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22339088 No.22339088 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this piece of literature written by a Romanian Jew?

>> No.22339103
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Haven't read it, but I would never judge a book by the ethnicity of the author.

>> No.22339104

A good beach read and it had some funny paragraphs. I refuse to be hysteric over it and make up graphs with stars of david and yarmulkes.

>> No.22339111
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>> No.22339113

Balkan Jews are huge shitposters. Teller, Soros, BAP, etc.

>> No.22339114

fatherless atheist sons have no clue what to do with their life, they would listen to the first gay jew they encounter. It's like we are back in the year 0 when jewsus enrolled goyim

>> No.22339258

It's a book that celebrates what the author perceives to be the superior classic Greek mind and how you need it to rise above the declining western society. You can skip it completely and not miss a beat, I only see it referenced on this website so unless you are trying to impress the advocates of it here you aren't gaining much. You can also just read pretty much the entirety of classical antiquity Greek literature for free and develop the actual mindset he rambles about without actually telling you to read those books instead of his.

>> No.22339329

It's at least positively evocative, but that artificial grammar was too much cringe for me

>> No.22339357

>unless you are trying to impress the advocates of it here
these threads are bait, you can't discuss this book here

>> No.22339411

I once swept over it briefly, didn't like it

>> No.22339489

because only a jew would write some of the things he wrote on the subject he wrote on. anyone else writing on this subject would loathe the jewish system, but he admires it. among other tells.

he has a good bit on owned space and male child development that I haven't read elsewhere that's pretty good, but most of the book is only good for a laugh. he's got weird ideas about how to tackle the leviathan. go into drug dealing or human trafficking or something? I don't know, kind of reminds me of uncle ted. fairly good at diagnosing problems while providing pants on head retarded solutions.

>> No.22339509

judaism is neither an ethnicity nor a religion. if it had to be one or the other, it would be a religion, but a massive portion of jews do not believe in any kind of deity and are not spiritual yet generally will still follow judaic laws. it is a matriarchically inherited set of laws designed around procuring and maintaining economic parasitism for the benefit of the matriarchical group. the matriarchical system is what allows jews to blend in with host societies. a portion of their women intermarry with the host population and produce jewish sons that resemble the people of the host nation ethnically and by surname. this is part of how a large portion of jews have gone from being middle eastern to white over the last couple of thousand years. they bred into european society because it was more fruitful than middle eastern, especially after shariah law took hold and did things like ban usury. to call such a people an "ethnic group" isn't really possible for this reason, and I don't think "religion" really works either. they are something more like a massive scale international mafia.

>> No.22339517

The main gist of it is that over the course of history, all changes were made by men with similar characteristics to outlaws. They were always, quite literally, outside the law, as in above it,. WIlliam "the conqueror". Oda Nobunaga. Napoleon's actions would have been considered unthinkable a century before his birth. Caesar violated one of Rome's sacrest confines, et cetera.
He's not telling young men to become sex trafficker (he severely criticized Tate for example), he's merely stating that power uses grey/black area to assert it's influence. As far as what it tells young men to do, I'll simplify the three path/proposals to you:
1) become a military man. Reason? WIthout these men, the regime has no power and in truth, they're the ones who have the power. THey simply have to accept it / realize it.He gives many examples of this: Caesar, PInochet, Cortez, Acibiades, Clearchos of Sparta.
2) Gain control of these vital "Grey areas". He cites Paul Le Roux, who was essentially an old racist forum shitposter turned computer genius turned worldwide kingpin who had a private army at peak of his power.
3) "Educative" path. LIterary clubs focused on the greeks, cultivation of vitality, bravery, health, martial arts, a new samizdat with the express purpose of increasing the number of men able to attempt something as grandiose as what he proposes, which also the only solution: a violent replacement of the current regime, achieved either through a coup or a populist uprising. From a purely objectively standpoint there is no other way, and these are the three most pragmatic methods to achieve it.
I don't care if he's a mischling schooled by Yale jews if his wrtings speak to me and by looking at it objectively his entire manifesto and worldview is in antithesis with the longnose tribe

>> No.22339549

Muh utlows

>> No.22339554


>> No.22339561

you've extrapolated an enormous amount of intent behind his actual words that do not state most of what you just wrote.

