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22696847 No.22696847 [Reply] [Original]

I know pop psychology is gay but this was seriously the single most profoundly helpful books I’ve ever come across. It allowed me to escape being an absolute failure. Like seriously, I couldn’t hold down a job before I got my hands on this book.

>> No.22696874

Gabor Mate > Jordan Peterson

>> No.22696968

is this actually good or just midwit stuff

>> No.22697040

>please tell me my opinion
if you really want to know read and find out. stop being a lazy cunt

>> No.22697043

What does it say?

>> No.22697063

Gabor Mate is based. He is anti-(((pills))) and a anti-((((zionist))) jew.

>> No.22697070

id like to know if it’s good before buying it and wasting my time reading it you doofus

>> No.22697075

Wash your ass. It does in fact help much more than washing the penis.

>> No.22697220

Basically that the genetic explanation of mental illness has been extremely overemphasized by the scientific community and that the overwhelming majority of cases mental illness, particularly ADHD, can be connected to environmental factors in early development. In case of ADHD Maté believes that it is brought on by high levels of stress during infancy, where the infant, being unable to run away or fight back, is forced to constantly tune out the world around him to avoid the stress. The infant begins to permanently exist in this state of “tuning out” and this continues through childhood into adulthood. People with ADHD are in this way forever stunted at the infant stage. This explains the childlike qualities of those with ADHD (unable to focus, strongly emotional, pleasure seeking, unable to care for themselves). He then offers a set of prescriptions for people with ADHD, many of which are standard self-care advice but for some reason hit so much harder when broken down by Gabor Maté.

I can’t really do it justice. If you suffer from ADHD you truly have no choice but to read it.

>> No.22697349

Thanks, I'll have a look at it sometime.

>> No.22697568

Do you have ADHD or ADD?

>> No.22697597

It’s a good book that helped me to get out of a prolonged shitty period of my life. Although I like Jordan Peterson to a certain extent, Gabor is much better

>> No.22697674

does he make an argument against the the neurotransmitter imbalance theory? I’m one of those adhd people that also has narcolepsy, so unlike 95% of people I just feel normal when using adderall

>> No.22697694
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q for those who have ADHD and have read this, I already function well unmedicated (all credit to diet, exercise and tons of caffeine), but it can still be a struggle to maintain focus sometimes, esp for things like reading textbooks, lectures, church. Is it worth it for me to read this? From OPs post it seems like its transformative for those who have much more severe ADHD/ADD and brings them to a functional state, but if I'm just looking for these last bits of improvement will I get anything out of the book?

>> No.22697706

>In case of ADHD Maté believes that it is brought on by high levels of stress during infancy, where the infant, being unable to run away or fight back, is forced to constantly tune out the world around him to avoid the stress. The infant begins to permanently exist in this state of “tuning out” and this continues through childhood into adulthood.

Literally me.

>> No.22697726

>I just feel normal when using adderall
Are you sure? I get it that narcolepsy is utterly debilitating, and amphetamine lets you function in desired state of normality. But don't you feel much more focused and motivated on it? Does it not let you go through study or work tasks without feeling resistance?
How long have you been on it and what's your dosage?
Can you please elaborate how your claim of adderall making you feel normal is different from when ADHD redditors claim the same on their first week of using it?

>> No.22697749

>Basically that the genetic explanation of mental illness has been extremely overemphasized by the scientific community and that the overwhelming majority of cases mental illness, particularly ADHD, can be connected to environmental factors in early development. In case of ADHD Maté believes that it is brought on by high levels of stress during infancy, where the infant, being unable to run away or fight back, is forced to constantly tune out the world around him to avoid the stress.The infant begins to permanently exist in this state of “tuning out” and this continues through childhood into adulthood. People with ADHD are in this way forever stunted at the infant stage. This explains the childlike qualities of those with ADHD (unable to focus, strongly emotional, pleasure seeking, unable to care for themselves).
The effects of society are definetely undervalued, but this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. Just looking within my family there are multiple cases of ADHD, and this is MOST DEFINETELY not the common thread.

>He then offers a set of prescriptions for people with ADHD, many of which are standard self-care advice but for some reason hit so much harder when broken down by Gabor Maté.
Ah yes, reminds me of the first time I heard Peterson speak. I guess as long as you start properly implenting all the stuff it doesn't matter who you hear it from.

