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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 391x401, wokeca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22678262 No.22678262 [Reply] [Original]

>Submit to literary agents and publishers
>They want to and currently represent "BIPOC" Gay/trans authors and books with "diverse characters with intersectional storylines"

Has the woke shit gone too far? Am I better off setting aside money for marketing and self publishing my novel as a white man? How does anyone get published these days?

>> No.22678266

Burgeristanis don't understand fiction, can't comprehend literature.
It's all feelings and politics.

>> No.22678272

ITT: chuds screech about the leftist boogeyman they made up so they have an excuse to get mad

>> No.22678290

that's the thing, both left and right Americans only write politics and feelings, neither side is good

>> No.22678291

Doesn't mean there isn't any truth to it.

>> No.22678301

Ahh yes…the /pol/ thread masquerading as /lit/…a staple of this board in recent years

>> No.22678303 [DELETED] 


The establishment uplifts everyone but white men.

The truth is, nobody on /lit/ can even name 3 white male authors that are popular in 2023 who didn't get their start 20+ years ago. We have been replaced and there is next to no reason to even try to get mainstream published, since publishing is alllllll about identity now,

You might want to use a pseudonym to LARP as a female Nigerian with a really diverse name. That actually could really work in your favour.

>> No.22678313

Can you imagine moving to Japan and they build a 14,000 sq foot, 10+ million dollar facility specifically to promote "white art and culture"?

>> No.22678316

I'm OP. I'm a moderate liberal/Democrat. I support diversity but what's going on in publishing and entertainment/movies is the reverse of how whites dominated everything back a couple decades ago. I support diversity when it's balanced. What's going on is a joke.

How does a white man get a book traditionally published today who isnt already established?

>> No.22678317

kill yourself

>> No.22678319
File: 514 KB, 1284x1699, IMG_7170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22678339

I came in Nadia's mouth and pussy and you are childless at 50 years old.

>> No.22678352

kill yourself

>> No.22678356 [DELETED] 

NTA but who's Nadia?

>> No.22678374

I enjoy the attention here too much!

>> No.22678378

>I came in Nadia's mouth and pussy

>> No.22678382

Not at home so I don't have her ass pic handy

>> No.22678384

kill yourself

>> No.22678388

I stick around to make people like you seethe

>> No.22678391

kill yourself

>> No.22678400

What if I just lied about my identity?

>> No.22678412

Nadia even told me my dick was bigger, hahaha!

>> No.22678417 [DELETED] 

I think you should... there is a huge bias in Canada against white men in media or the government.


BIPOC victory fund!

There are SO many things like this in Canada.

>> No.22678418

kill yourself

>> No.22678422

Write something good enough to be published.

PS- there is literally the same exact thread up

>> No.22678425

Way to shit up the board

Where are the mods?

>> No.22678427


I like the NDP speaking up for working class folks but that's getting extreme

>> No.22678430

"Write something good enough"
>he thinks merit counts in 2023

>> No.22678432

kill yourself

>> No.22678433

It is good. I've had a dozen beta readers read it (outside family and friends) and almost all of them liked it a lot, especially the story and main character.

I had two literary agents say the writing "was very strong", but it ultimately "wasn't for them"

>> No.22678435 [DELETED] 


Did you see they gave everyone non-white and non-male a yellow priority speaker card?

White men not allowed to speak until the end.
>just say something relevant
Just like publishing, the game is 100% rigged against white men.

>> No.22678437

They need that ESG score boost, so they need to publish everything but white men!

>> No.22678438

kill yourself

>> No.22678439

I'm a transgender girl, but I believe that stories should be reviewed anonymously, and only after being approved on the nature of their skill, creativity, and applicable content, should the name/gender/race/etc be revealed.

This way people can fairly review work without having ideological motives which in this context, are racist, sexist, and socially divisive.

>> No.22678443

God bless you!

>> No.22678446

yeah, you sound sane and based. Enjoy being a lady.

>> No.22678447

kill yourself

>> No.22678449

You are a delusional man in a dress

>> No.22678454

God bless you!

>> No.22678458

stop replying. you're helping him derail the thread.

How does a white male get published traditionally today?

>> No.22678463

If Mr. Beast wrote a book, he could find a publisher for sure.

What's your biggest social media accout?

>> No.22678464


>> No.22678466


Delusional about what?

I am in a dress right now, yes, but I'm fully self-aware of having been born male, but now living as a lady. You should pick your friends based on their kindness, their hobbies, their personality, and their merits, rather than make enemies of people based solely on their race/sex/gender/ideology/religion/other stupid pointless things that divide people for no good reason.

If you want to live a prosperous life, you should see each stranger as a potential friend, rather than as a potential enemy. That's what I do, and for that, I am blessed.


And blessings upon you as well.

