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/lit/ - Literature

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22195748 No.22195748 [Reply] [Original]

>the stout Hobbits are called... STOORS!
>the Hobbit names are Bilbo, and Frodo, and his father Drogo and... DORA AND ESMERALDA AND ISABELLA!
>Proudfoots, the Hobbits with the BIG F E E T, alongside the Dingleberries and Danginwaggins and Jinglejangies

I'm 1 chapter into this and I'm already feeling my braincells dying. I already powered through the Hobbit last year, and figured his magnum opus would be better, but the advancement is minimal. He spent 10 pages on fictional Hobbit "history" which was basically
>there were these stout guys, these faggy guys and these browny guys, and they were stupid but not too stupid, but we don't know anything because nothing was written down, but we know they settled here and there; now let me stretch that and repeat everything
Do you people really enjoy prose peppered with inconsequential dates from made-up calendars including made-up notes based on made-up history and on and on? This is less a story and more like a proto-AO3 genealogy, but written by someone trying too hard to be poetic while writing on an Elementary school level.

I can see the appeal to autists and people looking to waste hours on details, basically searching for a timesink to obsess over, but I see not its value for an average person. All fiction is useless on a base level, that's not my problem. It's that if I'm not getting beautiful prose, an interesting plot, cool characters or anything to at least waste my time with style, what's the point? You pick up a Conan story, you're immediately immersed, you go on a ride and bam, an hour well-spent. This is like reading a lore wiki with some descriptions peppered in and very stilted dialogue. Everything drags on while not moving the story forward, or at the very least describing something beautiful and unique. But no, just forests and plains and the same things repeating over and over. I've already seen the movies so I skipped around to check how certain scenes compare, but again, the dialogue remains stilted and basic, and the rest is background coverage mixed with autistic made-up thesaurus info drops.

The worst part is that it's not even some imagined tale. It's bastardized Nordic stuff with some Christianity mixed in. He's lauded as some great worldbuilder with consistent philology, but you've got Hobbits named Frodo, Ordo, and then Sancho, Isabella and Sam. What sense does that make? You go from Boromir and Faramir, to just a guy named Arago(r)n. It's this weird mix of made-up nonsense and random explicit real-world insertions that clash against one another, making the whole thing come off as a farce.

These are three 400+ page books, they're not something small. Is there a point in continuing, do interesting characters come forth, does the prose get better, or is this it? Because I have to say, for the work lauded as some modern-day Iliad, I'm seeing only a kindergarten story but written by the 1900s equivalent of a fanfic worldbuilding autist.

>> No.22195876

The Snore of the Dreams

>> No.22197449
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National Lampoon beat you by, like, 50 years.

>> No.22197465

>a constant stream of low-effort shit posts about Tolkien

Who benefits?

>> No.22197479

If you are only interested in the story & characters, then legit just watch the movies. I'm not saying this to be condescending, it will just be a better experience for you. It's a very good adaption of the major plot points. The worldbuilding is part of the appeal of the books, if you're not into that, you're not likely to get much out of it.

>> No.22197481

Those who dismiss The Lord of the Rings as unremarkable are, in truth, lacking in intellectual capacity. They fail to appreciate the profound significance behind seemingly simple phrases, such as "One ring to rule them all," which symbolizes the corrupting nature of power. I find myself smirking at the mere thought of these befuddled simpletons, unable to grasp the brilliance that unfolds on their screens. How pitiable they are indeed.

Oh, and yes, I do bear a Lord of the Rings tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. Is grandeur shall remain exclusive to the eyes of the fairer sex. Even then, they must demonstrate a level of intelligence within a margin of 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) before gaining such privilege. Nothing personal, my dear acquaintance.

>> No.22197828


>> No.22198441

Just read BotNS

>> No.22198475

>it's another case of someone unable to enjoy a comfy story because the shitty movies taints their enjoyment
Many such cases

>> No.22198986


>> No.22200153

CS Lewis is way better

>> No.22201126
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Who indeed.

>> No.22201133

>You pick up a Conan story, you're immediately immersed, you go on a ride and bam, an hour well-spent.
I being to see what your problem is. It's incurable, I'm afraid.