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/lit/ - Literature

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22612507 No.22612507 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22612511

1984. I literally can’t find it anywhere since it is banned

>> No.22612524

Older, non feminist translations of the Iliad

>> No.22612526

4channel /v/

>> No.22612546

>ummmm sorry sweatie but we celebrate banned books not banned banned books

>> No.22612569
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Is /lit/ like this?

>> No.22612573

wtf i bet they ban child porn magazines too

>> No.22612583
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>/r/bannedbooks literally banning books from their subreddit
redditors truly are the lowest form of human life

>> No.22612602

I live in America, there are no banned books.

>> No.22612619

>what is the paradox of intolerance

>> No.22612624

A fallacy is what it is. Anyone who trades freedom for security deserves neither.

>> No.22612683

Something invented by a literal jew to justify banning true things that they don't like

>> No.22612689

a leftist justification of censorship

>> No.22612752

Pic is peak comedy

>> No.22612775
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>help! im being oppressed!

>> No.22612780

I look like this and I say this.

>> No.22612784

>oy vey! my tranny child porn!

>> No.22612787
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If a book was actually banned it would enter the top sellers list. No books are banned, ones that they want banned are quietly removed from shelves without fanfare.

>> No.22612791

Scare quotes are the midwit normie's last weapon, it's like the knife in a normie's boot

>That's just your "opinion" (if that IS it's real name)!
What kind of sane mind could produce such a retarded non-thought? None but a normie's.

>> No.22612827

Censorship works, this is something the Right needs to understand. If you do not control the means to censor and control then you are at the mercy of those who do control it.

When the right abandons control of an institution in favor of small government and self-rule they hand another weapon to their enemies.

>> No.22612855

These guys look cool and are burning marxist books and jewish tranny books that harmed their nation. Are you a boomer or something?

>> No.22612866
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>I can no longer lie and poison the nation spirit and turn brother against brother, this is literally like living in Nazi Germany

>> No.22612873
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The Antelope Hill Publishing catelog
The works of E. Michael Jones

>> No.22612905

A meme that boils down to "MY prejudices are actually RIGHT though"

>> No.22612955
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you reveal yourselves to be tourists when you celebrate the book burnings of authors like thomas mann, hg wells, tolkien, oscar wilde, hemingway etc and dozens of others under some bullshit ideology that caused global ruin and massive loss of life
you even cry victim when your intolerance is no longer tolerated
nazi fucks eat shit

>> No.22612959

Banned books is a marketing gimmick to sell generic literature to midwits.


>> No.22612967

He has a newer one.


>> No.22612971
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I would rather have them appropriated and repurposed by an authoritarian, right-wing government then debased and done so by the modern political establishment. Further, I doubt anybody here is new.

>> No.22612975

>i would rather lick boot
yummy boot

>> No.22612978

The American conception of the State is literal mind-poison.

>> No.22612988

The transformation of 4chan from its inception to current day is extremely interesting. No one could have predicted that the place famous for CP, traps, and gore would become a haven for prudish schoolmarms with radical far right beliefs. I suppose it’s because they had nowhere to go after reddit kicked them out

>> No.22612994

Says the reddit faggot that watches vice documentaries and only reads nyrb translations. Id tell you to kill yourself but that is toxic masculinity.

>> No.22613002

Dysfunctional coombrains are the primary demographic of schizoid political movements, its also why so many trannies are attracted to communism

>> No.22613015


>> No.22613027

It does take a certain type of person to become radicalized, whether far left or far right. They are from the same stock of people. Outcasts and bitter people who want to blame others for their failings, prone to becoming schizo

>> No.22613030

that shit was jokes when most everyone on the internet was a teenager.
hh, brother

>> No.22613040

All the retards who talk about how much 4chan has changed weren't even here before /pol/ existed.

>> No.22613046
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4chan has always been a hive of far-right racism, sexism and beliefs. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.22613055

i bet they don't

>> No.22613057


>> No.22613069

>using stirner to champion for preservation of the old
oy vey

>> No.22613078
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>Using Stirner for anything

>> No.22613080
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you could use stirners works to realize that all ideologies, values and systems are inherently subjugating

>> No.22613088

You can literally buy Mein Kampf at Walmart bro stop with the persecution complex its unbefitting of an ubermensch
Also that sounds eerily familiar to the rhetoric around burning jewish literature...