>> No.22678475

you will never be a woman

>> No.22678478

I know you're deluded and trying to be trendy, but nobody actually believe you are a woman. It has got so bad in Canada, I understand why you wish you were a woman.

>> No.22678484


If you lived one day in my life, you'd understand everything completely, and simply apologize to me. That's all it'd take. One day, midnight to midnight, and you would never say these sorts of things ever again. You'd just comprehend what it means to be transgender and feel like a total piece of shit for behaving the way you do.

>> No.22678495

If I had to live one day in your life, I would kill myself

>> No.22678503


>nobody actually believe you are a woman

I'm not sure what this statement is trying to say.
Of course I was born male, and now live as a woman. That's the core concept of being transgender. This is known to everyone, so I'm not really surprise by you saying it.

I just wonder if you are trying to share a fact with me, or trying to demoralize me. If you're trying to demoralize me, then why? What's really going on in your head? Just seems suspicious to bother making such a worthless post on 4chan towards me, when you could talk about solutions to how white men are being sidelined by ideological garbage.

>> No.22678509


>le edge

>> No.22678512
File: 143 KB, 630x650, 6E6B0BC2-2AEE-433B-840C-DA1D480571A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you on the left

>> No.22678516


Sorry, but that's not actually a picture of me.

By the way, fun fact about that image, but both of those people are transgender women. I suppose you didn't notice that little fact, huh? It's a conference for that sort of thing.

>> No.22678538
File: 172 KB, 1080x1344, penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a you problem plenty of dissident publishing houses doing well

>> No.22678555
File: 556 KB, 640x1136, E1A93532-3FC2-4A6E-A526-323AB1F77702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conference for transgenders
Don't lie to me, tranny

>> No.22678580

I got a reddit account with 80000 karma.

>> No.22678730

This board is so fucking gone

>> No.22678786

As a white man, you will literally never be published. Ever. Modern publishing is is beyond redemption, it's all virtue signalling and diversity/representation and basically viewing whites and males as evil by default. I cannot possibly describe to you how toxic mainstream publishing is currently.

>> No.22678805
File: 319 KB, 800x636, RodneyNorman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>They want to and currently represent "BIPOC" Gay/trans authors and books with "diverse characters with intersectional storylines"

Yeah, that didn't happen.

I believe the part where you're a colossal failure, I just don't think it's because you aren't a faggot.

>> No.22678808

Post your book and save us!

>> No.22678813

The only people actually reading books are Africans and Arabs, white people are dying from drug overdoses in trailer parks.

>> No.22678831

This can't be true.

Is it?

>> No.22678854

Name 3 successful white male writers who have any influence on culture in 2023?

>> No.22678860

Andy Weir
Stephen King
George RR Martin

However newcomer white male authors I can't name any

>> No.22678864

Yeah, very easy to list off establishment white male authors, Stephen King spent most of his time talking about democrat talking points.

>> No.22678867

So you're saying if I'm a white male Democrat... I stand a better chance getting published?

>> No.22678871

I know a lot of straight white men who have got publishing deals recently, some of them with publishers claiming the things you mentioned
if you're a good enough writer theyll publish you either way
if youre getting rejected youre just shit and no amount of blame shifting will change that

>> No.22678877

How many newcomer writers have any effect on culture in 2023? Books aren’t culturally relevant anymore like they used to be; it is a niche interest. If anons can’t think of any white male writers who have been published in the last 15 years that just shows their ignorance. This thread is obviously an axe to the grind for ideological reasons

>> No.22678881

>Gets precisely what he advocated for.
>Umm guys not like this!

Lol, lmfao even.

>> No.22678885


Yeah, books are 100% niche... the entire industry is designed to push the establishment narrative since publishing houses are as woke as they can possibly fucking be.

>> No.22678886

How would you know? You're hinting at possible insider knowledge.

>> No.22678893

I vote Democrat but I don't support woke shit.

You do know most people vote for politicians that don't 100 percent represent their views, right?

You'll almost never find a politician or party that 100 percent represents your views. You vote for the party or politician who aligns the most with them, even if you disagree with some things.


>> No.22678894

Of that list, name the date of their first widely published work. The shift in publishing began to really take off around 2010 onward.

>> No.22678897

There are literally far right publishers. If you don’t understand why far right ideology isn’t promoted mainstream, your brain is fried

>> No.22678901

Then how the fuck did twilight and fifty shades of dogshit get published and became successes?

>> No.22678902

most of them haven't actually been published yet, but have recently got big deals

>> No.22678909

the thing about publishers looking for a specific demographic to publish is that they'll take shit from that demographic, but also good stuff from other demographics
any publisher will take great books from anyone, but will also take garbage if it fits what they're looking for

>> No.22678919

So that refutes your argument that only good writing gets published. That was my point.