>> No.22697756

I’ve been on it for a year and half @ 10mg. When I say “normal” I mean that I’ve never experienced anything close to a high from it, like neurotypical people claim. Obviously it benefits my resistance to doing mundane tasks as well, but I could do those before it. The biggest benefit that I get from it is really more to do with managing the narcolepsy

>> No.22697767

I don't even know if I have ADHD. I'm on the fence about this subject. For a long time I believed that this is a made up disorder, an excuse for lazy people, but at the same time I exhibit 100% of its symptoms myself.

>> No.22697773

>many of which are standard self-care advice but for some reason hit so much harder when broken down by Gabor Maté.
You just heard it at the right moment, and you were primed to be open to it since it wasn't being told to you by your mom or some fucking student counselor who thinks a few tips will completel solve your problems

>I can’t really do it justice. If you suffer from ADHD you truly have no choice but to read it.
I can cope with my ADHD nowadays, I don't need some pop science book to learn how to function like an adult.
Anyhow this reminds of the time I had to read an article for English in school on how ADHD was a 'superpower' and how it helped cope with all the information overload of modern society, and believed that bullshit hyperfocus theory (which news flash, is just being unable to ignore a massive stimulus like tv or a game, not real focus. Real focus is about ignoring everything except the thing you are doing, even if these stimuli are stronger).
>I don't even know if I have ADHD. I'm on the fence about this subject. For a long time I believed that this is a made up disorder, an excuse for lazy people, but at the same time I exhibit 100% of its symptoms myself.
Maybe, maybe not, but I think in this day and age of constant distractions, you could definetly benefit from at least looking at the coping strategies and learning from them.

>> No.22697776

Anyway, I bring it up because there is this anti stimulant discourse, and whenever I bring up being narcoleptic none of the fearmongers about stimulants respond to me or have even considered my particular situation

>> No.22697811

Honestly it is a good book but he didn’t take it far enough. Everyone is affected by stress, some people get fucked harder, and the solution for all is learning how to increase your dopamine levels. You can increase dopamine with drugs which has its own side effects. Or you can increase dopamine naturally by unlocking your brain which has a lot to do with your identity and how you relate to others, ie your relationships. When you see homeless people you don’t assume adhd, you assume low social status which affects nuerochemistry

>> No.22697854

Well, 10mg is not a dose for a high, though amphetamine high is just about being motivated to do homework and finding it interesting, boosted self esteem and so on, that high is felt when you're doing something productive, I can't myself imagine using amphetamine for parties or stuff like that. From what I see, most people who use amphetamine, neurotypical or no, use it for work and study. But they'd typically use far more than 10mg a day, especially if they use it consecutively.
Do you use it daily or you take breaks? Has the effectiveness not reduced after 1.5 years? Have ever you tried any nootropics which also affect dopamine such as bromantane?

>> No.22698080

I pretty much use it daily with at least one day break for a week, then I drop it completely for about two weeks every quarter to reset my tolerance.
I’ve used nootropics like lions mane and racetams to varying results. Lion’s Mane is decent for long term results, while every racetam that I tried is sketchy at best. They’ve made me crash far lower than my baseline because of migraines. I’d need to eat a pound of red meat a day to get enough choline absorption. Choline supplements are also pretty terrible

>> No.22698100

to be fair this is generally symptomatic of undiagnosed ADHD which the scientific community are just starting to understand. According to the DSM-V (a sciency handbook of sorts), ADHD afflicted individuals do not get the dopamine hits that NT people get when reading books and find themselves not finishing a book or putting off tasks such as washing the dishes and ending up hyperfixating on youtube videos. this is why NT (neurotypical aka normie) people have no problem reading dryer texts and can complete mundane chores and can finish texts without effort as they are constantly stimulated and actually enjoy the tasks at hand. from what I am led to believe, NT people experience a feeling of euphoria when completing mundane tasks or reading complex texts that us ADHD people don't attain. this can be solved through medical treatments to provide our brain with the ability to live as a NT person would by supplementing prescription medication. Our ability to hyperfixate on topics is also a superpower for us as we can understand topics at a deeper level than NT's by mentally tearing it apart opposed to just knowing it at a superficial level. essentially, NT's can finish a text and barely know it at a surface level (just ask them to explain blood meridian - they generally don't understand the deeper abstract concepts), but us ND people often can't finish a book or complete our washing due to a lack of spoons, however when we actually have the executive function to complete tasks we do it far better than an NT.

