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/lit/ - Literature

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22414533 No.22414533 [Reply] [Original]

I generally liked old Peterson's Biblical Series and Maps of Meaning, some of his other stuff is debatable. This one looks interesting if you can look beyond the jew bootlicking and how entitled some takes are. Wish there was similar content for Buddhism and Islam. Also JP still refuses to acknowledge whether he believes in a metaphysical God or not, and they also avoid the metaphysical question altogether.

>> No.22415060

It was interesting from listening to it a little.
The modern mind of soulless mechanical materialism definitely needs more stuff like this to ponder meaning

>> No.22415111


>> No.22415123

nigga I read the bible when I was 5 then my stepdad came along lol and no bible could protect me then. Keep believing in your fucking fairy tales

>> No.22415133
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>> No.22415206

>Keep believing in your fucking fairy tales
You believe your ancestors were fish and nothing created everything.

>> No.22415223

I am halfway thru the Biblical series rn (my first watch-through). I watched a random 20 mins of ep 1 of the Exodus series. Something’s just off. It’s a different format since it’s a round table discussion and not Peterson meandering around his thoughts. I don’t like it as much, it doesn’t have that same authenticity

>> No.22415522

Don't reply to namefags, anon. Just ignore them.

>> No.22416727

just read the church fathers lol

>> No.22416863

it's less of him but it's good because he doesn't keep repeating the same three authors at every turn, also the jewish guy giving insight about the original language of the text is useful.
the smart ass faggot with bad hair is insufferable.

>> No.22416911

>if you can look beyond the jew bootlicking
I can't

>> No.22416940

Peterstein is a good goy. His cock sucking abilities are said to be legendary.

>> No.22416944
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The genie is out of the bottle. Religion is just a utilitarian cope for problems that arise within complex psychological systems. I mean, how obvious does it get when the object of worship and obedience is literally called the "Heavenly Father"? Time to grow up and put away childish things.

>> No.22416946
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>> No.22416947

That and the 40 iq, crying and accent

>> No.22416975
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boomers smearing the scripture with rotten overboiled indiana jones level brain gases. it sucks from the Bible all that is holy, all that is mystical, levelling it towards a joe rogan-petersen online theology course.

>> No.22417030

Yeah too bad it's from an atheist, thereby nullifying any of his work. You have to understand that Peterson is part of the atheist system. He has no solution to offer and he is a plant. Peterson is the kind of guy who writes self help books to convince himself that he has the right ideas about life, rather than to really help anyone else.
I ditched the 12 rules when he started talking about salvation through god, personally. it's a book by a man born in a society fashioned by atheists for 300 years, and indeed is a generic teacher bug in some atheist university after the atheists revived the greek one to larp and also to build some fake intellectuel lignage lol, and who got depressed and turned drug addict because ''his'' wife died and who's daughter turned as usual into a whore.
Fatherless 20 yo atheist men are so lost in life they would listen anybody telling them what to do , especially if the guy puts on some mild authoritative mask as an attempt to make people believe he knows what he's talking about lol. Anyway, his advice is limited to ''clean up your room'' ie what atheist parents have been saying for over 50 years because they have nothing else to say as part of their educative plans lol. His audience is of young white men wrapped around his finger, there is something coincidentally feminine about how he does this; essentially he says very little but a lot and he peppers it with hysterical breakdowns to arouse sympathy. Is Peterson an intentional homosexual gateway? The 'daddy figure' ...fucking hell...For those who don't know, the most 4chan book of all time is 12 Rules for Life. It embodies the core impulse of 4chan, which is traditional larping without any real life experience. That's why Jordan Peterson is considered a dad figure, because he embodies this pretend play spirit of false authenticity in his own life. He talks obsessively about war and conflict, while never having experienced it. He idolizes free market enterprise, while from a country with a very robust state sponsored welfare system and schooling system, which paid his salary. He obsesses over traditional values such as dignity and stoicism, while being a nervous wreck over the smallest things, such as having to delete a tweet.
Jordan Peterson is the right wing zeitgeist. A permanently triggered manchild who complains constantly how immature the dreaded esjaydubblejoes are.

>> No.22417123

OG biblical series is kino as heck, i am glad that its being continued but the new format isnt as cool, but as far as i know these roundtable discussions are not the real continuation of the biblical series its just practice for him and he will do it on stage sometime later. Lets hope so.

>> No.22417210

he doesn't really seem too atheist. He's kinda like Jung, looking for a different, more practical kind of faith. I think Jung is better but still that's not Peterstein's greatest issue. Also his being like an alpha male Instagram father figure is kinda the result of this century, you are living the age in which Marcus Aurelius was turned into Andrew Tate for gymbros, because for some reason that's what this generation needs. funny thing is, it only gets worse, welcome to the Kali Yuga
Also who hurt you? lol

>> No.22417329

damn that album has been out before 2010 for sure

>> No.22417383

Exhibit A proving my point, chimpouts should not be so easily induced among materialists

>> No.22417494

didn't read

>> No.22418213
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The only ones chimping out are Christcucks

>> No.22418467

Total trash, I've wasted my time with every episode so far. It is horrible. Just academic types fellating themselves. It's worthless. An actual detriment to the discussion of the bible. The world was better without this ilk in the atmosphere.

>> No.22418483

Atheists are incapable of intelligible discourse, all they do is chimp out and project their chimpouts/tantrums as you've just shown.

