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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 145 KB, 1400x2120, bell-curve-9781439134917_hr-2600547073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22761677 No.22761677 [Reply] [Original]

What was the longest book you have ever read? Was it worth it?

>> No.22761684

>the bell curve

If you guys want to know some psychometrics,

>> No.22761689

I am not clicking on that link

>> No.22761793

Atlas shrugged

>> No.22761834

Human accomplishment is even worse. Murray cannot get to the point without pompous exhibition and long chapters on methodology for what should have been a 30-40 page academic paper

>> No.22761837

Click now. It's "the g factor" by arthur jensen

>> No.22761868

this book has been thoroughly debunked. take haiti and japan for example. the united states has interfered with both countries destabilising one and fortifying the other and the outcomes are visible both socially and economically. even if there are differences due to race (only one chapter really), its generally accepted its due to intergenerational trauma and economic factors. there isn't any Science to support genetics or the so called 'g factor' (it is literally just a theory they postulated to support bogus 'science' through weird correlations).

>> No.22761892
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Whether or not you think g to be properly constructed or not, it's a fact that its highly heritable, and gets more heritable with age.

Now on IQ tests, black-white differences increase on the tests that are better at measuring g (more genetic), and increases as the testing subject gets older (again more genetic).

Environmental impacts are proven to have more influence in young childhood. Why, then, are black-white differences smaller and not larger?

>> No.22761915
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>> No.22761923

Not reading all of that.

>> No.22761924

>debooonked chuds, as seen on reddit!
I tune you out in half a millisecond

>> No.22761935

lmao these chuds can't read a post but have the gall to pretend to have read the bell curve and cite it to back up their already held racists beliefs. go back.

>> No.22761947

I'm not citing the bell curve. All of the things measuring "g", whether you think it was properly constructed or not, show genetic correlations with the iq gap.

>> No.22761958
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>having to read 600 pages to learn that subsaharans are retarded simians

>> No.22761959

Charlie and the chocolate factory

>> No.22761963
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nigger cope

not all of intelligence is heritable, but a lot of it is, probably most of it is.

why waste time reading the bell curve? anybody with access to twitter or 4chan or any non-censored internet website quickly sees how stupid and violent black people are, independent of where they grow up

>> No.22761966

These things are so firmly established that short of exceptional evidence I will simply point and laugh, as all right thinking individuals should

>> No.22761974

War and Peace, yes

>> No.22761979

You have to go back. Africa has always been shit before White people ever showed up, so trauma is no excuse for mediocrity. Egypt was white before Arabs showed up and ruined it. No amount of cope will raise black IQ.

>> No.22761989

yeah based

>> No.22761990


>source: my ass (30 year old book using bogus studies written by a guy that participated in a cross burning that was never submitted to peer review which conveniently supports my already held racist beliefs)
lmao what happened to /lit/? where have all these sub 100iq people come from?

>> No.22761993

Gay ass bait

>> No.22761998
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If you respond to the time wasting bait here >22761990 you suck cocks

>> No.22762001

>t. can't engage at an academic or scientific level

>> No.22762002
File: 42 KB, 1024x576, king nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black idiot asking for sources on something that every 15 year old on /pol/ knew nearly 10 years ago
look up black crime rates next you total fucking retard

>> No.22762006

>what is poverty, intergenerational trauma and institutional racism

>> No.22762007
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>> No.22762017
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>only blacks experience those things

>> No.22762018

Cock sucker

>> No.22762023

learn English before posting here you puck-lipped 3rd world baboon

>> No.22762026

See >>22761998

>> No.22762029

Don Quixote. It was absolutely worth it. A bit repetitive at times, but full of beauty and virtue.

>> No.22762030

lol thread just started

>> No.22762032
File: 6 KB, 274x184, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is poverty
A result of low IQ allowing for poor decision making that results in the negro remaining in poverty indefinitely.

>intergenerational trauma
A result of low IQ and the inability to improve on your lot in life, thus the same things that plague's the negros great grandfather also plague the negros great grandson as they are unable to build, improve or grow.

>Institutional racism
A systems of practices that are placed around the negro by whites in order to mitigate the worst of his behavior. If the negro presents a danger to people simply be being in close proximate to whites, society will eventually evolve means to deal with and contain his deleterious affect as best it can.