>> No.22698283

>people have no problem reading dryer texts and can complete mundane chores and can finish texts without effort as they are constantly stimulated and actually enjoy the tasks at hand
I don't believe it. Doing mundane chores, yes. Finish any texts without effort? They don't, look around you. Or remember your school years, did most of your classmates read assigned works of literature? In fact most people barely even read on the matters they're interested in. Take any topic, it will always be full of people who follow the news and all the superficial quibbles around it, yet never manage to read a book relating to the subject itself.
>NT people experience a feeling of euphoria when completing mundane tasks or reading complex texts that us ADHD people don't attain
As someone with severe ADHD, I don't relate to it at all. I feel euphoria if I've understood some theorem or solved an exercise, it's the process which is the struggle for me, I always get distracted.
Also, from my experience, this ability can be trained. If all I do is procrastinating, then getting to do something becomes harder and harder, then if I somehow start doing something bit by bit, it slowly and with a lot of effort becomes easier in the sense that I can focus on it easier the following days, but it's only if I apply a lot of effort for a few days ignoring all the ADHD symptoms as much as I can, I still get distracted in that case, but at least I manage to do something between those distractions, not just go from one distraction to another. Otherwise I've had years when I couldn't complete anything at all.

>> No.22698311

>essentially, NT's can finish a text and barely know it at a surface level (just ask them to explain blood meridian - they generally don't understand the deeper abstract concepts), but us ND people often can't finish a book or complete our washing due to a lack of spoons, however when we actually have the executive function to complete tasks we do it far better than an NT.
And to that I actually relate. When I was doing pure math bs at a prestigious uni, where 90% of students were way above me, I struggled lot, during the first year especially. It wasn't only due to my ADHD, but also because I felt very uncomfortable moving on in a subject or a textbook when I've not understood some detail, which is not always that vital. I also never felt comfortable relying on results I didn't understand very well. However, after some time, I found myself having a far superior knoweldge of some topics compared to many of my peers, since I actually took my time to go through books meticulously.
Also my ADHD always throws me away into other topics, which may be more advance and not suitable for me, it resulted in me having superficial knowledge of those areas without actually understanding much, which often resulted in something bad for me.
Also I've noticed that if I have superficial knowledge of some topic in advance, it's a lot easier for me to follow the course than if I was taking it completely unaware of what is to come.

>> No.22698377

>have ADHD, can't focus, memory issues, etc
>start exercising
>eat healthy
>remove all tech usage/stimuli (music, computer games, social media, telephone)
>get painfully bored, can't focus
>go for walks or try to read/study when bored
>repeat for 1 a month+
>no longer ADHD
it really just boils down to lifestyle. The brain has an incredible ability for neuroplasticity. Using pills doesn't address the underlying problem.

>> No.22698494


>> No.22698599

>As someone with severe ADHD, I don't relate to it at all. I feel euphoria if I've understood some theorem or solved an exercise,
your adhd brain didn't let you understand it. NT's (neurotypical/normies) get literal euphoric feelings from completing mundane tasks like cleaning the dishes or washing their clothes. its what lets them do simple minded tasks regularly. its also why they don't ever know a topic deeply because they can't hyper fixate on a topic to get a deep understanding like us.

>> No.22698620

you have any mind games or techniques when you are painfully bored?

My problem is that whatever I do, if I am in a bad state of mind, the process itself is tedious and I cannot quite find a "rhythm" to play it too, but if I am in a good one, I create intuitive techniques to maintained appropriate of effectual progress. The thing is, those techniques are so abstract and fluid, its hard to employ if im in a bad state and I feel so concretely bound and without digression.

The infinite complexity of every single thing is debilitating if you dont have the intuition to form a grounded starting point and ad hoc protocol. Association without design is stupendously ineffectual.

>> No.22698652

He's saying that people with no real relation to the other don't have external motivation to participate and complete tasks the same way the normalfag that expects praise or status does.
What I think about the "problem"? It's because they haven't gone the whole way to sever the ties completely. They still would like to participate but the rules of the game are foreign to them.

>> No.22698660

I walk (with my dog). I do some diffusive thinking (about random interests), and some focused thinking (about the task I need to do). This usually gets the job done. It is however, more important to get your being to a certain baseline, in which physical and mental stimuli are limited. This makes the mundane more stimulating. I find myself more often in a state of flow, where books are genuine "page-turners" for me, and it is actually energizing, instead of fatiguing.

