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22235942 No.22235942 [Reply] [Original]

It’s honestly pretty boring for a manifesto.

>> No.22235947
File: 484 KB, 1200x1200, file-20200416-192731-92novs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler thread? If you've ever been curious about The Young Hitler I Knew, and want some samples from it, check out this shitty thread in which a lot of them were posted:

>> No.22235954

It is really rather dated in places... It was addressed to a completely different socio-political situation than holds today.

>> No.22236031
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Outside of jews and germany being bigger, what else did he talk about? I only know that book as rant against jews, but was there anything else in it that's interesting?

>> No.22236043

Great thread. Unironically I see a lot of commonalities with me.
>"He had no comprehension of enjoyment of life as others knew it. He did not smoke, he did not drink, and in Vienna, for instance, he lives for days on milk and bread only"
This was when I uttered under my breath " Literally me"

>> No.22236057

Just because you didn't stop to think about his reasons to specific historical circumstances. And of course his book is only a small part of what constituted the basis of the Third Reich. It's mostly a piece for activists and politicians, partially for propaganda partially as advice.
His life, parliamentary democracy, propaganda, reds. A lot actually.

>> No.22236151

Germans are a boring people.
This book was the most excitement they'd had in a long time.

>> No.22236355

The guy was bored out of his mind and the options he had to pass the time while in jail, alternated between taking a piss, wanking and scribbling in this manuscript.
Bet he never even bother to do a single pushup.

>> No.22236361

it's pretty boring. the prose is mostly flat and in the parts where it isn't flat it's histrionic. wasn't much of a writer imo

>> No.22236366

It's more like the bullshit books politicians put out in campaign season that nobody reads than anything else.

>> No.22236853

It's not even meant to be a definitive manifesto, it's just a history of how he arrived at his ideas, the development of the party, and opinions on issues pertinent at the time, but less so later.

>> No.22236890

Laugh out loud
When he spoke people listened.

>> No.22236933

>completely different socio-political situation than holds today
I'd argue no. It's obvious 100 years have passed but we're seeing the same signals of decline and a reactionary turn toward tradition via a 3rd way. The similarities aren't merely superficial and one could argue they run deeper than the fact the internet now exists.

>> No.22237323
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>It's more like the bullshit books politicians put out in campaign season that nobody reads than anything else.

>> No.22237328
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>When he spoke people listened.
I listened to an interview with a Hitler Youth veteran awhile ago and he saw Hitler speak several times and said you couldn't really hear him because audio amplification was poor in those days. You could only make out some words. "Ark... bark! *squawk* Deutschland!" and then the signal to salute would go up and everyone would do it.

It was a hierarchical and authoritarian culture. Germans back then were really like sheep, following the one with the biggest horns.

>> No.22237337

That's hilarious

>> No.22237395

Yep, Codreanu is way better

>> No.22237764
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nah they had it pretty good at landsberg. alot of the guards were nazis and let them hang out during the day.

>> No.22237832
File: 95 KB, 500x555, with-jews-we-lose02_k0nsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he should jave cut it down to this

>> No.22237856
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No, time is a flat circle, and the new Reich will once again be built atop the corpses of trannies and the jews who created them.

>> No.22237921

Lol kys

>> No.22237977
File: 8 KB, 240x304, 1686822092571218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there actually any other ideology work of nazis that one can find?

>> No.22237981

fascism is politics for midwits and weaklings seeking to fill the void in their minds and souls so it makes sense that all the art and media they produced was unremarkable

>> No.22238413
File: 153 KB, 821x1024, 1683769146478787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism is just the common sense response to marxism.
If you don't want fascism, just stop being a marxist.
It's literally that simple.

>> No.22238695


>> No.22238717

Get Faith and Action by Helmut Stellrecht, it's on LibGen.

>> No.22238857
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Then you're going to get fascism.