>> No.22418799
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Christcucks literally believe pic related. Intelligible discourse is anathema to theists.

>> No.22418822
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>using namefags as evidence for anything
All name and tripfags are mentally ill, the religious ones and the atheists.

>> No.22419008

>Also JP still refuses to acknowledge whether he believes in a metaphysical God or not, and they also avoid the metaphysical question altogether.
I've watched ep 1 and 2 and I don't know the other guys around the table, but one or two of them definitely seem to believe God is an actual being effecting the world.
I think at some point they talk about the possibility of the Holocaust having been "created" or at least "allowed" by God so that the state of Israel would be created, but JP doesn't really comment.
If he ever answered that question it would sort him in a box for good and probably reduce the reach he currently has.

>> No.22419024

Most of the table are jewish, and this is entirely based on the old testament, specifically exodus, so all opinions are deferred to a hierarchy, non-jews don't speak over the opinions of jews. There are a lot of lines you can read between here.

For this entire series you will quite predictably never see a non-jew try to put his opinion above that of a jew at the table. This overlaps quite vividly with modern socio-political climate.

>> No.22419030

>within complex psychological systems
That's a cool way of saying "nothing"
You cannot know the unconscious in any way. That's to say if it even exists. Also, you should be subordinated, it would dignify you.

>> No.22419038

The density of egos in that room is enough to tilt the earth

>> No.22419040

>atheists exchange their beliefs for pseudoscience made up by a retard who nobody takes seriously anymore.

>> No.22419183

Imagine admitting you have zero understanding of human psychology. Embarrassing. I bet you're a real fan of subordination... kind of like you might be subscribing to a slave morality.
Any serious person takes Freud seriously. Some of his theories can be discounted, but his work is foundational to our understanding of the human mind. Note how you can't even actually say anything definitive about him aside from generic pejoratives.

>> No.22419476

You're thinking of William James, the entirety of Freud can be thrown away and nothing is lost.

>> No.22419547

The old jew one acts weird
It's a great series overall

>> No.22419661

> I was raped by my stepdad, therefore God doesn't exist.
lol, is this a troll by a Christian to make Atheists look bad or something?

>> No.22420328 [DELETED] 

The subconscious alone is a monumental concept with is universally acknowledged as a useful concept in assessing the human mind. The analysis of dreams and their connection to waking experience was also revolutionary and now taken for granted as correct. Not to mention Freud's work on children's sexual attraction to the opposite sex parent as a foundation for future sexual mates, something that is proven true with literally every generation. Freud is based beyond your comprehension.

>> No.22420369

>also the jewish guy giving insight about the original language of the text is useful.
I agree on this, he does have some good material here, but mostly he's annoying.
Though I do absolutely love his little story of his Rabbi telling him "So Prager doesn't want to pray... So what?".

>> No.22420380

The subconscious alone is a monumental concept which is universally acknowledged as a useful concept in assessing the human mind. The analysis of dreams and their connection to waking experience was also revolutionary and now taken for granted as correct. Not to mention Freud's work on children's sexual attraction to the opposite sex parent as a foundation for future sexual mates, something that is proven true with literally every generation. Freud is based beyond your comprehension.

>> No.22421088

None of what you said started with Freud, this is all copy and pasted from the greeks. You are foolish.

>> No.22421095

imagine being this retarded

>> No.22421224

>>The subconscious alone is a monumental concept which is universally acknowledged as a useful concept in assessing the human mind.
it is not and it's only a way for rationalists to pass their stupid views as ''non-schizo ramblings''

>> No.22421226

>n. Freud is based beyond your comprehension.
Nah not really. Freud is a jew who understood that after the atheist bourgeois revolutions, men and bourgeois women were sex and drug addicts just like him and since women dont work but love to gossip about sex, he figured he could have a little cult around him, composed of whores and bourgeois desperate to hear how sex addiction is the nature of the human psyche framed into a self made and self aggrandizing myth disguised as science to surf on the atheist hype of positivism lol.
100 years later atheists still consider him their guru, since they are still lobotomized sex and drug addicts...

>> No.22421309
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Oy vey it’s like anudda shoah

>> No.22422268

/lit/'s general condemnation of Freud proves his worth due to the abysmal character of the average /lit/ poster

>> No.22422272

Not really. People condemn Freud in broader culture too, but sometimes it's for valid reasons, such as most psychoanalysts not working ethically. Freudians like Wilhelm Reich practically raped a family maid when he was a kid and used to make people get naked.

>> No.22422415

I mean, Freud himself in his work wrote about how people's sexuality can be repressed in ways that prevent it from flowing into healthy channels and thus it can express itself in bizarre or unorthodox or dangerous ways. Broader culture latches on to superficial aspects of things and can then dismiss them in a joking way or utilize them for the purpose of mere reference, for instance, even in popular culture his work on dreams is generally recognized as valid or interesting. The phrase "Freudian slip" is used seriously to call someone out for mistakenly saying a thing they are really thinking about or really want. Freud's work was bold and pushed the boundaries, thus it is both enduring while also having some portions which have not aged as well.

>> No.22422422

Juden Peterstein

>> No.22422477

I don't mind Freud at all and used to find a lot of meaning in it. But to think that people condemning him redeems psychoanalysis from being rightly taken out of practice is weird. Freud's approach in particular is essentially an unverifiable system based on myth rather than empirical evidence. I don't think it's even useful for reading literature anymore.

>> No.22423612
