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File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-americans-are-so-enamored-of-equality-that-they-would-rather-be-equal-in-slavery-than-alexis-de-tocqueville-78-51-63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22175369 No.22175369 [Reply] [Original]

Even the "sexually liberated" ones seem to hold the belief that sex is evil. Any history/sociological books explaining this phenomenon.
I was looking for something like Weber's Protestant Ethic or De Tocqueville's DiA

>> No.22175378

>country founded by puritans
gee it's a mystery

>> No.22175384

>Even the "sexually liberated" ones seem to hold the belief that sex is evil
They don't, you're retarded. The only undersexed people in America are incels who can't get any.
I doubt you could even properly define what a Puritan was, congrats on being another drooling imbecile who takes 4chan memes at face value.

>> No.22175387
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>> No.22175392

He is right, you moron. Americans see, or used to see, sex as evil due to puritan influence.

>> No.22175395
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>the sheer level of asshurt in this post

>> No.22175397
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>> No.22175420

>One twitter post from a possible American = Americans in general are sexually repressed

Do non-Americans really cope this hard with being controlled by our government?

>> No.22175432

>4chan told me it's true, so I believe it without question
Yeah I know retard, that was the whole point of my post. America is still among the most sex-obsessed societies on the planet.

>> No.22175433

Americans are notoriously butthurt when it comes to age gaps; significantly more so than any western country

>> No.22175435

>americans are into equality
dude what

>> No.22175442

When women get bitter at the sight of a prettier woman, that is literally Calvinism.

>> No.22175448

See >>22175442
You'd be able to see it if you weren't a braindead pinko. The whole American project since 1776 has been about melting down the distinct elements of society into one indistinguishable mass.

>> No.22175456

>The whole American project since 1776 has been about melting down the distinct elements of society into one indistinguishable mass.
>Calls others pinko

>> No.22175466 [DELETED] 

Any books explaining why Europeans are so American repressed?

>> No.22175474

Yes it comes from puritanism, which later became the temperance movements with figures like john harvey kellogg promoting circumcision as a solution. Now in modern times it manifests as politically correct feminism/metooism.
It's more accurate to say this is particular to the northeastern culture of the US, other Americans like those on the west coast were always more libertine.

>> No.22175475

>The only undersexed people are undersexed people

>> No.22175478

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

>> No.22175481


>> No.22175486

I see no evidence of that and that also does not mean Americans are sexually repressed. Jewed Euros see an American that doesnt lust after little girls and get moon pounded by men and they say “He must be repressed!”

>> No.22175489

I would love for someone in this thread to explain what you think Puritanism is and why their society was so extreme compared to others of the time.

>> No.22175496

Because amerimutts sexually mutilate their male children moments after birth
You try having a normal sexuality when your first experience is pain and blood

>> No.22175501
File: 108 KB, 350x499, 1785710588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of high-octane eye-watering seethe that emanates from your posts is simply insane.

>> No.22175512

Sex is evil, because I can't have it. Prove me wrong

>> No.22175523

Cool. Try telling that to the GIs the jews sent to occupy your shithole country after we rebuilt it.

>> No.22175524
File: 12 KB, 300x300, Aaliyah_album_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Americans with all my heart but I'm not debasing myself with vulgar psychoanalysis just to insult them.

>> No.22175529

Also lol when you control for population its not like America has that many more jews per capita than France. Keep trying though pervert

>> No.22175530

Of course you do, it would be extremely novel if you were a foreigner and America didn't take up all the space in your heart.

>> No.22175536

I assume you think that poster is me because I was the second one to reply. In any case, I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me why a porn-addicted, feminist society is actually crypto-Calvinist, but I don't think that will be forthcoming.

>> No.22175543

Sexual repression =/= abstinence.

>> No.22175546

I think we have a case of seething Euros being rightly upset that American jews control their country. Their solution is to lash out and make up dumb psychoanalysis based on tweets they have seen.

>> No.22175548
File: 174 KB, 300x300, Toni_Braxton_-_Secrets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is a busybody, not my fault!
At least I have some (few) standards when it comes to how low I'm willing to go.

>> No.22175556
File: 60 KB, 560x363, jews-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's actually a flyover shartistani NPC
Cheap broadband was a mistake.

