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22212624 No.22212624 [Reply] [Original]

Did trannies and feminists break this retards brain?

>> No.22212629

I don't know, what happened with him? I thought he was somewhat fine after the rehab.

>> No.22212637

Is he in Israel? Kek

>> No.22212642

He is home now.

>> No.22212645

I refuse to believe this is the same man as the JP of 5 years ago
It just can't be. He sounds, acts and presents himself as an entirely different person.
It's like he dropped 50 IQ points.

Most of his theories are political bullshit now. Poorly researched political bullshit at that. JP doesn't understand a single fucking thing about climate change

>> No.22212670

This is what happens to those who step out of line on the world stage.

>> No.22212677

>do retarded shit
>"nooooo, its not my fault I'm retarded, the woke elite that did this!"

>> No.22212682

Being constantly harassed will stress you out and drive you nuts. I definitely used to feel like that back when I was in school.

>> No.22212713


Other than Isreal what retarded positions does he have?

Please explain climate change to us pseuds, unironically

arguing against the internet is like pissing in the sea or something

>> No.22212740

He has a poor grasp of Dostoevsky and he’s a cuckservative quietist who says don’t worry about big issues but just clean your room

>> No.22212837

He was in a coma for a long time, anon. He probably HAS dropped tens of IQ points.

>> No.22212843
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He was a pretty boilerplate classical liberal self-help author to begin with. He doesn't offer much advice that you couldn't get from a variety of sources that precede him by centuries and millennia. I'm not saying him mainstreaming this kind of thing doesn't do some small amount of good but he's not worth idolizing. Idolize dead people whose legacy is already set in stone enough that you can be sure they won't have to be hospitalized because of their fad diet.

>> No.22212848
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>> No.22212850

Transexuals and feminists break his brain, apple cider does the soul

>> No.22212853

>cult tactics don't work
>gaslighting isn't real

>> No.22212889

No, he has severe brain damage. Not that he was smart to begin with, he's Canada's national disgrace.

Bunch of retarded incels with no dads think he's a father figure or some shit, no idea why anyone would take advice from this smooth brain. Should have died from his benzo addiction.

>> No.22212909

Apparently they broke yours

>> No.22212917
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.22212923
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Reminder that the people triggered by Peterson are pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /lit/ >>22212645
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/ >>22212843
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/ >>22212637
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/ >>22212889
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.22212960

>"tee hee... he make people mad! i am le based centrist hated by all!"

>> No.22212979

>Peterson is a centrist
>you take joy in making others mad
Likely pseud /lit/ but it's hard to tell with so little data (possibly tranny).

>> No.22212985

>Everyone I don't like is a tranny
/pol/ brainworms at work.

>> No.22212988

pretty sure the episode where he had to be put in a coma to survive the benzo withdrawal fucked up his brain somehow. he's been more radical and quick to align with others since then. maps of meaning is still a 10/10 volume tho

>> No.22212998

If your praise is measured by how 'controversial' they are and not their merit, you are femalebrained.
Go back to watching your drama, you gossiping schadenfreude faggot.

>> No.22213012

>everyone who upsets me is from le /pol/
Back to r3ddit, tourist

>> No.22213047

I mean I liked his initial calling out wokeness but disagree with a few of his recent hot political takes. Also his argument that religion is needed for morality is strange considering that he seems to believe in an esoteric Jungian-inspired form of Christianity with very few discernable tenets. How is religion shaping your morality if your religion is lax, ill-defined, and shaped by modern perceptions?

>> No.22213066

He was a Jungian academic whose university employer tried to force him to use self-identified pronouns when addressing students. He wasn't self-help anything.

>> No.22213087

2 out of his 3 books are self-help

>> No.22213097

ofc it is. was about to reply to OP with
>the inhabitants of that city

>> No.22213116

>/pol/ brainworms at work.
Triggered by /pol/tards and projecting the idea of parasites--trannie probability goes up (could be libtard).

>> No.22213119

the amount of seethe is somewhat funny ngl, the weird thing is that people who hate him don't realize that this is exactly what he wants and while you are coming up with shitposts and whatever, he is crying his way to the bank to get some fat check from his latest book

>> No.22213123

>If your praise is measured by how 'controversial' they are and not their merit, you are femalebrained.
Chud /lit/ with a dash of pseud.

>> No.22213127

At first, I thought he was wearing some kind of Nintendo jacket.

>> No.22213153

This. They replaced him.

>> No.22213161

it was the Deloitte style moralists

>> No.22213162

>He has a poor grasp of Dostoevsky

enlighten us

>> No.22213165 [DELETED] 

also, why does it have a wire taped to the inside of it? what is he trying to say here?

>> No.22213171

Which both came after those events and his change of vocation/mid-life crises.

>> No.22213196

This leafnigger telling Americans to get on the phone with their senators over fucking Iran for fuck's sake

>> No.22213199

Whiny effeminate niggerbabble.

>> No.22213206

Did he want another middle east dumpster fire of a "war"?

>> No.22213249

>chud /lit/

>> No.22213250

My favorite part of JP are his fan girls who cry and moan that he's triggering snowflakes at even the lightest of criticisms.

>I disagree with his tone on some things

>> No.22213340

Anon touched a nerve, huh?

>> No.22213359

if you're still playing culture war you're a faggot

>> No.22213401

>Please explain climate change to us pseuds, unironically
The pop explanations imply the biggest threat to the environment is trees. Water vapor is the most relevant greenhouse gas and nothing produces water vapor in close to the quantities trees do.

>> No.22213507


>> No.22213813

Jordan alludes to Nietzsche's concept of master/slave morality without ever referring to it directly by claiming he criticized society for mistaking harmlessness for virtue.
Slave morality, as described by Nietzsche in On The Genealogy of Morals, is when an ethical ideal is created in contrast to an external source of resentment.
The basis of Jordan Peterson's entire project is described in the following video:
Additionally, Peterson refers to competence as the highest virtue, claiming that hierarchies of all kind are hierarchies of competence and the principle that governs the set of all hierarchies is the "divine principle", or the principle of competence across all variations.
Peterson justifies every other conceivable virtue by relating them to competence because his entire ethical philosophy is predicated on the acceptance of his "sacred evil" of Auschwitz and Totalitarianism in general; the justification for his entire ethic is to avoid that scenario.
His use of the term "competence" is very obviously influenced by Nietzsche's book The Antichrist in which he states the following:
>What is good? - All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man.
>What is bad? - All that proceeds from weakness.
>What is happiness? - The feeling that power increases, that a resistance is overcome.
>Not contentment, but more power. Not peace, but war. Not virtue, but proficiency. Virtue in the Renaissance sense, free from moralic acid. The weak and ill-constituted shall perish; such is our philanthropy. And we shall assist them in doing so.
Now you may already notice that Peterson adopts half of this in his philosophy but rejects the other half. Competence (proficiency) is Peterson's highest virtue. But power in general is something Peterson expressly condemns. This is the natural conclusion of any slave morality; if that which creates resentment is deemed evil, power is de facto rejected as morally unacceptable. Jordan Peterson's philosophy is the absolute ethical conclusion of slave-morality.