>> No.22239327

There are some good books dealing with the ideology as well but if you only want primairy sources:
>Rudolf Jung - National Socialism: It's Foundations, Development, and Goals (recommended)
Pre-Hitler as he was one of the main ideologues of the original Austrian party
>Hitler's second book (recommended)
>Hitler: Memoirs Of A Confidant
conversations between Hitler and Otto Wagener
>SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines (recommended)
SS pamphlets and works are the best in general in my opinion if you can find them. Though few are widely known let alone translated.
>Odal das Lebensgesetz eines ewigen Deutschland
At least this one you can find online, only in German and in Fraktur though
>Rebel Mountain - Kurt Eggers
>SS warrior poet - Kurt Eggers (recommended)
>A New Nobility of Blood and Soil - Darre (recommended)
>women in the third reich - Else Frobenius
>The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation - Gottfried Feder
>The Programme of the NSDAP- Feder (recommended)
>the german state on a national and socialist foundation - Feder
>In His Own Words: The Essential Speeches of Adolf Hitler

>There are some collections by guys that translate works from German but don't know if you can get them since they constantly lose their publisher
>National Socialist Racial Policy - Collection of works by walther Gross
>National Socialist Cultural Policy - Wolfgang Schulz

Antelopehillpublishing should also be bringing out some good books in not so distant future (coming months I assume)
The Peasantry as the Lifeblood of the Nordic Race - Darre
The Collected Speeches of Gregor Strasser
collection of Nuremberg Rally speeches

Faith and Action like someone else mentioned was a childrens book but pretty all right

>> No.22239335

Some classics on National Socialism:
>George Mosse, The Crisis of German Ideology
Good overview of volkisch thought in Germany
>Jeffrey Herf, Reactionary Modernism
Another good overview that will introduce you to many important themes and names, and not too long.
>Armin Mohler, The Conservative Revolution in Germany
Classic overview of the wider milieu of which National Socialism was just one part. The only English translation is poor, so try to get it in German or another language instead. It's not as long as the later German editions look, as much of the later editions are bibliography. The original study is fairly short.
>Thomas Rohkramer, A Single Communal Faith?
An extremely good synthesis of what exactly National Socialism "was" as a historical phenomenon.
>Thomas Rohkramer, The Fatal Attraction of National Socialism
Only in German but one of the most important books ever written on why normal people actually went along with the regime and how they saw it. Pic related.
>Charles Bambach, Heidegger's Roots
If you are at least somewhat familiar with Heidegger's philosophy, this will help explain what Heidegger saw in Nazism, and by extension, what other philosophers and intellectuals saw in it.
>Anna Bramwell, Blood and Soil: Richard Walther Darré and Hitler's "Green Party"
Good and sometimes criticized overview of Nazi ecology. Another good (and much shorter) book like this is "How Green Were the Nazis?"

Primary sources that may be helpful in understanding why people found National Socialism attractive
>Werner Sombart, Deutscher Sozialismus
The English translation is just barely serviceable and doesn't do the work of translating German idiom to English idiom, so it reads awkwardly and loses much of its force. If you read it in English, try to remember this.
>Oswald Spengler, Prussian Socialism
Another classic statement of the need for an "organic" volkisch socialism that isn't mechanistically reductive or atomistically individualist like French and English socialisms.
>Othmar Spann, The True State
Recently translated by Ellery Edwards. Similar to above, but from a Catholic corporatist angle.
>Fichte, Addresses to the German Nation
Very important text for the history of national socialisms of all kinds.
>Fichte, The Closed Commercial State
More challenging. Only read this if you're really interested in national-socialist socio-economic theory, things like Friedrich List and Johann Rodbertus.

>> No.22239341
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Other studies worth reading
>A. James Gregor, The Ideology of Fascism
A very good overview of Italian fascism that debunks many myths about it and idiotic interpretations of it.
>Zeev Sternhell, The Birth of Fascist Ideology
A classic and still probably the single best, overall interpretation of Italian fascism and French third positionism.
>Zeev Sternhell, Neither Right nor Left
More in-depth on the French setting. Alain de Benoist has a good book on French on Berth if you end up being interested in the French angle, and Eugen Weber has a good study of Action Francaise.
>Nicholas Nagy-Talavera, The Green Shirts and Others
Best overview of Codreanu's Legion.
>Stanley Payne, Falange
Best overview of Falange, which is in the same tradition as French third positionism as described by Sternhell.