A good story that has the potential to be popular, even with some shoddy writing can be accepted if it suits the market.

>> No.22678921

>Certainly, there are many straight white male authors who have been published by reputable publishing houses in recent years.
>Casey McQuiston: Casey McQuiston is a white, LGBTQ+ author
>Kiley Reid: Kiley Reid, a white female author,
>Taylor Jenkins Reid: Taylor Jenkins Reid, a white female author,
>Colson Whitehead: Colson Whitehead, an African American author, has been publishing works post-2018.
>Ruchir Verma: Ruchir Verma published his debut novel "The Boy with a Broken Heart" in 2019. While information about the author's background might not be readily available, the book was published by Srishti Publishers, a well-known Indian publishing house.

Asking Chat-gpt again
>Finding information about straight white male authors who published their first book after 2018 with a reputable publishing house can be challenging.

The situation seems dire.

>> No.22678934

>I don't support Woke, I support woke without a capital letter! I am the change I want to see in the world!


>> No.22678941

I never said only good writing gets published
I said good writing gets published no matter what, alongside plenty of shit writing

>> No.22678958

Trump lost :^)

>> No.22678960

>You should pick your friends based on their kindness, their hobbies, their personality, and their merits, rather than make enemies of people based solely on their race/sex/gender/ideology/religion/other stupid pointless things that divide people for no good reason.
I wish more people thought like this

>> No.22678966

>he has a case of left vs right brain
Left or right is plantation thinking

>> No.22678968

You said his writing must be shit, that's why it's not getting accepted

>> No.22678974

And what are their books about?

I don't believe you.

>> No.22678982

Ouch, you hit me right in the heart considering I have never stepped foot on the American continent or even plan too.

>> No.22678983


Mainstream shit is beyond cringe, but this is the narrative they want to go with.

>> No.22678987

I demand this cancer thread be jannied.

>> No.22678991

Go buy a bud light and watch UFC faggot.

>> No.22678998

what I'm saying is that if his writing was good it would be getting accepted regardless
if hes being rejected its because he doesn't fit their criteria and it's shit

>> No.22679001

>daily BAP threads hit 300+ replies

>> No.22679008

Quality of writing doesn't mean jack shit. Look at "The Glass Hotel" and try and slog your way through that absolute fucking garbage.

Obama gave it a shout out. The entire industry is rigged to keep establishment ideas in focus.

>> No.22679009

I'm the guy you're referring to. You should read the post I made earlier here. A few agents on querymanager said my "writing was very strong with some great elements but it's not for us"

>> No.22679015

one is dytopian (very political and left leaning)
one is a coming of age story about a working class boy (but the author isn't working class himself)
one is about a group of privileged university students being debauched

>> No.22679022

>Pen name Amadou Okonkwo
>Real name for artistic reasons prefer not to answer

>> No.22679031

why are you morons finding it so hard to understand
I never said bad writing didn't get published. most books are shit, no one is arguing that
im just saying that really great authors will get published regardless. no publishing house is going to reject a generational talent because they're a white man
no wonder none of you are successful given your basic reading comprehension is so fucking awful

>> No.22679033

You need to re-apply with an LGBT main character who is from Nigeria.

>> No.22679035

> 5 more posts
> still 18 posters

>> No.22679040

so what you're saying is they didnt want to publish you because your book is a 7/10 with nothing truly exceptional about it

>> No.22679042

Yes, if the white man writes a book about how a transgender Nigerian navigates dating a Palestinian jew while working at a coffee shop that doubles as a drag queen's lounge at night.

>> No.22679044


You should've clarified/been clear and specific with that distinction regarding that, in your original post.

>> No.22679046

Dude, lots of books are 7/10s even worse.

It's cause he isn't a black trans Jewish chick or have connections

>> No.22679048

>it's not for us

That means it's shit. Nobody passes up an opportunity to make money.

>> No.22679051

>Just be black or have a once in a generation talent, the system is fair why are you so stupid Chud?

>> No.22679059

Strong writing/=shit

>> No.22679064

>lots of books are 7/10s even worse.

Nobody wants the same ol same ol 7/10. They want it to at least have some new twist like trannies or Ghanaians. If you are white male 7/10 writer and writing about white people, then you are not offering anything new and competing with equally untalented people who at least have some "color" for interest. If I was a publisher or agent I would go with the "colored" people all things being equal

>> No.22679070

my original post said
>if you're a good enough writer theyll publish you either way
which is my whole point

>> No.22679071

>blatantly admits he's racist

>> No.22679082

If women are 90% of the book buyers, they are going to only publish shit that appeals to women, in other words, mostly absolute shite like "The Handmaid's Tale" which is so far divorced from reality and based on nothing more than the fear that women can't murder babies.

