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22584518 No.22584518 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think for yourself? If so, how do you know it?

>> No.22584645

Two concepts:
-Understanding your emotions and biases while reasoning.
-Asking yourself every possible question about a topic and answering them.

Metacognition is a very rare, nuanced, interesting and useful skill that can help you in critical thinking and managing emotions and biases. Nowadays when I'm not thinking for myself I am at least aware of it and I can stop. What helped me with this was making a conscious effort to observe my "hidden" emotions and deep meditation which gave me complete awareness of my emotions and also listening to hours of debates where at least one person isn't retarded (mostly Destiny and Vaush but any good faith decently smart debater will do).

To analyze "hidden emotions" you can start with meditation and then try to retrace almost every action you take to an emotion or an identity or something else

>> No.22584711

>mostly Destiny and Vaush
>the most pseud post of all time

LOL, perfect

>> No.22584730

It doesn't matter.
You are an amalgamation of everything you have ever seen or heard.
You also have your inbuilt pattern of thinking that has been passed down to you on a genetic level from your parents.

>> No.22584746

I would like to give her a passionate kiss for naught but a moment or two while I hold her in a firm yet yielding embrace

>> No.22584768

The most critical step in thinking for yourself is ignoring what most people say, write and do. It really is just that easy.

>> No.22584931

Gotcha, anything else?

>> No.22584965


>> No.22584996

I keep watch over myself. Since I can recognise ideas outside myself, I see them within myself too. Thanks to that, I can detect external infiltrations, for the most part - the ones I do not detect are the ones I subconsciously wish to let slide anyway. I also have an unusual character so the ideas that I have innate affinities for are very rare in the world, so I am forced to articulate them more or less on my own.
To be honest with you though, I am not especially concerned with thinking for myself either. It's important, of course, but what's even more important is thinking correctly and righteously. If I have to give up on originality and freedom in order to receive true and complete knowledge, I will gladly make that sacrifice.

>> No.22585196

Probably not. I have a dependency on external validation.

>> No.22585511

I know I think for myself, because there are no organizations devoted to promoting anything even vaguely near what I consider to be true, and my views are really unpopular.
You're a leaf blowing in the wind.

>> No.22585666

Free will does not exist
your "decisions" are simply post causal rationalizations with the appearance of cognitive deliberation, but in truth the "choice" had already been made before you even knew it
In a universe with a potentially unlimited possibilities, the actual occurrences are infinitely fewer probabilities
> You sound like a midwit NPC
If this NPC can divine your response or a comfortable approximation, even if its just a faint whimsey of a thought, then you should reconsider the notion that you are a PC with original thoughts and free will

>> No.22585691
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Admit you're a hylic without admitting you're a hylic.

>> No.22585699

I'm calling a pnuemavore on you to drag your ass to the house of silence, you damn beautiful human soul whom I shall never own and always envy!

>> No.22585724

By applying criticism to my own beliefs and others while not letting criticism inwards from others

>> No.22585747

>how do you know it?
I don't but I know how I got tricked into not thinking for myself in the past and how to avoid that using logic. Knowing I was being tricked involved recognizing discrepancies between experience and mental models.

>> No.22585752
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My body thinks for me and all its antenna plugins

>> No.22585759


I believe you are correct here, and I also believe in "Hylics" and "Pneumatics," and even "Plasmatics." I believe in this current era of civilization collapse and memetic-virus infestation, anyone who would normally be a psychic, is reduced to Hylic due to memetic contamination.

However, we need to keep the true caste system in mind: Farmer, Warrior, Artisan, and Priest. (There is no "rulership" class. Only liars who want power say otherwise.)

But I would not say each "priest" is a plasmatic or pneumatic by default and a farmer is always a hylic or something. No, I think these operate independently, and furthermore, I do not think most people are hylics by birth.

I think most people are born psychic by birth, and thus can lower or raise their standing. There are four states of matter, so I think there must be four states of mind: Earth, Water, Gas, Plasma.

But in this context, it implies that if psychic is the default, then you can rise farther than you can fall. Thus evolution and defeating the average is possible, in aggregate.

Anyways, I do not think determinism has been defeated yet, and if it ever has been, it has been just a few, unique times through history or your life, where you somehow generated enough spiritual energy to take a path of MORE resistance, rather than least resistance, thus allowing you to negate entropy and defeat causality; for just a brief infinitesimal quantum momenta.

However, there is no proof of this, and the very word "spiritual energy," I made up myself just now, so do you think I really believe this? I can only hope that perhaps somehow, a machine, a tool, a medicine, anything, can perhaps actually defeat determinism and enable freewill, and thus avert entropy and heat-death of the universe and allow life to perhaps continue into eternity.