Other general works on fascism that are useful to consult
>Ernst Nolte, Three Faces of Fascism
Still a great work even if Nolte's ultimate thesis is criticized.
>Roger Griffin, The Idea of Fascism
Griffin's interpretation of fascism as a form of modernism with its own internal logic is now dominant in fascist studies. This is his landmark study.
>Roger Griffin, Fascism and Modernism
This is Griffin's final authoritative statement on his synthetic interpretation of fascism. It's hard to read and I wouldn't read it first if I were you.
>Stanley Payne, A History of Fascism 1914-1945
Just a good overview.

More primary sources that can shed light on the national socialist worldview in parallel or as precursors:
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For my Legionaries
>José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Anthology of Speeches and Quotes
>Ernst von Salomon, anything (Outlaws, Fragebogen)
>Alain de Benoist, Vu de droite
>Georges Sorel, Reflections on Violence
>Joseph de Maistre, Considerations on France
>Thomas Mann, Reflections/Observations of an Unpolitical Man (Betrachtungen Eines Unpolitischen)
>Hermann Löns, The Warwolf (Der Wehrwolf)
>Unironically, Starship Troopers

>> No.22239479

no, im not saying i am a marxist. im not. you are just simply wrong. its a fucking gay take on par w being a fascist tbqh

>> No.22239532

Well we're talking about National Socialism not fascism

>> No.22239541

Has there ever been a manifesto remotely on par with the unabombers?

>> No.22239555

I have never seen a trans person irl, and I live in a pretty large American city, not as big as Chicago or LA but the largest in my state. You guys have the most fucked perspectives

>> No.22239560

o i see what you are saying there is so much nuance to the subject , it is such a deep topic. its too bad national socialism(not fascism) didn't produce any artistic output of any merit at all. such a coincidence that same thing happened w fascism which is so different

>> No.22239732
File: 281 KB, 1209x904, det.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major advances in film
>Loads of wartime poetry and books
>holding art exhibitions all the time
>planning on making cities devoted to nothing but making and presenting art with 31 planned smaller projects
Just because you only know your media approved art doesn't mean it wasn't there. For just being in power for 12 years their cultural output was pretty enormous.

>> No.22239737

while there are perhaps a few pieces worth your time the overall trend is degenerative and mediocre. this is due to the entire movement being made up of seething midwits and weaklings. they ended up losing which is the only possible option for men of such meager abilities

>> No.22239766

>the overall trend is degenerative and mediocre
Like I said. Just don't talk about things when you clearly don't know anything about it.

>> No.22239777
File: 82 KB, 828x575, lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a lying marxist.

>> No.22239787

you didnt fucking say that. ha. theres nothing to know. the cultural movement was mediocre. it has been forgotten. even when looking at its output, which i have extensively, nothing stands out. it was an elevation of midwittery caused by the decline of the middle class in germany and the other nations in central europe. MIDDLE CLASS

>> No.22239792

>Major advances in film
Actually, a drastic decline compared to pre-Nazi Germany - most of the bloody film-makers just suddenly got up and moved to the USA, for no particular reason it seems.

>Loads of wartime poetry and books
Everyone had loads of wartime poetry and books, and most other nations - a lot more. The USSR could put down a library against every wartime piece of literature and poetry produced by Germany and Italy combined, and USA can put down two libraries for each.

>planning on making cities devoted to nothing but making and presenting art with 31 planned smaller projects
...while the Soviets did not plan it - they actually did it.

>holding art exhibitions all the time
Just don't talk about things when you clearly don't know anything about it. I mean, yeah, they did - on a scale that was laughable for the period.

>> No.22239796

absolutely not but you are a homosexual that lives in your parents basement, i guarantee it.

>> No.22239802

>it was an elevation of midwittery caused by the decline of the middle class in germany and the other nations in central europe. MIDDLE CLASS
That's not even a good point really, because USSR, Japan and France also experienced a decline of middle class, and they were still culturally leaps and bounds ahead of Germany and Italy. So they don't even have that excuse.

>> No.22239806

just because it caused it in germany doesnt mean that other nations weren't/aren't actually sensible about their reactions

>> No.22239807

And US was experiencing the Great Depression at the time, and still - way ahead of Germany on every count, including literature and cinema.