Be a big brain, understand that skill has nothing to do with getting published. It all comes down to your identity, the relevance to the establishment of what you write, and your promotability.

If you're a female to male zippertits who writes about sodomizing animals and you have a huge following on Instagram, you're a shoe in for prizes.

If you're a white male writing about how your country is being replaced by foreigners, the political class is corrupt and the streets see countless overdoses and deaths, and you have no sociaol media, do you think the blue haired communist who works as Mr. Sheckleburg Books is going to touch your shit? Obviously not. Especially when they can publish the "diverse" work and raise their ESG scores and get more money from the banks even if they're losing money on the book because it is diversifying their workforce.


This is happening all over. Your identity is key to getting jobs in all places in Canadian society, to the point where the government will fund your employer with 10k to hire you if you're a "under-represented group" which ALWAYS MEANS no straight white males need apply.

I mean, you could say you're homosexual to get the job, but are you okay with lying to appease the woke society you're under the thumb of?

>> No.22679083

I'm so sorry you aren't being handed publishing deals based on your mid manuscripts
its so unfair that publishers arent falling at your feet begging for your unexceptional novels just because you're annoyed about it
maybe you should try working to become better writers rather than getting butthurt on the Internet that it isn't being handed to you on a plate

>> No.22679088

>maybe you should try working to become better writers
It actually makes more sense for /lit/ writers to create a fake persona as an LGBT refugee from Nigeria named Abbadia Olomokuley and submit your query under that name than your actual identity.

>> No.22679101

no, woke shit has not gone too far. it will have gone almost far enough when you get paid for your story.

>> No.22679100

I think the big problem here is that you seem to care more about becoming successful on social media than you care about literature or the craft of writing
if all you want is empty praise from strangers on twitter there are easier ways to do it than to write a novel under a fake persona
since when did anyone equate great literature with huge popular success?

>> No.22679107

bro if you can that little about literature just write fanfic or some shit
you clearly don't actually like literature or you wouldn't be so focused on getting popular with the 'cool kids'

>> No.22679110

>since when did anyone equate great literature with huge popular success?

Since Shakespeare from back in the day to stephen king today.

>> No.22679119

Stephen King isn't a good writer so you've invalidated your own point there
if that's where you're setting the bar for literature then maybe you're right to aim for the tumble demographic

>> No.22679124

Lol he is good.

Then again, this just proves how subjective good writing is

>> No.22679125

I always wonder how many anons itt that share OP’s conviction don’t read much contemporary literature, don’t write at all, or don’t read at all. I’m guessing most are /pol/cels or poor writers. Maybe both

>> No.22679131

Do you honestly believe you can be an influential writer with zero social media presence?

Again, name 3 white male writers who are considered "decent" writers who sell books in 2023 and who aren't established, legacy writers.

>> No.22679134

I see you are going with the full potato defense…

>> No.22679138

"Stephen King isn't a good writer"

/lit/ is a huge fucking joke. Why did his books sell then, was it the jews pushing him so he could shit talk Trump on Twitter 30 years later?

>> No.22679143

King is good. Not amazing but good.

>> No.22679149

There has not been anything of note to read in the last 10+ years.

When Obama gave "The Glass Hotel" a shoutout, I decided, fuck it, I'll pick it up and read it. It must be good for a Presidential shout-out.
>read 1/3rd of it
Was a total slog. Written for women. Absolutely eye-wateringly boring. When the insane brother writes a stupid message in blood or semen, I forget which, on some window for the main character, I was so bored by that point I didn't care what happened. The main character was involved in some sort of sugar daddy relationship (reminded me of 50 shades of grey) and turning each page was an exercise in boredom and why women are truly fucking boooooring.

>> No.22679189


300+ 5 star reviews... read the sample. What's the appeal?

>> No.22679237

Don't forget, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Good writers who are very successful. that guy is an idiot.

>> No.22679249

All he is asking for is writer that is white, young, male, heterosexual. That is all. I'm going to Barnes and Noble tomorrow and specifically looking for this on the circle promo tables.

>> No.22679255

>You should pick your friends based on their kindness, their hobbies, their personality, and their merits, rather than make enemies of people based solely on their race/sex/gender/ideology/religion/other stupid pointless things that divide people for no good reason.
Well said, unironically.

>> No.22679269

Please make sure to make a post here of your findings. Seems like so much of our art these days is not for us, or by us.

>> No.22679271

Goethe was basically a celebrity in his day. There's no end of excellent writers who were also extremely popular.

>> No.22679276

I used to go ghost hunting with a butch lesbian and a transgender woman, never had an issue being their friends. Look up "Vancouver Paranormal", I was active with the group pre-2008 but kept in contact with the butch lesbian and brought her food during her cancer treatments until her death in 2016. RIP Jan.

