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22454621 No.22454621 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ approved scifi novels?

>> No.22454632

this was shit

>> No.22454633

I also thought Hyperion was shit. Guess who recc'd it?

>> No.22454635

>/lit/ approved
Are you a woman in need of being told what to think?

>> No.22454648

I need approval

>> No.22454655

The bible. At least it was scifi when it was written.

>> No.22454666

First for xianxia

>> No.22454668

This book sucked massive BBC nigger cock

>> No.22454673

Ah so you're a woman. Post your tits.

>> No.22454680

I'm gonna show you my girl penis

>> No.22454693

Show me you tiny clitty. Kitten.

>> No.22454708

If you like hard scifi then start with Heinlein.

Starship Troopers.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

Stranger in a Strange Land.

>> No.22454727


>> No.22454751

WHERE tf is the sffg thread

>> No.22455192

Tales of the dying earth
Book of the new sun
Some Heinlein
Dune 1-4
Childhoods end (Some will call it reddit)
Philip K Dick

But not hyperion. That book (and series) is trash.

>> No.22455244

Hyperion is not good at all.

Project Hail Mary from Andy Weir is the best single sci-fi book i've read in a long while.
It's weird since his other books are decent (The Martian) to unreadably bad (Artemis).

Iain M. Banks Culture series is very good, the first book is a bad introduction tho.
I really liked "Excession" for me it's the peak of the series but probably also not the best introduction.
Tbh just read any of them and if you don't like skip around until you like one, then go back and read the ones you skipped later.
The series is not written in a way that would make the order matter much.

Liu Cixin's series "Remembrance of Earth's Past #1" is excellent, tho I found the last book weak. The first two are incredibly good.

>> No.22455261

Perelandra by C.S. Lewis is good, even though his prose style is not quite up to matching his vision in every regard. The rest of The Space Trilogy is good too, and the final novel That Hideous Strength definitely showcases Lewis at his best and is well worth reading too. It's also a very prescient novel, with much more relevance to today's world than other "dystopian" novels of a similar ilk (1984, Brave New World), being more realistic than them in its vision of the post-war society despite the supernatural elements it uses throughout.

>> No.22455277

What's with the Hyperion hate? Nobody ever says why it's bad.

>> No.22455288

because it's not bad, it's probably a samefag

>> No.22455295

This is my first post in the thread, but I thought it dragged on and was too repetitive to be as long as it was. If it were 100 pages shorter I would've liked it more.

>> No.22455296

God Emperor of Dune

>> No.22455303

where would you have cut the 100 pages from?

>> No.22455427

>muh too long
This is the ultimate midwit response used by someone who lacks justification for their disliking something, and it's even more ridiculous when employed against Hyperion, which has a fast-paced frame narrative and five or so engaging stories within it

>> No.22455432

pssst, anon, it's what they say when they haven't read the book because it's a problem often found in genre fiction
that's why he didn't answer >>22455303

>> No.22455439

Ironically Hyperion is one of the few scifi novels I quite enjoyed. But I usually don't like scifi since most popular novels are boring genre trash. Maybe that's why the usual scifi crowd dislikes it.

>> No.22455450

Three Body trilogy

>> No.22455468

at random

>> No.22455470

Hyperion is fun to read even though it's retarded. The sequels (3&4) are just ridiculous, and not as much fun because it's a single long and rather boring story, despite some of the outrageous/silly ideas it incorporates

Scifis I enjoyed more than hyperion:
>anything by the based wolfster
>asimov foundation series and I Robot (the characters are one-dimensional but it gets to the point and I enjoyed the "ideas")
to be desu I haven't read much else scifi, except something called Spin which was interesting but too long with weak characters

>> No.22455592

Bakker's Second Apocalypse is the king of /lit/ genre fiction, although Neuropath is more explicitly sci-fi and a nice short read. Not as good but also quick and fast paced while putting eliminitivism and epiphenomenalism into the form of an airport page turner horror thriller. Crash Space is similar, and sci-fi, and better, but it's a short story. You can find it free quite easily and is a good intro to Bakker.

>> No.22455608
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Heinlein is kino, I've read all of those and Moon is a harsh mistress has the coolest setting and plot. Starship troopers movie is just better and condensed down the overall theme. Stranger in a strange land was disappointing tho it just turned out to be a Christ metaphor

>> No.22455614

Anyone rec anything like murderbot? I really can't stand serious genre anymore so need some comedy element like that.