>> No.22339562

This is precisely what he meant though. You could just ask him any time.

>> No.22339564

Hungary and Romania both fight over Transylvania, therefore they are both Balkan.
>inb4 you type more tripe
begone, foul ogre

>> No.22339567

how does someone reach this state? you've been lobotomized by seethe.

>> No.22339592

Keep believing how being a despicable shudra somehow makes you worthy of becoming the ruler of a nation

>> No.22339594

I’m not going to say anything

>> No.22339597

if this is what he wanted to write then he could have wrote it instead of being insufferable with his prose. but it's not what he wrote.

>> No.22339602

The book's only visible effect on the world was a couple of cancerous cliques on Twitter and a couple of Kvetching hit pieces.
That said his points are good, of course. At least descriptively.
Don't particularly like Gimbutesian autism regarding history though.
I will not be touching on his funny beliefs regarding how the Greeks/Romans looked like either. Although a part of me assumes them to be just shit he uses to get his audience paypigging.

>> No.22339627

It's exactly what he wrote. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Part A expounds on the reason for why he dislikes the current world order and wants it gone, part B goes in detail on how do this using the three way method I have expoused

The GImbutian autism is mostly a misunderstanding from his retarded twitter followers... he doesn't believe a matriarchy ever existed, nor is the long house term referring to something like this. He explains very well what he meant here and it's a surprising original and well written expression of a feeling rarely discussed:

even for the autism about how the Greeks looked, it's largely unconsequential to his real goal and hence why he posts pics of men like PIetro Boselli or even some african tribes... he subscribes to an imageboard-like lax attitude to unconsequential things - one of his best friends called him a weak little cuck due to divergences in their attitude towards porn and they still have the same relationships. I'm telling you this because it's extremely useful, it's similar to how greeks philosophers argued among themselves: don't get caught up in small bullshit and focus on the overall goal, sentiment or even "race/spirit" shared. I also oppose his views in many things, doesn't really matter because it's natural for indipendent individuals to have divergency in opinions

>> No.22339637

> jews do not believe in any kind of deity and are not spiritual
As far as I know they believe in one of the Canaanite gods (yahweh), although are completely oblivious about it being a Canaanite god. And they are the most racist group of people on Earth I had the chance to encounter with irl.

>> No.22339891
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>only referenced on this website
Zuckerberg sister already wrote about it and now Grimes (Elon gf) is writing about it. He is going to start a new religion.

>> No.22340013

the fuck do you need a "new religion" for
orthodox christianity exists already you don't need more
it answers all your questions

>> No.22340022

Reconcile it with Nietzsche RIGHT NOW. You have five minutes.

>> No.22340032

the lord will judge him not me

>> No.22340042
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BAP is Jewish and his 'former' best friend is the leader of a Synagogue.
Odd how Jewish people get fawning articles written about them, a Ben Shapiro shoutout and all that.
Very odd since what he says is more extreme in some ways than other commentators.
Can't possibly have anything to do with him being Jewish and kosher on the Israel/Jewish question... right?

>> No.22340052

Yes it's unfortunate that BAP is a Jew, we should all bear this in mind when reading him. Do you have any other thoughts on his work? We've been stuck on this one point for quite some time now.

>> No.22340053

Why do antisemites think calling somebody Jewish is a refutation? For normal people the word “Jewish” isn’t equivalent to “Satan” so you actually have to explain why he’s bad

>> No.22340061

>Paul Le Roux
So he idolises gangsters who ruin people lives by selling heroin and get rich on the exploitation of weak-willed broken people and the destruction of social fabric? Btw this retard got arrested and snitched on all his friends so what is there to admire about him

>> No.22340063

He's a Nietzschean, not a collectivist, what did you expect?

>> No.22340075

I expect all Nietzschean and rapscallion-admirers and their rapscallion idols to be hanged in the public square

>> No.22340077

That's pretty based, I hope you enjoy your eternal globe spanning favela-shtetl after we're gone.