>> No.22613090

You could save time and just huff solvents like a Brazilian youth

>> No.22613095

>my ideologies are sacred, only junkies don't base their lives around some retarded cult mentality
oy vey

>> No.22613094

>88 again
lmao hell yeah, nigger.

>> No.22613101

Banned does not mean banned. It means unbanned. Otherwise you might commit a thought crime.

Orwell himself didn't think it would go that far.

>> No.22613105
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Every. Single. Time.

>> No.22613107

Look man all I'm saying is that it's quite comical that an online community dedicated entirely to distributing "banned" controversial books, is themselves banning certain books from their community for being too controversial.

>> No.22613111

You have no self-awareness, do you? You point out a fallacy then pull up one of your own.

>> No.22613112

Disingenuous rhetoric

>> No.22613116
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>my ideologies are sacred

>> No.22613117

Sometimes, believe it or not, it is other people.

>> No.22613119

The Paradox of Tolerance quite explicitly calls for the freedom of speech to be regulated and limited by authorities in order to preserve the security of tolerance in a democratic society

>> No.22613126

>make fun of rigid dogmatists
>a jew meme kneejerk defense and some guy redirecting to lgbt
oy. vey

>> No.22613135
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They ban right-wing, Christian, and anti-communist literature. Being "right-wing" (no such thing in america), Christian, and anti-communist is a normative position. These people are radical, extreme leftists, and everything they believe and do should be mocked, riduculed, and aggresively shamed

>> No.22613137

Cesspool thread

>> No.22613142

Cool. How many times are we going to have this thread?

>> No.22613145

There's this neat feature on 4channel where you can hide threads you don't like

>> No.22613146

>no such in America
That’s too bad

>> No.22613155

what Christian works led them to a ban?
curious to see this sort of repression so clear in the open.

>> No.22613172

>the leftists are in charge of america
>the right wingers are in charge of america
your two party bullshit is a mockery, neither right wingers or leftists are in charge and your elite are disgusting human beings with 0 qualms about pitting you rapid dogs against each others
funniest part is some of you bought the fight hook line and sinker to the point you're blaming each other for their actions

>> No.22613173

E. Michael Jones's books are considered dangerous, extremist material by the left. His books can be hard to source due to shunning by publishers. Everything he writes is a sane, normative position for a Christian to hold, that everyone would have agreed with a couple generations ago. Fr. Spyridon Bailey's works are similar. Common sense morality for anyone who isn't a depraved modern hedonist, but nowadays considered "hateful rhetoric".

>> No.22613177

Nazis didn't burn any of those, they burned smut

Also book burnings were just a spectacle. You were just as likely to be censored under a liberal regime in the 20s or 30s as under fascism, often more likely because the fascist governments just didn't give a shit unless it was openly degenerate or treasonous.

>> No.22613178

This. You are a fool if you are taking the bait. The transition from occupy wallstreet was abrupt and obvious. A people divided can’t stand united. If you have become an extremist the last few years, you are the sheep

>> No.22613180

i've heard of Bailey, but not of Jones.
the latter is not one of the "nationalist" kind, is he? what is the normative position he shows?

quite surprising to see them already banned.

>> No.22613181

>human beings

>> No.22613186

also see how idpol and all of that shitshow started right after OWS nearly went through.
it's simple division tactics.

not just that, one of the most famous libraries burned was of the "sexology institute", namely an early attempt at the same gender nonsense we have today.

>> No.22613187

You’re probably too young to remember the culture as it was a decade and a half ago

>> No.22613188

is he actually banned anywhere though? seems like hes discussed quite frequently on leddit, even getting platformed in the debate bro circuit lmfao

>> No.22613190

Yeah it really is. The original Constitution was a radical left-wing (((enlightenment))) treatise, and the modernist abomination that is the USA has been lurching steadily left ever since. A representative democracy that lets everyone vote can never be considered right-wing.

>> No.22613192

The hell it has to do with banning books? Just allow all the books, that's it, there's no paradox.

>> No.22613193

> also see how idpol and all of that shitshow started right after OWS nearly went through.
it's simple division tactics.


>> No.22613195

You don't understand, if we allow people to read books without any rules or guidance then a fascist dictatorship is inevitable. We have to ban books to preserve tolerance.

You're literally Hitler, Anon.

>> No.22613201

>is he actually banned anywhere though?
Try getting his books into a public school library. Or a regular public library. And then compare that to how easy it is to get pro-sodomite anti-christian material in.

>> No.22613203

I just side with barbarism and the right are closer to it. I can't stand those right wingers obsessed with civilization either though.