>> No.22213840

Slave morality would be toeing the line by buying into identity politics, anon. Also, that Auschwitz example is meant to demonstrate morality can rise above cultural context--the guard is imposing needless suffering for no reason other than to increase needless suffering; that's the point he's making (not the fact the guard is misusing his power).

>> No.22213856

You know, if right-wingers were smart, they would try and accelerate Marxism so that it abolishes itself.

Unfortunately, right-wingers are fuckibg dumb, so I guess we're stuck with this feminist/tranny shit forever.

Thanks lobsters

>> No.22213861

He thought he could debate Zizek having only read The Communist Manifesto. When he was around poor working class people, he understood the sickness inherent in systems that skew the power balance in favor of capital over labor, but once he realized he could grift off that very unrest in the younger generations who are being crushed by globalized capital, he used that to enrich himself, and lost himself in the process.

>> No.22213869

The psychological danger this implies cannot be understated.
Power is literally what you need to survive. Without it your body does not function. When you eat food, your body receives power from its nutrients. You study for two reasons: because knowledge is power, and having academic credentials will provide you with the power to become employed. Money is tempting because it provides you with power, and most optimistic people believe that love is the most powerful part of the human condition. You prefer a car that works over a car that is broken because the former is more powerful; people pay more for stronger drugs because they are more powerful. The art you hold in high esteem is that which you believe is most powerful.
In Peterson's psychological lectures he teaches that positive emotion occurs when the subject experiences themselves making perceptible progress toward a goal, or when they possess something that aids them in facilitating a goal. That which facilitates a goal is power, not matter what circumstance. When you feel happiness as a consequence of moving towards a goal, that is because the definition of happiness is:
>the feeling that power increases, that a resistance is overcome.
Now that I've hammered that point to death, what are these implications I've spoken of?
Well, first, when you've decided in your ethical philosophy that the justification of all virtue is to avoid whatever led to the Holocaust, the will to power becomes absolutely castrated. Next, happiness becomes impossible to experience because every decision you make is a sacrifice to an abstraction such that the power you would have derived from it is instead given away to the "principle", aka, nothing. As a person devotes themselves to Peterson's philosophy their capacity for happiness is literally eradicated and the only emotion left that one can process is resentment. This becomes especially noticeable given the fact that the bottom line of Peterson's ethical philosophy is "be a hero". As Peterson's philosophy transforms a person into being incapable of happiness, they become hypervigilant on behalf of resentment. Peterson indeed teaches that resentment is righteous when someone is "genuinely oppressing you" and you have to stand up for yourself.

>> No.22213872

no, I listened to him live on may fourth and he was as erudite and enlightening as ever

>> No.22213875
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He'd been in Canadian TV long before that talking about weird shit. He was some super normal, respected professor before that.

>> No.22213878

Wasn't. I'm typing like a retard today.

>> No.22213879

>by claiming he criticized society for mistaking harmlessness for virtue
Nietzsche did criticize this phenomenon, though. He just didn't call it slave morality. He called it a kind of decadence. And as you said, Peterson never once called it slave morality himself, that's just not the lingo Peterson ever uses.
>Additionally, Peterson refers to competence as the highest virtue
So does Plato, in a universal sense, where the philosopher king is the most knowledgable (in general) and therefore most competent (in general), which is why he is fit to govern the polis.
>His use of the term "competence" is very obviously influenced by Nietzsche's book The Antichrist in which he states the following:
Again, you're conflating the ideas of Nietzsche and Peterson far too much. As I just said above, you can relate it just as easily to Plato as you can to Nietzsche, in fact it suits Plato far better.
>But power in general is something Peterson expressly condemns
No, it isn't. He basically condemns people who are simplistic enough to think taking power in the name of some ideology or belief system is enough to make a good difference in the world, not power as such.

>> No.22213893

>Slave morality would be toeing the line by buying into identity politics, anon.
Slave morality is in no way exclusive to SJW's. The exact definition of slave morality is "when an ethical ideal is created as a reactionary contrast to a source of resentment".
>Also, that Auschwitz example is meant to demonstrate morality can rise above cultural context--the guard is imposing needless suffering for no reason other than to increase needless suffering; that's the point he's making (not the fact the guard is misusing his power).
Jordan teaches about the is/ought fallacy so I'm sure I don't have to explain it. There is absolutely nothing morally objective about suffering.
If competence in every sense is a virtue, there are only two possible reasons for that which are mutually exclusive: the first reason is that competence is power, and therefore power is that which determines value. The second reason is because you are a slave moralist who created a pseudo-objective moral standard based on resentment towards something that ultimately results in a denial of power in general, and because your competence is devoted to the service of an abstraction you actually do not receive any feeling of power from it and therefore you cannot experience happiness from it.
> (not the fact the guard is misusing his power)
make no mistake: Peterson doesn't take issue with people misusing their power, Peterson takes issue with power in general and anybody who claims it is desirable for any reason whatsoever.
In any footage you can find of Peterson talking about power or the will to power you will see that he views the concept as absolute evil with no redemptive value. When he speaks directly on the concept of power he makes no differentiation between power and tyranny.

>> No.22213899

>Nietzsche did criticize this phenomenon, though.
I know that, he said in in On the Sublime in Zarathustra part II. It is obviously related to slave morality and Peterson alludes to the latter even more directly when he refers to males who had tyrannical fathers who grow up to psychologically reject any part of them that could be disagreeable or dangerous. This is why he tells people to become a monster.
>So does Plato, in a universal sense, where the philosopher king is the most knowledgable (in general) and therefore most competent (in general), which is why he is fit to govern the polis.
Yeah and Nietzsche criticized him for it.
>Again, you're conflating the ideas of Nietzsche and Peterson far too much. As I just said above, you can relate it just as easily to Plato as you can to Nietzsche, in fact it suits Plato far better.
Peterson cites Nietzsche as one of his most primary influences, why wouldn't I point out where the influence manifests?
>No, it isn't. He basically condemns people who are simplistic enough to think taking power in the name of some ideology or belief system is enough to make a good difference in the world, not power as such.
Here is a video I already linked in my last post. In this video Peterson explicitly denies that power is the governing principle of hierarchies and to that would be like saying plumbers show up to people's houses with a group of thugs and force them to buy their service. Power is obviously the governing principle of a hierarchy because if competence wasn't powerful you wouldn't climb the hierarchy. Peterson makes it very clear that he sees the concept of power as tyrannical and in no way related to virtue. He does this every time he talks about power or the will to power. I can pull up more videos if you'd like.

>> No.22213901

>be decent teacher
>don't let brainwashed 18-year-olds make you say what they want to hear
>entire mainstream media turns against you
>violent brainwashed activists threaten you 7/24 for years
>fight with most elegant way against the entire media and academia all alone
>accept hundreds of interviews with literally retarded reporters whose only tool is to insinuate you
>your wife almost die
>you are not so focused as you were

OMG he is retarded!!! LMAO

>> No.22213903

>he first reason is that competence is power, and therefore power is that which determines value
You need to think before you post, anon. Competence is not the same as power. There are plenty of powerful incompetent people in the world, and there are plenty of powerless competents. Acknowledging this does not make you a slave moralist.

