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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.52 MB, 576x1024, 1676560678116647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22472994 No.22472994 [Reply] [Original]

How does one seduce a cute /lit/ girl at the library or at the bookstore?

>> No.22472999

you can't, there aren't any there
girls just shop online

>> No.22473000
File: 32 KB, 559x545, 1668420760253873_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't

>> No.22473003

i can't do this because it is stressful to look for my partner.

>> No.22473010

i love that book but i love you more

>> No.22473011

This weirdo wouldn’t have a snowballs chance in hell with most of us IRL she’s probably over socialized and identifies as a trigendered beast specter

>> No.22473026

I can save her.

>> No.22473027 [DELETED] 
File: 465 KB, 1440x1799, 1663967433569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geeee I dont know Anon... You could try to maybe talk about books with her, you know in the bookstore? Find out who she likes and if you share any of the same favorites? What shes there to buy etc?

In a library your supossed to be quiet though so dont disturb the cutie if shes busy.

>Pic very related

>> No.22473037

>Anon tries to seduce random /lit/ chick at bookstore
>"Sorry, but I have a bf out of town."
Wat do?

>> No.22473045

people don't really like getting hit on randomly at libraries. go to a social book event, there's the place to flirt
>t. girl

>> No.22473049

Looks like Saoirse Ronan

>> No.22473050

place is too specific

>> No.22473055

Post butthole, darling.

>> No.22473057

one does not, many is always there

>> No.22473061

God she peaks so hard in like pictures 2-5

>> No.22473069

This girl gets it right. Go to a /lit/ social event! For a good start: talk about her favorite genres, your literary preference, your name, her name, etc. Then ask her number and later ask her for going out together!!

t. Had a date with a female YA enthusiast

>> No.22473091

I will shoot her in the face with a Super-soaker water gun with a trace amount of dimethylmercury added. I will return to my country after that.
She will take it as a joke at the moment, but 30 days later she will suffer from dizziness and blurred vision, and by then the mercury would have penetrated her brain beyond the reach of modern medicine.
She will suffer devastating pain for months, until one day her brain is broken to the point where she cannot register pain. Months after that, she will meet the god.
May this suffering be the one that not even God can compensate for.

>> No.22473113

BUILT for me.

>> No.22473124

bros i just started a library job and im the only male
half of the employees are on the verge of retiring, the other half are early 20s
they're all so normal and don't really read so i'm disappointed
i was hoping there'd be at least one shy tradwife or college arthoe

>> No.22473150

This is one of the most narcissistic videos I’ve ever seen. This girl gets so happy just from seeing her own face.

>> No.22473164

god damn ur an incel. just enjoy the video of the cute girl u retard

>> No.22473167

You don't. They'll come to you if you're not a fugly cunt. It's that easy

>> No.22473171

I get happy from seeing her face so I can see where she's coming from.

>> No.22473174
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Kill her.

>> No.22473175

No, you need to stop looking at the world through your dickhole and acknowledge the White Woman problem.

>> No.22473185

Tall, handsome, rich.

>> No.22473186

Answer me this, does Hal want to be be bothered?

>> No.22473197
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How indeed

>> No.22473200

what do you mean?
at least you asked nicely

>> No.22473203

it's actually a coffee thing, you need to spend some money.

>> No.22473217

You don't seduce the chick during daygame
Wtf does nobody know gane anymore? Grim

>> No.22473229

She probably would want to be bothered by me, many artsy girls do.

>> No.22473244

this one time this little bitch at the library was basically rubbing her ass on my dick following me around and... i paid no attention to her and left

>> No.22473253

good creative short story bro

>> No.22473257

how many?

>> No.22473260
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it happened

>> No.22473264
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Most of them. Girls like it when someone cute bothers them.

>> No.22473273

>not blowing cigar smoke at her and calling her toots

>> No.22473295

Start by not being a repulsive incel

>> No.22473314

I don't want a ya enthusiast. Where do schizo girls congregate? I once had a young girl stand behind me and stare in silence while i was checking out some book, i turned around and got scared so i walked away

>> No.22473339

> female YA enthusiast
That’s not something you should brag about. The mentally handicapped might be easy to pick up but it’s morally wrong

>> No.22473426


>> No.22473433

>cigar smoke
She doesn't like your cheap honduran pleb shit bro sorry

>> No.22473497

lurk moar

>> No.22473519

>gets curved by anon ignoring his shit old fag appeal
>cries lurk moar to establish dominance
>looks weak anyways

>> No.22473532

>two words

>> No.22473537

>gets BTFO'd by another for saying lurk moar like a little faggot
>now replies with "two words" because he's afraid of looking like a retard for saying lurk moar
The jokes write themselves.

