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/lit/ - Literature

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22198594 No.22198594 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a kindle.

>> No.22198600

Tits or gtfo, dumb whore.

>> No.22198609

Now download Imperium, the book of disquiet, mein kampf, moby dick, the brothers karamazov, the magic mountain, city of God, oblomov, fathers and sons, lady Chatterley’s lover, jude the obscure, storm of steel, confederacy of dunces, the complete works of sherwood anderson, a hero of our time, the count of monte cristo, journey to the end of the night, go tell it on the mountain, wait until spring bandini, ham on rye, going after cacciato, member of a wedding, stoner, and gravity’s rainbow

>> No.22198688

>fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere.
Jesus, James Joyce is wild. Can't wait to read his letters.

>> No.22198694

Why would anyone want to read this garbage?

>> No.22198696

To jerk off

>> No.22198825

Nice, they are great. And amazing if you are into reading books in other languages.

>> No.22198831

Good. What are you planning to read?

>> No.22198864

I used to be a voracious reader but haven’t finished a book in years so something small to get the ball rolling again. Early McCarthy or something by Houellbecq probably. Maybe something by Philip K Dick as I’ve never actually finished a book by him.

>> No.22198868

never become a famous author or they will publish your fucking sexts after you die

>> No.22198926
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Obviously a woman couldn't stop herself from photographing her painted nails to scream IM A FEMALE!!! thinking it subtle

>> No.22198950

>a woman’s fingernail exists
>this is her screaming for attention
real incel hours

>> No.22198956


>> No.22199092


>> No.22199096

Based noticer


Simp downvoter

>> No.22199452

good bait post, wish I made it

>> No.22199457

>OP bought a Kindle

>> No.22199465

Opinion discarded

>> No.22199989

>This is what women read to schlick their bean

>> No.22200831
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Just got mine. Pretty comfy although the ui is expectedly hideous. Wish Amazon was a bigger company so they could hire decent graphic designers.

>> No.22200845

Is that Child of God?

>> No.22200850

I'm waiting for new jailbreak cus my kindle is the newest version. When jailbreak is available I will install koreader

>> No.22200868

This desu

>> No.22200893

>48 hrs 18 mins left

>> No.22200896

yeah i forgot how small it is. having a percentage icon at the bottom of the screen really reminds you of the size
i’ll have to keep an eye out i have the newest too

>> No.22200925

Just buy a Kobo

>> No.22201040


>> No.22201124

>bought kindle instead of kobo
you are retarded, but then it seems you are a female (or some fag pretending to be one) so it all checks out.

>> No.22201129 [DELETED] 





>> No.22201157
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>> No.22201432

which of these should i actually read..

>> No.22201443

>there's joyce fans who read the stuff this guy made

>> No.22201457

The book of disquiet is the best. But if you are just starting try fathers and sons to develop a true love of literature. I also forgot to mention the makioka sisters and no longer human.

>> No.22201612
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>> No.22201621

i am reading anna karenina now, and I'm enjoying it. coincidentally i started reading it on a kobo on vacation, but now that I'm home i'm continuing it on a real book. the epub was the constance translation and the real book is the volokhonsky? translation.

>> No.22201633

could be a guy

>> No.22201678

I don’t know much about translations but if you are reading classic literature then you’re spending your life as you should be, appreciating the truest form of communication, which is intellectualism in the form of art.

>> No.22201689

an AI wrote this post.

>> No.22201696

Haha nah im just drunk

>> No.22201707

It' a tranny

>> No.22201713

Are Kindles good bros? I feel like more stuff "goes in" when I read physical but..

>> No.22201751

it’s amazon. you can buy one and pay like only $40 up front and the ability to return no questions asked. just try it for a month and if you don’t like it all you lost was $40 for a couple weeks.

>> No.22201754

just buy a fucking kobo holy shit you dumb niggers are intolerable

>> No.22201775

kobo rhymes with homo. therefore i will not buy it. sorry.

>> No.22201797

Me too anon, I'm enjoying it so far. I got the Paperwhite 11th gen

>> No.22201836
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they’re very comfy. more than i expected.

>> No.22202287

what one is that specifically?

>> No.22202360

Newest one. I just spent two hours reading at the park. The screen looks excellent in harsh direct sunlight, very much like actual paper.


>> No.22202363

there's no rule saying you can't have things that rhyme with you

>> No.22202589

E-readers are totally different than reading on your phone or computer. I used to also think that. But I was spending too much money on books, got a kobo to try and stop that and it's so much better than a normal screen. Honestly I prefer it to physical now, it's just so much more convenient and you can customize it to become the perfect reading experience

>> No.22203047

To everyone in this thread. get kobo.

>> No.22203194

Okay, hobo.

>> No.22203231

this comparison makes the differences seem somewhat irrelevant.
I like kindle because the contrast isn't crazy. it looks like paper, not e-ink. they both seem fine.


>> No.22203236

I only get books now just to fill out my bookshelf

>> No.22203373


>> No.22203401

No, I already have too many ebooks on Amazon and the battery on my kindle lasts 4x as long as a kobo

>> No.22203679

real question how do you stop getting dry eyes when staring at e-readers?

>> No.22203757

Why would you get dry eyes in the first place? If you turn the brightness all the way down it's just like staring at a piece of paper.

>> No.22204337

If you have indoor lights that can change brightness then blame your dry eyes for it. Or your indoor lights flicker then this also can be the cause. Try reading with disabled frontlight and with sun light and off indoor lights.

>> No.22204543

I already have a kindle oasis for free. I barely use it because I still like physical books.

>> No.22204960

i love these fuckers so much . Greatest tool for language learning.