>> No.22613205

you know what's worse?
it fills the manipulator's hands with the cards he wants.

>right wing
capitol invasion justifiable reason for censorhip and repression.
as a movement, nothing but an outlash of this extremist idiocy, which was probably nudged by the same power that wants a better hand.
baited into hating the other side because said side was fed nonsense to believe, vicious cycle of both going more insane on their own
>left wing
useful idiots being baited with hedonism, idpol, and other inane nonsense by the same power. convincing argumentation that leads to this, because the sophistry of marxist rhetoric is very enticing in its premises, and very hard to refute if you're ignorant.

so basically fool "lefties" into nonsensical arguments, rile up "righties" to fight against it, and just keep them occupied while you do whatever you want.

>> No.22613206

>if we allow people to read books without any rules or guidance then a fascist dictatorship is inevitable
Really makes you think huh

>> No.22613208

just consider modern american discussions on school boards.
even the regulators agree that the literal porn available to children is disgusting.

>> No.22613210

Both are fools and useful idiots. What the far right don’t realize is that by them existing online, it gives credence to the left to pushback. It’s a great strategy from the elite and retards don’t realize they are caught up in it being played like a fiddle

>> No.22613214

if you're talking about lgbt stuff, thats literally the most common type of book to be banned from the public school system in in america

>> No.22613216

"Yes honey you really owned those chudincelnaziblablabla but cab you please have a shower you smell like shit and onions, don't ever come down for dinner again also me and Tyrone are tired of you" that's what your mum was saying after I fucked her in her sopping puss

>> No.22613218

yeah, it's a problem that feeds itself.
fool the left into the right's sights, and they just degenerate on their own.

>> No.22613220
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>if we allow people to read books without any rules or guidance then a fascist dictatorship is inevitable

If the arguments are so deeply convincing that simply reading of them can be sufficient to change ones mind it implies that it is an organic and natural means of arranging society and should be done with all haste.

>> No.22613221

>admits to being named Tyrone

there's literal porn "educational books" in american libraries right now.
in the name of gender and sex ed.

>> No.22613224

I live on the west coast anon. I assure you that there is a real, concerted effort to expose young children to pornographic material. The forces of satan are ceaseless in their mission to drag as many souls to hell with them as they can.

>> No.22613229

I truly wish that were the case. Sane, moral holdout areas of ZOGmerica might still stand up for righteousness, but all the urban coastal areas actively promote filth, degeneracy, hedonism, and depraved misguided sexual activity in public schools

>> No.22613232

taking it unironically, it's the other side of the marxism coin.
they're both demagogical ideologies that hook you by emotion, but fall apart with reason.

marxism grows on the lust for things, for people, for pleasures. hedonism, promised equality, etc.
fascism and whatever else grows on hate. it takes the good in society and points you to whoever it wants attacked, and lets loose.
there are problems in society, but it isn't the best way of addressing them.
especially not the alienating movements that extremize people, like the nutjobs you see who made things like the turner diaries; the focuses most often targeted for attacking are races, foreigners, and such.

>> No.22613235


>> No.22613239

>occupy wallstreet
Right wingers are retarded about this. They are naive and romanticize something that was never about then. The movement wasn't hijacked. It just ended like all leftist protests end. The establishment offered them a deal they found satisfying. That's the reason, other than niche communists, you never hear people from the left whinnying about what happened to OWS. It's always right wingers lamenting it. But the left are more than happy to stop harassing the 1% in exchange of the 1% using their power to shill for cultural leftism. Leftists weren't duped by identity politics nor their movement was co opted. They just got what they wanted. If anything, they got something better than what they originally wanted.

>> No.22613241

>I assure you that there is a real, concerted effort to expose young children to pornographic material.
Instead of assuring me you should post some sources for the pornographic material being exposed to kids so I can decide myself if what you say is true or just another perceived enemy of your cult.

>> No.22613242

>it takes the good in society
to finish the point, it takes the good and says that this target it wants attacked is a threat to it.

>> No.22613243

I have never read a more astounding level of cope in my decade-plus time on 4chan.

>> No.22613253

I think you are twisting this. OW was more of a symbol of the growing disaffection with the middle class being squeezed out. It was never about concessions. It was about bringing awareness. The media radically shifted focus afterwards to identify politics. Sheep took the bait and real legitimate problems were forgotten and replaced with bullshit culture wars

>> No.22613254

Not a cope. I'm not a leftist. I'm not even American. So I'm completely emotionally detached from it. It's just a fact that OWS was a resounding victory for the left and it's only right wingers that cope telling leftists "b-but your movement was hijacked". Meanwhile leftists are happy to live in a world tailored by every institution to please them.