>> No.22473553
File: 13 KB, 400x400, 1694250186079147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to understand rape now.
I'm not saying it's ok to rape people. Obviously that's horrible.

But 24 years of virginity and nearly a decade of almost complete isolation from other people (particularly women) has made me understand people who rape. I get the mindset now. Sometimes you just need to feel warm skin next to yours. You need to be intimately connected with a woman. When people won't give you those things for long enough, your brain tells you to take them no matter the cost. I understand why Harvey Weinstein rapes. I don't fault him for it, he has to. He should still be punished and everything, but I get it.

Don't rape though. Not good.

>> No.22473563

What the hell would a /lit/ social event. I live in an area where it’s rare even for older folks to read or have read any books at all

>> No.22473585

get that gender shit outta here tranny

>> No.22473591

What if my preference is for Hegel and Kant fans?

>> No.22473639
File: 8 KB, 182x195, 1684698450250091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her face. Look at it. JUST LOOK AT HER!
You see that smile? That is years of training. This strumpet has practiced mimicry of that expression over and over and over again. People choose to practice different things. Some practice throwing a ball into a hoop, some people practice jumping obstacles, some practice driving, swimming, flying, drawing, playing, creating...she practiced masquerading as a person capable of genuine emotion. It is quite convenient for us, gentlemen to be able to see this compilation of this crocodile whore. It is like being able to see a magic trick over and over again, we start to understand the trick. But you see, some poor bastard who had not seen the practice and preparation could see the prostitute do this once, that ridiculous "puppy" head turn and his heart would beat and jump and he would swoon and kneel and crawl like a dog chasing a bone, thinking that he has given her that smile, he was the reason for her expression, and we, gentlemen know the sad truth - the truth that this whore, like every other whore indeed does not feel anything for any one man, none of us, they are actors all of them, and as the Romans noted wisely - all actors are prostitutes. She is less than human, gentlemen. You must know this and remember this. And remember the countless tales told of woman's deception, do not fall for the siren's call for indeed you will make a fool out of yourself if you're lucky, and will damn yourself if you are not. Fortune is a woman, gentlemen. You must seize her and beat her, and only then will she be yours, do not be seized by her in turn, for she has no power that you do not relieve yourself of and transmute to her. Be safe gentlemen, be safe and be vigilant, guard yourself among these alligator people and do not fall prey to them. Good fortune to you all.

>> No.22473656

>gets curved by anon ignoring his shit old fag appeal
>cries lurk moar to establish dominance
>looks weak anyways

>> No.22473660

a real gentleman

>> No.22473686

It depends on the women. Some women should be raped

>> No.22473742

I would like to have sexual intercourse with Saoirse Ronan, if you know what I mean.

>> No.22473804

By not having 4chan brain rot and being left leaning. This may come as a surprise but they care about having things like morality and rights.

The bar is so low for me and they still can’t cross it.

>> No.22473817

Nobody got this, /lit/ is full of incel nerds, fuck you faggots

>> No.22473824

If someone did this to my sister I’d find a way to kill them. I don’t care if they hopped countries.

>> No.22473830

>be me
>new to reading
>in library
>trying to find "Don Quixote'' because I heard it's good
>ask shy girl with glasses if she knows where "Don Kweeksote" is located
>she softly chuckles to herself
>ask why she's laughing
>tells me how it's actually pronounced
>call her a nerd
>she sucks my dick 2 weeks later

true story

>> No.22473842

This is not the website to ask for woman advice, friend

>> No.22473853
File: 125 KB, 1600x900, 1447AF1F-99B4-4C37-A4ED-F073AA4D8881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most self aware incel
I had a male friend with bad internet brain rot but lucked out on the genetic lottery. Told me if he didn't have the ability to attract women he’d probably feel feel this way. I think sex work should be legal. This is a need a lot of guys have and there should be a mutually beneficial way of getting it.