>> No.22698859

>maintained appropriate of
appropriate and effectual
>without digression
discretion (discursive ability, moving from subject to subject)

Yah, ive ntoiced walking my dog helps. I think its something about having to be tacitly aware of her, but not requiring full direct higher level concentration.
>Random interests
thats the thing, I can be interested in anything, but in a bad state of mind im interested proper in nothing. I know its something about the act itself, not the particular object that interests me. And I often know rationally and memory was there was something interesting in the topic, but if the essense or spark or tune isnt there, I am actively not interested in it even if I am trying mechanically.

I do also remember when I had a place alone to myself I functioned better because of the ability to just do nothing for a while and think in piece. Not because of noise or anything, just the solitude socially I think. Not really an option here though.

>> No.22698949

>Just looking within my family there are multiple cases of ADHD, and this is MOST DEFINETELY not the common thread.

He addresses this in book. Basically, infants are hyper empathic in the first two years of life. It’s impossible to hide your true emotional state from them. When a mother with ADHD is constantly tuned out from them, and constantly stressed as people with adhd often are, this causes the infant a profound sense of stress, as thus begins to become tuned out themselves. The sins of the father (or in this case mother) are passed down to the child.

What you said is basically the same thing as when people say that “alcoholism runs in my family. We can’t help it, it’s genetics” when I reality the trauma of being raised by an alcoholic is what causes these people to become alcoholics. In this way, mental illness is often hereditary, but it is rarely “genetic”.

>> No.22699046

It’s pretty amazing actually. He narrowly avoided being killed in the holocaust as an infant and still finds the integrity within him to be critical of Israel. A very thoughtful man.

>> No.22699100

This seems incredibly unlikely. I was diagnosed at age 8. It also seems to be a genetic thing (and no, I'm not coming at this from a /pol/tard perspective) but anecdotally, like 80% of the kids in the various schools I went to that were in the ADHD groups were blonde boys.
As I got older, it became a more broad group of much less severely affected people and even some girls. But in younger cohorts with severe adhd, it was almost exclusively blonde males.

>> No.22699157

Most white people are blonde as children and I’d imagine it’d be mostly white people who would make the effort to put their kids in those types of programs. Boys are also like 10x as likely to get an ADHD diagnosis than girls.

>> No.22699279

I'm aware of that. But you need to remember most diagnoses are fake. If you genuinely have ADHD it will be detected at a very young age before you have much of a distinct personality. By the time you reach MS or HS you have enough of a self concept to have self induced ADHD.
Most of the kids I did side classes with by that point were just kids who thought it was cool not to give a shit vs genuine ADHD, they just made it their personality.
While its true that black kids might have a tougher time getting it diagnosed, I went to diverse schools and I never met any asians who were of similar affluence with myself and who had ADHD at a young age. I met plenty when I was in HS who were basically just there for the stimulant prescription. I do think it is a mostly white mostly male genetic defect, but that it really only affects like 5% of the people who are diagnosed with it.

>> No.22699319

Interesting. It’s probably also got something to do with the amount of praise these guys get during early childhood. To quote of famous tranny “If you’re a white, middle class, boy who’s not into sports, parents and teachers treat you like the second coming of Einstein”. Many of the guys have probably been told they’re the shit since early childhood and as a result, never feel the need to prove themselves.

>> No.22699437

This is very early childhood stuff, before a lot of that comes into play. Children are for the most part undifferentiated other than the fact that girls are generally further along than boys mentally and emotionally.
I will however agree with your point once you get into middle school/HS territory. But early onset ADHD is pretty clearly not a social phenomenon, in my view. Once people start developing identities, it gets a lot more complex.

>> No.22699480

If you bought into the narrative that you're a different class of human entirely because you have behavioral issues (which you of course cannot control, because you're 'different') of course you're going to eat up this masturbatory affirmation garbage.

>> No.22699549

Are people with Asperger’s or Dementia also just faking it?

>> No.22699580

It's not 'just faking it' you illiterate. It's "fetishizing a lack of self control to outsource your life to pharmaceutical, psychological and self-help publication interests"

>> No.22699604

Ah okay. Well I agree that it’s really easy for people with these problems to romanticize their own suffering and helplessness. That’s not at all what this book is about though. The author specifically instructs the reader to avoid medication if possible.

>> No.22699609

>The author specifically instructs the reader to avoid medication if possible.
Don't buy THEIR product, buy MY product!

>> No.22699627

Ah okay, I’ve simply been arguing with a retard then.

>> No.22699736

Yes and no. It's probably a spectrum, but a lot of people who would have been fine 50 years ago with potential for ADHD actually develop symptoms nowadays because they are not trained to focus.