>> No.22762034
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>> No.22762035

it's funny

>> No.22762052

True, I'm laughing my ass off at this thread

>> No.22762085

>A result of low IQ allowing for poor decision making that results in the negro remaining in poverty indefinitely.
false. poverty has nothing to do with IQ. bombarding people with trauma and forcing them to be slaves means they don't have capital, including capital as in wealth or education keeping them in a poverty loop. they can't get loans and take advantage of debt based fiat system to grow their wealth.IQ is irrelevant.

>A result of low IQ and the inability to improve on your lot in life, thus the same things that plague's the negros great grandfather also plague the negros great grandson as they are unable to build, improve or grow.
patently false. when you enslave people, enrich yourself off THEIR labour and then 'free' them and expect them to flourish? how can those groups can just simply elect to succeed because overtly racist policy such as jim crow laws only removed in the late 1960's? on paper they have the same tools and possibilities as others, but in reality they are subjected to institutional racism - see rodney king, eric garner and george floyd.

>A systems of practices that are placed around the negro by whites in order to mitigate the worst of his behavior. If the negro presents a danger to people simply be being in close proximate to whites, society will eventually evolve means to deal with and contain his deleterious affect as best it can.
this is just outright racism at this point. get fucked.

>> No.22762092
File: 144 KB, 1280x772, black crimes matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a look at crime stats, you simpleton

>> No.22762093
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>see rodney king, eric garner and george floyd.

>> No.22762096

that means nothing when it is devoid of wealth, income, education level, prevalence of institutional racism and intergenerational trauma.

you are a brainlet if you think some infographic without any contextualizing is somehow relevant.

>> No.22762100
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Why do economic forces cause the black to shoot and rape the woman they just robbed? And why do these same economic forces affect other races?

>> No.22762101
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>this entire post
you're a fucking moron, lurk more before posting newfag

>> No.22762107

other people experience those things as well and don't commit crimes at rates nearly that high. whites, native americans, chinese people, etc.

also, the UK never had any slavery and blacks only started immigrating in the 70s, yet the crime rates are nearly identical, see>>22761963

you're just making excuses for black violence and scapegoating White people, africa is a toilet and every city that brings in blacks quickly devolves into a 3rd world shithole as well. the races are not equal.

>> No.22762109

crime statistics are often manipulated to portray groups in a bad light. and even if they aren't manipulated, putting higher numbers of police officers in some so called 'bad' areas rather than 'good' areas will result in higher rates of crime in the bad areas, purely because more police are there to observe crimes and arrest people. if you swapped the levels of policing in 'bad' areas with 'good' areas, you would find that the rates of crime in both would flip. the labels of 'bad' or 'high crime rate' areas just follows wherever the powers that be wish to call a high crime rate area. you don't think crimes are happening in these 'safe' areas? try putting more police there and magically the rates of crime increase. this is simple to understand and the fact you have to ask this question is quite telling.

>> No.22762118
File: 994 KB, 3320x2299, algerian crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: (non-white) economic migrants in Europe also commit crime at much higher rates. how do you just not know this?

>> No.22762122

Why do the racist powers help asians

>> No.22762127

>posts infographic not accounting for income, wealth, intergenerational trauma, systemic racism
yawn. go back you brainlet. you people would have said the same thing about the irish 100 years ago yet they are now flourishing.

>> No.22762129

the reason the police are there patrolling in the first place is because of the amount of crime, simpleton. you're so clearly a stupid butthurt african who thinks he's intelligent (TOP KEK) because he read an anti-White/leftist propaganda article excusing black/brown violence and scapegoating White people.

you aren't smart, you're fucking stupid and clueless, the average mexican teen on /pol/ knows so much more than you

>> No.22762130

no responses?

>> No.22762135

>posts infographic without context that doesn't accounting for income, wealth, intergenerational trauma, systemic racism

did you know that the increase in climate change is correlated with the reduction in typewriters in peoples homes? wowee, you just did a heckin' science! it's almost as if not all statistics are relevant or assess the conditions that we live in :)

>> No.22762136

>you people would have said the same thing about the irish 100 years ago
i say the same thing about the irish today. Look at Joe Biden—that incestuous old kid-sniffer turned the white house into a crack den. Should have stayed in Scranton where he belonged, with the other white trash drug addicts.

