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22645306 No.22645306 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite psalm?

>> No.22645308

I don't know, but my favourite line from the psalms is:
>I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

>> No.22645316

For me, it’s
>Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock!

>> No.22646498

Psalm 135 - Military Orthodox/Byzantine Music

>> No.22646500

Psalm 119

>> No.22646502
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Psalm 51


More than once the priest has asked me to pray it as penance after Confession, so I've developed a fondness for it because I associate it with God's mercy and forgiveness.

>> No.22646530


>> No.22646535

that's the default setting on biblegateway. anon probably forgot to change it

>> No.22646554

Here you go:


>> No.22646561

Which do you recommend for a full read through of the Bible? First time reader.

>> No.22646564


>> No.22646575

Thanks. Do you think I will bump into verses that are difficult to understand because of archaic language? Or is that just a load of BS written by a midwit?

>> No.22646598

RSV:2CE is widely used by biblical scholars and academics of the Catholic persuasion.
Douay-rheims if you don't care about that and are of the trad cath persuasion.
KJV if you are of the prot persuasion.

>> No.22646661

This is the best version for casual listening


>> No.22646683

Read the apocrypha instead of the slop they feed you in the bible, silly fear led low vibrstion christcucks can't even into ancient texts. read the enuma elish

>> No.22646695

My favourite line is psalm 69: and God came into the heretics assholes 100 times and then gave us the guidelines on how to operate slaves and how to properly continue your tribes lineage with the whores you steal from the cities you sack and then said yeah this is totally god speaking and not barbarians, and I'm really merciful as well you guys you just have to what I say and deny yourself the gifts the creator gave you

>> No.22646697

Shit you condensed what I was saying so expertly I sound like a retard now

>> No.22646704

for me, it's Psalm 22

>> No.22646710

137 because the mask comes off.

Never forget that this is the kind of people that you christcucks worship and larp as.

>> No.22646727


>> No.22646747

if it was attributed to Homer instead of David you would call it a masterpiece

>> No.22646751


>> No.22646753

If that happens just look up the verse on the Internet to see another translation

>> No.22646805
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>> No.22646817

>implying the enemies of God and His people don't deserve to meet with a terrible fate

>> No.22646860

Yeah, the greeks, famous for liking the murder of children, like in the case of Cronus and Medea. The homeric age was all about striving towards honor, virtue, and fame, retard.

>> No.22647207


>> No.22648001

Ezekiel 23:20

>> No.22649152


>> No.22649574

psalm spaghetti