>> No.22175576

We both know your source for this is some random 95IQ anon told you it was true and you believed it without question, so why bother with this farce? Almost no one here feels expected to conform to any sexual mores beyond abstaining from rape and pedophilia, anything else goes as long as it is (ostensibly) harmless.

>> No.22175580

Northern Europe is just as repressed as the US, and countries like Germany are rife with porn fixation and weird fetishes which you rarely if ever find in less repressed southern Europe. Such things are the symptoms of sexual repression and only serve to confirm it.

>> No.22175597

>Germany, the birthplace of FKK/nudism is sexually repressed
>Scandinavia, the birthplace of communal saunas is sexually repressed
You don't have to keep samefagging this badly, Cletus. Just stop seething.

>> No.22175599

>he thinks this shows anything different than the original chart

Did you go to a special school?

>> No.22175615

A sexually sound person is satisfied completely with regular intercourse. There is no compulsion to go beyond that. It's your unaddressed complexes that lead you to satisfy yourself with the abnormal and extreme porn you fap to every night, you'd be much happier if you sought help for it.

>> No.22175645
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>any and all sexual appetites that go beyond rubbing your willie against the stubbly underbelly of a moustachioed middle-aged slampig once a week are pathologies
Whatever helps you cope with your misspent youth.

>> No.22175647

The fact that you see nudism and public baths as inherently sexual shows that YOU are in fact repressed and sexually odd.

>> No.22176408

"America", as it was defined at the time, no longer exists. If you're asking
>Any books explaining why Americans were so sexually repressed
Probably the bible I guess, or maybe something on the puritans, anabaptists, or the supporters of Cromwell.

>> No.22176414

Thread over

>> No.22177499

Yeah it's just because of the Baptists, Anabaptists, Quakers, Shakers, Mennonites, and indeed Puritans. All of which were German or English protestant movements that began to drop more and more of what they would see as the man made inventions of Christianity (clergy, sacraments, eucharist, confession etc) and each had founding figures and theologians. They all sprang from other protestant though still sacramental churches like Lutherans, Dutch Reformed, Anglican etc.
Now I'm not exactly sure why those movements all decided that extreme sexual control was a part of this ''true christianity" but they did, maybe it's just a symptom of the renewal and fervor of their movement, the early church up to 400 AD had itself many extremists like this, but in the west things began to change with the development of the Latin church.

>> No.22177575

I think that's his point, that having them means they're not nearly as repressed.

What is more sexually repressed:
>country that has communal saunas
>country that can't have gender neutral bathrooms without threatening another shooting

>> No.22177600

lmao christcucks are insane

>> No.22177642

Sexual liberation devolved into a dour marketplace numbers game or intellectualized sex into queer theories about infinite sexualities. I see no explanation for this other than because Americans are retarded and puritanically prude even when they’re being sexually positive. Maybe it really is the Jews, I don’t know.
Only in the US would you ever see something like “asexual aromantics into rough sex.” Maybe some really libertine Europeans are into that too but it’s hard to tell since everything is America now.

>> No.22177651

Irresistible kek

>> No.22177653

That doesn't cover it
Yes, it was, 400 years ago. All countries and mores have changed since then.
I remember watching late TV once, there was some shitty slasher movie on, American version
At one point there was just this chainsawed female corpse, but the tits and vagina were censored
Yeah, that's the shocking unsuitable part, not the innards and blood everywhere

>> No.22177656

oof that sounds kinky

>> No.22177667

It's pretty obvious. When you see tits and vagina normal people get horny, but when you see innards you don't have violent thoughts unless you're mentally ill.

>> No.22177669
File: 145 KB, 1024x496, christian history is jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said it yourself
>the early church up to 400 AD had itself many extremists like this, but in the west things began to change with the development of the Latin church.

Protestant sola Scriptura shit is literally just throwing out all the European parts of catholicism and going back to complete spiritual semitism. Semites are to my knowledge the only group whose holy books talk about the size of their forefathers penises and have very weird sexually repressed fantasies canonised as part of their religion

>> No.22177678

If you're watching a cheesy horror movie, I think you're old enough to see tits.
Besides, if you get horny when you see tits on a corpse, that's when you're mentally ill. I wouldn't really have registered them as being there at all if they weren't blurred in the first place, but maybe that's cause euro movies have a lot more commonplace nudity

>> No.22177690

Pretend nudity is completely different than pretend violence. You can do pretend violence in public, in front of kids, as kids. Why don't they show penetration in movies? Sex effects the mind more than violence. Kids are playing pretend war, but are you saying pretend sex is no different?