>> No.22762139

but they already have everything provided for them, they don't even have to work a lot of the time. Europe has never had laws discriminating against these people for as long as it's allowed them to become citizens, unlike the US....yet the crime rates are remarkably similar in these specific demographics. The same in Canada and elsewhere. Chinese people were discriminated against in Canada but they don't commit anywhere near the amount of violent crime as blacks or middle easterners.

And in Europe there are other poor communities who don't commit crime at rates nearly as high, such as different asian ethnicities or Indians. So none of your excuses really refute anything, you're just scapegoating White people and making up nonsense ("systemic racism", which doesn't exist except against White/native Europeans) which you can't quantify, because it doesn't exist except in your tiny mind.

>> No.22762147
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The answer is low IQ. Every single dataset across hundreds of specialist fields is unified by the simple admission of blacks being less able to problem solve. Our entire society, the Liberal/Marxist/Mass society, is given entirely to trying to refute this very simple assertion.

>> No.22762152
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, islam stats sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the burden of proof is on you to prove those things have the effect you're claiming that they do. because in Europe these people are given everything and won't even get sent to jail or deported and they still behave like animals. why don't poor whites behave like savage baboons, rampaging through department stores looting them every other day in some new video on twitter?

why can we tell what race someone is through a brain scan? lmao, you're a delusional leftist retard

>> No.22762156
File: 123 KB, 1080x726, soyniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's low IQ but also low impulse control and higher amounts of estrogen, they are an extremely narcissistic people

>> No.22762157

Irish hooligans are saints compared to the average black in the US or middle eastern mutt man in a European city

>> No.22762160

your implying that hopes and dreams of addressing racism (whimsical laws) actually help people. why not just say a prayer? just because laws prohibiting racism exist, doesn't mean that racism doesn't happen. do you think people don't smoke weed in areas it is illegal? racism still happens in europe, whether or not if they had racist laws. BTW, have you heard what europe did to africa? it destroyed it. try reading a book one time if you think europe didn't do/does racism.

>> No.22762167
File: 44 KB, 1024x819, 1682838993570224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOUR posts are fucking gold, you hilarious NPC retard. lurk this site more before posting, you clueless shitskin

>> No.22762168

>correlation equals causation
lol why not just chart increasing subscribers of netflix against reports of sexual abuse? it would probably correlate tighter.

why are there so many brainlets in this thread who think infographics implying correlation equals causation on /lit/? what happened to this board.

>> No.22762181

you guys are wasting your time on a low effort troll who'll not read the first paragraph of any of this

>> No.22762185

the first one is about black kids adopted into white middle class homes. did their black skin traumatize them so much to cause them to get low scores?

>> No.22762186

crying about racism isn't an argument. You haven't proven "racism" even exists (because you can't, it doesn't exist, the reality is actually the opposite: anti-White bias in courts, government programs, etc.), and even if you could, it wouldn't really matter. If you're going to excuse or justify the preying upon of innocent European people over unquantifiable and non-existent "racism" then your opinion on how people should be treated is irrelevant/discredited. If blacks and browns are going to assault and kill Europeans and objectively ruin the quality of their homelands, why should Europeans be expected to put up with them in the first place? just kick them out, or at the very least discriminate against them (for real this time, not the sjw schizo fantasy in your mind)

>> No.22762191

also you obviously didn't pay attention to what I posted. The second graph shows how the gap increases the more genetically loaded the test is. This directly goes against the environmentalist hypothesis. You very obviously didn't understand either of the graphs, and just parroted whatever your subreddit told you to say. Go back and never return.

>> No.22762196
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>the increase of browns brought in to White countries correlates almost exactly to the increase of sexual assaults and murders in White countries
YES. are you even capable of thinking? do you know how fucking stupid you sound?

>> No.22762198

You are arguing with a troll. Who's the retard here?

>> No.22762201
File: 162 KB, 1578x960, FsuhvK7XwAIDrId.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another interesting correlation

it used to be Sweden before they brought in a bunch of violent 3rd world subhumans, now the streets are literally warzones in some cities

>> No.22762214

i have no idea if you are a legitimate retard or 4d trolling people. are you an actual retard? just because you plot two things on a chart and manipulate the scales so it seems like they are correlated means nothing. as what it means to be sexually assaulted changes, and people feel more comfortable reporting sexual assaults, the rates that it is reported over time increases. this is the entire purpose of the #metoo movement. just because rate of MENA populations is also increasing at the same time to prevent population decrease (bad), economic collapse (bad), contribute to the swedish social services due to an aging population (good) and to take over and carry the mantel of swedish culture as birth rates decline for some reason (good). if this didn't happen sweden would collapse and we wouldn't have their swedish culture in our world anymore. two charts correlating means nothing. please go back.