>> No.22455660

What else ? I've read time enough for love and have spacesuit, will travel as well. The ending of that one was pretty sick but I don't know if he ever built on that.

>> No.22455707

Three body problem fucking sucked dick
the actual scifi part? it's okay. the being a fucking book part? absolute dogshit

>> No.22455795

Tasukete Keats, The Shrike wants to suck my dick!

>> No.22455831

Its just not interesting past a certain point. That point being the first story since it is the best one in the book. So after page 70 it is just boring right up to the finish line. It does have some cool sci fi concepts in its world building but im not the type of person to sit and theorize about the possibilites of those kind of technologies so who cares.

>> No.22455848

>still haven't read past the first story
huh, so i accidentally stopped at the perfect point?

>> No.22455928

Yes unironically... The Poet and Thr Scholar (Scholar didnt really land for me the way it apprently does for some though) are the other two that are okayish but the other ones are not interesting at all.

>> No.22456036

It's pretty obvious who didn't read the book in the thread. That's ok. It is a non traditional book that is challenging in the fact that you can't read it like a retarded wine mom masturbating to a romance novel. Sci Fi nerds seethe incredibly hard about this masterpiece because it's a short story collection wrapped under the facade of sci fi wrapped under the facade of horror.

Sci Fi pew pew faggot virgins will never be able to understand the horror and pain of watching your child die slowly in front of you because they will never have children due to being eternal virgins.

>> No.22456059

Stranger in a Strange Land was interminable. The self-insert Jubal is as obnoxious as early 2010s Reddit.

>> No.22456062

Fanboys are retarded in every medium

>> No.22456117

you read.

>> No.22456124

People constantly discuss why Hyperion is bad because it's brought up in the sci-fi and fantasy general, by normalfags, on a near-daily basis.

>> No.22456140

>Hyperion is not good at all.
>project meme Mary was the best bo..

stopped reading

>> No.22456221

So popular thing bad? Got it

>> No.22456242

who are you quoting?

>> No.22456425

This is a good list, OP. I'd add Roadside Picnic.

Also the first Hyperion book is great.

>> No.22456451

Solaris. Also I'm not /lit/ guy.

>> No.22456463

The first story is the most interesting but to be honest it wasn't even that good. The book wasn't worth reading and I'm surprised it gets so much praise.

>> No.22456473

The entire plot setting is a series of contrived asspulls. Only a few out of the shorts are actually enjoyable reads. Some things, like the soldier fucking the shrike only to pull out and get his dick cut on barbed wire should never have been written. The ending is a cliffhanger designed to make you buy his next novel. Fuck that book

>> No.22457233

Star Maker, by Olaf Stapledon. For some odd reason is not as famous as it should or at least I do not see that many people read it. Do not read too much about the plot.

"Sir Arthur C. Clarke considered Star Maker to be "probably the most powerful work of imagination ever written", and Brian W. Aldiss called it "the one great grey holy book of science fiction".[1]"

Unironically is a sci-fi that /lit/izens with a taste of metaphysics, theology and history should read.

>> No.22458080
File: 33 KB, 260x390, TheForeverWar(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related
Anything by Asimov
Anything by Neal Stephenson
Anything by Greg Egan
Almost anything by Alastair Reynolds

>> No.22458087

>Almost anything by Alastair Reynolds

I'd like you to give a percent for this cause 'almost anything' is pushing it

>> No.22458094

Revelation space series
House of suns
Pushing ice
Everything else is kinda meh

>> No.22458169

No but I pretend I do

>> No.22458181

>like the soldier fucking the shrike only to pull out and get his dick cut on barbed wire should never have been written.
is that real lmao wtf
isnt the shrike some sort of god monster?
t. never read it

>> No.22458792

Project hail Mary was good for half of the book. It would have been much better if he actually have done everything himself and died at the end but no he will learn how to speak alien because he has elementary school teacher super powers. Looking back the book was quite weak.

Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy was good though but mainly for its Sci fi elements which were caring the whole book and more

>> No.22459003


>> No.22459337

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Phillip K Dick

My favorite book. What Bladerunner was based on.

Hyperion only had two good parts- The story of the priest and the girl researching the Sphinx. The rest was hot smelly garbage with Keates (yes the dead english poet) shoehorned in constantly for no FUCKING reason. Might as well have Jay and Silent Bob show up to give Keates a blowjob. Would have made as much sense.

