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/lit/ - Literature

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22722856 No.22722856 [Reply] [Original]

Name 3 white guy writers who:
>didn't get brainwashed in University
>don't have extremely tame and typical social media
>have actually adventured in life and speak about it
>actively calls out anti-whiteness
>first book isn't some faggy poetry collection lauded by fellow University educated fart-sniffers

Can you name one?

>> No.22722871

Cant name three (modern) authors period who fit that desu.

>> No.22722872

Retarded criteria

>> No.22722891
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Why do no cool rock star authors exist?

Why are the only "cool" people allowed in music, wrestling, film, tv, etc etc... but writers are all fucking boring ass nerds with zero pussy, zero style, zero balls to call out the system?

I mean, in rap music, you can win awards for rapping about guns, killing people, slapping bitches, pimping hos, while writing seems to reward the absolutely geekiest people who write the worst schlock possible. This year's Giller prize winner in Canada, the fucking zippertits who won the Booker International prize in 2020...

Is there a conspiracy to keep people from reading and instead hit them with mind-numbing, short bursts of flashy lights and sounds to keep them mesmerized and unable to see the forest for the trees? I mean, if people read more and books actually discussed relevant topics rather than passages of children finger fucking their livestock, maybe we wouldn't live in such a hyper-globohomo society?

Seems like there is a very real effort to keep literature as stale and as boring as possible, while funneling people into the world of watching Twitch streamers, OnlyFans whores, Masonic "musicians" that are pushed so hard over the you-know-who owned channels. Seems basically deliberate at this point that there are no counter-culture voices in writing and our entire culture revolves around keeping people as stupid and uninformed as possible.

>> No.22722912
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I went to a punk rock show this summer, just to check out what is left of the scene. My God, it was just the lead singer in a dress, the songs were literally about trans rights, and they were handing out communist propaganda in the audience. I think I still have one of the leaflets here somewhere. One of the bands that was playing had their lead singer, of course, in a dress, and he had actually ran for Mayor of Vancouver on the last election. The "punk scene" was the most infiltrated and inauthentic thing I have ever witnessed. It was a collection of communists and homosexuals, the music was nothing but activist slam poetry with some shitty drums and horrible guitar over top.

In my hunt for the surviving counter-culture, the punk scene is like a rotten zombie with its brain replaced by current_thing. Having visited a half dozen independent bookstores and seeing what they put front-and-center in their establishments, the literary world looks very similar. The same zombie mentality is in literature, where everything exists to serve an agenda of putting people's minds into a neat little box.

One of the art galleries I had been to before, which used to be a neutral ground it seemed, now right when you walk in the door they have a big "purpose of mission statement" where they acknowledge being on stolen land and thank the three local Indian bands for allowing them to showcase settler work. I nearly vomited.

What am I missing here? Where do the dissidents of modernity hang out and showcase their dissatisfaction with the hebrew dystopia?

>> No.22722924

You should read the works of Tucker Max my white brother.

>> No.22722934
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Every single time...

>> No.22723004

Punks abhor tradition because it flies in the face of what the scene originally stood for, which was destroying tradition. I was semi-involved in the scene for awhile and even had my own but I took punk at face value and thought it was just about being offensive which is why my band got preemptively banned from venues and subsequently broke up. I ended up forming a grindcore band later but again, my drummer was a card-carrying national front member which is why our lyrics had n-bombs in them and couldn’t get taken seriously by the notoriously left wing grind scene known for bands like Assuck and Warsore. My first band, though, was a band on par with the likes of Sockeye and Black Mayonnaise and was just pure punk noise, so not stereotypically punk.

>> No.22723016

every single cool person you think of is a subversive jew rat actively destroying white culture
you probably like the beatniks and think on the road is good literature

>> No.22723019

Because they’re writers and not rock stars. What a stupid question. You’re at the beginning of the ice berg of literature, I bet. You’re all into modern authors and the bad boy rock stars who were all funded by the CIA and because you’ve not really been exposed to a lot of earlier literature you think that’s what writing is.

>> No.22723123

To me, being "cool" is living the globohomo culture and lifestyle then rejecting it. You need to subvert the subverters to win.