>> No.22213910

>You need to think before you post, anon. Competence is not the same as power. There are plenty of powerful incompetent people in the world, and there are plenty of powerless competents. Acknowledging this does not make you a slave moralist.
You need to think before you post, actually. I never said competence = power, I said it is only valuable for its power.

>> No.22213915

>implying Peterson doesn't brainwash 18-year-olds

>> No.22213918

I had him as a prof back in the day and I can tell you that post is nonsense. First, if someone came in they deserved to get yelled at--the room has 12ft doors that open in front of the podium and on the outside there is a huge sign above each door that lights up saying "LECTURE IN PROGRESS." There's also a back door into that auditorium which leads to a set of stairs so people can go up to the back without disturbing lectures. I never saw him yell at anyone though (but I did have an interaction with him where he acted like a dick). Second, the guy didn't lecture from notes and all he brought with him to class was a can of Coke Zero. I don't see how he could wreck the podium. Third, I never saw him in a cape--he always just wore a dress shirt with a jacket when it turned to winter. I know he posts a lot of his lectures online so it wouldn't be hard to find proof.

The stuff about him being on TV is true though (but I don't know about him appearing with his daughter). However, it was TVO (Canadian provincial PBS if you're American) and a ton of U of T professors go on it. Turning it on randomly I've seen 5 of my profs on it and even had to attend a taping of a show, the one Peterson appeared on a couple of times, for credit. Fuck, a friend of mines dad has even been on it more than once.

All the hate this guy gets is pretty hilarious. It's also interesting to see people just making up random shit and spinning other stuff into something it wasn't--only for retards to repeat it like gospel. It has been going on for years now and it's just really pathetic. If you don't like the guy just ignore him which is what a normal non-politics-as-identity person would do.

>> No.22213925

>telling zoomers to clean their room and not to cut off their well-cleaned dicks is brainwashing

>> No.22213926

It's not that I understand climate change very well but I happen to be Dutch and have followed the farmer protests here extremely closely
JP has used the Dutch farmer protests as an insanely big talking point over the last couple months as one of his big examples of how the 'woke elite' or the 'liberal left' are pushing insane agenda points on society.
His main argument against the nitrogen files of the Netherlands and Belgium is that farming in these Euro nations is more sufficient, clean and productive than anywhere else in the world. Shutting farming down here, would mean the that food shortage gets compensated elsewhere with less clean and productive farming and in the end... more impact on climate change.

But he completely fails to understand why the measures are necessary in the first place (although they do go a bit too far). Nitrogen isn't really a big issue in say, nigeria. But because of how densely populated the benelux is farms are often next to the tiny bit of nature reserves we have left. The new nitrogen laws are mostly in place to protect local nature IN the Netherlands. It's not really about global warming.

>> No.22213927

Also, if you actually read my post you would know I'm calling him a slave moralist because he publicly admitted that his ethical philosophy is built on the principles of slave morality. But you wouldn't actually pay attention to what you're reading if it were criticizing your savior of the west, would you?
No but creating an entire ethical system meant to function as a "religious structure" that is developed under the principles of slave morality actually would be. And I haven't even started with what he did to bastardize Jung's theory.

>> No.22213929

>be responsible
Good luck to you life.

>> No.22213934

Go back to women studies class, tranny.

>> No.22213936

This >>22213934 but my guess is chud.

>> No.22213940

>publicly admitted that his ethical philosophy is built on the principles of slave morality.
An anon DEBOONKED that and you didn't reply.

>> No.22213945 [DELETED] 

If you're going to automatically categorize me like that for criticizing your hero and champion of free speech and honest debate you should at least try and be consistent.
Who? I've replied to every post that replied to me ITT.

>> No.22213952

I'm not political in any way.
Who? I've replied to every post that replied to me ITT.

>> No.22213954
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>> No.22213957

Peterson's tendency to eloquently articulate essentially necessities of maturity and basic wisdom has provided you with enough confirmation bias that you will just filter any reasonable cause to doubt his philosophy.

>> No.22213959
File: 3.28 MB, 1332x924, jordan weston chandler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's aged pretty rapidly since he was in the room with those two evil wizards that one time in israhell. I made the chris chan peterson connection on a deeper level of things, but he just can't keep outing himself in whacky videos ... it's exactly like chris chan.

so if he's Christian Chandler then
Who is Kacey? WHo is Bluespike? Who is (rest of cast)

His daughter is probably Kacey. You can see her influence and encouragement to keep putting himself on the internet as the sole objective, and you can see his blindness to her trolling scheme.

We need a liquid chris bad.

>> No.22213964

Oh yeah, you did but it was a sperg so I didn't read it. You didn't actually address the idea that slave morality is better exemplified in modern identitarianism, which is difficult to your position as Peterson is one of the most outspoken critics against it, and hand waved that you can shoehorn it to Peterson. That's why I stopped reading and didn't reply (a conversation with you will likely go nowhere because you're reflexively disingenuous without even realizing it).

Anyway and to betray my last sentence, the first video you posted was meant as an example of an immoral act that is wrong regardless of historical/cultural context and wasn't in regard to how the guard exercised power (no need for the is/ought gap because that's a new can of worms). He's not advocating The idea of a slave morality at all and is making an argument that morality can be framed objectively (again, no need for the is/ought, pseud). In the second video you posted he's clearly saying that hierarchies are based on competence and not advocating slave morality. You're injecting your own ideas of power instead of taking his actual perspective into account and engaging with that. He also affords the possibility that tyrants exist but his point is that such shouldn't be construed as the norm and is usually counter-productive.

Sorry, but you're just wrong.

>> No.22213978

>You didn't actually address the idea that slave morality is better exemplified in modern identitarianism, which is difficult to your position as Peterson is one of the most outspoken critics against it, and hand waved that you can shoehorn it to Peterson.
I said that slave-morality is not exclusive to SJW's. You have not criticized my comparison between the concept of slave morality and Peterson's ethics. You're avoiding it like a shill.
>(a conversation with you will likely go nowhere because you're reflexively disingenuous without even realizing it).
Oh nvm you actually are a shill lmao.
> the first video you posted was meant as an example of an immoral act that is wrong regardless of historical/cultural context and wasn't in regard to how the guard exercised power
For Peterson it is not about how you use power. He has literally described the use of power in any situation as pathological and refers to it as psychopathic.
>The idea of a slave morality at all and is making an argument that morality can be framed objectively (again, no need for the is/ought, pseud).
>Again, no need for me to actually engage with your argument. I'm here to make claims without supporting them.
>In the second video you posted he's clearly saying that hierarchies are based on competence and not advocating slave morality.
He doesn't admit to advocating it but that doesn't change the fact that he built his ethics on the principles of slave morality.
>You're injecting your own ideas of power instead of taking his actual perspective into account and engaging with that. He also affords the possibility that tyrants exist but his point is that such shouldn't be construed as the norm and is usually counter-productive.
Competence is valued for its power. By definition competence could not be related to one's position in a hierarchy if it were not powerful.
>Sorry, but you're just wrong.
You could have just left your post at that without typing those two paragraphs without sacrificing any substance.