>> No.22205264

What if I just buy a tablet and get a reading app on it instead of a e book reader?

>> No.22205331

the whole appeal of an ereader is it isn't an lcd display. you're not reading a digital layout, it mimics actual paper. honestly the ui and software are always trash, but it's made up by the fact that you don't feel like you're staring at yet another screen.

>> No.22205365

Yeah, cause I was gifted a model of kindle several years back, and I felt like I has a portable IBM computer. Was not comfy when it was so janky. But, with my tablets blue light filter and my reader apps different fonts/backgrounds I get that feel you are talking about.

>> No.22205376

ESL retard

>> No.22205400

in the end it's all a matter of preference. for some reason ereaders get certain people reading a lot more than books or tablets do. the convenience factor is probably the biggest thing. whatever you can have with you in boring little in-between life moments to get you reading is best.

>> No.22205423

Its much worse than that, anon.

>> No.22206856


>> No.22206873

Why bump retard? What more is there to discuss?

>> No.22206959

bumping to tell the kobo guy i’m still not buying a kobo

>> No.22207220

Is there any incentive to buying one, instead of just using my tablet?

>> No.22207238

Eh, e-ink is pretty soothing and easy on the eyes. You can use all your Blue-light filters and dark/sepia modes but nothing compares to it. The caveat is you can only use epub/mobi/azw3 formats. PDFs are practically unreadable on e-readers.

>> No.22208163

> nails
troon or woman ?

>> No.22208173
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> jude the obscure
rare to see a Hardy enjoyer on here
Though it was the book written at the height of his skill as a novelist, I still believe that Tess was his masterpiece.

>> No.22208195
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> amazon
> tedious to sideload books onto it
> cheap and readily available

> less cucked
> easy to sideload koreader, books etc.
> newest models don't offer SD card support
> still somewhat locked

> not cucked, loads of sizes, screens..
> it's android, sideload whatever
> no SD card support
> cost as much as an ipad

> not cucked
> kind of meh in all regards

> too expensive, too cucked, too old..

there really is no single ereader that one should get. They are all cucked in some way or another. The good ones cost as much as an ipad, which is just better in general apart from the main gimmick - le paper screen. The consoomerist ones don't offer enthusiast level freedom. The ones in the middle are just not convincing enough to spend 150-200$ on.

>> No.22208433

>PDFs are practically unreadable on e-readers.

Bro, is this actually true?

>> No.22208465

Turn off wifi or fill the storage to 99% (not sure if it still works) to prevent further updates. When JB comes out in 102 weeks, it might not be for the latest FW version, so stop updating if you care about JB.

>> No.22208487

Yes, for tech illiterate retards.
Less challenged people install Koreader to comfortably read all file formats, pdfs included. You'll need at least a 7" like Paperwhite or Libra 2.

>> No.22208513

thanks for the breakdown thats really helpful. now to throw in a twist, are any of them water resistant/waterproof?

>> No.22208530

Do kindlesisters really have to wait for jailbreaks? If so im really glad Im a Kobochad instead.

>> No.22208539

Its a cope I think I thought so too at first but I seem to be able to retain all the info regardless. Although there are some books I would much rather just "experience" reading them phyiscally (Mostly classics) Just feels wrong reading them on a screen.

>> No.22208543

Not that anon, but most of them are.
Kindles are waterproof, Paperwhite is sort of rubber sealed around the screen. Kobos aren't sealed, but have water resistant coating on the electronics.
Also, kindles have the best batteries (reading time). Kobos are worse, Sage is especially pathetic.

>> No.22208552

Yeah the convenience and customization is game changing to me. I can read in some many different more cozy positions than I could with a book, or being able to read at night with the lights off with no difficulty

>> No.22208792

the paper screen ‘gimmick’ is the entire fucking point of buying one. you have two choices for reading in the sun. an ebook or an actual book. tablets have atrocious glare and visibility. ereaders are like looking at paper.

>> No.22208867

Ive read only the first chapter of that, didnt really give it a chance. I did read far from the madding crowd and though I did really like it, it wasn’t an all-time favorite for me like JTO was. I think thats why I set aside TOTD. 4AAXG

>> No.22208873

Was wondering why the fucking captcha didnt work kek

>> No.22209013
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kobo doesn't have cool sexy leather cases for them though, do they?

>> No.22209025

There have been working methods for years, up until ~fall 2022. Since then all new devices have jb-proof firmwares. I bought my Paperwhite because I knew it could be jailbaited.

>> No.22209854

What do you get out of jailbreaking it? Genuine question. I have one of the PaperWhite versions, but I can just send whatever books I want into it using Calibre, so I always just used the default software.

>> No.22210339

I get superhuman ability to avoid using Calibre.
Basically this >>22208487 JB allows me to install something that can be rightfully called "software", unlike the default kindlecuck app that can't even override epub css. My reader must be able to display the text the way I want it to look, and open more than 2 file formats. That's achievable with JB.

>> No.22210448


>> No.22210477

>no SD card support
My leaf 2 has one

>> No.22210490

I guess some of their models have it then. I mainly had the air models in mind which don't have sd card support; otherwise they would have been near perfect.
How is the leaf? It looks great but I haven't seen too many people with it.

>> No.22210564

Their newer designs like the Leaf 2/Page and Tab Ultra /Tab Ultra C have them but the rehashed shells like Tab X, Tab Mini C/Nova Air or Note Air don't.

>> No.22211650

Who are own Hisense Q5? What can you say about it?

>> No.22211936 [DELETED] 





>> No.22212379 [DELETED] 


>> No.22212444

those are some atrocious model names