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22644177 No.22644177 [Reply] [Original]

Any right wing authors that weren't homosexual? This shit is almost impossible.

>> No.22644206

OP I think you meant to type 'left' but accidentally typed 'right' instead. Honest mistake.

>> No.22644245

Name a few right wing authors that aren't gay then. Evola's asshole must have had so much white dick in there, it's a miracle that this spaghetti shit could even sit.

>> No.22644467

This is lame bait. Using anecdotal evidence you could make a case for almost anyone's homosexuality.

>> No.22644955

Their morality is entirely derived from aesthetics, so naturally they're all going to be gay. Why do you think all the woman-haters (gays) on /lit/ are fascists?

>> No.22645081


>> No.22645095

There's no such thing as homosexual.
Two men can't have sex with each other. It's like saying that a beard is a dick, or that tits are vaginas.
Ultimately their condition is derived from a pathological obsession with everything that is infertile. It could be said that homosexuals are unable to educate kids, not because they are deranged perverts, but because of the infertility and scarceness of the ideas that they plant, or try to plant on them.
Now it could he said that there's infertile heterosexual couples too, but in this case, the infertility is physiological and not mental. In the homosexual, the infertility is both mental and physical.

>> No.22645102
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>> No.22645108

Are there any leftoid authors that haven't fucked a kid or virtue signaled about it?

>> No.22645117
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>> No.22645220

He was not right wing
I would say Olavo de Carvalho, but he had some homo experiences
I guess you right

>> No.22645442


>> No.22645447

>muh right wing muh left wing

fuck you OP

>> No.22645448

>Any authors that weren't homosexual? This shit is almost impossible.

fixed and answered

>> No.22645468

>pro-cuckoldry zionist shill that only huemonkeys know about

>> No.22645481

>Their morality is entirely derived from aesthetics
You're thinking of romantic cucks. Proper homofascists have an amoral worldview.

>> No.22645596

I'm bored so I'll give OP an opportunity to describe the homosexuality of Joseph de Maistre.

>> No.22645611

Mishima was actually straight

>> No.22645705

Fascism is 20th century romanticism.

>> No.22647076


>> No.22647081

Reading his brother Xavier right now; really enjoying Voyage around my Room

>> No.22647090


>> No.22647094

Just because he doesn’t sucking Dugins yellow cock doesn’t make him pro-cuck

>> No.22647143

>My political opponents are
>Le gay???

>> No.22647148

why did this chick blow up? Is it just guys pining for her?

>> No.22647151
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>> No.22647152
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>> No.22647163

she is an instawhore and indeed has lots of orbiters devoted to her whoredom

>> No.22648064
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Noooooooo you should divorce on a whim

>> No.22648068
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>> No.22648069

>It could be said that homosexuals are unable to educate kids, not because they are deranged perverts, but because of the infertility and scarceness of the ideas that they plant, or try to plant on them.
Opposite is the case. Read Plato.

>> No.22648074
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>The erotic relation of men to youths was the necessary and sole preparation, to a degree unattainable to our comprehension, of all manly education (pretty much as for a long time all higher education of women was only attainable through love and marriage). All idealism of the strength of the Greek nature threw itself into that relation, and it is probable that never since have young men been treated so attentively, so lovingly so entirely with a view to their welfare (virtus) as in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C.— according to the beautiful saying of Holderlin: “denn liebend giebt der Sterbliche vom Besten”. The higher the light in which this relation was regarded, the lower sank intercourse with women.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Human All Too Human 259

>Plato goes further. He says with an innocence possible only for a Greek, not a "Christian," that there would be no Platonic philosophy at all if there were not such beautiful youths in Athens: it is only their sight that transposes the philosopher's soul into an erotic trance, leaving it no peace until it lowers the seed of all exalted things into such beautiful soil
Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols chapter 8, 23

>What does our chatter about the Greeks amount to! What do we understand of their art, the soul of which is passion for naked male beauty!
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak, Aphorism 170

>Even the boldest remained still before Holbein's self-portrait in the hall of drawings! And I now struggled futilely in Nietzsche's presence to define the magical attraction of that wonderful portrait. It did not help that I so-to-speak traced line after line of that face. This approach was powerless to describe the expression of fully developed manhood combined with the charm of fresh youth (Holbein's self-portrait, as is known, presents him without a beard). And I failed to capture even the individual traits in their full value. I faltered when I came to the mouth. I could see the lips before me. So fully rounded yet so energetically closed! Not avid, yet as if created for pleasure!
>"A mouth . . .," I stammered bewilderedly.
>"A mouth to kiss!"
>Disconcertedly I looked aside. Truly, it was Nietzsche who had spoken, in an attitude and a tone which seemed to contrast most strangely with the mildly sensual coloration of his words. For leaning far back in his armchair, his head bowed onto his chest and his arms hanging limply on the armrests, he seemed to have spoken out of a dream rather than as a comment on my report.
—Ludwig von Scheffler's recollection of Nietzsche

>> No.22648094

Lewis is just saying it's better to be gay than a psychopath, which I agree with

>> No.22648097

Perhaps the picture is being misinterpreted. It's not meant to say they are all pro-homosexual. What is noticeable is that they are not SADISTS who think ALL HOMOS SHOULD BE CRUSHED AND BOGGED (NO MERCY NO SYMPATHY) which is what deracinated ""conservatives"" seem to think

>> No.22648101

you should if your wifey is cheating on you, mr. cuckservative

>> No.22648105

Catholics think it is a sin to divorce your partner even if they are abusive and/or cheating on you. They say you can "separate" but in that case you are NEVER allowed to have a romantic relationship, marry, or have sex ever again. Holy cuckeroni.

>> No.22648119

He's saying that boarding schools are evil

>> No.22648129

Besides twitter incels and evangelicals pastors I don't see anyone saying that
Everyone is capable of doing evil, but you can tell if a woman will cheat on you or not. No fim a culpa é sempre do corno
This is why cheating should be a crime, you are putting someone at risk of getting STDs and also ruining their life

>> No.22648179

Didn't knew Niet was so based and homopilled

>This is why cheating should be a crime
Kys christoid

>> No.22648220


>> No.22648239

When you remove Christcuckery from the picture there becomes increasingly little legitimate reasons to have an undying hatred for homosexuality. One can think it is unnatural but also think that it is unnecessary to have such an undying malice for homosexuals.

>> No.22648269
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Try the actual right-wing i.e. monarchists and hoppean libertarians/propertarians. Socialist fascist trannies not right-wing.

>> No.22648288
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What are some book series where the sequel is superior to the original?

>> No.22648567

Homosexual men are the aristocrats of the species

>> No.22648584

Yea desu
>Gauche taste
>Out of touch with the general populace
>Napoleon complex
>Sex life resulting in STD's
>Dying from preventable disease because of their hubris
>Hate it when you don't include them
One could go on but I need to fuck a woman with a fat ass and smelly feet.

>> No.22648663

Most authors before 1000 or so
100% of the world was right wing since its inception really. Leftism is a very recent construct (jews to blame)

>> No.22648664

would be funnier if gadaffi wasn't based af