>> No.22213987

>I said that slave-morality is not exclusive to SJW's.
Which is a hand wave so you don't have to accept that it's a better exemplar than Peterson's actual position (which you're mischaracterizing).
>Anyone who points out I'm wrong is just a shill
See what I meant about reflexive disingenuousness now, retard?
>He doesn't admit to advocating it but that doesn't change the fact that he built his ethics on the principles of slave morality.
As other anon's pointed out, you're reading that into it while mischaracterizing Peterson's actual position. This was evidenced by using videos that don't actually exemplify your point.
>Competence is valued for its power.
You're just shoe-horning the idea of power into competence. I can say 'competence is valued for its utility' which covers the same ground as your use of 'power' without the connotations you're attempting to force in. It's also in line with what Peterson is actually saying. (inb4 "utility and power is the same thing").
>You could have just left your post at that without typing those two paragraphs without sacrificing any substance.
Again, reflexivity disingenuous. It's in one ear out the other with you.

>> No.22213989

Interesting, every fellow American I've talked to about it thinks the restrictions were for the sake of global climate change. This puts it in a new light. Americans are retarded (me)

>> No.22213993

I wish he stayed in that realm. He could have been the world's therapist, but instead became the world's crazy uncle.

>> No.22213995

>I never said competence = power
Anon one post ago:
>The first reason is that competence is power,

>> No.22213996

>The new nitrogen laws are mostly in place to protect local nature IN the Netherlands.
It will still shift farming to areas that pollute the environment more while fucking over the people who spend their lives labouring to produce what you put on your table. Sounds like "local nature" is just a way to frame the issue to make it seem less draconian and more in the public interest.

>> No.22214014

>his philosophy
The guy is a clinical psychiatrist.

>> No.22214017

>Which is a hand wave so you don't have to accept that it's a better exemplar than Peterson's actual position (which you're mischaracterizing).
I'm gonna skip the part where I argue Peterson's position is a better exemplar and just ask you to describe how I'm mischaracterizing his position.
>I've found my absolute. That's wrong.
>Above rationality (because you don't want to debate about the viciousness of Auschwitz)
>And that means you have solid ground to stand on because you can then start thinking about what is absolutely right
>Here's a proposition - what is absolutely right is the exact opposite pattern of behavior that led to the Holocaust in Auschwitz
Slave moralism definition: a morality in which the ideal is created in reaction to and as the antithesis of an object of resentment
>See what I meant about reflexive disingenuousness now, retard?
If you're not a shill you're brainwashed and effectively doing the same thing because nothing you've said so far has actually challenged anything I've said.
>As other anon's pointed out, you're reading that into it while mischaracterizing Peterson's actual position. This was evidenced by using videos that don't actually exemplify your point.
Why don't they exemplify my point? Saying SJW's are more slave-moralistic than Peterson does not challenge the fact his ethics were created as the antithesis to what he deems absolutely evil which is slave morality by definition.
>You're just shoe-horning the idea of power into competence. I can say 'competence is valued for its utility' which covers the same ground as your use of 'power' without the connotations you're attempting to force in. It's also in line with what Peterson is actually saying. (inb4 "utility and power is the same thing").
What connotations? How am I misusing the term "power"? You have a habit of being vague when you describe my argument.
>utility and power is the same thing
You have the power to kill yourself, I guess in your case that's synonymous with utility but not in general.
>Again, reflexivity disingenuous. It's in one ear out the other with you.
Projecting. I'm insulting you because I read your post carefully.

>> No.22214019

Jordan Peterson lives rent free in your head.

>> No.22214021

>I happen to be Dutch and have followed the farmer protests here extremely closely
>every fellow American I've talked to about it thinks the restrictions were for the sake of global climate change

Is this in the news again, or is this even more restrictions? It wasn't that long ago they put 10,000 dairy farmer out of business. Yeah, these politicians need to have their ability to do this severely curtailed; there's no economic argument or commonsense argument for putting people out of work and creating shortages in goods during a time when supplies are already having to be rationed and the cost has increased so much already.

England here, btw.

Hahaha YEAH THANKS JORDAN for associating your toxic brand with this, now you've turned people against stopping this. Nice job egotist.

>> No.22214024

>pretending to be retarded
Knowledge is power, money is power, strength is power.
Those are metaphors. I made it abundantly clear in my previous posts that everything that is valued is valued for its power. Even the slave moralist values nothingness for its power to relieve them of pain.
see >>22213869

>> No.22214028

We've been having super huge crops since Covid. Apples literally twice the size, spinach growing super fast, massive strawberries.

These are .... bad things?

>> No.22214061

True but from what I heard the impact on local nature is actually really big. Dont understand the science behind it enough to judge it myself.
the real problem is, and big part of why the farmers are so mad, is that just 20 years ago the governments were handing out big promotions to farmers who were extending their pig farms into larger ones. Expansion was heavily subsidized and encouraged.
Now all those farmers who did that are being told they need to take extremely costly measures to compensate for their bigger farms or downscale. It's actually quite insane so I totally get the frustration from farmers.

>> No.22214096

>describe how I'm mischaracterizing his position
This has already been done multiple times but, like I said, in one ear and out the other.
>Slave moralism definition
Again, this is an example meant to construe the idea that a given situation can be immoral regardless of historical/cultural context. The point is that the guard is enlarging the amount of pointless suffering in the world and it has nothing to do with how he's exercising his power. Also, the fact it happened at Auschwitz is incidental and the fact he's emphasizing a point about carrying a wet bag of salt and not the industrial murder of millions would stand out to you if you weren't injecting your own biases into it.
>If you're not a shill you're brainwashed and effectively doing the same thing because nothing you've said so far has actually challenged anything I've said.
Again, reflexive disingenuous. How many more times are you going to prove that point for me?
>Why don't they exemplify my point?
First, see above. Second, the fact Peterson's position is diametrically opposed to a better exemplar of what you're trying to attach to him raises alarm bells (that wasn't a criticism about your use of the videos though, retard). Third, you're trying to misappropriate the discussion via (wrongfully) tying Peterson's position as being about the exercise of power through a dishonest referring of his actual position being about competence. You shoe-horn power into this when 'utility' is a better term without the connotational baggage you're trying to force in.
>What connotations? How am I misusing the term "power"?
Asking leading questions instead of answering to criticism is a sign of disingenuousness, anon. Utility is a better word and if I hadn't of written that inb4 you'd be arguing "utility is valued for it's power" because you reduce the conversation to the only point you have--which is rightfully rejected as per the above and other posts by multiple anons.
>You have the power to kill yourself, I guess in your case that's synonymous with utility but not in general
Kek, you did it anyway. Getting frustrated are we?
>Projecting. I'm insulting you because I read your post carefully.
You've exemplified that point multiple times, anon. Also, I'm not worried about you insulting me so feel free to go ahead. Insults mean nothing when they come from someone who has demonstrated they're an idiot.

>> No.22214120

PLEASE. BOTH OF YOU. Make use of the Return Key to space your thoughts, for the sake of decor and aesthetics.
god of /rhet/

>> No.22214126

>Make use of the Return Key to space your thoughts
Go back.