>> No.22473866

here's an idea: how about women open their fucking whore legs for socially stunted men and then those men won't have to forcibly open their legs themselves after years of frustration? fucking hell.

>> No.22473875

How about I just shoot you with the hun my dad got me? I don’t owe you shit.

>> No.22473880


>> No.22473887

Agreed. But I’m a socially unadjusted homosexual man who is only attracted to straight men, so I will be forcibly opening your cheeks when I reach max frustration. Please wash it ass

>> No.22473896

>his dad didn't buy him a cryogenically frozen Hun

Does he even love you at this point?

>> No.22473903

Oh an actual whore? On my /lit/? No wonder the board is gone to shit. You actually think you know how to operate a weapon too, that's fucking cute. By the time you turned the safety off i would have fucked all 3 of your holes and impregnated you, you fucking cunt.

>> No.22473911
File: 96 KB, 1000x1504, MV5BMTc1Njk0MzMwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTgwMjQ1Mw@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you get her name
Then you get her number
Then you get some brain in the front seat of the Hummer

>Oh yous a college girl?
>Come be a Gucci girl

>> No.22473916

As if your small dick could even get passed my cheeks.

Keep dreaming and seething, incel.

>> No.22473918

>your name, her name

Now THIS is the forbidden knowledge. Real sex wizard shit right here.

>> No.22473922

You keep that talk up. It gets me hard. See you next week, bitch.

>> No.22473923

>sex work
It's called prostitution, and it's based. But "muh segs work" is 99% attention seeking camwhores who don't actually want their holes penetrated for 20-50 euro. Bullshit larpword

>> No.22473927

you're talking to an obese man in his 40s btw

>> No.22473942
File: 83 KB, 622x430, farnese hush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno I'm the one who got approached by girls who wanted to talk about the books I was reading, which is a pain in the ass because I was trying to READ.

>> No.22473944
File: 110 KB, 512x500, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he stutter?

>> No.22473949

Hahaha you’re such a loser dude.

>> No.22473956

white women fuck dogs

>> No.22473959

>her name?
>Dulcinea del Toboso

>> No.22473974

What have those men done to earn sex? Are they funny, able to inspire desire in a woman, authentic or manly? No. "Give me sex or I rape" is not a convincing argument, you absolute manchild.

>> No.22473977

Ugly/short men shouldn't reproduce.

>> No.22473996
File: 2 KB, 125x111, 1601284339069s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ being born a man is a curse

>> No.22474007


I'm a woman gotta take pictures of my face constantly have to keep taking pictures with my face in them I have three different websites just to post pictures of me looking cute for my family friends and total strangers did you see me wearing this new clothing did you see me standing in front of this building one time I went to the library and just so you know that I went there I took fifteen pictures of myself standing next to it and looking cute haha look at this one it's of a burger I ate that I wanted to show everyone and also 80% of the frame is my face can you believe the cutesy affected expression I'm making don't I look cute when I'm doing absolutely everything that I ever do on a daily basis that I photograph myself doing have you seen these 214 pictures of me visiting Madrid for one day have you seen how I stood next to all the things and my face was there and I was cute hang on don't take a picture of me let me make sure I'm posing my facial muscles in a way that perfectly makes me look youthful and girlish and attractive in a series of gestures and expressions that are half-conscious because I'm a narcissist but also half-unconscious because I've simply introjected a constant need to be posing and preening and peacocking in every moment of my fucking life and everything I do is just a vehicle for appending my face to it because I'm a woman WOW excuse me are you misogynistic or something it's not like I do this for you are you kidding me you actually think that I spend all day every day every hour of my entire waking life specifically accentuating all the secondary sex characteristics you find attractive and posing my face to look cute and young for YOU are you delusional I do this for me and nobody else I just like to feel attractive nevermind the fact that attractive presupposes the question to whom I do it for me and nobody else now excuse me while I take a picture of myself factitiously soullessly smirking in a way that I've unconsciously learned makes me look Dorky-Cute Variant #81 while I try on sunglasses in a fucking Walmart

>> No.22474022

i'm sorry anon

>> No.22474032

Punctuation is your friend. You must become acquainted with it.

>> No.22474036

Meds and stop being a boring tranoid.