The problem is, the system has been designed to completely filter out any dissent and uplift people who support the system. We don't seem to have anyone who is rich, famous, and brave enough to call out all of the lies and deception we're immersed inside of.
>you were forced to take the "vaccine"
>society designed to force you to conform or be destroyed
Young people today, if they refused the "vaccine", were effectively shut out of 10% of their lives and most crucial time to network and take their first steps as adults. It was encouraged to HATE the non-conformists during this time.
>previous generations of men had to develop wit and be social to approach women in public
>Tinder and dating apps have further consolidated social engineering in the hands of those who control the algorithm
You will swipe on the whore or you will become an incel, another method of enforcing conformity. They want you chin-to-chest, consuming the algorithm and swiping on your phone rather than talking to the woman sitting across from you in the coffee shop, restaurant, or pub.
>social media
>approved talking points
Social media is in a place where there is a window for what you're allowed to discuss, you're supposed to stay on the "librul vs conseritard" plantation. The majority of the population is invested in "right vs left" and none the wiser that both sides are 100% controlled.
For a young person, to lose social media accounts is to cripple your social standing, another way the system tightens up control.
>Jobs, education and income
>Diversity hires put ahead of you
>Diversity businesses given grants and supports
>Admittance to school based on your identity
>Universities a ground-zero for commies and trannies
You could write a near-endless post of all of the examples of what the system has done to tighten the control by using methods to socially engineer the population.
The problem is, you need people from within the system to rebuke it, but when they do, they are immediately given handlers like Jordan Peterson and steered back onto the plantation.

Take a look around the literary world, could it be anymore obvious that the entire arts and culture sphere is completely controlled?

>> No.22723135
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My favourite thing about the punk scene is how utterly conformist they are about:
>life in general
Talking to someone who identifies as "punk" is like talking to the le Reddit hivemind. You already know everything this person believes in, because punk has been long subverted to support the establishment. The lyrics to these "punk songs" these days is basically like:
>fuck you!
>all my trans people rise up
>respect us or fuck you!
>going to smash the partriarchy
>all my trans people rise up
etc etc

I feel like the same thing has happened to literature, everything, and I mean everything, is about the noble savage, the oppressed woman, the marginalized homosexual, when all of these things are the opposite of the truth.

>> No.22723175

New Romanticism without the reverence for the old gods

>> No.22723221

I saw someone similarly break down Red Dead Redemption 2 with a similar comment and a couple of paragraphs pointing out how.

>> No.22723336

Why is this displayed as if it's an Apple store or something

>> No.22723342

it's attractive

>> No.22723368

That's the Vancouver Art Gallery

>> No.22723370

how it feels to chew schizo5gum

>> No.22723377

Good God, these threads get stupider every day.

>> No.22723380

I fit all the criteria and I'm still a depressed scumbag.

>> No.22723388

Punks been dead for decades, there's only so many 4 chord songs you can write about smashing the establishment. hardcore maybe having a moment rn, but its all so damn homogeneous.
>cue the terrible images of punk archie bitches saying 'YOU CANT BE PUNK IF YOURE ___'

>> No.22723398

OP, you sound like an underage, resentful, gargantuan faggot. None of your observations and nothing you said is unique, you're the most cookie cutter terminally online reactionary rebel. Just read old books like the rest of us, don't participate in society, and shut the fuck up.

>> No.22723478

Post nose

>> No.22723485

Remember when bands like "Rise Against" helped make you feel like a rebel while in the Starbucks drive-thru, and you realized that even rebellion is a nicely served package designed to give you that emotion like you're part of the struggle until the song ends.

>> No.22723487

Bring back GG Allin.

>> No.22723491

Fuck off you emasculated old petit bourgeios scamademic. Youve never fought for anything in your life.

>> No.22723495

This, and Seth Putnam

The newest batch of hardcore is somewhat innovative honestly. It’s not all good, albeit, but it’s post-hardcore in the truest sense of the word. Unfortunately I’m having trouble getting a new band together myself.

>> No.22723503

Seemed like death metal was having a real moment but then during COVID and after, it seems like metal is full of commies who are into paganism and wearing all black. Very strange how even metal has had this wokeness spread to it. Wish I could find that rant by some metal star during COVID where he wished death on all the unvaccinated "traitors" in Finland I think it was.

>> No.22723504

Itss a fucking shit diy band dude. Just make your own music and scam retards that can halfway play instruments to play that by offering them drugs that you will never pay for.

>> No.22723511

Shut the fuck up you retarded canuck. You aren't "counter culture" and your books are terrible

>> No.22723512

hi rabbi

>> No.22723513

Adolf Hitler, Ted Kaczynski, Elliot Rodger

>> No.22723526

>lead singer in a dress
Good god, what would Kurt Cobain think? Rock musicians doing gender bending? Unheard of, what is the world coming to

>> No.22723528

I would break your legs and feed you to my dogs if I ever met you irl

>> No.22723532

I mean, basically there were more male "singers" in dresses than not. The entire event seemed like I stepped into a GTA 5 mission where I couldn't decrypt parody from reality. The whole event was like a frontpage thread on Reddit.