>> No.22679286

Yeah before social media rotted people's brains completely.

>> No.22679299

Most novels are boring, desu. Your move, Pierre

>> No.22679784

kill yourself

>> No.22680002


>> No.22680751

like the anti-racist baby?

>> No.22680763

anon at this point everyone and their mother knows we're well past the "it's not happening" phase

>> No.22680832

worst thread I've seen in a long
keep seething talentless cucks

>> No.22680844


>> No.22680851

the post never said that there weren't examples of good popular writers
there are good popular writers
there are bad popular writers
there are good unpopular writers
there are bad unpopular writers
the point is that there is no correlation between talent and popularity. for every Shakespeare and King there is a Kafka and Dickinson who goes undiscovered

>> No.22680861

I'm impressed you guys are still bothering
the people in this thread complaining clearly don't know anything about the publishing industry and are misunderstanding every single post arguing with them because they're like a dog with a bone obsessed with this fictitious problem. their replies give away that they cant even structure or understand a basic argument so definitely cant write a fucking a book
my guess is that they're all 14 and come straight from /pol/

>> No.22681153

kill yourself

>> No.22681657

I live in a country where there are so many programs to uplift minorities and benefit them while putting white people to the back of the line, and then you have replies like yours that completely deny that there is any sort of discrimination in the arts... while it is provable that there is discrimination against us in:
>education system
>trades(hiring bonuses of 10k for minorities and women)
>sports(see hockey canada)



>> No.22681659

off the top of my head with no research
Douglas Stuart (booker prize winner)
Daniel Wiles
Will Burns
Tom Hindle
Sam Riverie
Matthew Baker
Colin Walsh
Tom Crewe

are all white men who have had reasonably acclaimed debut novels published in the last few years

if you don't know anything about contemporary literature just say so

>> No.22681664

kill yourself

>> No.22681665

Annnnnnd zero actual influence on art, culture, or society... who are these nobodies?

>> No.22681670

there has always been biases and discrimination in the arts and there always will be, its just the type that changes
no point complaining about it given theres nothing any of us can do about it

>> No.22681671

God bless you!

>> No.22681679

because most of them had their debut novel published this year, so there hasn't been time for there to be a big influence
besides, the point people are making is that white men don't get published any more, which is untrue. if you think these authors are bad but still got published it further undermines the idea that's impossible for these guys to get published

>> No.22681681

kill yourself

>> No.22681685

All of these diversity movements are 100% designed to completely wipe out the young Canadian culture that we once had... in the last 20 years, culture here in Canada has completely flipped. The people screaming "the great replacement" were right, the people screaming that "gay marriage" would be a slippery slope were right as they are now cutting the tits off confused and deluded 16 year old girls. (Who now publish booker-prize winning novels about animal rape)

>> No.22681690

Since you know these novelists and their work so well, which of them would you say has the strongest voice? Any of them writing material that you would consider to be dissenting against the current zionist kike paradigm we find ourselves in?

>> No.22681697

God bless you!

>> No.22681702

>reasonably acclaimed

>> No.22681705

kill yourself

>> No.22681708

Who would you say of these men... are any of them actually interesting people themselves?

What have they done?
What do they speak about?
How big are their followings?

>> No.22681714
File: 432 KB, 1183x605, ds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Douglas Stuart
He is a homosexual and 100% fully establishment

>> No.22681719
File: 603 KB, 1284x1678, IMG_7675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22681722
File: 242 KB, 659x763, danielwiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daniel Wiles
University educated, 100% establishment shit writing schlock that has nothing to do with modern life
>100% establishment hack

>> No.22681726

I didn't say I know them, I haven't read much of their work, I just keep abreast with contemporary lit enough to know the names

>> No.22681734

>I vote
>I'm a moderate liberal/Democrat
>I support diversity when it's balanced
Christ almighty anon. Could you just shoot yourself in the head and save us the trouble of doing it?! Can you?! Subhuman scum.

>> No.22681735
File: 162 KB, 1023x651, willburns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will Burns

This guy is about as rebellious as 3 day old oatmeal

>> No.22681740

>University educated
this is the first time this has been mentioned it the thread, I didn't realise it was part of the problem
it really seems like what you guys want is shit books written by random men of the street who have no talent or knowledge of literature

>> No.22681744

> interest in place and the natural world to excavate the emotional impact of grief and loss. Natural Burial Ground is by turns melancholy and musical, haunting and deeply empathetic, a collection that wrestles with the scope and heft of elegy, while retaining the poet's world-weary humour and range of imagery.

>> No.22681746

>University educated
imagine thinking that an institution meant to let you acquire your means of accreditation is supposed to help you learn. Education my ass.