>> No.22474047

Ugly/fat women shouldn't reproduce either, actually

>> No.22474048

Being able to force someone to submission isn't "earning" enough for you? This is your brain on moralism.

>> No.22474050

It's a rhetorical device, twat.

>> No.22474067


>> No.22474080

Robowaifus solve the incel problem

>> No.22474083

Chemical castration solves the pedo problem.

>> No.22474088

Agreed, both should be a primary goal for society to achieve and implement
Gunning down trannies and homos further solves the pedo problem btw

>> No.22474094

If you've ever had a limp partner in the bedroom, you know how frustrating it is to borrow pleasure from someone who's not (mentally or emotionally) there. Robowaifu is worse, because the response is entirely artificial and no feedback that translates to a human partner.

>> No.22474119

>Are they funny, able to inspire desire in a woman, authentic or manly?
Why is this the criteria that decides who creates the next generation?

>> No.22474124

Robowaifus are not available yet though, only sexdolls with very basic movements at best, and shitty AI

>> No.22474127

Most pedos are straight men. Despite being 50% of the poplulation straight men commit 80% of violent crime

>> No.22474132

I think >she cares less about the next generation and more about >her pussy tingling anon

>> No.22474139

100% in my cunt I hope since I have no niggers here to outperform others
Homos are always overrepresented in child rape btw. Way above 2% that they are. Basically all child rapists are closeted cases since both are paraphilias linked to each other. Gun them down and pedos disappear, simple
Gun down lesbians too but only because they're ugly and thus shouldn't be allowed to live.

>> No.22474141

Gays are predominantly pedophiles though. Hence why you always have a "daddy" and a "boy".

>> No.22474145

Also the straight pedos just troon out now (paraphilia related to effeminate homosexual crossdressing). Easier to spot

>> No.22474153

Straight men do 99% of everything in any society. Build bridges, prove mathematical theorems, drive trucks, cut grass, make degenerate pornography, file patents, rape. All straight men. Of course they're going to be overrepresented in any degenerate activity, they're overrepresented in activity.

>Serial or sex murder, like fetishism, is a perversion of male intelligence. It is a criminal abstraction, masculine in its deranged egoism and orderliness. It is the asocial equivalent of philosophy, mathematics and music. There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.

>> No.22474177

I would still call them gay to be desu. Eroticizing the other sex by becoming it yourself is really fucking gay.

>> No.22474187

you are not alone here, anon. too bad the forum basically doesn’t exist anymore. I doubt he’s any happier, either.

>> No.22474191


>> No.22474201

How about we just gas all unpleasant men?

>> No.22474206

What would your criteria be then, anon?

>> No.22474207

Who's "we?" Women, who can't even liberate themselves but have to wait for men to do it for them and bestow it on them as a gift?

>> No.22474211

Imagine assuming that because someone finds your comment ridiculous they must be female?

>> No.22474212

>who's "we"?
Lizzo-esque lesbian feminist separatists

>> No.22474213

Pretty sure plenty of men would want to gas unpleasant men too. You are a net drag on everything. You’re stupid and self-centered, and you lack any aesthetic qualities to compensate for this. You don’t do anything or live for anything but Cheetos and porn

>> No.22474214

University library:
>sit at the same table where she's studying
>wait a while (don't interrupt/be a bother)
>when her concentration is straining ask what she's studying
>if she leaves the room but leaves stuff behind write her a simple note on a post-it (very simple, just "good luck with 'x'")
>exit before she comes back (seed is planted for later)
>odds are you'll run into her again at the same library (you've already made a good impression and she'll likely now seek conversation with you)
t. I did this and it worked.

>> No.22474215

Define female

>> No.22474218

Men who are like this are simps and feminists, and I agree that they should be gassed asap.

>> No.22474220

Any man who doesn’t have porn for brains is a feminist in the porn junky’s mind

>> No.22474221

None of these men existed prior to women getting the vote, because men don't generally vote for measures that enable degenerate behaviors and parasites on society. I have a solution for you.

>> No.22474223

Any man who isn't feminist is a porn brained sicko in the feminist's mind.

>> No.22474226

Yes they did they just died of alcoholism or freezing to death in the streets a lot earlier

>> No.22474227

Porn should be banned, just like abortions and women dressing like sluts in public. Unmarried women without children over 30 should be socially reviled, and they should know they are being watched closely between 25-30. Voting should be done by household.