>> No.22340078
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I can't post it from this PC but there's a clip of Andrew Klavan and his son (both Jewish) on a DailyWire show talking about how people could turn to extremists because the rights reaction to Liberalism is so weak.
Ben Shapiro called BAP a genius and Klavan had a positive review of his book.
Claremont Institute also gave positive reviews of BAP.
I believe that he is being boosted to give a kosher path for people who are prone to become extremist.
Otherwise you could come to the conclusion that Jewish people have a bad influence on the U.S.
However here comes BAP. Who applauds Netanyahu, how Israel is a model for us and how Palestinians should get out the way.
It's not ZOG that is the issue, BAP says. It's Global Nigger Communism.
He's leading people to the wrong conclusion and the fact that he was not open about his Jewishness is extra shady.

>> No.22340094

>don’t kill us degenerate drug dealers… that will just make society w-w-worse somehow!

>> No.22340202

nah we're safe. you can never go back, at least not that fast

>> No.22340206

Ben Shapiro endorses BAPberg? Well, that's telling.

>> No.22340214

Zionists are seeing the writing on the wall. Now they're comfortable to open up some space on the right of them but only if it's kosher.

>> No.22340319

>However here comes BAP. Who applauds Netanyahu, how Israel is a model for us and how Palestinians should get out the way.
>It's not ZOG that is the issue, BAP says. It's Global Nigger Communism.

The issue is commerce, a society ruled by a commercial elite with an attached priesthood of verbalist servants, and America is the main source of the problem, specifically the commercial sectors of America, which are the ones to have destroyed European culture -- and Mexican, Brazilian, Japanese, Russian, any culture -- since the end of WWII, although it really had begun somewhat earlier with jazz and mediocre cinema (Wyndham Lewis was already writing about this in the 1920's), which was however much less harmful than what we have now. So-called 'Westernization' is Americanization, and it's main victim is the West.
Germany had many Jews in the 19th century and they gave us Mendelssohn and Heine. The society was not yet ruled by commerce.
Americans never want to admit this. They never want to admit that they are problem, they are the rot and the cancer which destroyed the West after 45, which gave us Elvis instead of Debussy, sitcoms instead of Proust, McDonald's instead of food, t-shirts and jeans instead of proper clothes, consumer products instead of new true art, and gave them to us not through imposition, which at least carries some honesty in it, but rather through the most abject means of propaganda directed at kids and teenagers, thus rotting our society right from the youth which was supposed to build it anew after the wars.
Let Jews have their Israel, I have no problems with it, and prefer them to the Palestinians. It's America that is the ultimate rot. If America falls, Israel itself would become a small country of relatively little influence -- as it very much should be, given it's unlucky location and population size. Jews in America do nothing but defend Anglo-American utilitarian ideals invented by the very, very English Jeremy Bentham and J.S. Mill (although even Mill was forced to differentiate between smaller and higher pleasures -- but this is not taken into account by good, old, Elvis-loving and Anglo, very Anglo Americans, who in the "glorious 50's" were already laughing and partying as some random black ex-robber called Chuck was telling Beethoven to roll over -- they're more liberal than Mill himself). If Jews are so successful, it's because America is designed so that merchant peoples are successful. Change the design by fragmenting or destroying America, and their success will decrease or be controlled by superior (aesthetic, religious, or warrior-like) non-merchant forces.
Democracy and liberalism facilitate the dictatorship of the coin. America became rot from the very moment its short-sighted, pseudo-intellectual, Anglo, Anglo, very Anglo forefathers and hindfuckers wrote its constitution. The merchant class is fundamental for any country, but has to be kept constantly in check.

>> No.22340352

serious question - what proof is there that he is a juice?

>> No.22340382

No concrete evidence, only circumstantial.

>> No.22340387

yeah thats what i thought.
haters have been labeling him for years now.

>> No.22340399
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Don't talk shit about The King you little fairy.