>> No.22681749
File: 283 KB, 985x703, tomhindle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom Hindle
About as safe and mainstream of a onions white guy as you can get

>> No.22681750

what a surprise that the most privileged group in society aren't writing rebelious anti establishment work
sorry to break it to you but if you want something rebelious you're better off reading gays and blacks

>> No.22681751

>implying these university educated retards have talent and “knowledge” of literature

>> No.22681755

>Chains were used to make sure all the kids were able to get out
>Rope was too fragile to pull the cart
>Thinks 14 year olds in 1800's were weak
>Extra wages meant family was able to eat the rest of the week
>Tries to equate it to black slavery

Can't anyone be honest about history anymore?

>> No.22681757

no im literally agreeing with you. the post I replied to implied that him being university educated meant he didn't count for somw reason, when it makes absolutely no difference

>> No.22681758

>I vote Democrat but I don't support woke shit.
My fucking God, what's really depressing is that there are millions of retards out there who actually reason like this.

>> No.22681763

Democrats are very right wing by the standards of any country other than the usa

>> No.22681765
File: 358 KB, 657x773, samriviere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sam Riverie

Again... about as establishment schlock as you can get. Total beta male like everyone else in the above list.

>> No.22681772

Why do yuropoors act all high and mighty about their university educations when this cuck exposed your system and said he would have never afforded his degree without the booker prize.

>> No.22681779

>recalling the comic rage of Thomas Bernhard
Last five years, retards cote Bernhard as their influence despite having never read him

>> No.22681780
File: 151 KB, 1203x673, matthewbaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matthew Baker

Wow this guy is about as cool and interesting as taking a piss


Locked twitter... so brave and interesting

>> No.22681788

literally what point at you making?
many posters said you couldn't get published as a white man, and im proving that you can

>> No.22681791

ill say it again, the interesting books nowadays are being written by people who aren't white men, for obvious reasons
its either read them or read white men, the choice is yours

>> No.22681802
File: 261 KB, 1085x649, kala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Colin Walsh

Another guy who is 100% establishment, mainstream trash


We're near the end of the list and none of these authors are any different than each other, they are all the same boring schlock writers who aren't commenting on the current state of things.


Colin Walsh is University educated and pursuing a Phd.... you can pretty much guarantee he is a total woke faggot who is 100% pro-establishment, of course.

>> No.22681815
File: 344 KB, 673x773, nonthreatening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom Crewe
About as nerdy and well-adjusted as you can get, his book was written for women

>> No.22681819

>About as nerdy and well-adjusted as you can get, his book was written for women
you're still yet to actually make a point
unless youre saying that you think white men make naturally bad writers?

>> No.22681822
File: 931 KB, 1275x731, tomcrewe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom Crewe
So edgy... damn

So basically, I went through the entire list and every single one of these white guys is non-masculine, university educated (brainwashed by the establishment) and about as interesting as tea time with grandma on a Friday night.

Like I said... I ask for ANY examples of rebellious or dissenting white guy authors... there are NONE.

>> No.22681830

Jason Bryan has so much more life experience than all of those coddled University faggots combined, just look at how little masculinity any of them possess

>> No.22681834

Right VS left is 100% pure plantation bullshit designed to split fucking stupid normies into two easily controlled camps

>> No.22681839

I have always said you can get published if you write pure establishment schlock as a self-hating white guy... and I am right

>> No.22681846

>Has the woke shit gone too far?
Why do chudservatives ask this question? It doesn't matter what your diagnosis is, woke is happening whether you like it or not.

>> No.22681847

34 posters and at most 70 brain cells between them
most pathetic thread ive seen in a long time

>> No.22681850

you guys have to be baiting no one over the age of 13 believes any of this shit

>> No.22681856

I bet you're not even as manly as any of the onions in this list:

>> No.22681857

crying about the fact that some women are more successful than you is the least masculine thing you could possibly do

>> No.22681861
File: 164 KB, 787x519, leftvsright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you on the plantation

>> No.22681869

What the deal with some anons’ interest in so called dissenting literature? Are dissent and rebellious just euphemisms for something else? Hmmm…

>> No.22681871

Everything is the same in art and culture in 2023, it is all pro-corporate, pro-establishment shite.

>> No.22681882

try reading some of the current dissenting anti establishment authors then
theyre all black queer women

>> No.22681887

Exactly. Where are all the other Jason Bryans talking about the real things affecting life in the west

City of Singles
>dating revolution that happened

The Shitkickers
>exploding homelessness, crime, and corruption

>> No.22681891

What’s a specific example of something you want to seen written about and published by a major publisher? There are many themes that have nothing to do with establishment that can be the focus of good books, such as love, friendship, death

>> No.22681905

>gestures around with his arms at the current state of things
There seems to be NOBODY writing about the complete collapse of the standards of living and complete change in culture over the last 10 years.

