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/lit/ - Literature

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22690133 No.22690133 [Reply] [Original]

>zero kino words assembled together

>> No.22690138

Munro and Davies

>> No.22690141

Lucy Maude Montgomery
>yes I’m being serious

>> No.22690145

this again, jason?

>> No.22690155
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>> No.22690166

Australia and NZ don't have any good writers either.

>> No.22690175
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Oh really?

>> No.22690176

Australia has Patrick White

>> No.22690180

didn't she retcon her work to pretend instead of being about sand people it was about trumpchuds?

>> No.22690189
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The greatest prophet of our electronic age was Canadian.

>> No.22690220

Katherine Mansfield erasure.

>> No.22690645

Munro btfos OP eternally

>> No.22690656

Yes it's a shithole country that never stood a chance in the long-run. But Mordecai Richler and Northrop Frye are good.

>> No.22690662
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>> No.22690673

>hasn't read the great north ontarian classic "bear" by marian engel

>> No.22690844

canadians are fucking mentally retarded subhuman pieces of fucking worthless degenerate FASCIST fucking shit, is why. literally not even fucking human beings, the scum of the earth. and "life" in this fucking hellhole is too fucking stupid and horrible to even write about. fucking worthless neonazi hellspawn fucking hell on earth.

>> No.22690852


>> No.22690892

why fascist though?

>> No.22690900

Isn't Canada owned by China, literally?

>> No.22690919


>> No.22690920
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Northrop Frye is Canada's greatest thinker, followed closely by George Grant

Frye's course on The Bible and English Literature:

>> No.22690950

Anne Carson is the only good Canadian writer
t. Canadian

>> No.22691236

Thank God, every time a Canadian lit thread comes up I feel like I'm the only one shilling Davies. He is comically up /lit/'s alley.

>> No.22691310

schizophrenic post, coming from a very mixed race canadian lol

>> No.22691542
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Thanks to the anon who recommended Robertson Davies in an earlier thread. I finished Fifth Business a couple nights ago and really enjoyed it. Initially I hadn't thought I'd get into it, but it really pulled me in, to the point that I didn't even realise I had reached the end of the novel until I turned the last page.

>> No.22691606

Canada is a young nation and subsequently is better versed in younger mediums such as film.

>> No.22691617
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>> No.22691726

Hell yeah. Are you going to read the rest of the pseudo-trilogy?

>> No.22691733


>> No.22691755

i simply cannot think of a bigger cultural wasteland than canada. what a truly useless landmass

>> No.22691790

Typical currycel opinion. Please put your mouth around this rifle would you sir.

>> No.22691849
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Canada did give us one of the greatest songwriters of all time.

>> No.22691883

Yeah, but not right away. I've been meaning to read more modernist stuff, so I'll be taking a detour before coming back to Deptford. Thanks again for cluing me in to Davies.

>> No.22691928

>Has a special fast tracked immigration system for Ukrainians
>Euthanizes the unfit
>Sieg Heil’d an SS officer in parliament
>Prime Minister did blackface
>One of the biggest destination for anti-communist dissidents in the world during the cold war
>Finance Minister has direct ties to Ukronazis

Damn.. Canada is really problematic tbqh

>> No.22691990

why do you have a butterfly as your name you faggot

>> No.22692013

Remember to check out the Cornish trilogy, I prefer it to the Depford. It features art, music, and theatre more heavily.

>> No.22693090


>> No.22694506

Maybe the answer is in the opening post image. It may be that the love for trees unites Canada.

>> No.22694610

So good, and every used bookstore I have is full of his novels. Seems forgotten since the 1990s.
The Deptford Trilogy is a perfect set of novels. A triptych, really.

>> No.22694737

Me when I don't take my pills.

>> No.22694753

How do you explain the US?

>> No.22694763

I agree somewhat.