>> No.22214151

>This has already been done multiple times
You've avoided it every time you've replied to me just as you're doing it now. The closest you've come is saying the term would apply to SJW's to a greater degree which is neither correct nor an argument.
>Again, this is an example meant to construe the idea that a given situation can be immoral regardless of historical/cultural context. The point is that the guard is enlarging the amount of pointless suffering in the world and it has nothing to do with how he's exercising his power. Also, the fact it happened at Auschwitz is incidental and the fact he's emphasizing a point about carrying a wet bag of salt and not the industrial murder of millions would stand out to you if you weren't injecting your own biases into it.
That has nothing to do with my point whatsoever. Peterson walked through the process by which he arrived at his ideal which is the process of developing a slave morality.
>Again, reflexive disingenuous. How many more times are you going to prove that point for me?
>Anybody who insults me is disingenuous
You called me a retard, does that make you disingenuous?
>Second, the fact Peterson's position is diametrically opposed to a better exemplar of what you're trying to attach to him raises alarm bells
No it doesn't that's rhetorical garbage.
Third, you're trying to misappropriate the discussion via (wrongfully) tying Peterson's position as being about the exercise of power through a dishonest referring of his actual position being about competence. You shoe-horn power into this when 'utility' is a better term without the connotational baggage you're trying to force in.
You've never read and/or understood Nietzsche and it shows.
>Asking leading questions instead of answering to criticism is a sign of disingenuousness, anon. Utility is a better word and if I hadn't of written that inb4 you'd be arguing "utility is valued for it's power" because you reduce the conversation to the only point you have--which is rightfully rejected as per the above and other posts by multiple anons
That in no way answered my question.
>Kek, you did it anyway. Getting frustrated are we?
No faggot I actually like insulting you and I'm enjoying this conversation. I know you're never going to actually argue with me in any substantial manner so I'm doing this for the younger lurkers that are easily influenced by rhetorical shills like yourself.
>You've exemplified that point multiple times, anon. Also, I'm not worried about you insulting me so feel free to go ahead. Insults mean nothing when they come from someone who has demonstrated they're an idiot.
Now, that was epic.

Anyway, how about the fact that Peterson changed Jung's cognitive binary from Logos/Eros to Order/Chaos without ever mentioning the former in any of his lectures? I might as well go into that now.

>> No.22214183

You're seething so hard you can't even format your posts correctly. Maybe >>22214120 had a point after all.
>You've avoided it every time you've replied to me just as you're doing it now.
I haven't and you haven't directly responded to the criticism I've offered other than to flatly deny it without engagement. The reason for this is that I reject your premise and you're incapable of stepping outside of it to engage with the reasoning I've offered. You're injecting the idea of power into Peterson's position through mischaracterization (this is why your premise is rightfully rejected) and the videos you've offered don't exemplify your point as per the arguments in previous posts given by myself and other anons. These are counterarguments to which you can't seem to answer--it's what is to be expected from an ideologue.
>That has nothing to do with my point whatsoever.
It's a direct criticism of the point you're trying to establish via reference to what is actually being discussed and something that should be entailed in order for your argument to make sense.
>Peterson walked through the process by which he arrived at his ideal which is the process of developing a slave morality.
He didn't and you're ignoring the actual context of that 1min30sec video. Simple as.
>That in no way answered my question.
It did. I'm pointing out you're deflecting criticism by trying to make me argue within the terms of your assumed premise. You don't answer to the criticism myself and other anons have offered so why should we play this game with someone who is demonstrably disingenuous? You hand waved instead of interacting with the fact that Peterson's position is diametrically opposed to an obvious example of slave morality. All you can say is "HE CAN STILL EXEMPLIFY IT TOO!" without dealing with the nitty gritty of how he criticizes it. That's an alternative avenue of discussion that's arguably more valid than your position as per the fact you have misconstrued his actual position by using videos that don't actually bolster your argument.
>I know you're never going to actually argue with me in any substantial manner
"No you." Kek.
>Now, that was epic
You're level of stupidity is truly epic, anon. Even for a 4chan chud.
>I might as well go into that now.
Well, we both know you're autistic and will sperg in any direction your closed mind affords. Still, I'll take Peterson's insights on Jung over some anon on 4chan who is an obvious retard.

>> No.22214200

So Peterson uses the analogy of a walled garden. The wall is "known order", which he describes as a metaphor for culture; the garden is "unknown chaos", because nature is complex and unpredictable. That would seem reasonable. He also teaches that this is what he hypothesizes as the universal cognitive binary, and even goes as far as to describe the left and right brain hemispheres as responsible for order/known and chaos/unknown respectively.
Jung, however, had his own cognitive binary. He believed the masculine aspect of cognition was logos, which is the discriminative principle. The feminine principle, he believed was eros, the connective aspect of cognition.
These two binaries are very different, especially with regards to the feminine aspect but also, consequentially, with the masculine aspect as it behaves differently due to the former. In both Peterson's and Jung's framework, Logos creates boundaries in order to clarify an image. So if you imagine a sculpture, the clay is the feminine aspect and the chisel used to create definition is the masculine.
The essential difference between Jung's and Peterson's binary is in how the feminine aspect functions. Unknown chaos, Peterson says, is the root of all anxiety and he even goes as far as to say that the function of the left hemisphere (order, according to Peterson) is to prevent the right hemisphere (chaos, according to Peterson) from having to turn on. Unknown chaos is unexplored territory which has to be mapped and transformed into habitable order. This creates a problem.
The problem, first and foremost, is that the clay isn't unknown chaos. Its the part you actually see. Logos provides boundaries, but those boundaries are technically negation, meaning they're actually invisible. When you put your hand on a table, you don't see a boundary between your hand and the table, you only see your hand and the table. The boundary is invisible because its merely the fact of negation. Everything you actually see and know is what exists inside the boundary. That's eros, connection. Anything that is known has to be made known via connection. If eros is replaced with unknown chaos, then both aspects of the cognitive binary are, in fact, negation.
Back to the walled garden. The wall is analogous to the boundary of a category. The garden is analogous to its content. If the content of a category is unknown chaos, and the solution to unknown chaos is to create more boundaries (as Peterson says, the function of the left brain is to prevent the right brain from activating). But once you create more boundaries, the spaces between those boundaries are also unknown chaos, so you have to divide them too. This continues ad infinitum until there is no visible content whatsoever, kind of like putting your mind through a paper shredder.
If the clay is unknown chaos which needs to be "transformed into habitable order" you have to apply the chisel until there is no more clay left.

>> No.22214223

anon I think you just grew up

>> No.22214250

>THIS is canada's premier public intellectual export
jesus fuck i hate this country

>> No.22214259

thats some crazy drip right there like genuinely hard

>> No.22214263

Yeah, sorry. Not reading your mastabatory sperg, bro.