>> No.22177698

Are you american? Not asking as an insult but this would actually be the perfect example.
Movies made here do have penetration, sometimes, maybe not exactly fully frontally filmed.
Take Nymphomaniac or Irreversible as the most common examples.

I personally cannot say pretend sex is more shocking to me than pretend violence, if anything it's the other way around cause sex is just something people do and can talk about it casually with friends. Unlike violence, unless you have a very specific friend group you won't be talking about how you bashed some cunts' head in last night

>> No.22177705

>Even the "sexually liberated" ones seem to hold the belief that sex is evil
Because ''liberated people'' are inwardly still very Christian. The liberation is just to have little bit of excitement over doing something naughty, but if ''liberated'' person meets a culture or community that is more lax or free on some areas, they run back to safety of Christian sexual morality, while still hating the church.

>> No.22177706

I know there's movies with penetration. My point is they're not the norm in the same way violence is because it's not the same. So you think kids should have pretend sex? And adults and kids have pretend sex?

>> No.22177715

I don't think kids should have pretend sex. They don't want to either, because a child doesn't really think of sex as a concept till puberty. Violence on the other hand is a concept for human kids and other mammals, so they do it. Its why kittens and puppies will wrestle with each other for fun but don't fuck each other.
As for adults? Well, I'd say strip clubs and the like are pretend sex.
Sexuality, at least here, isn't a taboo subject

>> No.22177723

>because a child doesn't really think of sex as a concept till puberty.
That's complete BS.

>> No.22177729

How do kids think of sex before puberty then? And I mean actually think, because of course any kid who managed to see a biology book or lives in an apartment will know that sex exists but it's not really a part of their psyche

>> No.22177733

I didn't realize puberty is some magic that confers knowledge of sex on us. How did you even come up with this? Do you think 8 year old girl who hit puberty can consent to sex with an adult?

>> No.22177739
File: 86 KB, 800x619, not bdsm bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to bait me into saying I'm a pedo or something?
And what does consent have to do with conceptualizing something? I can conceptualize waterboarding and disembowelment, but that doesn't mean I consent to being waterboarded or disembowelled.
>How did you even come up with this?
My own experience, and that of other people that I grew up with, I only started caring about what my cock is and all that when I hit puberty.
Was it different for you? Does scientific literature that isn't written by some jewish homoseuxal say that kids are sexually aware prior to puberty? If so, post it

>> No.22177746


>> No.22177761

It's more appropriate to suck a dildo in front of a 13 year old girl than to stab yourself with a retractable plastic knife?

>> No.22177768

curiosity about your body? yes, I guess
why would you do either of these

>> No.22177777

It's a hypothetical question. Let's say someone is at their neighbors BBQ, messing around. Which is the less appropriate behavior?

>> No.22177792
File: 2.41 MB, 2258x3416, trad french kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, this is what sexually repressed behaviour does to you. It makes you start asking hypothetical questions about sucking dildos in front of kids out of nowhere.

As for your hypothetical, I guess stabbing yourself would be more appropriate? Neither is an appropriate thing to do though

>> No.22177795


>> No.22177799

There is no QED, both activities are things you should not do in front of children, for much the same reason: to avoid traumatising them.
Note that you were the one bringing up children the whole thread

>> No.22177800

I think you're right, a lot of the early martyrs or Saints are pretty insane by modern Catholic standards, castrating themselves, standing atop a pillar for weeks just eating a couple beans a day, there was one female saint who "tamed" her body when she got her first period by fasting, not sleeping and lying in ashes, so she stopped menstruating because she was so unhealthy.

So maybe the protestants really are more old school. But a Catholic would say that development in the church is a good thing, there's an idea that the tradition of the church remains incomplete, not incorrect, but that it has not reached the total truth yet. And essentially the means for that is syncretism, they call several main cities the pillars of the church; Rome, Athens, Jerusalem, Antioch and some others I can't remember. But the point is that each city offered a charism to the church, Rome offered law and order, rigid hierarchy, legality etc. Athens formalized philosophy, logic, metaphysics, Jerusalem emphasised the particular ritual practises and an emphasis on scripture. And I've heard it argued that the Irish or other europeans offered new things as well which developed the church, and that this will continue and the church won't be complete until they incorporate all cultures such the far eastern philosophy, mysticism and mediation and "convert" their practises towards the universal church.
If you can't tell I was raised very tradition catholic but I'm basically an agnostic catholic absurdist now so I don't really care.