>> No.22459345


>> No.22459378

Two books by Alfred Bester
1.The Demolished Man(first book to win a Hugo Award, when that actually meant something)
2.The Stars, My Destination( way ahead of it's time

>> No.22459499
File: 46 KB, 600x600, E7C8B023-57E8-4382-A916-647991A5496A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Also Echopraxia > Blindsight. Fight me.

>> No.22459503

M. John Harrison’s “Light” trilogy is excellent.

>> No.22459582

Tried to read hyperion yesterday and it was total dogshit. Who reads this slop? Tossed it in my burn pile at page 9.

>> No.22459626

Diamond Dogs and Turquoise Days are good

>> No.22459658

Ilium-Olympos was written by the guy who wrote Hyperion
Difference: Its actually entertaining

>> No.22460271

>farking awesome fr fr
Classless. Dropped.

>> No.22460303

Fuck, shit, ass, meecrob
sorry brain damaged

>> No.22460304

that was one of the good chapters

>> No.22461183

Yes, it's revealed in the second book that the girl-shrike who the soldier fuggs is the monster-shrike's "keeper" of sorts but they're also kinda the same being because the humans (sort of?) won the future AI-Human godwar and got to send the shrike back in time with their shrike-girl and the girl-shrike is also the Jew's reverse-aging daughter and the purpose of the shrike was impale lots of people in eternal agony so that it could lure out a hiding aspect of the human sci-fi god to defeat it in the future war in the past. Something along those lines.

>> No.22461525

yeah this makes ZERO sense.

>> No.22461568

Writer self insert is le mary sue god character writing le universe

>> No.22461965

Yes it’s unfortunate but authors have next to no control over cover design etc. that’s entirely the publishers prerogative.

>> No.22461973

I knew it was going to end stupidly

>> No.22462133
File: 24 KB, 263x377, A_Canticle_for_Leibowitz_cover_1st_ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22462260

Try harder u fucking pseud, hyperion is trash. Real patrician sci-fi taste lies in Heinlein and Wolf as has already been stated. You probably think my greentext is being ironic but that is exactly how the scholar behaved in the book. A literal kike with a victim complex.

>> No.22462492

popular=bad, you're on 4chan boyo

>> No.22462603

i dont get why hyperion gets so much hate here, i thought sci fi pilgrims getting together and telling each other stories was very comfy even if some of the stories were just weak

>> No.22463469

I love redditors who can't distinguish between leaving their ideological hugbox and everyone being blind contrarians

>> No.22463577

It's hardly SciFi today, but it's a great read.

>> No.22463707

Great post anon, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good??!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good??? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker??
Any books with incest?

>> No.22463709

Lmao, okay casual

>> No.22463817

I have skimmed through this thread and decided that I will be dipping my toes into sci-fi with Dune. Thanks /lit/.

>> No.22463898


First part feels like a cool Fallout narration and is really engaging. But all the [spoile] quasi-magical narration of the 'wandering jew' [/spoiler] could have been kept out of the book.

>> No.22463924

One of the best books I have read was Steel beach by Varley.
Good plot, lots of weird scifi concepts and incredible storytelling.
Really worth a try.

>> No.22463943

I'm the OHH (original Hyperion hater) and my only problem was that it wasn't a sci-fi novel as /sffg/ led me to believe; It's space opera, also fantasy, and that's cool if that's what you're looking for. Don't expect Egan or Watts.

>> No.22463990

>space opera
I got memed into the first novel as well and will finish, but agree. Other than an occasional "a space ship appeared to take us away" or a "luminescent bird shit on me," it's just a backdrop.

>> No.22464147

Back to tiktok zoomie

>> No.22464672

The Night Land is a great book
Be sure to read the original, not the butchered version for idiots

>> No.22464757

God no

So boring

>> No.22465099

>Anything by Asimov
Asimov wrote a lot of trash, anon

>> No.22465528

I needed to read an actual literary classic after I finished this as a palate cleanser for it's awful prose.

>> No.22465592

>read the original
You mean the one that's unreadable dreck? How about just skip this shit and read Lovecraft if one has to read "cosmic horror".

>> No.22465794

The Book of Mormon

>> No.22466668


>> No.22466904