Anything less than this is a meaningless halfway measure and a ruse. Women are a huge part of the problem. Only women healthily integrated into family structures with mostly men at the head of society are psychologically healthy and stable.

>> No.22474228

Other way around, male feminists all watch porn. Women's whiteknights are all filthy autist gooners lmao

>> No.22474230

Both of these are true.

>> No.22474231

Not even true lol. Women love a dominant man who actually cares about them and is responsible. They just don’t like losers who want women to act out their porn fantasies

>> No.22474236
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Pity it isn't a good or worthwhile rhetorical device, nigger.

>> No.22474237

And what about unmarried men without children?

>> No.22474238

This happened at much smaller numbers so you've proved his point. And they died quickly anyway
A society where women don't vote is a society with much fewer unpleasant sperglord failed men

>> No.22474243

Smaller numbers? Not at all. If you saw London or New York before women’s suffrage, it was pretty bleak

>> No.22474247

Export them to foreign countries to find women there instead of bitching at home

>> No.22474251

Men serve social and economic functions aside from motherhood and childrearing so it's really no business of yours. If you want a more deliberately administered, less degenerate society, let me give you some advice: it will inevitably be dominated by men and men instinctively see women as naive demi-children (because that is what they are). You cannot create an authoritarian or semi-authoritarian society without creating a patriarchal society. When authority is in question, it will eventually fall to those ambitious enough to take it and strong enough to hold onto it. That means an energetic minority of men and almost zero women.

>> No.22474252

You're aware that 8/10 modern men are soi porn zombies? Compare to the maybe 1/15 lowlife at london... which also did not exist outside of london let alone in other countries yet exists everywhere now. So again you prove his point

>> No.22474253

Repost this to >>>/r9k/ and the responses will be virtually identical.

>> No.22474255

/r9k/ has more women

>> No.22474259

Yeah ironically because whores flock there to get attention.

>> No.22474260

I don’t know if you realize that foreign countries have requirements for immigration

>> No.22474262

What's wrong with whores?

>> No.22474266

Some men do, some women do. Masturbating to porn all day however serves no such function

Child prostitution was rampant in London before women’s suffrage

>> No.22474268

Most of the world doesn't
Latam, Apefreaka, Asia etc

>> No.22474271

Nothing if they're heavily regulated and a minority of society, it's probably why God made women slightly more common than men and not a 50/50 gender balance. Brothels are useful, a young Nietzsche can go get his rocks off and get the mystification and obsession with women out of his system before he shoots up a gymnasium.

>> No.22474274

No business of yours, you shouldn't even be talking outside the household. Look at how you just repeat yourself because you're governed by your emotions. Give up your voting rights voluntarily or wait until they're taken from you by probably much harsher men in a generation.

>> No.22474276

Child rape is more common in london now after female suffrage

>> No.22474278

LMAO, the irony is she mispronounced it too! It's pronounce KEY-SHOAT. That's why the French transliteration is Quichotte.

>> No.22474289

You have never read a single book on historical London. In fact I would be surprised if you have read more than a handful of books in your entire life. You spend more time every week watching porn than you do reading books. So why are you on this board?

>> No.22474288

He didn't say how she pronounced it...

>> No.22474291

Also rape in general. See sweden, the rape capital of europe
Women voting always results in women getting raped KEK

>> No.22474295

Take a shower voluntarily

>> No.22474296

>irrelevant babbling
Women are so stupid.

>> No.22474297

>why yes I do read /pol/ more than books, how could you tell?

>> No.22474298

You will die alone. No one will claim your body. There will be no funeral or obituary. No one will care. You know why? Because you never cared about anyone else

>> No.22474299

We all know she pronounced it like modern Spanish would dictate

>> No.22474302

Any man you ever love would trade ten billion dollars for a device that makes you look like your 18 year old self permanently. NO MAN exists who doesn't see you as a depreciated asset with every passing year.

Any man you marry would rather live poor with a young you, than rich with a 25+ year old you.

>> No.22474306

not an argument

>> No.22474309

I don't go to /pol/ and I support women voting. You are completely retarded

>> No.22474312
File: 68 KB, 630x351, blog_crime_immigrants_sweden_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden effectively had no murder or rape at all until mass migration.