>> No.22585766

>Ancient chad, npc and schizo memes
long live the memes, dna of the soul

>> No.22585769

since I don't know what I don't know I cannot know what I'm knowing self-referrentially is the thing to be known, but I try to limitedly categorize to the extension of my apprehension nested within a Perception outwardly mediated

>> No.22585779

>Destiny and Vaush
>not retarded
They don’t even debate. They assert the correctness of their views and refuse to defend the presuppositions which brought them to their conclusions.

>> No.22585795

midwit sophist
watch debates outside of his channel
slightly above average illuminating on how retarded the debatebrosphere is given it creates an extracted relative superiority in the bubble of retards who preconceive his opponents as le debatechads

>> No.22585844

Their eyes light up about the subject of manipulating people. They're extremely bad at it but very interested so they keep going. The primary goal that motivates what they do in each moment in these "debates" is learning how to better manipulate others.
The primary motivation for anyone shitting on them like I am here is ego masturbation. I can hide behind righteousness because I'm helping the world if I help anyone take these two less seriously but would I really make this post if I only wanted to help?

>> No.22586239

>anime image
No use trying to converse with you, you're terminally retarded. I unironically think this is a fair judgment after 13 years here

>> No.22586242

>would I really make this post if I only wanted to help?
Possibly, why not?

>> No.22586244

if it's because the image is female, then i assume i do not think for myself for i must also think of the ideal. and were the image to be real, i would be but a mere viewer of the phenomenon

>> No.22586256

I just noticed my post up to that point was typical jerking off about le bad e-celebs. There are plenty of other helpful things I could say that don't involve shitting on some meme faggots. I guess I'm attempting to do that now but my ego is still partly in it. If it wasn't at all I think I would just say nothing.
So to act positively I have to allow my ego based instincts and then regulate them somehow. Which is not a very reliable process.

>> No.22586322

People need to shit on other things more, even if you see yourself do it too much personally there isn't enough criticism and judgment in the world. The majority of the west seems to have developed a mind virus where they believe tolerance is the highest of virtues and any judgment is wrong. It's how we have come to this mental health crisis where we refuse to hold anyone responsible for their toxic behaviour and instead excuse it with a condition or a consequence of past trauma, sure, on some level it is right but it's gone way too far.

Shit on shitty ecelebs if you think they are shit, you don't need to be intellectual especially with arguing against people who are not intellectually all there if they worship these fags. I think deeming their endgoal as manipulation mastery is a bit of an unfounded stretch. Occams razor, they are just narcissists wanting attention and validation and their eyes light up when they think they impressed people (they don't even care if it was through disingenuous manipulation).

What even is manipulation and why is it bad?

>> No.22586370

Vaush has literally said that he would rather lie if it helps the cause (his leftist positions) than to tell the truth.

If you want to laugh watch these

>> No.22586372

oh cross-boarding doesnt work
here's the link

>> No.22586695

where i can found these debates ??

>> No.22586717

wouldn’t you like to know

>> No.22586966

My irrational taste is the initiator of all personal thought. I think that it's the same for everyone, even if they don't identify it. Causes of disgust, enjoyment and indifference are part of it, which vary person to person. You're being fooled if you don't ultimately think for your taste, no matter how roundabout way you go about it.

>> No.22586977

I don't think it's possible to truly have an original thought anymore. All of human information and knowledge is the product of itself as it evolves, changes, and is passed down. Every idea stems from a previous one. Every revolution is a reaction to the old order. A pilgrim may reach his destination but will still always have the place he departed from

>> No.22586984

I don't think I do think for myself. For the most part I just filter everything through the lenses of things I agree with if that.

>> No.22586999

I admire the baitcraft here, despite how obvious the destiny and vaush namedrop was

>> No.22587004

i exclusively think for others

>> No.22588358

Hatewatching isn't productive and setting yourself up as an inquisitor that must teach "the children" not to be influenced by bad actors leads to twitter culture. Nobody can grow from being a child without exploring retarded ideas. There's no way to jump from being a child to advanced understanding without going through all the steps in between.
When we engage in dialogue there's an assumption of shared goals, like wanting to find things out. When you pretend to be contributing to the process of finding things out but really just want to introduce biases toward certain subjects you feel strongly about that's a form of subversive manipulation. The more this is seen happening the more justified people will feel in countering the manipulation with their own. Over time the structure of the concept of dialogue itself is undermined and people get conditioned to avoid it entirely. The forum becomes a travelling circus.

>> No.22588976

Yes, I know it because I have been an outcast basically since conception.

>> No.22589794
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Yes, and I know it because I know Mion is best girl.

>> No.22589814
File: 15 KB, 640x264, in-the-dark-knight-2008-lau-says-he-is-good-with-v0-54zkpkq44sv81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I do I didnt study m*nagement