>> No.22239863

Now you're just making shit up
>drastic decline compared to pre-Nazi Germany
Except of course it was done on a far larger scale, made more accesible to far more people and with world innovative techniques. All while it being somewhat on the backburner.
>and most other nations - a lot more
Nope. They had loads of them, basically created a whole culture surrounding it. Many were however banned or at the very least supressed. Like I said, if you don't know anything...
>...while the Soviets did not plan it - they actually did it.
12 years with half at war is not enough to reshape some of the largest cities into cultural centres and build completely new ones from the gound up, who knew? Compared to what they had planned the soviets also had basically nothing.
>on a scale that was laughable for the period
Hahahaha retard

>> No.22239887

>says a bunch of gay shit
>is gay

>> No.22239890

>even when looking at its output, which i have extensively
Googling Nazi art and then looking at the first three results doesn't count.
>decline of the middle class in germany
>Party focused primarily on the working and agrarian class which it was also born from comes from the middle class
unironically a rotten commie brain

>> No.22239920 [DELETED] 

while the volkish movement was a core tenant of the national socialists it was the decline of the MIDDLE class that produced the sentiment necessary to lead that movement. again MIDDLE. and again, yr gay.

>> No.22239934

while the volkish movement was a core of the national socialists it was the decline of the MIDDLE class that produced the sentiment necessary to lead that movement. again MIDDLE. and again, yr gay.

>> No.22239946

Nope. Sudeten working class which was being pushed from their factories (and as a result homes since there was a weird system were those were largely tied) by cheap Czech labour, they banded together in ethnonationalist unions which became the Austrian party. The German party itself was basically until 32 also focused on the working class after wich they switch to a cross party platform (which was also really controversial in the party) for a whole year when they got into power, after which they dropped most of that again. yr dumb and don't know history

>> No.22239949

I‘ve really gotta wonder how deep the awareness of film in the Third Reich particularly goes. Is it just that Fritz Lang and the Caligeri guy left?

I watched Fridericus for the first time recently and was blown away by the subtle realism and allegory it uses to connect historical drama to the present. Plus, the gripping and intimate battle scenes. By contrast, Alexander Nevsky is a clown show of unimaginable proportions stuffed with cardboard stock characters, hyperbolic atrocity propaganda, and vacuous set design.

>> No.22239973

you are confusing middle class with upper working class. the middle class , non jewish business owners, largely supported hitler in his rise. it was the core of his beginning

>> No.22240080

Most of it is a contemporary commentary on postwar Germany, a casual reader won't understand the cultural context- i don't.

But yes, it helps to put in perspective that Hitler was just a regular politician, at least initially.
Then he decided to adopt Bolshevik tactics to force his way into administrative power, was met by violence and then began the years of street wars between right and left wing socialists that made the old parties irrelevant.

Giving administrative power to someone who had already resorted to terrorism and violence was never a good idea, but Germans demanded an outcome and Hitler faithfully gave them one.

>> No.22240103

Truly the german spirit.
It sadly went sideways after the unification of the German Empire. Every other endeavour somehow blew up, usually by the fault of someone in power;
First being plunged into WW1, then all the weird stuff done in WW2 along with the bad governing.
Atleast it's still strong.

>> No.22240123

It was never a core though let alone the born from the ''sentiment'' of the middle class. From the papers I've read about it there was basically just a balance of middle class and working class in membership with the rest being filled with others (students actually making up a pretty sizable group as well). Their actual membership however also doesn't reflect their ideology very much. Farmers for example were always a small part in membership but took up a lot of their ideology. Same thing with them constanly appealing to the working class and Hitler seing it as a primairily working class party while at best giving some (pretty deceiving) promises about class cooperation to the middle and upper class. The party was filled with genuine ideology but was also extremely good at propaganda and showing only the parts they wanted to while working towards something completely different behind the scenes. So even though they mainly appeald to the working class the party and it's ideas were not primarily concerend with them, nor with ideas of the middle class. The only class that really mattered was racial class (and racial reasons were also why they like the argrarian and working class so much).

>> No.22240132

>students actually making up a pretty sizable group as well
They often do.
Most movements had a pretty sizable part of students.
"Fresh" intelligentsia is very idealistic, and prone to being sucked into ideology.

>> No.22240320

Wonderful thread, thank you anon.

>> No.22240553

whoever the only class that mattered were there output was exceedingly mediocre. they were boring, and angry about it

>> No.22240668


Spenglers "man and technics"
Im not gay but that dude is hot