>> No.22177806
File: 32 KB, 408x612, hon hon hon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my peepee goes in vagina, hon hon hon! i am le sophisticated european.

>> No.22177808

There was also the shit-eating saint woman
My favourite is Sainte Wilgefortis, the bearded "woman"

>> No.22177813
File: 67 KB, 684x609, amerimutt jailed for no circumcision .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mutilated peepee has no sensation! *lip smack* das rite i am amerimutt!

>> No.22177814

Who's the shit eating saint?

>> No.22177819

So they're the same appropriateness? You just said they weren't.

>> No.22177825

this was a dispute between husband and wife, not state-mandated circumsision or whatever you're implying, you ignorant europeasant

>> No.22177838

The fact that you circumcise your child is the principal problem, retard
I honestly don't know, I think stabbing yourself is slightly more appropriate but you shouldn't do either
Sainte Marguerite Marie Alocque

>> No.22177850

I'm pretty sure you can stab yourself with a fake retractable knife and it can be 100% appropriate. Don't be a retard. It's not going to ever be appropriate to suck a dildo in front of 13 year old. My point is fake sex is not the same as fake violence. Fake sex is less appropriate. Do you not see what I'm getting at?

>> No.22177855

You didn't say it's fake before
And regardless, if you walk up to kids and start pretending to stab yourself there is something pretty wrong with you.

My counterpoint is, outside of stuff involving kids which you so eagerly bring up and try to pin on me, fake sex is not less appropriate than fake violence

>> No.22177870

I literally said it's a "plastic retractable knife".
>And regardless
I think you might actually be retarded. You really only think that's the only possible scenario a person could pretend to stab themselves?
>outside of stuff involving kids which you so eagerly bring up and try to pin on me, fake sex is not less appropriate than fake violence
You really don't think there's a difference in appropriateness if you were at work and fake shoved a friend versus pretending to have sex with them?

>> No.22177874

Different anon but you have to try and make both scenarios of equal severity, shoving a friend might be the equivalent of making a sexually charged joke about someone which I think is fine.

>> No.22177877

You have it wrong. Severity? According to him any acts of violence are worse than sex. Sex is a normal consenting act.

>> No.22177878
File: 66 KB, 886x720, mutt females.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plastic knives for cooking, I have one for fruit
>You really only think that's the only possible scenario a person could pretend to stab themselves?
>You really don't think there's a difference in appropriateness if you were at work and fake shoved a friend versus pretending to have sex with them?

I act normal, I don't feel the need to grind on a friend or shove him at work

I love this thread because someone accused you Americans of being sexually repressed, and you come along and prove exactly how sexually repressed you are by bringing up these kinds of scenarios

>> No.22177885

I said to stop being retarded. I didn't mention going up to children and doing it. You could say "look, I have this retractable knife, see, fake" then stab yourself. I can't believe I have to explain it. You can't even understand hypotheticals.

>> No.22177889

See: >>22177761
If you meant fake stabbing yourself in general, without kids involved, of course that's better than deepthroating a dildo in front of kids. But then like other anon said, it's a different level of severity

>> No.22177904

That's not what I said. Please learn to read. When did I mention stabbing yourself in front of multiple children?

>> No.22177917

I misread, and understood the sentence as suck a dildo in front of kids or stab yourself in front of kids.
Again, if you meant randomly pretending to stab yourself or sucking a dildo in front of kids, obviously the former is more okay, but then the scenarios are of wildly different severity and your question makes no sense whatsoever

>> No.22177927

So sucking a dick is worse than stabbing yourself? Like I said the point I'm making is that fake sex is different than fake violence.

>> No.22177941

As a straight male, yes being a faggot (in front of kids especially, as per your argument) is worse than stabbing yourself

>> No.22177944

with a fake knife**, don't forget

>> No.22177954

So being a faggot (sexual) should be censored more than stabbing (violence)? Also, vagina is the same severity as exposed innards from a violent act.

>> No.22177957

Therefore, I agree that vagina should be uncensored when innards are exposed, but vagina shouldn't be shown for movies that have something less severe than innards being exposed.