>> No.22762225

>contribute to the swedish social services

>> No.22762227
File: 24 KB, 400x386, 1404856375510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the entire purpose of the #metoo movement
>to take over and carry the mantel of swedish culture as birth rates decline for some reason (good)
lmao well done

>> No.22762236

Are you saying black people are traumatized from not having enough money, so they act out violently?

>> No.22762243

about to start this, yippie!

>> No.22762270
File: 55 KB, 640x418, sweden4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scales aren't manipulated, both increase linearly you brain damaged afro-simian. Sweden was the most peaceful nation in Europe before masse immigration from africa and the ME, now there are africans throwing grenades in the streets and gangraping people and the military was called in to protect the police station. none of the people doing this are ethnic Swedes. There are also stats showing the race of the people like pic rel


>> No.22762406

Ethiopia was never colonized either.

>> No.22762414

The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.

It was not worth it.

>> No.22762429

Some huge textbook on the history of science. It was insane, stars really make the elements. Everyone should know about this "science" thing, I hecking love it.

>> No.22762436

Why wasn't lit worth it?

>> No.22762477
File: 1.07 MB, 1160x1322, copper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the increasing demands of copper, would copper be a good investment?

>> No.22762483

nope, priced in.

>> No.22762512

14 books that drag on like one of Grandpa Simpsons stories. And he died before he finished the story so there is no ending.

>> No.22762514

the same thing that happened to the rest of the site

>> No.22762529

>14 books that drag on like one of Grandpa Simpsons stories
and you decided to read them all in spite of this, and continually renewed this task?

>> No.22762544

The first book in the series is okay. It drags you in.

He was still alive when I started and was still publishing regularly. Then he died before he ended the series.

>> No.22762566

>War and Peace
>Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
>The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.22762585

still, 14 books is a long time to continually make the choice to re-dedicate yourself. I read GoT when the HBO series first came out, and I got to the middle of the second book and just dropped the whole thing because I just didn't care about what happened to any of the characters.

>> No.22762924

Why did their IQ fall at 17?

>> No.22762955

Years of public education

>> No.22763467


>> No.22763489

count of Monte cristo
I made it to the end which is good. could never finish Tolstoy stuff bored the crap outta me.

the count is just so based haha. I loved it when he wouldn't eat any of that cunt Mercedes fruit. fuckin whore.

>> No.22763625

The Complete Works of Plato.
Yes, it was worth it.

>> No.22763801

Wilson effect. Iq becomes more genetic with age. Hehe…

>> No.22763903

Manly P. Hall - The Secret Teachings of all Ages
Took me 8 months. It was absolutely worth it.

>> No.22764957

obsessing over iq or thinking it holds any bearing towards anything significant is retarded. It could help determine intellectual disability. nothing more. It's obviously influenced by environmental factors and doesn't suggest any correspondence with actual accomplishment.

"People who boast about their IQ are losers."
-Stephen Hawking

>> No.22765031

Boasting about it and knowing that it is real and actually matters are two entirely different things.

>> No.22765152

Stephen Hawking is a meme gimp and furthermore an epstein flunkie

>> No.22765358

>thinking it holds any bearing towards anything significant is retarded.
Nothing significant, just things like crime, income, and lifespan.

>> No.22765379

Holy cope

>> No.22765387

>What was the longest book you have ever read? Was it worth it?
didn't measure but either of Seven Pillars of Wisdom or Lonesome Dove

>> No.22765418

Bunch of bullcrap in that book, a bunch of talk of esoteric cults in speculative ways, midwit takes on philosophy and tries to mask it all in a profound way even though most of it is conventional roastie "live laugh love" wisdom. I'm not young enough to be bewildered by occult and esoteric rhetoric about "secrets THEY don't want you to know!".

>> No.22765442

Musashi. It was worth it.

>> No.22765583

>a guy who firmly believes correlation implies causation is giving lectures about IQ on 4chan
oh wow

>> No.22765612

>"People who boast about their IQ are losers."
Correct, IQ means very little for an individual unless they're severely retarded, and people who think that IQ isn't meaningful in aggregate are severely retarded.

