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22247857 No.22247857 [Reply] [Original]

I need a lighthearted slur for black people for a scene I'm writing. It should be minimally offensive and humorous while also being instantly recognizable as a label for blacks. Naturally, I came here.

>> No.22247865


>> No.22247870


>> No.22247919

Spooks, darkies

>> No.22247945

Porch monkey
Spear chucker

>> No.22247952

Racism is cringe. Do NOT put it in your story, anon...

>> No.22247960

hmmm I think the most light hearted slur for a black person is "You know what"
As in "I saw a couple of you-know-whats hanging around the corner."

>> No.22247961

Never heard that one before.

>> No.22247963


>> No.22247968

You incredible newfag. You absolute tourist. You dumb fucking candyass. Get off my board.

>> No.22247972

Michael Jackson impersonator

>> No.22247989

You need to go back.

>> No.22248049
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>> No.22248088

urban youth
inner city hoodlums

>> No.22248164

'gator bait
Cotton Picker
Jungle Bunny
Aunt Jemima
Uncle Tom

>> No.22248175
File: 220 KB, 720x901, racistlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first season of MASH had a black doctor in the unit. His nickname was Spear Chucker. He didn't seem to mind.
Pic might help.

>> No.22248263


>> No.22248265

Sambo. Look it up.

>> No.22248282


>> No.22248527

Darkie isn’t bad

My father in law would say this sometimes and we’d all just chuckle.

>> No.22248573

>we’d all just chuckle.
Should've called him out on his terrible behaviour.

>> No.22248705

shady gentlemen

>> No.22248856

Black guy here. I think Jigaboo is a pretty funny slur. And it's outdated so it's not as offensive as it used to be. porch monkey is also quite humorous. Moon cricket is an obscure one, so maybe not even recognizable as a slur. Pickaninny and nigglet are fun ones for children. Hope this helps :)

>> No.22248880

Jigs and nogs and boons and groids, blackamoors and picka ninnies, moving targets, liver lippers jungle bunnies, farm equipment, rubber lips and snake head slaves, eggplant porters and gator bait. Every day I probably use, 99 words for coons. Brillo heads and congoloids, crips and bloods, blackie boys, cotton pickers, monkey shufflers, Obama’s sons and bootlip shuckers. Shit lip shitskins swing from trees apes and filthy chimpanzees, bongo thumpers, cranial pubes. 99 words for coons. Fecal crackheads, nigger fail, gutter monkey, sheboon whales, lips like saucers, traffic stoppers, knuckle draggers, niglet ploppers, brillos, moolies, octaroonies, concrete domes and marching looties, pimped out caddies, red ass boons. 99 words for coons. Midnight cricket, old sambo, redbone hoes and potato nose, jiggers, noggers, nigger knockers, bucks and screaming ghetto lobster, africooners, afro sheen, piles of shit and welfare queens, jenkem huffers, spoonbill boon. 99 words for coons. Chainlink jumpers, bluegum humpers, garbage baggy niglet dumpers, fecalrillas, looter coonday, high yellows hating mondays. Congo bongos, kaffir skin, rockfish season, jigs can’t swim. There’s lots of names for nigs, it’s true. You will learn to hate those coons too.

>> No.22248886

Lot of mental illness in this thread.

>> No.22248925

Golliwog probably wouldn't make sense unless his characters are British

>> No.22249139

moon crickets is my favorite

>> No.22249152


>> No.22249199

>never listened to kingpin skinny pimp
Fuck you bitch

>> No.22249436

Coal people
People from Montenegro

>> No.22249482

Mental Illness is a fiction created by pharmaceutical companies to turn people into addicts.

>> No.22249522

Processed food is a vice created by masons to give us cancer and keep hospitals loaded

>> No.22250847

St. Louis tourist.

Shirtless attacker.


>> No.22250954

There are people on this board who were not even born when /b/ launched, holy shit.

>> No.22250984

what time period are we talking about exactly

you need to go back, sami filth from the frozen wastes, whats the matter, mongols chased your ancestors from their rock

>> No.22250988

I vouch for this one

>> No.22250990

Mooncricket or coon.

>> No.22250996

I also forgot smoke. That one is fucking funny since they used to use it in newspapers.

>> No.22251061

Wrong era, brotha. A "lighthearted slur" would be at best extremely condescending.
Just call them niggers and be done with it.

>> No.22251790

Many good suggestions. Should have mentioned this is gritty sci fi that takes place around 50 years in the future. Currently leaning toward dindu, but porch monkey, spook and jigaboo aren't far off. They just carry a little too much cultural baggage I'd like to steer clear of. Thanks, anons, and happy to hear more suggestions.

>> No.22252629

person of crime
pavement ape
bad neighbor
homo africanus

>> No.22252745

“The ones who get ashy” or maybe
“coco butter users”

>> No.22252746

Darkies was used in the game RDR2.

>> No.22253585

>His nickname was Spear Chucker
According to Altman's film, they called him that because he "used to throw javelins."
Pretty funny joke imo.

>> No.22253804