>> No.22214268

>You're seething so hard you can't even format your posts correctly.
I'm not mad at all.
>I haven't and you haven't directly responded to the criticism I've offered other than to flatly deny it without engagement. The reason for this is that I reject your premise and you're incapable of stepping outside of it to engage with the reasoning I've offered. You're injecting the idea of power into Peterson's position through mischaracterization (this is why your premise is rightfully rejected) and the videos you've offered don't exemplify your point as per the arguments in previous posts given by myself and other anons. These are counterarguments to which you can't seem to answer--it's what is to be expected from an ideologue.
In total, this is what you've said regarding my argument on Peterson's slave moralism
>SJW's are a "more" slave moralistic than Peterson
Which is irrelevant to whether or not Peterson is a slave moralist
>Peterson is diametrically opposed to SJW's, therefore he's diametrically opposed to slave morality
Slave morality has a specific definition and I've repeatedly shown that Peterson has expressly formed his moral philosophy according to it. You have never directly acknowledged this.
>Peterson was trying to demonstrate that there are similar themes to morality across cultures
That has nothing to do with the fact that he used Auschwitz as an absolute to form an ideal in anthesis towards, which is slave moralism

Redditspacing so this point stands out
>It's a direct criticism of the point you're trying to establish
A direct criticism would look like this:
>The definition of slave morality you've provided is inaccurate
>Although the definition of slave morality you provided is accurate, Peterson did not form his ideal as an antithesis to a source of resentment
You have done neither of those things and instead referred to peripheral nonsense that has no direct connection to my argument at all. I've made myself clear multiple times and you continue to do it, therefore I have inferred you are being deliberate and are therefore a shill.

>It did. I'm pointing out you're deflecting criticism by trying to make me argue within the terms of your assumed premise. You don't answer to the criticism myself and other anons have offered so why should we play this game with someone who is demonstrably disingenuous? You hand waved instead of interacting with the fact that Peterson's position is diametrically opposed to an obvious example of slave morality. All you can say is "HE CAN STILL EXEMPLIFY IT TOO!" without dealing with the nitty gritty of how he criticizes it. That's an alternative avenue of discussion that's arguably more valid than your position as per the fact you have misconstrued his actual position by using videos that don't actually bolster your argument.
See above.
>"No you." Kek
You only said it first because you get paid to use rhetoric to influence lurkers.

>> No.22214275

*gives cancer of the stomach*

>> No.22214277

>discussing literature on /lit/ is masturbatory autism
shift is over then, I guess?

>> No.22214285

>Maybe >>22214120 (You) had a point after all.
I'm never wrong.

> Still, I'll take Peterson's insights on Jung over some anon on 4chan who is an obvious retard.
This is a fatal error in your reasoning. Peterson is a leotard wearing attention-whore who is dancing like a cossack on youtube, metaphorically speaking. The vast majority of humans are a thousand feet above the depths of this one individual. If anything,you should take anybodys word 'but' Petersons (all all like him, of any political leaning).

>> No.22214287

>Dont understand the science behind it enough to judge it myself
So it's le "trust the experts" then? That's a red flag when it comes to a politicized issues and ignoring the obvious connection to EU guidelines/goals in favor of reframing the narrative to make it seem more localized and in the interest of le citizens is another.

>> No.22214294

My guess is it was a sperg about Jung completely disconnected from the debate you lost. You also demonstrated you're not worth listening to via said debate so you can't really blame me for restricting how I choose to unvest my time and interact with your autism.

>> No.22214296

A direct criticism would look like this:
>The definition of slave morality you've provided is inaccurate
>Although the definition of slave morality you provided is accurate, Peterson did not form his ideal as an antithesis to a source of resentment
You have done neither of those things and instead referred to peripheral nonsense that has no direct connection to my argument at all. I've made myself clear multiple times and you continue to do it, therefore I have inferred you are being deliberate and are therefore a shill.

>> No.22214301

>t. some random faggot on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.22214321

>>t. some random faggot on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
oh not you again, you fucking bloody abortion.

This is the state of people who Follow Youtubers. One-line responses and every single response is the same, for years at a time.

>> No.22214333

That link doesn't inform anyone about anything, it just smugly states we should be scared of trees and tries to shame people for actually thinking.
>The amplifying effect of water vapor has been observed in the global cooling after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo
Therefore tree cover is the major factor in any warming or cooling. It multiplies the slight increase in energy absorption by co2 like it multiplies everything else. Co2 is still just as irrelevant as ever.
Everyone involved in any of this shit is retarded, here the retards use cooling as evidence that clouds multiply warming, everything is manipulated to fit the conclusion they already want. A kid could tell you clouds and volcanic particle pollution blocks sunlight which both cools the air and kills plants that produce water vapor which cools the air more.

>> No.22214352

>oh not you again
If multiple anons have have had to say that to you it should be taken as a hint, newfag. Lurk more.

>> No.22214362

>newfag. Lurk more.
old fucking malding cunt using lingo from 2005, get off welfare

wait what hahahahaha
>If multiple anons have have had to say that to you
> Mongolian basket weaving forum
> it should be taken as a hint

You dumb cunt. You should be dragged to death for being a certified retard. You can't even lie convincingly.

>> No.22214366

lol he was always a retard
Only when he got his 5 minutes of fame he started to think he was an important retard.

>> No.22214371

>everyone who refuses to read my spergs is the same person
I'm happy you found a social outlet for your schizophrenia, anon. Godspeed.

>> No.22214378

no, you just grew 5 years older and realised that he is a contrarian pseud

>> No.22214380

so he was always a pseud

>> No.22214382

>rejecting the idea of "her penis" is contrarian and not believing Jews are preventing incels from getting laid makes you a pseud
Top clownage.

>> No.22214383

>hey, you just shat your pants
>yeah, i generally don't agree with that guy but why tf did you just shit in your pants
>*smiling smugly* if both sides are criticizing me i must be doing something right

>> No.22214385

"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

>> No.22214393

Another name for water vapor is clouds, so the runaway heating effect the retards of the world are worrying about is supposed to happen due to too many clouds. If the earth was covered in clouds more of the heat that gets in would indeed be trapped beneath those clouds but the majority of the radiation from the sun is trapped too, outside the clouds, stopped from evaporating more surface water and creating more clouds.
>muh Clausius-Clapeyron relation
Trees are solar powered pumps that maximize surface area and add extra water, it does indeed condense back in a week but during that week the trees keep pumping. These terrorist plants are the single greatest threat to life on the planet.

>> No.22214401

>muh trannies
>muh incels
>muh joooooooooooz
How did you infer any of that from my post lmao
appeal to retard fallacy
gayspeech fallacy
you lost

>> No.22214405
File: 43 KB, 654x381, fuck you juden peterstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i guess i must be an idiot for not going into a coma due to exclusive consumption of beef and benzos

>> No.22214406

Work on your theory of other minds, autist.

>> No.22214410

not an argument

>> No.22214412

>this pseudery has been brought to you by team libtard/chud/trannie
Whoa, is that Patrick Bateman. So edgy, anon. Be careful not to cut yourself.

>> No.22214416

>not an argument
Wasn't meant as one, retard. It's a statement of fact.

>> No.22214417
File: 376 KB, 498x395, old-man-yells-at-cloud-yelling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22214420

I accept your concession

>> No.22214421

I accept you're retarded. You should too.

>> No.22214424
File: 1.11 MB, 1519x1352, Emperor_for_Wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, alex, if you're that one guy who constantly replies with that basketweaving variation you've just plummeted in my opinion.

>> No.22214427

That picture is so extreme, bro. Whoa!

>> No.22214435
File: 247 KB, 332x274, emps2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.22214436

I also accept your transition

>> No.22214439

It's like a fuckin' skull with like high tech shit! So fuckin' extreme. All futuristic and shit. First Patrick Bateman and now XTREME skull with high tech shit on a fuckin' throne! FUCKIN' RAD! You must be so cool irl!

