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22320475 No.22320475 [Reply] [Original]

Not saying women SHOULDN’T write, but it seems like Harry Potter is more driven towards a male audience but has a bit of a feminine way of thinking.

And I don’t mean just any man. What if in an AU, J.K.Rowling was born male and came up with the idea for one of the most influential works out there.

If we should consider the following.


Would it even have the same appeal? Of course it would be different, but would testosterone have given this series an edge?

>> No.22320476

Damn it, now I feel like a misogynist and not the fun kind. I should’ve made the question a lot more general.

>> No.22320486
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I guess what I’m also saying is, “Would Sonichu be better if it were written by someone not autistic.”

It’s more like if you try to improve the author specifically, then how will the art be? Will it still be artistic or ironed out like a bland piece of toast? How much of an author’s flaws is needed?

>> No.22320495

I doubt it would've had the same appeal. The femininity and lack of edge is what makes the series so palatable to young readers, and specifically young girls.

>> No.22320501

this is what being terminally online does to you

>> No.22320507

I feel like Harry Potter had more female than male fans, at least it used to before all the tranny controversies

>> No.22320512

>Would Harry Potter be better if it were written by a man

>> No.22320515

I guess

I didn’t even think of that. This thread OP was a mistake. I didn’t write the right questions and I’m trying to now.

>> No.22320521

harry potter was mainly read and consumed by girls and women. in my own family my mother and sisters played the audiobooks on repeat for years.

>> No.22320533

I’m realizing that now and I don’t want to take that away from them. Women need a space to read too and I want them to have that. Yet I feel like, not from her gender no more of that, Rowling has personal flaws that prevents Harry Potter from being truly exceptional.

Does an artist’s personal flaws give their works their appeal or take away from them? Thats the new question I want to ask.

See OP

>> No.22320534

if Edgar Allan Poe would have writed Harry Potter it would be the best piece of art ever existed. It would be a long story in just one book. It will be all gravitated toward one thing, witch is the Horcrux insane spell of this Necromancer called voldemort and how to destroy it, there will be blood, sacrifice...the setting will be extremely gothic and crimey, there will be no Weasley faggot family, no Griffondor or that faggot yellow house, only Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Everything will be so grimy and downhill, it will says thinks like there was a house called Griffondor but pipol of Hogwatrts were so evil that the brave houses died in the competition. There will be no concept of good, only of Evil, and the story is about to be less evil then the others, afterall everyone is a wizard. He would also introduce themes like inquisition, psycological operations, fear inducing propaganda eccetera

>> No.22320538

yea and no kids would read that, congrats

>> No.22320539

harry potter is exceptional, it's one of the most successful and engaging childrens stories of all time. rowling is a genius childrens author. the shit ain't chiseled but people here worship kantian wet noodle prose but it pulled millions of children into a fantasy world that they loved and enjoyed.

>> No.22320546


It certainly is popular and does those things you said.

Fuck it, I’m shutting this thread down if I can

>> No.22320547

ah you wanted it more toward kids? make everything more symbolic and fabulous, boom, here we go. Universal piece of art like by adults and kids

>> No.22320557

I couldn’t do it

Don’t bring Steven Universe into this.

>> No.22320696

Is this thread some sort of tumblr raid psyop? Or does OP just have schizophrenia?

>> No.22320708

They shouldn't though

>> No.22320824

I imagine it would be far more engaging. What made Percy Jackson and Hunger Games so successful was the non stop engagement. Always new characters and conflicts. Harry Potter spent too much time building up the aesthetics of the world, which is good if you really want to get lost in it, but most young readers need some extra entertainment, and HP can be a serious slog if you're not overly invested in the world.

>> No.22321839

That’s something I’m trying to do with my stories. Keep the world engaging while introducing conflict along the way. It’s almost like levels in a vidya, you can see the pretty sights while beating up foot soldiers then you get to the level’s mini boss at the destination

>> No.22322148

Examples of anything in the series being feminine, in regards to any of the male characters? One of the bet things about the story is how well Rowling managed to depict boyhood. Even when they start pursuing girls and getting into romance she doesn't write it in a girly way.