>> No.22765621

nice bait

>> No.22766186

What’s with chuds posting random infographics? Of course people born in a foreign country have increased barriers to overcome.

>> No.22766280
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>Hundreds of thousands of data points that cover as diverse aspects as personal cleanliness to crime levels of local areas to general income levels can be plotted with one simple piece of data
>correlation does not imply causation

You appear to be low IQ.

>> No.22766318
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>> No.22766452

>increased barriers to overcome
Like not committing rape?

>> No.22767171

83 iq comment.

>> No.22767464

>i-it was just 5 years
>it doesn't count!
keep coping selassie

>> No.22767495
File: 19 KB, 220x342, 2666Novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2666 in Spanish. 1136 pages. binged it in two weeks. I fucking love this book.

>> No.22768592

Because five years of colonization is definitely enough to lock that country in third world status for the next several generations. Hong Kong was under colonial rule for generations and in extremely prosperous.

>> No.22768682

>/lit/ thread becomes /pol/-tier in fewer than 10 posts
Many such cases

>> No.22768796

That's pretty much any thread on any board these days, everything is just variations of /pol/ applied to different subjects and interests now.

>> No.22769071

Not that I'm a fan of niggers and browns, but white trash aren't any better.

>> No.22769074

Not that I'm a fan of niggers and browns, but white trash aren't any better.
This is why I hesitate to take out the IQ argument and why I refuse to call myself a nazi.
Not exclusive enough.

>> No.22769083

have you noticed almost nobody browses this board or even this site anymore?

>> No.22769095
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White trash are the less able of a whole bell curve of ability. Blacks and browns are exclusively on the bottom half of that distribution. By your own admission you 'do not take out that argument' because you do not understand it.

>> No.22769110

No, no, no. Low IQ whites are the whites the most imbued with non-white blood. High IQ non-whites accordingly are the non-whites the most imbued with white blood. It is a cruel worldview, like accepting the blackpill.

>> No.22769205
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Whatever, pajeet.

>> No.22769212

> Tyre and Sidon, besides being large maritime and commercial cities in the manner of London and Hamburg, were at the same time major industrial centres such as Liverpool and Birmingham; they became the evenings of the populations of earlier Asia, they occupied them all and they were transferring the overflow to the vast circle of their colonies. In this way, through constant immigration, they sent fresh forces and an increase in their own lives. Let's not admire this prodigious act too much. All these advantages of an everincreasing population had their unfortunate reworms: they began by altering the political constitution in order to improve it; they ended up determining its total ruin.
Whatever, mutt.

>> No.22769247
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You can believe it all you wish, it will not make you Western or European.

>> No.22769286

You can cope and seethe all you want, but you are not worthy of the heroes of the Mahabharata. Maybe that will open your eyes on how much of a mutt degenerate you are. I am a Germanic man, more than you are. My ancestors were administrators and government officials in medieval Europe.

>> No.22769293

Holy shit, lel. You can't be serious.

>> No.22769306

Ain't no way you bee thinking you cracka azz pigskins be superior n shit. We are going to be boiling your cumskin mothers in hot lava

>> No.22769314

> Yudhishthira was slender, and had a prominent nose, large eyes and a complexion like that of "pure gold". He is also described as a just man, who had correct knowledge of the morality of his own acts and was merciful to surrendering foes.

>> No.22770036

yes a cripple that will be celebrated for centuries long after your mediocrity is forgotten.

>> No.22770042

low iq reddit response

>> No.22770080

yes surely with income, crime, lifespan and iq the only casual variable here is iq. Thats the most accurate sensical answer. surely.

>> No.22770088

sorry heres your you

>> No.22770104

>celebrated for centuries
doubtful, he was always will be a meme scientist. People will celebrate tesla, von neuman, etc. People who made real contributions. Not Hawking lmao. That's not much better than saying people will celebrate Neill Degrasse tyson

>> No.22770361


>It could help determine intellectual disability. nothing more.

While even some of the pioneering psychologists who developed the IQ model initially did so for this basis (admittedly, this is not denied even by psychologists who specialise in intelligence studies), this would ignore that a central component of the evolution of the IQ model is that it has been incorporated into other studies that stress the influence of other dependent variables that are genuinely significant on the basis of correlation coefficients. To deny this and say that it is only beneficial for the *sole* purpose of categorisation of intelligence qua intelligence itself would be to ignore the process of the evolution of the psychological sciences.