>> No.22681910

Ok so you can't cite anything, meaning you're just frustrated with your life or with other people getting equal rights. Classic chudtard.

>> No.22681917

I don't know why I posted this shit, I apologize

>> No.22681925

Blackrock will give publishers money to pump out black transwomyn folk-queer of jewish colour slop, it won't give them money to publish complaints about inflation for Jewish wars making the rent quadruple.

>> No.22681936

14,000 mostly white, mostly male, mostly middle aged men have died from poisoned drugs in British Columbia since 2016... if this were asian women or transgender eskimos, the CBC would be doing daily DRUG CRISIS UPDATES and there would be riots in the streets calling for this to end.

It is a deliberate genocide... which is why it is 100% acceptable. NOBODY is writing about the complete replacement of Canadians and Canadian culture. Except for Jason Bryan.

>> No.22681941

kek no great loss then

>> No.22681945

This is a you problem. Plenty of people lead great lives, myself included. You just want books that confirm your biases I guess. Not society’s fault if you never learned how to make friends, get girls, get a good education and job

>> No.22681946

>Plenty of people lead great lives, myself included
You're smugposting on /lit/

>> No.22681954

Ironically, its practicality that led to literature being transformed into mere propaganda.

>> No.22681969

Yeah, there has been no publicity on the opioid epidemic or anything like that…fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.22681983

It's a delusional chud. Just ignore it and hope it doesn't shoot up a school before it fents itself to death.

>> No.22681988

It is all plantation shit... the entire scheme is 100% for genocide of poor white people. Have you BEEN to Vancouver lately? (my hometown)


>> No.22681990

I wrote a book after fucking 100's of women, being the center of my social circle, making 10k USD a month working 1 hour a day in porn

The reason I have to write is that I am an empathic person and I see so many white people suffering in my country.

>> No.22681993

80's and 90's and most of the 00's Canada was a PARADISE for a young man.

>> No.22682009

>moderation in politics can't exist anymore

Stupid chuds

>> No.22682011

If being a chud is noticing how much worse things have become, I'm Mr. Chud then

>> No.22682015

Absolutely dogshite thread

>> No.22682019

kill yourself

>> No.22682020

it's the /lit/ experience

>> No.22682021 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself kike

>> No.22682024

>drugs haven’t affected minorities or the communities they live in
>it’s the shitkickers guy
You obviously went wrong somewhere, maybe it’s your juvenile mentality. You seem unable to take criticism and instead blame everyone else
Radicals always believe that you must become radicalized. They don’t realize that they are susceptible and that that is an issue they need to work on. You will never change the world, but you can improve yourself. Take accountability and fix what you can fix, stop looking for scapegoats

>> No.22682033

Yes I should be an adult like everyone else and care the most about my interest rate on my mortgage and not even consider what has happened to my country

>> No.22682038

kill yourself

>> No.22682041 [DELETED] 

Bruh... browns are the dealers in the DTES selling the drugs to the white men to kill them off for profit.

You NEVER see chinese addicts in Vancouver, black and brown addicts are very rare compared to the endless amounts of white men and women, and the natives you see scattered about.

It is 100% a true genocide, but because this country imports its culture and population, people will protest Gaza and "climate change" more than the continued destruction of their fellow countryman.

>> No.22682045 [DELETED] 

slit your wrists nigger

>> No.22682047

God bless you!

>> No.22682051

kill yourself

>> No.22682054

drink bleach

>> No.22682059 [DELETED] 

I jerked off to all the dead kikes killed by Hamas

>> No.22682061

Whatever you can do to reach bump limit faster is what I want from this thread

>> No.22682068

it'll just get replaced by a god awful nietzsche or christianity thread

>> No.22682069
File: 21 KB, 600x450, 7DABC3B9-C878-4E2E-9C92-FCD8E60C92E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22682070

You are the biggest loser on this board which speaks volumes. You are completely unable to accept your failings are your own. You are unable to accept your writing isn’t good or can’t be improved. You never grew up, you have a juvenile mind and attitude. You are the common denominator in all your problems. Man the fuck up and stop being a whiny bitch. The troons and libs complain that the world is unfair and shitty too, I suppose you think they have a point then. It isn’t society’s fault you are maladjusted and unable to fit in

>> No.22682076 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 194x259, Woolston1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When i was shopping around my first book (pic related) in 2018 i tried some of the better known Melbourne publishers.
First one said "nobody is interested in country bogans doing country bogan things, move to Melbourne if you want to be a real writer"
Second one said "we're not interested in straight white male perspectives"
Third one was a little bit interested and asked what Aboriginal nation i was from, i told them i was a white guy and they never responded to another email.

>> No.22682079

*skins you alive*

>> No.22682080

The National Museum of Western Art in Ueno and the Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum in Marunouchi?