>> No.22613259
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>it's the other side of the marxism coin.
It is a refutation of marxism, negation does not imply opposite or parallels.

>they're both demagogically ideologies that hook you by emotion
Every single means of organizing society is established by demagoguery. Once they are established then you can realize the moral,ethical and practical reasons for its establishment.

>Fascism and whatever else grows on hate
If you think this, you have a child's view on politics. Fascism is born of a sense of unity and belonging. Entirely predicated on biological needs and urges.

>It takes the good in society and points you to whoever it wants attacked, and lets loose.
So has every single nation, country, group and people. The only way to prevent this is by homogeneous nations, Japan, Iceland and Finland being examples of this. Again your perceptions of this is utter garbage.

>there are problems in society, but it isn't the best way of addressing them.
It is. Modern democracy has not fixed any problem, it has simply delayed them and pushed them back so another Cabinet/Administration can deal with them.

>The nutjobs you see who made things like the turner diaries; the focuses most often targeted for attacking are races, foreigners, and such.
Your position is laughable and easily disproved by looking out your window. The West was the least racist, least bigoted and least discriminating place in the world, we welcomed everybody only to suffer discrimination, racism and bigotry aimed out ourselves. The only solution for us is to embrace ethno-centrism and persecute the foreign as he has done so to you for the past three decades and will do so

>> No.22613268

>please post CP
Please kys

>> No.22613271


OWS happened BEFORE the division between left and right. OWS was supported by anyone and everyone who wasn't Wallstreet. The actual people in the streets were probably more left-leaning, due to "punk" and "activist" sentiment, but realistically, they were supported by all people.

It was only after that, especially after the NSA revelations, that the divide began to increase greatly.

>> No.22613273

Funny how even when contorting publication restrictions into burnings you couldn‘t name one good author (and only 1/5 who wrote in the native language, in other words, a home-grown retard instead of cultural imperialism.)

>> No.22613275

>i cant read

>> No.22613277

i encourage book recommendations anon drop a few of your favorites please!

>> No.22613279

This. It wasn’t a left vs right thing. It was the 1% vs the 99%. Left and right had stakes in it.

>> No.22613282

source: just trust me bro lol

>> No.22613287

>The Will to Power
No fucking way, which country banned Nietzsche? Is Germany that self-loathing?

>> No.22613294

How relevant is being tacitly supported by a disfranchised and politically ambiguous middle class if the ones doing the actual protesting are leftists?

>> No.22613295
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You can't ban books now, the banning of it would send it rocketing to the top of the best sellers. You instead shadow-ban them, you remove them quietly from publication, you remove copies from shelves via purchasing. You cease referencing them and simply forget they exist.

The reason for this is they hold within them positions which alienated men can easily cleave to and build an identity around.

>> No.22613297

This. During the Obama administration, specially his first period, America had achieved becoming a post-racial and post-political society, but, of course, the powers that be didn't like that, so they created identity politics to divide us, and Obama himself personally helped them. This is why I believe America won't heal until we elect an African American president who, unlike Obama, is actually colorblind and won't use arbitrary distinctions like race or gender to divide the American people.

>> No.22613298

claiming its forbidden secret knowledge does make it so anon
all your sacred texts are purchasable on amazon

>> No.22613300

Ah alright, the tone of what you said mingled in with the one book I think did get actually banned everywhere(or just in Germany?) in Mein Kampf gave me a mixed signal. I know German centrists and the soft right are extremely self-loathing about their past so I assumed this was a list of books banned there since WW2 or something
Not much of a natsoc guy and after taking a first glance at the book I wasn't that sold, but your pic intrigued me enough to put New Nobility on my reading list, thanks for the soft rec

>> No.22613302

>identity politics didn't exist before Obama
>This is why I believe America won't heal until we elect an African American president who, unlike Obama, is actually colorblind and won't use arbitrary distinctions like race or gender to divide the American people.

>> No.22613304

a marxist could say the exact same thing you did, just changing the points to the opposite.
good example of my point.
>everything needs demagogy, you know!
>it's totally built on needs and urges (urges which i already pointed out are used to entice you)

the rest is multifactorial, it's not just "le bad different people came in, everything got bad" black and white.