>> No.22340405

I thought the book was bad/boring even before I knew he was jewish. Non-germans should not talk about Nietzsche, they always start spewing completetly insane shit

>> No.22340410

There's no denying the Anglo problem.
However I do need to push back on some aspects. The reason I dislike BAP was made more obvious last week. He decided to rail against high IQ foreigners who are a threat to the U.S. With those he talked about Indians and the Chinese. Very suspect he forgets to mention the perfidious influence that high IQ Jewish people have.

You also have to ask why only after WWII did the U.S. become so hell bent on destroying European culture. I think the fusion of the Anglo and Jewish way of thinking is a deadly one for culture. The Anglo side gives us one focused on the marketability of culture, of extracting any value out of any product. Of thinking of any sector as a 'market', even relationships are talked about as a sexual market.
Add to it the Jewish tendency to degrade European culture it's no wonder a Lizzo is as popular as she is. Or how Hip-Hop, in specific the degenerate kind has dominated music for decades. Pornography, also a favourite of the Jews is now everywhere. Before a child turns 16 he or she would have seen hours of porn. The Jews like it that way.

>> No.22340441

because they have spent the last couple of millennium proving beyond a doubt that they are enemies of ethnic europeans, and if the mountains of history weren't enough for you then just look around.

>> No.22340445

How do you reconcile this with BAP openly supporting the end of all aid to Israel?

>> No.22340452

>It's exactly what he wrote.
no, it isn't. nowhere in the damned book does he say "read the greeks". just a lazy example of how much you are literally making up.

the guy ranted about some stuff he didn't like about modern society(part A), ranted about some stuff he liked(part B), and mumbled something about LARPing as a yakuza. you seem to have a very invested interest in making him out to be something more than he is, it's bizarre.

>> No.22340453

There have always been significant Caucasian populations in the Levant since time immemorial.

>> No.22340464

our radars work well. he writes like a giga chud but is soft on jews. giga chuds aren't soft on jews unless they have conflicted interests.

>> No.22340513

Can anyone share The Atlantic piece in full?

>> No.22340527

While there are Internet rumours that he's of Jewish ancestry, the writing itself is like no Jewish writing I have ever seen, and I have a very good nose for kabbalistic esotericism. I'd say with 97% certainty the writer of BAP is not a Jew at heart, although as some have hypothesized he may be a spirit reincarnated in a familial culture that was not immune to direct Jewish influence. If so it's quite likely that is the very influence he's rebelling against and sounding the alarm about. Think about BAP as a gentile spirit reincarnated in a matrilineally Jewish household and experiencing an extremely acute and agonizing form of *ethnic dysphoria* as a result: BAP the book is a chronicle of his Arthurian/Nietzschean quest to find his true self as a man and as a spirit whose most memorable and defining experiences were determined by Western civilization before its fall into its present state of tragic decadence.

>> No.22340535

he prob doesn't name them for self-preservation purpposes. he woild certaininly by cancelexed if he openly named them.

>> No.22340588

Shlomo please. This wordceling will not stand.

>> No.22340639

Use this https://12ft.io/

>> No.22340692

Thank you.

>> No.22340872

>kikes still shilling this literal zionist jew

>> No.22340879

Ben shapiro endorses him, wonder why? He's so clearly jewish controlled opposition, you're an out of touch boomer. Everybody already knows this.

>> No.22340890

Keith woods and joel davis exposed him, his father (grandpa) was a jewish zionist and he admitted it. Ben shapiro endorses this guy, and personally i dont see anything of value he brings apart from encouraging people to work out, which is so low-level.

>> No.22340896

Does he explicitly mention Israel or is it more of a general 'no aid to other countries' thing?
As far as I care the issue is less so the aid Israel gets. That's just a sign of the power they wield.
If he openly states to not defend Israel against an Arab state or talk about the Israel lobby being a bad influence on U.S government then I consider that a plus. But considering his fawning for Netanyahu I don't count on it.

>> No.22340900

Based post

>> No.22340904

He openly call for 'Total Nigger Death' and speaks of 'Global Nigger Communism'.
If he can do that he can talk about the corruption of the U.S elite by largely Jewish influences.