>> No.22682084

>Lewis Woolston enters the thread
God, if Card shows up, it'll be the biggest shill gathering of the century

>> No.22682085

Having a juvenile mind and attitude is actually the best thing for creativity, if you wrote, you'd know that.

>> No.22682090

>It isn’t society’s fault you are maladjusted and unable to fit in
10 years ago, not only did I fit in, I was the center of attention and women threw themselves at me, I have fucked 100's of good looking women without paying a dime for it.

The world has changed for the much worse in the last 10-15 years and that is obvious to nearly everyone, but speaking about it in today's hyper-conformist world is something most people are afraid to do.

>> No.22682098

>I have fucked 100's of women

>> No.22682100

I tested this around 2015 or so, I put an ad out for an editor for my 2nd book I was working on at the time, a sci-fi about a space DJ getting mixed up in the hatching of an egg of a lizard race's messiah. I got like 4 replies in a month.

I THEN put up an ad for an editor for an LGBT novel and I had 50+ replies in a couple of days. Fucking insane the difference and that was in like 2015 or so.

>> No.22682101

And you weren’t able to adjust. Bragging about fucking women 10-15 years ago is as cringey and juvenile as it gets

>> No.22682103

Are those specifically places built for white people to go and produce/showcase their work and exclude Japanese people from, all while supported by Japanese state TV and the Japanese government?

>> No.22682119

15 years ago I saw that what was happening was unsustainable and that dating was undergoing some sort of revolution. I saw other guys get ZERO attention and ZERO pussy while I was getting laid by new women all the time and could've had more but I didn't even use Tinder.

Birthrates have collapsed and more and more people just drop out of dating from dating fatigue.


In my province of B.C., the native population birthrate has dropped even more:


Jason Bryan was 100% right about the City of Singles, we are going to be replaced and this is just a fact. Our laid back, west coast culture is dying at a very fast rate.

>> No.22682127

kill yourself

>> No.22682133

You are just like the jock in high school who became a burnout and blame others they were left behind-“man, I used to be someone”. How are others able to have successful and fulfilling lives in this bleak desolate environment? Your problems are literally your own. Your failures are simply your own

>> No.22682139

No, they are for japs to worship western art and buy overpriced souvenirs.

>> No.22682147

I should of just got Thomas Mann's doctor faustus as an ebook but I wanted the John woods translation so I ordered the physical. If only I bought the ebook i would be reading Thomas Mann instead of reading this thread.

>> No.22682151 [DELETED] 

>How are others able to have successful and fulfilling lives in this bleak desolate environment?
Have you seen the conformity, greed, and selfishness present in 2023 Canada? The utter corruption of the government? The non-stop lies?

I could fit in easily if I wanted to just maintain a facade of being a "nice guy", but I would rather say the shit that is on my mind, like:
>take a look around, there are more luxury condos than ever, but an equal number of white guys on the streets, overdose deaths, and young browns filling the jobs teenagers used to have an the schools around here.
Not to mention how rents skyrocket because they will pack 4 people into a 1 bedroom apartment that rents for $1800 a month

The wokeness constantly paving over our culture, the diversity movements in every industry and institution, the sheer erasure of anything before this post-modern Canada. I do have a kid and a social life through my family, and the people I know who are rich are actually quite miserable because they do nothing but work, talk sports and mortgage payments. Is this what Canadian life has become? You do not meet interesting people anymore, diversity has only produced total conformity.

>> No.22682233

kill yourself

>> No.22682468

No one is complaining. What is annoying is when anti-white shills or stupid boomers act like this isn’t actually happening.

>> No.22682557

"It isn't happening, and if it is, it is a good thing"

>> No.22682589

please do keep pushing these talented writers to the DR

>> No.22682610

Not enough kill yourself posts in this thread

>> No.22682727

A man who can get laid is an accomplished man.

Incels are failed men.
>prove me wrong

>> No.22682856

kill yourself

>> No.22683060

You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.22683097

Post wrist, troon

>> No.22683217

God bless you!

>> No.22683321

They never do!

>> No.22683448
File: 1.62 MB, 2245x1065, not-cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking back at the list earlier:
>Douglas Stuart (booker prize winner)
>Daniel Wiles
>Will Burns
>Tom Hindle
>Sam Riverie
>Matthew Baker
>Colin Walsh
>Tom Crewe

When authors are the least cool people, is it any wonder why young men don't read? They listen to Drake and watch sportsball, they worship the guy rapping about cool shit and fucking bitches in a video with Lambos. They aren't learning anything but whatever Mr. Sheckleberg the record label wants the young men to hear, because they sure the fuck ain't reading anything from a guy that has the style and life experience of this fucking dweeb

>> No.22683665
File: 248 KB, 1080x1319, published-author.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a published author... not you, chud.