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22302980 No.22302980 [Reply] [Original]

How does the Buddha explain that we are capable of abstractly conjuring perfectly round circles, with none of it found outside ourselves in nature, if we are to take his word that we are nature ourselves?

>> No.22302985

The same way Euclid said to do it.

>> No.22303064

You haven't read a single book on Buddhism and you never will. Just create another Christcuck vs Buddhistcel thread.

>> No.22303092

There are round objects in the universe and pi is an inherent property of every single one of them. Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a perfect circle. So there are perfect circles in the universe, otherwise there would be no pi. And you can now go kys.

>> No.22303104

>if we are to take his word that we are nature ourselves

>> No.22303145 [DELETED] 
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There is no pi in the universe because pi is an irrational number. Irrational numbers are what we create to make sense of an irrational world incompatible with the rational mind, therefore things such as 'perfectly straight circles' or 'perfectly straight lines' can not exist in nature. They are only abstracts conjured by the mind.

>> No.22303149

Why do you want to know?

>> No.22303157

>there are perfect circles in the universe
>otherwise there would be no pi
pi doesn't exist outside the 'mind'

>> No.22303163

Every dialectic inches towards the truth.

>> No.22303378

Buddhist epistemology rejects the idea that you need to see a circle of some degree of perfection to imagine it to that degree of perfection. In fact you can construct a perfect circle without ever having seen a circle at all, even. Watch:

>a 2D figure with a constant radius around a point

>> No.22303407

> How does the Buddha explain that we are capable of abstractly conjuring perfectly round circles
We aren’t, you’re a mathlet.

>> No.22303447

That's hippie pop Buddhism. Buddha taught that everything (from humans down to rocks and dirt) has both a Buddha-nature and a Delusion-nature, but within humans the Delusion-nature can potentially be removed. Which is entirely in line with humans being able to imagine something perfect that cannot otherwise exist.

>> No.22303587

Are you too stupid to understand the reasoning?

>> No.22303692
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i am a far relative of buddha,where is my enlightenment genes? is the urge to run away from home and everything the only thing that i got from him?

>> No.22303697

Buddha would ask you to write down all the digits of Pi so that you would be certain your abstraction is complete.

>> No.22303699
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>> No.22303704

>So there are perfect circles in the universe
[citation needed]

>> No.22303950

>How does the Buddha explain that we are capable of abstractly conjuring perfectly round circles, with none of it found outside ourselves in nature, if we are to take his word that we are nature ourselves?

>Humans are nature ourselves
>Humans are capable of abstractly conjuring perfectly round circles
>Perfectly round circles are unnatural

You can only pick two

>> No.22303955

The mind that conceives it is itself a part of nature.

>> No.22303969

Imagine thinking humans have learned literally nothing in the last few thousand years. Hint: technology is more than just gadgets and gizmos. It's also philosophy. Ancient dumbasses are irrelevant today. Grow up.

>> No.22303972

>abstractly conjuring
There's nothing magic about conceptualizing things, like circles or triangles.

>> No.22303990
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Start with the 'Jeets you are looking for the skhandhas

>> No.22305051

Read the fucking sentence before
>Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a perfect circle.
If I wanna calculate the volume of your head I NEED pi, cause it's a round object. So pi is an inherent property of your head. But for pi to exist, there must exist a perfect circle, because that's the literal definition; again:
>Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a perfect circle.
Your head exists -> pi exists -> perfect circle exists
Simple logical conclusion

>> No.22305119

The idea of a "perfect circle" is an illusion which arises dependent on the experience of imperfect worldly circles, and the ignorance which clouds the minds of all unenlightened beings, making them see beauty in ugliness, safety in danger, permanence in change, and perfection in imperfection.
The perfect circle is a lie made by the deluded mind, just like God, eternal Heaven and Hell, and the soul.
Even the rough value of pi of an imperfect circle is dependently arisen, only existing in relation to a radius and diameter, and disappearing once these numbers disappear.

>> No.22305154
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>The perfect circle is a lie made by the deluded mind
You are bad at maths.

>> No.22305207

So then a "perfect circle" isn't an object that exists independent of everything else in a parallel realm, but rather a series of instructions composed of smaller parts, exactly as >>22303378 said. Ergo, Buddhist epistemology can explain it perfectly well and abstract realms full of ideal dinnerware are not necessary.

>> No.22305218

I don't care if you can make a formula "proving" that circles exist. I can write an encyclopedia about what unicorns are REALLY like and it would be nothing but delusion

>> No.22305224

Nothing worse than a confident retard.

>> No.22305263

I never understood how someone that can write coherently can manage to be so bad at mathematics. Literally bot-like.