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22328882 No.22328882 [Reply] [Original]

1. Minor Hippias
2. Ion
3. Alcibiades
4. Lysis
5. Laches
6. Charmides
7. Protagoras
8. Euthyphro
9. Gorgias
10. Menon
11. Socrates Apology
12. Crito
13. Euthydemus
14. Menexenus
15. Cratylus
16. Phedon
17. Symposium
18. Republic
19. Phedrus
20. Theaetetus
21. Parmenides
22. Sophist
23. Statesman
24. Timaeus
25. Critias
26. Philebus
27. Laws
28. Letters

>> No.22329169

I read alcibiades first

>> No.22330079

Alcibiades is the real start but Hippias and Ion are like warm-up

>> No.22330191

I'm in heat already

>> No.22330317

No arguments on your order or anything, I just wanted to comment on how comical your pic related is, it elicited a chuckle irl.

>> No.22330427

How is this better than the one in the Hackett volume? In what way would I benefit?

>> No.22330447

What about this is "official"? What are the principles behind ordering it this way?

>> No.22330551

Shit thread. You only need to read Phaedrus, Parmenides, Sophist, Philebus, and Timaeus. Trash the rest.

>> No.22330577


>> No.22331806

It's a pedagogical order, you can clearly see the evolution of plato logos with this order, also style wise i would move Lysis between Euthydemus and Menexenus because in Lysis it seem to be the end of the Socratic Elegkhos where he refute people and the start of a softer approach through maieutics, but i like to include the Lysis with Alcibiades, Laches, Charmides and Protagoras

>> No.22331910

start with the bhagavad gita

>> No.22331915

I read Euthyphro first

>> No.22331933

Well you fucked up you need to start over

>> No.22331959

I will read them chronologically.

>> No.22331973

Chronological writing doesn't exist and chronological of event is retarded

>> No.22332347

How exactly is it a pedagogical order? I mean, Timaeus-Critias are pushed toward the end when they're dialogues that allude at the start to the first four books of the Republic, and Theaetetus, which naturally goes with Sophist and Statesman, is separated by Parmenides, Phaedrus is connected with Symposium but has the Republic between them, Euthyphro is separated from the Apology and Crito, and all three are separated from Phaedo which looks at the immortality of the soul in light of the trial, so what exactly do you mean by "evolution of plato logos"? The elenchus doesn't just go away, it's all over the Philebus and Laws, and it's hard to see how it's unrelated to maieutics when maieutics are explained as what the elenchus is for the sake of in Theaetetus.

>> No.22332778

>what exactly do you mean by "evolution of plato logos"?
>How exactly is it a pedagogical order?
I mean that i believe it's the chronological order in which plato wrote them, it's not because Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo are chronologically related that they should be read together
>The elenchus doesn't just go away
I meant the Socratic elenchus which is his irony and how he just refute people with no mercy, Lysis seem like the start of a softer refutation system regarding the feelings of the refuted

>> No.22333324

Here's how I've done it so far, the ordering has been effective I think besides the early reading of Cratylus:
>Alcidiades, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo
>Cratylus, Symposium, Meno, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor
>Ion, Menexenus, 2nd Alcibiades, Hipparchus, Rival Lovers
>Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Euthydemus
>Protagoras, Gorgias, Republic, Timaeus, Critias
>Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman
From here, my plan is to read
>Philebus, Phaedrus
>Parmenides, Minos, Laws, Epinomis, Letters

>> No.22333964

sorry i have and only will read the republic.

>> No.22333971

I hate you

>> No.22333997

what more can he teach me? I doubt he has anything more of value to say. His 300 page dialogue is utterly terrible. It's just a self-insert character of plato, talking to a midwit. The self-insert makes a statement, asks the midwit if it's true. Then after the response the self-insert follows up with a "thus we can conclude x". The midwit will respond always with an affirmative like "yes", "that's right", "you're right", "indeed", "absolutely"

>> No.22334012

He can teach you to stop being a fucking midwit, start with Alcibiades it’s a good introduction on how to stop

>> No.22334033

wasn't even written by Plato. It's a proven forgery

>> No.22334071

There’s no proof of that you just quickly read a Wikipedia page didn’t you?

You know what forget about this, don’t start with Alcibiades, keep reading Wikipedia, you’re already doing god work on how to not be a midwit

>> No.22334248

Glaucon (and Adeimantus, Cephalus, Polemarchus, Thrasymachus, and Cleitophon) aren't midwits, nor are they meant to be. The big hint that most of the Republic is spent looking at the opinions and desires of certain types of men comes in book 2 when Socrates posits what he calls "the city in truth" which Glaucon rejects as "a city of pigs", which leads directly to the feverish city that requires the guardian classes to fix. Until books 5-7, books 2-4 and 8-9 are following up on what the guiding desires and opinions are of ambitious men noted for their spiritedness, with 5-7 and 10 showing their deficiencies.

>> No.22335527

I had greek for 6 years in highschool.

>> No.22335534

>has some dead guy say everything he wants to say himself to deflect criticism
Was Plato just a timid fag by using Socrates as his mouthpiece?

>> No.22335640

And I had chinese for 2 years in college, gave me terrible diarrhea

>> No.22335767

Yes and he also wanted to rehabilitate his bro