooper named Konig jumped down off his horse and shot her dead: but before he pulled the trigger he put the muzzle against her forehead and said, "I am going to kill you." She looked up and said, "I thank you." Later, toward dusk, there was one Herero girl, sixteen or seventeen years old, for the platoon; and Firelily's rider was last. After he'd had her he must have hesitated a moment between sidearm and bayonet. She actually smiled then; pointed to both, and began to shift her hips lazily in the dust. He used both.

>> No.22775757

Agreed, and really good points. I do wonder how much this >>22775252 also plays into it. Oh well, they’ll have to pry GR from my hands because I’m never giving it up.

>> No.22775856

you're an idiot

>> No.22775906


>> No.22775908

Dude is ducking ugly

>> No.22775916
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>> No.22775921

and yet is more important to human culture than you will ever be in your puny life

>> No.22775929

this, sadly

>> No.22775968

People that stupid aren't reading him to begin with

>> No.22775979

> grammar difficult
For you it seems.

>> No.22775981
File: 2.18 MB, 1170x1247, hpl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but these ppl aren't reading Lovecraft either and he's a watchword for racism now.

>> No.22775986

Because he actually was racist

>> No.22775992

absolute retard. read a book

>> No.22775999

>scroll entire thread
>not one of you spastic retarded fuckers has said his name
Jfc not everybody knows the heros of your little nerd club

>> No.22776014

You'd think him being a champion of black people in his novels would be enough. But here we are. It's like when BLM got mad at Bernie Sanders.

>> No.22776021

nice digits

>> No.22776027

>doesnt know who pincecone is


>> No.22776031

damn dude you really are esl

>> No.22776036

Did he get narrowly missed by an artillery shell while in the navy?

>> No.22776041

Several of his books are mentioned, retard.

>> No.22776049

Evan Dara

>> No.22776051

And quoted from

>> No.22776075

Is the crux of it. There is no acceptable combination of words you can put into print while in this condition. But because people, some people, will buy it, you still seem them around but there isn't even a Charlie Rose to interview a hwite author. Ellis is out there doing it, so there's that but the reach isn't exactly penetrating the culture.

>> No.22776078

***By doing "it" I mean interviewing authors.

>> No.22776191
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, uhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's cancelling him though frankly his depiction of asian people has always been a tad problematic

>> No.22776203

Goated post btw

>> No.22776211

It’s never enough.

>> No.22776218

dfw hasn't been canceled either
or mccarthy

>> No.22776220

the trips really makes this bait

>> No.22776223

leave esl

>> No.22776228

He’s being cancelled because he’s not the right kind of person in today’s environment.

>> No.22776233

Makes as in 'makes my day'. Dumb faggot.

>> No.22776245

Oh sorry, esl zoom zoom, should have known to let you be retarded in silence (you should leave)

>> No.22776285

no, dfw was a womanizing creep

>> No.22776287

>esl zoom zoom
Two incorrect assumptions in a row and still acting that smug is embarrassing. Don't worry, your next post will have more buzzwords to hide your lack of creativity and writing ability.

>> No.22776309

This isn't the response of someone accused of something false =) You're not going to get away with this.

>> No.22776317

Oh? First I'm hearing it. He banged Mary Karr who told some tall tales about him after he was assassinated. There's also a story about him referring to women at readings as AP. Also what, he tried to bang that Prozac Nation chick?


Didn't realize she died during the memedemic.

>> No.22776322


>> No.22776327

It’s called using casual syntax and punctuation that approximates what normal speech sounds like instead of being an autist writing every post like it’s an essay for your university class. It’s not worth wasting my mental energy on this but what the fuck is up with losers on /lit/ who are this smug and nitpicking about little grammatical errors while likely having a few in their retarded posts themselves? As well as all the other stupid shit they post in response to valid posts or effortposts that bring up good points like


It brings up a high-school-bully impulse in me to give them a wedgie, nut-tap them, and shove them into a locker.

>should have let you known
Should of**
Fucking retard

No one really is because they probably don’t have the attention span to read him. Maybe there’s some Vice or BuzzFeed articles making fun of “Pynchonbros” and calling it out as a “red flag” to have read them, or “litbros measuring their literary cock size by bragging about reading him”, “having copies of Gravity’s Rainbow they’ve bought but didn’t read,” etc., like they do for DFW. But it’s also tiny-souled Dunning-Kruger harpies writing stuff like this, why bother about their opinions?

Pynchon certainly PORTRAYS racism, homophobia, and misogyny (sometimes pretty hilariously and grotesquely, I have to admit, but mostly tragically or disturbingly in a deliberate manner), but he seems very leftist-oriented through much of his works. But I also think he has a masculine side that comes through of treating women as sexual objects in the narrative, which is probably half commentary on gender roles but also probably another half Pynchon’s libido/chauvinism coming through. He also makes fun of some of the German officials of the Third Reich as pedophile faggots/bisexuals in Gravity’s Rainbow, which could indeed be seen as homophobic.

>you’re not going to get away with this

>> No.22776353
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he pushed some chick out of a car or something, guy seems like a dick, no discernable talent either...

>> No.22776363

>It’s not worth wasting my mental energy on this but
You forgot a comma.

>> No.22776394


>> No.22776404

Why would anyone care what mongrel pseuds like leftist think?

>> No.22776433

Why are all snoots cuckolds?

>> No.22776441

Maybe with your firsthand experience you could inform us.

>> No.22776444

best post itt. they cancelled dfw, and now they want to cancel pynchon? ok, go ahead. i’ll still love them.

>> No.22776449

I am asking (You)

>> No.22776452

Yeah, but as you’re the expert and I have no experience, I will defer to you and your cucked life. Don’t seethe or cope, please. Just answer the question.

>> No.22776461

I'm waiting

>> No.22776465

Nice cope. Will you answer or continue evading the question?

>> No.22776476

Brother what am I doing? I'm still waiting

>> No.22776481

>still coping
>still evading
So you’re not going to answer are you, mr. redditor?

>> No.22776486

Did you not see my answer?

>> No.22776499


>> No.22776562
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Nah but fr pic is my answer. Does it make sense?

>> No.22776733

>>A fresh thought occurs to Slothrop. He puts his head back out and hollers "Major Marvy sucks NIGGERS!"
This part was legitimately one of the hardest LOLs I've ever had from a book. It comes at a totally unexpected moment and got me big time

>> No.22777748

>but these ppl aren't reading Lovecraft either
She visited his grave because she was a fan of his works

>> No.22778034

Oh I thought it was a racebating thing

>> No.22778072

The irony is that her approach to the situation is extremely well-adjusted and perhaps the most pro-Lovecraft stance that a person could take vis-a-vis his racism—besides denying or supporting it. Always weird to see that picture posted as a /pol/ ragebait (but a good reminder that most of the racists on this site are abject retards).

>> No.22778334

i lolled a lot in the book
mostly from the looney tunes stuff

>> No.22778337

Her twitter makes it clear she is not a fan of lovecraft what in the fuck are you talking about???

>> No.22778693

why does such a famous man have such a basic tombstone

>> No.22779356

I'm as leftist as one can be (though hegelian, nor marxist) and i really like Pynchon
My GF is more the classical liberal and she enjoyed lot49

>> No.22779410

not really

>> No.22779612

Shut up chud