>> No.22723535

Death Metal is still having their moment, people love that Sanguisuggabogg junk. It is weird how newer metal picked up on that 'positivity vibes' thing too, I miss it when bands resented their fanbase and didn't do everything to try to please them.
Idk is any of the new post-hardcore doing anything different or are they still 'DUDE UNWOUND' phase of things? Unwound is good, but all these copy cat bands that flirt with slowcore are getting old too
The DIY scenes are awful, I love playing music in a bands, but local scenes are clicky as shit and full of pompous dumbasses who are almost always trying to use their music to get poon or butthole.

>> No.22723536

6'3 and 250 lbs of pure hidden rage, you wouldn't do shit nigger.

>> No.22723539

>full of pompous dumbasses who are almost always trying to use their music to get poon or butthole.
That is at least 50% of all artists across all mediums

>> No.22723544
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It’s mainly just European metalheads who have this instinctive knee jerk bootlicker attitude to own the Americans. There are exceptions like Alex Skolnick (read: Suckdick) but they’re the exception not the rule. The elites are trying their hardest to import European hivemindedness over here but I’m glad at least some people are resisting.

Eh, I have more noble concerns

>> No.22723553
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A couple flirt with grunge and new wave/post-punk here and there.

>> No.22723555

>instinctive knee jerk bootlicker attitude to own the Americans.
So basically, Canada

>> No.22723568

Anything counterculture will be eaten, chewed, and spit out into the neatest, most marketable product. Do people not realize how lefty loony shit is literally just a way to expand potential markets? They learned this with the Hippies and blacks in the '60s and have been making trillions since.

>> No.22723573

>6'3 and 250 lbs of pure hidden rage
Oh man I'm shakin in my boots over here

>> No.22723575

>why aren’t there any hecking chud writers?

I rephrased that for you. You don’t care about literature, you care about chuds and libs

>> No.22723576

LMfuckingAO. Last SE show I ever went to some fag was asking around about a skinhead that was at the show alone saying that if he wasnt alright he was going to do something. Same fag ended up getting stomped out by a bunch of mexicans and getting wheeled out by the emts. Thanks fruit I was just about to wrangle a threesome with some underaged broads.

>> No.22723577

I'm a nice guy, but I know how to defend myself!

>> No.22723583

You continue to willingly stay on the plantation because you find strength in the conformity.

>> No.22723586
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For 50+ years, that's rock n roll man. There are points in the past where it has been even more mainstream than it is now.

>> No.22723590

I feel like this is a huge reason why people would rather watch streamers who make 8+ figures a year play video games than pick up a book. The book requires so much more effort and materials, and has potentially bad ideas to resist consumerism in them, or challenge the status quo, but if some purple haired faggot is blasting the eeking and ooking negro with 14+ million followers and they're making fart jokes with lots of flashy lights and sounds, that's exactly where they want to keep people's minds focused on.

>> No.22723593

Take your meds, retard. And stop being resentful, it's a beta trait.
Not academic, I dislike academia. As for bourgeois, are you a fucking peasant or something? Resentful faggot.

>> No.22723596

Straight edge twats are the worst, the biggest straight edge hardcore singer in my town got in some heat for cheating on his lady and banging some trannies lololol.

>> No.22723609 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is this thread? It's obvious you don't care about literature, OP, you just want to be spoonfed shit for your own biases. You're not counter-culture, you're a pathetic fag who victimizes himself. And what is this shit about metal and straight edge? Could you cretins leave this literature board? I'm tired of your dogshit threads.

>> No.22723621

I was sitting at the pub with a boomer not too long ago and the song "we built this city" came on the radio. The boomer LOVED it! I remember chatting a bit with him about music, since I was a huge GnR and Bon Jovi fan when I was like 10-12 years old.

One of the things he mentioned was how the radio would have a power hour with nothing but upbeat anthems and he loved it. I remember that too. He mentioned he got to meet Aerosmith when they played in Vancouver many years ago.

I then asked him if he knew much about the history of Laurel Canyon and the connections to the US military, and that boomer looked at me like I had whipped out my dick and started taking a fat shit right on the bar. He said "that's conspiracy nonsense", paid his bill, and left.

>> No.22723624

kek choose one
Whites are the culture, and that culture is hedonism, materialism, and consumerism. Nothing you can do about it, sorry little buddy.

>> No.22723627 [DELETED] 

Post nose

>> No.22723628

You take shits with your dick?