Infinite Jest is probably the only good book about Canada and it wasn't even written by a Canadian. All the "good" Canadians do everything in their power to get out of this place and start a life elsewhere. Canadians have no spiritual attachment to this land which is why Canada is culturally dead.

>> No.22694767

Call of Duty: Infinite Jest

>> No.22695124

based stan enjoyer

>> No.22695197

Last time you recommended him on here (two or three weeks ago maybe? i assume it was you) I bought the deptford trilogy immediately afterwards at a used book sale for 3 dollars or something. Really liked it, very comfy fall nighttime novel.

>> No.22695967


>t. canadian

>> No.22695969

based, very comfy

>> No.22695971

physiognomy check

>> No.22696082

Munro is shit

Atwood is shit

>> No.22696093

this guy has TASTE

>> No.22696121

So was Greece when Homer composed the Iliad.

>> No.22696137

>Canadians have no spiritual attachment to this land which is why Canada is culturally dead.
Almost all my ancestors were here prior to Confederation. There are even landmarks named after some of them. I consider myself to be ethnically Canadian. Everyday as I watch this country go from bad to worse, curse the fact that it had to be Canada.

>> No.22696157

Canada has inspired some pretty good shit, though. Malcolm Lowry wrote Under The Volcano in Vancouver, JG Ballard discovered science fiction and got inspired to start writing it when he was stationed in Saskatchewan, and Wyndham Lewis wrote Self Possessed in Toronto.

>> No.22696171

do I even NEED to check?

>> No.22696282

We have a robust and uncredited posting history of excellence on this very site.

>> No.22696384

Canada always was a non-country whose identity was purley negative 'we aren' t the US, but we aren't British either'. It's no wonder they fell the deepest for the post-national country meme. The only place with a modicum of culture is Quebec (even the bloody leaf syrup is from there) but it was nipped in the bud when amalgamated to Anglo-Canada. Enjoy the 3% yearly population increase purely from third world migrants, I guess. At some point I expect a sino-pajeet civil war there.

>> No.22697081

Yes, Atwood isn't

>> No.22697096

A better question, do we have any decent Indigenous writers of note? Invariably it seems like all the best Canadian writers are either from the Isles, trace their lineage there, or are first/second generation eastern euros
Do the natives have anything profound to say beyond m-muh land, muh time before treaties

>> No.22697105
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>no tickets to the movies

>> No.22697139

Day of the rake when?

>> No.22697158
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Umm, excuse you. Canada has this, and by a woman, who single handedly redeemed Canada and women authors.

>> No.22697166

I am ashamed to even share the border with this failed state.

>> No.22697185

No, none at all.

>> No.22697190
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Been rereading Rilla of Ingleside for Remembrance day.

>> No.22697229
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Part of the Canadian Government's 500 million+ scheme to push the arts, some of the money went to developing this tool and none to Jason Bryan for his writing or artistry over the years

>> No.22697239

That's because the whole point of pills is to obscure reality

>> No.22697245
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I'm sure the internet would call me a schizophrenic for seeing a pattern here... but when they use an image of a white guy next to the words "when you're the problem" I start to believe that I am living in a jewish-ruled dystopia, I know, sounds crazy... I should just go see a doctor about getting medication because clearly it's just art and I'm seeing things that aren't there, right!?!? lol
>inb4 "kill yourself"

>> No.22697328

>Enjoy discomfort
lmao, the truth could not be spelt any clearer

>> No.22697330

2023 Canada is completely bonkers

"when you are the problem"

>> No.22697454

The cultural rebranding happened in the 60s, prior to that, especially in the early 20th century the Ontario Anglo culture was much stronger and more heavily British.

Really glad to hear it, and I've had the same experience with finding it cheap in used bookstores. He very much fell out of favour for being too "of the past" but in the end he was the only real Canadian man of letters. I make it my mission to shill him like Mendelssohn shilled Bach.

>> No.22697470

Canada was fine until woke shit started seeping in hard after Occupy Wall Street...