>> No.22214443

>accepting the transition of trannies who only exist in his head
Fuck, I guess lefty/pol/ was right about incel chuds.

>> No.22214577

All your gripes with this guy can be summarized in one question: "Why is daddy not perfect?" The answer is even more mundane.

>> No.22214593

I know someone who watched every single Peterson video in the internet. Ever since then he just rambles non stop like Peterson. I dont see how people can enjoy one way conversations. I find it very displeasing to watch Peterson interviews because he does this. Just goes on and on and trys to sound good instead of speaking susinctly.

>> No.22214599

His own audience broke his brain. They fed his messiah complex in a way that would make anyone go off the rails, let alone such an emotionally unstable man.
He created an audience which determines him now. Great example of alienation. He should talk to Zizek more.

>> No.22214662

Given that it multiplies the effects of CO2, saying water vapor is relevant and CO2 is irrelevant is plainly false.
Either they are both irrelevant or they are both relevant.
Also bringing up water vapor ignores the other impacts of trees, such as ecological health, carbon storage, and obviously carbon consumption.
It's a lame gotcha with a bit of truth.
>"Dumbass treehuggers don't you realize we should actually cut down MORE trees and ignore the polluting factories! Nature is our enemy, big oil is our friend!"

>> No.22214724
File: 137 KB, 1262x634, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22215094

He’s following a common trajectory of people with depression or bipolar on antidepressants. Stable for a while, then a slow decline into paranoia and madness. He sped it up by gobbling benzos like Candy, though.

I’ve never met anyone on antidepressants who hasn’t ended up crazier than they started, but they still think they’re stable and well-integrated.

>> No.22215213
File: 65 KB, 700x942, agRj7YRo_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speaks of the differences between men and women being very real and need to be taken in to account
There are no differences between races and those who think there are should be just cut off from the conversation.

>There is a global group of despicable people who are trying to subvert natural order, who use their financial prowess and resources to destroy and attack the very things we love.
What? The Jews? No, how dare you, you despicable coward.

>Race and ethnic heritage is just a crutch for people with no morals to stand on. Only losers, angry men, bullies and cowards have anything to do with White Nationalism
Pay no attention to the entire fucking world uniting against European descendants and associate exclusively by race and judge you exclusively by race.

Between these three objective statements, Jordan Petersons worldview is completely undone. He is the most evil man in the current zeitgeist because he has traveled, he is informed, he knows exactly what is happening but has bought in to the premise that he will be one of those saved.

>> No.22215235

>my heckin custom jacket
>heaven and hell motif because i can be ure angle or ure devill
The mind of a 12 year old.

>> No.22215289

>that post is nonsense. First, if someone came in they deserved to get yelled at
So it's probably true that he did then.
>I never saw him in a cape
His cape is a famous meme. It's not the superman kind, it has sleeves IIRC.

>> No.22215306

>Also bringing up water vapor ignores the other impacts of trees
And all the other impacts of fucking water vapor. The effects of each factor are complex and usually countered by something else. If you want to present a specific conclusion you just have to ignore the factors that work against your conclusion, like climate retards always do.
>another link restating what I said and adding nothing
This is how retarded you propagandists reliably are. You can't explain anything because you don't understand anything.
All that's available is this same mindless regurgitation of propaganda where you desperately try to convince yourselves of your own bullshit. None of you is even slightly convincing because every time any of you says anything it reveals you're all fucking retards.

>> No.22215369

>Given that it multiplies the effects of CO2, saying water vapor is relevant and CO2 is irrelevant is plainly false.
Given only this information no such thing is fucking plain. CO2 forcing is a tiny effect, even if you multiply it by a million, other factors still dwarf the effect.
For a model to predict a runaway effect we have to model only the heat capture effect of water and ignore everything else like the fact that the clouds reflect more energy out into space than they capture. The thicker the cloud the more energy it reflects, both ways but the energy that never got to the ground in the first place isn't there to be reflected by the clouds.
If a runaway effect based on clouds was possible it would have happened long before. Instead all the historical data shows a regulating effect from clouds and trees. More heat in the system produces clouds which regulate the heat. Earth is not Venus, we have trees, life made our atmosphere and adapted it over a billion years.

>> No.22215371

Are you sure this isn't some nintendo switch themed thing?

>> No.22215405

>muh symbolism
>makes left hand good and right hand evil
Wait a sec are u trying to cheat me again?

>> No.22215409
File: 711 KB, 925x900, 1619811589156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did trannies and feminists break this retards brain?

>> No.22216117
File: 397 KB, 756x494, IMG_3652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes trannies seethe
>makes woke seethe
>makes communists seethe
>makes nazis seethe
>makes Twitter seethe
>makes New York Times seethe
>makes Canadian government seethe
>makes democrats seethe
>makes Hollywood seethe
>makes BLM seethe
>makes college professors seethe
>makes the rich seethe
>makes the socialist seethe
And now
>makes this poster seethe

All because he tries to help young men win at life.

Stay mad bucko!

>> No.22216138

>e tries to help young men win at life.
what would it take to change your mind about this premise? it's not the premise anyone has ever been coming from about why this drug-addled emotionally unstable sophist is an idiot.

>> No.22216179

Only man with a brain in this thread.
The lack of replies to your post just shows how people just WANT to hate Peterson without having a real reason to do so.

>> No.22216186
File: 3.07 MB, 4044x2500, antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism is entirely about mentally and emotionally fucking people up as early as possible, because well adjusted human beings don't become marxists.
That's entirely why leftytroons have a problem with him; people getting their shit together deprives them of recruits.

>> No.22216243

Stay mad.

>> No.22216246

>You know, if right-wingers were smart, they would try and accelerate Marxism so that it abolishes itself.
What do you think is currently happening?
Neomarxism is going so fast it doesn't need the help of anyone. The 10% right wingers of the general population only exist as a reminder that there are ideas outside of the establishment. As a taste.

>> No.22216248

I hate him because he's an unrepentant idiot

>> No.22216263

It's an old pasta but it usually ends up triggering anti-Peterson retards. All you have to do is point to his actual background (i.e. being successful in a career that revolves around helping people) and list the ad homs (they only have like 6 and have been impotently recycling them for almost a decade now) and they melt down. All they have to back up their (mis)characterization are lies divorced from reality.

>> No.22216300

This is another good one >>22213502

>> No.22216503


that's all anyone has done. If you notice (FOCUS REALLY HARD ON THIS BIT), you're the one insisting on a fantasy narrative to make-up a false premise for why people don't like St Petros Iordanes.

Ultimately you doing this is why people don't like St Petros Iordanes. If people like you weren't attacking people with gibberish, creating a persecution mythos for BLM, he'd already have been forgotten about and could live in peace.

>> No.22216525

He's doing fine. Trust me.