>> No.22723629

At least back then they never pretended they did for any other reason than to fuck underaged bitches. Now you have whole "transgressive" punk and metal scenes self destructing because surpise it turns out most of the band members were only doing it for pussy. Imagine the whole 90s grunge scene never happening because Kurt Cocaine trooned out and all the söboys found out Billy Corbin and Thurston Moore fucked all the bitches in the PNW.

>> No.22723631
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We WERE doing something about it...

>> No.22723636

Ever since I found /lit/

>> No.22723640

Wait are you actually nostalgic for this bullshit

Grunge would have happened with or without Nirvana

>> No.22723641

Post nose

>> No.22723647
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>> No.22723650

What the fuck is this post? Youve never contributed an interesting post to this board in its entire existence. All you do is kvetch because your tranny janny application was rejected. At least this thread is putting up traffic and has amusing rants.

>> No.22723655

Post dick

>> No.22723660

/lit/ - Literature
>amusing rants

>> No.22723661
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Hipsterism was the seed that corporatism had to stomp out. Everything had to be queer-washed with the goal being equity for all. The result is extreme conformity where nobody challenges their masters and the divide and conquer flavour of "left vs right" changes every year like clockwork. It keeps the plebs in line.

>> No.22723667

I'll get banned!

>> No.22723673


>> No.22723684

Loved late 2000s hipsterism because it was the last bastion of white culture, no matter how cringe it was, in New York. I remember going to shit like Woodsist fest and thinking man Hitler would have loved the shit out of this lily white weedy scene.

>> No.22723705

I went to a summer night's BBQ in the park at like 11 PM and they had lanterns setup and free beer from all the breweries, all the women were dressed well, there was some soft live music, and everyone was getting along and chatting. I got a paid $500 photography gig from a contact I met that night. So many good times being a hipster, this was back when you could work gig jobs, bartend, and be an artist and afford to survive Vancouver with a rented place you could decorate and network in your own neighbourhood.

The mass immigration and hyper-corporate control over all media has completely wiped out hipsters, the only "hipsters" you'll find in 2023 are homosexuals and tattoo artists who have usurped the style.

>> No.22723706

"Hipsterism" was corporate from the beginning. You want to meet guys with waxed mustaches who wear suspenders and stupid hats, who drink overpriced beer and listen to bad facsimiles of folk music? They still exist in your city and are all rich kids, like they always were. The complete shit for brains audacity of calling out "punks" while fondly looking back on 10s (not even 00s!) hipsters is stunning. Really makes it clear that you just want your youth back

>> No.22723711

I see Jason Bryant has basically become a caricature of himself or others are riffing him good

>> No.22723712

>classic cars/bikes
>re-purposing trash
>brewing own booze
>buying clothes that last years
>listening to live acoustic music by regular people
>creating your own art and sharing it in the community you live in
Yeaahhh... uhh... so corporate

>> No.22723715

>the only "hipsters" you'll find in 2023 are homosexuals and tattoo artists who have usurped the style
It's the same fucking shit you moron. Oh you went to the quaint beer garden party to network and got a gig out of it? That literally still happens every day

>> No.22723721

The unspoken part of this is that 90% of them are rich kids who will go on to sinecure jobs

>> No.22723726

Are you saying those things can't be marketed and sold to dumb, impressionable people who want in on the latest fad?

>> No.22723735

You haven't socialized much lately, have you?

The conversations, the optimism, the ideas and creativity you'd find, see, and hear 10+ years ago are completely gone man.
I've been socializing a fair amount this year and the world is completely different post-COVID than pre-COVID. The people are mind fucked completely. Do you know how many times I have to hear the same le Reddit topics at events now? People will share thimble-deep small talk and you can have a good time, but nobody is doing anything anymore. We are in a very deep valley of thinking and creativity, the young are too preoccupied with just surviving than actually living, and the ones who CAN afford modern life in 2023, are either radical communists or hopeless drug addicts. The two richest families I know, the sons regularly crash their BMWs drunk, visit brothels, and they deal drugs even while they have rich parents who give them everything. It is bizarro world out there compared to just 10 years ago.

>> No.22723743

Who is going to market things to people on which you can't profit from? The community was self-sustaining until it no longer was, and then it completely disappeared because you had to get a mortgage and a respectable 9-5 job or you'd be homeless and destitute in the new Canada.

>> No.22723751

As opposed to all the rich hipster cunts whose parents money allowed them to move to new york vancouver or charlottesville in ~2008

>> No.22723767

Of the friends I had, 80% were working class, but back then you could bartend and work part time in film or some art shit and still afford your $750 a month rental off Main street. Now the same units are $2000+ and the tips, from what I've been told, have dried up compared to what they used to be.