>> No.22340926

I’m convinced /pol/tards are confused communists. Instead of the ultra rich it’s the Jews. Bobby Stein who lives in a middle class suburb and drives a BMW isn’t oppressing anyone, isn’t pulling strings behind the curtains, or secretly controlling the world

>> No.22340943

They’re not far off. Just see how they simp for Russia just like the commies in America used to back when they were Soviet Russia. Both would betray their country in a heartbeat, and they’re very open about this.

>> No.22340954

It's not as black and white as you paint it.
But the influence of Jews is not deniable.
An ADL that makes it it's job to purge nationalists/'racists' etc from the internet is an obvious problem.
They put pressure on tech companies and banks to blacklist people.

This is just one way. And Jonathan Greenblatt isn't a billionaire either.

>> No.22340957

>Instead of the ultra rich it’s the Jews
Actually it's both.
t. /pol/tard.

>> No.22340967
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>Just see how they simp for Russia just like the commies in America used to back when they were Soviet Russia.
>Simping for Russia
Point of fact, there is no country that has suffered more at the hands of the Jew than Russia.

>> No.22340986
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Very based post.
The Anglo is spiritually Jewish. It's of little surprise then that the most philosemitic countries were, firstly the UK, and following in their cousins footsteps, the US.
Judeo-Christian, pfm, indeed. God I hate Anglos.

>> No.22341029

You faggots are literally gossipping women. The content of this book is never actually discussed, just how the author isn't based enough.

>> No.22341031
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Jew mad?

>> No.22341040 [DELETED] 

A valid criticism, when discussing non-kike authors.

>> No.22341044

This is what astroturf looks like, /lit/'s high school lab experiment for the day is to dissect this post and tell me at least three ways in which it either glows OR at least reads like a 'guerrilla marketing firm' hired to 'shape consensus' about ecelebs

>> No.22341057

I love it when people seethe about Anglos in English. It fills my cold and rainy Anglo heart with such joy.

>> No.22341123

It's just shitskins or jews trying to run damage control for jews, they'd whine about white people but they know everyone would just laugh at them.

>> No.22341128

t. Jew enabler.
Face it, the Anglo and the Jew are essentially the same thing.

>> No.22341129

Why are you excluding his jewish zionist father? Add that in there

>> No.22341147

Why would a jew be blaming jews and defending whites? You're attacking white people and trying to set them apart, instead of pointing out that jewish bankers took Britain over after overthrowing their monarchy. Are you really this stupid? There's no way you're a Germanic, you're a kike, shitskin, or retarded Eastern euro mutt who doesn't understand being truly huwhite.

Also, Anglos are Germanic, not semitic. They're more individualistic than continentals, possibly why their culture degraded faster. But really it was the Norman elite, not the Anglos, who are to blame for setting the stage for the judaizing materialistic understanding of the world you're blaming on Anglos (like a retarded 3rd worlder).

>> No.22341155
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>creates Israel
>Nah we're totally Germanic and European and white bro
If it swims like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
Jews are poisonous on their own, they're fucking radioactive with the help of their Anglo enablers.
I am a 3rd worlder and proud of it. Go suck off trannies golem.

>> No.22341162

I didn’t make the graphic

>> No.22341283

He explicitely says the US should stop supporting Israel whatsoever. He also explicitely showed appreciation time and time again for Assad, and criticized Drumpf only when he decided to bomb Syria in 2017

>> No.22341292

Ben Shapiro endorsed him to not appear butthurt about BAP tagging him and his wife like 20 times with pics of bodybuilders saying they were going to cuckold Ben for the last 7 years.
Shapiro learned from his 2016 experience that it's best to cuck out and pretend to be "le based" than appearing like the butthurt boomer kike he is (I still remember him seething about Trump supporters sharing happy merchant memes in 2015-2016)

>> No.22341447

Yes, Anglo-saxons are Germanic, you stupid monkey. They created Israel so jews would leave Europe. Again you're just blaming Anglos for Jews, and Anglo aristocracy was replaced by Normans (who brought jews over) since 1000 years ago, retard.
>I am a 3rd worlder
Yes, of course. You're just a seething shitskin butthurt that Brits dominated you utterly. Lowest class garbage.