I care about women, that's why I don't want them voting naively for more rape.

>> No.22474316

Every woman knows she gets less attractive with age. That’s what makes a man’s sincere love so meaningful. If a woman did not become less attractive, then loving her is easy. But knowing a man will love you and share memories with you and grandchildren even when you’re wrinkled, that is what makes the heart tender. That is what makes waiting for physical intimacy worth it completely. Because he knows you have your youth to him and bore children for him, which no one else did. That you sacrificed your brightest years for him

>> No.22474318

Sometimes I wonder if so many men watch porn because young women are so few in real life and they can't stand seeing ugly walled grannies

>> No.22474320

Are you suggesting the ones advocating for rape here are immigrants?

>> No.22474322

>I care about women

>> No.22474329

No need to wonder. Sure, a lot of porn addicts would still prefer watching but a lot of porn watchers got into it because they didn't have peers to form sexual relationships with.

>> No.22474332

People aren't assets bruh and the sooner we stop defining human relationships in capitalist terms the better.

>> No.22474335
File: 575 KB, 1140x1068, 1653712357959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If women dressed modestly and weren't constantly torturing men by titillating them, porn use would decrease significantly.

>> No.22474340

>men who are shut-ins don’t watch porn

>> No.22474342
File: 422 KB, 2048x1536, 1552416788560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying it's good, I'm saying women are playing a losing game by defining themselves by their sexual capital to begin with. Women should define themselves by their ability to be wives and mothers, and for the rare few who are capable of it, by their ability to contribute to society at man-like levels (this door should always be open to the rare exceptions).

>> No.22474346

"Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and, roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adore its prison. Men have various employments and pursuits which engage their attention, and give a character to the opening mind; but women, confined to one, and having their thoughts constantly directed to the most insignificant part of themselves, seldom extend their views beyond the triumph of the hour."

"The whole female sex are, till their character is formed, in the same condition as the rich: for they are born .. with certain sexual privileges, and whilst they are gratuitously granted them, few will ever think of works of supererogation, to obtain the esteem of a small number of superiour people."
>Mary Wollstonecraft

"Theoretically it is possible for a beautiful woman to have less intelligence than a chimpanzee and still be considered an acceptable member of society."
>Esther Vilar

"So, then, wherever wasteful expenditure and the show of abstention from effort is normally, or on an average, carried to the extent of showing obvious discomfort or voluntarily induced physical disability. There the immediate inference is that the individual in question does not perform this wasteful expenditure and undergo this disability for her own personal gain in pecuniary repute, but in behalf of some one else to whom she stands in a relation of economic dependence; a relation which in the last analysis must, in economic theory, reduce itself to a relation of servitude.

To apply this generalization to women's dress, and put the matter in concrete terms: the high heel, the skirt, the impracticable bonnet, the corset, and the general disregard of the wearer's comfort which is an obvious feature of all civilized women's apparel, are so many items of evidence to the effect that in the modern civilized scheme of life the woman is still, in theory, the economic dependent of the man—that, perhaps in a highly idealized sense, she still is the man's chattel. The homely reason for all this conspicuous leisure and attire on the part of women lies in the fact that they are servants to whom, in the differentiation of economic functions, has been delegated the office of putting in evidence their master's ability to pay. There is a marked similarity in these respects between the apparel of women and that of domestic servants, especially liveried servants. In both there is a very elaborate show of unnecessary expensiveness, and in both cases there is also a notable disregard of the physical comfort of the wearer. But the attire of the lady goes farther in its elaborate insistence on the idleness, if not on the physical infirmity of the wearer, than does that of the domestic. And this is as it should be; for in theory, according to the ideal scheme of the pecuniary culture, the lady of the house is the chief menial of the household."
>Thorstein Veblen

>> No.22474348

Non capitalist societs still have value systems. They value things or they don't. In his case, a young fertile woman is valued more than an old infertile one.
Not in general but for babymaking and relationship forming.
Delusional if you think otherwise.

>> No.22474349

Cannon fodder/career soldiers, sailors, monks, etc.; or, failing that, outlaws. Not him though, and I'm not speaking prescriptively, just pointing out how it used to work. The thing about unmarried women being "reviled" is semi-accurate, obviously that's part of where witchcraft traditions come from. But "wise women", at least in more primitive societies, did in fact serve a sort of social function. And there were prostitutes, female monastics, the occasional mentally ill spinstresses, and a few autistic women who ended up accomplishing things.