>> No.22177977

Yes, but because it is a disgusting fetish on top of being sexual
fair, with this I can agree completely

>> No.22178009

>I just read two people wasting over a thousand words in an argument about stabbing themselves with a rubber knife on a family BBQ to prove the US is sexually repressed.

>> No.22178040

welcome to /lit/ i guess, I was too bored this morning anyway

>> No.22178063

>extreme Protestants
>behavioral and IQ outliers tending to be vanguard emigrants in general
>high contrast to literally bare assed ape natives
>higher disgust response in aforementioned in tandem with religious ethos
picrel speaks more to French problems than American ones. Open licentiousness was equally plebs and nobles' domain, and the New World was a bunch of 'bourgeois' 'kulaks', after all.

>> No.22178240

The puritans had basically no impact on the greater settlement of this country and most Americans alive today are descendants of 19th and 20th century immigrants

>> No.22178254

Read Edmond (1982)

>> No.22178277

Harold Bloom on Infinite Jest: "You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent...We have no standards left. [Wallace] seems to have been a very sincere and troubled person, but that doesn’t mean I have to endure reading him."

Infinite Jest would be the name for the vacuity inherent in the intellectual products that the salient of the military industrial complex known as the "prestige" publishing houses in the US and UK disseminate or indeed confect, with a gaslighting intent coupled with barely disguised derision for the middling middle classes that stand outside looking in at the likes of the Derridean, Deleuzian, Zizekian, labyrinthine factories of obscurantism, which seem very useful for the preservation of the neoliberal system.

I'd argue Joyce's Ulysses is actually quite antithetic to the mockish/obscurantist ideological function aforesaid because it encapsulates and thus is a boon to actual thought: to a density of thought both qua content and in the architecture that organizes and structures said content. There is no thoughtlessness to the thought that went into the creation of Ulysses: every iota and atom of its composition, of its architecture, is a testament to the linguistic and narrative mastery of its creator. At the risk of waxing overly poetic, the writing in Ulysses is never not beautiful and controlled, constituting a type of empyrean score which can alchemize any aspect of human reality into a sort of music of the spheres, the voice of a god, the genius of the muses. The exaltation of the every day, which is the clay of all glory (every act of writing constitutes the engrafting or recording of a particular human mind, it is its phenomenological score, itself demonstrative of some awareness of this state). The greatest works of literature are obviously neither indoctrinating nor incoherent, least of all mindless, regardless of how ironically self-aware they may pretend to be in this regard. They instead manifest and elevate even the most quotidian phenomenology into an extended instance of human perception's faithful recording of the unity of "external" nature and itself in a language that is simultaneously a faithful ledger of reality as perceived by a particular mind acutely aware of its own self-perception. A ledger expressive of this mirroristic complexity in a manner constitutive of the transformation of prose into a faithful echo of the nature of emotion and the emotion of (human) nature, in ways that may be radically innovative, but are never thoughtless, superfluous, or a consequence of direct neurosis. Rather these represent the supervening of the ugliness or brutishness or incoherence to which all minds are subject, by the transformation of any and all states into something approaching the "music of the spheres," retaining mastery of both "subject and form" to the last.

>> No.22178534

Source ?

>> No.22178664
File: 84 KB, 703x1074, Fy-wt0GaAAYKPou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's natural in a human way. Sex goes against the sapient spirit of our species. The dichotomy that arises creates this repression in both a social and a personal level, and this isn't just a cultural, atomized monster.
Sex also happens to be a fantastic bargaining tool for social status and sexual repression is seen as the normal because, inwardly, sex is such a huge part of our existences it breeds a whole slew of insecurities, fears and confusion towards it. If you grow up sexually repressed you'll feel inadequate and insecure, if your house is open about sex and you experience it from an early age you'll feel gross and confused, if you get too much you'll begin questioning the why of sex and hear the devil laugh after coitus and damn your nature, if you get too little you'll rip your dick off through masturbation and end up trans, her/they, and part of a growing majority; sex is your identity, sex is your value, sex is your art, sex is your livelihood and your life, sex in modern societies for modern men and women is just another outlet for our psychoses. We never see sex as just a thing, an act, a moment of intimacy or a night of pleasure, or an awkwardly shared second of eternity with the goal of creation. The moment we do the candle's lit out, we need more, this relationship is constraining us, we're choking here, our wings are clipped, we're not sure this is what we need...
And so on.

>> No.22179033

>woahhh a county with…300 million people… that a lot of foreigners immigrate to… has a large population of Jews???? No way?!?!