>> No.22697545

There was a general acceptance of the post 60s cultural shift for a long time, but it's been pushed to its breaking point by the sheer unrestrained scale of immigration and culture war garbage.

>> No.22697561
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The sheer enormity of the cope people have to do to not see the overt social engineering and racial bias... I mean, I am so demoralized by it, how do others cope?

>> No.22697577

Munro is good. One of the best short story writers in English.

>> No.22697593

People are starting to turn on the immigration numbers due to the housing crisis. It won't change anything though, the cons are equally invested as the liberals in making sure that there's enough cheap labour for Tim Hortons to reach its quarterly growth goals.

>> No.22697619
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There is only one cure to this infestation brought on by the jew. A Traditional Catholic Reconquista. No false religions permitted, non whites have to go back.
Pray the rosary every day

>> No.22697632 [DELETED] 
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Here in Kelowna, a room for rent is like $1100-$1200 bucks, I've got a hookup for a decent studio for $1200 in downtown Kelowna so I'm pretty lucky, most places are at least $2000 for your generic like 400sq ft 1 bedroom places. The amount of people here is insane.

>> No.22697645

I'm starting to house hunt and I'm thankful every day that people think that Edmonton is a freezing shithole.

>> No.22697658

I like the Kelowna area, the working class people here are based and I've been treated very well here, despite how much of a hermit I have become.

>> No.22697660

How are the people of Edmonton? I mean, most people are insufferable anywhere you go...

>> No.22697679

Great people honestly besides the crackheads crawling all over downtown, and the uppity brown youth

>> No.22697681

They're alright. Ultimately it is a semi-big city for better or worse. It's a government town as well. Politically on the provincial level it's heavily NDP, but keep in mind the provincial NDP is more like the Peter Lougheed conservatives than the federal NDP. Still some virtue signaling, but it isn't their whole political program. Federally it tends to vote conservative. Huge fentanyl crisis that got way worse over Covid, downtown is pretty shitty. People here are usually pretty down to earth, but like anywhere else the last few years have driven everyone a little nuts.

>> No.22697695

What race are you

>> No.22697700
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Schizo race

>> No.22697743

I've been doing the same with Fifth Business. It's never more than $5, so I'll buy it an give it to a friend. Everyone so far has really enjoyed it.

>> No.22698054
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Problem, hoser?

>> No.22698060
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only a leaf would understand

>> No.22699065

kill yourself

>> No.22699223


>> No.22699251

Or a Quebecker

>> No.22699253

Mentally ill and degenerate

>> No.22699281

This is what is uplifted in Canada, haha

>> No.22699346
File: 89 KB, 842x1000, 51D9Xe-i7OL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got several books of Emily Carr prints. I love Emily Carr. Oh and if you're thinking of moving intra country from your particular shithole to another shithole in particular, whatever you do: STAY THE FUCK OUT OF BC – WE'RE FULL

>> No.22699389

You will be replaced

>> No.22699409

You'll be replaced by Punjabi SAARS and the rejects of Levantine societies just like the rest of us, leafbro

>> No.22699442

100% and while you're told you are the problem... lol

>> No.22699444

Your rambling doesn't refute my point, Americuck

>> No.22699455

I am Canadian

>> No.22699469

Ok, better enough reason to STAY THE FUCK AWAY

>> No.22699471

I was born in Vancouver, country bumpkin

>> No.22699481

This is the correct answer and I'm not even Canadian

>> No.22699485

You're Chinese, not Canadian. Ching Ching Ching or whatever it is in Chinkspeak

>> No.22699499

Hey retard, I wrote:


My background of my grand parents were German, Irish, English.and Polish.

>> No.22699512

Its actually kind of absurd, and a little needlessly cruel, to expect A FUCKING LEAF to be able to write in the first place.

