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22268649 No.22268649 [Reply] [Original]

Biden is calling on reserve troops to go to Ukraine, probably because recruitment is low. If this doesn’t work, the next step is a draft.

It’s going to be winter in a few months. Biden isn’t stupid enough to fight Russia in the winter, is he?

This is a classic mistake. Napoleon couldn’t do it, and Hitler couldn’t do it. Fighting Russia in the winter is suicide.

>> No.22268652

Fuck. I meant to post this on /pol/

>> No.22268660

Go back there and stay there.

>> No.22268662

What’s the difference?

>> No.22268665

>books for this feel?
Got ya OP, don't worry about it. >>22268649

>> No.22268671

This is the right board. /lit/ is pro Russia, we decided that in a thread a day or two ago.

>> No.22268678

You don’t have to be pro-Russia to realize that fighting them in the cold on their terf is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.22268681
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>> No.22268683

The troops are not stationed in Ukraine just yet, they are stationed in European NATO countries in anticipation of Russian aggression thanks to their actions in Ukraine. Apparently they're there to beef up US forces already in NATO countries as part of "Operation Atlantic Resolve", which occurred in response to the taking of Crimea in 2014.


Definitely escalatory, but that's much of a muchness now that Russia's gone to war and made a mess of it.

>> No.22268686

Yes but you are pro Russia and so am I

>> No.22268688
File: 91 KB, 702x824, if-you-cant-imagine-a-life-outside-nation-states-and-their-v0-24sw6b4w1w9b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Debase currency
>Invade Afghanistan
>Invade Russia in Winter
Next up in the fall of America, pastoralist raiders from the Steppe overwhelm the cities and towns demanding tribute in the form of grain and fair maidens

>> No.22268693
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Fuck it. You’re right, but only because their flag is cooler than Ukraine.

Let’s goooooooooooooooo

>> No.22268698

It's not a "war", it's a special military operation.

>> No.22268703

Worse than invading Afghanistan. That bastard George Bush did that.

Biden didn’t start that war. He lost it.

Fucking moron retreated from Afghanistan and left $85 billion of military equipment, vehicles, and ammunition behind making Afghanistan the fourth most powerful military in the world.

>> No.22268714

>Afghanistan the fourth most powerful military in the world
They defeated the United States so technically they are the no. 1

>> No.22268725

Fuck a war by geto boys explains my thoughts on this fearmongering dumb shit, this is the literature board you faggot

>> No.22268729 [DELETED] 

i think biden retreated so fast because they had intelligence saying what putin was gonna do and didn't want to try to fight on two fronts

>> No.22268732

God, I hope we start drafting zoomer scum and steamroll the rusted out remains of Russia's army.

>> No.22268734

>Definitely escalatory
It is election season politics and an empty gesture on the world stage.

>> No.22268741

classic /pol/tard moment. while you’re here, check out the work of Isaac Babel, a genius Ukrainian short story writer. I can recommend his book “Red Calvary” especially.

>> No.22268744

Threatening WWIII over a country that nobody cares about is horrible optics.

I’m drowning in inflation at home and I can’t afford a house. I don’t care about some far away land that I’ve never been to. Biden needs to focus on problems in America first.

>> No.22268758

Since this thread will get a lot of replies and it’s on the wrong board anyway, I’ll ask whatever happens to Frater?

>> No.22268760

Get a better job

>> No.22268767

>Threatening WWIII
The North Korean govt does this constantly and it's been in power uninterrupted for decades. It's a good business model and the rest of the world is only starting to catch up.

>> No.22268770

Orwell pls stop

>> No.22268773

It's too late we are already at war with Sneedonia formerly Chuckia

>> No.22268784

This is not threatening WWIII, absolute worse case it is war between US and Russia but that is not going to happen. Biden is sending reservist because that is all he can send without disrupting normal military operations and he wants the brownie points for the election. Russia is perfectly aware of US politics and 3000 reservists being sent to NATO countries is not going to cause them to even bat an eye, but they will happily exploit it for their own political brownie points.

>> No.22268868

See but the very theatricality of it is what makes it so interesting. Each party is obligated to demonstrate it is capable of violence and has the logistics to deploy it, but so long as all the players are in on the game of cynical chivalry everyone wins except trans-Uralic peasants and Ukrainians offered up as potlach. So why not send another three thousand West Virginians and Samoans to the Baltic countries to remind both Russia and the rest of the NATO countries that the United States is serious about following the rules? Russia failed to win a conventional war and are now too embarassed to walk away—they put nukes in Belarus since they can't spare thousands of men on standby like the US can—but the US has decided they can't have any more of Ukraine. Crimea and the necessary land corridor—that's the deal and it has already been taken. That was Russian for centuries, and if Turkey is still in NATO the Russians are still checked. They get Crimea and Syria, NATO gets Finland, Sweden, and inner Ukraine. The wildcard is the Ukrainian forces actually reaching their old borders, only true believers in war could upset the game and these likely exist in their military. But among the Americans and Russians it is not clear any even exist who have a worthwhile hand to play, everyone capable is also in on it, tame and calculating. The mafias lose if the city is burned down by freelance criminals.

>> No.22268896

Not /lit/ fuck off. Also learn how to read. It doesn't say to Ukraine but to Europe.

