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/lit/ - Literature

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22732312 No.22732312 [Reply] [Original]

It is a shame since this place does have insightful discussions and great recs and it feels great not be censored but this place is sometimes indiscernible from /pol/. Some retard unironically made a thread asking for books to rationalize his hatred for women lmao.

>> No.22732315
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Why are there holes here? Consider suicide, foid

>> No.22732317

Because most great authors were misogynists.

>> No.22732320

Why can't someone want a book to understand their feelings?

You can go to Reddit if you want softer, less honest discussion.

>> No.22732325

what do they look like? are they in the room right now?
no, you're in a gypsy science box

>> No.22732360

Anything can be fun in the absence of women.

>> No.22732369

There is a strong correlation between high intelligence and having a low opinion of women.

>> No.22732401

Perhaps Reddit would be more suited for your sensibilities? I've heard they are a safe space for women and bipoc :)

>> No.22732413

>Why is construction filled with men
>Why are nurses mostly women
>Why do fast food chains target fatties
>Why why why
I wonder why.

>> No.22733099

Like any great art in this world literature is a male dominated space once women get involved it turns to shit
Btw you can always fuck off sweaty

>> No.22733112

Everybody hates women
Even women hate women

>> No.22733135

For the same reason websites that are 80% women always have weird misandrist radfems posting there

>> No.22733189

The previous replies gave you your answer already, but /lit/ actually isn't a place for insightful discussions. It's a place for pretending to be Christian or Muslim, for pretending to be a fascist, and for pretending to be a traditional ideal western man.

>> No.22733196

Into the filter it all goes.

>> No.22733444

Writing something great is hard.
100% of smart people hate women.
Gee, I wonder.

>> No.22733521

emotionally healthy, emotionally functional men don't read. they watch sports and prestige TV shows. the intelligent introverts who ache to be understood and feel real connections with women get fucked over in US culture and turn their rage inward, and outward at the chads and the cute women they can't connect with, and seek out the few online spaces where they can share their rage and frustration and not get banned and sometimes find a sympathetic reply that shows they aren't alone with their sufferi...

im sorry what was the question

>> No.22733765

You have to understand that if we want to say whatever we want then there's a price to pay. And that price is that there WILL be people with views opposite to yours, and all around in general. That's why we're not reddit

>> No.22733820

Stfu corny ass nigga

>> No.22733858
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Love from Kazakh

>> No.22733862

I may pretend to be all those things, but to I do not "pretend" to hate women.

>> No.22733865

You are not smart

>> No.22733874

Unironically because every single other place about books on the internet is filled with women and the gays so this is where the straight guys gather

>> No.22733914

So true, Sally. More insightful circles like to pretend to be women when they're really men.

>> No.22733926

yall are fags thoughbeit

>> No.22734011

Do you actually believe there is honesty on this board?

>> No.22734019

please just leave us be. the rest of the internet is literally catered to please you but you feel the compulsion to come here. Can someone post the greentext about women ruining everything?

>> No.22734033

thanks for confirming that you're a histrionic fag

>> No.22734034

You're welcome, you can go back to twitter now

>> No.22734037

not your safe space newfriendo :-*
please see >>22733765

>> No.22734040

Are you going to say something of note or just pull out more canned responses? Who said anything about a safe space? I just don't want to listen to women speak about literature because they end up making it about themselves or just an argument about culture war. See: your posts.

>> No.22734046

>Are you going to say something of note or just pull out more canned responses?
funny, i could ask you the same thing

>> No.22734048

Okay so you have nothing of actual note to say. That's fine, just stop pretending that you do.

>> No.22734149

the real question is why are all women so fucking stuck up, like in lysistrata why do you whores need a bed and a pillow and a blanket to have sex like the profane mustn't simply be that for you moids you need to put these limitations on everything, stupid fucks i'm mgtow all the way kek a bitch couldn't get shit from me except hard dick and bubblegum

>> No.22734180

bad faith anon

>> No.22734187

This. A hundred times this. It's a place for American children to whine about getting bullied in school.

>> No.22734228

Why are you here retards? You don't understand the history, the culture or even a single post ever made on this site but still spend your time making these declarations about shit you don't have any clue about. It's like you really are embodied caricatures of resentful dumb whores who just enjoy ruining anything men happen to enjoy.

>> No.22734239
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Why do normalniggers want every space to be sanitized and curated for them? Just argue with views you don't like or ignore them.

>> No.22734247

historically 4chan has always had been a predominantly male space, and a lot of men in this day and age are utterly sexually frustrated. they are creatures of contradictory extremes: plenty of nsfw and even sfw boards with pornographic and soft pornographic discussion, day in and day out. and yet in sometimes the same board, endless posts of women hatred and such. it is clear a lot of men are just utterly sexually frustrated. it is what it is

>> No.22734252

kitty :)

>> No.22734261

>it can't possibly be that I'm a retard, everyone just calls me retarded because they think I'm sexy
You're just retarded.

>> No.22734276

you sound triggered

>> No.22734277

For me it's not sexual frustration, it's the fact that women are very childish and frivolous and yet they are clogging up every sector of society everywhere you go. Everywhere I go I have to hear yammering babbling giggling dumbass women. They are nothing like women used to be, they are not good mothers or partners, they are not demure and elegant, they are just overgrown children treating life like an amusement park. Everything I overhear from them is about fuel for their narcissism, clothes and makeup and blowing all their money on bullshit. It has been shown time and time again that they are a net drain on the economy, producing a net negative in GDP in their lifetime. Their jobs are all redundant and basically exist just to keep them busy during the day, but this further clogs society up with an infinite web of bitchy unhappy secretaries and redundant go-betweens. It feels like we as a society decided at some point that children should be treated like adults, so every other employee I interact with is a 9 year old acting like a typical erratic 9 year old and barely doing his job. I think women are thoroughly confused and out of place right now and I'm tired of seeing and hearing it.