>> No.22699530

Never asked what you wrote, Chang, now get the fried rice I ordered a half hour ago

>> No.22699540

kill yourself

>> No.22699564

Mogged by my purely Anglo stock. I'm in Richmond btw so I'm surrounded by Chinese every goddamned day, and it's like I'm adrift in a sea of people who are the complete opposite of my kin, like I'm keeping the barbarians at the gates just by existing alone as a white man amid all the hordes of Genghis Khan descendants. I feel borderline heroic, like a light in the dark.

>> No.22699579
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It is crazy how the laid back, west coast culture we grew up in has been completely destroyed. The Vancouver of the 90's and 00's was so much better...

Over 14,000 mostly white, mostly male, and mostly middle aged people have died from poisoned drugs since 2016 and that is business as normal. It is intended. As soon as jews are kvetching, the system pulls out all stops to make them feel safe.

>> No.22699643

Now fuck, faggots

>> No.22699669
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wrong prophet

>> No.22699707


>> No.22699783

What are the best Davies novels?

>> No.22699791

>George Grant
I can't take any chud seriously who takes Weil, a jewish anarchist, seriously.

>> No.22699801
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Nothing even matters in 2023, the jews won

>> No.22699814

I was with you until your antisemitic remarks. I've recently realized I would rather live with Jews than Arabs without a shadow of a doubt, and I've been dismayed at the levels of antisemitism that have come out of people all of a sudden when Islam is such a worse religion than Judaism and Jews infinitely more civilized than browns. I would replace every rich, gentrifying, money laundering, Tesla driving Chinese person in this city with a secular Jew if I could.

>> No.22699824


Trudeau is such a bad actor... he phones this little speech, zero effort... sad.

>> No.22699830

>Huit chansons acadiennes à écouter pour célébrer le 15août à la maison


>> No.22699852


>I like the Kelowna area
what do you do for work in Kelowna

>> No.22699896

Click and collects, labour gigs, painted decks for $30/hour this summer. Also still have some passive income from my online business. There are 3 bins that I drive by every time I go to town and I can grab like $70-$100 in cans to return 3x a week while festivals and events are happening. Lots of gig work.

Last year I got a snow shoveling route to do and it paid $35 an hour, easiest job ever and people would tip you cash. If you keep your eye out on Facebook groups and local pages, you can find people need shit done yesterday and will pay top dollar for help ASAP.

You have to be super creative to survive in 2023 without a 9-5.

>> No.22699939


That's enough to pay your rent/mortgage? I heard Kelowna was expensive.

>> No.22700079

forget this Sinclair Ross, Carole Shields, Alice Munroe, Robertson Davies shit.
One stands head and shoulders above all others:

the one, the only

RUPI KAUR !!!!!!! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !!!!

>> No.22700094


William Gibson. Do you even read?

>> No.22700169

>whities do drugs because as they have nonexistent values besides muh independence, leading to low familial ties and support
>no other racial group is dying in anywhere similar rates because they value shit like education, familial cohesion, and being useful members of society
cry harder whitoid

>> No.22700194

>cry harder whitoid
he said, in a white language, on a white computer network, from a white country

>> No.22700899

>whities do drugs because as they have nonexistent values besides muh independence, leading to low familial ties and support
There is a lot of truth to this, and don't forget that the Universities have become quite toxic for men and quite communist places. My experience at a University on Vancouver Island was pretty wild, open communists all over the place, tons of commie stickers too. Very odd.

>> No.22701215

That poster was somewhat right, white Canadian culture doesn't value family much. Young whites would march for Gaza before they'd march to protest the poisoned drugs that killed so many white guys...

>> No.22701417

I hate to admit this, but it's true.