>> No.22341455

He seethes about Fuentes and others on the far right, but BAP is kosher (and Jewish) so Shapiro endorses him.

>> No.22341466

>his father (grandpa) was a jewish zionist
>and he admitted it

>> No.22341478

Anglo Saxons are actually a mixture of Celts, Iberians, & yes later Scandinavian invaders.

>> No.22342004

BAP is jewish but not kosher in the slightest

>> No.22342698

Fuentes isn't even in the same intellectual hemisphere as BAP.
His Jewishness (or lack thereof) isn't the only factor at play there.

>> No.22342877

Ah ok, so (((ben))) doesn't like Fuentes because he isn't le intellectual enough? I think it's more likely because Fuentes goes hard against the j***s whereas the other one is obviously part of the club and controlled opposition

>> No.22342880

shapiro is endorsing him, his meme book is shilled here relentlessly while i don't see anybody in the far right even talking about him, shapiro does though.

>> No.22343253

As a rule, no political wing should trust jews. Many foolish people accept jews as their own based on jewish adoption of their own semiotics. Under the surface, the jew always has a different motive and intent. Jews don't criticize the left from the right, or the right from the left, they deconstruct both based on their godless taldmudic beliefs. The jews don't agree with each other, but ultimately, it's an internal dispute. They are always in the defense of either international jewry or the state of Israel. For this reason, anyone should be suspicious not only of the jew, but of the man undermined by talmudic doctrines, and any admirer of Israel.
This is true for both the left and the right wings. Leftists in America formerly had a totally different kind of beliefs, many of which were actually more racist and eugenic than traditional rightists. They are utterly subverted now, and to be fair, for a lot more than just "the joos." But guess who led that change? The right has experienced a similar derailment. Mercantile at heart, jews are perfectly fine with the erosion of social norms and critical metaphysical foundations from both directions. I find Bronze Age Pervert to be emblematic of that. He has the semiotics of a rightist, but these are a mask for an alien metaphysical sense to Western Man.

>> No.22343257

>3 bap threads up at once
this is some f gardner-level shilling

>> No.22343641

It's countershilling, there's a Kieth Woods discord that literally cannot stop seething at this mediocre book.

>> No.22343710
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>Zuckerberg sister already wrote about it and now Grimes (Elon gf) is writing about it.
She's already been doing this in her music videos, which tells me that actually living up to the demands that futurism and traditionalism or archaeo-futurism makes on people requires that you already be really rich.

Funny you bring him up because the South African Communist Party calls him a racist (against whites but also Indians) and a neo-fascist populist wearing left-wing skin (in a way like Mussolini). They have some interesting analysis about his movement's origins and content. The Western left likes his schtick parading around his blackness while LARPing as Che Guevara though.

>I believe that he is being boosted to give a kosher path for people who are prone to become extremist. Otherwise you could come to the conclusion that Jewish people have a bad influence on the U.S. However here comes BAP. Who applauds Netanyahu, how Israel is a model for us and how Palestinians should get out the way. It's not ZOG that is the issue, BAP says. It's Global Nigger Communism. He's leading people to the wrong conclusion and the fact that he was not open about his Jewishness is extra shady.
Israel used to play both sides of Western politics but this has been becoming asynchronous because Israel has moved significantly to the right. American Jews tend to be pretty liberal (outside the Orthodox, of which Shapiro is one) but they're seeing all these images from Israel, which has a Likud-led government that now openly and explicitly aligns with the Republican Party *against* the Democrats and meddles in American politics in a very brazen way.

>Leftists in America formerly had a totally different kind of beliefs, many of which were actually more racist and eugenic than traditional rightists. They are utterly subverted now, and to be fair, for a lot more than just "the joos."
The left in America has adopted this whole racialized discourse which is very toxic. If it were up to me, the left would adopt a non-racialized discourse that would be against racism very hard but really mean it, which would also include taking a hard line against anti-white racism. The NYT was making excuses for Malema the other day which is completely ridiculous.