>> No.22179182

Autists know nothing about sexuality.

>> No.22179191

Related to the contents of this thread

>> No.22179281

Albion’s Seed by David Hacket Fischer is probably the best book for explaining American cultural norms

>> No.22179831

Here you go:
If you'd like a nice neofolk song about her:

>> No.22180205

It’s not repression, it’s perversion. Like if you give a kid only ice cream one week and then starve him the next. Neither is what he needs.

>> No.22180222

Joyce was a sexual deviant, DFW was not. He was a depressive. Bloom is a Jew so take what he says with a hefty grain of salt.

>> No.22180238

On the opposite side of the "sex-reppressed", what about the sex-obsessed?

>> No.22180249


I just really really really extra fucking super find fat people revolting and would never want to have an encounter with one even for "practice", so. Personally, I don't understand how fat people manage to put up with each other at all as sexual partners. For me, solitude is preferable to a fatty.

I also really really really extra fucking super never ever want to have a kid and I also really really really extra fucking super never ever want a really nasty social disease. I'm not talking about the more treatable/manageable straightoid stuff, I'm referring to HIV/syphilis since I also like the cock and also don't act on that urge either.

>herp derp you just use condoms/birth control you naive incel
True, but my larger point is that nature, uh... finds a way. Nature runs its course, straight people make babies in spite of themselves (or else because they want to follow the evolutionary imperative), and gays poz each other up, despite their best efforts to the contrary. I myself was conceived as a surprise, my understanding is that mom was on the pill around that time and either she missed her dose or (conceivably) intentionally got off the pill and hid it from dad. My mother is a saint and they've been married happily for over 40 years, so I have a very hard time imagining the latter, but it's not impossible.

I just have no interest in most of the departments of life which seem to result from sex, or else I fear them. Particularly given my advanced age and extreme inexperience. I also don't want to go into debt on some house, not even for the purpose of building equity. At the most I would want what is effectively a relationship fuckbuddy with no children and no marriage. Ever. I wouldn't entirely rule out a house but I really despise the idea of debt (women and even men generally want at least one of the three of these things).

>> No.22180520

These are not opposite

>> No.22180555

That literally came free with your biology.

>> No.22180558

You might need help.

>> No.22180601

It's not just puritans, religion continues to do this shit across the globe. Why the American flavor is so strong compared to the rest of the west might have to do with how Christianity was integrated into our politics. It was no longer about groups speaking up about indecency, it was laws being made and enforced.

Alabama still has laws in place that prohibit the sale of sex toys.
Last time it was challenged in court was 2009, and the Supreme Court of Alabama upheld it.
One of their state reps has brought forth legislation to repeal it a couple times. Gets shot down every time.
Sex toys sold in 'Bama are considered "novelty" or "educational" devices.

I think some younger posters may not realize the amount of people that are still alive and old enough to remember when we stopped charging people for writing literary pornography in the mid 70s. (There was also the attempt in 2008 as well, but we don't talk about that fanfic).

>> No.22180617

You can tell everyone here is addicted to porn and never had sex because their definition of being sexually liberated is shoving shit up their ass and incest

>> No.22180629

>so sexually repressed
>is major exporter of paraphilias in the world
>politically weaponized faggotry
>cultural and political elites are unashamedly pedophilic
>even their political dissidents are addicted to animated cp

>> No.22180681

It's really not complicated. The United States is a more religious country, and most of it is rural. People who live in cities often come from rural backgrounds. In rural areas sexual activity has more word-of-mouth consequences as well as outright violence in cases of cheating and foul behavior. Plenty of guys get in fights and shootings over women all the time. Also, sex is associated with ones reputation and social life, so being shameless is only an option for the deepest of whores. Europeans are often fine with their daughters becoming whores. Most Americans are revolted by the idea. Lastly, sleeping around a lot, especially for women, is known as trashy, low-class, GHETTO behavior. There is in fact a kind of cast system in the USA, and if you want to be considered respectable, you need to keep your sexual activity under control. Also, if you really want to meet those sexually unrepressed americans, go look at Baltimore or any ghetto in the south.

>> No.22180696

on a personal level, they are
The government sharing weird reddit sex politics around the globe is not an indicator to the contrary nowadays, since governments now tend to have nothing really in common with most of the population

>> No.22180878

Those are the consequences of being sexually repressed.