>> No.22734315

i agree with you you know. but let us be realistic here. why would you be upset at things outside your control like this? are you even implying things could have turned out differently? are you not believing the same lie as these modern women from believing men and women so equal that your expectations have fallen wholly out of line? and what would raising hostility anonymously do anything about it other than further damage the poster's own twisted view of the world?

wicked women and wicked men have always existed. good women and good men are still out there anon. i pray you find a good woman soon enough and feel the warmth of proper union, towards healing

>> No.22734336

So fucking this. Why doesn't /lit/, or this entire site as a whole, listen to my feelings - my emotions - as much as Reddit does? I'll never understand men.

>> No.22734345

I’m a literal genius and I can’t stop thinking about how much I love women.

>> No.22734357

I have a girlfriend currently. Part of what I don't dislike about the sick modern zeitgeist is this circumstantial ad hominem fallacy that any man who complains about the frankly insane shit going on must be "not getting laid." It overrates sex and it overrates women. Sex and companionship are important parts of life but this level of obsession with them is unhealthy, it's adolescent and frankly it's highly feminine.

Women are the ones who take sex and interpersonal drama based on sex so seriously that everything is ultimately "about" sex or drama with someone you want to fuck or used to fuck etc. Your whole mindset is feminized if this is all you can think of too.

It's childish and frivolous like I said. It's the result of the lines becoming blurry and people forgetting their own roles, and to play those roles with dignity and learn basic manners and restraint. People often comment today that people from past generations looked and acted way older than they were. Conversely, today there are 40 and 50 year olds dressed like children, women dressed like whores in every public space, nobody has any manners. A large factor in all this collective arrested development and narcissistic hedonism is that men and women no longer want to be at their best for one another. Women just act like whores and men act like horny adolescents.

The best cure for it is to segregate the genders and introduce sumptuary legislation, with strong incentives to have kids and marry early and strong disincentives to the contrary.

>> No.22734363

>part of what I don't like*

>> No.22734392

i think it's wonderful you have a girlfriend but realize that you are an exception and not the norm. most men here are absolutely no better than horny boys and/or sexually frustrated. also what use is a cure when you have no means to administer it? even in the past wicked men and wicked women existed. i do not know how old you are but the sexual revolution not too long ago was something else. your anger is justified i assure you, but have some humility in seeing the irony of your criticism and the thread you're in. really it just sounds like you are growing up and finally seeing how older adults see things: superficially differemt, but fundamentally unchanged

>> No.22734406

thats called high libido, not high intelligence

>> No.22734410

because women read absolute shit tier literature, and there are few notable female writers, i dont mean that in some 5th grade boys-girls competition kind of way, if the majority of literature is written by man, it is closer to a mans soul. it would be uncanny for women to discuss feelings they would never understand

>> No.22734536

Ok snowflake. Surely calling women whores online will change society to your liking.

>> No.22734703

I didn't say anything about changing society. I asked why you behave like you do, like stereotypical vapid holes. Do you think acting out the worst female stereotypes helps reduce misogyny? What the fuck are you mindless retards doing here?

>> No.22734717

simmer down elliot

>> No.22734759

>gets BTFO
>resorts to Kafka traps to avoid putting any thoughts out there to be attacked
Many such cases. Cowards do not make history.

>> No.22734781

I love dogs but I don’t respect their intelligence. I don’t see why the two should be mutually exclusive.

>> No.22735076

Kek this. They will resort to an endless barrage of ad hominems in a futile attempt to recover and put together their shattered, fragile ego.
>si-simmer down elliot
Like this buffoon over here :>>22734717
No arguments to be made
>lol incel
>what's this? You hate women for their fundamental character lacks justice and they regulate their actions not by the demands of universality, but by arbitrary inclinations and opinions?
>lol must be because you never got laid
God i fucking hate women, i just lust over their bodies.

>> No.22735084

P.s : simps and simp warriors are equally as repulsive, if not more. They are the scourge of the world and the sooner they are gone, the better.

>> No.22735160

>God i fucking hate women, i just lust over their bodies.
that sentiment is precisely how these low quality women reproduce and continue to be encouraged. the irony is staggering

>> No.22735167

What are we to do?

>> No.22735191

How would you know the sexual history of anonymous posters?

>> No.22735195

there is no we. only you. the individual. and to anyone who finds themselves in this situation, the first step is to stop such hypocritical thinking. to chastise women for being whores, yet lust after them in masturbation, i mean come on

>> No.22735202

anyone with eyes can see a fox struggle under grape vines

>> No.22735343

lmao made me kek irl

>> No.22735346

Yeah truly the real change is elliot rodgers 2.0 calling women le whore online. Thank you for your service.

>> No.22735367

You are not. A literal genius would understand and not deliberately misuse through implication the concept of correlation

>> No.22735376

>gets btfo
>immediately starts inventing strawmen
get out.

>> No.22735377
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>> No.22735390

>surely X will Y
what a feminized way to speak. You don't even have the balls to plainly state what you mean, resorting instead to sarcastic posturing in front of an imagined audience.

You will be taken more seriously when you can look a man in the eye and say
>I disagree with you
rather than snidely tiptoeing around the issue.

>> No.22735520

Because you're not allowed to speak like this anywhere else on the internet so all the men who enjoy acting like this get shunted off to the chans. I don't think all the men here actually feel this way, I think they just know how stupid it would be to bother arguing about it in a place like this. If you're gonna post here pretend to be a man like the rest of us, it's just the only way.

>> No.22735545

correct post

obviously bait