>> No.22699746

Yeah because NT's fucking LOVE cleaning and doing the dishes amirite?

>> No.22699758

They certainly don’t seem to mind it

>> No.22699773

Gonna self diagnosis based on 4channers telling me that there are people who don’t hate mundane repetitive homely tasks.

>> No.22699786

They absolutely hate it, in fact when I was in a college dorm with NT normies I was the only one consistently cleaning my used dishes after eating becauqe that was the fastest and most convinient way of doing them. The normies just let their dishes sit on the counter until there were none left/it started to smell. It was properly revolting.

>> No.22699855

NTs are the real zen masters

>> No.22699882

Yes NTs have truly reached nirvana. Focused, calm, emotional balance and loving-kindness towards all beings.

If this isn't you... You have ADHD.

>> No.22699884

then how do they manage to complete the dishes if they don't like it? us ADHD ND'ers literally cannot bring ourselves to do the dishes. it is physically impossible to get up and do them.

>> No.22699889

it is likely they had undiagnosed ADHD if they couldn't do the dishes. they would be doing them if they got the euphoric rush from completing menial tasks (which NT people get).

>> No.22699891

Just do it

>> No.22699894

its literally impossible. there is a gremlin distracting me even if i wanted to do it i would end up scrolling through tiktok and gaming.

>> No.22699931

No they fucking don't it's just easier for them to ignore distractions.
>then how do they manage to complete the dishes if they don't like it?
How old are you, 14? Theres plenty stuff in life that's boring as fuck, but it just NEEDS to be done. You're projecting the fact that you can only do things in a "euphoric rush" on NT's.

>> No.22699935

Delete tiktok now it only makes your symptoms worse.

>> No.22699992

How will I stay up to date without using tiktok and twitter for several hours a day? This is way more important than the dishes.

>> No.22699997

Is it practical? I think it will worsen my adhd to put another task into my to-do stack

>> No.22700007

Very practical. No woo woo shit

>> No.22700015

Can't tell if you're someone being sarcastic.

>> No.22700042

thx. will have a look

>> No.22700047

I'll download the book not because I think I can be helped but because I like to hoard books.

>> No.22700071

If this is serious you just have very shitty mentality and need to fix that before you can fix your "ADHD".

>> No.22700203

My ADHD is cured thanks to this thread, thanks guys.

You really just have to take it easy, one step at a time :)

>> No.22700238

I have an ADHD assessment coming up soon (doc's idea). What symptoms should I exaggerate to ensure I get diagnosed?

>> No.22700296

Imagine telling someone with broken legs to ‘just walk bro’. That’s literally how insensitive you are being right now you jackass.

>> No.22700486

trouble focusing on work/school causing your performance to suffer. in the capitalist hellhole we live in your labor power is all that matters, if it's impaired they have to give u government-sanctioned meth.

>> No.22700574

I have never felt like I had any symptoms of ADHD all my life, been able to sit and meditate for 1 hour, read all day for hours, for years. I downloaded tiktok this year and my whole brain just implodes, zero ability to overcome cravings, zero willpower, months go by just going from stimulation to stimulation. I wake up, check tiktok, check twitter, check telegram. It's not like I have friends that are messaging me, I'm just unable to go 5 minutes without being occupied with something. Deleting that shit today.

>> No.22700629

We're doomed as a civilization anon. Only a few will overcome this.

>> No.22700639

Yes, ADHD-riddled minds will spend the time to read a full-length book.

>> No.22700668

I just wake up and constantly keep checking the chans and Twitter. I have about four thousands books to be read. I'm 29. My life is over. Don't be like me, young anons. Leave this place and leave everything online.

>> No.22700723

>narrowly avoided being killed in the holocaust

>> No.22700837

But I feel like I will miss knowledge if I leave the chans, just like the one in this thread.

>> No.22700846

I diagnose you with zoomer syndrome.
We can actually, just in short bursts.

>> No.22700949

I'm 100% right though. If you seriously think that scrolling through tiktok and twitter is anything other than mindless escapism you have some maturing to do. Same with this whole woe is me attitude, that is simply not productive. And I'm not some boomer yapping off about "hur dur kids these days", I have ADHD myself.