Also, the film industry doesn't like part-timers anymore. You're either willing to pull 80 hour weeks and follow ALL of the COVID rules, or you're not wanted. They can replace your PA ass in an instant with someone desperate to survive.

>> No.22723776

>but nobody is doing anything anymore
The fact is that those tranny diy punk singers and their friends are "doing things" such as making art to share amongst their peers, repurposing trash and old clothes, making beer and pickles and all that crap, but you don't care cuz they don't jive with your boomer politics

>and the ones who CAN afford modern life in 2023, are either radical communists or hopeless drug addicts
As if there wasn't plenty of that among hipsters back in the day.

>The two richest families I know, the sons regularly crash their BMWs drunk, visit brothels, and they deal drugs even while they have rich parents who give them everything
They do that shit BECAUSE of their families, not in spite of them. They know they can get away with it with little consequence.

>because you had to get a mortgage and a respectable 9-5 job
You didn't "have to," it's just that the people who were hipsters were going to do this anyway. Just a bit of slumming it before moving on to a normal life. This has happened with every counterculture movement since the 50s pretty much.

>> No.22723793

>$750 a month rental
Don't act like this is cheap. You were in a certain milieu and you fell out of it and now you're salty. Canada isn't in decline, you are

>> No.22723804

Canada is most certainly in a decline and he is as well.

>> No.22723806

>The fact is that those tranny diy punk singers and their friends are "doing things"
Arguably they are simply going through the motions, even the crowd lacked any hype and was depressed. Nobody was even buying any booze.

>> No.22723811

>As if there wasn't plenty of that among hipsters back in the day.
Zero commie hipsters back in the day, and yes, everyone used cocaine but that was before all drugs got poisoned with fentanyl on purpose. Like 7-8 people I knew died in 2014-2015 when the drugs all became poisoned. I quit then as well.

>They do that shit BECAUSE of their families, not in spite of them. They know they can get away with it with little consequence.
The first thing they did when the one kid crashed his BMW drunk and ran away, losing his wallet in the process, was getting him another high limit credit card.

>> No.22723814

No shit. They are all so fucked up on benzos and SSRIs that booze would just finish the job and put them to sleep, permanently if Im being optimistic.

>> No.22723815

>You didn't "have to," it's just that the people who were hipsters were going to do this anyway.
You clearly don't understand the situation in Canada. The old are sacrificing the young to keep their cozy lifestyle while the youth have next to no chance to bloom.

>> No.22723818

Listen man, I know I can't convince you but the counterculture you desire is out there. You're just too old and square to see it at this point

>> No.22723823

I haven't had a steady job since COVID started, but things are definitely looking up lately with plenty of opportunity where I am moving. Also, most places don't require the "vaccine" just to have a job anymore. Some still do. I've yet to get back into working on my online businesses, but I will.

Canada is not just in decline, it is in a sharp nose-dive. Rooms for rent in Kelowna are going for $1400 a month.

>> No.22723829

As an American, let me tell you that people have been saying this shit for my entire adult life and reading about the history of youth culture, they have been saying it for far longer than that.

>The first thing they did when the one kid crashed his BMW drunk and ran away, losing his wallet in the process, was getting him another high limit credit card.
Yeah that's my point

>Zero commie hipsters back in the day
Lol dude come on

>> No.22723833

My guy, I go out incognito and check out a ton of social events that the enemy hosts. The level of energy at events with young people has never been lower.

You go to a golf course or a winery that turns into a boomer pub after 7 PM and when Hotel California comes on the speaker system, the boomers are cutting up the rug harder and smiling happier than any fucking zoomer at an art show, punk event, live music, bar, social gathering or BBQ. This summer, because I was painting decks and travelling, I was able to attend a ton of different events... the energy level is just not there.

>> No.22723834
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>> No.22723837

>Zero commie hipsters back in the day
>Lol dude come on

>> No.22723842

Dilate tranny freak. Try participating in one of your precious lit discussion threads while youre at t.

>> No.22723848

The most hardcore counter culture you could engage in in this world is playing Bach but unfortunately y'all's brains are too decrepit for that.

>> No.22723850

>rich boomers are having a good time
Wow man, fuckin shocker

>> No.22723854

I saw more energy from 80 year olds dancing to Hotel California than 20 year olds at a punk show who could barely stay awake, was bizarre.

>> No.22723858

Bach anon I saw your thread the other day and I listened for a good 3 hours, was great!

>> No.22723876

fuck off, Jason

>> No.22723889


Hope this was your dad

>> No.22723895

Time to stop posting, retard. Trannies have completely rotten your brain.