>> No.22701538
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>muh fambly values! muh heckin wholesome brownoid extended family mudhuts!
Europeans don't need to live three families-to-a-hovel to flourish. They just need their societies to not be fundamentally rigged against them by a capricious occupational class that allows metric tons of drugs to be imported

>> No.22701549
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I think it's pretty decent considering our population is small and our nation is young

>> No.22701560

kill yourself

>> No.22701569

>He thinks Canada in any way, shape, or form qualifies as a "nation"

Canadian self hatred is one of the most tired and tacky forms of post on this board and yet after years similar threads no one is ever incisive enough to point out that a significant reason Canada is in this mess (and why it's a shithole) is that it's full of the most credulous and naive retards on Earth.

>> No.22701571
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Umm... Edmonton anon...

>> No.22701574

>be white canadian
>harmful drugs are available
>freely choose to consume them
>get addicted and die
>it's the availability of harmful drugs that is at fault, not that I freely chose to use them with my free will

>> No.22701580

"free will"
>socially programmed from the moment you are born

>> No.22701586

>He Han Chinese
>Opioids are available after opium war
>Freely choose to consume them
>Get addicted and colonized
>It's the availability of harmful drugs that is at fault, not that I freely chose to use them with my free will

>> No.22701594
File: 17 KB, 200x198, F18DCC84-E6A4-4A76-8196-41DFCD01B33D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no such thing as free will!

>> No.22701643

The Depford Trilogy is his most famous, I personally really love the Cornish Trilogy.

Yeah, it was a gang hit.

>> No.22701676

What happened to honour and not killing your rival in front of their family...

>> No.22701708

We do not have old-school Italian mobsters here, that's Montreal.

>> No.22701762

We have diversity thugs... sigh

>> No.22701765

Don't forget the Hell's Angels.

>> No.22701774

Do they kill 11 year olds?

>> No.22701819

No this was definitely ethnic gangs.

>> No.22701859

Dey need dem programs

>> No.22701864

the culture in leafland is so government propped up and fake it's hard to believe anyone interacts with it. Common working people have basically no connection to the state propaganda or intellectual trends driving the LPC at this point

>> No.22701878

I think it works well to control the population though, because everryone is either in their ethnic bubble or they are atomized and willing to conform to fit in and have friends.

>> No.22702027

It really did have a decent amount of buy in for a few decades. I think a big part of the issue is that as an ideology and vessel for culture it was legitinately effective for quite a long time, but now the circumstances have changed. Tying the culture so closely to what are essentially political positions (combined with some cultural issues becoming more political) means that it can't adapt to changing circumstances and so dies an ugly confused death.

>> No.22702049

Should I just play along and be a total mainstream loser?

Like seriously, we're in a time of the most conformity possible. Rebelling is basically being a crackhead and killing yourself through fentanyl. Very bizarre times!

>> No.22702774

I'm not saying that we need multiple generations of families all stacked in the same house. But the fact of it is that collectivistic societies value the success of the family unit and are usually better at being the "village" that supports an individual in need. North American whites are much more every man for themselves and less on valuing family ties/support/relationships. Not having that support and community is a common trait in people who end up with substance use disorders.
Point to the data where Chinese are dying in any rates even close to NA whites in recent decade. I'll wait. I say this as someone who works in addictions, I could count on one hand the East Asians I've seen vs. the nonstop floods of white Canadians and First Nations people.

>> No.22703246


>poisoned drugs
the drugs aren't poisoned, retard. that's like sayijg tequila is poisoned with alcohol

>> No.22703423

Most states have been calling themselves nations as though it were interchangeable with state, Canada's not alone in this
Also I refuse this slander under the premise that Americans cling to their two parties with life or death as if picking one over the other in the last 15 years would have changed literally anything about how American society is circling the drain along with the rest of the West

>> No.22703518
File: 1.13 MB, 3000x2000, 636034997669779292-1599123601_b-lx-rupi-kaur3-1ytm62d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> entered the chat

>> No.22703672

I wouldn't say the best, but definitely the most accessible - especially against the likes of Innis, Ellul, Kracauer, and Baudrillard

>> No.22703885

Margaret Atwood- she predicted modern Amerikkka