>> No.22268903

I don't think I would call the theatrics interesting. US is not reminding Russia of anything with 3000 reservist, it is just so Biden can say he is reminding Russia. Politics plain and simple, this sort of thing happens almost every election season.

>> No.22268918

Okay we get.. it you watch Caspian Report in your free time

>> No.22268948

You don't find the restrained deployment of world-destroying force against a forewarned and largely compliant adversary as an extension of domestic politics the least bit interesting? The amount of things which could go wrong but have thus far not due to willingness to behave of all the stakeholders for the sake of manipulating their subjects? It's never existed before at this scale in all of human history and the mixture of pettiness and solemness that holds it together really ought to have snapped already. As you say the 3000 men are so Biden can tell Americans he is taking this seriously and are not actually there to fight, but the war is already over. Russia and Ukraine might swap a few miles over the next few months, but the West and the Russians are so procedural they cannot actually end it tomorrow. Why bother with this? Simply to intimidate domestic rivals? To tie up dangerous true believers in the causes for war with useless exercises to hopefully expend them? To ensure any shifts in the balance of power are stress tested and made at a crawl so as to minimize disruption to powers behind the thrones? The fact that this is obvious waste is all so mundane—that is what makes it so interesting.

>> No.22268951

Never heard of it. I don't need news read to me as a bedtime story at a 2nd grade level, which is the format of most news shows

>> No.22268955

>thinks the US is going to send infantrymen to duke it out in the snowy mountains with rifles
>oops i meant to post in pol
yeah checks out

>> No.22268972

Oh yeah, Ukraine, a place known for its mountains and freezing winters

>> No.22269003

3000 reservists is not a world destroying force and would have no effect on anything if war were to spread beyond the Ukraine. Russia knew such a "show of force" would be coming as election season ramps up in the US and their reaction was probably one of surprise that it was as limp as just 3000 reservists.

>> No.22269023

>3000 reservists is not a world destroying force and would have no effect on anything
If any one of them so much as catches a cold there will be a nuclear winter. That's a very dangerous way to send a cynical, cyclical political message. Aren't there less ridiculous ways to do diplomacy? Even if nothing happens, they cost millions to deploy and support. But we all know they are useless. But they are only useless so long as everyone follows the rules!

>> No.22269059

You have no concept of reality. Ultimately the thing to watch out for is China starting to play peace keeper, war between the US and Russia would put them between a rock and a hard place. China will become very vocal if things escalate beyond the politic.

>> No.22269074

The Chinese are a nuclear power, they are in on it too. If the US won't nuke Russia to preserve the integrity of Ukraine, it won't nuke China over Taiwan. Procedures must be followed.

>> No.22269088

Has nothing to do with being a nuclear power, economy plain and simple. War between the US and Russia would force China to a pick a side which is functionally amputating a sizable chunk of their economy and destroying their economy if they pick wrong. If there is even a remote chance of war between the US and Russia they will do everything they can to prevent it. You have a high school tier understanding of world politics.

>> No.22269121

I don't think they'd really want to prevent it. If Russia needs money that's a fire sale on real estate and other nice things China might want. Some 99 year leases in outer Manchuria, some oil and gas fields in Siberia, who knows? And stateside store shelves would be empty if the US tried to economically retaliate against China for backing Russia. You are the naive one. A war in Europe is a boon to China's Pacific empire building, all the better if it forces the Americans to shift their resources. They don't need a "side" at all, they can afford to be like India and deal with both. But this all assumes a chivalrous war, the rules of kanly are observed and the house atomics unused. Of course, there is no direct US-Russia confrontation nor can there be because the governance in place, however risky it may be, continues to operate. The US and Russia would never fight a direct conventional war because it would take one bad day of casualities to convince the public of the need for nuclear attack—an obvious disaster for the atomic mafiosi. And so wargaming the Chinese response is totally speculative, a larper viewing a fake war as if it were real.

>> No.22269136

napoleon invaded russia in june

>> No.22269153

There would be no economic retaliation, China would be forced to pick a side which is accepting the complete loss of their business with the other side and that business is more than just trade. China will threaten their own economic sanctions on both the US and Russia if war becomes a possibility and they will do everything else they can think of to make sure that war does not happen.

>> No.22269286

>invade russia
Nobody wants your shitty bydlo country. Just leave Ukraine and rot back home all you want. The persecution complex is amazing, a fucking pretzel of logic to arrive at the idea that the aggressor in a military conflict is somehow the victim. Fuck you.

>> No.22269410

>Biden is calling on reserve troops to go to Ukraine
Why didn't you read the article in its entirety, fucking retard?
He's activating a MAXIMUM of 3k reservists for Atlantic Resolve, a mission that has existed since 2014. They're going to Poland or Romania to jerk off in portashitters and do squad STX, not to fight WWIII in the name of Hunter Biden's crack pipe or whatever the fuck you think it is.

>> No.22269412

>nuclear winter (lmao)
>muh stronk russians
>muh russian winters
You don't knoe shit, dude. Get the fuck off /pol/.

>> No.22269416

The afghanistan war was about the poppy fields. The taliban destroyed them so the cia invaded the country to start them growing poppies again.
After the development of effective synnthetic opiates like fentanyl that can be cooked up in a lab anywhere the cia cartel had no further need for actual poppies

>> No.22269616

>Fighting Russia in the winter is suicide
Sending more whites to die for Israeli interests is just part and parcel of western society at this point