From: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/10.1016/j.intell.2006.09.004 (Strenze, T, 2007, ‘Intelligence and socioeconomic success: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal research’, Intelligence (Norwood), vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 401–426.)

"...these results are important because they falsify a claim often made by the critics of the “testing movement”: that the positive relationship between intelligence and success is just the effect of parental SES or academic performance influencing them both (see Bowles and Gintis, 1976, Fischer et al., 1996, McClelland, 1973). If the correlation between intelligence and success was a mere byproduct of the causal effect of parental SES or academic performance, then parental SES and academic performance should have outcompeted intelligence as predictors of success; but this was clearly not so. These results confirm that intelligence is an independent causal force among the determinants of success; in other words, the fact that intelligent people are successful is not completely explainable by the fact that intelligent people have wealthy parents and are doing better at school." (p. 416)

>> No.22771599

It was alright

>> No.22771689

This just seems like racist drivel

>> No.22771878


Well, if you actually read the study I provided, you would see this:

"It is, therefore, appropriate to limit the current meta-analysis to representative studies and exclude the studies that exhibit signs of considerable range restriction." (in the footnote; "Of course, one cannot expect the samples to be representative in terms of every possible characteristic (such as age, gender, or race). It is enough if the samples are reasonably representative in terms of the variables that are analyzed in the present study.") (p. 410).

What the author is presenting here is that they limited their meta-analysis to studies that, in their view, would provide samples that were representative of the general population, and not specific to variations within the racial characteristics of a specific person or group of people. In fact, they explicitly use dependent variables that, for the purposes of attempting to avoid this, were not concerned with anything to do with any other component of their biology or physiognomy. The quote that I provided above was meant to demonstrate that intelligence is, according to the author, an *independent, causal force of success*, meaning that it exists irrespective of whether or not there are biological propensities for intelligence amongst different races.

>> No.22771892
File: 95 KB, 735x1000, 81H7+mxJk9L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this in 2 weeks during the summer of 2020.
God I miss covid.

>> No.22772275
File: 60 KB, 700x708, a1kl6g1l_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So called Scientific Rascism is just science.

>> No.22772280

What a cringe meme, kill yourself

>> No.22772286

I don't like the bell curve theory, it doesn't put enough emphasis on the racial differences between whites, yellows and blacks. These differences go down to the very microexpression of each and every individual.

>> No.22772289

>t. shitbull owner

>> No.22772292

> he doesn't have a fighting dog

>> No.22772298

Rottweilers and German Shepherds and such fight and defend from actually dangerous targets, not toddlers.

>> No.22772301

Still a cringe meme, dilate.

>> No.22772303
File: 398 KB, 504x603, F-WLAINWYAAqy3V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas Shrugged
Not really, no...

>> No.22774308


>> No.22774788

meme scientist that made important theories for gravitational physics. has also been world famous for decades.

meanwhile von neuman, great but literal who for 99% of the population

>> No.22775058

>has also been world famous for decades.
the point remains he would not be famous if he weren't in a wheelchair.

>> No.22775268

It's not that I lividly hated it. It's been years since I've read it, and for much of that time it has shied away from appearing in my recollections, which in itself is not a good thing. I think that the book's biggest sin, putting philosophy presented in it aside, is its nearly masturbatory nature. At the same time I have to say that what rings true for me more and more with age is how book's antagonists is class of extremely incompetent, power-hungry, piggybacking people with great causes on their mouths, who are utterly unable to fathom the failure behind their every enterprise and idea they try to apply to reality.
There's funny story associated with it for me, that is that I've read this absolute behemoth of a book becuse my highschool crush was fanatic of it, and she lended it to me, and it took me some 2-3 months to read some 1100 pages of it. Which is the result I have been scarcely able to replicate in years to follow. It upsets me a tad.

>> No.22776875

ableist take (80iq)

>> No.22777142
File: 56 KB, 700x829, aMxmAeDl_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesnt want a badly made, unreliable firearm that may go off without warning without touching it

>> No.22777628

>intergenerational trauma and economic factors
you have to be joking

>> No.22777638

you will never be a samurai

you will never be white

you will never be a woman

>> No.22777797

you will never have an IQ over 100

>> No.22777832

i just showed ur reply to my gf and shes laughing at you. it's so over, chud.