It is what it is, people understandably have a hard time talking about this stuff without seething (or just ignoring it in contexts where they can't do/aren't doing anything to change it) because it's so important - on a certain basic level - and it's subject to such distorted expectations. But it is nonetheless an incredibly dull and easily exhausted topic of discussion, so its prevalence on a supposed literature board is, most saliently, a gruesome cautionary tale about the need for harsh elitist standards.

>> No.22474369
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>Cannon fodder/career soldiers, sailors, monks, etc.; or, failing that, outlaws.

"Recent research using DNA analysis answered this question about two years ago. Today’s human population is descended from twice as many women as men.

I think this difference is the single most underappreciated fact about gender. To get that kind of difference, you had to have something like, throughout the entire history of the human race, maybe 80% of women but only 40% of men reproduced.

Right now our field is having a lively debate about how much behavior can be explained by evolutionary theory. But if evolution explains anything at all, it explains things related to reproduction, because reproduction is at the heart of natural selection. Basically, the traits that were most effective for reproduction would be at the center of evolutionary psychology. It would be shocking if these vastly different reproductive odds for men and women failed to produce some personality differences.

For women throughout history (and prehistory), the odds of reproducing have been pretty good. Later in this talk we will ponder things like, why was it so rare for a hundred women to get together and build a ship and sail off to explore unknown regions, whereas men have fairly regularly done such things? But taking chances like that would be stupid, from the perspective of a biological organism seeking to reproduce. They might drown or be killed by savages or catch a disease. For women, the optimal thing to do is go along with the crowd, be nice, play it safe. The odds are good that men will come along and offer sex and you’ll be able to have babies. All that matters is choosing the best offer. We’re descended from women who played it safe.

For men, the outlook was radically different. If you go along with the crowd and play it safe, the odds are you won’t have children. Most men who ever lived did not have descendants who are alive today. Their lines were dead ends. Hence it was necessary to take chances, try new things, be creative, explore other possibilities. Sailing off into the unknown may be risky, and you might drown or be killed or whatever, but then again if you stay home you won’t reproduce anyway. We’re most descended from the type of men who made the risky voyage and managed to come back rich. In that case he would finally get a good chance to pass on his genes. We’re descended from men who took chances (and were lucky).

The huge difference in reproductive success very likely contributed to some personality differences, because different traits pointed the way to success. Women did best by minimizing risks, whereas the successful men were the ones who took chances. Ambition and competitive striving probably mattered more to male success (measured in offspring) than female."

>> No.22474378

And now 60% of dysgenic men and 20% of dysgenic women get to reproduce

>> No.22474399

You essentially just said “start with having sex.” You realize the irony here right?

>> No.22474417

Kill yourself faggot cuck

>> No.22474421

>t. repulsive incel

>> No.22474425

>t. Had a date with a female YA enthusiast
A fate worse than death.

>> No.22474440

Then the majority of people who you'll be interested in are men. The number of women who read Hegel (or really any difficult reading) is vanishingly small and most of them are graduate students who already have a boyfriend/are married.

>> No.22474510

agatha christie shit

>> No.22474540

have sex

>> No.22474542

"Incel" is a mindset, not a status. Virgin is a status.
T. was virgin for 23 years but never any kind of celibate

>> No.22474548

dating women is for faggots

>> No.22474551

Anon, you speak the truth. That's why I exclusively date and fuck men.

>> No.22474554


>> No.22474570

>>sit at the same table where she's studying
>>wait a while (don't interrupt/be a bother)
Maybe it's just because my library only has 4 seats to a table, two on each side, but this sounds very creepy. Just sitting there watching her, waiting for an "in." Would rather go full rom-com and "accidentally" drop my notes next to her, and then talk her up after she helps me.

>> No.22474580

Inceldom is a genetic reality. It's much more than a mindset

>> No.22474619

Incels are people with wordlviews we've been conditioned to psychopathologize. Their sexual status is a product of this.

Not to diminish the sexual differentiation women practice, that's very real and brutal, but the incel-phenomenon has little to do with sex, it's politically manifactured to get people to dissasociate with ideas harmful to feminine/jewish/capitalist hegemony.