>modern democracy
i never said it was the best form of government.
for me? a Christian authoritarian government; cut the tentacles of bad agents, offer them to recant or kick them out, but none of the atrocities often done instead.
integrate all who choose to follow and welcome others in. the mere abolition of most of modern hedonist and pleasure-focused ideals would fix nearly everything.
to go on a prophetic metaphor perspective, it's rescuing righteousness into the spiritual Babylon of our day.
lviing in exile, not assimilated to their idolatry and sins.

problem here being that most people would rather get their vain pleasures than have a good world. pleasure-seeking is much easier than abstaining.
same with hating others. easier to do so than to look at yourself and fix it, along with everything you can do also.

>> No.22613311

and on the problem of people, it goes both ways.
the populace would rebel against the forbidding of their favorite sins, and leaders would be very enticed to abuse power, steal, and lie.

which are things that also are clearly seen nowadays.

this is why Christianity is so hated, and in the first steps of the process of being repressed.
it stands firmly in the way of the degeneration of society, because society was built based on it.

>> No.22613312

Moral intervention in government and society is bad and inefficient for greasing the wheels of liberal democratic capital, it's part of why vices are on the rise everywhere especially in advertising on TV and why governments (backed and financed by corporate decision making) broadly don't do fuck all to stop it
It'd be nice if something vaguely resembling your suggestion came to be but I have major doubts

>> No.22613314

Personally, I riot if I’m not allowed to chase pussy freely

>> No.22613336

>society would improve if x thing i don't like went away
>btw im being repressed
too high on your own farts christcuck

>> No.22613339 [DELETED] 

Truth bombs right here

>> No.22613342

One thing that's interesting is that the burnings weren't even Hitler's idea, it was the Hitler Youth Group doing their civic duty and they were just like yeah good idea.

>> No.22613358

it is wiping the oil off.
many theologians outright say that outlawing brothels would have their filth spill over to society as a whole.

vices are a great way to keep people distracted, and another facet of that same distraction goal.

don't run after butterflies anon.
on sex, the whole notion of "redpill" and whatever is just backlash at promiscuity and vice.
they, as happens in politics, don't see that the answer isn't this attack on the vice they can't indulge in(or which has hurt them with a bad relationship), but rejecting its unnaturality instead.

case in point.

>> No.22613363

Truth bombs right here

>> No.22613397

>muh evil idpol muh evil culture wars
Tell me you're all straight white males without telling me you're all straight white males
Queer BIPOC people exist and will resist

>> No.22613401

The Bible.

>> No.22613404

do you really think anyone will bite this obvious of a bait

not even a (you).

>> No.22613407

2/10 b8

>> No.22613414

My diary desu

>> No.22613418

Should rather be called the contradiction of tolerance

>> No.22613424

Why is Mein Kampf so tame? he had one chance to redpill the masses posthumously and he blew it.

>> No.22613429

Dude it's been 20 years. No shit things have changed.

>> No.22613430
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>ok yeah it happens occasionally but why do you care???
>actually it happens all the time and it's a good thing

Once you catch on to leftist/jewish pilpul you cannot stop seeing it

>> No.22613463


>> No.22613475

Not necessarily, you’re mostly thinking about those who become radicalized under normal circumstances. Throw the average NPC under times and give them a charismatic leader or approved talking points and they’ll eat it up. Look at how people behaved during COVID and I’m not just talking about the antivaxxers. You could tell people one day that masks didn’t work and they’d repeat it and the next week tell them to wear nonsensical cloth masks and theyd fight people at the grocery store for not wearing one,

>> No.22613496

Looked it up and they clarified the issue is that these books aren't actually banned, they had a problem with people are just asking for them because they are 'forbidden'. It sounds like damage control especially when they specifically called them "books"

>> No.22613501

That's a bad example because masks actually do work. Maybe point out how people took horse dewormer and bleach because facebook told them to

>> No.22613512

>we need another nigger President
Hah, no

>> No.22613517

>Thread about banned books
>Immediately derailed by off-topic shitflinging
This place glows. Someone doesn't want us talking about the books they banned

>> No.22613524

The books that the Reddit post are talking about aren't "banned", we just strongly discourage people from reading them because they are hateful and potentially dangerous. Actually banned books are things like Maus and To Kill A Mockingbird that challenge the status quo