>> No.22216526

All three parties are high on scripts 24/7

>> No.22216538

>he's Canada's national disgrace.
no that is Trudeau

>> No.22216575
File: 60 KB, 462x693, 1688271834526101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's all anyone has done.
That's never what you faggots do, anon. There's a pasta for it:

>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and should be controlled by the Jews
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]
Basically, Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blindspots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone

>> No.22216652

>what would it take to change your mind about this premise?
NTA but not ignoring that he spent decades as a counselor aiding those afflicted by moderate to severe mental illness, to name just one positive thing lending itself to the idea he deserves his platform, and not relying on ad homs that mischaracterize him would be a start.

For example, you characterize withdrawal from a doctor prescribed medication as a character defining spiral into drug addiction. First, benzodiazepines were overprescribed like candy up until only a couple years ago (for another example of this just look at oxycodone). They're now rarely prescribed due to the exact experience Peterson himself had with them--when people stop taking them they cause extreme withdrawal that can even result in death. It's obvious disingenuousness to try to equate Peterson's experience with the connotation that he's a substance abuser. We could get into the reasons he was prescribed that medication as well--it's not like he started hitting the bottle because of a divorce. Second, now that the idea he's equivalent to a crack addict has be dispelled you can look at all of his accomplishments in the time since. He wrote his second worldwide bestselling book, organized and completed multiple international lecture tours, is in the final stages of creating a university (which will offer free degrees to impoverished people in 3rd world nations no less), created a podcast interview series viewed by millions, is organizing a thinktank to act as a counterbalance to shit like the WEF, etc. You want conveniently ignore all of this in order to hold on to a mischaracterization something that happened years ago now. It's blatantly obvious that you're a bad actor who is full of shit when all one has to do is look at the actual situation and what has occurred in the time since.

Peterson generates vitriol and hatred from terrible groups of people. It's far more rare to see his actual ideas being criticized than it is to see attempts at character assassination. He's obviously just a media figure and no one is saying you have to agree with all of his positions--however, the way the vast majority of his detractors behave is much more telling of they themselves than it is of him. He has quite the positive record to fall back on.

>> No.22216679
File: 452 KB, 2048x1365, FtMe7G4agAEj0_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftytroons aren't actually criticizing him over getting addicted to prescription pain killers, what they're actually upset about is that he got over them.

>> No.22216732

>getting addicted to prescription pain killers
Benzodiazepines aren't painkillers and their propensity toward physical dependance was downplayed and ignored for over a decade--there was virtually no coverage of how bad withdrawal, after even just taking them for a month, could be. If you watch 00s media you'll see tons of celebrities joking about taking drugs like Ativan and Ambien (aside, I'm aware the latter isn't classified as a benzodiazepine but it was prescribed for the same symptoms)--you could pretty much walk into a clinic and say something as minor as "I'm having trouble sleeping due to stress" and walk out with bezos (much the same way oxy was being prescribed for shit like backpain).

You can tie the above in with rushing to give kids puberty blockers and hormones (which I'd argue is even worse than prescribing adults benzos/hypnotics that were being pushed by Big Pharma). On top of that moral hazard there's also failing to cover the negative aspects of transition surgeries an how they impact those who legitimately suffer from gender dysphoria. Instead of all the risks we get a simplistic buzzword ("valid") used alongside dangerous irreversible surgeries (which is being performed on minors in the form of mastectomies and is the encouraged, perhaps even necessary, outcome of irreversible physical changes that occur due to hormones and puberty blockers).

>> No.22216782

These retards are even dumber than Marxoids. They will literally follow every single grifter that comes their way.

>> No.22216820 [DELETED] 

>Marxism so that it abolishes itself
marxism already abolished itself in 1989. it's all over but the seething. they were always be a few dopes who fall for it, but it's not coming back.

>> No.22216825
File: 153 KB, 821x1024, 1683769146478787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire Biden regime is nothing but marxists.
It will continue to rear its disgusting tranny head until normal people start killing leftytroons in the streets yet again.
It's not a question of if, but when.

>> No.22216832 [DELETED] 

right. they're marxists that's why they're fighting a proxy war with russia and just inflated away any wage gains the working class made in the 2010s.

>> No.22216834

I'd rather have dietary supplements peddled to me than the pharmaceutical commercials the MSM carries (the fact it's now a marketing strategy not to even tell you what the drug is for should tell you all you need to know, kek).

>> No.22216838

/lit/ has to be the only place that still adores this retard. even /pol/ moved on from his grift

>> No.22216839

>pharmaceutical commercials the MSM carries
Sorry, I don't speak American't.
I guess its "totally natural and organic™" boner pills for me.

>> No.22216843

Sorry our media figures are so important you seethe about them instead of paying attention to your own.

>> No.22216845

You're the one who brought up MSM pill commercials.

>> No.22216856

The Nintendo Switch suit

>> No.22216858

>Y-y-you're the one
Kek, cope. Advertising pays the bills, the MSM is beholden to corporate interests, leftoids have their fair share of grifters, and your country is insignificant compared to the US. Simple as.

>> No.22216866

Yes, and? So what's your point?

>> No.22216869

Yeah he was more proud of that on JRE than I would have been.
>It's the heaven and hell suit!....Well which do YOU think is which? Hell is obviously red!

>> No.22216881

>So what's your point?
That you didn't have one, retard. Feel free to keep seething about media figures that trigger you from whatever insignificant country you're from though. A word of warning: "grifter" is already a crutchword so you're going to have to latch on to some other generic buzzword in order to feel like you're saying anything significant. Good luck with that, retard.

>> No.22216888
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>(repeats earlier /pol/ narrative)
Well I've told you that I'm none of those groups several times and you're still insisting on pretending that I am; why has it become important to you to insist upon this fantasy?

>Basically, Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blindspots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone
I mean, you're describing here a propaganda utility where incoming critique is disregarded at the premises, which are flatly ignored and so people are angry at you, then you take the anger at you and recast it into the narrative of ideological persecution against ...whatsoever Peterson represents in your own mind.

What does he represent to you?

Basically this is stockholm syndrome on your part; where you're fully aware of the pattern of abuse being used against you (or against peterson in the beginning) and you come to mimic the abuse yourself - and so does he from what I've seen of hi twitter screencaps: all incoming critique is ignored and recast as part of a preexisting narrative, exactly as the press did with him.

Are you waiting for him to lead the charge against hostile press misrepresentation? Seems like you and he have given up on doing that and are doing it yourselves, consciously and unconsciously.

behold the power of gas-lightning on the weak-mind lol

> you characterize withdrawal from a doctor prescribed medication as a character
Oh I've spoken to you before, I'll skip a detailed argument this time and just say that being a dope-addict in the first place is a sign of an inferior mind. And that emotionally bursting into tears on camera several times and seeming to really not talk about what the press really did to him ... is disgusting to see. Grotesque and tragic; like a human crocodile from Japan in WW2. Perhaps it's really this grossness that has people like me, perhaps the majority today, consider Peterson as something tragic.

> It's far more rare to see his actual ideas being criticized
Such as what? I listened seriously to a few debates or lectures of him before noticing that he was really saying nothing new. He didn't even managed to put forth a winning case against the he/she thing, which I could have done in his shoes.

LSS. he's your george floyd. you don't know why you're championng him except that you've been psychologically made to for reasons which are beyond your comprehension; your defense of him is to pretend the critiques are something other than what is being said, and to use political lingo to appeal to old dumb narratives.