Here is what you should do (source:my personal experience):
-Avoid short form entertainment like tiktok/twitter/yt vids shorter than 10 min. Your attention span is something that needs to be trained. If you do watch youtube try to watch vids of at least 20 mins long. Generally try to aim for entertainment that is long form and requires some focus.
-NEVER MULTITASK. Putting on a yt vid or a podcast while working might seem like a good idea to pass the time, but your brain will just focus on the one it can passively absorb. Multitasking is not only bad in the moment, but also destroys your ability to focus in general. You can still listen to music when doing the dishes or something manual.
-You will get distracted often. When you notice this, do not get angry with yourself (usually my mistake), or give up. Just try to restart what you were doing. Keeping notes while working/studying will help you remember what you were busy with. Don't be too hard on yourself, you still have to live with you

>> No.22700955

-Adding to the previous point, normals also can't focus for more than an hour without breaks. To us it seems that way, but if you try to force yourself to focus for hours at a time you will just end up exhausting yourself. Try to work in short burst, maybe leave your chair every 20 mins or so. Don't get dissapointed if you can't focus for hours on end.
-Break tasks up into short chunks. You are not "doing the dishes", you are washing&drying your glassware, then you wash and dry your plates, then you pots and pans, etc... This seems like a dumb thing, but whenever I feel overwhelmed by something I have to do I try to do the first step in the process, then the next step.
-Use a calendar. This is general advice, the amount of zoomers my age who don't use one is staggering.
-Having a set weekly schedule for a lot of things greatly helps against procrastination
-Get good quality sleep, eat moderately healthy, get some excercise, get vitamins, the usual
-Don't forget to relax , you are not a machine
-I personally have bad experiences with ritalin, but proper medication might help you.

>> No.22700959

con. (again)
Now my final and most important point: things will not improve overnight. Maybe not even in a few months, or even years. Being able to focus is a skill that needs to be consistently practiced or we lose it. To use a fitness analogy, we start as skelly hardgainers who can barely lift the bench bar and progress slower than everyone else. It has taken me years to get to the point where I consistently get shit done, and even then I regularly have days where I'm completely useless. But ups and downs are a part of life, and we only truly lose if we give up and never try again. So just keep experimenting and I hope you can find something that works for you.

>> No.22701327

Lots of shoehorned in politics

>> No.22701561

source for any of this or is it joe rogan tier broscience? It doesn’t sound backed by the medical industry of big they would be advocating for it.

>> No.22701841

gabor mate is a really stupid person on par with black science man for psychology. He is famous because he enables liberal soft on drugs policy, that's the only reason

>> No.22701875

ADHD is a sign of genetic superiority, it's just the capitalists who pathologize it because the people blessed with it don't perform as good as work ants.

>> No.22701911

Just personal experience and trying out all sorts of advice I found and was given throughout the years.

>> No.22702129


>> No.22702151

I picked it up from an old book, doing everything in the last minute is a sign of coming from a house of high culture.

>> No.22702226

Bro he literally climbed up the chimney as a lil babby

>> No.22702247

>if you try to force yourself to focus for hours at a time you will just end up exhausting yourself
Never happened to me. It only becomes easier to focus with time. However when I'm stuck with something, I get distracted very easily.

>> No.22702908

i dont want to read this book anymore after hearing that horseshit

>> No.22703067

Hyperfocus is often a cope, but it does exist and it isn't limited to games or fun activities. The only way I ever get any writing done, personally or professionally (I'm a grad student), is by falling into a state of hyperfocus which typically lasts from the evening well into the night. In that state, I have a lot of trouble breaking out of work, even if it's something I usually hate doing.

>> No.22703343

I had such hopes from this thread (and the book which I wasn't ever going to read) I can't be cured. I'm done.

>> No.22703350

Some people manage to get back to being normal after getting shot in the fucking head, so why is not that possible that someone can't change their neurocircutivy to be more productive and discipline. Stimulants are terrible on the long term

>> No.22703428

whats wrong anon?

>> No.22703530

The part where anons are saying that the guy is just another holocaust sympathy -thief. I mean, his central theme is it's all trauma not the genes. Trauma that makes us ADHD/alcoholic and the like. My late mother was a depressed person and I have over time accepted the fact that I've inherited her shortcomings and it's over for me. Nature always wins. I have nothing and I'll be a nervous wreck who's nothing. Sorry for this pity post.

>> No.22703535
File: 39 KB, 602x398, 2343243242342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll make it anon.

>> No.22703539

Lmao, Maté is even more of a fraud than Peterstein. He isn't even a psychiatrist. He's just a doctor who started writing popular books on a subject for which he isn't an expert.

>> No.22703574

I saw a clip of this guy admitting to hitting his son, and talked about muh trauma because he was left alone as an infant.
Another trauma-merchant for women to read.