>> No.22613558

Mockingbird is gay as hell though

>> No.22613580

If you don’t realize why a popular site like Reddit doesn’t want antisemitic books discussed, you’re clueless. It’s not some conspiracy, it PR. These books aren’t banned, you can buy them easily. You won’t be arrested for having them either. Banned books in the mainstream sense don’t exist. Books that teach you how to make weapons, chemicals, drugs, and shit like that are the ones actually banned

>> No.22613590

This. It’s night and day in terms of tone, content, and demographic

>> No.22613609

What you really mean is you encourage people to read left wing books formerly considered subversive. If the content is right wing or nationalist or otherwise unfavorable than it should remain banned or at least strongly discouraged from reading or even discussing.

ie censorship

>> No.22613612


>> No.22613614
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>> No.22613617

You forget that people were saying masks didn’t work for quite some time, then they said don’t wear N95 masks and insisted upon single ply cotton masks or even t-shirts. Or how they spouted nonsense about a 6 ft rule even though it was obvious that it would behave like other coronaviruses and be spread through aerosols and not fomites.

You don’t remember any of this because 1. you didn’t know the science despite claiming you loved science and 2. You were a useful idiot and lack the ability or desire to revisit the things you said out of simple obedience and need to not appear critical of the “right side”.

Remember when travel bans were racist, didn’t work and Trump was laughable for implementing them first? Of course not.

>> No.22613641

>We're shameless hypocrites who claim to value free speech while banning people everywhere. It's a "paradox ".

>> No.22613652

Haven't read Popper but he ever touched on the fact that from the point of the views of illiberals, like they nazis, they also saw themselves as being intolerant to what they considered intolerance?

>> No.22613669

paradox of intolerance BTFO

>> No.22613709

Maybe you guys should get a Chinaman as your president.

>> No.22613711

>Posts Junger who was constantly walking the line of censorship with his novels
Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.22613717

It's not a paradox
It's not a fallacy
It's hypocrisy

>> No.22613721

Fuck off fashist piece of shit

>> No.22613725

What are you even replying to lmao

>> No.22613800

>mein kampf ford translation
nigga read stalag translation instead

>> No.22614166

I didn't know Hoppe lurked this board

>> No.22614185


>> No.22614206

it's the argument from Marcuses repressive tolerance dressed up as Popper. Popper never argued the 'punch fascists' position, and was in fact appalled by that kind of illiberal rhetoric.

>> No.22614207

They even outright admitted they intentionally mislead the public about n95 masks in order to not cause a demand rush so they could keep the supply for the health professionals. Regardless of your opinion on whether this is the morally correct thing to do, it shows they are not honest about the science and they don't have your personal best interest in mind.

>> No.22614209

You want us to shut down Facebook, fascist chud?

>> No.22614226

>leftist narrative of what 4chan used to be like
>rightist narrative of what 4chan used to be like

what 4chan actually used to be like

>> No.22614234

the reason for the 109

>> No.22614236

I can walk into any bookstore or chain superstore (walmart and target) and buy to kill a mockingbird

>> No.22614267

This. A decade ago, hardly a thread went by without somebody shitting on straight white males. Hell, 4chan literally invented the concept of "check your privilege"

>> No.22614352

>lists authors whose books are readily available

>> No.22614362


>> No.22614490
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>> No.22614502
File: 2.09 MB, 1439x2167, groomer book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22614506
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stirner was a cuck btw

>> No.22614512
File: 3.07 MB, 4044x2500, antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the the marxist pedophile trannies and the people who oppose the marxist pedophile trannies are not, in fact, the same.

>> No.22614520

I hate centrists so much it's unreal

>> No.22614554

only like 1/5 of that could even remotely be considered titillating depictions of sex, and the upper right square has none of that. so even in the most steelmanned version of your case possible, these book-banning efforts are lumping in actual sex ed books with "porn" in an effort to deliberately kneecap sex ed for teens for conservative Christian ideological reasons (which will inevitably only increase the amount of CSA)

>> No.22614600

Found the coping faggot groomer

>> No.22614602

The hell? Really? Every single book store here has it either at the display window or just on the shelves.

>> No.22614619

>students burn some books and some government officals show up

Wasn’t a ban or sanctioned by the government

>> No.22614685
File: 1.45 MB, 1336x1729, story in three parts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing children need to know about faggots is that they're diseased predators to be avoided at all costs.

>> No.22614722

I believe it but the jogger could have spun up a tale to be more sympathetic

>> No.22614729

/r/conspiracy also bans particular conspiracy theories, you can guess which ones

>> No.22614740

That would take a greater degree of intelligence than joggers have.